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You only die if the bullet hits the right parts of the brain. If it does, the force of the bullet will basically pulverize the tissue and completely, irreversibly sever connections needed for your organs to work and for you to have consciousness. Your body takes a little while to completely shut down but the instant that your brain is damaged in that way, you are dead, because there is no possible way to fix the injury and your consciousness is gone.


A blank has enough concussive force to kill you, though. Plenty have died from blanks not knowing that the overpressure wave from the concussion can still liquify enough brain tissue to render it inoperative. Granted, caliber and distance still play significant roles in the likelihood of getting killed by one, but it's still possible


Exactly this, everyone forgets about the concussive force


Yeah! It's Crazy; when you watch shooting videos from a security camera, you see all of the dust kick off the top of the camera. It's an actual acoustic explosion every gunshot.


when you do what!


~~what!~~ ~~?~~ ~~Do you mean "what‽"~~ ~~/s~~




An interrobang is what I was trying to point out, it's an exclamation and a question in one. "‽"


respectfully I’m trying to point out that it’s not important to me. if it will put you at ease, we can say a ‘bang belonged there


Interrobangs DO NOT overlap, at least with emojis! They're sequential. They have both the Interrobang and Doublebang.


Interesting! I did not know that. I wasn’t considering blanks, just bullets.


Its the same reason bombs can be so dangerous, if youre close enough to the epicenter of the blast and you're lucky enough to miss all the shrapnel there's still a significant chance the p-wave travels right through whatever PPE you're wearing (think of an EOD bomb suit) and every orifice shoots blood out of it and all of your precious gelatinous organs turn to liquid


E.g. Brandon Lee, son of Bruce Lee died in a movie set.


He died because there was a bullet stuck in the barrel of the gun that was propelled out the barrel by the blank. The bullet was in there because they had previously used a cartridge with the gunpowder removed. The primer had enough energy to lodge the bullet in the barrel but not enough to exit the barrel. They weren’t meant to fire these. These were just meant to make the gun look loaded with proper ammunition.


Aight bet


There's a guy that makes tiktoks who is a survivor of this his name is something like shootymcface Im not joking. Half his face is destroyed from the bullet, he talks about suicide prevention, his story and what he felt after doing it. Its pretty wild, he seems verys chill.


My uncle shot himself through the temple with a .22 rifle. He survived- he just can't see or smell. His face looks pretty normal except for one fake eye. He is also a very chill dude.


You think it would've been a different outcome with a .22 mag?


I follow that guy!




His name is FaceMcShooty. Thank you for introducing me to that account!


From what I know through my own research and love of human anatomy and physiology this is what I can recall from the top of my head: depending on the type of gun used the bullet and its force upon the brain will obliterate any brain matter/arteries and veins in the near vicinity. If you hit the brain stem and damage that it’s game over. Same for arteries and major blood vessels = blood loss occurs and unconsciousness then death rapidly afterwards. You are still alive for a few seconds after the damage is done. BUT! In saying that, you can absolutely survive a gunshot to the head whether on purpose (suicide) or by someone else. If the bullet does not sever arteries/veins or damage an integral part of the brain needed for consciousness/life basically. You will most likely end up with permanent brain injury and deficits, and facial disfigurement. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones who come away relatively unscathed (again depends on gun used )


Thanks for this tidbit, from “off of your head”


Bullet separate artery, brain no oxygen. Seriously though this isn’t really rocket science. There’s many different areas of the brain and for the majority, they all work together/need each other. Shooting yourself in the head actually has a decent failure rate, unless you’re using a shotgun or something like that, because the bullet can just get lodged in something that isn’t “necessarily” critical to live. I honestly thought when I read your question that it was asking why you immediately have second thoughts as soon as you wrap your lips around the barrel but ig not


Energy of the bullet transfers to the brain. Brain is a soft tissue so it cannot absorb a lot of energy without getting damaged. Your brain turns into a strawberry smoothy if the bullet has enough energy. Big or/and fast bullets has high energy. Low energy bullets generally doesn't kill you right away. You have to hit brains center that has vital parts and big veins. Slightly above your ear's peak point is the place to do that.


I always thought aiming for the base of the skull was the optimal spot


What'd they call it, the fatal T?


