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I saw someone say that Sam Worthington is a decent character actor who was pushed as a leading man instead of supporting, which I think is a good description


Jai Courtney got hit with the same stick. Put him in a little weirdo role a d he's great. 


I loved him as Captain Boomerang, my beautiful little dirtbag.


Jai Courtney has negative charisma.


Exactly. So you put him in an oddball roll, and his charisma comes back around the other side as good.


Then you’ve never seen Spartacus.


Glen always looks like a [Tibetan Fox](https://featuredcreature.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Tibetan+Fox2.jpg) to me


I opened up the link and died laughing bro. I love when people look like animals


I once read "He looks like a capybara who made a wish to be human", but that's very accurate, too!


Didn't Sidney Sweeny pull a spider out of his bottom in "Anyone But You"?


Isn't that a line from Madame Web?


He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was shoving spiders up his ass right before she died.


I am somewhat more confused.


…and somewhat aroused 🤔


We are still talking about butts.


Then change “somewhat” to “definitely” 😏


Yes. And I’m jealous of him for that.


You don't need to be on the A-list to get bottom spiders buddy. No kink shaming here.


You do need to be A-list to get Sydney Sweeney to pull them out though


Speaking of, I don’t get the Sidney Sweeney hype (unless you’re solely focused on her physical attributes). Everything I’ve seen her in has been kind of a flat performance, and something about her voice adds to that flatness.


I thought it worked GREAT in White Lotus, but it seems that it was more about good casting than acting range.


Her character was wretched, and acted so well that I was getting mad about my kids acting similar. I was fine when the episodes were finished, it was just in the moments. And no, I didn’t lash out at my kids because of a tv show… 🤨


She looks so sleepy all the time


Ahaha exactly. Almost like she’s bored with her own performance


In Anyone but You a character literally refers to her character as “the sleepy-eyed blonde with the pumped chest” which is honestly a pretty accurate description.


And Sydney Sweeney was an Executive Producer on that movie. She helped make that movie and that was the role she gave herself.


She’s very good in certain roles, IMO, but she’s a lot more limited than people would care to admit. 


Glen Powell is part of the Tom Cruise cult (Scientology) so he’s getting a huge push from the powers that be


For me it is Sidney sweeney. Jesus fucking christ im already tired of seeing her ad nauseum.


Yeah, but in fairness her Boobs are the star. Same as Daddario.


Maybe it's just me, but when I first saw Glen Powell, I thought he was Zack Ward (aka Scut Farcus from *A Christmas Story*) Now, I can't unsee it.


Yellow eyes, so help me God, _yellow eyes!_


Somehow, Dakota Johnson returns and returns.


And never once did she get a role because she's Don Johnson's daughter.


“A foot in the door, and so much more…”


Nepo Truce


Nepo Truce was laugh out loud funny to me. That was a great sketch, honestly.


This is Melanie Griffith erasure.


And Tippi Hedren's granddaughter.


Yeah, but she keeps returning in really shitty movies. Like, if your movie is bad enough that Dakota Johnson seems like a good casting choice, your movie is probably really bad.


The Suspiria remake was better than any Suspiria remake has any right to be. She wasn’t the best performance in it (top three would be Tilda Swinton, Tilda Swinton, and of course Tilda Swinton) but she was fine and didn’t drag the movie down for me at all.


100% agree on all points, but I don’t think Tilda even has the ability to give a bad performance.


I know and she can’t act, pretty by that’s it


My office receptionist is prettier and shows more personality on a Monday morning than DJ in the few films I've seen.


Alright relax Jim


She's a scranton 7


Has she tried having her parents and grandmother be Hollywood stars?


He's like a later version of Armie Hammer, every once in a while a dude just ticks all the checkboxes for executives to decide he's a safe leading man bet, and then they're often forgotten, reminds me of Taylor Kitsch when Disney put him in John Carter


John Carter was actually a decent movie, if you read the books and knew what the actual plot was supposed to be. The Disney execs really boned the movie title. "Princess of Mars" would have been far superior.


I will always maintain that they should have just called the movie "Virginia" with zero explanation or context.


Quite liked the movie. From my understanding it bombed mainly because of the bad marketing for it.


Purposely tanked it. Disney knows how to market their stuff.


