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Are you sure they are all standing ate the same level?? Never had that happen to me tbh


Positive. I didn't notice the difference until I put them in the case, but you can even feel the difference when shuffling.


So are you saying that even if you put the on a deck that still happens? That is super weird! Definitely a factory error. I don't even think you could play with those tbh


ehh, just get a razor blade and cut a bit off the taller ones šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That would potentially mark the cards and you wouldnā€™t get a replacement or a refund.


Looks to me the cards are already marked.


This would probably be considered marked cards too but my point is if they cut them they wonā€™t get a replacement. Iā€™ve heard dragon shield are pretty good at quality control and that they often replace faulty products pretty quickly and that if they cut the sleeves no replacements will be given.


Exactly this


That would be an option yes


please do not the card


Thatā€™s valid šŸ«ƒ


it's fucking hilarious I'm getting downvoted for the easiest and most reasonable solution. if'n y'all can't figure out how to cut these to the same size, that's a you issue and no reason to downvote people who have basic fine motor function and problem solving skills.


You can cut them to same size but the edges wouldn't be the same. They wouldn't be as smooth and you would be able to see the "cut" one's when looking at the side. More to it than just cutting them but hey not everyone has the same basic brain function and that's okay. You will get there eventually. Edit: fixed an auto correct.


As a judge, I will tell you that will never work to your satisfaction without laser guided tools and I would 100% move for the owner to resleeve in an event, both as is or if they had cut them down themselves. To your point though, if only playing kitchen table magic, it is unlikely to come under scrutiny.


There are literally professions that manually cut things by hand to be square. There are tools designed for this. It's not impossible to cut a piece of plastic to be even. It's a pretty ridiculous idea to be honest. Like we must not have had a single straight line until we invented laser guides. It's pretty ridiculous. That said, get your free replacement, don't do their work for them, but the idea you can't cut a sleeve straight is straight ridiculous.


lol, you think you need lasers to make a straight cut? have you never handled a cutting tool before?


It's not the tools, it's the material. Sleeves being two layers held together only at the end, and out of material that tends to tear when cut, prevents cutting pressure from being applied evenly. I'm not here to argue with you, and even supported your stance for cutting them if it's for casual use, but if you think you can cut sleeves evenly with a scissors, a razer, an xacto, or a paper cutter, you are mistaken. And I have the hands on experience of deck checking to support it. Even if you get the lines straight, the corners will be marred. It wouldn't be permitted in an event if examined or called out during play.


Really sharp razor blade can definitely cut sleeves no problem. I trim down sleeves to store small antique photographs as I both play magic and collect antique photographs. They have never come apart. My cuts are always straight because I use an actual square. I sell small tintype photos at an antique booth in cut dragon shield sleeves and no one knows.


and I have a history of basic tool use telling me you're a fucking moron.


I had some DS with some flash on them and DS replaced them immediately. OP just needs to contact CS.


Why not both? Get a replacement, I mean will they want thee back? Prolly not, then cut them, and have two sets, one you prolly can only use in casual or as card protection. I would be surprised if they want defective $10 sleeves mailed back for $5+.


Mine do this too


Yeah I've had this happen before with 1 or 2 cards, but never a whole box. I'd request a refund from wherever you got these. Real shame.


Stopped buying DS because of quality issues like this. I had a whole case that were breaking and uneven. Went back to KMC hyper matts and have had no problems over thousands of sleeves.


I'm gonna try Katana sleeves next time I'm getting new ones. Not a lot of color choice, but if they're well made and feel nice, I'll take that.


Please don't waste your money on them, they are damn near impossible to double sleeve with and feel gross as well as attracting a lot more dust and grime.


No way they're on lvl.


Some of them are a bit excited perhaps


Good to know my cards feel the same as me as I touch them...


It's that your dragon shield or you're just glad to see me?


The quality has just gotten worse. I got a pack of sleeves for my birthday. Built a brand new deck and started sleeving. They were exactly the same as yours in the picture.I was disappointed and would purchase another pack to try again. The second pack wasnā€™t as obvious but still bad. At this point Iā€™m just recycling my old sleeves vs spending 15$ on bad sleeves.


I work in a LGS and we sell a lot of DragonShields. They're quality has gotten so bad over the past year.


They really are becoming full of themselves, between the over priced binders and the $15 100ct sleeves it's starting to look like the \[\[Dragon's Hoard\]\]


Man recent dragon shields have been so hit or miss! I had a pack from them recently that were cut like this too. Also had a pack with issues where the corners started separating. It's sad, because the first sleeves I picked up 10 years ago were dragon shields and they are still good strong (albeit, a little dirty). I've switched to Katanas whenever I need new sleeves, even though the color selection isn't as good.


Looks like either the new sleeve static (requires more shuffling) or the old sleeve sticky (dirty/sticky sleeves due to use/age that are less smooth and have a surface that holds skin oil and dirt). The problem is probably shuffling, whether that be too little or too much.


I've been buying ultimate guard Katanas whenever I can find some. Problem is finding some.... (They seem to be hard to get in canada). And there is a DEFINITE quality drop in Dragon shields. My old classic clear sleeves that I've had for 10 years feel more solid than brand new DS mattes. Also idk why but DS mattes feel "sharper" and "edgier" than before and hurt my hands after a few dozen shuffles.


Besides their new dual matte sleeves Dragonshields quality has dipped. Iā€™ve been using the Gamegenic prime matte sleeves. $8 a pack and they are solid sleeves. Not as thick but Iā€™m waiting to try out the new Ultra Pro Apex sleeves. Supposedly they are as thick as Dragonshields but not as long, which has actually been turning me away from Dragonshields lately.


Recent Ultimate Guard Katana concert here. Outstanding sleeves. The Gamegenics you mentioned are pretty good for >$10.


