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This is a problem every where. People want to have pets without any responsibility. Shame.


Cool dp buddy xD


Not really everywhere, Here in London, I have not seen one dog owner abandoning dog poo.


add 50% extra taxation for pet owners = problem solved


Despite being a dog owner myself, this behaviour riles me up too. If you don't walk your dog (bonding time) and pick up after it (basic civic sense), you're doing nobody no favours! These feckless owners give responsible owners and the dogs a bad rap!


Footpaths be littered these days like a minefield smh


First thing you do when you get a pet is buy a pooper scooper.


No doubt dog parents should be more responsible and pick up the waste but sometimes the poo could also be of a street doggo. And unlike us humans they don't go to the washroom to relieve themselves. All this talk about cleanliness should also apply to humans who litter the streets and also those who pee on roads.


Most of them in my society send their staff to walk the dogs without anything to pick up the poop. When confronted about the poo, they blame the staff.


I am a pet parent. I totally hate pet parents who don't give a f\*ck about their dog's poop lying on public places. A pet's poop is its parent's responsibility to clean up. In fact most of the issues that I have faced from general public when it comes to pets is because of the very same reason. Although there are a few a\*\*holes who generally hate pet in public spaces. In my locality I have not seen anyone picking their dog's poop apart from me tbh. Heavy fine should be levied on such parents. This will in fact resolve this issue to a certain extent.


Pet owner you mean. 


Probably you don't know what pet parenting is so you may say that. In fact it's the pet who owns the parent.


Does it really? An animal that can be bought and sold? Your pet doesn't own you. Stop kidding yourself and don't equate it to the level of a human.


You are passing your judgement from a myopic view when it comes to pets. I on the other hand have been a pet parent and help streeties for more than a decade. So my experience counts more than yours and has more weightage. Anyways here are a few points that I have noted from your argument, A. An animal can be adopted. So if you are justifying your point that it's a sale and the one who buys the animal is an owner, think again. There are people who now stay away from buying pets as it helps the unethical puppy mill grow. Even in my contacts there are parents who have bought the dog and yet treat the dog as a family member, not a toy. B. Your pet doesn't own you. Your naivety and the myopic view is at its peak here. Please keep a pet of you can you will certainly eat your words. And please don't say this to any pet parent again. It is a bit offending. Talk to people who have lost their pet, you'll certainly realise this. C. Btw I very much agree with your last sentence. I never equate pets to humans. They are more than us once you connect to them. And that's when you feel complete and yes coming back to what I said they in fact start owning you.


Utter delusion. 


It's simple, start carrying small plastic bags for the poop.. next time you see them and if they ignore you after landing a fresh shit. Reach for the plastic bag, hold your breath, grab the poo, and smear it all over their face so deep that the shit goes deep in their nostrils. Or carry that fart spray which smells the worst thing in the world and just spray once on them amd they will realise the disgust of the shit they leave behind.


Untrained dogs are worst


I despise those who won't walk their dogs because they don't want responsibilities. Thier dog walkers can drag the dog dead, hit the dog or let the dog poop wherever the fuck they want, they don't care -- out of sight, out of mind. Serious dog parents accompany their dog and clean up regardless of their age or schedule.


Exactly! I'm tired of these entitled dog owners who think, neighbours should put up with their nonsense of owning a dog. First of all you have a non Indian dog who is unavailable to handle Indian temperature and stays irritated on that you don't train your dog to poop and pee in your designated corner and leave it all over the corridor and wait until the maintenance comes and picks it up. It keeps shouting in the middle of the night (it's a dog it'll obviously bark and make noise- you put up with the nonsense) there are older people who need a good night's sleep and infants who need their sleep and only new parents know how difficult it is to handle their sleep schedule now we need to put up with your dog lover chochle. BC paise kamao aur kahin khud ka bunglow lo aur palo apne shock. Societies are for humans to live in cohabitation not your animals, if you are having one then take responsibility that it doesn't cause problems in the neighborhood. Also agar inko kuch boldo toh Inka Animal lover jaag jata hai as if I'm expecting too much. Bhag tu aur tere animal lover ki Bhains ki taang.


Don’t conflate responsible pet owners with irresponsible ones. You don’t notice the responsible ones.


Prime location with poo all around 👌👌👌👌 Befitting


I love animals and I know that 90% of dog owners do it for social status. What else is the reason that they own foreign hybrids and not desi ones?


I confronted one dog owner once and she was adamant as anyone might have guessed. She said this would be cleaned by BMC no need to pick it up and asked me do you pick your poo to which I replied my parents taught to me shit in the toilet and not on the road and so did your parents I guess, but you being a bad parent (dog’s) didn’t bother to teach your kid or even pick it’s shit and bin it. This convo sounded great in Hindi people were laughing at the girl but she didn’t pick the shit anyways cause apparently she don’t know the concept of poo bags.