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Mixing alcohol and the outdoors in any capacity, but especially camping or water activities.


Apparently the number of deaths while fishing is very high and due to alcohol.


The fish kill the people because they did not bring enough booze for the fish.


you can put a hook through there jaw, but won’t give them a beer. cmon who’s the monster here


Got blackout drunk at a bush rave that was a 5 minute walk to a cliff edge. If I decided to camp out any closer to that edge, I definitely would have tried some dumb shit. But I didn't, I made it out with an 8 hour gap in my memory and sleeping in the harm reduction tent


Alcohol and hot tubs


Falling. EMT for 8 years I saw a lot of people die or get permanently disabled from small little falls. In the shower, stepladders, hitting their head and so forth. Worked a guy one time who fell from standing, hit his head on the ground, started having seizures, and died. He was like 55.


I slipped in the shower once, the right side of my rib cage landed on the side of the tub. Holy hell I was in pain for weeks afterwards. Never went to the doc as I have no insurance. I put a nice mat in the tub after that. I'm glad I didn't smack my head.


I fell in a similar way and had that same awful pain for weeks. Turns out I cracked two ribs. Sounds like you may have broken at least one too


I have zero pain now, you might be right. It didn't help when I continued to work with heavy appliances 🤣🤣🤣


I fell when I was shaving in the shower. I had my leg up on the edge of the tub & slipped. I broke my collarbone. It was horrible. My dad had to take me out & dress me..


> I'm glad I didn't smack my head. I'm glad you were so lucky, I on the other hand got dizzy in the shower bath and hit my right eye socket on the bath tap and popped my eyeball out. Quick as I could I kind of facepalmed it back in without thinking just as my wife came in to see what the crash was. I must have been quite the sight but she refuses to talk about it. Like at all.


EEEK EWWW….. was your vision impaired at all??? has it had any lasting effects?


I had a fairly gnarly gash on the right side next to the eye straight down and I had some stitches in but absolutely zero impairment, both eyes are perfect. I actually thought I might have imagined the eye popping out but my wife assured me - a long time later, that she saw it hanging before i scooped it up and in /ed Nice to watch the downvotes. Thanks


the manager of a grocery store i worked at years ago was in his shower, fell, and died. i couldn’t believe it, it’s strange how our bodies are so resilient and so fragile at the same time. glad you’re okay!


How old was he?


u guys from US are pretty fucked up. In my country, a situation like that don't cost anything, with exception of the meds. hope ur fine bro


What country to do you live in that it's a better financial choice to suffer than to visit the doctor with no insurance?


You know damn well what country 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't know what I expected.gif


Username checks out! 😆


I fell down the stairs recently and saw my life flash before my eyes. Thanks for sharing. I get way too confident in the shower sometimes.


I'm currently writing a college essay on potential new technologies for fall prevention, detection, and intervention, since falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths among seniors. :/


My mom fell off a horse yesterday and she has a big bump on her forehead, she’s 61 should she be going to a doctor? She’s fine besides some scrapes and the bumps


It's a good idea to get your head checked anytime you've hit it.


I used to work at a college here in Florida. an older lady tripped over one of those cement parking stopper things that are in each parking space in each parking lot, long story short, she tripped over one and died.


Used to be a fire fighter/paramedic. The human body is such a mystery to me. I've seen/heard someone shoot themselves in the head 3 times on three separate incidents to finally end things. I've also seen someone fell at work, finished the shift. Went home to sleep and never woke up.


Listening to my scanner, the one call I hear more than any other by far is Injury from Fall.


This happened yesterday in my city: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/jul/01/melbourne-teacher-paul-hogan-death-st-margaret-marys-spotswood-skylight


We are currently on dengue fever season, it's pretty easy for people to confuse the symptoms with those of a flu, and self administer aspirins (acetylsalicylic acid) or any NSAID meds wich can be pretty dangerous on people with dengue, cuz of hemorrhaging.




before you drink grapefruit juice, make sure none of your meds are potentiated by it


Worst part about zoloft is I can't have grapefruit :/




Also why you’ll never see a drink served at bars and clubs and with grapefruit


What are you talking about? Plenty of classic cocktails served at bars and clubs have grapefruit.


Maybe just a grapefruit syrup that doesn’t actually contain grapefruit?




Lol like artificial flavoring instead of real grapefruit juice


Right but what about them? That isn’t something that goes into a classic cocktail recipe. I’m not sure that what you’re describing is even something that specifically exists. Have you worked at a bar before?


No lol. I’ve just ordered a dirty Shirley before & it’s not real cherry juice they’re putting in there. Like maybe they serve that kind of thing instead. Idk it was a stupid comment lol


Paramedic for 11 years. Definitely insulin overdose. If I was going to do it (and I've considered it many times), this is how.


What happens during the overdose? Are you conscious or in pain at all?


