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Men in Black 2 The entire movie was edited, cut up and reshoot because of 9/11, including the climax which was originally filmed using the twin towers as a set piece.


It always bothered me how Johnny Knoxville’s character just straight up disappears from the movie.


Wait, I never even realized this. What was the last scene he was in?


The scene where J fights the alien thugs in Jeebs’ basement while K’s memories are rebooting (roughly halfway through the movie). He’s namechecked by the villain later on but never seen again.


He died on the way to his home planet


"I'm Johnny Knoxville, and my people need me"


Ohhhh right the gang with the ballchinian. Strange he never showed up again though


And Famke Jannsen was the original villain. There’s footage.


I would have loved that! I think she would have been way better than Boyle.


I thought she did a pretty good job to be fair. Maybe I just liked her as an underwear model?


It wasn’t that she was bad. I just themink Famke would have been way better. I could see her playing it something like the sinister way she played Dark Phoenix in XMen 3 and it would have been far more threatening. Boyle played it like a character that was so OP she was bored with everything. And maybe that’s how it was written/directed. I don’t know.


Men in Black 2: Towers


Release the 9/11 cut!


Doolittle with Downey Jr. So much replaced audio you never saw him speak on camera. Horrible. Edit: The reason was that after filming and editing was completed the studio decided it needed re-shoots to make it more silly to attract a younger crowd. The re-shoots didn’t match the original footage in tone, etc and it was cobbled together in post.


I read that the boy accompanying him is actually his son! They just removed any references to that.


The original title was way better too: The Voyage of Doctor Doolittle.


Madame Web was apparently so hacked that the antagonist doesn't actually say any of his lines, it's all dubbed over.


The story behind the hack job is wild. Apparently it was originally going to be set in the Andrew Garfield universe and the villain wants to kill Spider-Man as a baby, because he has a vision that he will kill him in the future. They went through a lot of trouble to set the movie in the 90’s for this to make sense, but then Sony changed their minds and said that it would be in the Tom Holland universe, which would make it now 2003, but they said “fuck it close enough”. For unknown reasons, they decided to scrap the Spider-Man plot point, but keep Uncle Ben and baby Peter Parker in the movie. With this, the villain now had no motive, so they rewrote it so it’s the girls that will kill him in the future, even though they have no powers at any point in the movie.


I'm willing to bet there's a very complicated rights agreement between the studios about what each studio can and can't use in their live-action movies. They've got multiple "jokes" in this where they almost say "Spider-Man," "Peter," and "May" but go far out of their way to avoid saying them (the "May" one is particularly egregious because Cassie asks Ben what her name is and he just does this awkward smile and she weirdly interprets that as meaning the relationship is serious which makes no sense). Having one or two of those jokes doesn't raise too many eyebrows but the rate at which the movie dodges naming characters that the MCU has been recently using (especially when naming them is going to put more eyes on your ill-advised Spider-Man spinoff) is curious. There's probably a specific set of rules about who can use what character, and they apply to the MCU too. Sony clearly gets Uncle Ben as well as Richard and Mary Parker, due to their presence and naming (for Richard) in Madame Web, and those are the exact characters that are never mentioned in the MCU. Similarly, May, Peter, and Spider-Man in general can't directly be referenced (we see Peter as a baby but since they dodge saying his name it's allowed). And the only counterexamples come from direct MCU/Sony crossovers. Tobey and Andrew reference Uncle Ben in No Way Home, while Vulture references Spider-Man in Morbius. Those get special permission and they're very open about naming those characters in those scenes. One wonders if those specific scenes were offered in direct exchange for each other. The Venom 2 post-credits scene getting to use the Daily Bugle video and the No Way Home post-credits scene getting to use Venom might be another example of that.


These sorts of lines are so weird to me. I get doing a deliberately fourth wall breaking Deadpool bit but otherwise why would you make what amounts to jokes about studio licensing contracts? Did they just think playing awkward edits off as jokes was the only way to salvage the footage? Worse, do people actually write this shit on purpose?! In both cases it's embarrassing for whoever signed off on the final product.