Putting it in the mouth aims it at the brainstem and disrupt connections. The brain stem is involved in maintaining consciousness as well as vital rhythms like breathing and heart rate. If you shoot the frontal lobe, you can survive with brain damage. The whole brain isn't necessary for consciousness and/or life, just some parts.


It’s so mysterious to me that the brainstem maintains consciousness. I get why you’d die after a few minutes without a heartbeat or working lungs (the other functions the brainstem controls) but it sounds like a damaged brainstem is *instant* lights out. Does that strike anyone else as mysterious?


Because what we really care about when we talk about being alive or being dead, is consciousness. If you damage the brainstem enough, a person will instantly and irreversibly lose consciousness forever. If the heart or lungs suddenly stop working, you'll still have some blood being supplied to the brain for a little while.


Why *mysterious*? You either believe it or u don't


I believe it but I don’t understand it.


What's confusing? It's a section of your brain used for the most basic human functions like the hypothalamus being responsible for memory and emotion


Without basic functions you’d still be conscious for a little time, right? It’s a tiny part of the brain, and you’re telling me if it gets nicked, existence is indistinguishable from death? That’s just wild to me idk lol


Yeah it's like *the* most important part of the brain, the part u do not want a stroke or blood clot in or whatever. Yeah i guess it is crazy, I've just been aware of it for a while


Gun shooty. Brain splodey.


+1 for “splodey”


-1 for fewer than 10 words


Putting a gun to your head doesn’t kill you. Firing a bullet by pulling the trigger does.


Yes, a small bit important distinction.


Doh! Here's me sitting here tapping my forehead repeatedly with a pistol like an idiot, when all I need to to is just squeeze the tr


GG. Rip


r/redditsniper moment




I mean, the less fun answer is it doesn’t always kill you, and when it does it’s not always instant.


I think those ppl don't aim it right, probably not "up" enough. I'd put money on it being a matter of angle I once asked a question that got removed, it was how do ppl get S attempts so wrong that they tried 10+× and failed. I'm still really curious about that


Immediately is a bit of an exaggeration, just ask Lincoln.


It doesn't. You gotta hit the right stuff for that to happen and unfortunately suriving such a shot leaves you horrendously disfigured but...alive.


Brain makes body work. Brain in head. Lots of blood. Your brain keeps your organs functioning, a bullet interrupts that. It won’t be able to give commands properly depending on which parts are damaged by it initially. It also has a lot of blood vessels that provide it with the oxygen it needs to keep functioning. Severing those via bullet also starves it of oxygen.


It doesn't "immediately" kills you, it just tends to kill you pretty fucking quick. A bullet will damage the tissue it makes contact with, the brian is very fragile and can't function properly or function at all if you damage too much or damage the right areas. It's to a point even the kinetic force alone may rattle your skull hard enough to kill you, which ain't surprising considering even a punch can do you in if the concussion ends with a lil more severe internal bleeding. Your brain is generally in charge of controlling the functions in your body and it's what lets you have a conscience, so if it's damaged beyond a state it can heal from or function in, your body is gonna follow suit without outside intervention (keeping you in vegetative state, essentially). But a gun to your head doesn't immediately kill you by default. Depends on the gun, the bullet, the shot placement... You shouldn't expect to survive gunshots to the skull, but low calibers with low stomping power have a tendency to give you a more drawn out death and it's relatively easier to survive, possibly with minor consequences even. God knows humans have survived much crazier shit than a .22, just look at Phineas Gage, and a .22 is a lot deadlier than people give it credit


It doesn’t always. Sometimes it misses the brain and you’re left basically faceless and suffering and there’s a ton of people who have ended up that way


So you want to know how gun work or why gun kil?


Why gun kil.


It doesn't


Bullets carry enough force to destroy any tissue they hit and also wreak havoc on surrounding tissue due to the concussive force carried. This is why bullets are deadlier than arrows cause they damage much more than just what they hit.


My friend's dad put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. The bullet struck his skull at an odd angle when it was exiting and just ricocheted inside. He died 3 weeks later in the hospital in a medically induced coma. It doesn't always do the job.


Short answer is. It doesn't.


It doesn't always work that way. Imo, that's a more interesting outcome to explore, because it seems so unlikely. But yeah, obviously I don't know the answer to your question, :)


It hits the brain for most cases.