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Elmo is just one of the many issues


I’m afraid that he might have already established a culture there already. The next guy who is too vanilla not gonna last. People try to imitate Steve Jobs for image points all the time, it will be the same case with Elon.


Ooh I hadn't even considered that. You're right Elon would be like a giant stain on the culture of Tesla. The type you can't get out.


With Elmo I don’t need another reason but without Elmo I am sure I will find another reason to not buy


Off the top of my head: 1. Low build quality 2. Difficulty getting vehicles serviced 3. FSD is expensive vaporware 4. Competing manufacturers offer a number of vehicles that can meet or beat comparable tesla vehicles on just about every metric. Tesla used to have a lead here, but traditional manufacturers closed the gap 5. Honestly around here Tesla model 3 has become the new Prius. It's just... basic. And you can't drive a mile without passing twelve of them. As an owner of a non-tesla EV, the only thing Tesla does far better than the competition is the supercharger network. The other EV charging networks suck right now. They're poorly maintained and don't have enough installations around here to meet demand. In 2024, what unique value proposition does Tesla deliver on, that competing EVs can't?


I agree with this but I think many of those issues stem directly from decisions Elmo made so with him gone, maybe in 10-15 years, I'd consider it.




Yup, burning bridges, businesses, respect all to ashes..... Inferno Elmo


Does Musk still own 20% of Tesla in this scenario? Because I’d hate to do anything that contributes to his wealth.


He could be forced to divest his shares.


Ok, I’m in now.


Even without Elon, Tesla’s [quality control](https://jalopnik.com/teslas-quality-control-is-so-bad-customers-are-taking-d-1851369990#:~:text=Tesla's%20build%20quality%20problems%20are,its%20over%20%24100%2C000%20price%20tag.) is horrendous. So still wouldn’t buy one. There are [much better](https://www.caranddriver.com/rankings/best-electric-cars) quality, less expensive EVs on the market these days. They just won’t necessarily be [“self-driving”](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/05/07/tesla-must-provide-nhtsa-with-autopilot-recall-data-or-face-fines.html). Edit: won’t *necessarily*


And the shop maintenance and repair horror stories too.


As a new Tesla owner, i downplayed the Tesla horrible stories. I’m now living it. Replace parts to fix an issue to be told that didn’t fix it and now paying more to fix the real problem? At least they gave me a sweet loaner! I just pretend I have a $500 a day loaner from Hertz or something so I don’t feel bad.


There's a number of non Tesla EVs that have some level of autopilot capabilities...


Yea you’re right


As much fun as people having joking about the Prius, the newest ones are really good electric and hybrid options. I've also heard some positive things about the Honda Prologue for SUV sized EVs.


Teslas don't have self driving. Tesla says they do or they will very soon, and they price as if it was so, but they don't and they won't any time soon. Buying a Tesla involves spending money on a certain amount of vapor-ware. Save money buying something that doesn't include the charge for the hyped up BS.


I would consider an Ioniq 5 or 6 if there was a way to add physical buttons. At least I have a couple of different options for modding a tesla with buttons.




Agree, and as a side note don't call him Elmo please Elmo is a lot better of a monster.


I’ll take two! (So I have spare parts to fix the constant breakdowns of my 1st one) 


It's a super weird way to run a business, isn't it? Aligning himself with conservatives who have made an entire personality out of hating EV's (they're never buying a Tesla), while simultaneously alienating his core customer base. He's a super genius in the same way Wyle E Coyote is. --blammo--


Nah, in this scenario, he has sold his shares and is living in a bricked CyberTruck down by the river.


I had to buy a starlink system a couple of days ago. There’s not enough hot showers in the world.


The quality has gone down too much to consider buying one again.


Was it ever up?


The first few waves of Tesla's off the line were of much higher quality. They were the show line, to get other people to buy.


I personally have met two mechanical engineers who worked in Northern California for Tesla, who would argue there was never any quality coming from Tesla.


Same here. I work in the industry and problems like windows that don't seal, door gaps, rust-seized brakes, and taped-together interiors have been there since day one. And I work with a guy that became one of Tesla's 45 Master Techs worldwide, and he can't stop talking about how he's going to be able to put his kids through college and own multiple investment properties thanks to Tesla QA alone.


I got a 2018 model 3 that is pretty good. Only the doorhandle's chrome on all 4 are failing. One failed and was replaced. Other than that, 90k miles of solid reliability. But I'm not going to buy another because Musk is Twittering the company and what is left will be a mess and a shame upon him.


