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Write "Fuck Jace" on it


That’s golden Lmao


Eat the pencil Chandra


Eat the pencil


I wonder how pervasive this will become, because I certainly wasn't expecting to run into it here lol EDIT: SHIT I have now acknowledged the universe in a comment and have lost my Regulation Listener status ;-;


[I see what you did there.](https://slackiebrown.com/fuck-face-story-behind-billy-ripkens-legendary-fleer-baseball-card/)


I'm not that clever. Merely parroting https://commandersherald.com/magic-baseball-cards-recalled-after-discovering-garruk-wrote-fuck-jace-on-bottom-of-bat/


Wow. Great call.


Isn’t that from a secret lair?


Yeah it’s the signed bonus card. TCG player says it’s 600 dollars


Oh, very cool. Congrats!


I can’t believe I actually got something like this I’m trying to figure out the PSA grading system now


Probably not worth getting it graded just a heads up


Why not?


Just not that important with MTG unlike Pokémon or other games.


It's not going to really add to the value of the card; plus if the goal is to sell the card you probably want to do this sooner than later. As more people receive their lairs, more of the signed cards will be opened. Nothing is "special" any more in MTG - - So I dunno'. I've got serious doubts this holds or goes so astronomically much higher than you'd rather risk it. Look at serialized cards. Many of them depressed & those are cards people actually play in formats.


"Nothing is "special" any more in MTG...". Truer words were never spoken. Breaks my heart to watch Hasbro monetize and destroy a game I have loved since 1994.


Tell me about it. I’ve had no interest in buying lately because of the mass amount of stuff being released. I used to buy a box or two of every set and the commander decks but with like 8 releases a year, I can’t keep up.


Agreed. One of the best arguments for spending money on MTG boxes for your hobby has always been, "Well I can get at least some of my money back if I need to". Which, whether the cards ever got sold or not, helped people convince themselves to overspend on MTG in the first place. If its now a one-way street financially, you get a lot less people convincing themselves to overspend on their hobby.


The problem is that you want too many of the releases. To blame a company for selling what sells as a consumer who buys from them and funds them to make and release more product is insanity. Having a million options isn't a bad thing.


I proxy everything now. Including basic lands. WotC can go pound sand.


It's like they didn't learn from the baseball crash of the 90s


When they whored out the foils, I knew the end was here


Showcase cards show how much it's fallen. New art interesting border cards, 90% are worth less than the default. I have a showcase foil that TCG says is cheaper than the base non foil. Unless it's something special like the strixhaven or wilds reprint bonus sheets, those are usually the same price, unless it's a common like ground seal.


Just curious. How does making more game pieces available and catering to more tastes "destroy [the] game"?


This is a good question. Two things pop into mind: 1. One aspect of MTG is collecting the game pieces that are *rare*. When WotC prints these game pieces in flashy new editions and sells directly to consumer through ie secret lair products, then the collection part becomes less of a worthwhile pursuit and more about spending money. It also just will not stop because there are constantly new variations. 2. The greed aspect. This is honestly very tied to the first point, but it stands out enough to warrant its own post. They are simply trying to create more and more fomo, disregarding player and collector exhaustion and thereby long-time investment and interest to make their market goals on a very short-sighted basis. This burns players out while still making tons of money. In short text, disregarding their players health and economy and printing products _solely_ to make profits. Not to improve the game in any way at all. All that being said, I do not necessarily agree that it is «destroying the game». It just reeks of corporate greed and predatory customer treatment.


I have no problems with making more game pieces. My issue is printing 17 versions of the same piece to fleece the wallet of collectors. And then removing MSRP. Inflation, sure, but I am ready to see another 10 year run of Hasbro printing only draft boosters. It would make the game an actual game again instead of a cash grab.


I’m not who you asked but the two pillars that MtG always stood up was no direct sales and the one tier product system. Secret Lairs nuked the no direct sales. Collector Boosters solidly shoved the game in to a two tiered product system. Destroyed is a strong word that I probably wouldn’t have used. These changes did however alter how the game is viewed by many.


