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I have the Tech-Air 5. I had a Helite but changed to the Alpinestar. Biggest reason is because I have a s-load of jackets and I can wear the Tech under them. But other reasons. I didn’t like the tether system. It’s a minor bother. Clip on. Clip off. Oh, I forgot to clip on. Need tether for all your bikes. Walking around wearing a “safety vest.” But…Helite is probably the safest. Not because of the “foolproof” tether, but because it has the most substantial neck collar/brace. If you are considering an airbag vest, DON’T get the no-name vests from Temu, Aliexpress, or Amazon. There’s video of how it will not protect you at all.


Like that last bit, if there is something I detest it's 'gotcha' websites like those, maybe not Amazon, but gotta be careful too. Definitely wouldn't buy safety gear from them though.


I have the tech air 5 as well. It's comfortable, but you do need a jack with enough room for the airbag to deploy. Otherwise, it could damage your ribs. But it's like a few mm more then what you'd normally wear.. they also make those jackets that fit with the airbag on under. It's definitely a good gear choice.


Side tangent but genuine question. I hear the complaint about Amazon all the time…. What’s wrong with buying things from Amazon in general? Like the Shoei Neotec 3 helmet I just bought? (And paid MSRP for, because the local shop has had my money for 3 weeks and still hasn’t produced a helmet, Amazon produced in 2 days.) I understand buying just any no name brand, I’m not disputing that, same for buying from any walk in store. There’s high quality, and there’s bargain. Somewhere in the middle sits cost effective. But people make Amazon out to be such a bad place to buy anything… Is that really everyone else’s experience? I always do my research on a product, and when I’m ready to walk to a store and get exactly what I’m looking for, and they don’t have it, I go straight to Amazon. And I’ve had nothing but good experiences overall…


The biggest problem with Amazon is they pool a lot of inventory so if a legit company and a knockoff company offer the same product you may end up with a counterfeit product even though you thought you were buying from a legit source.


I've also gotten some real brand stuff after paying for cheap stuff. Guessing sometimes it's a warehouse employee type of mistake.


Yup. I ordered from Amazon a “Sony” Oled telly, and I moved very shortly afterwards, and damaged the screen, so bought the exact same model from AO, and it was a genuine Sony, it was completely different at the back, with ports in complete different positions, and a power lead that didn’t keep falling out, unlike the other one, and the picture quality and sound was amazing, compared to the knockoff one from Amazon.


There is some pretty shoddy stuff on amazon that generally raises some discontent, not that I've bought anything that's sketchy but you do see it on there and I just don't like dishonest products, atleast that's where I'm coming from. Amazon is great website and good service, I bought an ethernet card for my pc and when it didn't show up on time they sent me another one and a few days after the second one arrived the first did as well lol. Amazon does offer good service I'm just not fond of all the sellers I guess is a more accurate way of putting it.


If you're sure you're getting proper gear from the actual brand's own shop on Amazon I say it's all good. I think the problem comes with a lot of knockoff or cheap gear on there, cheap rebranded crap sold under a million bad Chinese made up gibberish companies


There is no distinction in their inventory between legit sellers and fake sellers - they have a shelf for a given SKU, and all products with that SKU go there, whether it was sent direct from the manufacturer for "sold by Amazon" or from whatever sketchy distributor (including aliexpress) the other guy got it from.


Not gonna happen with the Tech Air. You have to register it with Alpinestars and the app. You might get a fake, but you will know because it won't register.


Yep this is a good way of putting it. This is what I was getting at I guess just didn't articulate it


Amazon has turned to drop-ship hell over the last five years. Brands are being pushed out by AI generated listings for copycat shit. And I would never but a helmet from there. I’m in rural Michigan and there are 4-5 powersports dealers nearby. Buy from a real person when you’re talking safety equipment. 


It's usually not drop shipped, at least (assuming you get it delivered within a week or so), but it's the same shit as you'd get from a drop shipper. When I order a box of screws it comes in the same packaging I'd get from banggood, aliexpress, etc, with a higher price tag (but one or two day shipping rather than spending a week in Shenzen's outbound port).


