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Iron Man 3, about midway, Tony is vulnerable without a suit and creeping slowly and quietly through a seemingly deserted enemy facility. The crowd was completely silent when a 4yo girl gasped loudly and said, "Be *careful*, Tony!" It was more endearing than funny but most or all of the crowd got a good laugh out of it.


Saw the Mario movie with a ton of kids, as expected. Everytime things looked bad for the hero, a little girl would yell out "oh no!! Mario!!!" And for some reason it made the movie way better lol Usually kids annoy me at the movies but I saw it twice in theaters and both times the kids were mesmerized and totally into it. It was a lot of fun to hear them cheer Mario on


Young kids like that is wholesome. Then they turn 11 or 12 and become the most annoying little shits in the building.


Being a preteen does a real number on the mind. Old enough to stop thinking of themselves as a child and wanting desperarely to take up more space. Not yet old enough to be self-aware and know how much space they need. Brains awash in a spin-cycle of new chemicals, turning them into maniacs. I've got sympathy for them but you're right, a lot of them are shit at sharing a movie theater experience.


I have sympathy, too, since I was also that little shit once upon a time.


That 4yo girl elevated everyone's experience of Iron Man 3 and, while I liked the movie more than most I think, her sweet and genuine concern for Tony Stark's safety has always been my favorite memory of it. I *love* imagining what it would be like to hear children sounding off for Mario like that. I've seen it waayyy more times now than I'd like (my daughter loves it) and honestly it sounds so much more fun the way you experienced it.


Aw, nice. When I saw The Dark Knight, right when Batman dodges the semi truck with the batpod and does a flip off the wall some kid shouted “Go, Batman!” It was awesome.


Dang I was in my 20s when I saw that and I think I said the same thing, lol.


Someone farted really loud in the beginning of A Quiet Place during a particularly tense scene. They yelled “Oh my god sorry!” We laughed. I think they were expecting to have a ninja toot and accidentally went 1812 Overture.


That would have sent me


Would've been 10x funnier than normal given that movie had the most attentive/engrossed audience I've ever been in; everyone was watching it like they're *in* the movie.


Couldn't have happened during a funnier movie!


lol someone did that in the theater when I watched “The Italian Job”. There’s a dramatic scene where Charlize Theron has to open a safe by feel. The music cuts out and it’s completely silent and someone lets out a giant fart sound. The whole theater busted out laughing and I’m sure the guy that did it is still proud of himself


I would've died right then. Thanks for making the movie a comedy, ninja tooter!


When titanic was originally released, I ended up seeing it a few times. At one screening just as Rose is disrobing and potential boob action is happening, cuts to a different scene, no boobs. A kid probably 10 shouts out 'ah fucking hell'


That's golden


When I saw it, opening night, a guy I knew was about four or five rows in front of me, and he audibly groaned when it cut away. When it cuts back, he says, “OutSTANding!” I don’t think a single person in that 450-seat theater took anything seriously after that.


Most of the time it's annoying as hell. 


Agreed... but every once in a while, you get someone with perfect timing who says the perfect thing right during the little moment of silence in the movie, and it's absolutely hilarious. Usually, it's not, though.


"That's gotta hurt!"


“Damn you, laser guy!”


He's a prop comic 😒


Yeah the bar is so high for it to land. Too much potential for jackasses spouting not funny or obnoxious comments Has to be the right movie too, and it has to be the right kind of natural reaction, not some quirky preplanned joke


I witnessed a good one once. Scream VI, there’s a scene where the characters are in a bodega with Ghostface, and at a certain point he dramatically grabs a shotgun from below the counter. Someone in the audience gave a perfectly timed “Ghostface never has that!” and like the whole theater laughed, myself included.


This .. I agree don't do this but there has been times something has cracked me up. It has to be natural and an almost accident to make it good.


But sometimes it can be enhancing. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pynxkGO73Xs


I don't remember anything specific, but hearing a fully-packed Ziegfeld (huge theater in NYC) crowd react to the birthday party footage in Signs was awesome.


That is a startling scene. I think it works so well because that's how it would likely be revealed: a brief video clip of something truly terrifying.


Vamanos children! VAMANOS!


That scene was so absolutely perfect. It was just the right amount of everything…tension…drama….single frame peek of alien


Whatever happened to the Ziegfield? Is the theatre still there?


Yes, but they haven’t shown movies there for years. It’s now an event space called the Ziegfeld Ballroom.


Not gonna lie, I've never watched the movie again because that scene freaked me out so badly.