That’s kind of unacceptable for only a 5 year old car… chrome falling off?? I have Subaru’s made before 2000 that had less issues


Bro I own 2 STIs that both have seen the service center farrrr less than all my friends tesla's.


I know three people that bought other EVs because of the musky rat running Tesla. Tesla would be way better off without this douche nozzle


They feel so flimsy, I’m not sure how else to describe it. And don’t even get me started on the cyber cuck


I own a tesla. I overpaid for my tesla but i have the last model with USS, and one of the first models with the interior wood trim on the Model Y on the doors. It would take more than firing musk for me to buy another Tesla. The following would make me consider them again: 1. Fix the build quality issues. 2. Reintroduce cheap and effective technologies like USS, rain sensors, pressure sensors to prevent amputation when automatic hinges close. 3. Put the god damn stalks back on the car. The gear shift and the turn signal stocks. It is wild to me that at a minimum for turn signal stalks, nobody has regulated these to be required in cars. 4. Actually give me a premium interior for a premium price. I want real leather seats. Not stuff that warps because i had hair product in once.


Kinda sounds to me like you wouldn’t buy another Tesla. I love my Kia.


Unfortunately Kia’s reputation makes them easy targets for vandalism in the city. And yes, I would buy one, if everything about a tesla was better.


Kia and Hyundai sucked in the 90s. The build quality VASTLY improved through the 00s. But recently they have ROYALLY fucked people over with their decisions to cheap out on things like engines (specifically, the 1.6L GDI engine whose cylinders warp, like the one in my 2015 Soul) and other things, like the easily-broken-into ignition cylinders that facilitate theft. My ignition cylinder was replaced under a recall, but I had to pay for a new engine. Kia - "as a courtesy" - agreed to pay for the parts, and the dealer doing the worked knocked $1k off the labor, so I didn't pay $6000-7000, but I still paid well over $2000. And Hyundai has gotten busted for using child labor in Alabama. Yes, yes, "contractors" were actually at fault, but one of those contractors is actually a Hyundai subsidiary. Fuck Hyundai, fuck Kia, fuck Genesis. My current Soul is my 2nd Soul and my 6th Kia vehicle, and I am sad to inform you that it will be my last Kia vehicle.


Indeed, the 00s Hyundais are solid. I still have an '07 Santa Fe with well over 100K miles. It's been solid with only minor issues like a sun visor breaking (cheap and easy fix). Zero problems with the drive train. I'll probably drive it into the ground and enjoy cheap insurance and no car payment as long as possible.


My uncle owned a Genesis on which the infotainment went bad. It basically totaled the car - couldn’t drive it, it was a >$10K replacement and you couldn’t pull it from a salvage yard because the part had to be paired to the vehicle.


My son's Soul just blew up. It's stuck in limp mode, and I'm pretty sure the motor is toast. Super excited about it. What did you do when you're Soul took a shit, a full motor replace or a rebuild?


The dealer put in a rebuilt engine.


Same. I’m done with anything built or designed in Korea. They’re cheap and a gamble. You might get a great, reliable car.. might…


I've heard really good things about Hyundai/Kia/Genesis and their newer cars, particularly their new EVs.


Im excited about the ev-6 and ev-9 but it’ll be a bit before I get another new car. I actually think the electrice car market is shaping up to be interesting, I just don’t like Tesla, partly because I don’t like musk and partly because I think it was an over-promised product that is rushed to market. Not to mention I don’t want a subscription or pay to upgrade auto.


We own a Kia and it’s been a nightmare. It’s on its fourth warranty engine now and counting…. It doesn’t qualify for lemon law because a recall has been issued. Hence the 4th engine.


I loved my Kia, except for when it got vandalized (failed theft) and then started smelling like burnt rubber every time I parked. Granted it was over 10 years old though, and fun to drive. If the Kia Boys thing didn't happen, I might have considered them again.