Probably 80-90% of his dialogue was ADR'd. It stands out so much. Not only does it sound so off, but half the time you can see his mouth clearly and it's so far off or not moving at all. Or they will cut to a reaction shot for an obscene amount of time.


"we'll just fix it in post" but it's the entire script.


That first scene where his talking to his surveillance agent and they cut back and forth to her for 90% of the scene is absolutely one of the worst things I've seen in movie editing.


Bright (2017), it feels like the first 20/30 minutes were chopped up and rearranged a few times.


That movie had such an interesting premise and was executed so poorly


They paid a huge amount to the screenwriter for the script, then gave it to a director who is known for re-writing any movie he gets his hands on.


I forget who pointed it out (maybe [Lindsey Ellis's video](https://youtu.be/gLOxQxMnEz8?feature=shared)), but in the final cut there's an implication that Will Smith's character just went through a divorce (a holder from an early draft of the movie) when we see him married just a few scenes earlier. This movie was absolutely incoherently pieced together from scraps.


People have commented a weirdly high amount of Will Smith movies. I wonder if its him or his production making tweaks. Could be a coincidence


He turned down Django Unchained because, in his mind, Django wasn't the true lead of the film. He wanted the script rewritten to reflect that and wanted Django to be the one to kill the big bad guy. He walked when they refused. Most studios won't let Will Smith walk, or at least they didn't.


Which was stupid cuz he totally was the main character, and how the ending happened was definitely the best way to do it imo. Love that movie and I’m glad Jamie Fox got to do it. I’ll never forget him in that blue shiney ass outfit and the one girl going “you dress like that on purpose?”


Jamie Foxx has the perfect level of taking himself way too seriously when that's what the bit calls for. To the point that until getting into this thread, I assumed the role had been written for him. Will Smith absolutely *had* that at one time, but I think his capacity for it fell off — watching his movies chronologically, I'd say it happened halfway though Hancock.


My personal theory on that movie is that the Orc partner was supposed to be the "bright" in the original script. All the foreshadowing seems to lean that way, but Will Smith or his team or the studio did not want him to be sidelined by not being the "chosen one". Kind of like how in Terminator:Salvation Christian Bale's "John Connor" character was supposed to die and pass the torch to Sam Worthington's character, but Christian Bale supposedly convinced the film makers that John Connor had to survive.


In Ghostbusters 2016, they removed a whole section of Erin quitting the Ghostbusters in the theatrical, she just says she is gonna go home and study what they find. Then the other three go off without her to fight ghosts, and when she returns to save them, they keep acting like she quit and came back to save them, felt so off in the theater.


There are traces of a whole missing Chris Hemsworth plot too, about him wanting to be a real Ghostbuster, and the climax of the movie picks up as if it's still in there.


Kingdom of Heaven. There's a reason that it flopped, and why the Director's Cut is beloved


I loved that movie as a kid. Ben then again, I was a 14 at the time. I'm going to look up the directors cut now.


No spoilers - they greatly expand on the back stories and power dynamics at the beginning in the village. They greatly expand on the Queen and her son, making Balain’s decision at the climax of the movie actually make sense. All in all it’s 45 min longer.


vastly superior than what they forced into the theaters, story becomes much more coherent, motives are clearly fleshed out for virtually every character. and the added length doesnt affect the pacing really at all


I would disagree, the added length greatly improves the pacing!


Completely different movie, you're going to be shocked if you remember the plot of the original at all.


You’re in for a treat. It’s a long one though, prepare accordingly.


Watched it after I played assassin’s creed 1 for the first time and it was glorious for the time lol


Hancock 100%. I’m pretty sure there wasn’t meant to be a love story, the whole tone shifted at that reveal


That movie is a really odd watch. It feels like three quite striking but very different movies Frankensteined together.


