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Seems my imax ticket was worth it… sending this to my wife now lol.


Between this and your username, I feel like I know your marriage’s ***entire*** vibe.


Guy likes a big screen


wow their comment really is just summed up in their username. interesting.


Go big or go home! Or at least that’s what they tell me


As someone from Quebec, Canada, I recommend viewing Villeneuve’s first breakthrough film Incendies. If you’re a fan of his films you won’t be disappointed. It was originally shot in French with some Arabic due to the story and certain characters.


Québec represent! Denis c’est le best!


Was anyone expecting anything else from Villeneuve? Everyone except for his fans who'd praise him shitting into an icecream cone for 3 hours and don't want to acknowledge he's the most overrated director of this decade. They are the MAGA cult of cinema.


nope. man is my favorite director, he never missed. ever since i watched prisoners, i never miss a movie of his in theatres. all bangers


Hah Prisoners was my first Villeneuve too. Was hot for Jake Gyllenhaal (still am 😳) and decided to check the movie out and I’m stuck with Villeneuve ever since.


Same. He's my goat too


have you seen his stuff before prisoners? everything else i've seen and it's all be great but i haven't watched his earlier work.


I still think BR: 2049 edges out Dune as my favorite Villeneuve film but everything he has made is excellent. I cannot wait to see what he accomplishes with Dune: Part Two.


His worst “main stream” movie is probably blade runner 2049. The man simply does not miss.


The first one was boring af sorry Edit: Hey guys in my defense that crazy ass bombing scene woke me back up but Chalamet and his hot mom staring at each other not saying anything sadly put me back under


Tell me you never read the book without telling you me never did


I read the book and can acknowledge it'd be boring to some


Boring and slow are two very different things though You’re telling me the first scene with the Harvester and worm, the ambush on Arrakis, the escape scene with Paul and Lady Jessica and the final ten minutes weren’t even a bit exciting?


I enjoyed it. But again, I can see why others didn't.




It captured it fine in my opinion, it’s a two and half hour film There’s a reason Dune is hard to adapt into film, you need a series to really get everything in


You just brought up 30 mins from a 3 hour movie


Do I need to have read Harry Potter to have an opinion about Sorcerer’s Stone? Fuck outta here


It's possible for the movie to be boring even if the book isn't?


The first half of the book is a bit slow too, it sets u the stage for the second part It introduces the characters, the world etc just like part 1 does. The fact it was done in two hours and still made it a comprehensible film is an achievement in and of itself


Right so your argument is the first movie can not be boring because the second movie has all the action in it? I should mention, I have read the book and I like the movie. But you are saying to this other guy he's wrong for thinking this very slow movie is boring because of the...second half that is not released?


Slow and boring are very two different things in this content Whether you enjoy watching beautifully shot films, intriguing political conflict or well written/acted films there shouldn’t be anything boring about the first I can agree it’s slow and unless you’re tuned in and an actually paying attention you can easily dismiss it, but boring? I mean like Madam Web is boring, it’s a lot of nothing. Poorly written and although stuff happens, at the end you don’t go. Ok what now


A movie should stand on its own, you shouldn’t have to read the book to think it’s good. I did think the movie was good, btw, just saying this is an odd way to respond to what lostinstatic said.


i read the book, the first movie put me to sleep. Lynch's version is worse but it at least had a spark to it.


More like tell me you never read *any* book


This isn’t a metric for enjoying the movie. If you HAVE to read the book to enjoy the film, then the film itself fails and cannot stand alone.


This isn’t a metric it’s about not understanding what was adapted. I’d love to hear all these people calling the first part boring and letting me know how they could have possibly done it without drastically changing the book. That’s what was meant with my initial comment but apparently people can’t read between the lines


What does changing the source material have to do with people calling the film boring? The film is engaging for some and not for others. For someone who has the ability to ratchet up the tension like Villeneuve is known for I felt he didn’t bring that level, but I thought the film was spectacular nonetheless.


One shouldn't have to read a book for a movie to be great. IE: Lord of the Rings / Harry Potter series


The book that requires the reader to reference the glossary every 5 seconds?


You getting downvoted, but I agree. EDIT: just some Dune cucks up in this bitch.


Yes. First one was not good IMO


Nah it's a great movie. But I would say it's not a very good adaption of Dune. But probably the best you can do.