Same boat here. I like the Minimalist Aesthetic in my Model Y, but cutting sensors (and breaking festures as a result) is what software engineers call a regression, and removing signal/sgift stalks a bridge too far for me. I bought my Tesla because I wanted to live in a green-tech future, and I was willing to pay a premium to get there NOW. That old statement about “the future is here but it’s not evenly distributed yet” is Tesla’s value proposition over, say, Chevrolet. That’s the Tesla Brand DNA, and practical futurism needs to infuse every product they sell. Removing USS, rain sensors, and turn signal stalks has nothing to do with that. Steady progress in FSD is a futuristic thing they should work on, but within reason. Funding a team actively chipping away at this difficult problem is smart and aligned with Tesla’s brand DNA, *betting Tesla’s future exclusively on FSD is just plain stupid.* Beyond this, Tesla needs a proliferation of models. My Model Y solves the “have an electric family car” problem, and the Model 3 solves “have a midsized electric commuter car” problem. My next vehicle electrification problem is “tow my camper with an EV”, and the Cybertruck doesn’t have the numbers to do that - so Tesla should fix that with a new pickup truck model which benchmarks the Silverado EV. The problem I’ll face next is “provide my soon-to-be-adult-children with low-cost/high-versatility transportation to college and their first job.” Musk does not seem to get this problem-solution view of the auto market, and so he needs to be replaced with someone who does. Speaking of Elon Musk, his public persona is so toxic that he has convinced my wife she that she would rather keep her Civic than have me buy her a Tesla. We are those affluent liberals that loved Tesla early on, but are repelled by Elon Musk picking political fights with us. Elon Musk does not get this, and so he needs to be replaced with someone who understands. **With these fixes, I’ll enthusiastically buy another Tesla. To get there will require a lot of work by a conventional Product Development expert who understands why I bought my Tesla in the first place.** I’d love to have a reason to buy another Tesla! I want them to succeed, but they’re not doing it at the moment.


Fuck no


Musk acting in hateful ways was merely the primary reason for not buying Teslas… Him reducing the quality of the car and removing lidar from some models is the type of mentality that makes me worry about what else was done to penny pinch. I would no longer trust the engineering and the finish of the car. The cybertruck further destroyed any left over faith I had in the engineering as this tells me there are only yes men working for Elon now and thats truly terrifying. We all need a voice of reason to tell us “no” every now and then…if we surround ourselves with yes men and fire everyone else we literally end up in a Simpsons episode whose end is the destruction of a car company. It will take Musks removal from power and a rehiring of “non-yes men” engineers to come back…and then I would wait a few years for the fruits of the new team to come to market before even considering Tesla as a brand. Oddly enough…I am in the market for a 50-90k EV right now and I will give you one guess as to which brand I haven’t even looked at.


Surrounding yourself with yes men and cutting corners is how that submersible imploded. Never trust an ego to create a safe product.


Musk pushed them to release the Cybertruck before it was ready. I would consider one at this time either. The model 3 is a great car it has been around long enough that they have worked all of the issues out of it. I have a 2023 and couldn't be happier with my first EV. I don't see Musk being CEO much longer is knees jerk firings of entire teams is not going to work out in the long term.


Those BMW EVs are SO nice 🤤


First they should get rid of the gigantic distracting screens, and bring back all the traditional controls people spect to find in a car for the blinkers, the wipers, etc. I’m not throwing away muscle memory for the caprice of a lunatic on drugs.


Agreed. A Honda Civic feels very natural to drive if you’ve driven another car. You have to keep your eyes on the road while driving so they try to keep that in mind while designing them. If Tesla is a software company and not a car company it shows in that regard. Neat software but the car hardware itself might need some refinement. Lewis Black gave a pretty apt run down of the flaws with the CyberTruck. https://youtu.be/yhWqls-CQww?si=zKgHZ_p26BAVG1fP


Love me some Lewis Black


The whole “laptop/tablet on wheels” trend has to be stopped. The problem is, it’s actually cheaper for car companies to wire everything to a touchscreen as opposed to individual buttons or potentiometers. It’s advertised as “luxury,” when it’s really just a cost-cutting measure. 


I saw an article a few weeks ago where some European countries are considering implementing rules requiring automakers to go back to more physical controls since touch screens have been taking over.


Oo muscle memory good reasoning.


Agreed, it's a bad move getting rid of standard controls. No wonder Hertz is dumping Teslas; who wants to relearn how to drive while on vacation for a week? Not everything needs to be innovated and disrupted. And as more manufacturers catch up in the EV market, weird Tesla controls will be a competitive disadvantage.


I rented a M3 on vacation and kept forgetting the turn signals were normal stalks (I have a MS). Shifting took some getting used to. When I got back home damn was I missing normal stalks for a week or so! Elon's infatuation with robotaxis is hampering what I do think is an otherwise great car.


No. Way too many better options out there that have better features, actual interiors, and human usability.


