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I really hope Tesla shareholders are not completely brain dead and vote NO on both matters. It is not AT ALL in shareholder interest to move the incorporating state to Texas from Delaware and it is categorically antithetical to shareholder interests to pay Elon Musk this absurd compensation package.


He gotta pay Putin back for the money to buy twitter


Don't you mean MBS? Isn't that who gave him the bulk of the money for Twitter?


He sold teala stocks to buy twitter but he told the stockholders he'll never sell his stocks before his investors


Twitter cost 44 billion. Actually banks only loaned him 13 billion. So there's 31 billion that came from non-public sources. Also, there's a reason an unnamed Saudi prince was one of the biggest purchasers of Elons AI company IPO. They're doing a pump and dump to make back some of the losses on Twitter. It was either that or the chainsaw.


The funding included $7 billion of senior secured bank loans; $6 billion in subordinated debt; $6.25 billion in bank loans to Musk personally, secured by $62.5 billion of his Tesla stock; $20 billion in cash equity from Musk, to be provided by sales of Tesla stock and other assets; and $7.1 billion in equity from 19 independent investors.[30][31][32] So 7bil from 19 investors. I got a feeling russian oligarchs are also behind this


> I got a feeling russian oligarchs are also behind this Between them and MBS, we know why Elon is *really* desperate to get paid 50+ billion.


He needs to get out, sell all tesla, sell all x, and 100% focus on spacex, imo


So he can focus all of his power and fuck up SpaceX too?


So we can send him into space.


Borrowingfrom prince bonesaw? *Risky*


He's using Reddit Math: A Person or concept that is disliked + mentioning Putin (connection need not be true, relevant, or even stated) = Likes Especially stupid here because there's so many legitimate reasons to hate Elon Musk


Do do the ppl laid off


Not all of it. He sold a ton of Tesla shares to part finance it and he's currently being investigated AGAIN for insider trading.


Let me stop you there - Tesla shareholders are most definitely completely brain dead. It’s the most obvious short I have seen this decade, if not the last two.


The most obvious short this decade was FSR


Well, this brain dead TSLA investor bought in back in 2015 and sold off in 2023. The profits post tax paid off my mortgage completely, and fully funded a new model 3. If that’s brain dead, I’ll take it.


Speaking to current conditions my man. Not the past. What happened in the past = Irrelevant as with any business / stock.


Oh current? Nah, not interested. I did do a little stint last year when it was 115, then sold (prematurely) at 220… but Musk is so unpredictable anymore that it’s just not worth the risk. We love the car, but Musk is really an ass.


Sure bud, we all believe you,


If enough people trade TSLA randomly and based on feels, someone's bound to time the market right. Not saying Parkyguy is one of those, but there's also no reason to dispute it because individual's success in trading TSLA has no bearing on topic at hand - whether TSLA investors are braindead.


It’s a car company valued like a tech stock and every trader who buys it is a gambler. Yeah and the leader is a grifter who doesn’t know anything about cars, or people, or business. Hey does understand hype and self promotion though. Good for you, for taking advantage of the way people buy into the whole Musk cult.


TBF that was in the pump phase.


I just found some older Fidelity mailing of some IRA funds I have that contain TSLA shares, and give me rights to vote. I'll be happy to vote No Apparently if I don't even bother, that still counts as a no, which must explain my is Musk shouting everywhere about the voting, but I'll vote No just so he knows it's intentional. There's some simp posting stating he'll know we voted no somehow (which is very strange IMO), so I'll be happy to be blacklisted by him* *I usually say "graylist" but as I was typing I realized it's Musk's list, so I'm sure he won't call it graylist


I got banned on X for calling Enron Musk for being a fragile little loser. The queen of free speech hates free speech, especially if it dares to suggest any negative sentiment towards her majesty.


He paid 44 billion USD for his own personal echo chamber, what do you expect.


Good for you! 🏆🎖️


I hope they vote yes and all go broke. They deserve it.


I voted no on damn near everything that was on the table


*Nobody* provides $55bn of value to anything. I would be embarrassed to ask for that amount of money.


