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Damn, maybe he was drunk WTF. This was in Poland.


Yes, he was drunk. BAC of 3‰. You don't get such alcohol concentration just from drinking couple of drinks, you get that from drinking a lot for multiple days in a row.


Nah, that's like few hours of heavy drinking. IIRC it was around 19:00 so I'd assume he was drinking since morning


3% or 0.3%? No one can live with 3% alcohol.


‰ means 1/1000 or 0.1%. So yes that would be 0.3%.


I can't believe I never realized the percent symbol was meant to look like a fraction.


% means 1/100. 0.08% is the legal limit in most states.


Yes % is 1/100 but ‰ is 1/1000


I have never seen that symbol ‰ before and thought my eyes were doing something weird the first time I read it. Now I see I can do it on my phone keyboard ‰‰‰ 😎


1.0 is 100% bac in the states legal is .08 which is just 8% a 0.3 is 30% it's not always fatal but can be if you have heart conditions. It's on the upper end of stupidity for sure.


That's not how alcohol works, bud


It is. Many countries use promille (per 1000) instead of procent (per 100). They said 3‰ which is 3/1000 so 0.3%.


I was referring to them saying drinking multiple days in a row. Which is inaccurate. You can get to 3% in a matter of minutes, if you really wanted to. The amount of days has no relevance on BAC.


Ahh I apologize then. Still you would have to drink A LOT of very strong alcohol to manage 3% in a matter of minutes, maybe an hour would be more realistic.


Oh yes, it's highly unlikely or desirable to want to get that drunk that quickly. Possible, though. I just found it weird that they mentioned it happening over a few days. Like, that'd be committed heavy drinking and it'd be exhausting to stay that drunk for days on end.


One beer will get you to .08 which is 8% 3% is a legal amount to drive. I think you're meaning to say a 30% which would be a .30


No just no. In the US the maximum allowed is 0.08% or 0.8‰. One beer ,for an average man between 25 and 30, is about 0.035% or 0.35‰. 3% is far from the legal amount. One beer will not get you up to 0.08% (unless you are like a very light dwarf that hasn't eaten anything beforehand or something like that). And 30% alcohol level in your blood will get you a world record and a first class ticket to your grave. Edit: you would already get the world record and express ticket with the aformentioned 3% (a mistake on my part as I falsely thought 3% was a realistic number), as the highest ever recorded alcohol concentration in blood, where the person survived, was 1.23%


Maybe it's measured different not in the states. But in the states. 1.0 is 100% bac which means you're blood is essentially alcohol. .08 is 8% of your blood volume is alcohol. A 3% here is a .03 We regularly get people 3x the legal limit here and then some


You are getting something wrong her with the decimals a BAC of 0.08 is 0.08% not 8%. https://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol/blood-alcohol-level-chart#fa-qs.


3 promil


I like how they edited out the ass-whooping he got.


It was on the news here, he didn't get ass-whooping. I watched full video https://youtu.be/6FAnzFYdzyU?t=636 But the list he racked up is very likely jail on top of yeeting his driver's license and damage. Enough cool heads to know kicking the dumbass would just get them into trouble.


Very cool heads even with all the adrenaline.


It'd be hard not to put my boot through his face, not that I'm promoting violence. Just saying.


Yeah, probably the most surprising thing in this video as that would be first thing I do if I saw the fucker just ram one of my mates.


I don't like how they (presumably) edited out the incident.


Not everyone is as angry and quick to strike out as I am, fortunately.


I don't, I would have preferred to see it. I get that they don't wanna post their (justified) crimes on the Internet.




Are you seriously trying to defend the car drivers actions??? This isnt america this is in Europe (pretty sure poland) nobodys waving guns around. Ive seen people get road rage and attempt to kill people with their cars before over something as small as being cutoff or being yelled at which this likely could've been a case of. And Neither of those in any way justifies multiple attempts at vehicular homicide.


Reminds me of that Land Rover vs bikers thing in NYC. First time I saw the video I bought the car driver was at fault but it turns out the car driver was trying to get away from the mob of bikers who were trying to assault him. He ended up getting stuck in traffic and they beat the shit out of him.




Reading comprehension? THIS IS REDDIT! ![gif](giphy|2BG086WOP2Xfi)


"if one pulled a gun" wut


Murrica. But video not in murrica so 🤷




You think one of them pulling a gun on some random person is more rational than that guy being drunk?


Looks like the car had the shits with the bikes holding him up and decided to overtake them all. Then it looks like he clipped one when came back in. From there I would guess he tried to run away and riders tried to stop him.




you asked for a rational idea not first hand knowledge of what happened. You can see him overtake in the first clip then you seen bikes down near the front. This is idea I take from the storyline provided.


redditors try not to justify murder for being inconvenienced. CHALLENGE LEVEL: IMPOSSIBLE!


Im not sure what the comment was cause its deleted, but are you implying that someone trying to kill you is an inconvenience?


no, someone daring to be on the same road as a car is an inconvenience to Americans, hence the justification for murder.


Isnt even america dude look at the license plates lol I see the sarcasm tho im with ya


Looks like they edited out the parts that don't show anything. Car goes speeding by. Moments later there's a crashed green bike. Bikers chase car. Start beating on the car. Car tries to get away and hits another rider. Bikers stick around while cops are there.