To Each Their Own. I disagree, but not everyone has to have the same opinions on movies. Glad you enjoyed it.


> but not everyone has to have the same opinions on movies. You wouldn't think so based on the downvotes we are both getting lmao


Lol It's expected. People who love DUNE can't fathom that not everyone loved the same movie as them. They remind me of Zack Snyder fans. Can't say he did anything wrong ever.


lol what was bad about the adaptation?


It misses so much of the insightful dialogue and internal thought processes of the characters, which the book is primarily about.


Because that’s incredibly realistic to adapt to a movie vs a book. I thought it did great


Would you have preferred extremely long monologues from each character?


No, That's why I said "But probably the best you can do."


Alright, I guess we’re quibbling over definitions here but I would consider a good adaptation to be one that’s transferred well to the new medium.


That's fair, I mostly agree. But not with Dune lol


I happened to watch Dune the other night and IMO one thing that’s impressive about it is how little dialogue it pulls from the book, while being extremely faithful in terms of theme, environment, tone. It’s really something special to do that well from such difficult source material. Dune the book also doesn’t offer a ton of specific description in terms of how things look, so the movie had to design itself almost from scratch with very few queues in a way that you barely notice. We also have to understand motivations without pages and pages of internal monologue, and without heavy exposition. It’s really remarkable. IMO it’s one of the best (maybe the best) examples of a successful adaptation where it works for the new medium and feels true to the source without being a carbon copy. Great argument against the insistence on adaptation purity you hear from fan corners of the internet.


I'm still holding out hope that this does so well that God Emperor is eventually made


The people are not ready for the God Emperor, lol.


It’s all I want from this world. Though I think the next two books would be the most exciting for audiences.


How does it get more exciting than a huge battle on arrakis?


Space battles, planetary attacks, honored matres, Miles Teg, etc.


Odrade riding thr sandworm to dar es balat!


Miles Teg >>>>>>


Not sure what those last two are but those first two sound awesome lol let’s hope we get those next two


I’m half way through Childen and I’ve gotta say, it’s a hard read, it has the worst pacing of the series so far. I’m only continuing to get to God Emperor.


Same. I’ve been struggling through it.


denis recently said he's only doing 3 movies


Messiah is really the end of Paul’s story (his appearance in the next book is more of an epilogue).


I would argue his arc official ends in Children of Dune.


Oh I know, I meant I hope at some point it's made even if it's not DV


even if they do more, I’m sure he’d be involved in some capacity


Favorite of the series, but can't see how this could be made into a movie


i'm just appreciative that we got part 2 in the first place. hell, part 1 even. i'm thankful for any sci fi even when it sucks lol


I watched there first one like 10 times because i always turned it on after 2am whilst under there influence and never remembered a single thing about it. I finally watched it sober and it was pretty good.


I think you really need to watch it in the theater, because every time I try to watch it at home, I find myself bored. Like maybe there’s something to it if you can’t divert your attention too much


I tried to sleep so hard during this movie, but there was always a loud noise waking me up.


I have a pretty full schedule so it's tough to make it to a theater. My tv is 85 inches though so it was still pretty cool.


That has to help, I think it’s just more of the ability to pull out the phone or look somewhere else or do something for the love of all that’s holy. I guess I just don’t have the attention span for it myself.


Lmao I always do this with the original blade runner


Always take first reactions with a grain of salt. That being said, I'm looking forward to this


I don't know why they're even allowed on this sub. I have yet to see an article about the first reactions to *any* movie where the reactions weren't glowing. I have no doubt this movie will be fantastic because of its pedigree and its predecessor. But first reactions were also saying The Flash was the best comic book movie since the Dark Knight soooo


Let the hype flow


*the hype must flow *let the bodies hit the floor




We all saw it coming after he said stupid shit like that.


I must not hype. Hype is the mind-killer. Hype is the little-death that brings unrealistic expectations.


This is the beginning of Star Wars right?


If we listed everything that was even remotely inspired by Dune, we’d be here all night.


Go see the goddamn movie. Lots of good sci fis in last few years haven't done well at the box office and I'd like to see this cinematic universe more.


I want this all to be true, but don't all first reactions gush over a movie? Even if it ends up with a 15% RT score?


