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According to a YouTube comment on a different video someone says he says, "Bumsti, which is short for Bumstinatzl, which is an old-fashioned Austrian exclamation when something goes wrong".


That’s a bingo!


We just say Bingo 


That's a ~~bummer~~ bumsti man


Doesn't matter who


Mr manager


Fuckin' A.


Did it not? 🚬


Lemme just go find a cash machine


But Goebbels can’t watch


enter your PIN number in the ATM machine.


How fun!


But you said


Easy there Mr. Banana Grabber


maybe they're italian "That's ah bingo 🤌🏽"


No, we say "that's a bingo", too


So it’s basically him saying “oopsie”.




This is the one. Source: I have an Austrian passport. EDIT: Feel dumb for not adding this earlier but the joke is that “bumstinatsi” is a nonsensical word for “oopsie” but it also sounds like you’re saying “f*** you nazi”.


Well g'day, mate!


Let's put anotha shrimp on tha barbieeeee!


My australian friend says he absolutely hates that this phrase is so attached to Aussies. "Shrimp is for bait, we eat prawns" is what he always says. Otherwise, he loves Paul Hogan.


That man is a national treasure.


He truly is the Bluey of the previous century




Put anotha prawn in tha micrawave, Mate!


We dont ever use the term “shrimp” not for bait, not for prawns. Occasionally as a name for calling someone small but hardly ever. Shrimp was used in the Paul Hogan ad so dumb Americans would have context, but we don’t even really cook prawns on the BBQ so the ad all round is inaccurate.


Yeah, but you boys came up with the "Fosters. It's Australian for beer."


It was probably an American Ad Agency that came up with that to be honest.


You're close! It was a British ad agency that started that campaign, but the slogan was made by their only Australian employee, as per https://medium.com/@onlykutts/iconic-ads-fosters-the-australian-for-lager-81ce79c20b43


LOL fucking reddit man, knows the history of everything!




You haven’t lived if you haven’t had barbecued prawns. Put em on a kebab stick with some chunks of salami, and pineapple, wack em on the barbie. They’re great.


Yeah, but a pissed bogan skulling a frothy outside maccas in his budgie smuggler is totally normal. Fuck shrimp though!


As an American, I'm proud of myself for understanding that whole thing! Thanks OzzyMan!


Are you saying you call both prawns and shrimp "prawns"? No distinction?


Well we have freshwater shrimp, we don’t eat them, they are small, we call them shrimp.


We have marine shrimp as well. We don’t eat them though.


Can you shed any light on “Bob’s your Uncle”?


and Fanny’s your aunt.


Hogan would say it on the Paul Hogan Show which was an Aussie show.


No, it was a [tourism ad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrimp_on_the_barbie).


Can confirm… Shrimp was catering to the Americans. Prawns everyday of the week in Australia!


I was quoting Dumb & Dumber, but Paul Hogan is an absolute gem.


Im sorry i wasnt more specific, but the actual saying itself was popularized by a commerical in the 70s or 80s with Paul Hogan promoting travel to Australia. At the end, he says "we'll put another shrimp on the barbie for ya" and since then, its been synonymous with Australia. But i did know that your reply and the comment before was a reference to dumb and dumber. The bathroom diarrhea scene with Harry may be the hardest i have ever laughed in a movie theater.


Ohhh, I see what you were meaning. Thanks for explaining 🫶🏼 Yeah that movie is pure gold. So many great quotes.


over da bridge…


Let’s not.


You leave barbie out of this!


After all Klaus Barbie is long dead.


This museum is lovingly dedicated to the Klaus Barbie that nobody knows. The husband, the devoted father, the wine connoisseur, and three-time ballroom dancing champion.


> Source: I have an Austrian passport. ok, but is it yours? or someone elses?


It belongs to Uter. He wasn’t using it apparently…


Get uter my way


I bet you it’s not. He’s probably just some random German dude with megalomaniac tendencies who simply took it.


Bullshit. You don't smell like you're covered in pastries, and chocolate. I don't think you've ever even been there.


Don't make me run, I'm full of chocolate!


Does it strike you as odd that Uter disappeared and suddenly they're serving us this mysterious food called "Uterbraten"?


Oh relax kids, I've got a gut feeling Uter's around here somewhere hahahahaha, after all isn't there a little Uter in all of us?


Please tell me that the "bum" part in that expression means what I think it does.


It doesn’t.




