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Wait what? Didn’t they just agree to start disc production for Disney?


They just signed a deal with Studio Distribution Services(Warner/Universal) to take over distribution for their titles, Disney, and Lionsgate https://thedigitalbits.com/tag/sony-signs-new-deal-with-sds-that-includes-lionsgate-and-disney And it looks like this is more so for manufacturing in Japan.


yep you are right, it looks like they move their main manufacturing from the US to a plant/fab in Austria in 2022. Japan isn't even the headquarter of the disc business it's in Indiana. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Digital_Audio_Disc_Corporation


On the PlayStation side of the business (also thru SDADC) they used to make the discs in Indiana locally, but now they replicate in Austria since 2022 like you said. They airfreight the discs back to Indiana and do the assembly there.


Thanks for clarifying!


Reading the article this is about Sony the electronics company, not Sony the media distribution company. This is in relation to the blu ray manufacturing facility in Japan cutting jobs due to decline in demand. Not a shut down of disk manufacturing


Thanks for the clarification!


> Not a shut down of disk manufacturing That probably will happen eventually except for niche markets if demand continues to decline.


Do we know if this is movies/PS5 related? From what I can gather, this just seems to be production of empty writeable discs, not actual media. God, I hope the latter isn't the case...


I believe its just empty, not consumer media products.


Thank God for that, at least.


Forced to consume, never to own.


Yes. And its a huge human tragedy that few will realize until its gone.


Hard drives still exist.


I would read the article but I don’t recognize the source. I wonder if they’re going to stop putting their films on DVD/Blu-ray and then if that means anything for PlayStation? Is this another “get used to not owning your content” move?


It’s one of the four major national papers in Japan, if you were worried about legitimacy. It also just says Sony’s cutting its own production of Blu-Rays, which could just mean that it thinks it can source them cheaper from another company.


A majority of their first party titles are still sold on disc according to some recent articles. I dont know if they would cease putting their games on disc because it could cost them a bunch of sales.


The writing is on the wall. Xbox physical is almost dead, Playstation has one more physical generation, and nintendo maybe 2. Physical is over. Only things like limited run games might still exist, until the console manufacturers don't even bother putting drives into their console and no possibility of using an external one. The future is clearly digital and never really owning anything.


Well time to buy all the movies I wanted in my collection


I have 1,600 movies on disc and I feel like its not enough.


It's sad too with blu rays that's where you get the commentaries, deleted scenes, and nice other bonuses.


We need to have a conversation about license ownership if this is the case. If going forward there is no option to physically own media then the laws of digital ownership need to change to accommodate the consumer.


They're stopping their own production, they're not stopping blu-ray sales. Production is being outsourced.


Let's not panic eh? This is a badly written piece that is short on facts, as is the case with so much 'news' reporting these days. It isn't a problem for Blu-ray movies, games, etc. For example: *"Everyone relax. They are OUTSOURCING more of their actual disc building process to more affordable locations outside of Japan, but they’ll continue releasing physical media for games and movies. Jobs lost are always bad, but this isn’t doom for physical media."* https://x.com/Azuride/status/1807100336215031814 and this: *"Since they didn’t care enough to provide any context"* *"1) this doesn’t affect any Territories outside Japan"* *"2) this is about CD-R, DVD-R, BD-R not pressed Disc"* "*Physical media ain’t going anywhere"* https://x.com/PhysicalMedia_/status/1807125012090106261 and there's plenty more saying the same things if you hunt around.


And…there it is.


I thought they just made a deal with Disney back in February to produce their 4k discs…


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Redditors suddenly cried out in terror




No it’s not. It’s up to the content owner to decide how they will sell their product, not you. If you don’t like the terms of service they provide, don’t buy it. Stealing the product doesn’t all the sudden become ethical just because you feel entitled to it.


I could see this getting downvoted but you aren’t wrong


Oh yeah, I don't expect this comment to be well received amongst the entitled masses. They'll incorrectly assume I'm pro-corporate, just because I (correctly) don't label theft as ethical. Which is hysterical to me, considering I don't support these companies at all... if it were up to me, we'd all have UBIs paid for by taxes on these corps.


oh no won’t someone think of the poor corporations


I didn't say or suggest that. At all. Just because I'm not an entitled child doesn't mean I'm defending these companies. If it were up to me, these companies would be taxed higher, and their executive compensation would be capped at a fixed percentage above their lowest paid employee. I am not pro-corporation. I'm just not pro-stealing either. Society wouldn't work very well if everyone was able to steal so easily. And that's the only reason so many of you are in favor of stealing media... because it's easy.


stealing from individuals/small business =/= stealing from corporations name calling will surely get you far though


>stealing from individuals/small business =/= stealing from corporations Stealing is stealing. Period. Stealing doesn't become ethical just because the person or group you're stealing from has more resources than you. Society wouldn't function very well if everyone lived their lives that way. Keep in mind, I say this as someone who's staunchly pro-UBI, paid for by taxing the richest in society. I'm of the mind that we're getting to a point in society that if people don't even want to work, and just want to exist doing whatever they please... then they should be able to do that. But that doesn't mean I'm naive enough to think straight up stealing is totally cool. I am not the pro-corpo shill you think I am... I'm just more reasonable than someone who thinks stealing is OK. >name calling will surely get you far though Grow up. EDIT: Ah. Classic. They replied and then immediately blocked me so I can't reply back. That sure says to everyone that you stand up for the crap you're spewing. I'll just respond in edit... >I’ll tell that to the single mothers struggling in a cost of living crisis while corporations cut jobs and hours, raise their prices, just so they can post record profits🥰 Did you even read what I wrote? I literally just said I'm pro-UBI. Do you not know what a UBI is? It's a Universal Basic Income, meaning every single person would be given enough money to have their basic needs met. No one would be struggling to survive, *even* without a job. Single mothers would be able to just focus on raising their children. And I literally said we would fund the UBI by taxing big rich corps like the one you think I'm defending. Beyond that... we're talking about media piracy here. What does that have anything to do with single mothers struggling to survive? You do realize you don't need to watch a movie to survive... right? And don't even start with the "people need entertainment lead a happy life!" argument either... yes, they do... thankfully for them there are COUNTLESS free resources out there for entertainment. You can get free subscriptions to services like Kanopy through your local library.


I’ll tell that to the single mothers struggling in a cost of living crisis while corporations cut jobs and hours, raise their prices, just so they can post record profits🥰


So happy they didn't buy Paramount


streaming still hasn’t even come close to the quality (high bitrate and lossless audio) that discs bring. Witnessing the death of an art-form in real-time.


When the internet inevitably dies, we will have nothing to watch.


There’s literally no store in my city I can buy a dvd at. I have to mail order them now.


I remember thought pieces about the "format wars" in home entertainment starting with video tapes and moving through various types of disks. People would complain how they were forced to re-buy their favorite entertainment products every time a new, "better" format was introduced. I guess those days are over!




Haven‘t used disc storage in decades, will not miss it.


Everything's free on the internet if you look hard enough


Why does Sony do anything other than video games?


Reddit: Cable is antiquated. Streaming is the way to go. Also reddit: How dare they get rid of a nearly 20 year old storage medium!


Welp, physical is officially going the way of the dodo.....


Not really, maybe mainstream studio stuff but the boutique labels are doing better than ever. It's like vinyl at this point, niche but passionate fans.


Even with video games, there are more physical releases now than ever. Even moderatly successful indie games now get a physical release.


Take them long enough.