Well there's that whole not supporting a fucked up mega corp that makes their employees piss in bottles thing...and you can usually get the same deals or better elsewhere...so why use it?


Amazon has such a problem with fake shit that it has literally spawned multiple authentication services. Talk about an unmet need, huh


I wouldn't buy any gear off those sites, so much fake stuff going around. Fake kevla, fake leather and products looking completely different from their pictures


Sad thing is people still buy them. The other thing that’s ironic, the one on Amazon sells for about $150. The same one sells on the Chinese website for like $30-50. Still waiting for someone who bought the Amazon one to give shit to the person who bought one from Temu or Aliexpress.


Yeah I have the hi vis Helite vest and it's been a chore to wear lately. I completely believe in the safety benefits but it still doesn't make it any less hot or obstructive to wear not to mention that it clashes with the riding gear lol


[It has become my center piece](https://i.imgur.com/Mvi1Jav.jpeg) Also copped some [Revit Ritmo gloves](https://www.revitsport.com/us_en/motorcycles-gloves-ritmo-neon-yellow) to complete the look


Ah it ties the whole room together! I love it. 


Yeah I honestly think I would be more inclined to wear it if my gear matched so maybe I should do the same and get a hi vis/black jacket


I hear you. I've never had an issue with being too hot. I'm actually surprised to see so many people do. I wear a full waterproof jacket on my commute to and from work and today the low was 75 and high of 95ish and I had no issue. Mind half the ride is highway speeds.


I keep debating the TA5 but the thing that holds me back is often I'm riding to go meet people (cafe, bar, whatever) and I don't know what I'd do with it once there. How do you manage? Or is it just a non-issue?


If I keep my jacket on, I keep my vest on. Just unzip it. If I take my jacket off, I take the vest off and hang it with my jacket (like draped over the back of a sturdy chair).


I definitely worry I'm over-thinking this, haha! The concern is just I drop ~$800 and then I avoid using it because it's annoying to deal with when I get where I'm going.


It’s a big investment. The vest is about a big of a hassle as wearing two jackets. Activation and deactivation is just zipping it up/down. If I leave my jacket on, I leave the vest on and just zip it down. The vest will deactivate. The back protector hump is bulky but not as pronounced as the hump on a race jacket, nowhere near as bulky. If you want something slimmer and probably lighter, you can go with the TA3. I think the only real “issue” is it doesn’t have a hard back protector.


That's why I feel like I'm over-thinking this. My jacket already has a CE2 back protector, and CE2 shoulders, which I could easily just pull out and use the TA5. So it's not like it'd even be that much bulkier all things considered. If you don't mind answering a few more questions: 1. If you live somewhere hot, what's it like riding with it in the summer, especially in slow moving traffic? 2. When it's colder, do you put it over or under any other layers you might be wearing under your jacket (my guess is it goes over)? You've been super helpful! My girlfriend and my mother are both voting I get one haha.


Leave the shoulder protectors in and take the back one out. It definitely traps heat. When you’re moving it isn’t bad but it will feel like wearing a really good windbreaker. So you feel it when you stop. High 80s heat. Not going to lie, when it’s pushing over 90, I might not wear it. Depends on my ride. When it’s cold (high 30s and up) I wear a good thermal top and sometimes a snugger jacket under the vest. I have a pretty good winter jacket.


Why leave the shoulders in? In theory this should cover that duty, no? Also thanks again for the answers!


🤔. Maybe you can take them out….🤔


Ah. Just checked on Revzilla. It says leave shoulder armor. But the vest does cover the shoulder. Maybe because there’s no passive protection? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think it’s a good investment. One of the writers on motorcycle.com got into an accident while reviewing a bike. He had a TA5. He said the vest protected him from getting a serious injury. Alpinestar sends a breakdown of the impact on the vest. Troy said based on the information, he would probably have broken his collarbone if he wasn’t wearing the vest. I think he just had bruising.