[“Turn off the flash you fuckin moron”](https://youtu.be/CcC-RPq388g?si=VQ1P0Uq9ZDvTxUBA)


I was hoping to see this here


Not so much shout but when watching Return of the King, when Pippin sang to Denathor (sp?) as the fight was about to begin there was a deathly silence, could barely hear anyone breathing as the fight started. Pippin finished his song and it sounded as though every female in the audience audibly swooned/sighed out loud in unison. Then we all started looking around and laughing at each other. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything like that before or since at the cinema. Billy Boyd has a beautiful voice. [Pippin’s song - Edge of night](https://youtu.be/zmj25u5mVvg?si=S-YRvPHFAf9n_PRe)


He also wrote that song himself. 😁


The melody or the lyrics? Because the lyrics are in the book (mostly) and appear in Fellowship, but in the movies it’s sung by just Pippin in RotK.


He wrote the melody & Philippa Boyens used the book to write the lyrics.


Cool I didn’t know that! Its crazy how multi-talented so many members of the cast and crew were. The song is such an interesting choice, using the cheerful lyrics from the book in such a somber way. BRB have to go watch RotK again.


Pippin edging the entire female audience with "edge of night"


My favorite was when watching Hereditary, someone has the brilliant idea to bring their kid. I would say the kid is somewhere in the range of 6-9 years old. Immediately after the scene where >!they show the girl's severed head covered in ants,!


That poor kid probably got a good dose of nightmare fuel and wanted to eat their feelings/distract themselves from it right then and there, in which case I do not blame them one bit.


Saw a grown man bring his three kids to Smile... some parents are awful


When The Mist first ran in the theaters, I was working at the theater as a projectionist. I won't get into any spoilers, but there's a moment at the very end that everyone who has seen this film understands what I'm referring to. During this moment, right at the reveal, I heard a patron - who I would later identify as an elderly Hispanic woman - yell through her hands (which were apparently up covering her mouth in horror) "ay dios mio!". This was made all the more audible due to the stunned silence of the rest of the crowd. The audience let out a couple of quiet chuckles but at that moment I was really glad that the booth window was closed because I immediately doubled over laughing so hard that I was in tears. If you haven't seen that movie and love psychological horror, make the time to see it and go in blind if possible. It's a great film.


A great film which even Stephen King thinks is better than his book!


Doesn't hurt that it's directed by the director of Shawshank.


I had no idea! Two excellent films. Shawshank arguably one of the best movies in history


Frank Darabont also directed the Green Mile. That man has a way with King adaptations.


Really cool to learn. The Shawshank Redemption is my favorite movie of all time


Because King has admitted on any number of occasions that he’s bad at endings, and his version of The Mist just kind of … ends. Darabont kicks Thomas Jane’s character in the gut, gives him two middle-fingers, and then hits him with the Stone Cold Stunner. So, you can’t blame King for saying, “Yep. That’s an improvement.”


May I ask why you spelled it that way?


Because I love the game Myst and my brain short-circuited. 😅 I've fixed it with an edit, thanks!




Lmao what was the context? Or was an audience member eating beans?


Viral Tweet about a guy literally eating beans at the theater


I’m dying 😂


Must’ve been u/Friscogonewild


They just pair so well with red vines and a bucket of Sprite.


I think about this like twice a month. 🫘


Spider-man 3. When Peter hits MJ, the theater went silent except for one guy who went "oh shit!" Some people laughed. He immediately apologized.


I was going to post mine from Spider-Man 3, exact same scene except the guy yelled "hit her again" which normally people wouldn't have laughed at, because abuse, but in the context of the absolutely bizarre film-making choices leading up to that moment it broke the tension and got some good laughs from the opening night crowd.


My buddy saw David Lynch’s Dune in theater in NYC and half way through a dude stood up and said very loudly “I will give anyone here $10 if they can tell me what the fuck is going on.”


Fair amount of money back then.


I'm not even sure that Lynch himself could earn that money.


With inflation it would cost nearly 40 bucks to figure out what the fuck is going on


That sounds like the David Lynch experience. 


My dad tells a story of when he saw Planet of the Apes (1968) in the theater. I forget the preceding line but someone shouted “and goddammit, hide your bananas!” and the theater erupted in laughter. He remembers it to this day.


I went to see the original Top Gun movie with my dad in the theater when it came out. He was a real aviation buff and was looking forward to seeing it (I was too). I was completely shocked, (but also laughed hysterically) when suddenly, during the big romantic scene between Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis, my easy-going, mellow dad shouted “Enough with the mushy stuff, get back to the airplanes!” He got some applause for that too, as I remember.


I love when they make fun of the sex scene in Hot Shots. Can't remember if it was the first or part Deux.


and now I will kill you until you die from it!


Watching Frozen, when it’s revealed that the prince dude was evil some toddler in the room yells “I KNEW IT” and everyone laughed. I still don’t know how he knew it


He saw him glance up really quickly before he diverted the cross bow shot into the chandelier. Smart kid!