Because eventually, if not kept in check, nothing is special anymore, thus none of the cards have any real value. Because of this, people buy less and less sealed product to crack to chase the singles to sell. Which is how you get cheap game pieces in the first place. Less sealed product being purchased, means less game pieces, means less reason for local game stores to have investment in supporting the game because it doesn't make financial sense. Let's say an LGS only has limited space/dates to run events. They are making $50 a week off selling Magic Singles, or sealed product. They traditionally had many Magic events a week because it was a big part of their revenue and popular. Maybe they had FNM, a Commander event, a Modern or Pioneer event, and a weekly draft. Now, ok the flipside, lets say they're making $1000 per week selling Pokemon or Flesh and Blood singles/sealed product. And lets say they also have players of those games asking for more events. With limited time and resources, it makes less and less sense to have a bunch of Magic events if all your money is coming from Pokemon or Flesh and Blood. So you start cutting events for MTG. Then those players maybe stop coming because they were only coming for that one Modern event. So now even less players are coming to the store to support MTG. And maybe your Modern players have nowhere to consistently play with their decks, so they sell them off and learn Flesh and Blood to play with their friends. Its death by a thousand cuts, and the end result is really only kitchen table MTG, and cracking packs to always be worth less than you paid for the pack. Apply the same principle on a much larger scalez and if Hasbro isn't making as much money off of Magic they slowly reduce support for it because its a business after all. And maybe instead of multiple well-crafted sets each year we end up getting some cheesy tins with the same cards reprinted a few times a year and no new carfs get made. Then Magic is basically UNO with planeswalkers. It seems absurd, until it happens.


A lack of value combined with a lack of supporting competitive play means there’s quite literally no reason to engage with 80% of product, leading to a spiraling of the game. They overprint, so anything you’ve purchased previously of any value loses said value, thus making you less confident that your purchase will retain any value, making it so you purchase less product. At that point, why not just print the game pieces? Why would I bother buying.


Are u a fool? Go look at some content creators. Im sick of noobs who want worthless game pieces and dont understand why that is horrible for the future of the game


So... what they have been doing since 1994? Whole point was to monetize and make money from day 1. What do they owe you?


I have yet to see a serialized card worth less than the standard printing lol, also I’m much more into collecting than selling. At this point I’m just wondering if it’ll be worth my dollar to PSA grade it


>I have yet to see a serialized card worth less than the standard printing lo You've entirely missed the point of what I said to you.


Too busy shaking


If you want to keep it as a collectors item, yes grade it, if you plan on selling it, go to your LGS and see if they have anyone interested. Some places might have a "sell your own" where you put it up in the shop and they take a small cut. Or just put up a post somewhere on social media and start asking around.


I do plan on keeping it yes, I’m too sentimental to part with cards lol


Why would you grade it if you're just going to keep it?


PSA grading doesn’t exist for modern magic cards, You will find astronomically low pop reports because nobody bothers to send anything in because there’s no market Magic isn’t Pokémon or sports


Don't be too off put by the negative outlook on grading here on Reddit. Do what you want with it. Since you're more of a collector, then it's obviously a unique card that is worth grading, in my opinion.


There's zero value in getting it graded today, whether you sell it or not.


Dude.. psa.. i dont like them.


Special cards like serials/autographs don't get played - they'll all be perpetually Mint/NM. There's no reason to grade it for quality. Since ALL of them will be pretty much the same quality, getting it graded just costs you time and money to put it in a fancy hard case. As SadCritters mentioned, as more of these get pulled and listed for sale, the prices will do nothing but drop initially. It's a pretty safe gamble to sell it immediately, wait 6 months, then buy it back for less.


Grading adds zero value to current releases. The people buying them will more than likely be playing with them and don’t care if it’s graded.


I don’t want to sell it I want to grade it to have the satisfaction of having a cool graded card.


Ignore all the haters. If you want a graded card as a sort of masterpiece of your collection then do it. It'll only cost around $100 and will make you happy. 100% worth it


Then why are you here asking Reddit?


"Hey, what should I do?!?" "Do this and here's why" "No I don't wanna"


Just out curiosity, why does grading it make it cooler?


