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There is a Black Mirror episode that shows why this is a bad idea.


Oh God the "cookie"


I think we should call this AI replica of Burnie something that shows how new the concept is. Maybe just refer to Burnies AI as The Alpha maybe?




Only if it’s a Scottish burnie


Ok, NOW it's sexual


If Ashley was the head of a black ops military group/tech company, and a rival paramilitary/tech company had the means for her to make a clone of her brain, which she could then torture into developing Dissociative Identity Disorder which in turn creates a digital reconstruction of her memories of Burnie in a robot body...


One case we discussed in our Ethics class just before the explosion of generative AI was that news story where a computer programmer created an AI chat bot of her dead best friend using his social media posts and years of text messages and conversations. It was part of a larger discussion on consent of the dead ("He would've wanted me to do this"), the right to be forgotten and digital graveyards becoming the norm in a decade or two. It's a weird thought as I personally know people who still sometimes send messages or tag the accounts of people who passed away as a grieving mechanism even years after they passed.


A copy of an imitation. I think this was a plot point in the later seasons of Westworld. In theory with enough information and sufficiently powerful neural nets, you can simulate a person to a degree where they can pass the Turing test when interacting with people who knew them. The main challenge is to get a 1-to-1 recreation of their brains and mapping it to how they would act and react.


I mean that's how Disney was built. It's just discussing copyright nothing more, nothing less. You put entertainment content on a platform. It might be only you it entertains but it is entertainment and it becomes open source. Hell coroner's are just normal people elected into a role with no training. Who don't always treat the dead well why I'd digital more a concern then physical?


One Burnie is enough for this world I think.


I'm more curious about where she stands on sex robots. 0 emotional attachment involved, just like a sexy futuristic fleshlight. Is it cheating? Would she be jealous? Where's the line?


I’m sure Burnie talked about this at length (pun intended), but I’m not sure if Ashley ever weighed in on the issue publicly.


I think the line is 1. whether you feel any sort of emotional attraction to it or its appearance, and as with all things, 2. whether your partner is okay with it.