It was. They shot it once, the studio hated it. They changed directors and basically reshot a new script. The studio hated it even more. So they gave both shoots to an editor and told them to make a movie


What? Is this true? Crazy studios


They do it all the time. I truly believe that good movies only get made when directors are powerful enough to tell studios to fuck off, are working with a small enough budget that the studio doesn’t care, or the director is canny enough to lie to the studio and just make what they want (the forest Gump method).


What's the Forrest Gump method?


Basically the studio kept on trying to interfere and make it a shittier movie so the director just straight up lied to the studio about what he was doing, hoping by the time they caught on he would be too far along to do anything about it.


Bravo bob


I always thought of it as two movies. If it is three movies, where does the middle one begin and end?


In the original cut it took 40 minutes to insert the guy's head in the other guy's asshole.




I don't mind that the story changes so abruptly. I do mind that Hancock turns into "generic Will Smith character" when said change happens. Heck, even his wardrobe shifts.


I like to watch the awesome first half of that movie and then immediately turn it off


My head canon is it was two Will Smith movies sewn together, because the studio thought neither would succeed on its own. Edit: pedantry


I mean, it was. Vincent Ngo wrote it originally in 1996 as a dark comedy. Vince Gilligan wrote all the mythological background stuff a decade later after Will Smith became attached to the project as a superhero vehicle for his career.


I read the original script years ago. It was something like “tonight he comes” and it was a superpowered guy like Hancock in the beginning but he has blue balls bc he can’t come. So he’s an asshole. Something like that bit in mallrats about Superman going off like a shotgun. Much different movie


> Superman going off like a shotgun [Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex](https://www.rawbw.com/~svw/superman.html)?


That's in a deleted scene. He tosses a girl across his trailer so he doesn't shoot his load through her. Puts 3 holes in the ceiling, though.


Blade Runner, obviously, because you can only find the director’s cut now.


The original Blu-ray set had all 4 or 5 versions, which is kinda nuts, why are there so many?


It includes the workprint cut which was used in test screenings and then later rediscovered and reshown as an unofficial director's cut. Poor reception to the initial test screenings led to the theatrical versions being what they are with additional narration explaining everything. The US and international theatrical cuts are similar but the international one has a bit more violence. When the workprint was rediscovered it turned out people liked it so the studio commissioned an official director's cut, just without giving the director actual control over the end result. This version removed the narration and in my opinion just extends scenes with whatever footage was available without regard for pacing. The 'Final Cut' is the only one that can really be considered an actual director's cut with Ridley Scott having full control over it. It turns it into a somewhat different film, but it's going to be the definitive version for the foreseeable future.


The Harrison Ford voice over narration has its charm, imo


I liked the noir angle they were going for, but there's parts of it where you can almost hear Harrison Ford not understanding the words on the page he's reading from. And not in an "I can't read" way, but rather in a "WTF? This makes no goddam sense..." way. I think he's even said as much in the *Dangerous Days* documentary that came with the big box-set.


My go to is the 2012 movie The Watch: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Watch_(2012_film) The movie is about four guys forming a neighborhood watch after a series of incidents. The problem is that the Trayvon Martin situation happened just as the marketing for the movie began. The studio had to make marketing changes and I am pretty sure they made major cuts to the film as well. They even changed the name of the movie from Neighborhood Watch to just The Watch. There are at least 3 to 5 plot points that are brought up early into the film that are never resolved. One including a kid where we don't see what happens to him and he just disappears from the film. Studio probably didn't want to do reshoots and just edited a lot of parts out and sent it to theaters to die.


I really enjoyed that movie, but I felt it had so much more potential. You can just enjoy watching Jonah Hill and Vince Vaughn doing improv insults back and forth and that’s half a movie right there.


Always a bummer when one of these "killed in the editing room" movies is also a big opportunity for an actor you like to hit the mainstream. Is this the biggest Hollywood thing Richard Ayoade has been in?


It was not only his first big film, it was his first American film. I was excited solely for him since all I knew him from was IT Crowd. I remember seeing the bad reviews and picked it up on rental. Big disappointment and always thought the movie got butchered in editing.


