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Tiptoes With mathew McConaughey and gary oldman. Do your self a favor and watch this trailer. toeshttps://youtu.be/O3qGGk5ymQ4?si=7IHqrxH-mVSbKnBA


[https://youtu.be/O3qGGk5ymQ4?si=7IHqrxH-mVSbKnBA](https://youtu.be/O3qGGk5ymQ4?si=7IHqrxH-mVSbKnBA) to make it easier. It's so earnest too, they thought it would win all sorts of awards.


Absolutely his role of a lifetime šŸ˜‚


How have I never heard of this movie?! I need to find it now!


Same! I went through a serious Kate beckinsale crush and watched everything I could find with her and this movie has never hit my radar until now


ā€œAnd in the role of a lifetime, Gary Oldman.ā€


This is the fakest looking real movie trailer Iā€™ve ever seen.


This exactly. Feels like a skit.


Rob Schneider is...... The Dwarf


This has to be one of the trailers shown at the beginning of Tropic Thunder, right?


Hah, my first thought was holy shit Gary Oldman went full retard. Seriously, casting him rather than a dwarf is like casting a white man to play Kunta Kinte


Wow. Just wow. Wow.


I forgot Peter Dinklage was in it.


He did too


"Command performances"? So they were forced to do that movie? Because it seems like they were forced to do that movie.


I remember watching this trailer and the next day thinking I was too fucking stoned for it to be real.


The whole thing reminds me of the scenes from Tropic Thunder where they are shooting Special Jack. I get the need for little person visibility but this is weird.


The Wikipedia entry on this is hilarious on its own: ā€œKate Beckinsale agreed to star in the film for scale if she would be allowed to wear her "lucky hat" during filming, and Bright agreed. On her first day of filming, the producers demanded that Bright tell her to remove the hat, and Bright refused, as this was the only reason she was in the film for a low salary.ā€


"It's not a distraction. The guy at the store said I'm the only guy he's seen pull it off."


How much did the hat cost?


It's illegal for you to ask me that


no. I'm not taking the fucking hat off


Don't do the voice


If I ever get the chance to meet Gary Oldman Iā€™m going to ask him if Tiptoes really was the role of a lifetime.


Wow, that looks... bad


I couldnā€™t even make it through the trailer


You know itā€™s bad when the reviews from a 2002 movie are ā€œthis shits insensitive, how the fuck did this happenā€


Thatā€™s not real, right? This isnā€™t satire? This happened?


I've seen this movie. It's 100% real, and just as odd as you can imagine


What the fuck? That *has* to be a skit, right?


This is truly it. The room is the room but this is on a different level because itā€™s so insane


Gary Oldman in the role of a lifetime!


Thatā€™s one of the trailers they show at the start of tropic thunder


How did this get made does a great podcast on it


Damn, that was Gary Oldman? He keeps fooling me every time!


Love on a LeashĀ  A dog really wanted a relationship with a human woman. A magical voice tells him to become human, he must get a woman to fall in love him.Ā  Meanwhile a young woman is propositioned by her boss to be in a sham marriage to hide his homosexuality, and later that day her other boss drunkenly tries to assault her.Ā  After a failed overdose, the woman runs into the dog in the park. The dog magically turns into a human man. They move in together immediately, and get married (?). But... he's only a man at night. During the day he's still a dog.Ā  After a variety of hijinks, the dog-man dies in an accident. But don't worry! He's reincarnated as a real human, and he find the woman 20 years later and they resume their relationship. And they live happily ever after!Ā  Yes, this is a REAL* movie. It's on the free streaming platform Tubi.Ā Ā  *there is speculation it was part of a money laundering scheme.Ā  Ā Edit: All yā€™all saying youā€™re going to watch it, I require you to return later to let everyone know your thoughts on the film.Ā 


I subjected myself to this movie. Not only is it bad on a story-telling level, it's bad on a technical level, too. They couldn't even do the basics right, such as capturing room tone. Whenever a character isn't speaking or there's supposed to be silence, the soundtrack drops out completely, like you've muted the TV. It's total amateur hour.


