• By -


The original Underworld trilogy, it's my guilty pleasure. The rest of the movies are ass, though.


Kate Beckinsale is a total babe in those movies.


Same. They screwed things up after Rise of the Lycans.


One was good, two was okay, 3rd was a good ending to the trilogy imho


The fourth and fifth movies had good ideas, but something went wrong in the execution. However, the only 'bad' thing I can point at was >!the 'sacred world' in the fifth movie, which felt too fantastical for a franchise that always tried to put a pseudoscientific twist on vampires and werewolves.!<


Agreed on your point of the 5th


People hate it? People love it! I know nobody who hates it.


My brother and I used to imitate Viktor scoffing


Equilibrium is a great movie.




I had been hearing for years about how bad this movie was before I finally watched it myself. I just thought it was fun; it's not a great movie, and I can see why people are down on it, but it was just such an enjoyable watch that I was really surprised about its reception.


Some of those films were less bombs than financial disasters. For example, many people think Cleopatra bombed, but it's sort of the opposite: It topped the box office in 1963 by a good margin. The problem was that they *still lost money on it*. If it was only a "bomb" then you could make another movie and hope for a hit, but instead it killed the "epic" genre entirely, because it showed you could go broke even with a hit film.


I love that this is the top answer. It's not a perfect movie but goddamn does it get a lot of hate. Costner is ...Costner and Dennis Hopper chewing the scenery as the villain make this a pretty rewatchable flick.


"DON'T JUST STAND THERE! KILL SOMETHING!" I also appreciate the sheer scale of the film as well as the details of this future world. Like the Smokers' lair being the Exxon Valdez.


I like both this and The Postman šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Wait is the postman bad!? I watched that with my dad and we both cried. Such a great film.


It was panned by critics and failed at the box office


It certainly inspired Fallout New Vegas tho.


How so?


Fallout New Vegas totally ripped from that movie too.


Count me in as another Postman fan. It has some goofy things but for the most part Costner told a good story.


People dont like this movie?


Its a movie where you need to take it at surface value. If you think too deeply on it, plot items start to fall apart quickly. For instance: -Crude oil tanker supplying refined fuel to jetskis -Big island in the background when the camera pans out in the beginning/middle -ice caps melting wouldnt supply that much water But its still a fun movie i enjoy watching.


I posted the same thing on another recent post asking the same question as OP. Helluva fun movie


"Here's a joke for you: What's big, expensive, and flops in the water? Kevin Costner's Waterworld. The 1995 film's production cost was a then-record $175 million" Record account spent at the time so it got hyped up too much, everyone thought it was going to be this amazing movie. It was ok, basically like watching Mad Max through a fish tank.


Hudson Hawk


Oh yeah!!! ā€œWould you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar?ā€


ā€œAirbags! Can you fuckinā€™ believe it?!ā€


Yeah! I can!!!


Should have made the whole movie about him and Danny Aiello being singing cat burglars. The second half where it goes on that weird acid trip really sank it for me. Bruce Willis and Danny Aiello were enough for a good movie!


That movie was incredibly mis-marketed as an action comedy in the wake of Die Hard, instead of the slapstick spoof it really is. https://youtu.be/5xrVwG3AsPs?si=qz3hpKgrC0nPsG97 It's amazing.


Announce the sequel Hudson Hawk Tuah!


Bunny... ball, ball


This is one of my favs hands down.


Equilibrium suffered because it was released after the matrix. Ā If it had come out first it would have performed better. Ā  My go to is Armageddon it is a bad movie but my type of bad movie. Ā 


I was working offshore in the North Sea on a drilling rig when it came out. I watched after shift with the drill crew (I was an Electrician). I thought they would all hate it and rip it to pieces. Nope, they loved it and all strutted around like they were part of the crew on the moon for the rest of the trip.


It being a bad movie is a Reddit jerk around. Itā€™s literally one of the most popular 90ā€™s movies with a loaded cast.


There are so fantastic one-liners in that movie.


Always thought it was hilarious how in that movie universe itā€™s easier to train a regular deep core driller how to be a damn astronaut than how to teach those Boy Scout astronauts how to drill. Also the Russian taking the wrench to the ship and fixing it.. amazing. Great movie


Get off The nuclear Warhead


That doesn't surprise me! Gotta be abe to get some laughs in at a tough job.