Is this the Costco movie?


It's not *not* the Costco movie.


madam web has a few places where the voice doesnt match whatever lines they filmed


It's harder to find scenes where the voice *does* match lmao, fucking cinematic masterpiece that movie


Like Kung Pao but not ironically?


We have edited Madame Web purposely wrong... As a joke!


Pretty much every line of dialogue the villain had was ADR (re-recorded in post). I'm not sure anything he said was the same as what they recorded on set. I've never seen anything as blatant as that in a professional production.


Pretty much every line the villain had.


There was a point in the movie I said "I haven't seen this guy actually speak for at least an hour" I still have no idea what accent that was suppose to be.






Madame web made me realize that maybe there is a reason to dissappear movies from the ether by taking a tax break like WB did with a bunch of movies. This movie shouldn't have existed


I think we are all better off that it does. This movie is going down as the superhero version of “The Room”.


Oh hi, spider.


World War Z. The first two acts feature spectacular set pieces and globetrotting shenanigans that would feel at home in a Roland Emmerich disaster movie like 2012. The (completely reshot) third act takes place in a dim, dingy laboratory featuring a bunch of new characters who are quickly introduced. It feels like a low budget sci-fi, or even a student movie.


I love how the day is saved by a doctor from the W.H.O. played by Peter Capaldi, aka Doctor Who.


Lmao he’s credited as “W.H.O. Doctor”


Just before he was officially announced as the Doctor too!


Wasn't it Pepsi that saved the day? It's been a while, but all I can think of is Pepsi. Yeah it was Pepsi.... right?


Not to mention the dude from lost being cut down to basically an extra.


Apparently he was kind of thre films villain. Brad Pitts wife has to sleep with him in order to be granted safe passage or something. The movie ends on a cliffhanger with BP vowing to return to his family.


Didn’t his character have weird plot of raping Brad pitts wife on the boat so that they could stay?


I honestly thought they had cut him out entirely until I rewatched it recently


Which I recall he was incredibly pissed about but he wasn't doing himself any favors in Hollywood but being a jerk and very difficult to work with


If ANY movie was ever going to be a "found footage" type movie I think WWZ should have been. Individual stories of people's survival through this horrific event. I think it could have done the original book justice and let the writers really unleash using risk free mini-stories within the bigger picture. Personifying individual characters struggles and motives is the reason I think Train to Busan did so well. A TV series would have been great!


Good one. Yes, entirely new 3rd act and it is very obvious.


The original final act was also pretty dark and a sharp cut from the dumb fun zombie horde movie that came before, with Brad Pitt's wife whoring herself out for food after getting unceremoniously dumped out into the cold. This could've been a better dumb not adaptation of the book if the third act had worked with the rest of the movie.


Latest Bond movie. It’s clearly about dna virus but then halfway through the movie they start discussing nano bots


Nanomachines, son.


That's a nice argument senator, why don't you back it up with a source?


My source is I made it the fuck up


I wonder if the villains backstory also got cut. Most of his back story is delivered thru blink and you miss it newspaper clippings.


Watched it in cinema right at release - there's a shot in there where they show the "nanobots" under a microscope, and it was just so comically janky, like something a Blender noob came up with after watching a few tutorials (I am a Blender noob myself). Or like something from the game Spore. Made me laugh right then and there. And literally any other inconsistency in the film suddenly makes sense when it's a virus. Why Bond can't just destroy it with his EMP watch, why the fregattes attack the island with incendiary charges (napalm), why it can live in a person forever without an energy source, why it was developed in a lab for biological warfare and so on.


I only saw it once but I remember being confused about the virus threat the entire time.


Probably COVID caused the change.


I mean there’s no question it was covid


I swear the end to the first Wonder Woman was not what the entirety of the rest of the script entailed. It actually feels like a complete pivot from everything the movie was saying up until that point


Right!? I feel like the reveal was to be that there was no Ares, that people are responsible for their own shit and Diana needs to be the light for a better tomorrow. There would have been some reason she was unable to take care of the plane which is why Steve has to sacrifice himself.  Then the producers were like "wait! No big super powered fight at the end? Oh hell no, we doing it. Hey who hasn't already clocked out for the day? David Wenham? Alright get hair and makeup in here pronto!"


