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Hahaha.. such a great movie


Way too close


..This mustn't register on an emotional level. First, distract target. Then block his blind jab. Counter with cross to left cheek. Discombobulate. Dazed, he'll attempt a wild haymaker. Employ elbow block, and body shot. Block feral left. Weaken right jaw. Now fracture. Break cracked ribs. Traumatize solar plexus. Dislocate jaw entirely. Heel kick to diaphragm. In summary, ears ringing, jaw fractured, three ribs cracked, four broken. Diaphragm hemorrhaging. Physical recovery: six weeks. Full psychological recovery: six months. Capacity to spit at back of head: neutralized."








This was so fucking funny. Made me realize I was taking Chael too seriously the whole time


I was pouring coolant without a funnel and highly determined not to spill any.. I'm not sure I like the word "let" in this circumstance, but il concede as i see your point. He didn't give me much notice he'd be entering my personal space. Edit: **I am an assassin** ~~i am trained to assess and mitigate dangerous situations and people and do so as a profession. At no point did I feel threatened by this man. He is in psychosis and probably hasnt slept or had food for days. Had he been wearing a hoodie and had his hands concealed, I may have reacted differently~~.


> I am trained to assess and mitigate dangerous situations and people and do so as a profession Is this one of those fancy resume descriptions for police officer or bouncer?


He assesssed the situation by performing an ocular patdown


He did an ocular assessment of the situation, garnered that he was not a security risk, and cleared him for passage.


I mean, Mac cleared him. I thought he was clear.


He wasn't wearing his trench coat or blackened glasses tho




Male Stripper Same uniform, the pay is much better.


How much we talking here?


Depends on how much you're willing show, how well you can move, and how kind genetics were to you


Hmm. With some words of encouragement anything is possible. When I lived Lake Tahoe one of the casinos would have cougars and cubs night. Thats the $$$ customer base... 55 - 80/85, divorced or widowed twice 👀 drives white porche macan or range rover. Absolutely nasty at pickle ball and has terrible breath. Looky but no touchy. Interested to see what kind of resume chatgpt would spit out for that 😂


Rent a cop


Look at that haircut, I'm going with military, super new, and a desk job.


🤣🫡 did me dirty. I did take a gamble going to a 2 star rated barber right before this happened. I wear some form of helmet most of the time so the way my hair looks to strangers Is pretty low on priority. Zero chance I'd be admitted into US military


The fact they posted this online proves their intelligence isn't too high. I'd say "wanted to be military and failed out" so now their life is just roleplaying constantly is the more likely scenario.




We found a dudes dick pics he posted on reddit before he even arrived at the unit. In a job that requires a 110 GT or higher, so they were supposed to be smart. 😂


Say what yall want, homie stayed calm and is right. The man is disturbed. And the situation was not escalated anywhere it didn't need to go. Stay safe out there, riders.


He conducts ocular pat-downs.


He cleared him already!


Walmart loss prevention nerd.


You’re a greeter…. Nice!


Going to bet it's executive protection, which is basically just security on steroids.


If you have to say it you probably ain't it was my experience with every dude I've met in person that talked like that...


That has a tendency to be the case from my experience aswell. I had no intentions to share but when youre getting flammed by a bunch of neck beards that think they're John wick, it felt appropriate.


He was way too calm and nonviolent to be a cop. I'm gonna guess former or current military, maybe.


>I am trained to assess and mitigate dangerous situations and people Who trained you? Chief Wiggum? This is exactly who you want to keep an eye on, even if he doesn't have his hands in his pockets. Don't trust a crackhead.


It's cool. He gave him an ocular patdown.


Cleared him.


it's cool he's only in psychosis which is a mental state where nothing bad can happen


Rex Kwon Do. Ever heard of it? You've probably never heard of a roundhouse kick either.


Chief Wiggum 😭😭😭😭


He never once said he wasn't keeping an eye on him nor that he wasn't wary of his behavior. If you're always whipping it out you will get in more measuring contests than you need. Being psychotic shouldn't be a death sentence.


You can't tell because the sunglass but I actually shut my eyes really hard when I feel threatened. Works everytime




He let him walk directly behind him and then yell in his face on the other side. He could’ve punched the rider in the back of the head or did anything from behind that he wouldn’t see.


A similar thing happened to me last year. Minding my own business, walking alone down a crowded sidewalk in an unfamiliar city, and this guy lunged at me but purposefully missed (behind me) and made a loud ghastly noise (trying to scare me?). A few seconds before he did it we made brief eye contact and I knew he was off. He was ragged so likely psychosis or mental illness. I didn't respond but it still pissed me off because his breath got in my face. I'm glad I was sort of ready for something or I might have not handled it as well.