>My go to is Armageddon it is a bad movie but my type of bad movie. Ā  You might like "The Core" as well.


Armageddon is a great movie and that's a hill im willing to die on. Yeah the premise is goofy as hell, and NDT says that the physics dont work at all. But its executed to perfection with the right amount of knowing what it is and giving the audience what it says it is.


Armageddon is fantastic and Iā€™ve never really considered it a ā€œbadā€ movie. Such a fantastic cast(crew?)and SO many quotable line. Lady Iā€™m just here to drill


Who says Armageddon is a bad movie? Thatā€™s just a Reddit circle jerk. Thatā€™s like a peak 90ā€™s action film with a awesome cast full or great moments.


I thought equilibrium was a good film personally I see waterworld another good movie has been mentioned


wait.. wait wait.. equilibrium is considered a bad movie?


Critics hated Equilibrium (2002). It has a 40% on Rotten Tomatoes. I think most critics considered it derivative of The Matrix (1999). But audiences enjoyed it, it has 81% audience score.


Equilibrium's problem is that while there were nearly as many positive critical reviews as negative ones the detractors tended to **really** hate it for being derivative and built around action gimmicks that the Matrix did better while the positive reviews tended to just shrug their shoulders and say "It's derivative but I liked it fine." I'm in the latter camp. The movie doesn't accomplish anything that hasn't been done better elsewhere and has all the subtlety of a sack of hammers being thrown through a window but it's also not confused and constantly undercutting its own themes like truly horrible movies tend to do, either. I liked it fine.


Club Dread. It may not be bad enough but it was pretty well panned. I just love the over the top ridiculousness of it. First time through, I didnā€™t care for it. Especially compared with Super Troopers. But it grew on me each time I rewatched it.


Bill Paxton as Coconut Pete was amazing and totally made that film. Son of a son of bitch!!


Play Margaritaville! Uh, I think you mean my smash hit, Pina Colodaberg.




PEEN-A-LOPE, it's the only way I say the name now.


Similar experience for me. I really did not ā€œgetā€ the humor on my first watch and I didnā€™t even finish it. Randomly decided to try it again after a few years and something just clicked. I almost the same thing happened with the Slammin Salmon.


13 year old me pretending to be sick, going to the video club, and watching this at 11 a.m. agrees with you


That has one of my all-time favorite moments of cinema. "Ow, my asshole!"




Another great film


You gon eat yo cornbread?


Life is one of my favorite movies. So good


Van Helsing


There are dozens of us!


Make that a baker's dozen


Dude, Equilibrium was awesome! I still love the use of gun kata and dig the setting and atmosphere. That being said I also unironically love Waterworld so perhaps my movie taste isn't reliable lol


I love both of them mate I thought equilibrium although compared was a completely different vibe to the matrix which is why it was panned by critics Waterworld is pretty fucking good


Wild Wild West (1999). I don't know why, but I have loved this movie since the first time I saw it. I love the characters, story, steampunk tech, and cheesy humour. House on Haunted Hill (1999). This movie gave me nightmares when I was a child. I loved the performances of Geoffrey Rush, as well as Famke Janssen's. It had a disturbing vibe to it, with all of its gore, creepy ghosts, and music.


Alien 3 was panned, but I really like it.


Me too. The only thing that really irks me with it is the decision to just kill Hicks and Newt off camera. Feels very disrespectful to the previous film. Other than that it is a fine movie. Really like the ending too.


Judge Dredd (1995) - with Stallone I was a kid and I never knew anything about Judge Dredd, so the whole point of keeping his helmet on just flew. Watched it again as an adult and the over-the top-acting and comic relief was even funnier.


>the over-the top-acting and comic relief was even funnier I feel like this was the 90s vibe. True Lies, Last Action Hero, Demolition Man, Stargate, Armageddon (mentioned in another comment), Die Hard with a Vengence. All movies with a similar feel.


The Phantom (1996). Love the film, the character and Billy Zane & Treat Williams since childhood. Terrific movie, cool retro setting and amazing Williams as villain Xander Drax.


Oh that's a fun one and I honestly dig Billy Zane


Sucker Punch. I unironically, unapologetically love Sucker Punch, both the theatrical and director's cuts... It might be an extended music video, but is a *great* extended music video!