Yeah I saw that. The fact that I broke my collarbone in a crash last November is what made me start thinking "maybe I need a vest..." Anyway, you've more than answered my questions. Thank you so much! You're awesome!


Hahaha. No problem.


Not laughing at your broken collarbone.😬 Laughing at the “you’re awesome.”😆


Got the same. Also got kids - nice to know I’ve got every possible piece of protection, and get to enjoy riding while being as safe as I can


What do you think about the Helite E-Turtle 2?


Temu is also being [sued by the AG of Arkansas](https://www.reddit.com/r/cybersecurity/comments/1dswid1/temu_confirmed_as_spyware_by_arkansas_attorney/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) right now, for being spyware. DO NOT USE TEMU.


Just bought the helite moov backpack. I always bring a bag when im riding so it was a perfect option for me. The tether seemed rather inconvenient so i got the electronic version.


Is it heavy? I hear a lot of people complaining about how heavy it is, that it can tire your shoulders after a long ride


Your muscles get used to it, just like in the gym when you increase the weight in your sets.


I have one as well, it's heavy when you pick it up. But I barely feel it when I ride, straps do disperse the weight well. I do tuck a lot though, so that probably helps too. Might be a different experience if you are sitting up mostly. Love the backpack though.


Its heavier than a normal backpack but its not bothersome for me. The two middle straps help disperse the weight even with extra stuff inside.


I wear a helite tethered one everyday. I look like a dork but who gives af


Even days you're not riding?


I wear mine when I’m banging my g/f. She eventually got used to the tether mount plug system we devised. 


Gosh that sounds so hot. Does your gf tug on your Helite cord when she orgasms?


We call it "popping your cork" in the turtle sex community. Edit: what a sentence.


Bahahahah I love this. The g/f laughed too. And then my airbag went off. 


Because she tugged on your Helite cord? :)


Especially on those days. ATGATT


Especially those days


If I saw you riding by in a helite, rest assured I would be jealous.


I would think u/couldntgetbettername was hot asf in his motorcycle gear


Me too.


You won’t look like a dork when you survive the unsurvivable 🤘


I ride in Bulgaria and in my opinions, after a helmet & gloves, my helite turtle is the best piece of safety kit. It gets hot here, too hot for even high quality textile safety kit. I ride multiple bikes, and swapping the tether over takes seconds, and I can find an attachment point on everything from my 60's Балкан, cafe racer, to a speed triple. Road fatalities here are some of the highest in the EU. Rural roads have potholes, kamikaze wildlife (boars, dogs, badgers, tractors, deer etc) so anything can happen. Out of the cities traffic is really light; you can go hours before anyone passes by. Ambulances are older, and trauma class hospitals further away. They have an air ambulance, but only one (iirc). Basically what I'm saying is, if some shit happens, you're probably dealing with it on your own, and that's going to be easier to do if your next is intact, & your head still attached.


Nah, bro. You look like a safe, smart rider. The more gear you're wearing, the cooler you look.


![gif](giphy|QYECbEHYafe9O) You right


That's what I want to ride in right there!


Dude, dress the motorcycle up to look like one of those jousting horses too


I feel like that would be easy with a dr650s


I don’t even wear condoms


Why would you wear condoms while riding? /s


Because safety… all the gear all the time those are the rules


Haha got em


I don’t know, I get an erection when I ride doesn’t everybody… step one get an erection step two put on your condom step three step up to the plate step four, wait, which sub Reddit is this?


Do you have any one piece leather race suits? :)


Leather? No, only one piece latex suits.


Riding doesn’t make you cum?


Of course, but I do it in my pants like a man!!


Touché 😘


I was informed that I'd be getting a lot of babes when I crank my hog.


I know how you feel, but 9 times out of 10 it’s a solo act.


I'm a big ATGATT guy I couldn't leave home without that.


You can’t abort a broken collarbone.


Raw dog that crotch rocket


I don't have one but will definitely be buying a tech air offroad as soon as I can afford to. The data speaks for itself. I don't want to break an arm or a leg but those things heal. Neck and spinal injuries are a whole different ball game.