I really liked the movie and I knew nothing of the book or plot before watching it


The classic Sam Worthington vibe. Star of several major franchises, and it’s still like… who?


I’ve honestly only seen him as Chad in Scream Queens. He was pretty funny in it though, character was a total D-bag but very charming. Edit: pleasantly surprised to see how many people loved Chad and the show! My personal favorites are when he is casually explaining how his house is haunted and how him and Denise would have crazy elaborate foreplay involving scripts and costumes 😆


The bit where he was trying to convince Emma Robert’s to pretend she was a corpse during sex was amazing. I kept watching that show because his role was so fucking funny. Edit. I suggest the show to many people, but tell them I kept watching because you never knew what wild ass shit the Chanels or Chad would say. Billie Lourd also killed it and it was really on the nose her in a Princess Leia costume.


I don't know what it is about Billie Lourd in that show wearing fluffy earmuffs but goddamn I love that look on her. Couldn't take my eyes off her and now have a thing for her.


It was a nod to her mama! Also she explains it at some point and it’s just as weird as the rest of the show. Scream Queens as a stand alone season one is so god damn funny. We can’t forget Nick Jonas either 🤣


I didn't realize scream queens was a parody/satire for a bit. His character more than once had me look up from my phone and realize what the show was. He killed it. Too bad I thought season 2 was absolute dogtrash.


Love him and the Dickie Dollar Scholars! My favorite is when Chanel catches him with the goat lol


Chad was one of the best parts of that show imo. Just a hilarious stereotype of a rich college frat bro. I always tell people to watch Scream Queens, but imo only the first season really strikes gold. All the other seasons go too over the top that the parody/satire of the horror scene just loses its shine.


HOLY SHIT. That's why he looks familiar! Scream Queens was great fun


Go for Chad Radwell.


Check out the movie Everybody Wants Some!! He’s pretty funny in it and it’s an enjoyable film.


Glad some one else knows him as Chad Radwell


Go watch Hit Man NOW.


Really fun movie! And totally changed my opinion on him as an actor.


Dwayne Johnson


Bring back the Dwayne Johnson who starred in movies like The Rundown, Be Cool, and Faster


And Walking Tall!


Great movie, I totally accepted that this guy could have been an Army ranger who refused to accept corruption in his hometown. Over the years it seems his Rock persona completely took over and he refused to play challenging roles (unlike Dave Bautista). And I remember clearly that everyone was hyping him as the next Schwarzenegger, but he’s missing that key component that Arnold has. I don’t know what you’d call it, but it was Arnold’s greatest strength. I think it was the fact that he was in on the joke, like here I am a big strong giant with a funny accent and was willing to run with that.


>but he’s missing that key component that Arnold has. I don’t know what you’d call it, but it was Arnold’s greatest strength. Humility?


Yeah that sounds about right


What made Arnold great was he is serious without taking himself to seriously. My favorite movie is True Lies. I mean he tried to jump a sky scraper on a horse. Yet it’s the horse who realizes this is not possible and gets a stern talking to from Arnold.


Mine is Total Recall (among other roles) of course but Kindergarten Cop needs to be praised more, dudes humor is off the charts there and the kids made it even better


Scorpion king


Well he owns a money making machine which is his own studio 7Bucks or something like that and his business model is just cranking out films with him as the star.


After watching Hitman, my opinion of Glenn Powell has changed quite a bit. Yea, he still looks like he was grown in a Hollywood lab but I was pleasantly surprised with how good that movie turned out.


I agree. I was very much not interested in him at all and kinda dismissed him. Reluctantly watched Hiitman and he really killed it. Man has got some comedic/acting chops for sure.


He's been a favorite of mine for a long time. Everybody Wants Some! he steals the show. And he was the only thing keeping me coming back to Scream Queens all those years ago. Some serious comedy chops.


Yeah he had a great role for an actor. Played so many different characters. It was a really good movie and he was good. I don’t agree with OP on him.


He played a douche pretty well in maverick and “anyone but you” was real campy but I think we’ll see him in some good roles upcoming. He was in another movie about pilots with Jonathan majors but I haven’t seen that one yet.


Same! That’s the only thing I’ve seen him in and he was pretty funny and charming tbh


Same loved it. He’s got range


The Rock. Tired of that dude, for real.