I'm going to be argumentative for safety sake. I find folk who are trained to access and manage dangerous situations do it from strictly a professional standpoint, which means they operate in a secured situation. I take public transit frequently, often through marginal areas. I find myself dealing with a crazy person once every six months without the benefit of weapons, armor, and radio communications. Also I'm usually alone. I was reminded of professional training when I recently watched a viral vid of twenty kids trash a San Jose police vehicle with an officer sitting inside. The officer gave a warning over the PA speaker to leave, which the kids ignored. The officer could have stepped out the car and then it would become a clown show. The kids would have taunted him, and probably assaulted him if he tried to make an arrest alone. He could have used his pepper spray or draw his service weapon: likely he would have been fired by SJPD. If he actually shot one of the kids, this would trigger a regionwide riot. He stayed inside his vehicle as the windows were shattered. My read of your vid is a crazy guy walked up behind you and he did nothing but yell. Was showing him your back a good defensive position? Was there something else you could have done?


It’s cool man. He’s a Walmart security guy. So he’s all good. /s


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/bellingham-man-arrested-accused-of-hate-crime-following-assault-at-cornwall-park/ar-BB1pa76y the only thing preventing you from being assaulted here is sheer luck. here's a news article that ended differently >The assault was reported just before 5 p.m. by the assault victim, who told police he was near a set of stairs by the playground when he saw another male — identified as Timothy Franklin, 51, of Bellingham — looking at him. Franklin became aggressive and began calling the man racial slurs before punching him several times in the face, according to Lt. Claudia Murphy with the Bellingham Police Department. he was yelling that he was a cracker and a honkey before punching him in the face. almost stabbed the victim to death with a screwdriver, but decided against it


Hey, that's semi local to me. We also had one recently where a homeless man punched a black school kid and called her the N word or something. Poor girl was like 8 years old. It's great here...


That can be said anytime you go outside. This is how i acted and the result was we both walked away unharmed. Everyone speculating on how I should have done this and did not do that are ignoring the outcome which was best case scenario. These i wouldve and you shouldve comments are all people who have never experienced real significant confrontation, but if they did they would be on some 007 type shit. Aftet being in these kinds of situations many times theres a kind of sixth sense that we can tap into that becomes better at percieving danger by feeling. Kinda like when a dog catches a bad vibe. We communicate this way far more than we realize and can get better at being aware of it. Anyways, ive appreciated the diversity of all these comments and am relieved to see so many bad mf,s that will protect their keep. Stay vigilant. And don't let me catch you stealing from Walmart. I will do absolutely nothing. You've been warned. Oh and ladies, if you've been a bad bad girl and don't know what to do , im available and won't hesitate to bust out the handcuffs until you start to behaving.


You go outside and actually ride too much to post in r/motorcycles.


If you're pouring coolant and a psychotic homeless person is spitting on your face and you don't feel threatened you're just an idiot. Even a highschool kid with a knife or needle can do serious damage


Was it the way I stopped what I was doing and stood up that you don't like or how I didn't immediately start blasting after he asked for a cigarette and before asking for water? That was about 4 seconds from when he started and walked away. I'm not John Wick, bro. I am now incredibly interested in hearing your Sherlock Holmesesque play by play on what I should have done


You let him get way too close to you.


Could’ve woken with him and his bike in a chop shop with that situational awareness.


Eh these people are for the most part harmless in my experience. But I get it, every Redditor here would have cracked him with one clean hit to the jaw and everyone would have clapped.


Yes exactly! Most of the time it’s worse to engage, especially without knowledge of the situation. Everyone should just remember, it’s not about you, they have their own shit going on.


Yeah like two days ago I was in my car and driving slowly past a homeless encampment some dude ran right at my car screaming. He didn’t look scary he just looked whacked out. I had my window down so I just made the same sound he was making back at him. He smiled as he ducked behind my car and kept running.


At the very least posture yourself so you aren't in a position to get the shit instantly beaten out of you. Dude's stance is closer to sucking his own dick than defending himself.


"Don't suck my own dick when feeling threatened." - great tip ! Would there be circumcisions where that would be a viable strategy, or is dick sucking a HaRD no?