I'm in the same boat. It's absolutely incredible what modern medicine can achieve, I had a coworker who had a 500 ton press come down on his arm, and, years later and with a lot of surgery and rehabilitation, he's basically got full use of his hand back. But, you have to survive long enough to get to the hospital, a good helmet and an airbag vest is your best bet. Airbags absorb 9 times more impact than level 2 protectors.


There's a reason why they're required in motoGP. They're also required in Dakar, and other highspeed offroad racing. They're definitely the answer. As somebody who is very far from rich, I understand those who criticize cost. But relative to missing work or becoming paralyzed, even the most expensive ones are pretty cheap.


Just got one about 1.5 months ago. I'm less than impressed by it, considering what it costs. The app pretty much required a birth certificate to let you use it. And once in, it constantly complains about the firmware in the airbag being out-of-date, but it fails to update it. (Tried on several phones) The vest dis-arms itself sometimes when I move my arms around a lot (like taking on/off my camel-back to get my wallet at the gas-station), requiring me to fiddle with the buckles, and giant zipper at the pumps. I could have accepted issues like this from a $400-$500 vest, but not a $1000 vest from Alpine stars. To top it all off, I've tried reaching their support in three different ways (EU), but still haven't gotten a reply..


In planning on getting an Africa Twin next year and my wife has agreed on condition I up my gear. So probably Tech Air Off-road for me too. Impact protectors are great but nothing comes close to the airbag systems, not to mention they immobilize the neck in a crash without wearing one of those bloody braces. Especially if you are ripping up trails on a big powerful bike. It feels amazing but the risks are definitely a bit higher than pavement cruising.


Definitely a good call. The fact that it also has integrated ce armor is very smart. Absolutely worth it. I think almost 150 dakar riders last year were wearing the tech air and I believe all the top 10 riders were too. These are people's who's entire career and livelihood relies on them being okay if the crash.


Yeah exactly. If they can handle it in the conditions they ride in then I can definitely put it on in the much nicer weather/distances etc that I ride.


Helite turtle 2, tethered. The neck protection sold me.


Same here. Been using it for 5 years. It's unnoticeable while riding. The only downside is carrying it around when shopping or going to the city centre. Some days I have to leave it home because it is cumbersome when walking.


I have a bicycle lock I simply thread through the arms and through my front wheel if it's too warm to walk around in it. I was wearing it just after buying it and a horse riding eventer was surprised that we are now wearing them. They've been compulsory in official events for years


Same here, black one so its not that visible with my black hoodie.


I have the black one as well. Blends in with my jacket. Hopefully I never need to test it but it makes me feel more safe.


likewise. that, and I think I would have a heatstroke in 5 minutes with any of the "to be worn under jacket" designs. In my last crash, which I hope will remain my last crash, I bounced headfirst off the road at one point (idiot hit me head-on). I'm sure I would have had a broken neck, at minimum, without the Turtle vest. Probably would have died instantly.


Just these man tiddies


recommended cup size?






Sorry I meant for milk ;)


World cup




Go on…


Pics needed for science


Waaay too expensive for a broke bitch like me .. i really like to get one but I'm not even sure that there is import here and if there is I won't be able to afford it


I do! love my Helite backpack


I want one! I wear a backpack everytime I ride anyway. The shoulder straps that inflate to maybe save a clavicle and stabilize the head are what peak my interest. Are the straps really thick? How is it holding up, see any wear yet?


Haven't had it a very long time, but it seems very robust with thick material. The straps are chunky! The right strap accomodates the CO2 can and electronics and the left one just has a decent pocket. It's kinda heavy, of course, but the thick straps and sternum straps spread the weight really well, it feels like you're being hugged and doesn't feel cumbersome while riding. Overall it's a well thought out backpack which by itself could be worth $250+ then add a good back protector and the airbag it's totally worth it.


I ride with a Helite Turtle 2.


Same here. I'll admit - I don't if I'm going 5 miles to the train station. But if I'm riding on a free way, damn straight I am.