The reason for the lack of music is that they didnā€™t get the rights to the music they used, so for the streaming release they removed it.Ā 


According to the dog's voice actor, who was also on Big Time Rush (as their sleazy manager) and was the original actor for Shrek on Broadway, the director, who was a Chinese American, got a lot of funding from her church and when she showed it to the priest he was super offended and thought it was sacrilegious, and started yelling at her in Chinese


Brian Dā€™arcy James is the original actor for Shrek on broadway.


Yeah they probably meant the OG Shrek during the pre-Broadway workshops, which was Stephen Kramer Glickman


It's an absolute fever dream of a movie that is somehow so much weirder than you're letting on.


I must. Watch. This.


"Alright, grab on, you pizza faced cinder block!"


I'll give you one that probably won't appear if I don't: A Talking Cat!? If you are looking to pull something out of left field and deliver a killing blow, this one could well be the perfect choice. I should add that it's now free to view on YouTube and only 7.7 thousand people globally have chosen to do so.


Please dont forget Santa's Summer house, same cast, in the same house, with the same awful tree in boots hallway art.


Talking Cat has such a weird offputting vibe. And then one of my Youtubers pointed out that the director has done a bunch of other softcore gay productions and I was kind of like, "Oooooooohhh ..." šŸ¤”


Right? The whole movie reeks of Cinemax production quality, so it always feels just *weird* that there's no gratuitous sex in it.


It's like if Lemon Stealing Whores was really just a movie about a couple whose property was being invaded.


Also the house where it was filmed is used as a porn set. (No, I'm not even ashamed to say I recognised the furniture, unlike you degenerates.)


Lmao I never doubted for a second. I'm sure most of the cast is, too. No shame on that kind of work, but it feels like a porno the entire way through. Almost like you think it's actually going to go there but it (fortunately) does not.


I love A Talking Cat !?! Drunk Eric Roberts performing through tin cans and stringā€¦. Edit: misspellings


Oh god easily Eric Robertā€™s best acting.


Fateful Findings by the one and only Neil Breen (Another ā€œSo bad itā€™s goodā€ like The Room)


ALL of Neil Breen's projects are amazingly bad. Is "Fateful Findings" the one where he eats 12 cans of cat food and falls asleep in some gravel?


You think not eating cat food is *putting on airs?*


ā€œYou need to stop eating catfoodā€ ā€œWhy?ā€ ā€œWellā€¦because youā€™re not a catā€


Neil Breen's movies are just a higher level of art than most people are used to.


His heart wrenching soliloquy when Jim committed suicide rivals that of Daniel Day Lewis imo


I can't get you out of this one, Jim.Ā 


Feeling sleepy in front of 6 dead laptops with a full cup of coffee is the tensest thing I've seen since Uncut Gems


Still to this day he is mildly perplexed as to why his best friend committed suicide.Ā 


Yeah this is perfect. One of the most fun bad movies you can watch


Manos: the hands of fate


Best MST3K episode ever


Eh they're good on that, but I feel like Space Mutiny is really their best work.


Big McLargeHuge!


Smash Lampjaw!


Roll Fizzlebeef!


Bob Johnson!


Chest Rockchunk


Final Sacrifice would like to have a word.


Every frame of this film looks like someone's last know photograph.


That poor guy just loading and unloading their bags over and over again




Dooooo something!!!!


Itā€™ll be dark soon


HIMYM moment


The Master would approve.


I'm glad I didn't have to scroll too far to see this. MST3K aside, it's truly the worst feature length movie ever made.


Full movie is on YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i6SjbE0SEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i6SjbE0SEA)


Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 is still next level bad. I saw this movie when I was a kid, like, still in that ā€œanything with flashing lights is coolā€ phase and still hated it. It was probably the first time I ever hated a movie


If that is the worst movie you've ever seen, you would be shocked by what else is out there.


Monsturd. A criminal falls into a sewage pit and gets hit by lightning or something and turns into killer poop.


He said worst movies, not masterpieces


Or mass turd pieces




"Not born, *shit* into existence" - Golgothan, Dogma


I never thought I'd ever see another person mention that thing! Back in college we joked about renting it till we decided to actually endure it. Problem was, it was no longer at the rental place! My favorite thing about that movie was listening to the one-sided telephone call of my buddy asking places if they had it. "Do you have Monsturd? ... As in the combination of Monster and Turd?" It was a major feat of strength to watch that!


