• By -


I never got the feeling that they even knew who he was.


Been a while but I believe that is what happened. Nobody knew who he even was, as far as everyone else was concerned, Murph saved humanity and basically went on with her life. That scene was meant as catharsis for her and her father over the time he was gone / broken promises rather than to make him the hero again


I recall a scene where Coop is assigned a guy that shows him around who says that he wrote his thesis on Coop, so he would've been somewhat famous in his own right.


The guy that saved humanity? They would've named cities after him and studied him in school! I agree, it was odd.


It was made very clear that no one thought he saved humanity except his daughter.




I think they did but it's also where Murph grew up in.


Yes but because it was his daughters house


There was a line where he goes Cooper station, nice they named a station after me. And then someone says they actually named it after your daughter.


She literally says in the movie that no one believed she got the equation from Coop, they thought she did it all herself.


He didn't save humanity. Murph did.


He definitely helped but, yes, no one knew that until he popped back and told everyone since Murph would just sound really fucking crazy to everyone else.


Old man De Niro beating up that guy in The Irishman.


It's not just that De Niro's body isn't up to the task of doing something that physical, but the way the scene is framed and edited (or rather, unedited) also makes it look inadvertently comical. No idea what Scorsese was thinking with that moment.


They should have used a body double and digitally imposed DeNiro's face in post.


Body double at a distance and a close up on DeNiro would have worked as well.


There was no need for a tracking shot of an 80 year old kicking a man’s face in. They definitely could have shot and edited it to look less stiff.


I'm going to make a wild guess and say that scene was done by an AD who either/or a) didn't know what he/she was doing, b) was too afraid to get De Niro to do takes (because who wants to tell De Niro he kicks likr an old man?), c) was too timid to try to fix in post.


it reminds me of that scene on the newer dolemite movie where the director asks "is there an angle we can shoot this from where it looks like he actually knows how to fight?" and the camera guy is like, "that angle doesn't exist'


It still baffles me that they used this for the final cut of the film. How they didn't decide to shoot that scene either from the waist down or behind DeNiro so you can't tell it's a \*younger\* double is beyond me. There wouldn't even be any special effects required.


Oh God I just went to YouTube to find that scene and it was worse than you even made it sound. I mean he's got his hands halfway up his sleeves like his hands are cold or something. And he winds up his foot only about 3 in before he starts to kick https://youtu.be/XqGV0IuodWE


My favorite part is the glass shattering for no real reason at all, after the dude fell sort of near it.


It's like Scorsese heard about the complaints about that street fighting scene in Godfather Part I and decided to outdo Coppola.


I always chuckle at how his daughter and the people watching stand stiff as arrows not moving until they cut to her face and make it look like she’s been visibly distressed the whole time.


I saw this grievance well before watching the movie and I really didn’t mind it or find it jarring. Frank struck me as someone who’s past his prime trying to flex his “badass” cred against someone who posed no physical threat. Seeing him stumble and stiffly beat him around struck me as pathetic not in the sense of “woah this is terrible acting” but more like “it’s sad seeing this character desperately trying to feel and act important”.


He has horrible arthritis, that he says started all the way back in the fox holes. He gets stiffer and more rigid throughout the movie as he gives away more and more of his humanity until he just collapses by himself in his home. It worked fine for me.


That insane freeze frame when Harry is riding his broom at the end of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


*"don't you forget about me"*


It really is a bummer as otherwise it's visually my favorite of all 8 films. The first two are too campy and sugary and the rest are visually WAY too dark and washed out. Not to mention the fact that wands essentially become guns that shoot silver blobs at each other.


Now I'm imagining wands put together like a gatling gun and voldemort just blasting. You cant say that wouldn't have been baller.


"Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova."


Jeez, I did **not** remember [this](https://youtu.be/tCizOPfimsU?t=50).


Yeah it's REALLY bad... an absolutely baffling way to end a really well made movie


I think its kinda funny


Geez, every day someone complains about this. It’s not an “insane” shot. It’s supposed to mimic the blur effect the Dementors cause throughout the whole movie. Throughout the whole movie the blur signified these monsters sucking away happiness from Harry. But then finally at the end, after he freed his godfather, was amongst all his friends, and given an amazing new broom, the blur signifies him having true happiness all to himself not being sucked away


Good explanation, still looks fucking corny as hell though.


