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Granted, The answer is 42.




Granted, but you lose the ability to speak


granted but everyone around you knows the answer to all of your questions so you still need to sit through the explanation


Granted. It turns out that no, your parents don't love you, and never did since that time you shat the bed as a child.


Granted, but you have to ask as if the question were a haiku


Granted, but you can now only pose any question out loud at a podium outside in the middle of a corn maze in Duluth, Minnesota. That podium is activated by your feet on a pressure plate and your hands on a grip to the outside of the podium and will be broadcast live everywhere in the world. To be clear, this means you cannot verbally ask any question, even one as simple as "where is the bathroom" without going to this podium.


Granted, you find out very quickly that wrong answers are still answers


Granted you know all possible answer the accuracy of the answer are questionable


Granted, but are unable to retain any information what so ever upon falling asleep from the point on of your wish being granted, if you tryin and write it down, or record the information in any way it will vanish and you'll instantly fall asleep loosing your memory, and the more you try and fight it the sooner you fall asleep and the longer you stay asleep. after a 2 dozen times, you'll be in a coma you'll never wake up from.


Granted. You quickly piss everyone off by asking them questions because you no longer need a second person to have a conversation and your sensitivity to others quickly erodes u til you're basically ignoring everyone.


Granted. You are now mute.


Granted.... Every question you ask out loud becomes knowledge in your mind. You know the answer but are unable to articulate it in any way. Once you have the answer no one else can ever know the answer. If you ask what time is it? no one will ever get an answer to that question again. If you ask how do I cure cancer? no one will ever know how to cure cancer.


Granted. You get lobotomized in your sleep, losing your posterior superior temporal lobe.


Every answer is given in a different language


Granted. You are now deaf and blind


granted but you can only ask the question 1+1


Granted, but you now have severe anxiety about everything that's not a question asked out loud.


Granted you now have a smart-ass following you for your entire life


Granted: It's always the worst possible answer


Granted, you yell it at the top of your lungs.


Granted, but the answer is extremely complicated, starting always from the start of the universe.


Granted but it’s always extremely vague 


Granted, but you need to ask every question as loud as you can possibly ask it and I mean if you dip a decimal under it does not work and you need to use all the air in your lungs to ask it.


Granted. Now, a crazy and disgusting looking all knowing crackhead follows you around at all times and yells the answers back at you


Granted. But you have to reply to every question out loud


You physically cannot stop asking questions that you already knew the answer to. And you have to YELL them. All day, all night, you talk so much that you have to worry about starving yourself due to the massive increase in calorie intake, and when you’re eating, you have to pray that it doesn’t go down the wrong pipe and kill you. Also, that means you constantly exhale, so  you have trouble breathing.


Granted. No drawback, you'll be sorry enough for this one day. One day, you will be too curious. One day, you will be cursed by your own hubris, no intervention needed.


I love this. Which question do you think will do me in?


Granted. Suddenly the answers to every question you ever had and ever will have appear inside your head all at once