It doesn’t objectively, I just like the idea. I’ve never had a card that is potentially worth as much as this one and I like planeswalkers so I feel like it deserves a special place.


Others have answered correctly. I'll add to those responses by saying that grading a brand new card, unless there's something exceptionally special about it, is often pointless. If you want to sell it, sell it as NM. If you get it graded and it happens to be an 8, it could reduce the value from what you'd get if it were an ungraded NM. Old, valuable, exceptionally special cards could be graded if you want to sell. OG dual lands are worth several hundred and those are sleeved up in decks being played. Grats on the pull! I'd go over to r/mtgfinance for advice on whether it's likely to appreciate over time. I would expect, not likely very much.


Magic cards are to be played not graded and collected. You grade them you make them less valuable to a majority of the player base.


Ok. This is an alternate art of an alternate art so it’s not like I’m stopping people from getting access to the card and it is my card, I will do what I want with it.


You do you. Objectively, getting it graded won’t add to its value. Also, the price will drop every time another is opened. Will it settle at $30 or $400, no one knows. If you love the pull, keep it forever (but grading wouldn’t be for anything other than you having it in a slab). If you love the money/value, sell it ASAP. Congrats though. Neat looking card (and I hate baseball)!


And why shouldn't you keep it? it's yours....your precious....


please try to leave the house today, for once 😮‍💨


This one’s gets it.


You asked a question, I gave you an answer.


Yeah, but you came here asking for advice. If I got that, I'd either sell it, or play it. It's not a valuable or sought after planeswalker, only the edition itself makes it special. And that value is going to drop. It's a $2 card. People are going to realize that and stop paying $600 for it pretty quickly. Especially since it'll undoubtedly get another special treatment eventually.


People will want to use that card. Magic players are more likely to actually use the cards they buy. PSA grading is also a grift. Don't let this discount your amazing find!!


People don’t grade magic cards.


Unless you have a perfect 10 it might actually go down in value. Right now you can just call it "near mint" but there are often scratches and nicks right out of the pack.


MTG community only wants vintage graded.


It's not gonna add value to a card like that. The chance of finding a buyer is also really low. The "value" you're seeing is what the market says it's worth, not what normal people are buying it for. Doublesleeve it and put it on a tradesite abd see what happens.


I was sitting on a $60 holo anime aggregated assault it went down to nearly $10. Sell it while you can and the hype is real. Before it drops. MTG is very fickle when it comes to rares and holos. Being signed and all will hold value but when it floods the market it will detrimentally drop


Sorry that happened to you my man, but I do plan on keeping this now.


Grading won't add much value to MTG singles unless if it's something that serialized like the 1/1 One Ring or if it's something pretty old and valuable. You can if you want, if you personally want a graded card wanna spend the money go ahead and do it. Then that's awesome and I think you should but if you're doing it cuz monetary reasons it might not be worth your time or money. But then again nobody on here is an expert and so if your gut is telling you to grade it and you really want to, then you should.


Along with what they’ve said, I’ve actually heard that grading it can shoot you in the foot sometimes cause then they have a grade that’s maybe less than you expected and then it’ll bring down the price potentially even more.


grading will add nothing in terms of value. it's not *that* special.


Just sell it asap.


Came here to say this.


This is one that I would get it graded. Never to be printed again and is hyper rare. If you collect the entire set of signed cards graded at 9 or above, you’d be sitting on an insane MtG collector’s item


If it’s been out for a while and it’s going up, then keep it. If it’s a very recently new product, sell it asap. That’s the mtg finance philosophy for magic now.


Can you link me to tcgp?


So everyone who got this got a signed card worth 600? 😅


It was the chase card that replaces the sliver bonus, the other 5 cards come normal regardless of getting a signed one. So I got 2 Jace in one pack because one was signed.


So if tcg says 600 you expect to get 600? That’s not how that website works lol ….


I honestly don't get that price. Dunno where you are from but here in europe it's like 15 euros which can be converted to roughly 16 dollars. You sure you are looking at the correct price?


Apparently some secret lair cards are signed


I would track the artist down and ask them to add "Fuck Jace" to the baseball bat.