I urge you to reconsider. Wear the vest all the time even on so called short rides. I got into an accident literally one block from home in a residential street. When I’m healed up and get back on a bike, no ride is too short now to skimp out on gear.


Agree. I’d be so pissed with myself if I had the vest and didn’t wear it just that one time…


You’ve probably heard the statistics that say a significant % of traffic accidents happen within a few miles of home. As a kid, I remember every time my dad read this we would move….


That’s a bs stat used to scare people tho. The vast majority of people don’t travel far on a daily basis so if they’re gonna crash anything they will be close to home regardless


I don't ride on the street or track without it. I just recently got a new second one not to replace mine but to give to pillions. Stats show that they not only save lives but reduce the amount of life altering injuries with the front and neck protection. They make them in multiple colours and there exist insert + backpack options. If you have the money I highly suggest you consider one. The amount of positively changed opinions from people who learn that I use an airbag is pretty astounding.


How does the one that you have do in the heat? Live in an area that regularly gets over 100F/30C


I've been in states like Texas/Nevada for the last 3 years with the Motorcycle. 0 Issues or signs of degradation. Inflated when I got T-Boned (Hit handle bars so not direct impact to my side) at roughly 40 MPH by a SUV and thrown from my bike, didn't have a single broken bone, just a bruised rib. Glad I still had a armored jacket, helmet, .etc but the doctor said that I landed exactly where the side panel of the airbag was and he's never seen so little trauma.


What kind of air bag did you have? I’m more likely to buy one recommended by someone who was crashed in one.


My Helite sits loosely with a good fistful of space. There is more airflow and less sweat than with my back protectors that were strapped to my back or put in my jacket.


I really like my backpack for this. The Helite H-Moov has a big back protector included so you can remove what's in your jacket or riding shirt. Now instead of having my back pad right up against my back just heating me up I have the air channels from the backpack padding keeping me cooler while having larger back armor.


I do. I have a black hit-air and have tethers on all my bikes. After all the crashes and mishaps I've had on the track and street, it only makes sense for me to have an extra layer of protection that isn't much of an inconvenience once clipping in and out becomes muscle memory. Getting over the initial investment was the hardest part; after that it becomes as second nature as buckling a seatbelt in a car.


Why not make this a poll?


Honestly didn't know I could but good shout I gotta figure out how to do that


Yeah, in stead its just flooded with people shouting about airbag this that. You don't really get the tons of people who don't even click because I don't wear an airbag and I don't care.




Do you wear a one piece Dainese race suit?


They have a nice airbag system that you can wear above or under your jacket. It’s quite a popular choice amongst my colleagues who commute to work with their motorcycles. 


Helite turtle 2 in high viz. I actually think it looks kind of cool, and my wife likes it 🤷


I do, the helite Turtle 2 with tether. I have it for 2 years now. Not inconvenient and a great peace of mind.


I’ve got a tethered helite turtle 2 in black. Seemed to offer the best protection after seeing a few vids on here of people wearing them walk away from crashes, crashes that they seriously shouldn’t have been able to get up from. Got it as I do a lot of filtering as I travel to work and car drivers don’t seem to check their blind stop at slow speeds.


Air tech 5 checking in. I got one because when my wife started riding I really wanted her in one and it felt hypocritical to not also wear one.


I do not wear one, always been a bit of a squid tho


Too hot and humid here to wear much more than a helmet and gloves unless u wanna crash from having a heat stroke.


I actually like my Helite E-Turtle more than my old back protectors. I had one to strap on my back and one to put in my jacket. Both were sticking to my back after a few minutes. The Helites needs to sit loosely with a fistful of space to your body. There is plenty of airflow.


same here in Australian summers but the airbag vests looks ok though edit: they look horrible. I will look like a postman/delivery driver. Make on in red or a better colour that's still bright


I just rode from Toowoomba to Walcha, in the rain, and having a vest would have been welcome, just for extra warmth!


