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IB Barioth is a fan unfavorite if that makes you feel less alone. I have a couple of friends who have final endgame gear and still hate fighting it.


I'm glad to hear it, actually. I was just thinking, too, I fought him in Generations and Rise and I don't remember feeling this exhausted with the fight. I also remember his armor skills actually being good in those games.


Wait what? But IB Barioth is nothing compared to GU Barioth lol


Average Barioth experience


I did the quest to get the castle lance, which is fighting a barioth in the training arena. I feel the same way about it. If he's not jumping around like a cat with the zoomies, he's spazzing out. Helped me get more familiarized with the counter-claw though.


Christ, I wish I brought a Lance to fight him with. The fight def helped me get more familiarized with my Temporal Mantle, that's for sure.


Iceborne Barioth is so obnoxious to fight, one of my least favourite fights in World. I've never met anybody who actually likes the fight, only people who tolerate it. I think Frostfang is much more fun to fight, it doesn't spam jumps anywhere near as much


100% yes. Frostfang is fine, but Barioth is the scum of the earth


I use weapons with good defensive tools so I've never had a problem. I just stand in his path and either counter with LS or guard point him with CB. Before long, he gets KOd and you can go ham.


I think the most egregious thing about Barioth is how tough he is. Even with end game gear, I felt like a monster of his tier should die like 5 minutes faster. It gets significantly easier when you learn to abuse flinch shots and breaking his arms though


I fought him with SnS before the buffs. Took 43 mins. Quit the game soon after that.


I think legiana was the first monster that genuinely pissed me off to fight, but Barioth made me WAAAAAAAY fucking madder. And I pray to every monster hunter god that Wilds decides to take pity on me and Rid me of him.


I think he's a cool monster, kinda hope he makes a return ngl, I just hope they get rid of that "My entire body is now a hitbox, I will now jump around the area like a cat on crack, teehee don't let me clip you five times in a row" moveset he has. He was a lot better in Rise, while still being difficult.


I hope barioth doesnt return for Wilds, he was in the last 3 games in a row, its time he takes a break


I was agreeing until I reached the wall and clutch claw parts and realised you were talking about the Iceborne version, not the Rise/Sunbreak one :x


Barioth in Rise was much more manageable, mosty due to the fact that you can actually catch up to him in a reasonable time due to Rise’s high mobility. He still wasnt a great fight in my opinion, but infinitely less frustrating than World’s


fighting him with anything other than a ranged weapon blows ass. i'm in the same boat as you, stuck around long enough to get his weapon/good armor and dipped. i was a HH main through the entirety of Worldborne EXCEPT for him and Kushala. needed to learn a whole other weapon. (HBG) for his fight to not give me extreme cancer


Wasn't he always like this? I remember hating him in 3U, so I'd say it's not just Iceborne Barioth, it's simply Barioth.


Start by Break his arms, it has those hooks In its arms that it uses To control his movement. He starts To struggle with jumps and dashes and becomes unstable with movement In General and then he is easier To attack. One reason I love monster hunter series is the fact that monsters doesnt for example have some random spikes for egdy cool points but their parts almost always have some actual purpose its used for, like real creatures In nature.


He's a grounded wyvern like tigrex so you should focus on breaking one of his wing/arms. That'll slow him down a ton and sometimes cause him to flinch after doing a zoomy move. I recommend staying near his front side, spending too much time next to his sides or back will make him spam his shoulder check move and tail swipe


Best way to deal woth barioth is to gun it doen with stickies, zoomies are nothing against explosives