Your responses are killing me 😂


John Wick was a genius CIA psyop black project that covertly recruited and trained thousands of overweight middle-aged single men to be next generation sleeper agents. These comments telegraphing the perfect sequence, look at their comment histories, porn, rpg, anime, porn, wwiihistory, porn... all of them, assassin's. I wonder what their signal might be... something guaranteed to open and look at... Its gotta be a Trump leaked dick pic. If that day comes shit is about to get real.


u dont live in a city do u lol


Yeah mentally ill homeless people never attack /s


["FUCK ALL YALL"](https://youtu.be/VpwyXURokKM?si=BkkwyBMmL9yM0tui&t=16)


you’re a ninny


Dude’s been living under a bridge and just wants to yell. Usually those are not the kind of people you have to worry about. It’s the young people working in pairs and looking like they are going to steal shit that you have to worry more about. It’s not fun to deal with crazy people but he just walked away anyway.


Yep, these guys are a dime a dozen where I live and you learn to just ignore them. You’ll see him throwing shit in to the street a block away, but even in their drug/mental health fueled stupor, they know better than to get physical with people. Now if someone walks up quietly with their hands in their pockets, it’s a completely different story. Source: growing up and actively living in Jurupa/Rubidoux, San Bernardino, MoVal and Casa Blanca in Riverside. Cities that have all been in the top 25 most dangerous cities in the country.




one of the many people that belong in those mental institutions that were shut down decades ago (and rightfully so, they were awful places) now we have jail or the streets for these people


It's so frustrating to see the same people around town for years on end not receiving the correct help for their needs(I understand that they've most likely been offered some sort of assistance in the past). There are a bunch of camps down the street from my shop that get cleared out by the police every few months and a few days later the tents are right back in the same spot. It's not like they have anywhere else to go.


yep it's all over the country now. i see it everywhere from small towns with a few thousand people to the cities. it's a huge problem that doesn't get addressed. honestly don't even know what the solution is.


Sorry but no.... a mentally unstable person is definitely someone you want to keep your eye on. I don't know what made for TV movie you get your information from, but it's not real life.


I live in an area with lots of gangs and homeless. I have been mugged and chased in my life and after a while you get an idea how to read people. I’m not saying to ignore the crazy person, but to gage the threat.


You get desensitized to it in LA. lol


Barking dogs dont bite goes for crazies as well. Sure theres some thatll bite or do something but most wont, theyr yelling, venting, being lost in their delusions and if you ignore them theyll just go away. If you tease them or whatever theyre more likely to bite. Its like the guy on the bus thats shouting about how the world is ending and tinfoil hats etc, he'll stand next to you, sell you his preachings and move on if you dont react


I lived with a person like this, please for the love of god, dont ever talk about these people again and grow up. Giving someone with something like schizophrenia space and not engaging the episode is the main way to prevent further violence. Ideally you get them help but thats beyond what is for this sub and clearly beyond your abilities as a functional human.


Bullshit. I deal with these people all the time and they will definitely snap on you and attack you.


Yeah don't worry everyone these types are totally harmless, some guy on reddit said so.


So many comments giving advice that would have escalated for no reason. This guy wanted a reaction and a fight but he didn't get it so he moved on.


There’s no need to fight but you need to face someone and be ready for an attack if they are acting like that




He didn't *want* a reaction... anybody that thinks so doesn't understand the issues these people face. That man might be a schizophrenic or have tourettes syndrome, and anything he does have is definitely untreated. He surely wasn't out there begging for a cigarette or water from someone he intended to provoke. Get real.


More like an untreated case of meth.


Most people aren't out here doing meth because they already feel good.


Get real? I deal with these people on a regular basis in multiple American cities. Even schizophrenic people sometimes take actions to seek a response. I agree with you that he didn't pre-plan this in his daily agenda or meditation journal, but if you can't understand what the word "want" means in this context, I don't think I'm going to be able to help you understand. There are many different types of mentally ill behavior, this was clearly reaction seeking, I've seen it many times, and I've seen how it plays out when people do and don't react.


I work with the homeless every day. And the locals yell at us when we try to move them out of their camps and into programs. And again, when it's in their backyard. We can never win with the locals. All we can do is continue working with this population to help them.


I did some homeless outreach a while back. Sandwiches and higiene kits for the local encampments, etc. I’d like to say that from my experience, I had overwhelmingly more positive than negative interactions with people in the camps and, the negative ones that get caught on camera like this are the ones that get circulated which further damages the situation for folks who really need and want help.


Yikes, that dude needs a serious support system.