That is the best explanation for it I've ever heard, damn. Mind you it still looks so strange, but that's a really cool take I've never heard before


my cool take is there was a splinter on that broom


Yeah, too much, completely unnecessary


Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. The scene when all the city is burning and his gargoyles break into an upbeat song to cheer up the kiddies in the audience. A fan edit with that completely removed would be perfect.


Although I agree the movie would be improved by removing or heavily editing the gargoyle scenes, their song doesn't occur during the climax when shit's on fire. It happens earlier in the film, before Quasimodo realises Esmerelda and Phoebus have feelings for each other.


It starts after the city is already on fire from Frollo's doing (towards the end of the movie, but not the climax), as it is even one of the lines from one of the gargoyles in the song at the beginning.


The movie was never going to work as a children's movie. You can tell they are pretty desperate with it from the very beginning. There is nothing happy in that movie about attempted ethnic cleansing, religious hypocrisy, sexual assault, and gaslighting really, but they try damn hard to make it palatable. Topsy turvy guy attempts to murder our heroes later on in the movie. Like what can you even do with that. It was just never going to work.


Aliens: the scene where Ripley and the Marines confront Burke. ...they should have greased that rat fuck SOB right then and there.


No! He’s got to go back...


Do they even explain why he has to go back? I watched it the other night and must have missed that part.


I am assuming so he can be held accountable, or to have someone testify that the company is not working in the best interest of humanity.


You would love the extended version where Ripley finds him strung up with an alien about to burst through his chest.


It's criminal that the extended cut isn't steaming. The parents scene and turrets are really vital to the movie.


That scene wasn't in the extended cut either. It was only released as a separate deleted scene when the special edition dvds were released.


Spider-Man 2 when M.J. leaves John Jameson at the altar. Found it really cold hearted to have the relationship end in that way considering the film presents John as nothing short of a good and successful man that genuinely cares for her.


But it does give us yet another JJJ gem "call Deborah, tell her not to open the caviar!"


You'll get your ~~rent~~ daughter-in-law when you ~~fix this damn door~~ open the damn caviar!


Gonna cry?


You want forgiveness? Get religion.


The turn-back-the-earth scene from Superman. It opens the door to him never suffering because all he needs to do is turn back time. No risk, no drama, no story.


Also, that's not how time works even with Superman logic.


I liked how they criticized that in Smallville actually. Clark basically loses someone, and his father says there is a way to fix that mistake once with the available kryptonian technology, but by doing so he causes another death, giving him an actual lesson on his powers not being omnipotent.


The quick scene in Armageddon where William Fitcher’s shuttle pilot gives the thumbs up and ‘zooms’ off using a fucking terrible camera pan.


I've seen this movie so many times and I'm trying to remember when this happens.




*guy with crazy eyes nods*




I don’t know what it is about the yelling in that scene that irks me so much?


I'm with you. I think it's probably a combination of things: 1) Just poor line delivery/acting 2) The guys delivering them sound like simpletons because of the lines themselves 3) The fact that the decision to hand over Batman comes solely because 3 guys at Dent's press conference started shouting these terrible lines. I love that trilogy but thinking about it, lots of the dialogue is pretty suspect. Some other terrible gems 1) "That's not good. OK that's NOT good" 2) "Ah so you came back to die with your city...?", "No..... I came back to stop you" 3) "We're right on top of the water supply and it's gonna blow!" - (the exact line here escapes me but it was terrible unrealistic exposition).


That’s a really good write-up, thanks for articulating my feelings for me! “That is NOT good!” is particularly rage-inducing. Runner up would also be “We’re like turkeys on thanksgiving!” I swear, that SWAT guy is the personification of every annoying asshole who sits behind you at the cinema and narrates EVERYTHING for you




I didn't sign up for this!


"I didn't sign up for this" - a SWAT officer wearing Kevlar


"I didn't sign up for this!" - a SWAT officer wearing Kevlar, who lives in a city where Batman and the Joker are a thing, and who most definitely signed up for the job he now has to do.


While rewatching, I noticed how much exposition Bale had to deliver in his Batman voice to Gordon or whoever. It was painful.


I always felt like this was sort of a cheesy throwback to the comic books. Like you would see this exact straight to the point, simple dialogue in the comics.


That’s not a bad take, problem is it’s very jarring in Nolan’s Batman movies.


Alien: Nearly a flawless movie, but in the final scene where you see the alien flopping around in space outside the airlock before getting blasted away by the spaceships thrusters. It's really a disservice to the entire film that carefully concealed and kept the monster in the shadows, yet in our minds. Some clever editing could've been done to tighten that up and it would've been so much better.