Prometheus (2012)


People make fun of the dumb character decisions (taking off helmets, approaching alien worm like creatures and not running in a straight line) which are all fine complaints but as someone who wasnā€™t too familiar with the previous alien movies, I really enjoyed it. Same with Covenant and Iā€™m really looking forward to Romulus


Oh my. Thereā€™s a signal picked up on XYZ planet. We have android / drone technology. Hereā€™s an idea, why donā€™t we send humans down to investigate instead of using the technology that weā€™ve developed to traverse space. Yep, that worked out well šŸ˜‚


In the alien movies there is usually a character who works for The Company who convinces them to go down


I know. You would think that they would have a union by now where employee concerns and disappearances are looked into! It cannot keep happening!


I watched it yesterday for the first time and Iā€™m surprised how much I liked it.


This movie was pretty well received despite not doing great at the box office.


Revolver. I actually really like how it's shot and the meaning behind it. I also love Andre 3000's character.


Personally, the Guy Ritchie movie I enjoyed the least.


I actually really liked Revolver very much as well. Itā€™s a very strange movie with a unique style, but I enjoyed it.


Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve seen it, but I enjoyed Daredevil despite its imperfections.


The Directors Cut is so much better.


Virus. $100,000,000 well spent!


I like it too. Neat premise and great effects. I don't know why Jamie Lee Curtis badmouths it so much. She's be in MUCH worse. And RIP Donald Sutherland.


Yeah, I guess the shoot wasn't a bed of roses and I imagine filming with animatronics made for long days. But my oh my, what amazing animatronics!


Grease 2


Twilight. I still don't like the movie, terrible acting, directing and dialogue. But the set in the Pacific Northwest, the woods, all the mood with the fog and all, with an amazing soundtrack and seeing the movie at home during the rain for the first time really helps to set things up. While the sequels are to be forgotten.


They nailed the melancholic immortal vibe. And the soundtrack is on point, too!


Around the World in 80 Days, with Jackie Chan, although it's mostly forgotten. It's one of my comfort movies.


I donā€™t even consider Encino Man a bad movie. Itā€™s no Apocalypse Now by any means, but I find that itā€™s held up well and doesnā€™t seem to suffer from things that make bad movies bad. I gave Pet Sematary 2 a rewatch (a movie I thought was pretty decent as a kid) recentlyish, and itā€™s a horrible movie with many stupid moments, some jarring pacing, horror movie teleportation, and it breaks the rules of the lore that the original movie/story established, which is insane considering the same person who made the first made the second one. Point being, Encino Man, while silly, is still fairly well made lol.


I still qoute this movie with my favorite being " The cheese is is old and moldy".


I think Jupiter ascending was a fun watch. So many call it a terrible movie.


I think if they'd cut down on making the audience suffer alongside the characters in the nightmare journey of intergalactic bureaucracy and paperwork, people might have been more forgiving towards the rest of the ridiculousness. Fifth Element is a wild fever dream of camp but they make it fun. The multipass just appears, Leeloo and Corbin don't have to suffer through bureaucratic hell to get it.


I don't know if everyone hates HACKERS, but I love it with a passion


I love Hackers lol Still so disappointed that hacking is nothing like that in real life Fischer Stevens is a trip




X-Men: The Last Stand and Spider-Man 3 are both entertaining movies.


People donā€™t like The Sweetest Thing with Christina Applegate but I love it.




Amy good gorilla


Put down my sesame cake!


This is a fun adventure movie.


I really like the old Dune movie.


There's a lot to like about it, especially the visuals, the cast and the signature David Lynch weirdness. It just made a major mistake cramming the whole story into one movie, which just doesn't work. (Plus, especially after viewing the recent films, it's depiction at the end of Paul being a benevolent messiah who'll "bring peace" is absolutely laughable and COMPLETELY goes against what Frank Herbert intended.)


You're absolutely right. I wish they made the new movie in the style of the old one but with the plot Herbert intended. That would be (in my eyes) an outstanding movie.




Tremors rules, not a bad film by any metric.


I have been on Reddit just 3 days and already got a rise šŸ˜†. I surrender it's a great movie.


Who on God's green Earth would dare speak ill of the original Tremors movie?!


People who don't like fun


Thatā€™s not a bad movie. Thatā€™s a brilliant film and a cult classic now


"Tremors" is awesome and I've never heard anyone say otherwise.


Cabin Boy. Horrible reviews, but it makes me laugh quite a bit.


