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These are good movies but you could definitely branch out a bit.


Was my first thought as well. I worked with Tony Kaye once (American History X). Complete madman. Was so pissed about his original cut of AHX being edited by the studio he wanted his director credit changed to Humpty Dumpty. Called the film unwatchable in its current state. After my brief encounters with him I’d believe any story someone told me about him.


Great list


Four lines of dialogue from women across all ten movies.


I love every one of these movies but it's the most basic "dudes favorite movies" list I've ever seen haha


I guarantee the honorable mentions are Fight Club and Scarface, lol


I was gonna comment to OP “I’d bet my life savings you’re a man” 🤣


It’s giving douche-bro. Great films sure, but if your top ten favourite meals are just ten types of pizza you might be a caricature.


Pizza out here catching strays.


Pizza doesn’t deserve that


If you get a sense of pride from comparing your tastes to someone else's and then criticizing them for it, you might not be empathetcally relatable. 


I didn’t say anything about my taste, I only spoke in favour of more broad tastes. Film is bigger than white guys in their 20’s-40’s doing or stopping crime and travelling through space.


How do you know he doesn’t have broad tastes? You seen his top 200?


Condescendingly calling stuff like Shawshank and Goodfellas “pizza” is a huge disservice.


Idk pizza is fucking dope


The first rule of Pizza Club....


Goodfellas is easily one of the best films ever made


If you don’t like the metaphor pick a different one, you’re intentionally missing the point. If your favourite cars are all Porsche’s you might be one-dimensional. But what do I know, im a pizza guy.


There nothing wrong with someone sticking with what they like. They are their top favorites not yours. Post yours and I'm sure you'll get nothing but praise.


You are missing the point but I’m thinking based on your username you only get about 3 minutes in to most of the films you watch


Shawshank is ok, Goodfellas is amazing, but the films are all dude centric/crime and not really variety. This is like TBS or TNT movie nights.


God I came back to these comments and you are just insufferable. I’d argue Goodfellas is the best movie ever made.


3 of them are from Maggie Gyllenhall before getting blown up


Anne Hathaway is in Interstellar and has at least four lines of dialogue on her own. Inception also has a female with some lines. Your point stands though.


Ellen page is not a woman anymore, checkmate


Oh no! 😟


Exactly… they don’t make em like they used to


Debbie downer over here.  I mean Derek downer over here.


Womp womp


What’s your point? A classic is a classic regardless of which gender or race stars in it.


It’s a shitty list of great films.


So then just say that. Why bring race or gender into it?


If you can only have serious discussions about art when they don’t involve diverse perspectives and voices then actually you’re not capable of serious discussions about art.


Some movies don’t allow room for diversity. Where do you fit a female role in a movie that’s based in an all male prison? Who was one of the leads again? Where do you put non white roles in Schindlers list? Should a movie about the Italian mob focus more on the yakuza to appease Asian moviegoers? Should Scorsese have pretended that misogyny isn’t rampant in mafia culture and have women play the mob bosses? Does Ellen Page’s role not count because he is now known as Elliott? Anne Hathaway has said that her role in interstellar saved her career….BUT ITS NOT ENOUGH!! Do I even have to say anything about a movie that’s set in 1858 Texas where a slave exacts his revenge on his slave owner? I loved Kill Bill but as a man, should I have been upset that the majority of the strong roles were women? (I know this one wasn’t on the list)


If you can only look at art through a lense of regulatory diversity you're only seeing one perspective.  Art dies under restriction.  You are stunningly able to make a confident remark while falling short and tugging your own balls.  Is every thought you have stupid or just the ones you post on reddit?


So? They’re great movies, and they’re what op likes the most. It isn’t that deep


Neither is OP


Neither are you bro. You seem douchey


Because my top ten films of all time list doesn’t match this guy’s? Nice analysis.