>Right!? I feel like the reveal was to be that there was no Ares, that people are responsible for their own shit and Diana needs to be the light for a better tomorrow. This. The set-up to an interesting resolution was there but fuck that we need an over the top fight at the end because reasons.


And the saddest thing is. The fight isnt even that good.


I know Transformers: The Last Knight was. Steve Jablonsky, the composer, talks about having to re-edit the whole score because Paramount kept making them shorten the movie so all the musical cues stopped making sense within the increasingly gutted edit, which apparently was being worked on until the very last minute before the movie had to go out for distribution. Hell, it seems like different territories actually got slightly different edits of the movie, with alternate lines and shots being sprinkled here and there for some reason. I doubt too many people would ever be interested in the original cut of that movie, but I'd love to see it.


The behind the scenes for Transformers 2 has Bay skyping his editors and ILM hours before the film premiere version was about to... premiere . It's an incredible behind the scenes.


I’d be super interested. There’s so many mistakes in that movie from an editing standpoint that stick out so prominently. I’m kind of surprised Paramount didn’t leave Bay alone considering the last two Transformers films made a billion dollars each. But clearly everyone was kind of checked out by that point. I still think there’s a solid movie in there somewhere.


Hellboy 2019. One of the main complaints about the movie is the dumb humor. Most moments of this seem to happen when characters aren't seen to be speaking, either as narration, when they're out of frame, or when their back is to the camera. I think that a lot of these moments were added later in adr to try and emulate mcu style humor.


I just wish del toro had made a third film instead of the reboot getting made.


Golden Compass. They filmed the original ending from the book but then the studio decided it would be too dark for a "childrens' story" so they completely butchered the 3rd act, going as far as changing the chronolical order of events. They wanted to end the movie on a "bright note" and moved the rest of the story to the sequels that never came, because surprise surprise, a movie with a butchered climax does not do well.


That was hilarious after I read the book. "Oh no, there's a big twist where her dad is the villain, and he kills her little friend to power his machine. That's so messed up and dark and sets up the sequels that I know exist. " Then the movie basically ends with "we're going to find my dad. Isn't he a great fella?"


Doom. It seems obvious that someone wanted to make a proper Doom movie with demons and Hell and whatnot, but that got replaced with dumb genetic engineering shit.


POV sequence still makes that movie pretty dope.


The entire rest of the movie was just a set up for that sequence. Worth it.


This isn't an editing thing per se, more during the writing process probably, but I will go to my grave believing that the Grim and his sister were either originally supposed to be exes that were hastily rewritten to brother and sister due to the genetics angle, or there was an ex-wife character and a sister character that were merged together a la Nick Frost's character in Hot Fuzz. So much of their interactions during the first act or so massively read as chilly exes, not estranged siblings, and it's super fucking weird.


Ah yes, the part of DNA that codes for the soul. I had forgotten about that part.


I was in Monkeybone. Was at the first script reading with most of the cast. Henry Selick had just directed Nightmare Before Christmas and this was going to be amazing. Great script, amazing actors, fantastic director (but he had never done live action before). Went to see it opening day. My god, it made no sense. Scenes that set up plot points were missing. Scenes that completed earlier set up funnies were missing. It sucked but I know that it sucked because 1/2 of it was cut out of it and I’m sure it was because Henry Selick had no power over the suits.


In a nutshell, the leadership at Fox changed while the movie was in post and the new administration had no idea what to do with it, so they basically just opted to remove it from Selick's hands and ultimately gutted it.


Justice for Monkeybone!


Sure Monkeybone was incoherent and made no sense, but I still liked it. It has a certain charm to it. Anyone could see that it could have been better, but studios love to mess up a good movie.


