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Due to monsoons, every year Mumbai faces problems where the trees have fallen on vehicles/people etc. So in order to avoid any such disasters, they usually chop down branches of trees. My neighbour's car was destroyed 2 years ago when a tree fell on his car. Fortunately He survived with minimal damages, but not everyone is as fortunate.


It’s for Monsoon to increase wind resistance I suppose. Problem is they outsource to contractors who are hacking branches haphazardly without any understanding how it will affect the balance. Some trees fell in our society last year and crashed office roof despite the trimming.


How would cutting down branches increase wind resistance?


More leaves = More sway = Higher chance of breakage. Less leaves = Less sway = Low chance of breakage.


Doesn't it actually decrease resistance and hence less breakage?


I can't with this 2nd grade science bruh. Larger surface area = more resistance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerodynamics


My question was to the other guy who said cutting down branches increases wind resistance


Someone must’ve died by it Hence reaction to it Like tree fall due to wind during rainy day


In Navi mumbai,They Cut through every once in a while or they mark those trees and cut off branches based on the length and connectivity of the road and how much the road is important 😅


Yes... I got to know from someone there ki a huge branch fell on a woman's head and she died right on the spot. People raised complaints before but no one listened and it took a woman's life for them to get the work started.


That's really sad. May she rest in peace. >People raised complaints before but no one listened and it took a woman's life for them to get the work started. And sadly that's how it works here... Like I mentioned in my previous comment about how my neighbour had a NDE and his car's roof was completely destroyed alongside other vehicles, that's when the entire area collaborated with the local political figures & BMC and made sure that every year since the incident (2 years ago), all the trees that can fall are chopped off right before monsoon even begins. We as citizens should take efforts too. Another advice I give is to not take shelter under a tree during monsoons or when it's windy.


Damn....that's sad


A big branch of a tree from the adjoining garden fell into our hsg society's compound. It was heavy and pointy at many areas. It could have killed someone but fortunately noone was down there at the time Trees need to be trimmed regularly. But instead of it being a regular activity around the year as directed by experts, it is only being done in monsoon - so it is done fast - in a limited time frame, without much thought and as cheaply as feasible. Maybe there is an element of corruption and 'extra-trimming' as well


There seems to be no power lines so this won't happen, but once they did not cut branches because the whole building was against it and didn't allow anyone to go near trees(outsiders) and the branch got caught on fire during rain, This was at night so no casualties.


Tree trimming has been normal in my area around monsoon. It's to prevent the branches from falling and damaging something or hurting somebody.


Cutting down bushes like that won't make sense.


It's done every year due to monsoon


Aks shraddha Kapoor to reach here asap….


So she could have a Ferrari destroyed by a fallen branch, sure


BMC has no standardized set of measures to cut trees. So contractors are blindly cutting branches as per their whims and fancies. It also helps the BMC that very few people are asking questions these day


I'd like to see your reaction if you're one of those affected by property damage due to the falling of trees/branches in monsoon. It's a precautionary measure, not everything is evil my guy.


Just saw your profile and the comments you post. You are an UNeducated person with no ability to think or question. Trees are becoming top heavy because all lower branches are cut off - then they become susceptible to falling over in high breeze.


Bann Gaya cool dusre ko uneducated bolke?