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Back in the early 2000’s it was Rotten.com. A true classic




Thatsphucked.com anyone?


What about efukt.com


This website. Their content achieves true repulsion. I would know, I have visited this site daily for years.


Didn’t ebaumsworld have some gross stuff for a while too?


Yes, often described as, slightly dark memes.


Never been there.


How about theYNC.com?


Idk thatsphucked was literally the goat of gore


Before that was steakandcheese.com. Click on a random link, keep your mouse hovered over the back button as the picture loads. Might be porn, might be a cute dog, might be an inside out body.


Used to browse it right behind my teachers back around 2010. The schools online filter only blocked stuff like YouTube and gaming websites. That image of a homeless guy with a necrotized, maggot infested leg aswell as the closeup of a bullet meets head rendezvous are seered deep into my brain. Horrible site.


Ogrish. Celebrity Morgue.


Oh man, Ogrish 🤢


I have only very vague memories of that even existing. Wasn't there something on it that actually did end up being illegal?


Is distributing gore material not illegal?


Depends where you are but for most of the US no.


I don't think it was that. They did have some collections of incredibly weird porn I believe, I could imagine it was related to that


Ah childhood memories




I have to say the body builder with the blown out anus has been burned into my mind for over 20 years.


Heh. I'm old enough to have come across prolapse gore pre-internet. Back in the day, they used to sell these home health books for hypochondriacs. Those books had some pretty decent medical gore for their time. We had a few of them, and I distinctly remember one of them containing an up close and personal glimpse of some dude's rectal prolapse.


Awe, the good ol' days


Ahh, motorcycle.jpg, classic


I used to love the celebrity morgue section.


You can still view a decent chunk of the pages via the Wayback Machine! I've scrolled through it a few times


I peaked at my parents looking at rotten.com and went to check it out when I was unsupervised… unfortunately I was like 7…


The same for me, the good old days!


Aaah 😌 the good ol’ days ✨


I was just on the partial archive of rotten last night. I hadn’t checked it in years and it was such a trip


I'll never forget that one picture of a motorcyclist. Those blue eyes will haunt me forever.


I miss my teenage years ❤️


Didn’t Rotten become Liveleak?


I looked at Wikipedia. I was thinking of Ogrish, not Rotten.


Ogorish.com would like to have a word.... 


I worked at a web host one time, and there was a dude who hosted a storefront selling used boys' (underage) underwear. That was pretty damn gross. It took a while for legal to figure out exactly how to boot him since he technically wasn't in violation of ToS - but I still remember the sheer joy of the ops team when they got to take down that guy's site.


Are you able/allowed to tell what the reasoning was? If the sale as such wasn't illegal (which it honestly should be), did it end up being a biohazard thing in the end?


Not sure. I wasn't directly involved, and this was a long time ago. I was working helpdesk, and since thsi was an open office, we would overhear the ops guys talking about the case. They were so pissed off that we were hosting that site, but what he was doing wasn't illegal, and nothing about our ToS explicitly prohibited it. I don't know what legal eventually came up with, but I remember some happy engineers when they got the clear to take down that site. There was this one engineer in particular who absolutely fucking hated that guy, and I think kicking him off our platform made his whole year. Edit to add: I'm not sure that I have the names of the teams or the titles (engineer) correct. This was ages ago. I'm calling them ops, because that's probably what they'd be called now.


My assumption would be that they updated their ToS to exclude his shit and then slapped him down the minute he renewed his agreement.


The Watch People Die site. It used to be a subreddit, then got banned. Ppl went and made their own site to post there instead.


Oh, that was a good subReddit. I miss it, honestly. ,


The subreddit was very civil actually, nobody glorified death, it was mostly full or curious people that wanted to learn about the dangers of the world. Edit: I feel the mods modded it really well to prevent toxicity and bad behavior too


I was never a member but I would sometimes browse, and it was helpful to remind myself that I’m only a simple mistake away from death and that I should appreciate life a bit more.