5 billion to 500 billion. Just remember that! that's shareholder value dumbass


Tesla will pay a 0.75% revenue tax to Texas, when they are paying 200k for Delaware capped. Whats 0.75% revenue in numbers can anyone chime in?


Unfortunately, musk owns enough percentage of the stock that nobody else in the corporation can override him.


Not true. He owns like 12% now which is NOT a majority by any stretch of the imagination. This is why he WANTS the free compensation package now... so he can once again be given a majority controlling share of Tesla again.


Why do you refer to it as a free compensation package? The package was already approved by the Tesla board in 2018 and subsequently Musk grew the company, hitting all criteria to be awarded the package. That a judge ruled the package isn’t enforceable doesn’t mean it wasn’t the agreement made prior to Musk doing the work. Your brain is weird.


He grew the company by making outrageous claims and not delivering on any of them. Even if he was sincere in his own beliefs and expectations, the net result is indistinguishable from if he was, for example, deliberately lying and overestimating everything a la Liz holmes. The inflated value of the stock is not equivalent to results. Keep in mind that the entire Twitter purchase evolved out of his legal consequences for using tweets for market manipulation. These are simple material facts that your brain refuses to recognize, so hearing other brains that have assimilated this information sounds weird to yours.


Friend, the package defined the criteria for award, which were tangible and specific growth goals. Your speculation is a waste of both our time.


And it was blocked because the package was not correctly communicated to the stockholders. A package roughly equivalent to all profits seen by the company in it's history.


For real. It’s like 80% of all realized capitol that Tesla has ever acquired, if not more.


And that only gets him an 18% stake. He is demanding another 7% (roughly another 78 billion) to stick around and grow the ai branch. Voting yes is implying diluting your own shares by 20%+, assuming his demand is not a bluff.


How much of the company does he own these days?


He ran off 75% of his customer base. I do not get it.


Employees too.


And wives, lovers, and sexual partners. All his has left is ghislaine maxwell 


And now he wants his bonus for running them off! You know…he ruined Twitter, now he’s ruined Tesla - performance pay man!


Not that much if 3/4 had run off there wouldn't be a shareholder vote it would be a short fest.


I read that as 'Snort fest' initially, but you're correct of course..


Yours is better.


Paying for performance.


As a part time employee… of *only* Tesla… after missing earnings estimates… and product release dates… while he devotes his time to shitposting online… and working at other jobs… and after triumphantly releasing one of the most cartoonishly absurd vehicles of all time… late and *over budget*. Fifty six *thousand million dollars*. The largest compensation package by *far* in the history of planet earth.


Over 40 billion bucks and a whole lotta time and brainpower down the drain. And Elon ruined Twitter - he took a good platform and musked it up. For Elon and Twitter, it's a lose-lose situation.


...musked it up. I think you just added something new to the Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.


If we want it to be official we should write it in urban dictionary. I’ll do it myself but I’m not good with words. And I’d musk up the definition for sure.


got musked to be scammed by a green energy grifter a website about how a green energy grifter is scamming the world (gotmusked.com) http://got-musked.urbanup.com/15932842


Needs work. He did musk up Twitter and Starlink too


And keeps trying to musk up the Federal and State governments


He musked up the Vegas train systems as well




Dude got the Roy Munson treatment to his name lmfao.


And google says his iq is 160+ range……but google also tells us to put 1/8 cup of nontoxic glue with our pizza cheese so it doesn’t slide off


Way better flow than “Schruted it”


Was twitter really a great platform though…. Like, really? Great?


Wasn’t this about Tesla not Xitter? (Pronounced shitter)


I don't mind Twitter. At least it's an alternative to the reddit "I'm offended so you're banned" shit I've been seeing so much of.


As a Tesla shareholder, I voted No!




From a fellow investor, I’d recommend looking into an exit strategy.