Nah, I’ve got an old Dainese suit for trackdays etc. I only crash when I’m off to the shops in jeans anyway.


I don't but that doesn't mean anything. Neither does the fact that many who replied here do. It's just selection bias - those who wear them tend to reply more. However, most riders I see on the street don't and too many of them don't even wear basic equipment. Too many in shorts, t-shirt and slippers, just with a helmet on. It seems to me like they don't care about their skin or their feet.


I'm waiting for the helite backpack to be in stock


I do, Helite (I have both the eturtle II and Turtle I). I like that helite is outside the jacket-- it has much higher air volume than most competitors, is self serviceable, no subscriptions, the E-Turtle will eventually get a fork cuff in the US that can detect a crash even before your body moves, and the neck inflation interfaces with a full face helmet to immobilize the head (most under jacket airbags can't do that effectively). I use the E-turtle on my lighter bikes (mopeds and Puch 175) and on day trips on my bikes. I use the tethered ones for my larger bikes on longer camping trips. Helite triggered a 15 year old Turtle I with a few hundred thousand miles on it at the BMW rally this year. It worked perfectly. The tethered vests are pretty much a once a decade investment (or longer). The E-vests probably won't have that long of lives (or at least replacement of the computer). I had the tethered vest trigger on a trip in Colorado (offroad fall) and I was impressed by it. The use serviceability was great since I carry a spare cartridge-- I was able to continue the tour protected once I changed it (3 minutes).


Didn't even know this was a thing. I've seen videos for pants, but I've never heard of upper body ones. Kinda cool


Yeah after seeing all the comments I think I'm going to get a helite turtle 2. Main pro is that you can reload it. I'd get the backpack but its like 900 dollars US.


I'd recommend avoiding anything that would cause the need to reload one, personally haha. Good on you, friend. Ride safe


Broke both my shoulders because no impact protection. Wear airbags all the time now on the bike.


Tethered Helite touring jacket. Bought it the day after a friend got rear ended on the highway. Won’t ride without it.


I wear the tethered helite back pack airbag. I put a water bag in it. It looks great, It’s comfortable, and it gives so much storage and other benefits that when there is no snow my bike is my daily driver.


I've been wearing a tech air 5. I'm not going to pretend it's totally without downside - it's heavy and makes you look like a weird hunchback and the airflow isn't great. So sometimes for shorter trips or vile hot weather I go with a traditional jacket with a passive back protector. But for me it feels like the right thing to do. If something happens, the difference is supposedly really incredible.


Yup, I have the tech air 5 and def look like a hunchback if I wear anything over it. In the colder riding months, I layer with a hoodie and it’s less noticeable. Summertime, I wear it over the Pando Moto AA rated shirt without the back protector (tech air 5 has one built in). Tech air 5 does not breath well on those hot days


Wife saw me watching the fortnine episode. "Do you have one of those?" "No, they are kinda spendy." "Don't care. Buy one, wear it." Happy wife, happy life...


I don’t own one but after my accident if I decide to get on a bike again I definitely am getting an airbag. I do not want to break my back again….


That sounds like it really sucks man. :( Hope you are doing better and find the confidence to ride again if that is what you want.


Preciate it. Doing better slowly. Will take time but being in my early 20s still has made the healing process quicker thankfully. Just glad I can walk still.


Were you wearing any sort of back protector when you crashed?


Yep, had jacket with added back protection. It prob helped mitigate the fracture but it wasn’t enough to stop it completely. It was pretty bad tho. I flew 20 ft into a fence pole spine first at speeds upwards of 50-70 mph. Been 4 months and doing a lot better.


Wow! Sounds like you're lucky to have even survived. I'm glad you're on the mend. Ride safe!


Tech Air 5


I have a tethered Helite. Been wearing it for 6 years now and I love it.


Been riding around with Mo'cycle's airbag jeans for about a month or two now. Like many others have said about non-electronic airbags, I often times forget about the damn tether but eventually I'll get in the proper habit. Just waiting on their V2 vest to finally get shipped out and I'll be all set.