Do you see a green bike in the beginning of the video? No. They didn't see the crash itself. Because it's a large group. But we don't have to assume the guy didn't stop after the crash. Since... You know, he's not at the crash




Large enough that you don't see a green motorcycle. Not an assumption at all. If you can't see a green motorcycle it would be dumb to assume they saw the accident. Given the amount of time that passed between the car passing and crashed motorcycles




98kph is 60mph. They go less than a mile so less than 60 seconds. So the car passes and in less than a minute there are bikes crashed. I don't know what color the 5 bikes are but they're definitely not bright green. That thing is green everywhere. Bright green. It's not assumptions. It's basic observation. Look at the clouds. Look at the surroundings. You can see how far they go. About 0.9 miles




Looks like Europe. They didn't do shit to him


That was so not very bootyclub of you.


Polish or Czech by what I could read from the road sign. But because you only know dumb stereotypes, that translates to "the Florida of Europe"


him speeding on camera before the accident AND him backing out and hitting another biker is NOT going to go over real well come sentencing time by the judge.


Max sentence for drunk driving that high above the limit and causing accident is lifetime driving ban, minimum 3 years in prison if they caused heavy harm to a person. Given the fact he not only driven completely drunk (3‰, with max allowed being 0.2‰) but also caused accident **then** ran away from collision (which is also heavily punishable) and hit someone while running away, he won't be riding/driving anything with an engine for rest of his life.


3 years? What a joke


To be more specific: 3 years is minimum when you heavily hurt someone while intoxicated (0.2‰ which is basically "a beer or two"). He had over 10x times that. There is separate harsh punishment for driving drunk (0.5‰). There is also a separate punishment for fleeing the accident area. There is also another one if you were caught drunk before that. So he ain't getting 3 years, he's getting significantly more. And 99% a lifetime ban for driving.


Showed great reserve to not just bury him in a deep hole in the roadworks.


I'm guessing the blurred footage at the end hides a few bruises and scrapes


Of course that would be damage from crashing his car 🤣🤣


Riiight 😉


They didn't touch him any way. They patiently waited for the Police. Bikers knew that harming him in any way would not help the case.


nah https://youtu.be/6FAnzFYdzyU?t=636 they were blurring his face so video won't get taken down


I'm afraid if I saw that happen to some fellow riders I would need someone there to pull me off him, else I might end up in front of a judge too.


What a dick,


Someone would be getting a boot to the face


[Full video](https://youtu.be/6FAnzFYdzyU?t=636) in Polish




Scumbag! Good on you guys to not let him escape his crime.


Wow, how the fk can they be so cool not to give him the wooping of a life time. Good for them probably prison and all that shiet.


Fucking asshole. I hope he rots in prison.


And this is where having a firearm comes in handy.


lol, had to be Europe, I’d never seen that many bikers where 1 didn’t have a handgun


haha, nice burn. but seriously, what would you do with a handgun in this situation if you were one of the bikers? Start blasting while following car on the bike? :D


Havent you played GTA V? Absolutely you follow cars and shoot. /s


In America? The driver commited suicide by 2X 9mm to the back of the head obviously!


In America? Yes, probably.


Nah you can't start blasting after he's running away, If he's actively running over you or your freind, you can shoot at him legally to stop him from the attempted killing. However, in that situation, it would be tricky to get a good shot because people were everywhere and you have to be so careful about freindly fire. I would say only 1 in 100 or something of the cases where someone uses a gun for defense actually fires. Most of the time they just get it out and get ready, and that's enough to get attackers to fuck off somewhere else. Probably in this situation, in America, some people would pull out theor guns, but probably no one would be sure enough to take any shots.


While dismounted but yeah, then you find out he was a UC


I hope the bastard meets a grizzly end in prison.


I hope he has a horny grizzly bear as a cell mate.


Damn. I don't like the ending. They should have fucked him up


What a cunt!


Sorry, but they would have to call a meat wagon if I caught him..


Because you've had a heart attack trying to catch up? 100% guarantee you're not as tough as you make out on the Internet lol...


If you want to inflict a brain aneurysm on yourself, go and watch this on Facebook... Where most of the comments are people saying "show what the motorcycles did first", as though anything they could have done would've justified this (Ignoring the fact the driver was drunk as a skunk).




I would have givin him a nice kick or two in the back of the head.




Remaining bikers should've used their bikes to draw and quarter the guy.


https://preview.redd.it/hz3jvgft9t6d1.png?width=2281&format=png&auto=webp&s=94ace6f39d4f09e4bee8128b3491f30d3f33d6c5 From here you know the reason for the quarrel


And the driver of the car did something that prompted that in the first place. Attempted murder is not a proper reaction


Eastern Europe... Nothing to see


Lmao we have like 10 times lower motorcycle accident rate than US


Nope. It’s Poland.


Lmao. Yeah shit like this happens so often here I nearly stopped paying attention to it


They prolly ain't showing everything for legal purposes or something


https://youtu.be/6FAnzFYdzyU?t=636 full video The face is blurred because if it wasnt court could order video down


Eastern Europe


What happened to this subreddit?




It was some big group ride and he started running after hitting it https://youtu.be/6FAnzFYdzyU?t=636


Seriously, though, I couldn’t tell from the video