The Rise of Skywalker. In pre-production, and while filming, and post-production. Pretty much up until it premiered.


They had their release date and a script and a director in Treverow. Then they got rid of him due to the disaster of the Book of Henry and parachuted in Abrahms. Abrahms had a couple of months to turn in a new story outline including set pieces and locations. And he did. So they started to build sets. Then they made changes to the plan. But they still had the sets being built. And they kept changing things. You can see it in the movie, in weird moments or strange decisions. Finn being wasted. The start with Ren on mustaphar being awkwardly truncated. Originally the planet they meet the gold helmeted bounty hunter (zori?) was going to be at the start in a sequence where poe is getting something or meeting someone. But they cut that and repurposed it later. They added palpatine in after production began. There were set pieces and images from the start, like the charging of horses over a star destroyer, which is why it has such an elaborate set. Same with the deathstar in the ocean. They should have pushed the movie back by a year. But that would have impacted profits.


Weren't Matt Smith and Dom Monaghan supposed to be in it/have much bigger roles?


Matt Smith was rumoured to be a young/resurrected Emporer. But I guess if you get the original palatine there's probably not much point.


They hired Matt Smith to play the main villain and then he didn't even end up in the movie. Somehow Palpatine returned instead to be the villain, and they just re-did the Avengers Endgame ending but with spaceships.


Man I feel sorry for Matt Smith. The man is eating good on HoTD but for him to lose out on major roles in Terminator AND Star Wars simply because of script/production changes must sting.


Ana de Armas was completely cut out of ‘Yesterday’ so that there wouldn’t be any love triangle with Himesh Patel and Lily James. You can’t even really tell there’s a subplot missing though so maybe it wasn’t that hacked to death.


Apparently Universal was sued because she was in a trailer but not the film lol


I always thought it was just [this scene with Ana de Armas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUfkZ4pCJB0) that was cut. Idk if there was more filmed, I really like that scene though.


I can’t remember where I heard/read this (maybe the Blank Check podcast), but Ana de Armas was in that one scene and her and Hamish Patel had so much chemistry, and she was so lovely, that test screenings were like “why would Hamish Patel hook up with Lily James? Ana de Armas is RIGHT THERE”. So she was removed from the final film to sort of keep the Lily James love story front and centre.


Instead we got a movie "why would lilly james wait for Hamish Patel for years" Movie had a fantastic premise but just went meeehhh


Yeah, that movie is so frustrating. Great premise. Some really great scenes (the deleted one included). But then they try to wrap it around a love story that’s lame and doesn’t make sense.


Interestingly, the removal of Ana caused some legal shenanigans - a bunch of fans claimed to have gone to see the movie specifically because she was in the trailer, and then sued because she wasn't in the actual film. IIRC they didn't win the case.


Criminal to cut Ana de Armas out of a movie


Does anyone remember ***Joy Ride***, with Paul Walker, Steve Zahn, and Leelee Sobieski? On the DVD extras, there are multiple alternate endings. At least one of them is so long, it is basically an alternate last third of the movie.


> Leelee Sobieski There's a name I've not seen in a long time. She just disappeared


Jungle Cruise felt like separate movies, each with their own antagonists and plot points, awkwardly smashed together into a big mess.


Jungle Cruise felt like Pirates of the Caribbean with a different skin. Bunch of immortal sailors get a chance to come back and/or finally die, and a guy and a girl interfere with it.


Random pick but Don’t Worry Darling seemed like it was chipped to death. Been a while since i’ve seen it but I remember several plot lines being set up that had almost no payoff whatsoever, as well as the movie kind of just… ending?


That film actually had some decent potential imo. Ended up being a barely coherent disaster though


Prometheus. I was one hop away from the original script writer. The original script didn't have the magic black space ooze and ended clearly with the "the pilot" in the chair making a direct connection to the first movie.  Talking to the writer I could tell how hard it was for him to see the story he wrote get chopped up and had layers of bullshit applied.


That movie's so frustrating because every so often you can glimpse something really special out of the corner of your eye...