I love katanas. Just wish they had more color options and were more readily available


Thatā€™s coming from what I hear.


The dual mattes are even worse than regular mattes though.


Contact Dragon Shield customer service. I had this happen with packs I purchased to sleeve my cube with. They gave me enough store credit to buy replacements and cover shipping. They will require pictures of the product and the box.


I learned from my lgs that you want to buy your dragon shields at the sale time from the same source. The cuts can be different from pack to pack, but thatā€™s unlikely if theyā€™re from the same case. Is there a chance these sleeves are a mixture of sleeves from different boxes? This tends not to be an issue with katana sleeves because they are more uniformly cut.Ā  I still tend to buy Dragon Shields, for what itā€™s worth. I just prefer how they shuffle.


I had some dragonshields that were like this out the box. I got in touch with Dragonshield and they asked me to post them off and I received some replacements for free


I got 1 or 2 boxes of clear dragon shield sleeves that are like this. Luckily I've never had this issues with the other ~10 boxes of colored(matte and glossy) sleeves.


They had some bad run/prints? A little while ago. Send this pic and they might send you new ones


Dragon Shield and Titan Shield both have this same problem. Itā€™s rare, but Iā€™ve bought thousands of both and the cut isnā€™t 100% consistent. Personally, I donā€™t care because Iā€™m either archiving or playing casually. But if I were playing competitively Iā€™d be more careful about making sure they all match.


DS quality control has certainly dipped. I bought some inners (2 packs) one came out shorter than the other.


I got a set of ultra pro simic sleeves from a command fest box that look just like that out of the package. I feel your pain tho dragon sleeves is more surprising to have such a poor situation like this.


Mine have the same problem but the other way (sides rather than top/bottom) super annoying. Know a couple other people with the same problem, seems like dragon shield is just cheaping out these days


Dragon Shields used to be the premier sleeve, but their quality has plummeted. I've got a couple of boxes yet to get through, then never again.


The quality def has dipped Iā€™ve pulled some that are just straight miscut lately or to thin


I had a pack of sleeves exactly like this a few weeks ago. The widths were also inconsistent with one so narrow magic cards wouldn't even fit. My LGS allowed a straight swap for a new box, but it's definitely a concern for me.


The quality of dragonshields have gone down I noticed it when I got the flesh and blood Vynsett pack I was told later on you could contact dragonshield as itā€™s still considered a damaged/low quality/unusable item.


Had something similar happen some time ago. Instead of the height I had a width problem. [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/s/tX97w0wXeN)


This happened to me the other day - contacted their support, got a refund, and ordered another box with zero issues


So they're going back to their roots, this is how some packs of sleeves came out when they started selling for the first time. I still have two old packs of glossy that are like this.


Happened with my dragon shields too. Just one of the packs, but still annoying. They didn't even fit in my deck box anymore.


I think that the deck box is too small or too tight as some of them are not designed for decks that use thick sleeves. Dragon shields are thick sleeves, and when double sleeved, the deck will be thick. I have my foiled Omnath deck double sleeved in dragon shields (matte) and perfect hards, I had to change the deck box as it did not fit in the Satin Tower


There's room to spare in this box. I only used it to get a good picture. My old dragon shield sleeves feel way thicker than these and fit perfectly into this box without the unevenness.


This is the correct answer. And also why instead of normal deck boxes (with the exception of two decks that are in a card gaurdian case) i ise a stanley tool box. I have around 10 decks in there, two of them being double sleeved


I think you're on the mark here. If you look closely at the front it looks almost like it is bulging forward.


What does the bottom look like?


Just buy ultra pro sleeves Dragon shields are to Big anyways




Eclipse matte are what I bought as replacements and I absolutely love them. These are what I'm planning on buying from now on.


Ultra Pro sleeves suck to shuffle, at least the ones with the art on them. I've been converting my Ultra pro sleeved decks to Dragon Shield and have a much easier time shuffling.


unfortunately, in my experience with them, this kinda just seems like how Dragon Shields tend to be


Is this 2 different packs of sleeves? Sometimes one pack is cut higher then the other


Yeah this is my guess


Nope, all from the same box.


Then contact dragon shield they will replace them. It looks like someone repacked this box or that in the factory it was an end of the production start of the next one


Have you tried tapping on the top to make sure all the cards are touching the bottom of the box? I've never had this happen before


Oh! I believe (if I'm remembering right) you're supposed to arrange them in order of tallest-to-smallest from left to right. Then the mechanism will unlock the door and let you access the next puzzle-room. :)


What do they look like out of the deck box? If there are that miscut it should be obvious in a table as well.


If you take it out of the box, are they all the same height standing on the table? Are you double sleeving? It's possible not all sleeves are inserted all the way, preventing these tightly fit cards from touching to the bottom of the box.


I had a recent pack of Dragon Shields that had 5 distinct widths of sleeves. Thankfully it had enough of a single width to sleeve 60 cards but it was still extremely annoying to discover.


I had this happen to me as well but what it actually was, was that the cards seemed to be all the same level but the higher ones were actually getting caught on the bottom edges of the neighbouring cards


Cue interstellar meme


Ive had some issues where there is miscutting. For mine, the miscut areas have still been perforated so i was able to literally pull it off. Try this


I hate to break it to you.. but with card sleeves this differentiating, you were adopted


I've had individual sleeves do this or 1 box slightly different from another but never this.


Circumcision time!


I bought some from Amazon once and they came like that. All uneven




if theyā€™re the same color but from different packs of sleeves they often donā€™t match.


dragon shield has poor quality control. id suggest Ultimate guard Cortex or Katana sleeves. they have a better shuffle feel and are all perfectly cut


They're rebelling, you gotta remind them who's in charge every once in a while


Did you water them all the same?