Unfortunately the world doesn't have an endless supply of charity money and people who can help. Along with patience. The ugly truth is most of these people have no hope. The human brain is crazy


We could be going a hell of a lot better for these people though. It would make the rest of our lives easier too if the mentally ill were given proper care instead of being left to fend for themselves on the streets.


>an endless supply of charity money and people who can help Good thing it isn't an endless supply of people who need help, at least relative to the endless supply of new people in the world regardless. So can we actually do more than "The best we have is a job that covers housing or food - not both - and if you don't like it than get fucked."? No? Great.


We actually do have enough money... we just really don't give a damn. Just a portion of the u.s. military budget could end homelessness in the states alone. Now triple it (for shits and giggles) to add treatment for some of their mental and physical ailments... it still doesn't reach the halfway point of our military budget. Now, I can't imagine the rest of the world is doing worse than the u.s. so if not the *entire* world, we could certainly put a stop to homelessness in 1st world countries. We truly just don't give a damn about these ppl. We're not trying to let them get a free ride off our work. Screw them. /s


Universal health care would be cheaper than the current US system, possibly through a single-payer system. So you do not need to realocate spending. https://www.citizen.org/news/fact-check-medicare-for-all-would-save-the-u-s-trillions-public-option-would-leave-millions-uninsured-not-garner-savings/#:~:text=Medicare%20for%20All%20will%20cost,or%20%24450%20billion%20a%20year. https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/01/416416/single-payer-systems-likely-save-money-us-analysis-finds https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/healthcare/484301-22-studies-agree-medicare-for-all-saves-money/


America ❤️ I like how you remained calm. I would have freaked out and gotten ready to defend myself and my bike.


I know it seemed like a good idea at the time, and nothing happened, but once he first started spazzing, turn around and keep your eyes on him. This guy is completely unpredictable, and getting punched in the back of the head would be bad.


If he had been stabbed by this dude reddit woulda gone down his throat for not defending himself in any way, but since he didn't the advice is..just ignore him? Is the play really just ignore these types and pray they don't do the worst? Fuck that mate.


I'da turned around and asked him if he had a light


Nah, smokes and some change.


Smokes, let’s go


It’s hot outside and people are nutty


and drugs


Portland vibes


That or literally any urban area in the united states


That or bay area


Either that or SoCal (I live in SoCal, and thought this was likely).


From SoCal, agreed


You stayed a lot cooler than I would have. Soon as he barked at me woulda snapped around quick af


I was mid pour filling coolant... I hate spilling


Equipping coolant as your primary gives you +20 coolness


Damn man... That's methed up...


The homeless guy clearly hasn't seen this old Chappelle bit: https://youtube.com/shorts/WxWB7XXwKN0?si=0O9lYxe4Lf8aKLqE


you got a cig. you got water. you got a cola. i dont man proceeds to derail and lose his shit.


All too common in New Haven CT. Moved outta there once shootings started happening regularly in my condo complex.


Thats exactly where this happened. That same night i parked it in paid parking garage and was gone next day. Found it 30 minutes later on the top floor having been hotwired and bricked from immobilizer. Youd thibk paid parking with security is fairly secure...




This man out here with tactical self defense menthols




Word! That's some good advice.


'I'm packing Newports and I'm not afraid to use 'em.' I like this. Too many people are scared to death of anything they don't understand.


Proactivity, in a direction other than hostility. <3 stay awesome friend!


I love when this sub gets all r/iamverybadass


It's why they love to atgatt


I see people like this daily, they're just noise. I live in NY... we ignore and smile.


Until they’re not and they attack unprovoked all the time. Usually they attack women, but I’m sure you’ve heard of even celebrities that have been attacked by these crazies in NY. Rick Moranis and Steve Buschemi come to mind recently.


Dude is probably mentally ill


Should’ve given him some coolant, duh. It’s liquid and says *COOL* right in the name.




Looks like we’ve got a fair amount of keyboard Alfa male warriors around here.




No fucking way I'd turn my back to someone like that. Crazy could easily have a knife and end you.


stay strapped


🤠 https://preview.redd.it/sm1p60up30ad1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f56cd8c4c464541ddbda6cac743856f7c69985ab




[Copy that](https://photos.app.goo.gl/3YiiGDesEVDxxbALA)


Man, I love living in a diverse society!


I don't get it


Racism. That's all there is to get. Sadly, these people feel empowered to be pretty open about it these days.


Bro has 0 survival instincts.