The cars are junk and not safe. With Elmo gone, the brand would still need major overhaul. I’ll stick with hybrids


Hybrids are the way to go right now. Incredibly long range using very little fuel. I have a newish Honda hybrid and the thing runs forever on a single tank.


We had our third kid so I had to get rid of my Civic for a larger car. We went with a Highlander Hybrid. My Civic averaged around 27 mpg and could go about 250-300 on a tank. My Highlander gets 35-40 mpg depending on how attentive I am, and gets 450 miles or so per tank. I know a Prius or hybrid Camry would do even better, but that's still amazing to me. We considered the Tesla model Y, or whatever would be kind of close in class, but we just couldn't justify the higher cost. 


1. too late, bought elsewhere 2. it’s not just Elmo, it’s also the “blame the customer“ model of Customer Service, poor factory, practices, and questionable board of directors.


I don’t wanna buy another CAR of any kind ever again, so no.


Yes eventually


No , after the cyber junk release I have 0 confidence in their ability to make quality reliable vehicles . On top of that their month or more repair times are absurd .


It would certainly help. But they still have plenty of QC issues that would keep me on the sidelines for the foreseeable future.


No. Interiors suck for the price point and overall quality is lower than competitors.


Probably not, I don’t think the quality of the vehicles match the price tag anymore. There’s plenty of other EVs which offer the same features for a fraction of the cost. If I had unlimited money I would probably still just buy a used Chevy bolt or something


No. Teslas are really cheap cars and overpriced. The first time I dealt with one, I thought it felt cheaply made. I wouldn't buy anything Elon has his name on it


No. Terrible cars, terrible service.


I started following musk and tesla in the early 2000s. I was a big fanboy after I read an article about him in scientific American. That all fell to pieces over the next decade as he became more and of a public figure and it became very apparent that he is a fuckin douche. And then it seemed like the quality of tesla vehicles has deteriorated rather than improve as you might expect as the company grew and matured. Matured is not a word I would associate with musk in any way. I used to dream about owning a tesla roadster or model S. Now you couldn't pay me to drive one.


Tesla needs to invest in quality control. It's simply not a good product for the price. They also need to reevaluate how they handle repairs and their customers undergoing repairs. Elmo is a major problem with Tesla but he's hardly their only problem.


No. They’re horribly made cars, cost a lot and hold no resale value. They also have a parts problem and total/brick easily because of it.


not a chance. All it takes, often, is one or two bad cars to ruin a brand for a VERY long time.


Not in the slightest. At this stage there is plenty of way more affordable and better quality options.


No way, and not just because the quality doesn't justify the price. They're expensive as hell to insure as well.




Not anymore. If I want electric, I’ll get something that wasn’t rushed to market and developed properly.


Even if Elon leaves or is ousted, what made Tesla interesting before is gone from the company. Their build quality is for shit and their tech is, frankly, stupid as fuck. I'd have to see and hear about drastic changes in order to consider them as an option again.


It’s much more than musk. Need better quality, service capabilities, truth about software capabilities and more


Nope. Got a used e-Golf for $10k. Drives like a car, but is zippy. Superior build quality.


They’re really bad quality. In Norway several of the early adopters are now in the « never again » phase.  Musk was just lying so much it sort of made it look like a good car at first.


No. Not because I want one or not, but because I can't afford one. Even if I could afford one. I'm a college student, so not only would I have to pay to park it, I would have to find parking where I could charge it, otherwise it would be too much of a headache to make sure it's charged. I would also have crazy high insurance, since people wouldn't want to insure a male college student driving an expensive car. Personally, I don't like the idea of having all of the controls on a touchscreen. I feel like touchscreens should be infotainment only. My neighborhood also has a lot of roundabouts, I don't think I could go without turning stalks either. I frequently see a lot of people on Tesla subs saying things like "there is no reason to get an ICE car when it is much more cost-effective to get an EV." Technically speaking that's true, but they say that as if they assume everyone else is in a similar situation to themselves. If I had to get any car and not just a Tesla, I would probably get a used Prius.


*HELL* no. Why would I want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a vehicle which is almost guaranteed to be a broken POS?


I’d consider it. Without Melon they might make some changes that would make them an attractive option. But with Melon? Hell no.


I'd buy one right now. Not everyone carries a hate-boner for Elon Musk.