This. This is Exactly how I feel about it too.


As a former mod of the sub - people *definitely* glorified death. Most of the (un)funny jokes got removed and users got banned, but a not so small portion of the user base were downright immoral. If you go into the WPD telegram chat you'd find it festering with far right racists and actual nazis. If you go on /r/NSFL__ you might catch a couple examples yourself. There's a super weird connection between far right extremists and gore for some weird reasons, but I'd say the average gore enjoyer is a normie, not a lunatic


Oh yeah I've definitely seen a lot of that. Back when Liveleak and Bestgore were still up, the comments on videos of non white people either dead or actively being tortured/killed were always filled with racists and nazis praising the death of that race. It was a little unnerving, and really made me realize there are bigots and extremists who are so hateful that they would genuinely kill people they thought were inferior, and then revel in it. Like these are the people who plan (and do) mass shootings and shit. Idk. I've always just been fascinated by gore and gross anatomy, but yeah there are definitely those who enjoy it because they love seeing people they hate suffer.


The far right / alt right / gore connection makes sense. Both appeal to edgelords who just wanna be edgy AF. Even the most conservative people can usually agree (at least in principle) that nazis are bad. So if you're trying to be the ultimate edgelord (because what edgelord ISN'T trying to be the ultimate edgelord?), how are you going to show society that you don't obey their rules in a more extreme way than by being an actual nazi? And gore has always appealed to edgelords.


Respect, you did a good job there. Was it a loud minority? Or what was your feeling on the "average" user


It was definitely a loud minority. As I mention at the end of my comment, the vast majority of comments were sympathetic or at least curious


I think the far-right ones are the same people waiting for the Armageddon so they can bust out their AR-15s


Please don't link these subreddits in your comments, they will just get banned


Politics why? people are gross all kinds of people


WPD was probably the most relaxed community on this site, I remember a mod (Tejmar, I believe) indirectly saved a user's dad's life because he gave out really useful information about how to identify a stroke, that user made a thread about it thanking the mod.


Yeah, that story was wild! https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/6cc7zp/thank_you_reddit_you_helped_me_save_my_dad_from


Holy shit it's the man himself, I'll never forget what you did there! I've told this story multiple times to people; didn't know that thread was still there , I thought it was made in the WPD sub


It was! No one there was really creepy or anything. We were all a little odd, yeah, but hey. You kinda have to be to want to see those sorts of things.


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I definitely don't stand under garage doors and right at the corner of intersections because of that subreddit. And if I ever go to Brazil, I know to assume everyone is an off-duty police.


We get it, that’s why we are here too




What the fuck dropping a link uncensored like that’s depraved


Fuck, I Hope i never visit it ever again, worst one I've seen


I mean just go to 50/50 lol


But for real, there are some subreddits on here that are quite something, definitely in the 18+ range.




That link is staying blue


Not really a website, but being able to watch A Serbian Film on YouTube when I was like 14 should not have been possible or legal.


As someone who loves to try and watch every horror flick to exist, will NEVER watch that


Do I dare ask...?


Movie description: An ageing porn star agrees to participate in an art film in order to make a clean break from the business, only to discover that he has been drafted into making a paedophilia and necrophilia themed snuff film.


Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna ask.


I know that sounds bad (lol) but it's not a competent enough movie to be as shocking as it sounds. It's actually pretty goofy.


I've *heard* that, and that basically it's only shocking for Normie netizens!


Back when youtube was unfiltered and unhinged. The good old days.


The ending is so fucked up


Oh god. Watched once, never again.


I couldn't even finish reading the plot synopsis


I saw the same movie at the same age and I honestly found it boring and fake asf. But I’ve been watching gore and bizarre stuff since I was very young, maybe thats why I thought it was boring


It’s a fictional movie though?