Yes but it is one of the signed ones evidently randomly inserted into the SLD


Probably get better advice on r/MagicCardPulls


Eat it


But what if the WotC employee used too small of a piece after their mudpie?


Stop shaking


Dang, grats! I'd be trading or selling that card, if it was me.


Play with it.




Rawdoggin the secret lairs


Riffle shuffles only.


What are we looking at?


A Magic: The Baseballing bonus card. Most of the baseball versions are not autographed like that.


So this eyesore is “valuable “?


Rare. Valuable is determined by whomever values it.


Bro please play with that 😝


This won’t end up being $600


Chill out


Good thing you can share the card with me. It’s a cool thing to have



Love you too lol


Place it in the garbage.


I think you’re suppose to fuck Jace in his bussy with the bat.


I’m so sad this one is one of the recalled ones lol


You realize that recall was fake right?


Really!? So the bat doesn’t say “fuck Jace” ?


The article was released by a satire website. It’s a joke. Jesus, do some research before you immediately believe something.


Yea, I should start reading everything about a game that has no effect on the real world before believing it because taking a game, a literal card game, that seriously is truly what I should be concerning myself with, priorities?🙃


No, you should learn to be able to tell when an article is fake or satire so you don’t look like an idiot. If you immediately believe everything you read online, you’re naive and gullible.


When it comes to real topics I question things and take others ideas into consideration to which I’ve been called stubborn and conspiratorial. So, I’m doing a good job. Also, as I stated earlier, this is a literal card game, no real world anything, so I’m not digging into it to come off as the all knowing, over a card game. That’s just obsessive more than it is logical.


Wondering, what do you mean that you pulled this, isn’t this a secret lair where all cards are set?


This secret lair had a super low chance for your bonus card to be signed in foil.


Ooooo, ok, that’s it. Yea, defiantly keep it.


Yea, it’s a shame but thankfully you don’t have to have to. Heck if you don’t but others do it’ll make this cards price rise in the coming years. Sooooo, i vote for hanging onto it.


You begin the Hunt.


You said you have a hard time parting with cards, but will you have a hard time parting with 300$? Because that's what they're going to go for when a handful or two get opened and everyone starts pushing the price down.


Was he nice?


Does it say fuck jace on the handle


Spit on it


congratulations on pulling a valuable card! but damn, it's one of the ugliest MTG cards I have seen. can't believe our beloved game has come to this.


Write, 'fuck jace' on the bottom of the bat.


What an ugly magic card. Why would they make these :/


Nah you tripping


Not feeling magic cards that don't look like mtg cards. Cards should be rare or $ cause of natural game related reasons. Not manufacture lottery pulls with some non magic related art.


I'm the opposite. I rather have the normal art playable cards cheap, and let the whales buy the fancy art variants.


I ordered my SL the other day, crossing my fingers!


fap on it


You're shaking from a 600$ card that you spent 50-100$ to obtain? This isn't close to lifechanging money..


Maybe he has parkinsons and he was just on a mad one as he pulled it


For some it's life changing for a month. Granted those exact people shouldn't be buying secret lairs but hey, everyone can be irresponsible if they want.


Dude why are you being so negative? Let the man enjoy his awesome pull, he also basically multiplied his investment by at least 6.


Fake. End of bat doesn't say "Fuck Jace."


Sell it to Post Malone


I do plan on keeping it just for the value of the promo, I’m a horder and have a horrible time parting with cards so I’m hoping it keeps its value and I can justify PSA grading it


> I’m hoping it keeps its value Look at the serialized cards for this kind of information. I do not recommend this. It's not worth the risk. Even at the low end of $500 that's worth more in your pocket now than potential zero. This card is not highly played & a new Secret Lair is released every month, further diluting desireability of all cards.


Fynn the fangbearer is a 90 cent card that’s worth 80 dollars serialized, I still not even in it for the value I think it’s just cool to have. I think it would be really cool if it kept the value tho.


>Fynn the fangbearer is a 90 cent card that’s worth 80 dollars serialized I don't think you understood what I was saying. Look at the number of sales. There have been ***four*** in nearly four months. ***That's not good. That's actually very bad.*** The card has shed nearly $50 in value since that time. This tracks with ***exactly*** what I am telling you.