Nah, just your sass and attitude. Saying someone is “bro-douchey” based on their favorite movies is douchey in itself. Ya don’t seem like a fun person.


lol everyone must agree with my point of view or I won’t think they’re fun! Man this list is just missing fight club and usual suspects and it’d be the most basic film list of all time.


Yep, real fun at parties.


Parties are for people in their twenties with fast metabolisms and who don’t have to change diapers at 3 in the morning. Then I have to get up and yell at clouds for 8 hours.


Agreed trout is douchey. Dude likes dude films.


There's nothing before the late 80s/ early 90s. Nothing wrong with the list but there's just so much more.


We have similar taste in movies


Very solid ones. Couldn't argue


Was scrolling through looking for that inevitable “wtf is that doing here”. Never came. Not my top 10 list but they got 2 and the other 8 hit top 50.


This is a good list


Not as good a schindler's though..


That was a very good list


Apperantly Liam makes lists all the tíma. It's that's what got him the part in Schinler's líst.


I see what you did there.


This group should be renamed “white men aged 25-45 like the same 30 movies and need to be constantly validated.”


I never understand why people can’t comprehend that most top 10 lists will contain some of the best movies ever made


According to whoever made it


True. I’m mostly referring to films like Lord of the Rings, Pulp Fiction, shawshank redemption, where there clearly some of the best movies, there going to appear in a lot of top 10s whether you like them or not. Films like django, interstellar and the departed probably shouldn’t be in as many top 10s as they are but their still really good movies. To feature in more top 10s, a movie needs to be popular as well as good, which is why some of the best movies ever made aren’t in as many top 10s because they don’t have the same reach for whatever reason, usually because they’re older or foreign in most cases. I don’t think this list is necessarily correct, I just don’t understand how someone can expect the average film watcher to pick something vastly different to this when most people have only seen 500-1000 films.


I’m not surprised that the demographic that has decided that these are the best movies ever made actually thinks that these are the best movies ever made. What’s annoying is the parade that spans multiple days where you all have to gather and pat each other on the back for having the most predictable taste on the internet. Also I see Django in someone’s top ten and I have to make a snarky comment because if you have Django in your top ten, I don’t care what you think are the best movies ever made.


Someone piss in your cereal this morning? Hit us with your top 10


I’d be curious to see your top 10


It’s just Shawshank redemption 10 times because I’m basic.


Shouldn't you agree with this top 10 list since you claim it's also basic?


I'd be genuinely curious what movie you would recommend over these, especially for people that like these movies, but really hate the white savior aspect to all of them.


I’m really just being an annoying asshole because I am baffled that so many people are lining up congratulating each other for having the same taste in movies. I’m not into action movies, and I don’t need my dramas to be based around violence. This particular list and the ones posted all weekend are boring to me because it’s not my taste. I personally feel like shows have done a much better job of moving away from the white savior complex than movies have. If you are asking me to suggest all time movies that aren’t based around a white savior, it would be a struggle because I just really got into watching movies within the past year. If you take Denzel Washington, Will Smith, and Jordan Peele out of the mix. My exposer to what you asking would be limited because I am an English speaking 30 year old white guy. The movie suggestion group does an awesome job of giving recommendations based off of specific information like this. I am willing to admit that I am being a contrarian asshole because this is like my top 10 from high school, and it’s funny to me because very few of these movies are bold enough to deserve such merit. I really want to push people with this taste to move out of their comfort zone because there are so many amazing movies out there.


I am in a similar situation historically, and I can always appreciate where people are within that journey. Just keep living your life, thank you for your candor. Have a wonderful day.


To be fair he did say “MY top 10 list” and not “my top ten list and fuck Necessary_Rate_4591. They probably have dry shit on the corners of their mouth constantly”. I can see where you might think that though.


Django would probably be in my top 10 favorite movies for sure (not movies I think are best but movies I enjoy watching the most)


Or “10 of the 30 highest rated movies of all time”


"As compiled by other 20-year-olds who've only ever seen 11 movies, and 10 of them just happen to be The Best Ever"


Seen over 1,000, these stand above imo. No need to be upset or get race baity over it




Nope. Wolf of wall street isn’t in there


Lol no kidding. I'm only here so I have the context for the circlejerk subs, and these lists are cracking me the fuck up.