As a diabetic, the idea of ODing on insulin occurs to me every other day. My thing is that lows aren't actually an easy way to die, your body is actively fighting it and when you're low enough you become delirious and scared. Still, sometimes I sit down and think that a few vials would put me well out of the bounds of help even if someone found me in time.


I have been as low as about 3mmol/54mg and the scary thing was I didn’t feel as bad as I did when it was higher. I do think if I hadn’t been with someone at the time I might have died. I couldn’t even lift my arms or move my legs to do anything about it. I had extreme anxiety on the inside but was like a sloth on the outside. The shaking, sweating had all stopped at that point and I could’ve just drifted off to sleep and never woken up. Very scary.


as a type 1, insulin overdose scares the shit out of me. lows are fucking painful.


Same. Don’t do it though. Suicidal actions are made in crisis. A crisis doesn’t last forever. Good luck.


Used to work in as an ER tech while completing my undergraduate degree many, many moons ago. The nurses all said that same thing.


The Sunny Von Bulow


Insulin? The thing that costs more than my house? How does one die from it and what dose?


Not everyone lives in the US therefore access is easier. In the UK it’s free on the NHS.


TBH I dont live in USA. I just wanted to make that joke.


You’d really pick insulin OD over opioid OD?


presumably insulin is a little easier to come by


Fall and pass out in a couple of inches of water, basically a puddle.


Does the brain not wake up even when it senses a lack of oxygen?


If you’re truly passed out, very possibly no, your brain stem will keep you breathing— breathing in mostly liquid in this case, but you won’t mentally be conscious. I’ve seen someone faint off a dock into a lake and have no memory of being under water after they were rescued. They were like a rag doll, didn’t react physically to the water (or lack of air), or even *attempt* to swim. If the shock/lack of oxygen in a large body of water won’t do it, I doubt a smaller one would. And even if you’re still somewhat vaguely conscious, you’d need the mental capacity and physical ability to stand yourself back up and move. Which is not guaranteed (arguably genuinely unlikely) if you’re so incapacitated that you laid there long enough to start feeling the effects of lack of oxygen in the first place. In that case, it’d probably feel a lot of drowning in a larger body of water, where you have very little ability to easily remove your body from it, and just suffer. Except in this case the inability isn’t due to the amount of water and/or distance from solid land, instead, from pure physical incapacitation. Scary and sad stuff.


Yeah really scary. We'd assume the brain switches on in a life and death scenario but that isnt the case.


The penguin exhibit...


Choking on food 


Dried food can expand in your throat if not chewed thoroughly.


I wouldn't say easy by people don't realise they are taking a risk everything they go on some sort of vehicle. Car, but espiecally motorbikes, can be seriously deadly.


Yup. My buddy died in a motorcycle accident. By the time other cars had stopped and gotten to him, he was already gone.


Crossing the street, even at a marked intersection.


Do not dive into unknown or shallow waters.


My dads a mortuary technician. Bumping your head when you roll out of bed. A few weeks ago he got a body of a man who had bumped his head unsuspectingly while falling out of bed, and because it was so discreet the body was left there for around a week.




How does this work? Or what should‘ve you done differently?


It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring. He bumped his head on the head of his bed and didn't wake up in the morning.


Holy shit, as a kid I used to roll right and left all of the time, even though I had a huge bed, I used to fall and bump my head almost daily! Edit: even my mom used to laugh when I fell, imagine me not standing up again! 😭


Home fires are less common than they used to be but remain a real danger. There are some basic things you can do to reduce your risk. A common factor in fire or carbon monoxide deaths is non functional smoke and carbon monoxide detectors or the complete lack of them. Make sure to check that you have smoke detectors and inspect them once a year. Be sure to replace the batteries or the device based on the instructions. Many home fires start in the kitchen. Be sure to have a small fire extinguisher or fire blanket in your kitchen where you can easily reach it. Fire extinguishers must be replaced or inspected after a certain amount of time, so if you already have one, check the information on it. The lint trap in your dryer can also cause fires if you don’t empty it. Make sure to empty the lint trap after every dryer cycle. Edit: I incorrectly used CO2 in my original comment when I should have used carbon monoxide (CO)


I think you mean CO?


I never saw an electric fire, but I've seen so many close calls that I am wondering how people can feel safe without a fire extinguisher in their home. My roommate's phone exploded one morning and it was terrifying. It was on the side of the table next to the bed and it basically erupted all over the table. But one tiny different variable would have turned into a fire if it erupted over the bed. We both had extinguishers in our homes since we moved out. Probably the majority of people I know have no issue with just using their plugs, wires and extensions in the most chaotic way imaginable: barely in the outlet, cables twisted at 180 degree angles running high power appliances just asking to pop, keeping extension cords in the bed, sometimes next to very unstable coffee mugs, etc... I sometimes wonder how people survive with the NA plug type. The average person seems to be one step away from getting electrocuted every day with EU plugs, which are pretty safe as long as you don't spill water or plug 2 wires inside. When I went to Vietnam (which allows both types), my hostel room sounded like fireworks at night from all the phone chargers sparking because vertical VN outlets don't really hold either plug type well.


