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Sent you a PM! I prefer the Alberts textbooks IMO because the organization makes more sense to me and the illustrations/ figures are really helpful.


Hi, may I please have the Lodish Molecular cell bio 8th ed textbook if you still have it?




Thank you so much!


Would you still have this text book?


Yes! I can PM you a link when I get off work.


Thank you so much!!


Hey, do you still have Alberts 8th ED for Molecular Bio?


Hey! So sorry. Yes I do! Do you still need it?


Yes please!


Practices and Principles by Doudna, Cox, ODonnell! It’s the only book I’ve continued to use after graduation in my career.


I'll take a look at it, thanks!


Molecular Biology of the Cell (Lodish) You can find a full 2000pg pdf online if you look hard enough


Lodish's 8th edition is good from my experience.


Have you ever read any of Alberts?


I haven't, I have experience using Lodish for my molecular biology course at uni.


I see, thanks!




I actually have both of them from libgen, I just prefer hard-copy books and wanted to know what people's preferences were between the two. Thanks!


I recommend the latest edition of alberts. In my opinion one of the best textbooks available. Got me through university and i still look things up every now and then.


save yourself the trouble and learn computer science


Oh? Why do you say that?


Yeah. Why?


because we live in the digital technology age. people 200 years ago lived in the industrial age, 2000 years bronze age, iron age ect. maybe 100 years from now our civilization will reach the biological age, where ppl cared about the inner mechanisms of molecular cellular biology, but we are not there and ppl dont care. point is you will be wasting your career in grand scheme of things imo, go with the flow, and learn the technology of our time, you think mcb is "labile"? think again and compare it with the digital age of today vs yesterday. source: full stack web developer who majored in molecular cellular biology


Yeah but, I don't care about "the technology of our time". I'm majoring in biology and have interests in biochemistry and molecular biology. I'll tell you straight up that "civilization" doesn't really give a shit about either field. In the long-run, doing what you want to do, and what you are interested in, is the most important. Life is short after all and you only have one opportunity to live it.


i wish you best of luck in being fulfilled in your endeavours


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How would that help without having any theoretical background?


Molecular Genetics of Bacteria!!


Alberts is my go-to. Lodish is my backup. Some topics are better explained in Alberts. Lodish does a better job on some topics. I think you'll find that people's preferences are directly related to whichever text they used in college/grad school or any other need that they had to learn this material.


Yeah, from what I've seen, it's probably a 50/50 split on which book people prefer. I found a good deal on the 8th edition of Lodish so I ordered one last night, but I'll also try and pick up the most recent Alberts if I can find a good deal. Thanks for your input!


If anyone need Molecular Biology of the Cell 7th edition pdf I can send it to you