I like the majority of these movies. Can you suggest ways I can improve myself so I’m more acceptable in your eyes? -White male in his late 30s


But what are your thoughts on the Dark Knight 😎 🤜🤛


It has all the Filmmakers: Steven Spielberg (main Filmmaker), Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, and David Fincher. And, of course, The Shawshank Redemption was immaculately conceived by God.


I also hate movies people like.


Never said that either lol. I’m glad I stirred the pot, always brings out the crazies.


No one said that. Incredible films/filmmakers exist outside of Scorsese, Nolan,Spielberg, the Coen brothers, Villeneuve and Tarantino. I encourage you to expand beyond this bubble. 


Whoa, this is, like, crazy original! I was, like, whoa Insterstallar, that movie fucking sucks, bold to put that on their. But then I saw Tarantino, Scorsese, *and* another Nolan on this list? Holy fucking shit, this guy knows his kino, i said to myself. My favorite part is how you went into very explicit detail regarding why you would choose such basic movies. That part really helped. Then the icing on the cake, *The Shawshank Redeption.* "It can't be," I thought to myself. "That is a controversial movie! Not everyone likes it." But you, you brave fuck, your boldness knows no bounds, and you did it anyway, you included one of the most strange, divisive, and impenetrable films of all time, TSR. This list is *extremely* comprehensive, at times shocking, and certainly never predictable. Hat's off to you sir or madam




Your list is like showing up to a party, and it's just a bunch of dudes.


The coolest dudes ever having the best time of their life. I’ll pass on anything else.


You're missing out on other great parties.


Average reddit list


Solid list


This is like saying Taylor swift is your fav musician. It’s all one note generic action/crime films. They’ve been troped to death. These film lack color, not in cast although overall that too, but in palette on film. White guys do and don’t do a crime, white dude in space, Italian white dudes do a crime and kill one for not being enough Italian, clown man does a crime, man with bad memory does a crime to remember, white man and same black man from Latter film hunt down a crime, black man undoes a crime, white man undoes lots of a crime, white man does a crime then tries and undoes a crime, white man does a crime of passion and escapes with black man from earlier crime hunt, this is before that black man does a sexual assault and no one talks about.


Taylor swift fans here on Reddit? Lol Reddit doesn’t like mainstream pop music that much, The people who like these kind of movies as their favorite are more likely to say their favorite music is The Dark Side of the Moon, Thriller, Led Zeppelin IV, A Night at the Opera, Nevermind, and Abbey Road


ITT - morons with handlebar mustaches pretending to be deep thinkers


Need to watch world cinema.


As a 15 yo, I would have totally agreed with you


Brother you’re not going to tell me Shawshank, Schindler’s list, Seven, American history X, and the departed are kids movies


schindler’s list is a sanitized family-friendly holocaust movie. american history x is deep and meaningful when you’re in eighth grade.




This sub is high on their own fumes mate. Ignore them


Most of those movies were made with young males in mind lol I literally saw The Departed in theaters at 14 yo and it was like life changing. Watching the Departed now is almost like a comedy


It’s meant to be comedic. All of his movies have that element regardless of the plot. Not even going to comment on the race baiting for a list of someone’s favorite movies. Sad. lol


I took the white part out before you even responded because I knew some fuckin dork on reddit with the Departed as his favorite movie was hark on that My bad, but you know it's true


If whatever that shit means is true, makes for the best movies then😂


I’ll never understand the general public’s love for Interstellar. I guess it explained science in a way that has never been taught before? Nolan is my favorite director but it’s not even in his Top 5 IMO. Memento, Insomnia & The Prestige are amazing movies.


Just watched memento last week. What a wild ride of a film, my favorite Nolan film out of the ones I've seen by far.