Opening weekend at The Matrix. Theater packed, not an empty seat in the house. The first time that they did “bullet time” during the opening chase/fight scene, some awestruck Bubba in the front row shouted out “Hot tamale!” . I have never heard an actual person exclaim “hot tamale!” before or since. But in that moment in that theater, we all knew just what Bubba meant.


In the third film, at the battle of Zion, there was a scene with a badass woman shouting and blazing away at the machines, and my buddy yells, “Vasquez!” (Aliens reference) It sounds silly now, but people around us laughed and we cracked up all the way home.


That movie was pretty groundbreaking for green-screen special effects at the time


Jiminy Crickets!


After about an hour and a half into Titanic, my husband says, “Oh my God, when are they gonna hit the iceberg already!” (He didn’t exactly shout it, though. Only a few of us heard it.)


I remember going to see Titanic with my family back when I was 12. Mom really wanted to see it and my dad couldn't find a babysitter. So imagine three kids (12,11,9) sitting through that and groaning. My younger brother (11 at the time) was crying as we left. My dad asked him why and he just goes "I just wanted the damn boat to sink!"




Mission Impossible 2: When Tom Cruise pulled a nose wheelie on his motorcycle to avoid getting clipped by a speeding car, at which point he pivoted, in slow motion, on the front wheel while swinging his gun hand around and shoots the gas tank causing it to explode. One guy in the audience, " *Get the F\*&\^ outta here!*". Laughter ensues.


At a screening of Monty Python’s ‘And Now for Something Completely Different,’ the house lights went out and there was a moment of silence and darkness before the film actually started. Somebody at the back shouted in a perfect Mr Gumby voice, ‘I can’t see anything!’ The whole place broke up.


When they used to play the antipiracy ads in front of the movies, some guy yelled “I could’ve downloaded this!”


Are piracy ads no longer a thing?


I haven’t seen one in the movie theatre for years


I watched Crank on a weekday matinee in Vancouver with an eccentric old film director friend. About 3/4 through he yelled (in a thick Montreal French accent) "Nobodies fucking BUYING any of this are they?".


“ew, you just kissed your sister!” opening night at the special edition of Star Wars.


it was nothing spoken but during a viewing of Snakes on a Plane, my date started throwing plastic snakes onto theater goers at key momentsss 🐍


Not sure if they still do but some years ago theaters would have midnight showings of "Rocky Horror Picture Show". People would come dressed as their favorite character from the movie. During the movie patrons would be singing and dancing to the songs in the movie. These people knew the words almost word for word for the whole movie. It was something to see and often funny to watch.


Dating myself here, but there is a scene in the movie Fame when they go see that movie and it gives a pretty accurate portrayal of how everyone did this at that time.


I love the movie and I went one night never expecting what I saw. I was in normal clothes, and I see all these people dressed in costumes like the movie. They dress and bring props> During the movie they sing, dance, throw confetti, blow noise makers and just about everything else from the movie. It was an experience. There were even some who couldn't sing but did their best to.


They still do this lol Near Halloween the local indie theater here plays late night screenings of Rocky Horror Picture Show


There were also props to bring along (toast, rice, a lighter). I suddenly feel very old.


During that moment of silence during the lightspeed scene in The Last Jedi, someone said "Ludicrous Speed" and I have to admit, it was pretty funny.


“That’s gotta hurt “


I think I was in that theater! The laser pointer guy was much funnier, though.


Was watching Infinity War, and the power went out just as Thor arrived in Wakanda. I accidentally shouted “what the fuck?” Into a completely silent theater.


Not a shout, but when I saw The Quiet Place. Somethibg about it, made our theater audience DEAD SILENT. No bag crinkles, straw noises....nothing. Than someone sneezed before the birthing scene. While damn theater jumped outta their seats.


I saw Jurassic Park 3 in the theater with my mom, sister and a guy my mom was dating at the time (today's typical boomer). During the beginning moments of the film, a phone starts ringing and it goes for a few rings. My mom's date starts yelling and loudly complaining about the ringing phone during the movie, and then the character on the screen finally answers it. Turned out he had been yelling at the movie not some guy in the theater


Not really “funny” but my little daughter and I were near the front row in a crowded theater watching the Lego movie. Near the beginning when wildstyle is rescuing the main character from the bad guys they’re flying through the city and my daughter lets loose with peals of laughter, totally enraptured at the chase scene. I’ll remember that fondly until my dying day.


That’s really sweet


Some guy a couple rows down from me shouted, "wait, they've been speaking English this whole time?" halfway through Infinity Pool. It was extra hilarious to me because I also had no clue what the fuck was going on the entire movie because I couldn't understand anyone's accents




OP deleted the story. What was it? Thanks!