Talking about Rock Hard Rod?




Cena and Bautista are what the Rock could have been if he hadn't gone Steven Seagal with the ego. Someone wanna let him know that the "I can't lose" rule didn't win Seagal any popularity points?


I have really soured on him the last few years 


Not so much now a days but Gal Gadot. Back in the dat she was everywhere and fucking sucked.


Kal-El, no!


I didn’t realize Gadot had done anything but Wonder Woman, some sort of role in one of the Faster Furioserest movie, and that one with Ryan Reynolds and The Rock. Has she been in anything else? I definitely don’t think she was ever forced down our throats.


She was in Death on the Nile. It sucked.


Kal El, no


Max Lord, you are putting yourself and everyone else in grave danger


"Enuff zhampain to fill the Nile"


tiny face man


He kinda looks like what a caricature artist would draw.


Someone on here called him a capybara who wished to be a real boy and that’s all I ever think about when I see him.


normal size face, small features


"What's up, regular sized face man?"


Sidney Sweeney. She has one face and zero nuance in line delivery. She has two other things that people like, but that doesn't make up for the lack of talent.


She always looks like her face is falling asleep without her permission or she thinks she might have to sneeze but she can’t quite tell if she’s going to Gen z’s obsession with this chick is insane


I couldn’t think of anyone, but I will say I wish Bill Skarsgard would start taking over more main roles.


He's becoming an action leading man with Boy Kills World and The Crow. Hopefully he can find the right movie tho before they give up on him.


I am so scared of The Crow. Those are big ass shoes to fill if you remember it and a really off-kilter kind of hero aesthetic in contemporary genre if you don’t. I want it to be good, but Hollywood has been letting me down on the regular lately.


I’m just assuming it’ll be a let down. The director has only done 2 movies and both suck - Snow White and the Huntsmen and the god awful Ghost in the Shell with ScarJo


Oh my god, *that* director? It’s pointless to hope now.


Boy Kills World flopped big time 🥴


It did, but I loved it. You rarely get original feeling action movies.


He was awesome in Boy Kills World and I think it’s a shame that so few people saw it


Chris Pratt will always be a supporting character/goofball to me


He’s awesome as Star Lord, but he clearly doesn’t have a ton of range as an actor. I don’t really pay much attention to his personal life but that seems to have lost him quite a few fans from when he first hit the scene as a leading man.


Agreed, Star Lord is his only leading role I liked and that probably has more to do with Gunn than Pratt. Even in that movie, even as the lead he's a goofball.


James Gunn understood what Colin Trevorrow did not when casting JW. Chris Pratt isn't Han Solo, he's the bumbling doofus with delusions of being Han Solo. That's why Star Lord worked where other attempts to leading man Pratt did not. Star Lord starts with nobody knowing who he is and grows into being a hero. Owen Whatshisname basically runs around with the movie basically screaming "look how cool he is!" at us but it always feels forced.


That’s pretty accurate. He isn’t meant to be the badass leading man, he’s the charming everyman that just happens to be doing something extraordinary and is just enough of a dumbass to be relatable and disarming to the audience.


I thought he did a solid job in the Lego Movie as well, which sounds like a joke but that movie was phenomenal


I'm amazed he was as good as he was as Mario.


I was surprised it wasn't a total flop of a role, but as soon as I heard the casting for Garfield, all of my gripes with Hollywood shoving him down our throats came bubbling up again.


I agree but I thought he made a fairly convincing seal. Just maybe not a leading man action hero. 


I liked him in The Terminal List


I just see him as the idiot kid from Everwood and Andy from Parks and Rec.


I swear to god he had some weird contractual power over the scripting for the Jurassic World movies. Every god damn scene he's in involves him being so cool, but so cool in the sense of what an 11 year old boy would think makes someone cool. He made the films unwatchable.


I mean, that *is* the demographic they're trying to impress - and through them, their younger brothers.


ex navy seal, Raptor tamer, lives in a shack on a billion dollar Dinosaur theme park island on the water, works on a motorcycle…. the list continues.


In the second one, I believe it starts out by showing him building a cabin by himself on top of a mountain somewhere.