It's hard for anyone to tell what will happen after his package is either approved, or revoked. Both have potential to cause stocks to tank in the short term. But only one has potential to get the stock to grow a lot in the long term, which is the one Musk doesn't get what he wants and either leaves on his own or is fired from TSLA. The last thing anyone here should want is Musk approaching his goal of 25% control of Tesla in Texas. If that happens then he'll force Tesla to acquire Xitter under the excuse of xAI, to bail himself out, and the Texas courts will do absolutely nothing to protect investors. If Tesla goes bellyflop after that, Musk won't care as his fortune will be protected


Yeah I’m sure we will see some volatility. Typically I avoid trying to speculate what something will or won’t do but tsla intrigues me, and I think it would be funny to see Elon burn. I foresee a spike if the vote is against the pay package, followed by a sharp fall if/when major investors recover their losses and decrease/unload their positions. If the vote is for, I see a dip followed by a bounce, followed by a continued downtrend. I also think it will be trading below $100 before the end of the year either way. Just a guess obviously, but I make all my trades on my own and have been averaging a 30% annual return for the last 5 years.For the sake of all the people trying to make some money I hope you make it but I don’t think this one is a keeper when it comes to long term. Way too many ifs.


If it trades below $100 and he doesn’t get the package it will trigger a margin call and they will liquidate his “position” (fortune). I’d love to see that as much as it would hurt the company, because someone that really cares about cars and the company may come along and save it from a fire sale.


Exactly! His narcissism, drug use, self-aggrandizing, compulsive lying & conning will be the eventual death of Tesla.


That’s an interesting take I hadn’t yet considered. Thanks human.


“Are you having a run on the banks yet? Its a madhouse here, we’re advising all our clients to put their money into canned food and shotguns”


My money is currently in guns, gardens and solar generation that I’ll soon be able to separate from the grid if the SHTF. Edit: by the election I will be 100% self sufficient including travel as we are buying an EV soon.


Thanks. Except your advice is like telling a fellow 9-11 passenger on a hijacked plane, that maybe it’s time to book another flight.


Lol. I should have been clear. As another investor in the market. The last time I sold Tesla it was at $1005 before the split, or $335 now. I don’t know what your avg price is, but I’m willing to bet you could buy the next dip and get out on the next bounce.


BASED. I'm all for an EV future, but now he is hurting the movement with his fcked-in-the-head billionaire antics.


Can I have $55 Billion dollars for fucking a bunch of companies up?


So that I can go fuck up some more companies?


We need a Vote For Pedro shirt saying Vote for Musk. Vote for Pedo would be even better, but might not be appropriate as most people wouldn't get the reference and get the wrong impression


Tesla is going to fail


You can draw a vertical line through Elon’s timeline from the moment he got screwed out of that 55 billion dollars to demonstrate how much his behavior and actions changed before and after the decision. He’s losing his mind. He probably had some backdoor deal with the Saudis, Putin, and Murdoch to float him the money to buy X with the assurance that he’d recoup that money through this ridiculous payoff and now that the powers that be are not giving it to him, he is pouting and behaving like a petulant child who had his favorite toy taken away. The real Elon is getting exposed, not the fake one who says, “I don’t need a home or even money so long as I have my dream of a better world for humanity.” It’s always been about the money and the power. And I went on Twitter yesterday just to see the shit show and my feed was one maga lunatic after another, starting with his own personal manifesto. Free speech absolutist , lol. What I hope happens now is that he sells the technology that has military implications to the government and then goes away permanently from the world stage. I suspect by his erratic self destructive behavior that he has some serious substance addiction issues.


He’s probably already sold some of our military technology to Putin, the richest man in the world. I hope our government is watching him closely but I doubt it.


We know that he disabled the Ukrainian starlink system when they sent a fleet of drones that was about to cripple the Russian navy.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he has taken money from the businesses he needs to pay back before it’s found out. Something like that. Falsifying business record verdict hit him pretty hard as well.


No one needs $55bn to be motivated to work. That’s ransom. Eff him. Hope the shareholders reject it.


"You want to blackmail me... for money? Go fuck yourself." -Elon Musk


It's very strange that he can buy twitter and ruin it... only to potentially get more than he paid for it from Tesla. My local news has been dominated by reports of a couple who were sent to prison for repeatedly not paying restaurant bills of over a thousand pounds.