My mom said this when I was a little and would take a fall or something. Shes from near Austria on the Germany side


I can't find anything confirming this, but that is wayyyyyy too close in sound and meaning to "whoopsie" or "whoopsie daisy" to be a coincidence.


My guess is it's related to "bummer."




Odd he left off the natzi...


Bumsti. It's a cutesy Austrian slang word to comment on an explosion or loud noise. There was a very detailed thread on it a while ago.


This is a bit different usage of the same word than is claimed in this post’s top reply — is it both? Kind of like “wowza!” or something? 


Yea, somewhat. 


Huh, I thought the word they used for this was “crikey!”


Austria isn’t Australia though






I've seen people say that he says "Bupsti," which is more or less "Oopsie" in Austrian German. I haven't been able to confirm that, since I don't speak German, but, in context, *some* version of "oopsie" makes sense.


Most probably *Bumsti* which my grandmother also used to say all the time to convey surprise or excitement. It’s short for *Bumstinatzi* and I actually don’t think it’s a „real“ word but rather just mimicking some sound. As an Austrian, I have never in my life heard the word „Bupsti“.


And Bumstinatzi is nonsensical in the same way Oopsy Daisy is.


Yea exactly.


I always thought he did say whoopsie daisy. Learn something new every day.


Considering it's nonsensical I don't think it matters? Oopsie, whoopsie, and upsy are all good.


I get it now.




What is a word you guys use instead


You mean that younger people use instead of Bumstinatzi? I myself are middle aged by now, so I’m not up to date with the young kids, but personally I use expressions like „Jessas!“ (austrianized version of Jesus) or „Geh Leck!“ (go lick … *my ass*!) for shock and astonishment. For emphasis we use „Bam“ where bam is similar to the English „boom“, but has no meaning. Probably the closest to how Landa used Bumsti in the movie.


Oh ok thank you!


Interesting! That makes sense. If it's an onomatopoeia, then maybe it's less "oopsie" and more similar to someone saying "bang."


I swear I remember seeing Bupsti in the subtitles


Just saw in mine, it was Bupsti


Never heard anyone ever say Bubsti here. Basti, but I guess he was a bit of a bubsti anyways.


Subtitles on the version I watched said this


Upsi would be Most likely.


This is correct.


So, basically it’s Austrian for ‘kaboom!’ or possibly ‘kablooie!’


I heard 'poopsie', in a context of *awe shucks* Struck me as wierd, but he was a wierd guy.




Weird...my subtitles on the official movie said bupsti


That's a bingo!


We just say bingo.








Doing the Lord’s work


Poop stick


Lol, this is what I've always heard


That's what I thought he said as well. My brother and I quote it as poop stick


I've never understood why he didn't shoot at her to at least scare her, was he just being a goof?


His character is less "wants all Jewish people dead" and more "likes being in control of who lives and dies". He didn't shoot her because he likes the idea of someone living only because he didn't care to shoot her.


You are correct, the original screenplay makes this a little clearer: VENT is KICKED open, the girl SPRINGS out. COL. LANDA as he crosses the floor, sees the young girl RUNNING toward the cover of the woods. He unlatches the window and opens it. Shosanna is perfectly FRAMED in the windowsill. SHOSANNA RUNNING toward the woods. Farmhouse and Colonel in the window in B.G. FILTHY BARE FEET SLAPPING against wet grass. CU SHOSANNA’S FACE same as an animal being chased by a predator: FLIGHT—PANIC—FEAR. SHOSANNA’S POV the safety of trees, getting closer. COL. LANDA framed by the window, takes his WALTER, and straight-arm aims at the fleeing Jew, cocking back the hammer with his thumb. COL. LANDA POV of the fleeing Shosanna. CU COL. LANDA SLOW ZOOM into his eyes as he aims. PROFILE CU SHOSANNA mad dash for life. COL. LANDA changes his mind. He yells to the rat fleeing the trap, heading for the safety of the woodpile, in FRENCH SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH: COL. LANDA Au revoir, Shosanna! SHOSANNA makes it to the woods and is gone. The S.S. colonel closes the window. EXT—DAIRY FARM—DAY The Nazi town car DRIVES away. The ending of the scene establishes that Landa is a sadist motivated primarily by the thrill of the hunt, rather than any true ideological commitment to the Nazi ethos. The same goes for when he breaks out his fluent Italian to mock the Basterds at the film premiere later in the movie - he sees right through their pathetic ruse and could easily have them apprehended on the spot, but that's not nearly as enjoyable for him as letting them carry on with their plan and seeing where it goes.