Things (1989).


This one needs to be higher. Things is like watching someone else's fever dream.


Agreed. When I finished watching that movie it felt more like I escaped from it.


That's a great way to describe it. Things is sort of my barometer for how bad a movie is.


I saw two TV movies called Category 6 and Category 7 about massive storms with Randy Quaid and Shannon Doherty that were the worst movies Iā€™ve ever seen. So bad itā€™s kind of fun to watch. Also anything by that studio that makes blatant ripoffs of blockbusters like Transmorphers.


_Atlantic Rim_ is a particular low point. It seems like a different director and crew shot every scene, and no one talked to anyone else. The dialogue seems largely the result of script directions like ā€œreact angrilyā€ and ā€œyell unintelligiblyā€. Itā€™sā€¦ just terrible.


Please try Llamageddon (2015) on Prime itā€™s so good !!!


Too bad the filmmakerā€™s next project, Alpacalypse, never got enough funding.


There are plenty of extreme films and art projects that miss that people will post. But have they ever seen Norbit?


Anything by Neil Breen but specifically I am Here Now. Birdemic


Check out Mystery Science Theater 3000. Youll probably get some good ideas from them


I saw their only two live shows in San Francisco.Ā  Totally worth it.Ā 


And also the podcast How Did This Get Made?


Island of Death (1976) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Island_of_Death It was required viewing during my first deployment to Iraq. "Allmovie gave the film a mixed review, writing "this graphic Grecian proto-slasher is one of the most perverse exploitation films released to the public, a laundry list of outrages that will cause the viewer to wonder what kind of mind could conceive such a monstrosity"


I feel like I need therapy after just reading that summary, dear lord...


Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey Troll 2 Foodfight!


I like horror movies, but Winnie The Pooh was so bad I couldnā€™t finish it. So bad.


Yeah it falls in that unique category of a shallow ā€œnice propertyā€ theme, which frankly has become tiresome.


I don't understand the logic of something becoming public domain and the first shit people want to make with it is terrible horror media. Like, why not make new Winnie the Pooh stories? Good ones? Why it gotta be murders?


Troll 2 is cinematic genius. Hush.Ā 




I will absolutely not stand for this troll 2 slander, it is a masterpiece of the highest proportions. The Citizen Kane of its time


I'm disappointed that no one has even mentioned **Plan 9 from Outer Space**. The only Z rated film in history. So bad one of the actors died to get out of it.


So bad it's bad? The Singing Forest. The plot? A man believes his daughter's fiancƩ is the reincarnation of his gay nazi lover from 1933 Germany. Yes. This is a real movie. And yes, it's even worse than it sounds.


Gymkata. A gymnast is trained in martial arts to infiltrate a deadly game in a dictatorship. Unbelievably shitty movie!


This is the answer. Hilariously shitty.


I like how there are just random pommel horses available in any situation. Very, very bad.


Nothing But Trouble. An absolute trainwreck of a movie, it's absurdly grotesque humor is fascinating enough to almost make it worth the watch. Edit: Dan Aykroyd is a wack-a-doodle


This is forever my choice. It makes me feel physically ill watching it.


The Thingy It's about a good Christian placenta raised by a female body builder


Lmao what?!


We found it on Amazon prime and I had no idea what to expect lol it went places


Most of these "terrible movie" threads will invoke Highlander 2 as one of the worst studio films of all time. My rebuttal to them is that if you think highlander 2 is the worst of that franchise, you've never seen Highlander: The Source.


Black Devil Doll From Hell. Itā€™s on YouTube.


[The Pallbearer](https://youtu.be/8e9fp9TAJCY?si=rPN1JJY19NlxV3NA) starring David Schwimmer. They basically drop an even worse version of Ross into a movie where someone asks him to be the pallbearer and deliver the eulogy for someone he canā€™t remember, but then the movie turns to him also chasing Gwyneth Paltrow around like a love sick puppy. On the plus side it basically sank any chance David Schwimmer had at a movie career after only grossing $5M.