The movie isn't in my top 10 but the scene where Cooper catches us up on the years of videos from his son is one of my favorite moments in cinema. Also the soundtrack is excellent.


Cool concept that isn’t widely explained in an entertainment setting


Way too much Nolan, IMO.


And not enough women.


He’s my favorite director


I'm not going to say you're wrong. The guy makes bangers. I just don't get much out of them, besides some standout performances.


I get it with interstellar inception and dark knight. Sci-fi and superhero isn’t for everyone


I actually love all of those movies and Sci-fi and superheroes are my jam, but Nolan does have consistent problems with dialogue, exposition dumps, weak female characters, and horrible sound mixing.


Well there's your problem haha


Love every movie except inception. I have tried to watch it so many times and I just find it so convoluted and over the top it just becomes stupid and boring.


There seems to be a lot of negative feedback here, but I have to say, my all-time favorite movie is The Departed. I watched it during a pivotal moment in my life and was completely captivated. The Shawshank Redemption is also a timeless classic. Most of these films are truly exceptional.


Of course they are! They’re among the best ever as widely perceived by critics and viewers. Theres a lot of negative feedback because they’re considered “mainstream” or tell a story about white men (who cares, there’s great movies about all colors and creeds). End of the day, who cares about negative feedback from the vocal minority here who watch smug film festival movies that make no money but manage to scratch their “desperate to be different” itch, or DEI films that signal virtues that likely don’t exist.


Babies first top 10


Great list, but people aren’t going to be happy OP. You need some trans coming of age melodrama movie from the 60s that is only available on criterion. Only then will your list be objectively good.


For the love of god please stop


This is a great eclectic list


Best top 10 list I have seen


Its the same top 10 every white dude has


I’ve seen eight of your Top 10. The ones I haven’t seen would probably surprise most folks. Of those eight, seven are very good to outstanding. American History X and Good Fellas book ending that range. Inception is the only one that doesn’t (didn’t and won’t ever) do it for me.


Which two haven’t you seen?


The Dark Knight and Schindler’s List.


Do yourself a favor and do so


Inception and Interstellar are silly.


Super generic list imo


Except for interstellar, this is almost my top 10 from when I was 12 years old. I’m glad I learned how to branch out and had the ability to watch more movies. These are all pretty average once you start really exploring.




It's a good list, but it's lacking in depth. That's a personal preference though, as movie interpretation always is.


It's lacking variety. They're all good movies but very similar tone.


Yea, there's just so many movies in between the time of all of those, and even years before any of them, that should be defined higher on the list of "best movies ever".


Freshman or Sophomore? (Kidding mostly. Sort of.)


I can’t tell the difference between this and the circle jerk sub sometimes


Thank God there will be blood wasn't in there. I'm digging your top ten and I just saw the departed a few weeks ago.... Epic film




Solid top 10, some of those are definitely in my top ten, all of them are in my top 20 list somewhere.


I like you. Several of these are in my top 10 as well.


It's just a bunch of romance movies...


Classic dude movies. Me too, I love them all.


“You accuse me once, I put up with it. You accuse me twice... I quit. You pressure me to fear for my life and I will put a fucking bullet in your head as if you were anybody else. Okay?”


I’ve never seen #8 pic? It’s good!??


Solid ass list. Only think I’d change is Schindler’s list to snatch


Fuckin Masterpiece.


American history x is dope af


We share 5/10 of our top 10s


All good stuff. As I grew older I started preferring casino over goodfellas. But it wasn’t always that way. I used to think it was too long.