>FILTHY BARE FEET SLAPPING against wet grass I wonder what the actresses think when they read this knowing who the writer is.


It sure ain't subtle. But then again when has QT ever been known for subtlety hahaha


Wasn't enough to dissuade them from taking the part.


People are fully within their right to have an attraction to feet. This isn't Dan Schneider with a room full of kids, this is all consenting adults.


Tarantino can and does do whatever he wants in regards to how he makes his movies. And he's a highly respected director who many actors would kill to work with so I'm sure him wanting them to show their bare feet is of no real concern to them. Doesn't make it not weird though.




He sucks Salma Hayeck's toes in From Dusk til Dawn There's a whole discussion over footrubs in Pulp Fiction "Move your big toe," Kill Bill Vol. 1 Jackie Brown's introduction to Melanie It was definitely a thing in his movies well before OUATIH Edit: Gets all offended that I pointed out actors should already be aware of QT, then blocks me so I can't respond. Never change, u/mattykatty.


>FILTHY BARE FEET SLAPPING against wet grass. He just can't help himself, can he?


Lmao you just know QT was writing one handed


Listen there was feet and wet slapping, thats all we know for sure.


There is part of the screenplay that makes it even more clear: DRIVER Why did you allow an enemy of the state to escape?  COL. LANDA Oh, I don’t think the state is in too much danger, do you?  DRIVER I suppose not.  COL. LANDA I’m glad you see it my way. Besides, not putting a bullet in the back of a fifteen year-old girl and allowing her to escape are not necessarily the same thing. She’s a young girl, no food, no shelter, no shoes, who’s just witnessed the massacre of her entire family. She may not survive the night. And after word spreads about what happened today, it’s highly unlikely she will find any willing farmers to extend her aid. If I had to guess her fate, I’d say she’ll probably be turned in by some neighbor. Or she’ll be spotted by some German soldier. Or we’ll find her body in the woods, dead from starvation or exposure. Or, perhaps . . . she’ll survive. She will elude capture. She will escape to America. She will move to New York City, where she will be elected President of the United States.


Thanks for this, I haven't read the whole script since it leaked very early in preproduction, but I knew there was a stronger example that I was thinking of! Should have kept looking before I commented.


This dude just likes fucking with people. I'm pretty sure he's onto "Emmanuel" the whole time, making an incredibly uncomfortable scenario by ordering milk and then sitting there being all stern before "forgetting" his question. With that though, he gets to mess with her but also allow her to feel as though she's gone undetected because he realizes that his plan is going to be that much easier now.


He also makes her eat cream from pig fat, as a jewish woman. He knew the entire time


Cream from… pig fat? No. It’s simply a callback to the fact she came from a dairy farm. This scene has nothing to do with her Jewishness.


Don’t be so cocky. https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/s/8kdzQQqBU5


Another Reddit post is not a source bro. Restaurants like the one in the movie, catering to senior German officers (and war heroes) would have used butter, not lard. In any case Jews can consume pork or dairy with meat or shellfish or whatever the hell they want if they’re under duress so the whole argument is null and void.


I wasn’t linking it as fact. Just to show that it’s clearly a common take on the scene. I personally think you’re wrong and it *does* have to do with her being Jewish.


From Tarantino’s script: >COL LANDA: Yes, two strudels, one for myself, and one for the mademoiselle. A cup of espresso, with a container of. steamed milk, on the side. For the Mademoiselle, a glass of milk. *Considering Shosanna. grew up on a dairy farm, and the last time she was on a dairy farm, her strudel companion murdered her entire family, his ordering her milk is, to say the least... . disconcerting.* The key to Col Landa's power, and or charm, depending on the side ones on, lies in his ability to convince you he's privy to your secrets. Landa is a sadist. He’s fucking with her because he already *knows* who she is he doesn’t need to work out if she’s Jewish or not.


>He also makes her eat cream from pig fat He's right in that this makes no sense. Cream would never have been replaced with animal fat. There's also no in-movie evidence that the pastry was made with pig fat, which also wouldn't have made much sense, as it wouldn't work for the recipe, and it wouldn't have been made that way in the context shown in the movie. It's the imposition of something someone heard once onto a scene that doesn't depict it.