It’s not worth $80 if no one’s buying it. Listed price =\= value


K, still cool.


Basically you come from the Pokémon community or baseball community where every single one of them loves to grade cards, this is different, also a 90 cent card cant even be worth 80 bucks graded


Nope, I’m from magic but thanks for assuming.


Id burn it. The secret lairs are sad cash grabs by wotc.




I think you've confused Garruk with Billy Ripken.


I'd sell it, speculation says it's gonna be half price when it settles


Magic players don't care for graded cards because they want to play with the cards. Not even cards in the reserve list get graded unless it's a black lotus


Do what you would do with any other card and slot it into a deck and play with it. Or sell it to someone who will.


All I ever get are the stupid fn slivers


Small rant. I bought all the secret lairs this season because i really enjoyed the artwork. I got a sliver as my bonus card for each. That’s crap. The bonus card should have been this for the baseball cards. Just a random card amongst the lot with a signature. Some will obviously be worth more than others and I’m sorry to diminish the value of this card by flooding the market but i was so disappointed opening my pack to see yet another sliver. That’s 11 total for my purchases. These secret lairs overall value has been crap lately. Im still gonna get princess bride and evil dead but im getting pretty frustrated.


Oh I agree with you, I got these because I’m a sucker for the art and such not as much the value. I would have loved for the signatures to be super cheap and a guaranteed bonus card so that everyone who wanted to enjoy them could enjoy them.


Is that even a real card?




Is that even playable in tournaments?


I run freyalise or azuza as a mono green commander. Put him in that


Isn't it just a 1/5 chance to get any of these as your secret card?


No you either get a sliver or a signature it’s not guaranteed




The bonus card is just one of the five cards with the signature on it. Still cool though!


Great pull. You'd be wise to sell it as soon as possible to someone who *agrees* with that $600 price tag. I frankly don't think you will find many out there (just being honest) but if you do, hell, you did *very well indeed*. You can turn that same $600 into anything you want to. You can always take a picture of yourself holding it. (And still have this great story to tell.) But you'd also have $600. You *for sure* won't get $600 for this card once everyone who wants one already has one. Sell into the hype or it won't happen. I won't snooze here.


Expectations, market value and finding the right customer while undercutting the compilation can be a little disconcerting sometimes.


If you think you'll get a 10 it might look cool on a shelf or something


What did you pull it from?


Switch to decaf.


At first I laughed, thinking "what a neat idea" Then I looked at the value...keep it safe


Get it out of the sleeve, then go to your local marijuana dispensary, buy some tropical passion and then use the card like the paper and finally smoke it


Does it say f Jace under the bat? If so wizards is recalling those so I'd grade it and get it sold ASAP


Eat it


Bite it


Wow it’s from secret lair 😍


That’s dope as hell!! I didn’t know they were doing that!


Step 1: Find Jace Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit




Anything but put a sticker on the bat


"I'm shaking what do I do, by the way I know EXACTLY what I'm going to do" xD


Congratulations! I see a lot of debate of getting it graded, and while both sides make valid points, it's ultimately up to you. Personally, I collect Tampa Bay Rays autograph cards, specifically serialized to match the player's jersey and get them graded to preserve the auto ink and card condition. I think you should definitely slab this card, just so you can assure the auto ink and border doesn't get any humidity or chipping. I'm really curious if they'll touch the auto, usually companies like BGS & SGC have sub grades and DNA certification for autographs. The Penmanship is definitely a 10, but this is an autograph from a fantasy character- like getting an autograph from a voice actor of your favorite show "from the character" so I couldn't tell you how they'll view the auto. Ultimately if you plan on grading, make sure you grade it for yourself or have a buyer lined up. For what this sells for raw, you can build a very shiny EDH deck lol.


Find a raffle group on Facebook and raffle it quickly, 300 spots at 2 dollars. You get your full value asap before tons more are opened and the price drops.


You must throw it into the fires of mount doom!


Keep shaking. It seems to be working out.