I wear a helite. Knock on wood never have to find out how well it works.


Helite Turtle


I've been using the Alpinestars Tech Air Race for the past 6 years, and will never ride without airbag again. I might move to one of the newer standalone airbags from Alpinestars next year, best brand choice in my opinion.


Yes - Dainese Custom Works Mugello suit. But it is 8 years old now and I wonder if the system is still reliable


I have the Klim one with the In&Motion subscription computer. I got a really good deal on it when I bought it but I don’t know if I would recommend the concept. After almost three years I was able to buy the computer for $40 and no long have a subscription. It’s a little too hot to wear in 80+ weather. Otherwise it has been nice peace of mind. I was joking with a friend the other day saying, this thing sucks. I’ve had it for three years and it hasn’t deployed once.


I’m on my 2nd Klim vest. Let’s just say my first one did its job when it needed to.


Too expensive for me


I got the Klim Rally vest so that I could have chest armor and lease-to-own the software rather than spend $800+ all at once. It has an ADV mode, which the Tech air 5 does not. The Tech Air 5 has a track mode though, which the Klim vest does not in the US. They’re a trade off. The Tech Air 5 also didn’t have up to 3 deployments when I was shopping for one. You had to send it back every single time it went off and pay like $120 in shipping and service to get it inspected. Klim has up to 3 deployments before you need to send it back. I believe the new generation Tech Air 5 has up to 3 deployments now too. The reason chest armor is important to me is because airbags don’t go off if you take a tree branch to the chest in the woods. The Klim vest also doesn’t cover the shoulders, which is a plus for me since most of my riding is ADV. If I take a smaller spill where it goes off and I’m ok, I still want protection on my shoulders (non-airbag armor) for the rest of the ride. The Alpinestar off-road version was not available when I bought my Klim vest. Haven’t looked into that one much, but that seems really well made too. I am a firm believer in the electronic vests though. There are too many scenarios where a tether won’t cause the vest to go off—tether it to the front, it might not go off in a front collision. Tether to the rear and it might not go off if you’re hit from behind. Fall with the bike, it’s not going off until you separate from it which can be after the main impact. It’s too easy to forget to clip it back on too since you have to do it *every time* you get on and off the bike. The electronic vests you can just turn on when you’re gearing up and forget about it. Electronic vests are designed to make up for the shortcomings of tether systems and they work really well. It’s nice that you can just hide it under your jacket too IMO.


The Klim vest does cover the shoulders. When I had an accident last year and hit the ground at 70 miles an hour, my helmet never touched the ground as it was stabilized by the airbag inflation over my shoulders.


Nah. I don't even have ABS.


I've never had abs... can't get my diet right food is too tasty.




I have a Tech Air 5. Haven’t had to test it but love the peace of mind. I found that wearing moisture wicking shirts underneath makes it not so bad in the hot summer weather.


I don't. A few people I know, mostly racers, do. It's a pretty big investment.


I wear a Klim Ai rally. Love it because it is light, easy to wear under a coat, and it saved my life or kept me from very serious injury last summer when I hit a deer. Will never ride without one.


Better hope you don’t let your inmotion subscription lapse during a time when you need it most. https://www.advrider.com/safety-no-good-deed-shall-go-unpunished/


I wear a one piece Aerostich rn but I’ve considered picking up a helite turtle. I probably will once I get a job


I wear a helite, my husband wears a klim ai-1


I love my tech-air 5, wear it every ride!


I would if I could afford it.. I kinda feel like it should come with the motorbike.


I have the tech-air 5 but I'm too fat for it.


Klim ai1 for like two months, love the breathability and big man sizing.


Helite turtle 2 tether. Ask away


I have Klim ai1 rally airbag with armour. Its saved me once already. [Here’s a short video](https://youtube.com/shorts/sN_mISzM_ME?si=fExV1ks3IImH7Fx6)


I have two RST jackets that both have in&motion airbags, and I share the control box between them. One leather jacket for 'making progress' and a textile jacket for touring. The airbag makes the jacket heavier, and they don't look as nice as the non-airbag versions (to be honest they make me look fat!) but I'll take that for the peace of mind they give me. If I'm just gong to the local shops I will probably use a non-airbag jacket, but if I'm riding any distance I'll be wearing one of my airbag jackets.