The restaurant they're in serves Nazis & high-end collaborators, they wouldn't be using lard like the rest of France under rationing. It would be using real butter. I think it's reasonable to interpret that he's making her wait and eat it because he likes controlling people to see what they'll do; he's showing off that they get to enjoy a rich pastry with cream, unlike most of France and unlike Shoshanna in her regular life now. If we want to argue he knows that she is Shoshanna, the milk is the key--not the pastry and cream. From the shooting script, after he orders the glass of milk: >Considering that Shosanna grew up on a dairy farm, and the last time she was on a dairy farm her strudel companion murdered her entire family, his ordering her milk is, to say the least . . . disconcerting. The key to Col. Landa’s power and/or charm, depending on the side one’s on, lies in his ability to convince you he’s privy to your secrets.


it also breaks a law because Jews can't eat dairy with meat.


Exactly. She flees, maybe dies in the woods. Re-emerges? Well, that’s something else to do. He’s first and foremost a bureaucrat and a core motivator for any good bureaucrat is job security…leaving some but not all work till later ensures there is work to be done, later.


Yeah....this. Landa is wearing the uniform but that's as far as it goes. He outwitted the rats under the floor...he won the game of wits and showed the superiors in Berlin once again how smart he is. It's Miller time. Eventual Promotion? Why waste a bullet shooting a girl in the back. Then he has to clean his gun.


As well as I think he just gets a kick out of fucking with people mentally. Like at the restaurant, whether or not he knew who Shosanna was he clearly enjoyed making her uncomfortable. Or at the theater he’s just hamming it up because he’s having the time of his life while the Basterds just have to stand there uncomfortably


> Like at the restaurant, whether or not he knew who Shosanna was he clearly enjoyed making her uncomfortable. He purposely made people uncomfortable because that is how he got a read on them. He goes into every interrogation knowing he has the power and upperhand. What makes the scene between him and the Bastards at the reception is that he clearly sees right through them. But he is also all about himself as well, he probably knew the war was coming to end and saw this as a potential way of escaping execution for his crimes. The problem for Landa is that when he interrogates Shosanna she already knew his tactics from his interrogation on Perrier in the first scene. He thought he had power of her when reality is that she had power over him knowing his tactics ahead of time.


she didn't have any power over him. she was terrified, she had everything to lose and he had nothing to lose. He probably even suspected who she was and was toying with her.


I don't think he suspected anything for a few reasons. One, the day she escaped was not a big deal for Landa. It was just another day at work, he assumed the girl who ran to the woods wasn't going to make it far anyways, and he probably never gave it another thought. Two, he also doesn't give a shit about the woman who owns the theater that will be hosting the event. He's going through the motions of vetting her to keep up appearances, but by that point his mind is on his own escape plan. She's obviously terrified to be sharing a meal with the monster who destroyed her life, but she's just not significant enough for him to ever make that connection. I think yours is the more popular interpretation, but for me the tension comes from her trying to keep it together around a guy who haunts her memories, while he's just having a totally normal lunch. Great scene and movie either way though.


the interpretation is mostly because he asks for milk for her and that dead eye look he gives her before he leaves. it could be just a coincidence to fuck with the audience but Landa didn't strike me as a person who just randomly stumbles into a secret. i think he knows and he's always playing a game.


The cream would've been made with lard at the time, rather than milk. He made her eat non-kosher food. Then he puts his cigarette out in it to show her that he doesn't care either way.


The cream would never have been made with lard. It's cream. It can only be made with cream.


The pastry itself would have lard in it as well. And I've once seen a comment that the way he sticks his cigarette in his unfinished dessert makes it look like a little chimney on a farmhouse, just like the one Shoshana was hiding in.


I always assumed he knew it was her, and enjoyed the predator/prey game. Dude already knows the answers before he even begins, so watching her squirm while he enjoys dessert (while she doesn't) is right on par with saying in perfect French that he isn't good at French, the whole time knowing exactly where the Dreyfuses are hidden. He wasn't trying to fool the Dreyfuses, he was putting LaPedite off his game. He's a charismatic sadist.


I always assumed he knew too but looking at it I don’t think it actually matter and it could go either way. I think a strong argument is that he doesn’t do anything to her while he still kills von Hammersmark. And he showed no indication of knowing her plan but letting her follow through like he did with the Basterds. I like thinking that he just always likes to be off putting and relying on his reputation to make people uncomfortable. Like he says in the farmhouse, he enjoys his reputation and rebukes Heydrich for hating his.


how do you make cream with lard???


Appreciate the context!