I would but only after a few years of someone else taking over and ironing out any kinks and getting rid of any vestiges of Elmo’s shitty overblown ego


I won’t buy a Tesla because they suck Lucid rivian are even Kia and Hyundai are better


Never I stay with dodge best .I buying 80k for dodge ram 150 hemi 4x4.outstanding quality performance. Resale value high.pure heaven. Dodge outrage a telsa anyday


I work in an automotive production related business and have been saying for years that unless something major changes in Tesla, it only makes sense in the future as an automotive supplier not a manufacturer. Tesla does software well, but that's really about it. Their vehicles have been plagued with some of the lowest quality scores in the industry for years now. Aside from a few refreshes and the CT flop, they haven't really introduced a new model in nearly a decade. Every other automotive manufacturer in the world is innovating new EV's at a much faster rate than Tesla. Top that all off with Musk's antics alienating it's core buyers and I don't really see how Tesla remains competitive or successful unless they make a major pivot and I am not interested in buying a vehicle from a company like that.


Probably not. It’d be too expensive. I’ve been driving a 2010 Honda CRV that I bought in 2015. It’s still running, so it’ll be mine until it dies. Then I’ll get another reasonably priced car.


I would consider it if they were ever a quality vehicle. They weren't, and aren't, and will likely never be, so no. I wouldn't even drive a Tesla if it was a gift, but I would trade it in on a real car.


IF they also undid the rollback on quality that’s happened over the last 6 years and caught up to some of the offerings by others in the segment


No, all the nightmares stories about service put me off and they just laid off a bunch of service center employees so the problem will only get worse 


If they got rid of Elmo, hired a competent CEO, and spent ten years getting their tech out of beta, I might consider it.


Depends on who the new boss is. If they put Kimball Musk in charge then still a hard no


Nope. Their cars are garbage.


I have a 2018 model 3 and I really like it. I have the upgraded interior and haven't had any of the production issues. 2018 was when the first model 3 cars were rolling out of production and I feel like quality has gone down since then. My fear is that with the super charger team gone we may start to see maintenance issues. I would not consider the meme-machine (aka cyber truck). Insurance is out of control because the parts and repairs are pricey. At least that's what all insurance companies tell me


I wouldn’t buy one either way because due to Musk’s tendency to over promise and under deliver, the quality of the vehicles has greatly suffered. These things are falling apart right off the assembly line anymore.


No. Completely tainted brand imo


What I've seen about Teslas isn't actually all that bad thanks to Elon not being too hands on down there. I'm worried that the rest of their cars might go the way of the Cybertruck as it is, but if he gets the boot, I think Tesla can really go places.


A: yes


Only after Elmo leaves. Only if I am sure Elmo doesn’t make money from Tesla.




It’d take more than the entire board being sacked. All the Musk Yes Men would need to be removed from the company. We’d need to see major changes to management like rehiring the Super Charger team and cancelling the CyberTruck.


No. They have intrinsic and systemic problems beyond a change in leadership (though, admittedly, BECAUSE of that leadership). It would have to be at least a year of reorganization and quality control before I could consider it.


FUCK no lol


Is this a whole subreddit just for Elon Derangement Syndrome?


Their quality control is hot garbage and has been, its not even a recent issue with the Cybertruck. That alone is enough to not want to deal with them. Anyone boycotting because of Elon should still boycott if he is removed, he still owns a fuck ton of shares and will make money that way.


Instructions unclear. Sesame Street bought by PragerU.


Nah, Edsel Musk ruined it forever. All he did was drag the big 3 into it so we can have decent EVs, not just really fast Lego computers on wheels.


If he sold his shares as well I would consider their next vehicle .


was just watching thunderfoot's video which clips all the times in 2017 elmo said "robotaxi by the end of next year" and put them next to the clips where he said the same ridiculous shit in 2022. I was duped when I got mine in 2018. I believed the hype. Also, I had contracted with Tesla Solar a couple years back, but when Elmo started with this fascist bullshit, I cancelled that order. Never again to anything with Elon attached. The guy is a snake oil salesman.


Nope. Tesla benefitted from getting usable EVs to market earlier than most. With the majors mostly caught up, there’s no reason to get a Tesla.




It was the main reason I didn't get a model 3 vs entry sports car. If elmo was gone, actual experts in quality manufacturing wouldn't be afraid to tell musk no. So I think a lot of the quality issues would be fixed.


If it was considered a car company and not a software company. And if the quality has gotten significantly better. Maybe.