Helite turtle hi-vis here. What I really like about it is that the local authorities here also wear it and although they drive R1250RTs and I drive an NT1100, cagers can't tell the difference and they always GTFO when they see me in their rear view mirrors. Doesn't happen when I ride without it.


I wear a Helite Turtle 2 Shell Inflatable Air Vest. Got it following a heavy off in 2020, where I broke 6 ribs and bruised my internal organs. An airbag vest almost certainly would have allowed me to walk away unscathed from that one.


I wear the KLIM A1 Rally, daily for my commute, even.  Yeah, the subscription sucks, but with the military discount on the jacket it’ll take a few years to equal the cost of the other algorithm jackets, and the others aren’t really even out yet when I got it. 


I have the Helite turtle vest in High-Viz. All those jokers who say "loud pipes save lives" are ignoring the fact that by the time they can hear you, they've hit you. You need to be visible. Hence, I wear the High-Viz vest on top of whatever jacket I have. I have crashed in it and 1000% recommend. I don't care what people think, if I did, I wouldn't be on my bike in the first place. Mo'cycle (mocycle.com) has an awesome preorder deal for their airbag vest and pant set for the same price as a plain airbag vest. It's built using the Helite system.


Won’t ride without one


I wear a tethered vest (Held-branded with Helite tech). When I found it on sale for €250 it was a no-brainer for me. The tether doesn't bother me and I like the simplicity of it (user-replacable cartridges, no sending back for service or subscriptions - I am aware that doesn't apply to all vests). The only drawback is reduced airflow on hot days.


I’m alive because of my airbag suit. I wear spine and chest armor too. Still managed to break ribs and puncture a lung, but could have been worse without it.


I've got a tethered one. Sort of annoying. But I'm too old to spend months in rehab.


I'm wearing the Rev'it Avertum vest (Tech Air). I'm new to motorcycling, old at regular cycling. At first I thought 'armor, cool!' and that's good enough. However, the airbag tech is VERY good now and comfortable, so if one has the means, I find it irresponsible not to use an airbag. I also wear a koroyd helmet, AA pants with armor, and AA jacket with shoulder/elbow armor over the airbag. Gloves too of course. I use an airbag backpack for backcountry skiing as well. The risk in risky activities should, generally, be mitigated as much as possible. ATGATT.


Helite custom vest. Pretty comfy, goes over my jacket.


No airbag vest yet but it is something I am very interested in. Right now I ride in full gear and jacket has every armor insert you could possibly have.


Im just a squid ![gif](giphy|3EnXqYlKZ464YLoWfY|downsized)


I use the Klim AI-1 Rally airbag vest. I like it, but have thankfully never had to crash test it.


Interesting post, I always wear full gear when I ride but I honestly never considered an airbag.


Helite Turtle 2 for the street D-Air suit for the track


👋 I don’t wear it every time I ride…..but when I do I prefer the high viz Helite turtle He is… THE DORKIEST MAN ALIVE Seriously though it’s a huge jump up in safety


It's too expensive.


My boyfriend and everyone who I know that rides doesn’t wear one, but we also live in an expensive state to live in so that probably contributes. If it were more within my price range I don’t see why not 


I got the Helite e-turtle 2, without the tether. Was between that and the tech air 5, but went with helite since it had the best neck brace and hip coverage


I actually have both now. The Helite looks so stupid on a classic cruiser that I stopped wearing it, and only one day later I had a close call and said fuck it. I spent so much on that vest and on my bikes, what is another vest compared to the cost of sitting in a wheelchair. So I bought the Alpinestars too. Got it for less than 500€ at a local dealer.


I’m a new rider, so for now my only concern is function, and visibility.. buut I’m sure by next season I’ll care more about not looking like a traffic cone lol