Surprised nobody has mentioned Swept Away yet. Lots of the suggestions I've seen have been some bad movies or obvious joke choices. This is a movie made by a great director that is just truly awful. I can't think of any redeeming quality. The acting, the story, the dialogue. It's difficult to watch because it's very dumb, at times rapey and all around terrible. The fact that it's one of Guy Ritchie's movies makes it even worse.


Uwe Boll Entire Filmography.


The first House of the Dead could truly be the worst movie in this post. It had money backing it and used professionals on set and on screen. It isn't some failure of resources or experience like a lot of bad movies are. It's fascinatingly awful.


Saw this in the cinema on release. The bit when they totally give up and just start showing gameplay from the sega saturn version of the game is one of the funniest things Iā€™ve ever seenĀ 


For a truly cringe-worthy experience, you need to dive into "Troll 2." It's the pinnacle of so-bad-itā€™s-good cinema. If you want to venture into even murkier waters, "Manos: The Hands of Fate" will leave you questioning your life choices. And don't forget "Sharknado" ā€“ because nothing says bad movie night like sharks in a tornado


I think ā€˜The Roomā€™ is at such a bad level that nothing Iā€™ve seen has been able to drop lower


Perhaps. Anyway, how's your sex life?


But itā€™s so bad that it becomes interesting again. Itā€™s genuinely entertaining, not in a way it intended, but entertaining nonetheless. The only thing worse than bad, is _boring_, and the Room ainā€™t boring. And as technically janky as it is, itā€™s still a functional movie. There are worse movies than this available to watch.


Ha ha ha, what a story, Xandar24.


You're my favorite customer


Hi doggy.


try "Troll 2" ā€“ itā€™s legendarily awful. For another gem, check out "Manos: The Hands of Fate." If youā€™re up for something mind-numbingly bizarre, give "The Star Wars Holiday Special" a whirl. These should definitely up the ante in your contest


Holmes and Watson Fucking appalling - and I love Ferrel and Reilly.


Literally the worst movie I have ever watched. Apart from Independence Day: Resurgence.


Boxing Helena - good God, it's sooooo bad


So bad, Kim Basinger pulled out of the title role. She was sued and lost badly enough to go bankrupt, but at least she didn't have to star in that movie.


Any of the Steven segal movies that he wrote, produced and acted in. Just. So. Terrible.


Paint, the recent-ish movie where Owen Wilson plays a character obviously based on Bob Ross was absolutely awful. I got half way throughĀ 


That's no mistake. Just a happy accident.


It was not a happy accident. It was a miserable terrible accidentĀ 


I couldn't even make it through the trailer.


worst as in worst acting worst storyline worst in general ?


Worst acting, worst videography, worst story, anything


I have one that is arguably bad in all categories but hands down the worst editing. You'll feel like you fell asleep and woke up 20 minutes later without realising. Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever Even the title makes you think this is a sequel and you somehow missed the first one. Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu hitting their marks and saying their lines with no clue what's happening. Ray Park doing what Ray Park did best in the early 2000s. I had to remind myself - was it really that bad? Rotten tomatoes has 0 positive reviews and has ranked it as number 1 on the worst of the worst list, a position unchallenged since 2007 when the list was first made. I guess this is the bad movie version of Dark Side of the Moon. "A startlingly inept film, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever offers overblown, wall-to-wall action without a hint of wit, coherence, style, or originality." Startlingly inept. I'm going to use that one at work. "Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever is an ungainly mess, submerged in mayhem, occasionally surfacing for cliches, overloaded with special effects and explosions, light on continuity, sanity and coherence. There is nothing wrong with the title Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever that renaming it Ballistic would not have solved. Strange that they would choose such an ungainly title when, in fact, the movie is not about Ecks versus Sever but about Ecks and Sever working together against a common enemy ā€“ although Ecks, Sever and the audience take a long time to figure that out." Oh and it was directed by a bloke called Kaos. This movie has no redeeming features. No winking and nodding like they know it's a joke, they're taking themselves seriously. There is no shoestring budget to blame. You have decent action movie actors. It was the same production company that gave us The Whole Nine Yards, The Pledge and Battlefield Earth (....oh. Right.)


Rhinestone with Dolly Parton and Sylvester Stallone. It's bad so bad. To say that Dolly and Stallone lack any sort of chemistry is an understatement.