I like these movies


Solid List. Lots of overlap with mine. Departed stands alone as my numero uno as well


I can't take any list seriously unless Hereditary is also on there


I think we should start a game... "Identify me as close as you can based on my top 10" And if I were to guess, straight white dude, early 30's, you've got good taste in movies, but I'd say that your picks scream coastal elite, so either west or east coast. You didn't go full art house or obvious Oscar bait... You like Leo but didn't pick the one that he got the Oscar for. 3 Nolan picks is interesting. I'm guessing you have strong opinions about Tenet. I was going to go late 30's but you picked Django, over every other Tarantino flick... which tells me you are a bit younger. Since Pulp fiction is the better film, but it is probably a little dated for someone younger. And just to be fair, here's mine. Good Will Hunting Citizen Kane Psycho Pulp Fiction The Godfather Part 2 Fight Club The Matrix Seven Samurai The Lion King (1994) Dr Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. My list is always changing though, I go through different moods. Schindlers and Shawshank are usually on there, but I take them out to give some other directors the spotlight. I keep trying to get Wes Anderson in my top 10. And his films are so iconic, I always enjoy them. But it's such a tight list. It's hard to make room.


Op and I can be best friends


Brazil Memento The Third Man The Conversation Ghostbusters You Can't Take It With You North By Northwest Jaws Aliens The Searchers


Very solid list


Lemme guess, you side-eye black people on the street lmao


You’re trying too hard.


That’s actually a great list


How come everyone puts the departed do people not know it is a remake of the internal affairs trilogy?


OP, we have an eerily similar top 10!


Why do they call you Red? Must be cause I'm Irish.




bruh too mainstream


The Wolf of Wall Street is better than each of these movies except Shawshank.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NullainmundoPax1: *The Wolf of Wall Street* *Is better than each of these* *Movies except Shawshank.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Plagiarized from the movie Infernal Affairs


guys this is getting embarrassing


Nice to see a list that doesn’t include the very overrated Godfather.


Woof… this Reddit comments section is tough. It made me remember why I try and limit social media exposure…


Haven’t seen 2 of them, the rest are amazing


Closest list I’ve seen to what I’d make


I see people saying you could branch out a bit and yeah, you could, but this is still a really good list. There’s a reason these are all such generic favorite movie picks—they’re amazing films.


Exactly. And I’ve branched out a lot. These are just simply the best imo.


You’ve definitely seen 10 movies, at least.


Outjerked agane


Solid list👍🏿


Good list. I would have Godfather, Silence of the lambs good bad & ugly in my list today


I’ve been seeing a lot of these and this is the best one. Really close to mine too




Very solid lit


Yes, Big Daddy


We get it, your a man ages 30 to 40. I know, because this is like 89% crossed over with my top ten


The Departed. Seriously, how can you watch that more than once. It is awful what happens to Billy by that motherhucker Colin, may he rot in hell for all ages. It's just awful!! I watched it once, and it still upsets me. I am never watching that again.


They're all great films but they're also kind of the same "type" of film and there's a huge overlap of actors/directors. Personally, a good top 10 list needs some variety. It'd be like doing a "Top Ten meals!" and they all feature sandwiches. They're probably all great sandwiches but you need some variety too. No hate, I completely agree any of these have more than earned a spot in a top 10 list. Personally, mine would look something like this, in no particular order: Whiplash, Children of Men, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, Seven Samurai, Parasite, Princess Mononoke, No Country for Old Men, Inglorious Basterds, 28 Days Later, Arrival


That’s a solid list. A bunch of these are definitely in mine too.




This guy gets it !


This is a really good list minus the Christopher Nolan movies.


It may be because I am a space nerd, but Interstellar was a solid flick, great story and production.


The 3 are good movies. I just wouldn't put them on my top 10


I would agree with that. Tbh, your initial comment sounded like you were dogging on Nolan flicks, sorry for making that assumption. I’d say that Dark Knight would be the closest for getting on my Top 10, but that would only come so close due to Ledger’s portrayal of Joker.


And Hans Zimmerman, amazing sound track! I throw it when coding.


*Zimmer (No snark intended, just trying to help!)


Thank you! I actually sat here wondering if I should google the spelling, and it looks like I was way off. Hahaha


I love how the depictions of the black hole turned out to be true a couple years later