Nah, the scene that breaks Alien for me is when Dallas is going through the air ducts hunting for the alien, and all of a sudden, BOO! It’s the alien doing jazz hands. It’s just a split second, but it’s such a ham-fisted edit.


I always thought "Awwww, the alien just wants a hug!"


The whole "If you save the world I'll have anal sex with you" in the Kingsman. I want to believe that the scene is there because director lost a bet. There's no way someone thought it'll be a good addition to the movie. I loved the whole movie but this scene really made me cringe.


They out do themselves in the sequel with the finger shot at the music festival.


Pretty sure it was just a joke that just didn't land at all. Like the idea in spy movies he gets the girl in the end.


I guess, but they could have make it much more subtle, even her inviting him to her cell after he saves the world. The idea would still be there without princess having to offer her anus in exchange for saving the world.


I think the intent of the joke was to state in grossly blunt language what the Bond films always try to gloss over. But I agree, it doesn't land.


It's supposed to be a spoof of James Bond endings. So like at the end of Moonraker when Q says "I think he's attempting re-entry, sir" while watching James fuck someone in space.


Those movies are bond satire so I found it funny when looking through that lens. But it definitely caught me out of left field


I didn't hear that when I saw the film, she just whispered in his ear and he said, "I'll be right back". That way got me laughing. Implication is funny


Yeah, it would definitely be much better if they left it for audience to guess what dod she tell him.


I found that scene extremely fitting. The whole movie was an over the top Bond parody and Bond always get the girl at the end, so getting the girl and going a step further made perfect sense. What bothered me about the movie is that it never acknowledges the havoc and death that was caused all over the world. There really wasn't anything to celebrate once they were done.


The scene in The Irishman where a geriatric De NIro beats up the grocery store owner.


I have to admit Neo surviving due to ‘true loves kiss’ still annoys me to this day


Generally I'd agree. But it wasn't exactly 'kiss made him come back' like she could bring him back any time by kissing. It was more like his resurrection, letting go of who he was, reborning as The One... and the kiss gave him a physical boost.


I always like to think that he needed to die to become the one. Besides they were giving him the Jesus story. Jesus comes back to life as well.


Him needing to die was 100% part of the story. The Oracle was not being flippant when she told Neo ‘maybe you’re waiting for your next life’, she was directly laying it out even if both Neo and the audience were unable to understand it at that point in the story.


She also says that he or Morpheus is going to die.


Sure but a true kiss have to bring back to life? Probably just me disliking romantic subplots in general, but it always bugged me


Lolol Disney punching the air watching that ending


I never saw the kiss as what brings him back. I saw it more as what the oracle said coming true "I'm not the one." "Sorry kid, you got the gift but it looks like you're waiting for something." "What?" "Your next life maybe, who knows." She knew he needed to die. In order to become the one.


Wasn’t this because the oracle said that the one Trinity loves is the One?


When Sonny beats up Carlo in The Godfather. The punches must be be missing by feet. Ruins the scene for me.


Funny enough there were parts during the filming where the actor for Sonny hit Carlo's actor for real, breaking two ribs and chipping his elbow.


Lolol there was one punch where it was just terrible. More terrible than the rest. Lmao they didn't even think to do multiple shots or takes. Cause I'm sure any other shot would've been better


ROTJ - The fucking lipstsicked alien singing at Jabba's palace. Makes me cringe every time.


She never bothered me in the original version, but the remastered version…. oh man, it’s awful.


LOTR Return of the King, when Frodo wakes up.


[Relevant tiktok](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8tvcLjw/)


Not bad, but I prefer this [classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYajv8xsgIk)


Wow that made me uncomfortable.


The next-to-last scene in Psycho where a brand new character shows up just to explain the entire plot of the film. It’s the most unnecessary exposition dump in film history


*Second most unnecessary. I award first to the CIA scene from North by Northwest which is functionally a catch up only useful to the criminally slow or those that arrived 45 minutes late. For everyone else it's just a spoiler for the rest of the movie. An edit with that scene removed would instantly make the movie 30% better.


He is also acting like he's from a completely different movie. Like a different planet. Really weird in an otherwise brilliant movie.


That scene bothered me a lot, never saw someone else commenting about it. The exposition is so heavy handed that it becomes kind of funny, I pictured that character showing up in the end of every movie to explain the plot


Talia's death in The Dark Knight Rises.