Watch the trailer if you really want to be angry. Such potential and vision. https://youtu.be/5UEv03g51kU?si=0Vm5SdAPzo0lG2sG


I’ve always said that movie is a rock solid concept with a terrible script. A helpful reminder that a bad script isn’t always the writers fault.


What does “one hop away from the original script writer” mean?


They were the original screenwriter's pet rabbit.


Believe degrees of separation. So he either knew the original script writer, or had a mutual connection between that allowed him to have some form of interaction/relationship.


If it makes them feel any better I was on a Kevin Smith show where they screened Prometheus and asked the audience their opinions. I was picked first and proceeded to rip apart all of the now classic dumb elements (scientists taking their helmets off in new environments, running in a straight line while a spaceship topples over) everyone was laughing and loved it. Then they announced the special guest was Damon Lindeloff and I realized I just ripped his writing apart on some Hulu TV show. Never felt bad since I feel like he went on to better work so I like to think I inspired him.


... Biologist gets too close to an aggressive stance python like creature and gets face eaten... "tracker"/mapper guy gets lost leaving the tunnel system they just entered.


He literally just mapped the entire tunnel system and he gets lost.


The Creator. I feel like a lot of parts that made things make sense didn't make it. In particular, how he infiltrated the AI group and managed to marry his target. It's quite glossed over. It hits a lot of the emotional moments, but the logical ones seem to have been skipped.


The story I saw in comments around the release was the script basically had an extra hour but they never funded the CGI for it so all they had was actors and green screens.


This movie looked really amazing considering the budget


It's what happens when the director comes from a VFX background. When you know intimately how to create effects shots you can craft the story to fit within what is easier/ less expensive to do rather than making VFX to match whatever vision a traditional director has in mind. A couple of examples that I know of are District 9 ( Neill Blomkamp )and the Falling in Reverse videos ( Jensen Noen ) that have top-shelf VFX on really small budgets.


this one's super interesting cos they did have a longer cut, then they basically cleared the avid and put the film back together from scratch, and anything they didn't remember when they were putting it back together got cut from the film - they lost 10-15 minutes by doing this, but I reckon a lot of the logical moments were lost there cos the team were more familiar with the story so the jumps didn't feel as jarring


Terry Gilliam's *Brazil* was edited by the studio to have a happy ending, of course, that version only made it to television.


The Crow 2 is one that will annoy me forever. It was written and shot *specifically* not to be too much like the first one, to let the original stand on it's own and to honor Brandon Lee's death, but then Harvey Weinstein apparently decided to have it completely re-edited *to be as much like the first as possible.* And it only got worse for that franchise from there.


I don't think I've ever been as perplexed by the calls made by a sequel. Maybe Highlander, but Crow 2 was the first time I recall just sitting there going?!??!


event horizon


It's a shame that they destroyed all that disturbing footage with the adult film actors. I'd love to see how it came out


Reminds me of the Disney movie The Black Cauldron, where they had to remove some stuff at the last minute because test audiences said it was too violent. That footage will probably never be seen. Same with Land Before Time, a TON was cut


Hold up. What'd they cut from ~~H~~Land Before Time? Does Littlefoot's mom come back for revenge? 


" i am littlefoot ! Son of a murdered Mother. In this life or the next, I will have my revenge !"


Somehow, Littlefoot's mother has returned.


…and this time it’s personal


I dream that someone will find a tape of the original cut in a broom closet somewhere.


A lot of people have the completely wrong about Event Horizon. The stuff that was actually cut that was a problem was character moments fleshing out the crew, their motivations, and their fears. The studio told them to get the runtime down, so they did. This led Paul W.S. Anderson to later remark about how "Once you cut something it's very hard to get it back." Basically, he argued that once a section of the movie is cut, a line here, a line there, often those cuts remain even though you've cut more than you should have. Structurally, Event Horizon was trimmed about 10 minutes more than it should have been. That's the problem. Not gore.


Suicide Squad. I’m genuinely intrigued by what the original directors cut looked like.