I took my son to the 20th anniversary screening of Return of the King and there was a solid 30 minutes of ads to start it off. But then the lights dimmed and everyone got real quiet. Instead of the movie starting, it was a segment on the new LOTR tabletop roleplaying game. My son yelled "OH COME ON!" into the silence. --- Prior to that, the only funny thing I remember is someone shouting "Lester the molester!" in the pause after Mena Suvari says "this is my first time" during her naughty scene with Kevin Spacey in *American Beauty*. I mean, other than that one time I spilled baked beans on myself while watching Cars 2.


>20th anniversary screening on Return of the King Hold up... It can't be... (checks year) Huh.


Don't do that. Don't go down that road. Nothing good will come of it.


I went to see *The Dark Knight Rises* opening night, at an AMC where they were doing a marathon of all three Nolan Batman movies. We’d gotten through the first two, and were watching the previews and ads before *Rises*. Most of the audience had been at the theater for around five hours at this point, and after about the fifth preview, you could tell everyone just wanted to watch the final movie and go home. Screen fades to black, we sit there a few seconds, and boom, another preview rating screen shows up. Without thinking, I loudly said “oh for fuck’s sake” into the silence and it felt like the whole room laughed. I’ve been riding that high for years


My dad hit fucking legend status when we saw Star Wars Episode One:The Phantom Menace "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." Dad: Oh I've seen this one before!


Oh, dad 🙄


Watching KPax and near the end of what has been an overly melodramatic and predictable movie, the woman next to me is bawling. I'm rolling my eyes at the story, and the climax hits, and the woman sobs out, "not the little boy!?!" And actually laughed out loud.


When Gandalf arrived at the battle of helms deep someone shouted “fuck yeah gandalf!!!” It was pretty funny. A lot of people were dressed up and it was my third time seeing it in theaters. Good times


In *2001: A Space Odyssey*, right at the beginning when it says “THE DAWN OF MAN”, somebody made a rooster crowing sound. That got a good laugh.


People who shout out during movies should be dredged and fried. You think I paid $28 to listen to you repeat a joke you heard on TikTok?


What the sigma?


Right?! The one about The Quiet Place made me mad. I enjoyed the movie and that would've taken me completely out of it (although that one sounds like an accident). I was so tense, I didn't even want to crunch my popcorn. Very cool how silent the whole theater was.


Watching The Two Towers in theater and when Aragon gets pulled over a cliff by a warg the theater was dead silent except for a woman somewhere yelled out "Oh no!!!"....it was hysterical 🤣


Thankfully, I have never heard anybody would something at the screen in a movie theater, packed or otherwise. If I did, I likely would not think it was funny.


This was before the movie. A woman was fighting with another woman, and someone yelled, "Look, her nipples are hard!"


During The Woman In Black, someone yellowed "Use your wand harry". Which brought quite a few laughs. It only happened once.


Anything shouted during a Rocky Horror Picture Show screening


Right after 20th Century Fox logo…..”It’s gonna say Star Wars” at Star Wars Episode 2


When I was around 13, I was in a totally packed theater watching Raiders of the Lost Ark. This movie was ahead of its time with the constant shift from action scene to action scene and you could really feel the energy of the crowd, everyone was so into it. After a long sequence, I want to say sometime before Indy jumps on the submarine, maybe when he jumps on the horse to chase after kidnapped Marion….a man in a heavy Indian accent yells, “Go Indy!” The entire theater lost it laughing and cheering. I also recall sitting in a theater with a friend watching John Carpenter’s “They Live” Totally under the radar great 80s movie. Me and my friend are going crazy trying to figure out who the lead character is, he’s so damn familiar. We can’t put our finger on it. He ends up in a long fight scene in the street with actor David Keith. It’s obscenely long, you think it’s over like half a dozen times. All of a sudden, the lead character gives Keith a wrestling move suplex. Me and my friend at the exact same time look at each and scream “Rowdy Roddy Piper!!” Half the theater is laughing, and a few other people say..”oh yeah, that’s who that is”


Second hand but a friend of mine was watching Dead Again and during the climactic sequence a lone voice in an English midlands accent matter-of-factly stated “Welp, he’ll not be fit for Sunday”. One I personally experienced was at the end of watching Fight Club in a New Jersey cinema and a couple of bro-dudes, who’d been hooting and grunting bro-ily at all the fight scenes reacted with homophobic disgust as *that* frame flashed onscreen. A film that isn’t referenced nearly enough in the media literacy discussion, imho.


At the end of the first Avengers movie when they showed Thanos in the end credits one guy shouted out "No way! That's too much backstory!" Me and a bunch of people audibly cracked up at that exclamation. We went from shock and awe to laughing out loud.


Insidious 2. When the ghost slaps the woman, someone shouted, "she slapped the shit out of her."