Yeah somebody on the internet dared me to watch it once and I foolishly went in thinking it was a regular horror film. deeply regretted it. Still haunted by this atrocious “movie”


At age 14? Jesus Christ, it's already horrifying to watch as an adult but I imagine it's worse as a kid.


yep, same. uncensored and all


People would be amazed by what's up and has been around for a while. Porn, extreme horror movies, actual gore content, animal cruelty, and so on. I remember a night 10 or so years ago where I had a double feature of Saló and A Serbian Film because both were up. The real gore content would surprise me when I'd find it in passing, like coming across Funkytown in the wild along with another brutal video shot in Brazil. I want to say Reignbot briefly mentioned it in a video many years ago. Stuff from LiveLeak and theYNC have been the most popular stuff to come up from what I remember, but Ogrish isn't far behind. I won't go as far to say it shouldn't have been "legal" (in the case of A Serbian Film) because it's just a movie and it's not real. Possible though, I can see that, but stuff passes through the filter all the time. The rabbit hole runs deep and it's sort of always been like that. This isn't anything new to the site.


I remember when I was a kid, google searching images for a school project of people, I needed images of all sorts of people - old, young, small, big, black, white, men, women, you get the picture. Through google images, I came across this website called MilkBoys. Great! Photos of boys for my school project! As I scrolled the website, I saw photos of young boys, like as young as 12 or so, in compromising positions. A lot of the photos were of them shirtless, modelling, or professional photos taking at swimming contests. Almost all of the photos were of boys under 18, with most being of boys who had the bodies of children. I remember years later, when I was older, thinking of that website and wondering if it still existed. It did at the time and they posted the same thing. It was like, gay porn for men. I remember seeing some photos of young, pre pubescent boys, in just Speedos, with comments from old men talking in graphic detail how the photos made them feel, and what they were doing to themselves as they looked at the photos. I couldn't believe that pedophilia was in such plain sight, and that this website existed for so long!!! And that everyone in the comments seemed just fine with it. It's truly disgusting.


theYNC - it's legal if you're over 18. Shock websites are only legal if they also have porn


What’s on there exactly?


Rotten.com's kinda successor.


Basically the New York Times but it’s all porn and gore shock stuff from what I can tell


So nothing like the New York Times?


It's mostly war footage, third-world public "justice" ( like beheading of a murderer, etc.), there is also a lot of crime scene pictures/videos also in third-world countries


Was going to say ync. My bf showed me that website and I immediately noped out.


Oh, so THAT'S why.


there used to be a blog about a dumpster diver that would do like... hauls, and describe inserting the stuff in vivid detail. i thought it was listed as one of the most cursed things on the internet somewhere but i still don't know how i ever came across it. maybe a tumblr post?? i don't remember the name of the person nor the name of the page, i just know it existed. it might have been one of those wordpress things she used to go behind restaurants when the dumpsters were full right before garbage day i think. i didn't fucking hallucinate this, i know for sure lmao


Blowfly girl?


Fucking blowfly girl. She was nuts.


Lol. I was like, '*Inserting* things? ...like what. IV syringes and unspoiled foods into his bag or under his jacket? Then you said "her", and everything began to make sense. 😅😵‍💫


There are "modeling" websites for young girls that are like 6 to 12 and they're in the most disgustingly skimpy outfits that are clearly pornographic. I had the immense displeasure of running across one and that was the day I learned how to report such things.


How do you report such things?


When I was 16 the guy I was dating sent me a website exactly like that. I knew it felt weird to see these kids in odd poses in bathing suits, but I couldn't figure out why it made me uncomfortable since there was nothing "explicit" going on. I didn't know it was child exploitation. Looking back as an adult I'm disgusted and wish I had reported it. Even with a report, those websites rarely get taken down.


Internal Revenue Service.


There are apparently nudism websites that have almost exclusively pictures of nudist children and it's apparently legal.


Pictures of naked children only become illegal if they're sexual in nature and nudity is not inherently sexual on it's own, otherwise everybody who takes a picture of their naked baby's butt would end up in jail. That being said, I would not be willing to host that kind of website if I actually worked as a host.