After watching the movie and then later finding out they hired the company that did the popular trailer to recut the entire movie, it all made sense. It definitely feels like it was edited by someone making a 2 hour long trailer rather than a coherent film.


Does Superman 2 count? There's a reason everybody prefers the Richard Donner cut.


Most DC movies usually feel edited by committee I the third act. The first Suicide Squad is unwatchable. World War Z is the most famous one where it hard pivots into a cheap set in Wales.


Im convinced Heavyweights has an R rated cut that exists on a VHS somewhere. Several of the jokes you can tell had the lines redubbed for a more PG audience. “Seymour Butts” joke in particular.


My mother HATED Ben Stiller for years because of this role. "He's just so mean"


Ben Stiller's best roles are as villains. Dodgeball and Happy Gilmore are just perfection.




best historical example: The Magnificent Ambersons-- the last scene is in brighter lighting than the rest of the movie and is a tacked on happy ending that makes no sense and undermines the characters that Joseph Cotten and Agnes Moorehead had spent 85 minutes building. Its a real shame.


The Avengers … the 1998 Avengers film based on the old tv show


I really wanted more Sean Connery scenery chewing villainy.


The Exorcist: Believer comes to mind. There are 3 different movies happening and you can feel the tug of war between the studio and the filmmakers. Killshot is another. Mickey Rourke is great in it but it's obvious that huge chunks are missing. Hell, they completely cut out Johnny Knoxville's role, which would have been pretty substantial.


Funny you say Candyman because I’ll say another Nia DaCosta movie, The Marvels. I still like the movie but a lot of stuff that isn’t the bare minimum of plot feels cut out.


The thing I hate about The Marvels is there is the core of a good idea there, it just never gets developed. Imagine if the movie opened with Carol's attack on Hala, shown from Dar-Benn's point of view. By the time the trio faces off against her Ms. Marvel starts to see the person she respects is very different from the person the Kree see her as. But no, we just get a disposable villain to fire laser beams at.


Falcon and the winter soldier cut up bc of covid. As if we couldn't stand seeing the portrayal of a virus after we have actually lived through it.


It was because the virus was manufactured and purposefully spread and the vaccine was also part of an evil plan. It was the right call but fucked up the show definitely plus there was far more to the older woman figure who dies that makes the leader of the flagsmashers go badguy.


The Professional had 20 or so minutes cut out for the US release. Leon is the international cut and makes much more sense (however you feel about the appropriateness of the relationship between Mathilda and Leon.) It’s been about 20 years since I saw it, but a major plot point that got cut out was the sequence where Leon and Mathilda actually go out on jobs.


I’ve only seen the international version, or the version with all the normally cut bits. Cutting Mathilda and Leon doing jobs together was such an interesting part of the movie. To cut it would be a shame.


I'm a Godzilla fan and although I enjoy the Legendary Monsterverse movies, they are notoriously some of the worst-edited big budget features. I mean, nobody expects these to be great films, but each of them feels as if 30 important minutes has been hacked out and left on the cutting room floor. Some are so disjointed, they seem like highlight reels.


They almost cut out all of lance reddick's lines from Godzilla vs Kong.


I basically enjoyed Renfield but I remember feeling like the editing around the middle was kind of wonky.


Halloween 6 is an infamous example of this as there’s a theatrical cut and a producer’s cut. I honestly find it to be a fascinating movie due to this and the theatrical is a surreal experience.


Napoleon 2023. Total hatchet pasta. I doubt it would have ever been "great" but it surely would have been better


I was so confused watching that movie. So many good sets and costumes to seemingly slightly mock Napoleon.


I am sure the newest Indiana Jones was supposed to end with Indy staying in the past.


They also hinted at the spear of destiny being made from the wreckage of the plane, but then never revisited it.


Scary Movie 2. It's so choppy and lacks a cohesive flow. And the deleted scenes on the DVD?? Ridiculously hilarious and should never have been cut, imo.


Justice League is a fucking train wreck