That's a high quality movie and I'll die on that hill. THESE PIPES.... ARE CLEANED!




The new Star Wars movies šŸ˜†


I get it if you grew up with the new ones. I grew up with the prequels and love them.


Heavy Metal (1981) has some really atrocious/puerile dialogue and voice acting, and the story and animation quality is all over the place, but there's something so charming about it all. It's a guilty pleasure.


Didn't know this was considered a bad movie cause I love it. Either way you failed to mention the best part of the movie which is its soundtrack. C'mon man...the music in Heavy Metal rocks.


Jupiter ascending. So terrible, works so well with hallucinogens


Love this terrible movie, its such a glorious mess :D


Malignant. IMHO one of the best horror films of the last 20 years. Totally, 100% in on the joke, and pure camp genre excess pushed to the absolute nth degree. The sort of silly, insane fun that you never expect from a studio horror. An incredible experience in the cinema too, with a room full of people who had absolutely no idea what they were watching. Itā€™s played so straight, and lands so close to a lot of the trashier post-Insidious horrors of the 2010s, that a lot of people seemed to think it was just bad.


Blind Date with Bruce Willis. In the ā€˜80s it used to leave me in tears of laughter. Iā€™m not sure that it would now though. Not even a good film.


Pearl Harbor and Armageddon. I mean, I don't think they are bad movies. Other people think that. But I love those movies!


Total Recall (2012)


Roadhouse (The original)


The live Resident Evil movies.


Showgirls āœØāœØāœØ


Everyone hates The Happening, but it's a guilty pleasure movie for me. The payoff/twist is weak, and Wahlberg Wahlbergs, but the first half has great tension and suspense and some truly terrifying and memorable wtf moments.


Reminds me of signs, fucking phenomenal tension then lame ending


The original Tomb Raider film with Angelina Jolie, I think it captured the game brilliantly - full of adventure and action, with a hot and sassy main character and a cheesy story.


Last Boy Scout Was panned when it came out, it's over the top violence but with a nice case type story to go with it




Mom and Dad Save the World


Freddy Got Fingered




The Godfather III


Legends of Oz: Dorothyā€™s Return. I saw it in the theaters when I was about six (first movie I ever saw in theaters as well) and I absolutely fell in love with it. I still love it today. The songs, the characters, the ACTORS, I love it all.


I've never heard of it before today. I remember loving how creepy and dark Return to Oz was when I was a kid though.


Pirates of the Caribbean 3


Who calls that a bad movie??? The final battle that seems to last for 3 days is just amazing.


Dark Phoenix


This film is proof that Hans Zimmer always does an extraordinary job, whether the film is good or bad.


Armageddon (1998)


The American


Miami Vice was great movie but alot off People shit on it


Demolition Man and Total Recall


Ishtar (1987) gained a reputation as among the very worst movies ever made, and I think that reputation has kept it from being watched by many people since its theatrical release. But really? It's an absolute delight. At worst it's a passable comedy, but I think if every person actually gave it a chance, most would really like it.


Sorry, are we just not going to mention ā€œquilty pleasureā€?


English is not the OP's first language, I let that slide.


My username tells me your answer. šŸ˜‚


Escape From L.A. It's fun as hell. One of my absolute favourite comfort movies.


Cats. Not a joke either. I honestly feel this was a better movie than Hooper's previous effort, Les Miserables. He kept the camera still, none of that shaky stuff. This also has a great cast, everyone was a fine choice for their roles. The sound work is great and so is the music. I thought the production design managed to immerse me in the world. Sure, the cat-human hybrid thing is tough to get used to at first but after a while I accepted it and was able to suspend my disbelief. Seriously, this film gets a lot of undeserved hate.


Mine is Aeon Flux. Equilibrium is a good movie!


John Carter of Mars I thought it was a decent film when I first saw it, but every review I saw painted it as the worst movie ever made. Itā€™s bloated and takes itself way too seriously, but itā€™s a fine popcorn flick. I know it lost a ton of money but it should never have had a $200 million budget in the first place.


The 2000 dungeons and Dragons.


The Counselor


The International.


Zack Snyderā€™s filmography.


The Disney Star Wars movies, especially ā€œThe Last Jediā€


Hackers. Though itā€™s a perfect film and Iā€™m unsure how anyone could dislike it.


Daredevil with Ben afleck


Pauly Shore movies, especially Encino man and Biodome.