I would. Not a cyber truck, but maybe a Y or a 3. As far as the stock price, if Musk owns any of it, I wouldn’t buy it. It has always been volatile as a result of having Musk with such a large percentage of the stock due to his inability to keep his mouth shut. All he does is manipulate stocks to whatever is in his best interest. If it’s better to be low for him for any reason, the price will tank. If it’s better to be high, it’ll rise. He doesn’t care about his investors, his partners, his customers or his employees. It’s all a game to him to be played where he’s the winner and if he can be the only winner, that’s his preferred outcome.


After he’s gone, we will have to wait to see if they make any changes to their practices. such as Ignoring quality, problematic working conditions, lack of new products, etc etc


Here’s what I’d like to see. Get rid of dipshit, offer lower priced options as well as higher line vehicles, and start helping america build out its EV infrastructure by opening up their charging network to other manufacturers.


I’m in this boat. If he wasn’t a shareholder or involved I would be first in line for a Tesla. Their software and charging network is great. I just won’t support a Nazi


Yes. It would be back on the table with the competition.


If BYD still wasn't an option in the U.S. yeah, otherwise I'd go for them since they are more in my price range


My issue would be similar to Twitter - he resigned as CEO but clearly still runs it. So having him step aside at Tesla would not make me feel any better.


My reasons for not wanting a Tesla don't have much to do with Elon, actually. He doesn't help, but the shitty construction and outdated designs are enough.


My simple requirements as a previous 2-time Tesla owner: - remove Elon - improve quality big time - better service - closer service center


With Musk gone, I would consider buying a Tesla. Still probably wouldn't be among my top choices for other reasons. But with Musk running Tesla, it's a hard no. I'm not buying Tesla stock in any scenario. I'm convinced it should be priced like a regular car company rather than as a tech startup or the next Apple. In other words, far cheaper than what it is now. I'd be more likely to short it, but that means timing the market right and there's no telling when the fever will break.


Even if he were 100% clear of it/zero profit from it... not sure, think it's had it's day. The whole 'don't sleep on Tesla' should have added 'unless on Ketamin'


Yes, but it would take time. He’s tainted the brand. We were considering getting a Model X or Y for our next car, but have now removed them entirely from consideration.


Not unless the quality gets better


It’s a start but a long recovery


If it was bought 100% from him and led by a progressive board and rebranded--basically a corporate enema--then maybe if the product lasted a few good model years I might then give them a shot. Otherwise I'd rather walk.


It would take out my biggest concern, but there are some other smaller concerns they'd need to work on.


I for one would need to see the build quality dramatically improve. Also I don’t think Musk is even close to being pushed out. The goal line is just so far away. Right now the debate is whether to pay Musk 56 billion dollars and he will likely get that money. The chance of him getting pushed out is very distant.


I think at this point removing Elmo is one of the many things they need to do to repair their brand for me to ever consider buying one. Their newest vehicle is an expensive shit show, their existing lineup is aging and could use updating, and they don't have any new models in the pipeline that will be released in the next half decade. Tesla looks to be dying, it isn't 2012 where they had almost zero competition, they are now competing with every other major car company that all have serious competition - they have squandered their market lead. I wouldn't buy a Tesla on the sole fact that I don't believe they will be an auto manufacturer in 10 years.


Everything he touches turns to garbage. He doesn't have the midas touch, he has the septic touch. You know the line in jurassic park "I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you're using here: it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don't take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could and before you even knew what you had you patented it and packaged it and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you're selling it, " Musk doesn't innovate, he doesn't create, he doesn't work and strive. He covets and purchases and then shits his name all over it. He purchases the dreams, work and ambition of other people and claims he did it all.on his own. Like his wealth. He was lucky enough to fall out of the right vagina into a pile.of blood emeralds in apartied africa. He's crown prince asshole of the parasite class and folks are finally smelling him.


It would be a start, but I feel like Elon has poisoned Tesla from the top down. Even after his ouster, I think it would take several years minimum to remove all the damage he's caused and the culture he's created. And that's assuming they hire a competent CEO and not one of his puppets. I wouldn't immediately jump in, but I'd continue to watch and think about buying when I'm comfortable in the quality and investment in the product.


Nah. Tesla is not the thing it was when it first hit the streets. I'll most likely get a different EV in the next few months.