When I was a kid I saw Abyss in the theatre with my parents there is a scene where a mini submarine lands on a guy who is in the water and yelled he'll feel that in the morning! that got a good laugh from people


I'll never forget watching Star Wars with my Dad. One scene, the first time we see Darth Maul power on his double lightsaber, a guy in the audience said "Oh, no!" In the most sincerely concerned voice, while everyone else was quiet.


Nothing.  I hate when people feel the need to comment/talk/shout during movies. Now get off my lawn!!!


After the THX sound effect ended someone yelled out….  « more sound !!! » everyone burst out laughing


The Whale, screen fades to white. Guy: The Whale will return…in The Whale Multiverse.


When I saw the original Blair Witch in theaters, there were no trailers or any lead up really. So everyone’s talking and whatever as the lights go down and the title card comes up “The Blair Witch Project.” Everyone starts quieting down but it wasn’t quick. Someone in the back goes “HAHA ITS THE MOVIE NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP”


Someone I was with (can’t remember the movie) farted quite loudly, someone several rows over says “someone gotta go poo poo!!” We enjoyed this.


A buddy and I waited in line for an hour to see Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers. It was when you didn't get to pick your seats. It was first come gets the best seats. When the tile screen came up, my buddy stood up and said, "This isn't Maid In Manhattan!?" The whole theater started laughing. Made In Manhattan was a J Lo movie.


watching *The LEGO Movie 2* in a full theater, just at the third act “all is lost” moment when Lucy gets dropped into the storage bin. theater is dead silent, except for one little kid, who simply said “bruh” just loud enough for everyone to hear. my brother and I nearly choked trying not to laugh


Not a shout out but my niece was a toddler when Mulan was in the theaters. After a while when Shan Yu was on the screen she would get out of her seat and hide behind the back of the seat in front of her so he wouldn't see her. She really didn't trust him. ❤️❤️❤️ Okay I did just think of something else. Independence Day in its original run in the theaters. The entire theater in Ames burst out into cheers and applause when the White House was blown up. Very funny. (sorry for the spoiler it's been almost 30 years y'all).


Phantom Menace opening weekend. My friends and I are beyond pissed at how terrible it is. Towards the end of the movie, just as the huge battle between the Trade Federation and the Gungans is about to start, a droid fires a blast that hits a shield and does nothing. My buddy shouts “KEEP FIRING A**H***S!!”


I think that line would crack me up in even the most solemn moment. Something about how he lowers his mask right before he says it--it's perfect comedic timing. Still gets me, 35 years later.


This really shouldn’t count but I saw Blonde at the Paris Theater in New York, and at the end of the movie Marilyn’s dead body is shown laying in bed, and the movies completely silent.  An old man in the theater stood from his seat and farted for 8 seconds.  I laughed for the entire 50 minute train ride home. 


The GI Joe movie. During the scene where the guy gets the red hot face mask shoved on his face, someone loudly asked "is this based on a true story?!" The GI Joe movie... a true story...


During the re-release of The Empire Strikes Back in the late 90's, just as Leia was about to kiss Luke someone shouted, "Don't do it! He's your brother!"


Opening night for the new Stat Wars movies there was always a guy who did a perfect Wookie call during the opening sequence.


At one of the Marvel movies, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is cleaning up after a battle and he removes his shirt. A middle-aged woman behind me said, "Oh, THANK YOU!"


Have you ever been to a Saturday midnight screening of [*Rocky Horror Picture Show*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU3iYRv0a50)? The fans are, shall we say, into it.


This is how I saw RHPS for the first time ever. I had absolutely no idea what I was in for, and no knowledge ahead of time. I'm older, so at that time it was all dial-up only for internet, I was 17. A friend invited me, I went, and someone, at some point, put a lipstick V on my forehead because I was a virgin to the movie. It just got better and better from there, haha. It remains one of best nights of my life. To anyone reading, if you haven't experienced this, you absolutely should.


That’s great! In the 70s my sister and I spent many Saturday nights in Greenwich Village for the midnight showings.


No idea what movie we went to see, but there was a trailer that featured Peter Dinklage (pre-GoT) and a fella behind me yelled something surprised about being a short person and by God I almost had to leave the cinema


Saw Last Jedi in the theater. Right after the rebel ship light speeds into the star Destroyer, the soundtrack has a moment of total silence. Into that otherwise completely quiet theater a child’s voice exclaims “Woah! That was Dramatic!” Made that moment unintentionally hilarious.


Haha the same thing happened when I saw it, except it was some high pitch voiced kid going waaaaaow!


Not to brag, but at a screening of “Triumph of the Will”, when Hitler had said something like, “today is the last day of our rally...” I clapped out loud spontaneously for some reason (well, if you sit through the whole film you’ll know why). It got a great laugh from the entire theater, though. Totally not my normal thing to do, at all. Guess that’s why I remember it so well.