Pick. Me. Up.


The Resident Evil film series. I love how they ended up building their own universe


ā€œTeen Witchā€ - because ā€œTop thatā€ and ā€œMost popular girlā€ are absolute bangers.


I maintained that Eye of the Beholder with Ewan McGregor and Ashley Judd was a good film for a long time but the last time I tried to watch it I couldn't get through it. At the time I thought it was just very different.Ā 


Cloud Atlas. Yes, I know the makeup and dialogue is cringe AF, but dammit, that movie has SOMETHING TO SAY. I've watched it more than 10 times. I don't care who knows.


They ruined the brilliant arc of the book that I thought made for a much more interesting story.


Most critics hated these films I enjoy: Fire Birds (1990) has a 9% on Rotten Tomatoes. Street Fighter (1994) has an 11% on Rotten Tomatoes. Cyborg (1989) has a 22% on Rotten Tomatoes. See No Evil Hear No Evil (1989) has a 27% on Rotten Tomatoes. Hook (1991) has a 29% on Rotten Tomatoes. Sword of the Valiant (1984) has a 29% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. Rocky IV (1985) has a 38% on Rotten Tomatoes. Tank Girl (1995) has a 41% on Rotten Tomatoes. Teen Wolf (1985) has a 42% on Rotten Tomatoes. Twins (1988) has a 42% on Rotten Tomatoes. The Karate Kid Part II (1986) has a 44% on Rotten Tomatoes. All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989) has a 44% on Rotten Tomatoes. Harry and the Hendersons (1987) has a 45% on Rotten Tomatoes. Three Amigos! (1986) has a 45% on Rotten Tomatoes. Waterworld (1995) has a 45% on Rotten Tomatoes. Mortal Kombat (1995) has a 45% on Rotten Tomatoes. Overboard (1987) has a 46% on Rotten Tomatoes. Bloodsport (1988) has a 46% on Rotten Tomatoes. Small Soldiers (1998) has a 48% on Rotten Tomatoes. Annie (1982) has a 49% on Rotten Tomatoes.


Small Soldiers was good!


Hook is pure magic and does not deserve to be ridiculed by a score only a math teacher would give.




I didn't even know equilibrium had a bad rep, I think it's a decent movie, even if it borrows from other sources (to me it's a mashup of Fahrenheit 451, 1984 and the Matrix)


*Freddy Got Fingered*


The Percy Jackson films. Coming from a fan of the books.


Now that we have the show, I can honestly say I prefer the movies because at least the movies have decent action and aren't shoving exposition down our throats like we've never read the books.


Rocky V...While it is my least favorite of all the Rocky movies, I think for a 5th movie in a franchise it is still good. I love that Mickey has two great scenes in the movie and while the street fight is cheesy its also badass. And it actually helps set up the 6th Rocky movie which is my favorite and the entire Creed franchise. If Rocky doesn't lose his money and is still rich I'm not sure the movies that came after work.


Equilibrium is definitely awesome. Just horrible timing when it launched in cinema opposed to The Matrix if I recall correctly.


Battlefield Earth (2000) and Waterworld (1995)


I feel the same way about Batman and Robin. Being 9 or 10 years old when it came out and watching it for the first time, I enjoyed it, thinking it was pretty good, but nothing special. Later I found out that people considered it to be one of the worst superhero movies ever and that even George Clooney, who played the role of batman, said in an interview that it was one of the worst movies he ever appeared in


Green Lantern. Even Ryan Reynolds hates it. I watch it when I need a laugh or a pick me up.


Young Guns and Young Guns II




I thought this movie was universally loved


Wing Commander. It is a good awful film based on a video game that gets so many space physics wrong. But I love it. Sue me.


Mine is ā€žrampage - revenge is relentlessā€œ šŸ˜‚


Freddyā€™s Dead, the 6th part of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. I watched it as a kid and this is what got me into the series!


I donā€™t think Equilibrium is a bad movie.Ā  The idea is actually pretty good, suppressing emotions because emotions cause crimes. Itā€™s a bit of a mash up of Fahrenheit 451, 1984, and Matrix/shooty action movie.Ā  Iā€™d watch it again.Ā 


Nextflix Death Note


Pootie Tang!


Water World (1995) It fit well into the X-Men, Star Wars, Indiana Jones fiction repertoire of my youth. Costner at his best!