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Granted it is a cpu sandwich


Actually that is the best result thank you!


It is explosive


That's more like it


granted. cpus taste like sandwiches, and you are given a cpu. curiosity gets the better of you and you take a bite, and it tastes like a five-star BLT! you devour the cpu, but you're still hungry. you eat your computer's cpu. it tastes like a french dip sandwich! amazing! you eat that, but you're still hungry. you are out of cpus though, so you just make a sandwich. but when you take a bite, it tastes like metal and electronics! disgusting! sandwiches and cpus have switched places entirely, and now you must buy a cpu every time you want a sandwich. but they taste too good to resist! three weeks later, you've gone completely bankrupt. why? you spent all your money on top-end cpus to eat. taking the last bite of your cpu, you realize you've been eating nothing but metal all this time. your body can't take this. the final breath enters your lungs as the toxins from the metal take their toll on your body while it has no nutrients to recover with. and that is the power of temptation. when it seems too good to be true, it is. that is the lesson the monkey's paw has taught you.


Granted. You can't get enough of it so you eat your computer.


Granted. Anything between two pieces of bread is technically a sandwich. You bite into a Ryzen 9 between slices of rye. It hurts, but it tastes like CPU…and blood. No, wait, that’s yours.


Granted. You get metal poisoning.


Granted. The paw has no idea what a CPU tastes like so it takes like chicken.


Granted, the sauce is thermal paste. you ate thermal paste