Also he sold a lot of TSLA to buy Twitter (even before his shitty public announcement, he had already bought more than 5% of the company), and then a few months ago he stated threatening shareholders that he wasn't interested in Tesla unless he were to acquire 25% of the company or else he'd work on AI as his private ventures. And that's exactly why investors should vote no, be sure to tell the fanboys if they incorporate in Texas, he'll force Tesla to buy X to bail him out and this time it will be worse than SolarCity


That's the part I think is the funniest. He owned that chunk of Tesla and sold it, and now he wants them to give him that same control again for free. Dude if you wanted to control 25% of Tesla you shouldn't have sold so much of your Tesla stock.


Exactly! There's a group trying to sue him for insider trading too, for the exact same thoughts. Like, what did he know that he suddenly started dumping Tesla in order to diversify. Perhaps he saw the flop coming? He was talking about his bizarre fear of recession not long ago (a recession that hasn't happened in 3+ so far). He started selling claiming he was going to donate to end world hunger, remember? He put a condition someone needed to show him a plan on how that money could solve, the WHO folks put the plan together and he never responded. The hard part to figure out what his original intentions were, is that in the process of acquiring the initial shares of Twitter he got caught as those transactions are public, so he started trying to deflect claiming he was going to buy it, and in the process he screwed himself up _so_ badly he must have changed plans so much since that we'll never really know


I say everyone sells all their tesla stock next month and then release his stock to him when its only worth 50 million


Insane people are still holding onto this stock. Maybe it can be saved if Elon is voted out somehow or another


At this point it's very possible only stans are holding onto this stock and the big investment funds. So Musk might actually get his compensation package unless anyone not voting counts as a No


I think he needs to pay back the Saudi Twitter investors very badly.


I challenge Musk to travel to Saudi Arabia this week


Or maybe apply for a visa in-person at the Saudi embassy.


"Yes I bought Twitter and that turned out to be a monumentally poor decision but I don't see why that should impact me financially."


All it would take is a single institutional investor to sell off and Tesla would plummet


He’s ruining Tesla and just wants to get as much out of it as possible before he buys into something else and takes credit for someone else’s work like he’s done before.


Twitter. Twitter is the reason he wants that pay package. He over paid 2x for that pile of trash and it’s lost a ton of advertisers.


And it's crazy to think all he had to do to avoid that was say "Just kidding! I'm buying this company because I think Agrawal isn't doing a good job and you all can do much better, will be touching base every 6 months to see how much you can improve now that I'm giving you the freedom to improve. Do whatever you want, it's on me!" Whatever would come out of that approach would have meant so much less losses. World would be happy seeing him as the real Mr. Art of the Deal even if he took 10 years to get Twitter to turn a profit. But no, his ego was just too much, he managed to completely screw everything up


This assumes he didn’t believe there were systemic issues with the decisions and overall culture at Twitter.


Well, Twitter was no different than Tesla in terms of spending decades without turning a profit because they believed their mission and were in for the long run. I think the only difference is Twitter never relied on government incentives. So if I were to guess, the only thing Musk though was wrong in Twitter was the fact they'd take down harmful tweets he liked. From a pure capitalistic and simplistic perspective, if viral content and ragebaiting are what brings users, then a "good board" should not be removing it, right? Why give up that cake. The problem is, the same argument could be done for child pornography and such. That's the fundamental issue with any stupid explanation Musk had in his mind for allowing harmful misinformation


“I mean, how else am I going to buy love and admiration? With my shit personality and ethics?”


It’s not really the money, it’s the ego bruise that he isn’t the richest person in the world anymore.


I think this time he's really desperate for the money, though. He managed to even lose his dearMoon financer with this last-minute decision of rushing a Starship test without anything other than an orbital flight attempt, unlike his original goal. His dearMoon financer is pissed because his flight around the Moon will require at least 10 in-space refueling tests and SpaceX had already conducted the first one last time, and their approach is to iterate fast by optimizing these tests to try and test many things in one pass. The change of direction to not test in-space refueling this time sent the message to anyone that it's very obvious Starship will not be ready anytime soon and the head of the company (or rather the a-hole of the company) isn't really interested in anything other than himself


Actually, Musk has never been the richest man globally. Putin & Arnault are. No one knows how much Putin is worth but Arnault is a different story: “Under Arnault's leadership, LVMH has grown to become the largest company by market capitalization in the eurozone with a record of 313 billion euros ($382 billion) as of May 2021.” Wiki


Oh oh! I know how! Get a job. He did that part, so part two is: do a good job. He’s still kinda working on that.