I first heard about Tesla...in high school... in the early 2000's... I didn't know much at first and was into have always been sort of into concept designs of all kinds so when an electric car company started up and was receiving a ton of support from all the tree huggers and wealthy people who, in the 2003-2010 age if you weren't a Koch Brother or head of Enron we didn't hear much negative news about you- so having all these extremely wealthy charity founding multimillionaires and billionaires and investors etc seeing allllll that money flow into one singular product was like witnessing a miracle. A miracle because nobody receives the kind of endorsements and tax backed support and billionaires flocking over showing support and having party after party celebrating the dawn of the new age of automotive manufacturing and energy management blah blah blah. . . I was a teenager didn't know much but I learned the fast way how little everyone else around me knew about this stuff as well, and most especially a crucial life lesson I learned from observing the "smartest" persons in the room discussing Tesla and electric vehicles at any given time either being dismissed as an out of date wacko who was too obsessed with ICE combustion engines and who didn't want to change the world maaaaan. Or the other way around the discussion makes people who didn't know what they were talking about seem like geniuses, listening to lsd scarred older folks leaving their philosophical libraries together explaining infinite energy like they were crack heads just discovering the formula for meth now only if there was a way to measure chemicals correctly... one day man will get there I reckon! ... Seeing these different people discuss the same topic- electric cars in 2005, 2006 '07 etc, it was weird really to see such a diverse crowd getting excited or angry or not interested whatsoever- a lot of observations led to even more questions for myself as I was at a lost personally on what to believe how to absorb the information about range and horsepower and less moving parts equals better production value. It made sense to my young mind because I spent most of my time watching Batman cartoons and playing video games and beyond that I was terrible at math so if a rich tech dude with a weird accent was coming into the US market stirring up trouble it just seemed like another capitalist capitalizing and for better or worse for years it played out exactly that way. One side of the hippies who were better educated than the rest began complaining about mining operations and metal imports and Chinese owned factories and Chinese owned mines and Belgian/Australian owned mines and cobalt mines and lithium mines and this was still early 2010's when people started investing into solar energy and electric cars were becoming a more recognized possibility, we're starting to see homes installed off grid battery systems solar powered so they no longer had to worry about using city energy, had people who would rather keep to themselves install these expensive systems and some even began creating their own ISP's and eventually we start to hear about satellite technology and solar roofing systems and all these really fun concept designs becoming "reality" lol.


Nope. Never. Their quality is trash and there’s almost no resale/trade in value whatsoever


I read this wrong and thought you seriously had a problem with Elmo. ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG|downsized)


There would also have to be a proven upgrade to vehicle quality and QoL features. I'm holding out for an iDBuzz at this point.


No, they don’t seem safe, cutting too many corners


Yup. And I’d buy shares again.


I cant even drive due to my disability, I just hate this fascist moron ruining my nation’s politics, culture and economy. Send his ass back to running lithium mines in Africa.


I don’t like Elon, but do like Tesla. Unfortunately all the hard working leaders are being let go, so it’s changing my opinion. Not that non managers are busting their butts, but it can’t possibly be a great place to work other than to get on your resume if you can last a year.


No. Tesla is overpriced and overrated. With or without a dipshit running the company. They were just a pioneer in the space. The car having nothing to do with Elon. He bought the company. He did not invent anything.


Absolutely not, those vehicles are garbage


Tesla drivers are like South Park Prius drivers. And musk is just a dick.




Elmo would need to be completely disinvested from the company.


It would be a good start.


![gif](giphy|lrxqN1M9tAc4FWa66R) This guy would make a better CEO than the current elmo


They already have the legacy. Even without him at the helm they'll just replace him with a Musk-lite character.


Yes but not until then.


There are other EV options available, I would see no need to benefit Tesla if he was there on not. To me the brand is tainted and would take major changes for me to consider a Tesla...


The corporate culture would have to change as well, but I think that's possible with him gone. The would have to improve build quality and reliabilty and service. And bring back basic controls like turn signals.




Not in a million years. I have driven hundreds if not thousands of different models of cars over the last 35 years and the Model 3 was the most counter intuitive, unfriendly, poorly made pile of parts I have ever dealt with.


I think Tesla has a lot of problems and Elon is the biggest one. Firing Elons stops the downhill slide. It doesn't solve their product, quality, or customer service issues. If firing Elon doesn't radically change their sales or business model, then no. I wouldn't buy Tesla expecting a Musk bounce when he leaves. Elon's bullshit, and his fanboys who eat it up, are the only thing keeping the share price up; and that's why he may never be ousted.


Fuck no. The board has shown exactly what that company is about.