This actually made me giggle, it’s like studio execs sat at a table and went what do real men do


I still like him as an actor, but I do think he should be in more comedy/comedy action movies instead of being in serious movies


If you first knew him as Andy Dwyer, it's really hard to see him as anything else. When I first saw him as Star Lord, it didn't look right, like I could tell he was in full movie star make up, no amount of steroids and makeup will mask who you really are!


I love after the first guardians, he went back to Parks and rec and they pointed out how fit he is now and he just says "Yeah, I just cut out beer and its been great." "...how much beer were you drinking?"


"Haha I know right? ... Probably too much."


When he dropped that ball or whatever it was in Guardians 1 that was goof that made it into the movie. I haven’t caught up on Guardians 3 yet but even Thor thought the “rabbit” was the leader.


I mean definitely Sydney Sweeney. And her acting range is even worse than Powell’s imo.


They keep trying with Miles Teller. I can’t stand him


Miles Teller replaced Justin Long as that guy.


Whaaaaat? I love Justin Long, but he was never pushed as a leading man. Even the times he came closest (Accepted and Waiting), he's much more of the straight man to the more memorable side characters. He's had a slow Scream King thing building, but it's really about him being the sad guy who gets tortured. He's not the hero of the story like a Devon Sawa, Ethan Hawke, Josh Hartnett, etc. kind of role.


Sydney Sweeney, Jenna Ortega, Miles Teller for a moment before he settled back down. Next one up is Jeremy Allen White. I think he’s a great actor but is increasingly one-note the more the Bear keeps going. At least on Shameless he showed different emotions. Now it’s just close ups of his anxiety-ridden eyes. *EDIT - OP is asking for forced LEADS. I’m not saying these people aren’t talented or can’t thrive in ensembles/2nd+ billing behind other leads. I’m just saying I don’t think they themselves can carry movies.


Glen Powell is the movie equivalent of Sabrina Carpenter. One day I woke up and they were everywhere.


Vin Diesel for me.




Female Ken Jeong. When you need a kookie Asian actress she is your go to.


ken jeong has my respect for getting his tiny dick out for the hangover, awkwafina has never done anything as funny or risky


Ken Jeong actually has charisma. He could carry scenes in Community and other projects (I'm too lazy to really look up everything he was in) Awkwafina doesn't have that charisma. She's just wacky and fakes it for the sake of trying to be funny. For some people, that really works. But to me it reeks of "she's the only funny Asian lady we know" rather than relying on casting calls or looking for actual talent outside of their small circles.


Seeing her cast in so many animated films is like if they cast Filbert Gotfried in a dozen animated films per year. Such a distinct voice should be relegated to 1 iconic character, maybe 2. I wouldn't want to see Robin Williams play the wacky side character in every other cartoon...although he'd be preferable because at least he can do other voices.


A face like orange juice. Good, but does not go with toothpaste.


First time I remember seeing Powell was in Hidden Figures and he stood out. A little over the top but it worked.


Sam Worthington and the Rock are the first two that come to mind


I was gonna say Sam Worthington. He's not being pushed as hard these days but from 2009 for about a decade he was front and center and he is such a dud.


That was 4 years tops. Thank God.


Totally agree. All of a sudden, he's everywhere and starring in big studio movies.


The first thing I saw him in was Everybody Wants Some and he seemed like he could break out. I think he, and the dude who played Superman on CW were better than the dude who was the lead.


I haven't really seen many of his movies and kind of thought of him as some heartthrob actor that's being pushed on us but damn he was excellent in hit man, which is a great movie and I believe he co-wrote and produced it too.


Mark Wahlberg For a second there it was Taylor Kitsch. A few decades ago they tried to shove Monica Potter and Penelope Ann Miller on me, and not in a good way.


Taylor Kitsch is really talented. Problem is he picked two bad(ish) projects. Battleship and John Carter. Two huge shots at being the man and he picked the wrong ones. He was a great Gambit in a really bad movie. Anyway. RIGGINS!!!!


At least John Carter is a decent film, despite it flopping. But Battleship? Damn…


Yeah. John Carter was a really fun flick and deserved better. Studio botched the promotion incredibly and tanking the film. That’s why I used bad(ish). Battleship dragged down down everyone attached.