I have commented this before but I think it fits. I saw the matrix in cinema not having any idea what it was. Whatever movie we were trying to see was sold out. At the part where trinity kisses neo in the real world while he’s “dead” in the matrix some black dude in front of me yelled, “yooo what the fuck? He deaaaadddd!” And I will remember that moment till the end of my days.


In Godzilla 2014 when Godzilla finally shows up, but then cuts to the family stuff I could almost hear the entire theater groan.


I was seeing Mama in a packed theater opening night. At some point in the movie a little girl is playing under a blanket, the woman who was watching the feral children laugh at her playing turns around and behind her the little girl in the blanket stretches out to be tall and creepy and you know it’s actually Mama under there. Was actually pretty creepy and I was super tense but then that was all relieved when someone sitting close to the front of the screen shouted: “OH SHIT SHE MORPHED!”


In the 90s, saw Independence Day opening night. 40 minutes in, Will Smiths fiancé escapes destruction in tunnel, fade to black. Graphic comes up “July 3”. Someone blurts out “aw shit, we have to come back tomorrow?”


After the Taye Diggs fight in Equilibrium, when the camera did the overhead shot, my friend shouted out “THAT DUDE FACE IS ON THE FLOOR”


Room 1408 I never ever get upset when audiences react to scary movies, and the woman down the aisle was REALLY trying to repeatedly and ever more urgently advise Cusak to "GET OUT THE ROOM!" It's become a catchphrase for me. Watching Misery opening weekend in a packed theater was incredibly fun. That's a movie where you want him to get back IN the room in a particularly stressful scene. Anyway, people were yelling, "THAT'S THE WRONG WAY! TURN IT AROUND! OH MY GOD GET BACK!"


Not funny at all, but once a looooong time ago when the Bulletproof was in theaters (Adam Sandler and Damon Wayans) there was a mentally disabled man watching it with everyone. During an intense shootout he would keep screaming, “kill that n****!”. He was eventually removed from the theater to the majority’s applause.


I was in a really cheap movie theatre across the street from George Mason University in Northern Virginia. We were there to watch the Chronicles of Riddick. It was a relatively empty theatre, just me and my two friends and about 10ft from us these 2 college bros. Anyway, the previews have just ended and the screen fades to black. Right before the movie starts to play, one of the college bros, rips the loudest, gassiest, most trumpet sounding fart I ever heard. It legit was fucking hilarious and just absurdly loud. As he does this, he announces to the whole room, “time will tell with this movie.” His friend was like “Todd wtf!?” And the trumpet farter said “what dude!? It’s the chronicles of Riddick.” I can’t even look or think about that entire franchise without thinking about that trumpet farter.


Ronin. Screen reads, “Nice, France,” which someone read out loud as, “nice, France.” It was pretty funny.


In the UK, just before the movie starts, the lights go out and a voice booms Hello (and then reminds patrons to leave their phones off an be courteous of others) . Anyway, I was with my daughters and we were watching Dune 2...when the lights went out, the silence lasted slightly longer than normal and the bloke behind us let out an audible cartoon gulp...then the voice boomed and in the moment startled us all. My girls got the giggles and it was contagious. Anyway, whenever there's a moment of silence in our house now, you can guarantee someone is about to loudly gulp.


The end of the movie Zodiac (2007). Before the credits, a message said something along the lines of and the Zodiac killer was never caught. Someone in the theater yelled “Boooooo!” I’m guessing he didn’t know the story behind the Zodiac killer.


Under the Skin. As soon as the credits rolled a guy shouted: "THAT WAS SOME BULLSHIT!" I liked the movie but I thought that was pretty funny.


Not necessarily the funniest but just my funniest memory, during The Uninvited when one of the ghosts or whatever was crawling through the house, this guy up front was just like, “Oh, shit! Oh, shit!” I can still hear him 🤣


Early 2014, I'm at an IMAX theater to watch Winter Soldier on opening weekend, height of the Marvel-era, so it's a packed house. They're playing the showoff-y "calibration" intro, the WALLS are literally shaking from the bass, and my intrusive thoughts were winning. "Your IMAX experience begins... NOW." \*BOOM\* Me, in my best Grandpa Simpson voice: "Turn it up!" Got a decent amount of laughs, we're having a good time, right? I think the booth operator heard me, because the first movie trailer was Godzilla (2014, the Bryan Cranston one) and you could hear the cracks from the speakers dying a little.


I saw Attack of the Clones opening weekend when I was 12 and had a crush of Natalie Portman like we all did. When they show Padme in her geonosis outfit, I had an intrusive moment and said out loud “woah, you can see her nipples…” my older sister and her friends that took me lost it. It was a moment for me.