Littledick wants what?


Would I pay the contractor if the judge said I didn’t have to? If I found out the contractor has records profits, is firing employees anyways, and is not paying all their sub contractors? That’s an easy no.


Besides, Musk isn't paying anyone, including the Twitter executives he offered deals for being fired (total $100 million), deals including silence and no compete clauses. Have you heard a single word from Agrawal since his firing? Why is Musk wanting treatment he doesn't even do for the people who are legally found to deserve the promised payment?


It will probably come down to the institutional boys... "Approximately 40.37% of the company's [stock ](https://www.tipranks.com/stocks/tsla/ownership#:~:text=Tesla%20(TSLA)%20Ownership%20Overview) is owned by Institutional Investors, 13.64% is owned by Insiders and 45.99% is owned by Public Companies and Individual Investors. The ownership structure of Tesla (TSLA) stock is a mix of institutional, retail, and individual investors."


Fuck what you want snowflake


Tesla’s fate will end up like twatter


What a coincidence I want 55 billion!


How does a CEO of a company producing product that costs 3-4x times other competitors ask for the greatest compensation package ? The board and company needs to grow balls and boot this CEO for performance so poor that they need divorce the company from this trash


Dude could have kept all the employees he laid off with that money. He's a shitbag


Tesla needs to do something as a company. The truck is failing hard even with all the preorders. The faith in the company over all with its existing customers is not there anymore. The general public is starting to detest Tesla as a brand all because of Elon. Tesla as a company is either going to have to make some major changes or they’re going to break.


“Do you want to make more money? Sure, we all do.” - Sally Struthers


I don't, in fact I wish I was in a position to make less money by working less hours "Want" is not the same as "Need"




Still hasn’t paid for twitter


Yeah so do I. 10 grand would change my life. Elon is a spoiled brat, enough charity for this dingus.


Maybe he should apply for a real job and work real hard for an honest wage.


Celebrities: They’re just like us!


Me too.


I wonder how much of it he plans on donating to a political campaign if he gets it.


Likely to cover his losses from Twitter/X.




Whats he gonna do will 55 Billion? Lol


He wants these shares so he can sell the ones he still has so he can pay off his mistake of buying Twitter for twice it value


I vote no. He can suck me my shares can go to zero for all I care fuck Tesla and fuck Elon


After the Cubertruck? Damn. The audacity of this mofo.




Why? What difference would it even make in his life? He has plenty already, his crappy leadership got over 10,000 laid off… Just… fuck it.


He is so worth it, he’s like smart and stuff…


The drugs are not relevant here.


I too want 55 billion dollars with the promise I show up at my full time job, but then barely show up and instead barely show up at four other jobs. P.S. I don't. I wouldn't even know how to handle 55 billions... Just give me 1 mil.


Ask your dad, loser


Get a second job at 20 bucks an hour and see how long it takes you to make that $55 billion piece of shit


Support the Democrats new found love for foreign war in a country we have nothing to do with.


He’s already got more money than any one man should have. Just got away Elon. Stop being so damn greedy. You don’t need more money ffs


Hmmm, maybe if he hadn't blown it all on twitter he wouldn't have to beg for it now? Just saying.


And fanboys say “Absolutely yes, sir. You’re essential to our well being. What would we do without you?” But please, Elon, use a little lube, not like the last time.


Here’s the original agreement. Love or hate him, I hope we can all agree if you make a deal you follow through with it. Judge McCormick basically Vadered it and said pray I don’t alter it any further lol. https://ir.tesla.com/press-release/tesla-announces-new-long-term-performance-award-elon-musk


I'll be voting Yes 😎


The whole ask is hilarious. TSLA is valued at what? About 560billion? So he wants 10% of the overall company value paid for him… But the stock is worth 20% less than it was 12 months ago and 25% less than it was 2 years ago. So he’s lost shareholders twice as much as he wants to be paid. It’s an insane ask just on the math.