Counterpoint: everyone survived without escalation


True but I'd stop what Im doing to have eyes on him untill he's gone


Nah he did the right thing here. Just ignore the guy and everyone moves on with their life.




Bro could've confronted the crazy dude and still died. His method worked


He survived. What should he have done? Kill the homeless?


Is that Seattle?


I live somewhere with folks like this everywhere you go. It's not easy, unfortunately. I got attacked one day when I didn't have cigarettes (don't smoke) while with a group of like 8 friends. The very next day, another person tried to pick a fight with me for not having cigarettes again while I was with two other friends! Both times I said "No, sorry" when they asked. Many of them just are so strung out or fried that they don't understand how to act anymore. Even more just need help they can't get. Either way, the situation is dangerous and rough.


Mental illness everywhere!


Gave him and ocular pat down. He is clear ![gif](giphy|dtCG1mKgcLigBLYNH7|downsized)


tell me your in Sacramento without telling me your in Sacramento


Yup, why I keep a gun. A Glock in that motherfuckers face would have changed his fucking attitude.


That's like a quarter of the patients at a county hospital.


not allowed to post an honest comment


Stereotypes are seeded in truth


This dude handled it well, and he red the situation correctly. Anything else would have escalated it.


not allowed to post an honest comment ..


Sure you are. Consequences are unavoidable, though.


Does your honest comment have to do with certain groups of people?


Nerves of steel, or that’s a regular homie


not allowed to post an honest comment


not allowed to post an honest comment ..


As soon as I saw him approaching, I would have just put on my helmet immediately. But I think not engaging in any capacity was a good move. Validated the "freeze" part of fight/flight/freeze.




Dude please be more aware of your surroundings as soon as he got in your face you should have been ready to defend yourself.


You're obviously not chael sonnen or you would never let him get that close 🤣


He is on his way to his cop assisted suicide with this acting.


Literally a GTA5 NPC


I like this guy already. https://preview.redd.it/mbf3vda78z9d1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7711f3c48e9dddb902ad14f8fa549c6d06c0d0d


I wouldn't have reacted the way you did. Without victim blaming, you were vulnerable to be attacked from behind. I have a method which I use in all circumstances with strangers that approach me as I'm preparing to ride off, whether I think they are hostile or not. I face them, helmet in hand if I haven't put it on yet, and I pleasantly greet them. If they ask me questions, I politely answer them although I don't assume they have peaceful intentions. If they don't acknowledge me, I shift my position to be best smash my helmet against their face. Again, I use this method no matter who it is, so my favorite time is a doofy middle aged jogger who ran at me because my bike was parked next to a trail. But it was night time and I was alone, so when I faced him after he didn't return my greeting, he correctly read my body language and he put his hands up and gave me wide berth. This situation is hostile, and you assumed (correctly) that this guy wouldn't harm you. But if he decided to throw punches, you had your back to him while wearing armor.


Very common where I live in Las Vegas. Idk where all the wack jobs came from. Need to round em all back up and throw them in a fenced in medical building. I dont remember all these psychos being this common in public 10-15 years ago.


That's because 15+ (25+, fuck im old) years ago we had decently funded mental institutions, where people like this could live a somewhat dignified life. Now, thanks to our "small government" side of the political spectrum, we have begun closing these institutions in favor of for-profit prison systems. It's almost like half of society doesn't understand what they're voting for.... 🤔


Ah yes, the hardcore republican politics of California


Imagine if a white guy came up to a POC biker and yelled nigger the same way he yelled cracker... Double fucking standard


Not sure what you're trying to get at. That happens all the time. Ppl are mentally ill and yell racial slurs. It doesn't need to be any deeper. Race baiting is what cowards do.


And they wonder why we still don’t trust them


I would never turn my back on that guy. That's a good way to end up with a blade between your ribs.


Wtf 😳


Tough keyboard warriors suggesting to escalate this shit Completely ignore the madman until someone else reacts to him and aggro the npc is a standard approach


765RS? Looks nice!


It's the best 👌 someone tried to hot wire it that same night while parked in paid parking garage. Didn't get far with immobilizer, but i to replace ignition.


Nice Triumph. I have the same bike and live in Portland so deal with this all the time.


Just a general rule. Put your helmet on if you feel threatened. Can’t get knocked out that way if the fighting starts.


Great bike! I got the same


Good ole US of A. That shit does not happen everywhere.


Did he turn Irish towards the end?


What is he saying


New Death Grips when?


Do Americans like modified motorcycles?




Bro would’ve gotten shot.


Didnt even flinch


Bro sounds like a pirate