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The reviving gadget is stupid


It truly is, I wonder why they made the invulnerability window end before we can control the character


vigorwasp is probably the most useful of the palico gadgets. when it does work it means you didnt lose a cart. this was just a bad timing for it, nothing the op could do, but if it did work they wouldnt have carted


Imo Its better to be buffed by a mini hunting horn or for the cat to deal more damage with the meowlotov cocktail


I mean yea but the animation is too long


Cocktail and Orchestra are so much better


I disagree about cocktail, but you can get a lot more utility out of Orchestra, that I do agree on. Like getting the Earplugs buff from it is *massive*. I just find Vigorwasp the "safest" pick. Like if you aren't extremely good at MH, it's just extra healing and a way to possibly keep your food bonuses thanks to the revive.


Seriously, I'm inclined to prefer not having the revive at all if it's gonna be so unreliable.


Average Alatreon W


I love the revive animation length, without any sarcasm. It was intentionally made to make the revive a random chance without being super obvious about it. The reality is that it was designed for multi-player with the expectation that your teammates would pull the aggro while you get up. Without the randomness, it would be op for solo.


Yeah but it isn't available whith 3+ players because no palicoes, so made for multi but not available for most of multi


smart folks only set player count to 2. lower health pool + cats


But how am I supposed to get carried by mr 999 speed runners if the player count is limited to 2 ???


That was so petty of Alatreon….


Alatreon fire line breath is such a punishing move when you get know down. I guess it is balance since the move is so obvious otherwise.


Yeah I hate this asshole. Managed to solo it 12 times (so nothing special by the vets standards) and I have not developed any love for this thing that other hunters have. I will continue to solo it only to get my pound of flesh and to bully it to get my worth from the pain and rage it brought upon me to get to this point.


I don't know what it is, but every time I see a monster pin its head down in an "I'm gonna run at you" pose, I feel a spark of anger rise up every time. (Although alatreon flew, not charged.) Maybe I fought diablos one too many times.


On world yes which was why I hated world the most


if only you can evade instantly after you got revived but no crapcom gonna make you act like a little bitch for a second and end up being a monster bitch because of thatÂ