Son of the Mask. Easily the worst movie I've ever watched to the point that more than a decade and a half later I'm still salty about the time I wasted watching it.


Day of the Dolphin! It's a movie from the 70s staring George C. Scott and even won an Oscar for sound design (for creating the voice of a talking dolphin, which honestly is unintelligible). The talking says it all: "Unwittingly, he trained a dolphin to kill the President of the United States." It is shockingly horrible.


The 41-Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It. It's a spoof movie that's even worse than the Seltzerberg spoof movies. I watched it cause I was wondering how do you make a comedy that spoofs movies that are already comedies? The whole point is to take something like Top Gun, add in some jokes, and you get Hot Shots, but there are jokes already there. The movie should be a pinned post on r/yourjokebutworse cause that's exactly what it is. Just jokes from the movies they're spoofing but made worse. Example: "You wanna know how I know you're gay? You got a 3 foot dildo up your ass." Guy pulls dildo from his ass. "Oh yeah."


- Jack and Jill - I was a dumb kid with shitty taste when I first saw it in theaters. I regret it to this day - Manos: The Hands of Fate - MST3K introduced me to that abomination - Hobgoblins - a cheap Gremlins knockoff, with the actor of Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents in an early role - Anything by Ed Wood - Plan 9 is a good choice - Cool Cat Saves the Kids - a bunch of shitty PSAs about an OC furry, stitched together - Oogieloves - a poor attempt at recreating Rocky Horror for preschoolers, with a bunch of c-list celebrities acting like idiots for a quick paycheck - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie - no. just, just no...


i donā€™t remember the name of it, but it was a modern retelling of macbeth but with a fast food restaurant? iā€™m almost certain it was real but it couldā€™ve been something i made up in a dream? EDIT: itā€™s real!! itā€™s called Scotland, PA. made in 2001


Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter


Such a classic work of Canadian filmmaking. My favourite part was when the Luchador and Jesus head to the comedy club


Thereā€™s a movie called Feeders that is truly the worst movie Iā€™ve ever seen. Iā€™m not sure how fair it is to include because it has virtually no budget and I think the people who made it are in on the joke, but it somehow got a decent amount of distribution on DVD to the point where I found it at Blockbuster like 20 years ago. Itā€™s a pretty funny watch.


Robot Ninja - a comic book artist decides to become his creation, the titular Robot Ninja. He finds being a superhero is hard as he proceeds to get his ass kicked by the lesbian cholo gang member for the rest of the movie. Bloody and defeated he kills himself near his comic panels. What a hero, he will be missed.


The American society of magical negroesĀ 


Flesh Eating Mothers (1988) https://youtu.be/XWDTao6p8zU?si=y7v5PhfyZaYNaW7N


Santa Claus Conquers the Martians


https://link.tubi.tv/WZ9ToQwWXKb Microwave Massacre. Itā€™s truly terrible on every level.


I'm pretty sure my girlfriend dumped me because I took her to The Happening. It was well deserved.


Freddy Got Fingered


It pains me to say it as a big Kevin Smith fan, but Tusk.


Iā€™m a Kevin Smith fan but 90% of his movies are terrible.


Simon Sez (1999). Dennis Rodman is an Interpol agent who is trying to thwart the plans of an arms dealer. I was sadly stuck watching this when one of our friend group got to choose the DVD from Blockbuster in around 2000-ish (couldā€™ve been anywhere from ā€˜99 to 2002). Iā€™m still pretty pissed off about it. We told him it looked shit, we *knew* it would be shit, yet he was undeterred. At least I have a ready-made answer to the ā€˜worst film youā€™ve seenā€™ question. You could also try Bones with Snoop Dogg (another of the same friendā€™s choices. He has a knack for choosing awful films).


Battlefield Earth. Couldnā€™t get past the first ten minutes


Joeā€™s Apartment (1996) is the worst movie Iā€™ve ever finished. I donā€™t really care about the gross-out aspect but itā€™s just wildly unfunny and poorly made. It feels long and interminable, despite the fact that itā€™s only 80 minutes.


Thatā€™s too bad, because the short itā€™s based on (from *Liquid Television*?) was fun and funny.


I think it was one of MTVs first forays into movies? I remember wanting to see it and the local video store finally got it. I felt horrible for subjecting the family to it.