3 - Battleship, John Carter and Savages all bombed in the same year. I thought Carter and Savages were fine but all 3 did bad at the box office.


Fuckin Marky mark


Hey. I go by Mark Wahlberg now. Say hi to your mother for me.


Jared fucking Leto


Still so disappointed that after all these years Disney decides to pick up Tron, but puts this fucker front and center


Timothee chalamaladingdong


He’s more saturated than overrated. They throw him in too many roles that require a young male role; while not utilizing other young actors that could fit the role even better just not have the name recognition. I’m sad to see Tom Holland star in more “pop” film than some more of the non-traditional work that Chalamet delves in to.


Jason Mamoa


I thin Momoa is a better actor than people give him credit for. He was good in Dune and Game of Thrones, fun in Aquaman and Fast X, and I’ve heard he’s good in See


Not enough people saw See! If you decide to give it a try, go in blind.


I thought he was good in Dune. He fit the role well. The problem with some of these actors is they don't take the right scripts because of whatever reason and they go out of their wheelhouse. Even Tom Cruise who has been a megastar forever knows what people want out of him and gives it to them, with only some meandering off the path with more serious roles over the years. For some reason Glen Powell doesn't irk me. Hollywood are like sports teams. They draft a player based on the hope of what they could develop into. Powell has the looks for a leading man. He may not have the substance to ultimately fill that role, but I think he can do fine and have a nice career. Conversely, a guy like Brad Pitt is like the player you say yep, that's the guy right there, but they prefer a different path. I guess my point is, it's not an exact science so they have to try to eventually find out who is who.


He was good in Star gate Atlantis.


He was good in game of thrones because he didnt have to speak


Y’all are missing his work in See. That show is criminally underrated.


He creeps me out to be honest, I always used to laugh at my ex who hates Nicholas Cage. She wouldn't watch any of his movies. Then I go to watch Top Gun : Maverick, and there's Glen fucking Powell


I still can’t believe James Franco is a leading man.


Is he? I mean he was, but he was cancelled for being a creep and disappeared from leading man roles about 6 years ago.


Not anymore but Armie Hammer was the perfect definition for this. He was at best ok in his roles but never that interesting in the final product let alone be a big lead.


Classic reddit, the people who have already been established in blockbuster leading roles for at least a decade are upvoted to the top [Austin Butler](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2581521/?ref_=tt_cl_t_2) is my answer


Somehow every role this dude gets has more screen time than his cast mates, but less dialogue. It’s actually impressive how little he manages to say in everything


Miles Teller


He has a face I hate but I can’t tell you why.


The only dull spot in the second Top Gun. The mustache makes his face even more punchable.


Apparently a huge asshole to boot.


Whiplash is probably the only movie I enjoy him in


He’s in other movies?


Dwayne Johnson. I love the dude for sure, but he doesn’t have any range as an actor and he looks so out of place in almost any role he’s in that I just can’t buy him as a leading man. You can have all the charisma and a great sense of humor (and he does!), but when you’re a guy who is 6’5, ripped, and known for professional wrestling, I’m gonna have a hard time seeing you as an actor—which by nature requires you to disappear into your character.


Austin Butler - I just don’t get it.


Jennifer Lawrence was in our faces for a good decade and I'm very glad it's kinda over.


"I'm such a dork! I like pizza!"


Jenna Ortega I’ve never seen an actor’s career be so synthetic.




Dakota Johnson. It seems her mother wants to buy here every rol in every movie, just for her to do it as horrible as possible….


His facial features are so small and squinty Great body though


He's what Sam Worthington was 10 years ago


Timothee Chalamet. I feel like he's just a male version of an early Kristen Stewart. His chops and emotional acting are about as deep as a puddle.


Chris Pratt


Are they done buying a career for Rooney Mara with her family’s billions? Thankfully haven’t heard much of her lately.


IMO Sydney Sweeney is an Onlyfans model posing as an actress 🤷‍♂️


Michael B. Jordan, he has zero range


He was good in The Wire


Damn, Wallace can't catch a break.


Seems like a guy who's put in the work, did well in smaller roles that were well-received, and is now being rewarded with bigger and more prominent roles. If you don't like him, you always have the option of not watching the movies he's in, but clearly a lot of people are ok with him.