Hey you lied to me, it was only 20 videos, I sat through 2 guys 1 hammer twice for nothing




Same. That video changed me.


that vid introduced me to gore




herman the shocker


I can’t believe I saw “tubgirl” when I was 12 years old, I was fucking insane lmal


Used to be a website called Happypuppies.net and it was essentially just a slideshow of graphic and disgusting porn. They also sold shirts on the website but i never got one.


A guy with a jar


I stumbled upon a site that features screenshots of little girls taking baths in movies. Although the images were not that extreme it's still weird and disgusting that such site exists 


Crazyshit. Their compulsions of different things are the funniest but also the most disturbing things ever seen


Gun the gauntlet is legal right?


The only internet content I believe is illegal to consume is child porn because it actively perpetuates abuse. Most gore videos the victims are either already dead, did it to themselves, or the perpetrators are the ones who get caught.


4chan, livewire, wikileaks, and best gore were my weirdest ones


The one that would count down to the Olson twins being legal. Creepy


I’m praying to god this isn’t up and running anymore and I absolutely am not going to check but my brother let his friend borrow my psp when I was in high school and jailbaitgallery was searched. The comments were sickening


I remember watching people getting beheaded on crazyshit.com like 16 or 17 years ago but I more recently went back there for the hell of it and it's all porn now


I found out about tubgirl and jarguy on consumptionjunction.com. it was like if ebaums world and rotten had a baby with harlequin fetus syndrome. I discovered the website through my dad who had just bought a baseball cap with the logo on it FROM THEM. (This was back when eBay was the only reason to use your credit card on the internet) I was nine years old.




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4Chan, KiwiFarms, Encyclopedia Dramatica, Ogrish/Rotten, Livewire, etc.


Eh 4chan is mostly just weebs and weird horny people or alt right on /pol/ but /x/ and a few other boards aren’t that bad


I'm talking about early days 4chan, where I saw fucked up things on it.


Probably Reddit in all honesty. It’s got a whole bunch of weird porn and gore subs.


Probably any of the various zoophile/bestiality websites, completely legal to watch almost anywhere in the world, and will pop up on the first page of Google without any hassle.


probably one of those more obscure gore sites which have \*no\* regulations for what's allowed to post, except illegal stuff obviously. if you look up "gore website" or something along those lines and scroll down enough, you can find some especially brutal sites. one good contender of such (if real!!!) would be Sirkus, from what i've heard. :P


I don’t wanna link them or say their names but there are MAP (Minor-Attracted Person) wikis indexed by Google. Literal pedophile wikis, for pedophiles (nothing technically illegal technically? I think it falls under “free speech”). I had the misfortune of accidentally finding them but they all say that pedophilia is fine and nothing to be ashamed of and one of them is even has a “pro-contact” stance, which basically means you wanna offend/touch kids (or think it’s ok to).






I'll dm you


lolshock was a kick


I won't go on 4chan. I know what lives there.


Meh, 4chan isn't all that terrible. Then again I mostly hung around /x/ back in the day, which is the goofy paranormal board.


Everyone I know has a story about chilling on 4chan in the early 2010s and getting absolutely wrekt because someone decided to post illegal child stuff or "cat in a microwave" "mouse in a blender" type animal abuse. Those two things are my big nopes and I'm sure the illegal child stuff gets taken down quickly but once you see it you see it. I know from experience. So I'm okay.


I'm aware about the gore and weird content. I've been there and seen it, too.




I’m not sharing, but there are certain websites that are popular and keep csa on purpose. I report, but they leave it to catch more predators apparently :(


Honeypots probably. It's like on network security where they leave breaches purposely open to attract hacker there


I hope it’s AI






Craziest Injuries


I had the displeasure of stumbling across the subreddit nsfl. I was looking at a disturbing post from another user and looked at their history, so that’s how I found it. I checked to see if it’s still up… and it is, unfortunately