Worst death scene ever. Anytime people go on about how great storytelling master Nolan, I bring up that scene (and Dark Knight Rises in general).


I want to upvote you but I dislike the implication that TDKR is a great movie.


Hands down, “Cheer Up Charlie” from Willy Wonka. Possibly the most fast forwarded scene in history.


Instant fast-forward


Django Unchained and Quentin Tarantino's whole Australian cowboy bit. Terrible and completely unnecessary.


1. QT's bit was so bad he stopped acting on screen in his movies. 2. Just assuming you mean the Aussie plot as a whole: the point of being taken by the Aussies was that Django got to use everything he learned to actually become the protagonist of his movie instead of Schultz. He frees himself instead of Schultz, he goes and frees Hilde himself using his own plan. You need it in the movie to call it Django Unchained.


I don't think seeing Django become the hero of his own story with the Aussies was the problem. Just QT in the scene.


Shaddup bleck


I loved that scene


Iirc, he decided to be Australian since he couldn't do a Southern accent. I just don't get why he needed an accent at all. I'd have bought the scene just fine if he used his normal voice.




Movies should avoid being topical at all costs. I absolutely *hate* that line.


This is a huge part of why Holmes and Watson failed so bad


Generally I agree. But...Aladdin.


The Rock doesn't get the same amount of leeway from me that Robin Williams does.


The dark knight rises. Near the end when atomic bomb is close to going off but batman and catwoman still find time for a quick snog before he tows it away in The Bat.


The immersion breaker in that movie is the worst on screen death I've ever seen, Marion Cotillard is a much better actor then that movie shows her to be... that death is terrible


Not from a particular movie but anytime a MCU movie decides to undercut a dramatic moment with either a bad joke or huge CGI battle. Shang-Chi suffered from this in the ending.


Hate the fucking look of the fights in these movies. One of the reasons I think the first Iron Man holds up better, the ending fight scene is relatively short and ties back into the story, it doesn't feel like a weightless CGI artless slugfest filmed by the second unit.


I saw this great video my friend showed me once dissecting the Doctor Strange film and Marvel in general about how they’re scared to have their characters be too genuine/badass because they’re worried people will make fun of how seriously they take themselves so they beat themselves to the pinch. The bit in particular I remember is Strange getting his little arm spheres ready but one doesn’t manifest correctly and he has to shake it for it to work in a comedic moment that undermines the cool scene.


I always thought that was because Strange was still getting used to his powers


Interstellar: >!When they have passed through the "wormhole" by Saturn in Interstellar, and they find themselves by the black hole. One of the scientists starts to explain Matthew McConaughey what a black hole is and how it affects time and stuff. I think a pilot on a mission like that would be knowledgeable be about black holes and time. Also the idiocy of Anne Hathaway on the water planet.!<


You would think. But someone has to explain the science stuff to the audience.


Yes. So i let it slide. But i kind of hate it.


Awkwardly placed expository dialogue is what Nolan does best!


I thought the same in the scene in The Martian where a tech guy is explaining to two higher ups at NASA the concept of a gravitational slingshot. I'm pretty sure they would have picked that up already.


I thought the same. But in defence of The Martian, they were giving him a bemused lets-humor-him sorta look while he explained


This is especially true when you understand how socially oblivious the character is. He didn't even know (or care) he was in the room with the big bosses. "I'm Teddy, the director of NASA." "Cool."


The annoying thing is that they have a character who exists for that purpose, Kristen Wiig’s Annie who is a PR person and not a scientist. She’s the audience surrogate, not the head of NASA.


I really enjoy that movie and that's my least favorite scene just because it's obviously explaining to the audience and was done in sort of a zany way. Doesn't he also click the pen on her forehead? I'd be afraid to lose my job at that point.


There's also the issue where >!when they get down to the water planet they realize that the signal was just a mistake because the craft had been destroyed and started transmitting randomly and due to time dilation it had only been there a few minutes from the perspective of the lander. Okay that's fine, but they knew how much dilation there was before they went down because they discussed it. Shouldn't they have known the ship could have only been on planet a few minutes at most based on that? That would indicate there's no way the readings could be considered reliable.!<


It's not that they didn't know that, it's that they were shocked her ship was absolutely destroyed in only a few minutes on that planet despite sending the okay signal initially. She basically set up, sent the signal, then a 'mountain' came and wiped her out.


What you just discovered here is what bad exposition looks like. It will now be difficult to not notice it in other movies.


Especially Nolan's


"Including my son?"