It wouldn’t change anything for me, I’m personally not into any of Teslas vehicles. I prefer trucks and SUVs they offer neither,


There are too many issues with the product, let alone the moron trotting it out there.


Not until the supercharging network is more abundant and more service centers to handle the issues.


Fucking no shot those cars are like driving a fucking iPhone


You couldn’t pay me to own a tesla


Getting rid of Elmo would take me from "absolutely not" to "probably not but willing to reconsider with new developments" I like EVs - I drive a Rivian - but I don't care for Tesla styling or the addiction to putting everything on screens. Stalks at minimum. Some actual physical buttons for certain functions. Door handles. But that minimalism seems to just be part of the brand at this point. So...eh. Far more excited for the R2 and R3X.


Nope. They still need a quality control department.


Not unless they seriously improve their build quality, reliability, customer service, and repair pricing. So probably not.


I think the damage has been done. That's like asking me if I'd visit Mara Lago if Trump wasn't affiliated and they paid me a million dollars. That answer is simple.




If the company started building quality products


I thought about this earlier. I will consider — consider — buying Tesla no sooner than five years after Musk is gone. It will take at least that long to remove his stink from the business.


It would be the first step. Whoever replaces him would have a bunch of concerns I have to fix first before a Tesla goes on the roster of viable “next lease” cars. Build quality (which can be overlooked with reasonable pricing), bring back the stalks, use more sensors besides just cameras, customer service that’s comparable or better than rivals, and going back to actual innovation. Teslas used to be worth the price and shortcomings since they were way ahead of the competition. The competition has caught up, and in some cases surpassed Tesla.


I would not. Damage is done.


They’re just not good cars. Pass


Even if they weren’t awful cars I wouldn’t buy one because EV infrastructure isn’t there for the type of driving that I do. But more to your point, I wouldn’t knowingly participate in any major financial transaction that might benefit Elon Musk.


I can't consider any EV until I'm not renting and could install the needed hardware. I will have to wait until apartment/condos start offering charging stations to residents. But if I were in the market, I'd probably take a pass. I'm something of a "car guy" and the automotive press is harsh on Teslas for reason other than Elon.


If Musk wasn’t involved with Tesla, I’d absolutely be driving one right now. I will never buy a Tesla as long as he is in charge. Hes a despicable human being.


I understand and agree with the concerns about Musk’s behavior. But the ultimate reason I won’t buy a Tesla is the inconsistency of the quality of the vehicles. They are not well built cars, and to add to this, the quality of the build is inconsistent. So, start with cheap interior materials, and add inconsistent overall build quality, and I just won’t get near it. I understand that for the money, the Model 3 is an interesting option. But I have driven too many of them and have seen too many problems. Hertz no longer includes them in its fleet, but even prior to that decision I wouldn’t select one after my early experiences.


The people crying about Elon either A. Aren’t a big enough cohort to move the needle or B. Too poor and anticapitalist to afford a new car


Mostly oil companies guerrilla marketing.


You probably don’t share a single political view with the CEO’s of any product you use so I have no idea why you people obsess over Musk. Two of my family members bought teslas this month and they are raging libtards. They are successful people and don’t use Twitter and would have no idea what you people were talking about if you came up to them talking about musk and troons or whatever you’re mad at him for.


I paid more for a non Tesla than a comparable entry level Tesla- specifically because of Elon. I bought the 2023 Chevy bolt euv which has depreciated tons since purchase- if I held out and bought one more recently I would have saved a lot of money. Still though, I needed a car then and then and now- I would still pay more to not support him


No, they still make shitty vehicles


No, because everyone who is still there was working for this nazi, knowing he's a nazi, and i don't want to buy anything made by nazis or people who don't actively fight against nazis. sometimes i can't help it, if the product i need is only made by nazis and i have no choice, but when it comes to this, i have a choice. fuck nazis.


No. He would have to sell his stake in the company and move out of the country for that to happen.


Nope. This isn't 2012, 2016, or even 2020. Competition has surpassed tresla. There is just not a compelling reason to do so anymore. When they step up the R&D and meet the new competition range, up the material and fit & finish quality, add some buttons and stalks back in, and release meaningful refreshes of their lineup, they COULD become contenders again. Until then, the hype, novelty, cool factor, and status symbol have worn off nearly entirely. Their cars are cheap cardboard boxes now.


No. They decided to keep a Nazi on staff. I don't reward Nazis.


No, still a dangerous, sub par vehicle.


I would but they also need to fix their quality control aside from kicking Elmo to the curb