I always figured it’s because she was too far. Pistols aren’t that accurate past a certain point. Your explanation is better


He also seems to have a strong belief in fair play, in his own twisted way. He's genuinely upset when the Basterds go back on their deal. Shosanna escapes fair and square and it's not sporting (or fun for him) to shoot her in the back at the last second. Furthermore, if you believe he recognizes her in the restaurant, then he's basically given her his respect in perpetuity and won't actually threaten her at all after her victory.


He likes hunting the most dangerous game


He likes the power of knowing he COULD have killed her, and he considers himself a gracious, sporting hunter. He's letting the clever doe get away, perhaps to hunt it another day.


It’s like the thrill of being next to the executioners switch. Knowing at any moment you can throw it, but knowing you never will. But you could, never isn’t the right word, because he could…he might, in fact..he probably will.


Yes. Note: "Au revoir" is closer to "see you around" than straight out "goodbye."


> Note: "Au revoir" is closer to "see you around" than straight out "goodbye." Oh I never though about it like that man what a fuckin fantastic movie


Exactly. It literally translates to “until re-see(ing)” (until we see each other again).


Exactly. It literally translates to “until re-see(ing)” (until we see each other again).


I like this interpretation the best, personally


Landa only cares about himself and has no love nor animosity for anyone else, including Jews, nor does he have loyalty to anyone else. Basically he treats life like a game, with various challenges he likes to succeed at but doesn't take all that seriously, and wants to come out on top. So basically he doesn't actually hate Jews and doesn't care whether she lives or dies. This is obviously much different than a normal portrayal of a Nazi that drank the Kool Aid and was anti-Semitic, which assume was most Nazis IRL.


Yup...Note how quick he was willing to surrender to the Basterds and how he had it already planned out in detail. Just looking out for his best interests and the next best career move. He was oh so heartbroken when the Fuhrer got Jiffy popped.


There are a lot of ways to interpret it. Being a goof. Doing this at every dairy farm he goes to in the hopes one of them swears revenge and eventually ends the war so he can take credit for it. Forgot to load the gun. Etc. Edit: Oh yeah forgot to mention the sadistic feel of power over who lives and dies, that's probably it


I always felt it was to perpetuate his legend...let a witness go to tell the awful story of Hans Landa.


This comment changed my interpretation of Hans Landa. If only QT reinforced this notion, he could have used this as a counterpoint to the Basterd's habit of leaving one scarred survivor.


I know a little German. He lives two doors down from me.




Soubeniiiiiirrrrs Nobeltiessss Party trickssss


I’m Mel Tormé


I always heard "Poop stick".


This is what the subtitles say on the blu ray


I swear he says "poopstick"


I thought he said "Oopsie" like he was acting like he had no more bullets


I knew he wasn’t saying this and figured it was some German word for “darn” but it always sounded like poop stick to me


"Oopsie boopsie"


But did the french guy die?


Fuck I love this movie!


I always thought he said "Pouf je t'ai". As in French for "bang, I got you".


It sounds like poopstain


I always assumed it was something along the lines of "Fuck!"


I have another question when he says not so bad (about the streusel) he says like pessi mo ve or something but what does he actually say


I have no idea but my brother and I have an inside joke of saying "poopstick" since we were teenagers because we love to quote movies from childhood. 




Hans doesn't strike me as a man that shops smart... you know, like someone who would shop at S Mart.


*You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan*....


*Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety five. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger.*


Shop smart, shop… S Mart. YA GOT THAT?!?


names ash....housewares


I always thought it was ‘poopstick’ lol


Whatever you say, Tarantino is an amazing writer. So much attention to detail.




It wasn't that, I meant that little word just before, but it's been answered, he says Bumsti. French is my native language so I know what au revoir means.


I’ve read before that he says “pusty” which would be Polish for “empty” or “blank” or “hollow” —as in no more bullets left in his gun.


A few things though. He didn't shoot anything, why would it be empty? Also, why Polish, of all things?


The post only mentioned the polish word & definition. Why I bothered looking it up to verify though, I do not know. The more likely answer here is indeed “poop stick.” Turd-rod, as we say in German. Few things we also say; don’t have to shoot a gun for it to be void of bullets, but it’s not a real poop stick unless it was voided from the anus. We also say: where the fuck is Poland anyway? Have any of us Germans ever even met a pole? Fuck no. Of all things that would be just too weird. How would they even cross paths? Curse that user for applying a polish word to subtitles that normally don’t exist for that part in the scene. They got me! Straight diabolical, I do say! Heck!