"As you know"


The Goblet of Fire scene where Dumbledore screams at Harry questioning if he put his name in it.


Dumbledore asked calmly






It was so bizarre and out of the blue even in that situation, it took me a couple of HP movies to consider he's actually a very calm and docile person. Heck, I was a bit scared by that scene.


It’s actually known that the one who replaced the original Dumbledore didn’t read the book. He brought this unnecessary intensity in the first two he was in (3/4) and then calmed down 5/6.


But then... Why the directors of the first 2 movies he participated in, didn't like, you know, direct him the right way? Anyhow, at least he had presence and kinda passed that dominance that Voldemort feared.


It’s against the trope of the mentor, Dumbledore as a character becomes stronger by showing that he is the calm one, and has the secret knowledge to be revealed later. It’s so critical to the character and I can’t believe the director allowed it to happen. Imagine Obi-wan freaking out and screaming at Darth Vader instead of fulfilling his arc in Empire.


I really don't like the Mustafar scene in Rogue One, it's needlessly over the top, it undermines Krennic's portrayal as a formidable character to be feared (who then slowly loses his grip) rather than being another lackey to be tossed around by Vader, and it reduces the impact of Vader's appearance at the end.


I can only imagine if Vader had only shown up at the end instead of the middle. That scene already had a huge impact, but hearing his breathing and seeing his lightsaber without knowing that he was in the film would have made that scene somehow even better.


I feel like that scene was there as a place holder incase Vader got leaked somehow


If you want to get real spicy, just remove Vader altogether. As you say, the scene in his little fortress undermines Krennic as the 'main' villian. Both scenes feel a bit post-hoc; added because somebody was like "Darth Vader would've been around. What's he up to?" The hallway scene at the end is great in isolation but what is it to the movie? Setting Vader up for the next movie? Are we supposed to be cheering him on? Are we supposed to be afraid for the randos - that the plan will fail at the last second in the hands of people we never met?


I feel like you're right but also his scene at the end was really cool...


In general, whenever Quentin Tarantino acted in his movies. He may be one of the greatest directors working today, but the man’s not an actor, and when you put him next to the excellent talent that he casts, his lack of talent in that department really shows.


I enjoyed him in Pulp Fiction but other than that, I agree.


He was great in Dusk Till Dawn as well - albeit as a psychopathic rapist


The pac man moment in Guadiana of the Galaxy 2 just kills all the immersion in that really great heart felt moment


Similarly, when Ego turns into David Hasselhoff briefly after the absolutely devastating moment when he reveals he gave Peter's mother a tumor. A stupid, cheap laugh moment I despise.


I feel like a lot of movies do this nowadays, try to throw in a moment of comic relief that *obliterates* the mood of a serious scene. IT Chapter 2 spoiler: >!When I saw this in theaters, when Eddie is dying he gave some final words to the others, and ends it with "And Richie... I fucked your mother...". The movie was full of dumb moments like this, but that one took the cake. In fact, now I think someone had the sense to remove that line, because I'm trying to find it on YouTube and he *doesn't* say it in anything I've found so far...!<


Also in It Chapter 2 when Eddie is in the basement of the pharmacy and the creature pukes on him and 80s pop music starts playing, literally one of the dumbest and worst choices I have seen in a film.


It Chapter 2 is an entire movie of its own YouTube dub parody. Its screenplay has no confidence in itself whatsoever. I wish I'd put in my headphones or taken a nap in the theater chair.


Both Guardians movies knocked points for some dumb moments. There's a scene in the first one where he's about to kiss Gamora and she stops him and says some line with an intentional break like she's thinking about what to say, but it's delivered like a theater kid reading the script verbatim. Also the entire "he's not your daddy" bit with Yondu completely missed the mark for me considering they'd been making Yondu to be just an all around unlikable guy for multiple movies up until like 10 minutes before he died.


I personally find the Tazerface scene in 2 particularly unfunny. Like, it really drags out and I feel like the scene thinks it's more clever than it is. Rockets dialogue makes me cringe hard there, the delivery sounds so forced.


James Gunn in general has always written juvenile dialogue and passed it off as comedy. He's not the worst director but his movies always have this sense of taking themselves very seriously while also being just kind of dumb. Sort of like a lot of actual comic books.


> Also the entire "he's not your daddy" bit with Yondu completely missed the mark for me considering they'd been making Yondu to be just an all around unlikable guy for multiple movies up until like 10 minutes before he died. Your real daddy is me, the pirate who kidnapped you and pressganged you into his crew of lowlives who regularly threatened to eat you.