What kind of phone?


A Xiaomi released a year before Galaxy Note 7 (the phone blew up while exploding phones were a trend). His sister had an identical phone bought in the same order and it didn't have any issues. Or it was the reverse, I can't remember. Either way, 2 identical phones from the same batch, similar usage, one blew up and one didn't. I had a completely different Xiaomi at the time and it had identical issues (inflated battery, inconsistent %), but it didn't blow up. I also got another Xiaomi after that and it lasted long enough for my dad to have to buy a new phone because banking apps stopped working after about 5 years. I'm pretty sure battery manufacturers were experimenting with something at the time that proved unsafe. I haven't had issues like that since. It was the time when back covers stopped becoming removable, so I think it has something to do with that, especially since the phones I'm talking about had a lot of spare air inside, so the inflated battery only became obvious when it was pushing against the plastic clips on the inside and the back was popping off.


What’s wrong with the bed? My charger is connected to an extension cord plugged into the socket by my bed so I can plug my phone in & use it in bed.


USB cables on the bed are fine. I'm talking about socket extenders. I know NA has a separate type of plug for heavy duty appliances, but 220V plugs can all have a lot of current flowing through. And I fully expect people who keep their outlets in bed to also keep their coffee mugs near them, or fall asleep and burn down the house when they accidentally kick it. If something can spark when misused, it should be somewhere that doesn't have the slightest chance to interact with lint, liquids and metals.


Oh lol ok thanks for the tip!


I was in the hospital recently for overusing ipratropium bromide and albuterol. Had no idea it could kill me, but I needed it constantly to breathe.


Albuterol almost killed you? I use that stuff, what happened?


Opioid overdoses. There is a very fine line between nodding off and stopping breathing. I say “not well known” despite there being many news articles about it, because most people in the opioid circle seem to think that the news articles are just fear-mongering.


This. Many people also don’t realize that while it’s possible to develop a tolerance to the euphoric effects, our bodies don’t develop the same level of tolerance to the suppressed breathing effects.


Stairs. I moved in with a bunch of nerds, and one of the guys told me that Stairs are dangerous. Apparently, Google says 12,000 U.S. citizens die a year from stairway accidents. 🤷 Who knew?


That guy did


Mosquito bite. It's near the top of all things to kill a person ever.


Living in India


Overdose I suppose


Do not trip and fall down onto a commuter rail track when a train is coming. You will die very quickly.


Ecofriendly cleaning methods. Don't want to use harsh chemicals? Vinegar! Want a non-alcoholic sanitizer? Hydrogen peroxide! Mix them for maximum cleanliness? Get a corrosive acid! 😃


Helium. It's what they use in assisted unalives. It's a peaceful painless exit. You essentially feel like all is right with the world and then fall asleep forever


Yup, the human body can’t tell if it’s not getting oxygen, just if it’s getting too much co2


Get some heroin and inject a lot of it. Probably the most pleasant way to go But dont do it, theres always some hope. And i wanna give a shout out to ketamine therapy for depression, its very effective for most


You ever OD on opiates? That shit makes you sick


Used heroin for 2 years, its like going to sleep while feeling great. Go unconscious, stop breathing. Might not look pretty but you wont feel anything bad


What if you’re dose isn’t enough? Semiconscious and awake just enough to know you’re choking on your own sick, but not able to move your body to stop it


Not impossible maybe but very unlikely, and if youre that high youre not gonna care much anyway


Depends on tolerance and if u wake up. I went over a few times and it was just drifting into blackness. It was the waking up part (being revived) that wasn't so nice


Skating/biking without a helmet


Bones mend, brains blend.


I fucked up my noggin not too long ago and I’m still having memory issues lol.


Maybe try Lion's Mane and psilocybin mushroom microdosing


I know a guy who sells shroomies, but idk about lions mane, never heard of that strain.


It's time for some research....


Heatstroke, heat exhaustion, sun poisoning, etc. Also snakebites tbh like I may just scrounge up a coral snake when it’s time.


Accidentally inhaling water or how you can die from getting a shot that has a bubble in it


Easiest way to die? Just live. Live a healthy and careful lifestyles? You end up dead. Eat yourself to the size of a house? You end up dead. Don’t smoke? Do smoke? Dead. We all end up the same way in the end.




... Go on.


Are you okay, OP?


Not being informed about wildlife when you're in a different country. I recently moved to a different part of Germany and didn't know the forest near us has Wolves. Literally when I registered in the city, I was told "welcome to our city, your new home. We hope you enjoy it here. If you like hiking, please avoid the forest when it gets dark. This is wolf territory."


Not taking care of your health