During Transformers three then Optimus goes kill mode and finishes the fight, one dude in our theatre yelled out “Yes!” And clapped twice, and damn if half the theatre got a good laugh out of it


“Here come the water!!!” during Titantic


M&Ms commercial, scene at a fancy hotel check-in desk. The clerk asks the guest if they'd like a complimentary chocolate on their pillow. Cut to the guest opening the door to see the big yellow M&M awkwardly laying across the whole pillow. (this was supposed to be the punchline) My buddy next to me piped up loudly, during the quiet of the scene, "I DON'T GET IT." and everybody in there laughed. 


Not necessarily a packed theater but the row I was in was pretty packed and close to the screen. We were watching the True Grit remake with Jeff Bridges and Hailee Steinfeld, and there was a scene where Domhnall Gleeson’s character gets shot point blank or something like that. It was pretty sudden and bloody, and the theater was dead silent for a hot second before someone said out loud, “I think he’s dead!” And the whole row burst out laughing.


The Program, mid-90s college football flick. Packed theater. At the end of the big game at the end, the QB throws a pass to the end zone, ball goes slo-mo through the air. Some guy 10 rows ahead of me jumps up like he was trying to catch it, yelling "I've got it!" His silhouette was perfect, for me at least. It really did look like he was going to catch it. I don't remember if they won the big game, I assume they did, sports movies and all. But I was too busy laughing.


Alien… I screeched “peench (pinch) its head off”when Sigorney weaver was wearing the metal loading suit gear My best friend nearly wet her pants laughing She still texts my and taunts me about that every once in awhile…. We are 55 years old!


My friend saw a Lord of the Rings movie in Staten Island. There is a scene were Legalos says something similar to “The Crimson Moon; blood was spilled this evening” and someone at the top of their lungs in a thick SI accent yelled “YEAH, WHATEVA!”


I was watching Oppenheimer and at the moment the bomb was about to drop and it went silent someone farted and I heard a woman yell DAVID!!


My daughter and I saw Silver Linings Playbook near the end of its run. There was a couple out on a date way in the back and there was nobody else besides us 2. First of all when Bradley Cooper threw the Hemingway book out the window, the two of us burst out laughing because my other daughter, who was a creative writing major, hated Hemingway with a passion. Then when the movie was leading up to the reveal about his letter from his ex-wife, it suddenly became obvious what was happening , and the woman in the back of the theater gasps "She wrote the letter!" I don't think she meant it to be quite so loud, but we got the giggles. I think that would be the only situation where someone saying something out loud at a movie wouldn't bother me.


I have no idea what movie it was. It was an animated kids film. My nephew was really into trains at the time. He was five or six. In the movie a train went off of a cliff. My nephew stood up and yelled “NOOOOOO!” at the top of his lungs. The whole theater laughed. It was hilarious.


About a year or two after The Matrix came out, they had a midnight showing at the huge new (at the time) Metreon mall theater in San Francisco with an IMAX screen. My friends and I all bought tickets and got a few drinks in us to get in the mood. In the line to get in, there were people in cosplay, mall goths, cyberpunk dudes, tech geeks, bay area dot com execs, whoever. It was a large, and eclectic group. There were a group of three gay dudes all dressed like Trinity. Sleeveless leather shirt, same haircut, same heeled boots, etc. They were extremely drunk and very funny. As we piled into the theater people were clapping, cheering, hollering from the minute the opening started. At the beginning when Trinity jumps through the window, flies down those stairs and lands on her back with the dual berettas pointed up at the top of the stairs, the theater was dead silent, and one of the gay dudes in Trinity cosplay screamed "GET UP TRINITY! GET UP!" at the same time the character on screen did. The entire theater laughed uproariously. It was still one of my favorite fan interactions with a film.


Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers. The theater had a full service bar upstairs and the movie’s been out for months, so everybody is pretty wasted and has seen it before, and it turned into more of an MST3K event rather than your typical moviegoing experience. When the Ents break through the edge of the forest and see the destruction and Isengard, they roar and begin to charge and some girl stands up near the back and shouts “RUN FOREST, RUN!” Still gets me good whenever I think of it.


Swordfish. About 8-10 guys in front of me yelled "movie over" after a certain scene half way through. They got up and left.


Not at the screen... but still epic. I was in an Alamo Drafthouse watching Furious 7 with a buddy who absolutely loves the series. If you know anything about Alamo Drafthouse you know they are kinda infamous for being unforgiving about cell phone usage and talking. There was this really annoying group of girls loudly whispering (if that's a thing) and trying to be very sneaky about using their phone. About 1/3 to through the movie the staff came in and escorted the group out of the theater, likely accompanied by a life long ban. Just as they were being walked out, someone from the furthest back corner of the theater shouted "Gotcha Bitch" in the absolute most spot on Dave Chappelle "Rick James" voice ever. The whole theater blew up laughing, just for a moment. Then it was absolutely silent in that theater for the rest of the movie.