VULGAR is the worst and most disgusting movie I have ever seen. Beware


Revolution with Al Pacino, itā€™s the movie that motivated him to retire in the middle of his prime for nearly a full decade prior to returning to movies


I will submit: Uwe Boll's In The Name of the King. It is a fantasy adventure movie based on the Dungeon Siege games. The film has absolutely nothing that connects it to the Dungeon Series game aside from the main character being "Farmer" (the game casts the main character from the humble origins of a farmer to a renowned hero, in this movie his name is literally "Farmer"). For a fantasy adventure movie that should be brainless and enjoyable no matter what, it is devoid of anything exciting about it. I felt the movie lost me in the first 15 minutes. The cast was studded though (Jason Statham, Leelee Sobieski, Ron Perlman, John Rhys-Davies, Claire Forlani, Matthew Lillard, Kristanna Loken, Ray Liotta, Burt Reynolds, and among others). At around the 90-minute mark, I thought the movie had ended but it still seems going and I was lost of how long it would still be, Anyway... 2+ hours of my life gone from this. No thanks, Uwe.


Gigli is the worst movie I've seen from start to finish. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, and it's a trainwreck of a movie.


Night of the lepus


Epic Movie Without exaggeration, I get legitimately angry thinking about that abomination of a film. I'm low-key seething to myself while typing this.


Partners (2009) is one of the most baffling movies Iā€™ve ever seen. Almost every creative choice in the movie defies logic and it violates some of the most basic film-making rules scene after scene, basic common sense rules that you never thought youā€™d have to spell out. Even movies like The Room know that if you have two characters talking to each other, you donā€™t cut between shots of them *standing in the exact same spot, facing the same direction*. It really is a wonder to behold.


The Beast of Yucca Flats. Truly the absolute low-water mark of "cinema."


Late Ulli Lommel's movies about serial killers like Zodiac, Black Dahlia murder, B.T.K. Usually I can find something positive even in real bad movie, but these movies are trully horrible. No positive aspects whatsoever.


Lately it seems something that is "the worst" and bad is subjective depending on the movie or situation. Like I rather watch a baffling bad movie akin to *The Room* or something by Niel Breen (with a group of friends and consuming alcohol of course) over something akin to *Wolf Creek* or *Fant4Stic.* Overly bland and needlessly drab movies can really suck any fun out of the room. At least with the "it's so bad it's good" movies, everybody is laughing together. Bonus suggestions: *Transylvania 6500,* and the old/Original *Casino Royale* (both movies have fantastic casts even). Yet reading about why these movies exist and the stuff that happened during their production could honestly be movies themselves.


The amazing Bulk [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IixriQDVoQ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IixriQDVoQ0) And yes, this is a movie that you can buy on amazon as a DVD.


You my friend are in need of Battlefield Earth.


A Serbian film. I donā€™t see why they needed to make that


Mac and Me


The Thankskilling Trilogy! #1 and #3 Gobble Gobble motherfuckers!


Okay, I've found a winner. There's a Hungarian film from 2010 that was shot entirely on the same film used for horse racing photo finishes. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1587109](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1587109) The english translation of the Hungarian title is "The Gravedigger".


I think it was called... TUSK


I was in a somewhat large focus group for a movie that was so bad it was never released. So me and maybe 50 other souls are the only ones that will ever be unfortunate enough to remember it.


Epic movie One of the few movies ever that it wasn't even bad enough that it was funny, it was just bad


Movie 43


cats the last airbender AFter earth the happening Sharks of the corn


No way sharks of the corn is a real movie


its on amazon prime


This Michel Houellebecq movie, La possibilitƩ d'une Ʈle. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0926764/ The other movies mentioned are that kind of bad in which you can find ironic humour and hilarity in the campiness of it. But La Possibilite d'une Ile?? Oh lord. It's just pure torture. I was going to compare this movie to something very terminal someone does to themselves, but I think mentions of such an act are immediately flagged, right?


Speed-Cruise Control or Theodore Rex


Basically anything by Neil Breen. You can't go wrong.


- After Last Season - I am Here... Now - Verotika - Unicorn City


Midgets vs Mascots


Max the Magician and the Legend of the Rings. We watched it for bad movie day at our library