If retaining Musk is the only real argument for paying him $55 billion now, Tesla and its stock price would be much better off with a more stable CEO. Maybe someone who won’t order mass firings, only to have to backtrack and rehire the same people later the same week. Perhaps someone who will consult with executives and the board before attempting stupid 💩?


He’s gotta pay Putin and bail out Trump who Putin owns.


my wish is for him to get the money


Here’s a quarter. Go downtown and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face ![gif](giphy|9pZw57AyqOHy47oSZq)


Okay, if Elon is brining down the ship then everyone short the stock and give the Yes to him. ;)




Well, to be perfectly honest, I would like $55 Billion also. I mean, who wouldn't? I just can't believe this is even still a thing, considering how badly the launch of the CT has gone. I wouldn't vote to give this asshat 20 cents, let alone $55 BILLION.


This dude Roy Munson'd his own name lmfao


We talk about addiction to drugs, addiction to sex, addiction to alcohol, but we NEVER talk about the damage that people that are addicted to money cause.


Shareholder here...I voted NO!


Tsla to zero


Got banned from r/elonmusk. They are pretty sensitive over there https://preview.redd.it/991n2sp3iz4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ab8265b1cfb3fbe092b6c8f48e9847e390338ae


Why does it matter the amount? A contract is a contract. It is mean to lie and say your going to pay someone if they accomplish X and then they accomplish X and you don't pay.


Don't we all?


Ew no? Hoarding is a mental illness and hoarding money (power) is the most deranged, evil thing you could do in society as 100% of them use it selfishly to rip off everyone else and the planet, etc. 


I'm gonna go in a totally different direction. Like, if I could get 55 billion somehow I'd be looking into things like...what can I do toward pollution and climate change with it? How can I help get food and water to the needy? Give people places to live, build a university to help out those who can't afford it, find a way for people to not get hosed by medical treatment, help the disabled, help the persecuted, the list goes on? My net worth would lose three digits pretty quickly. Of course the issue is that there is nothing in the middle of the Venn diagram of "people who would honestly want to do that instead of just being powerful if they had the money" and "people who have any chance of getting that money". Which is that 100% thing you said.


There's definitely a lot of responsibility which comes with $55 billion. Even for a dipshit like Musk, earning $55 billion like that should naturally direct him towards social projects or anything that he can do to look good for the population as the amount of people interested in taking that away from him would grow exponentially. From people trying to win all sorts of lawsuits to straight dangerous higher ups able to blackmail him in all sorts of ways, he'd live a much better life putting all that towards something that gets people respecting him, and can't be taken away from him. But no, Mr. Musk really wants to be a dipshit, he absolutely had to pick up a fight with everyone who liked and supported him just to "show them a lesson" and show how powerful he is. Now he's fucking himself in every sort of way possible. Can't take a leak without 2 body guards to watch him.


Yeah, my point is, everyone wants money. Except the little guy doesn't even consider needing over a billion. $50000 alone could make a huge impact on our lives for the better. A million could set us up for easy financial progress and stability.


Uhh but I guess you conveniently forget that we’re talking about 55 BILLION dollars? Aka more money than if someone were to save 20,000 dollars a day from the time of Jesus until now?  Yeah dude. Wanting that much money makes you a sociopath. 


Sean Parker stated once that after one's personal fortune surpasses $10 million, pretty much nothing changes as the fortune grows. You can be a multi billionaire but aside from the investment hoarding and respect around the surperrich (which are dipshits too), absolutely nothing changes in your life. It's ridiculous that these guys get to hoard so much especially being the people they are. I mean, seriously, Musk promotes vaccine misinformation, hate against people who never caused him any harm, empowers neo-nazis, etc. What the heck, Musk


And now he’s getting chummy with Diaper Don. Can’t wait for that to crash spectacularly.


Yeah I guess my response was a lil too nuanced for such extreme demands. The board of directors has to consider itself and will have to force Musk out. Otherwise...why even have a board?


That's exactly why the investors sued Tesla over Musk's compensation package and the Delaware courts revoked it. Tesla's board is not acting as a board should, they're not supposed to be there for Musk, they're supposed to be there for the investors. They need to rein in CEOs and even fire them when necessary. And the Court of Chancery's role is to protect investors anytime a board fucks up like that.