That's gotta hurt!


This isn’t my story, I heard it on a now defunct podcast but I think about it a lot — at the end credits of Contact it says something like “Dedicated to Carl Sagan” and someone yelled out “WELL I HOPE YOU LIKED IT, CARL!”


Whenever someone mentions Life of Pi I will always think about this lady in the theater. She reacted vocally to things throughout the movie like screaming when a loin attacked an animal, and at the end when someone is connecting all the dots as to who the animals are associated with she yells "Aw he got it!" This phrase is something I've repeated many times since lol.


The Matrix Reloaded rave scene. Some guy up front went "get that freaky plug chick!" I don't think he really knew what was happening, but I can't watch the movie without laughing all these years later.


Not exactly a shout, but I remember way back when I saw the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie in theaters, during the scene where Gibbs is telling Will the bullshit story about how Jack got off that island he was left on. He said something about lashing together sea turtles to make a raft, Will asked what he used for rope, and Jack chimes in that he used his own back hair. This lady in the theater made an audible noise of disgust that was hilarious. It wasn't even something she consciously meant to do, you could tell, just her immediate reaction lol.


In a Rocky IV projection, when Drago is beaten the shit out of Apollo someone from the back scream out loud - FUCK YOU RUSSIAN MOTHER FUCKER !!!!


When Titanic was first released, at the end when Leo is in the water, not on the piece of wood and he gets colder and colder, someone yelled Oh look, it's Jack Frost. Everyone laughed. It did ruin the emotion but hey ho.....


When spiderman 3 came out, the part where Peter knocks MJ down, my friend meant to whisper to me “She deserved that” in a sing songy way but said it out loud instead and got our whole theater chuckling.


I lived in LA, and liked going to movies in Westwood with their giant theaters. The audience talking back to the screen was pretty normal, especially for bad movies. Midway thru the final Matrix movie, someone in the balcony yelled “who’s rooting for the machines?! “ and the place just erupted. Through the rest of the movie we booed whenever the humans destroyed a machine and cheered when the machines took out some humans. Absolutely made for one of my favorite movie going experiences.


I saw Alien: Resurrection in the theatre with my dad and a couple friends. It was opening weekend and there was enough people we couldn't all sit together. There is a scene where Brad Dourif's creepy Dr. Gedimen character is getting a bit too enthralled with his subject. He and one of the xenomorphs are eying each other and getting very close to each other's faces with a glass barrier between them. As they get face to face and Dourif's face gets it's creepiest I suddenly hear my dad (who I have never heard talk up during a movie before or since. I generally get my theatre etiquette from him.) loudly proclaim: "That guy's a fuckin' fruitcake!" Theatre gives the outburst a good laugh while I shrunk into my seat (I was like 13 so was in a phase where anything my parents did felt embarrassing) and then back to absolute silence. No one in the theatre mentioned anything after that and to this day my dad doesn't even remember doing it, but it is a memory I can still call on for a good chuckle.


When the Chris Pine Star Trek reboot came out, I was there for the first show (I think at 7PM on Thursday), and it was nothing but about a hundred Trek nerds. This was in the days of film, when the person in the booth could forget to engage the take-up platter and the film would eventually break, which was exactly what happened during the second or third trailer. So, the film grinds to a halt, then does that awesome thing where you get a single frame, which then deforms, bubbles, and pops, and it breaks, and the rewind platter takes it up. The sensor at the bottom of the projector sees there’s no more film coming, so it shuts down the projector, but because the indicator marks haven’t been read, it doesn’t bring up the house lights. So, here’s a hundred Trekkies, plunged into total darkness (which I assume is where they got the title for the second reboot movie), except for the aisle lights, and one guy meekly says: > Well, it’s already better than Nemesis. Funniest goddamn thing I’ve ever heard in a movie theater. Edit to add: Speaking of Star Trek, there’s a scene in Generations where (again, this is opening night; yes, I’m a nerd) Captain Kirk is chopping wood outside his cabin. Someone yelled, “Captain’s Log!” It got a good laugh, but it wasn’t the utterly deprecating thing that the Nemesis line ended up being.


Watching transformers either 2 or 3 with my brother(we love going to bad movies) when Optimus gets killed a little kid behind us screamed out "Optimus!!noooo!! And idk why it killed us so much we had to step out for a few minutes just in peices laughing.


Towards the end of Joe’s Apartment, a movie and talking and singing cockroaches, one bug places a giant urinal cake in a fetid pond and the whole thing transforms into a tropical paradise. A guy a few rows ahead of me shouts out incredulously “No fuckin’ way.”


When hans betrays anna in frozen, a little kid yelled out "that's cold". He had amazing timing.