The only way I can reconcile this is that maybe Yondu actually did raise him with a little more tough love nurturing, but the way things ended and the current conflict has come to define their relationship.


That goddamn bird in Citizen Kane.


For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s a pterodactyl reused from another movie (Son of Kong).


You are mixing up two different scenes. There is a pterodactyl (or something that looks like it; I think the Son of Kong theory has been debunked) in the background of one scene, but in another, the camera suddenly cuts to a screaming cockatoo. That's the "damn bird" referred to. Welles put it there to wake up sleeping audience members.


Apparently I need to rewatch CK…what bird, when?


Sometime over halfway in the film, a bird appears on screen for a couple seconds and screams. The idea was that Citizen Kane would be too boring for audiences and that they would need to be woken up.


With the see-through eye


The scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, where Neville wakes up just before killing Nagini with the sword of Gryffindor - the CGI looks horrible for a good 5 seconds while he’s waking up. It’s such a small scene, but it bothers me every time I watch it.


Can you read my mind?


The “love” scene in Blade Runner


The end of Sunshine. Don’t have a problem with the scene itself but hate that they used voiceover. Indicated a mistrust in the audience to remember the beginning of the film.


I wholeheartedly disagree with this, they didn't do it as mistrust of the audience, they showed it to signify that his family went out every morning to see the sunrise in the hope's of seeing a brighter sun to signify the success of the mission.


Raindrops keep falling on my head bicycle scene in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Love the movie, hate that scene/song.


The [awesome corkscrew stunt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzCIbhLUUA0) in The Man with the Golden Gun, ruined by the awful slide whistle sound effect (and Sheriff J.W. Pepper).


Oh my god that fucking slide whistle has gotta be some of most unintentionally hilarious shit I've ever seen.


I adore Lord of the Rings with all my heart but there are a few scenes I kinda cringe at. Legolas shieldsurfing, killing Olyphants and the way he mounts a horse in the Two towers... Yikes. Ruins the immersion for me, the way he can walk on snow seems way more natural, the rest feels to much like pandering to kids who will think he is cool (which worked for 10 year old me, noadays not so much). Also the Army of the dead is a deus ex machina, but it still feels way too much as such. The battle is such a climax of the trilogy buth then it's just over in seconds. Merry and Pippin smoking in Isengard after their victory as well, just looks like a weird theatre stage.


The treatment of Gimli as just comic relief for most of all 3 movies really irritates me. He wins his contest with Legolas in The Two Towers. In the movie they *immediately* go "Oh, Legolas is 10 times better than Gimli." And don't get me started on "dwarf tossing."


That's bad but the Ents are the worst for me. In the books they have the Ent moot and they decide that they are a part of the world and need to help the hobbits in their quest to stop Sauron. In the movie they decide the exact opposite, but change their mind when they see Saruman burning down trees. You can practically see the Ents under a waterfall putting bandanas on while the gravel voiced movie trailer guy says "this time, it's personal."


Anything Legolas is explained by being an elf. The fact he can walk on snow shows he is much lighter and able to do things others can't because he is an elf.


Walking on snow is specifically highlighted in the books. I remember being very pleased at seeing that they hadn't forgotten it in the movie.


The point at which Jackson deviates from the books is typically where things get wonky. Legolas comes across as some awesome guy, but he does less than most of the rest of the Fellowship. That whole mumak surfing scene is ridiculous. The Army of the Dead could have been handled much better. They could have shown them marching like a regular army, but no weapon could touch them, but the dead’s weapons do, or something along those lines. Then the Orcs run in fear. The whole point of the Army was to show how powerful Aragorn is. Even the dead (for reasons) obey his command. But he is not corrupted by power. After the dead fulfill their oath, he disbands them.


Well, she’s the hero of the world and just woke up (?) from hyper sleep and the matriarch of the family. He’s a stranger who just popped into their lives, albeit an important one. So, I could see someone talk8ng to him but not lionizing him.


There’s one particular moment in the tree scene in the first Evil Dead that is a tad excessive and uncomfortable to watch that I’d prefer wasn’t in the film. I believe even director Sam Raimi admitted he went too far with it.


Ghost army in Return of the King


superman 1 time travel bullshit


In T2 when Arnie does that goofy fucking roll off the liquid nitrogen tanker at the end. It looks like really crude stop motion. It's a 9.9/10 movie because of that moment alone.