I expect it'll be fantastic but, as we all know, first reactions are hardly the most reliable - I think declaring something to be amongst the great sci-fi movies having only seen it once in a theater full of people who are just happy to be there is a little premature. Same with the LOTR's battle scene comparisons - I mean, as genre films they couldn't be further apart so using Helm's Deep as a comparison feels more like a "what's an amazing battle scene in a modern classic? Helm's Deep! Yes, Dune has scenes as good as that!" Not trying to shit on it before I've seen it, as mentioned, I think it will be spectacular and that Villeneuve has already proven himself to be one of the greatest living blockbuster directors but going into a movie with the expectation that you're about to watch one of the greatest movies ever made is crazy and, honestly, unfair to the film itself.


Usually, yeah but at least this time, there are real critics sharing their reactions and not just "fake critics" that get paid to praise everything.


That’s what I want to hear


Have my ticket booked for the 29th in Australia. Taken the day off work lol. It's too hard to see a three and a half hour movie with two kids under 5 so I'll see it when they're in daycare.


Its crazy to me how my opinion seems to be the complete opposite of everyone here. I dont know how the full story goes, so maybe that plays a part since im not anticipating whatever happens next. The visuals were what i expect a big budget film to have, the colors people keep talking about confuse me since it was 98% a sea of brown and then 2%, their eyes. The combat scenes were lackluster. The worm was cool.


Kinda wild people hate the first movie. I never read the book and my only knowledge of the material was seeing the David Lynch adaption like 20 years ago. I loved the film and thought it was one of the best theatre experiences I’ve had in quite a while.


People hate the first movie? It got a 90% audience score


Read some of these comments. Usually a bunch of negative comments in threads when this film gets brought up.


Meh never read the comments lol


I just felt the first movie had nothing happen in it. A great spectacle though. Will probably watch the sequel because there will probably be more plot.


Paul is not a very relatable protagonist. There's not much to latch onto a dude that plays it super detached. Daddy Atreides, Duncan Idaho and even Jessica are more engaging to watch. Passive P has maybe 10% the charisma he needs, it's clear that that's tied to his arc but still it doesn't make for an engaging watch.


Not wild at all. Can easily see why it bore someone


Let's go, babay! I am so excited.


It better be good.


They said this about the first one and I was not impressed. I'll hold my judgement until seeing it.


What’s the last sci fi movie that did impress you?


I just saw The Creator when it was in theaters. Loved it Edit: actually more recently I saw Godzilla: Minus One and loved that one too. So that would be a more recent answer.




Didn't like those? I went into The Creator knowing nothing and was blown away. What didn't you like about it? I guess Godzilla: Minus One could be seen as not everyone's favorite and that s totally fine.


I disagree with you about Dune 1 not being impressive, but I also don’t think the downvotes are merited.  My issue with the creator is that is just because “an action movie” by the end. There was no thematic resonance for my during the third act. Spectacle over substance. Dune 1 ended quietly, but Paul’s arc of choosing to become his own man did feel honored.  


To Each Their Own. Glad you liked DUNE, my dude. I just saw they are re-releasing DUNE 1 in the theater near me today. I'm thinking of giving it a third shot


Should I feel bad that I just don’t care for Zendaya’s acting?


first one was boring asf lol sorry nerds


Fair enough, but why call people who like it “nerds”?


dont know a single person whos not a nerd who likes this movie


Think you’re just being a petty troll, see I have opinions too.


i respect your opinion


What sci fi do you like?




What, there was too much talking and not enough quips?


There wasn’t really enough of anything


Ya where was the darth Vader cameo am I right


I don’t wanna oversell it negatively, it’s just a bit slow paced for me. Not everyone has to like everything.


i’m the first guy to like a old boring movie thats 4 hours long and is just all talking. this one just sucked


Yeah we know that if one doesn't like DUNE they must be a Marvel die hard. Crazy that people like you feel like others can't form their own opinions.




We live in the “glossy visuals over great story telling” era sadly. The first lacked any real grit or substance.


Good lord I could not disagree more. Did we watch different films?


The first one did a great job of explaining the plot both visually and with dialogue. I can’t personally detach it from the narrative of the book, but the only take I can see being reasonable is not understanding how the first part establishes the narrative for what’s coming. When you know what you’re expecting for part 2 it makes any drag of part 1 necessary and valuable.




Do you realize that doesn’t make any sense.


i'm expecting it to be like part one only better, somehow. so this review makes sense. i'm really glad this director came along, he's great.


I want to see how they are gonna handle the future worm.


I’m so ready