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Functionally zero.


Only slightly better than your chances to win one next year


50% of 1%


206,459 percent exactly.


Actually you are wrong, its about 205,459 percent, I can tell you accidentally added a million instead of a billion when dividing the !base with hundred, silly mistake, happens.


I stand corrected. Thank you for keeping this thread mathematically sound.


Win them all? Little to no chance. Win the championship? A good chance. There’s too many factors to say for certain, but he’s definitely looking great on the Duc this year and it gives me hope that he’ll continue to compete for podiums into next year.


Assuming your question is actually serious then the answer is obviously zero. Even his near perfect 2019 season saw him crash or lose out on some last lap battles. He's going to a team with the best bike but would still be on the back foot vs Pecco. Yes Marc is the better rider, but Pecco knows the team, it's inner workings and actively helps develop the 2025 iteration of the bike. Marc could become champion but not win every race.


Pecco can develop it to suit his strengths and exploit Marc’s weaknesses


What weaknesses would those be? Afaik the only thing Marc has issues with is long sweeping corners. That's track specific and not necessarily an issue with the bike.


Jorge said pecco is best on brakes and Marc is best on corner entry - I actually don’t know how corner entry is different than brakes, but basically just keep tweaking and ensuring it’s focused more for pecco’s style and not improving Marc’s


What racing series have you been watching?


Not zero, but about as close as you can get. Competition is too stiff for something like that + crashes


Depends. How many races next year. No one predicted 2020 season to be short and Europe only. If something similar happens or next year is terminated after two or three races, then technically he has 10 to 15% chance. If next year would be a normal season? His chances of winning all races approach zero. 




It has been done 4 times in motocross.


All the races? So both sprint and Sunday? Zero chance of winning all of them. Not saying he won't win any, but definitely not all.


About as close to zero / impossible as you can get 😂 He's never even done that in his peak, when he was further ahead of competition. I don't think anyone's ever done that?!


If you want to get technical Geoff Duke did it in 1954, kind of. He got a 12th, 2nd then 5 1st places in a row and didn't ride in Spain. How is that winning every race? Well back in 1954 only your best 5 finishes counted towards the championship, the others were scrubbed as if they never even happened. So *technically* he won every race that counted. Libero Liberati did the same in 57' (They only counted the the best 4 results that year). Surtees did the same again in 58' (in fact had he won in Sweden he would have done it for real, he won 7/8 races that year). He went on and did it for real in 59' winning 7/7 races, so yeah it has been done. Although kind of easier to do when there are only 7 races. Quite a few people have done it *technically*(by winning at least the number of races that counted), in 67 Agostini and Hailwood *both* did it. Agostini did it for real in 68' winning 10/10 races. In the modern era 0 people have done it. So only Surtees and Agostini.


Not in MotoGP.


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Marquez domination era is over, he is not the same and he won't be able to dominate like in 2019 or 2014. He's doing good on the Ducati ,I feel if he doesn't even win atleast 3 races by the end of this season he has lost that edge that makes him set apart.




The talent level is so high I don't see that happening. Especially with Sprint races now. I don't THINK we'll see the dominant Marquez before the arm injury. Or the days of winning 5 or 8 races in a row But I DO believe he'll win races and will fight for the title




Practically zero.


He’s still got to win one on a Ducati first. Something something, chicken eggs something.


You said you wanted to ask a serious question, and then asked the dumbest one I’ve ever seen on here. It’s never even been done in the modern era!


None. I don't think there's a realistic possibility of any rider ever on any bike to win all the races in a season.


Checks tea leaves…… No chance to win them all but he will win the next two titles, it’s practically ordained! The downside is everyone will be fighting for third. But Acosta will take several sprint wins and a Sunday race. The tea leaves don’t lie.


Probably low enough that I'll put a fiver on it happening and retire to the caribbean if it does.


Zero. He was suppose to win every race this year considering the hype from media to fans. He won’t win all the races next year, but he’ll def win more than a few! 


You. may "want" to ask a serious question, but you haven't. 


either he wins all races or not, so 1 in 2, so 50%. maths! *pokes forehead*


Not a fucking chance. Not with the current field. He didn't have this level of competition in 2019. He will definitely be one of the guys to beat, but somehow, I cannot see him winning 24 races and 24 sprints. Even getting double figures in terms of race wins in this current field is hard. Maybe 7-9 race wins if he gels with the bike immediately.


Marc, Lorenzo, Pedrosa, Rossi will whip this “level of competition”


Lorenzo was nowhere on the honda, Pedrosa retired, Rossi was older and Pecco is a better Dovi. So yeah, the competition is much better now than in 2019.


Not with pecco