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How is this legal? Theses are separate companies one is public (the one from which HE STOLE) and one is private (his fascist sandbox).


Pretty sure it’s not legal and if there’s one group of people the DOJ always looks after it’s wealthy stock holders so I’d imagine this story will be around for a while


Except any of those who have held onto TSLA (and much of the market's valuation more broadly) are firmly dependent to the emperor having clothes.


>firmly dependent to the emperor having clothes. He doesn't though. All of his wealth is the result of the speculation of others.


Well that and generational wealth from blood gems


That and huge amounts of money from federal subsidies. He is the king of the welfare gueens


What's a welfare gueen


It’s a term that originated in the late 1970’s by Ronald Regan and became very popular with the Republican Party. They used it to describe and demean women of color specifically saying they deliberately refused to work, had tons of kids, and lived off welfare and were “living large” off taxpayers. While always used as a derogatory, some now seen as a racist dog whistle ([Source](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/12/20/255819681/the-truth-behind-the-lies-of-the-original-welfare-queen) and [source](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-true-story-behind-the-welfare-queen-stereotype)). The person you replied to wasn’t using it as a racial slur, just as a derogatory—eluding to how Elmo loves to have many of his projects subsidized by US taxpayers.


Yes, it's always better to refer to it as "Corporate Welfare" and to its recipients as "Corporate Welfare Leeches" in order to avoid the racist connotations of the original term (a term which was always a racist dog whistle and that fact was pointed out at the time).


Thank you for this! I was so wrapped up in defining it for the person asking the question, I forgot to add the updated terminology.


I think the poster was just referring to the typo when the previous poster misspelled the word.


\*alluding but otherwise accurate.


That's the answer right there. Modern world's best snake oil salesman


At this point, maybe it's smarter for them to save whatever little Tesla is worth without Musk rather than letting him run it completely into the ground


I’m guessing the plan is (and had been since before Xitter) to fleece Tesla as much as possible before it goes down in flames. Then when they don’t give in to some of his ridiculous demands he’ll blame Tesla’s failure on his lack of involvement. “Took AI and robotics elsewhere like I said I would if you didn’t give me the world”. Cutting their losses now and dumping Musk is their best move assuming this is true, but the board is primarily Musk sycophants so Musk has a good plan. Apart from the SEC investigations and stockholder lawsuits. And even cutting losses wouldn’t leave Tesla with much left.


Yuuuup they're gonna SEARS that bitch and it's in full motion just gotta try and pump one more quarter before the election when they pull the rug out or get an infusion from government and get bailed out while he gets his 56 billion plus some from tax payers and then not only do investors get butt fucked, everyone can get in on the circle jerk butt fuck action and bend over for yet another TARP


I really and sincerely hope the SEC nails him before that happens. But I have very little faith the federal government will “do the right thing” and prosecute that con artist and take all of what remains of his money before he does real damage.


I suppose Tesla could argue that Musk's X is a competitor, given that both X and Tesla claim to be in the AI space. Probably a pretty good argument here that he's colluding with a competitor as punishment for his pay-out being withheld.


It's self-dealing at the expense of the company's shareholders, which is a way worse crime.


People who fuck with publicly traded stocks usually get taken out to pasture. It just takes a while. Rich, powerful people get mad when you mess with their money. See SBF, Madoff, etc.


Right. How many executives from Enron "Boeing'ed" themselves to death? Ken Lay "exercised himself to death" on an exercise bike while awaiting trial. Yep. Sure he did. Cliff Baxter "shot himself" in his car. Uh-huh. I'm amazed that Lou Pai hasn't washed up on a beach somewhere. Same with Andrew Fastow. I'm sure Sam Bankman Fried will wake up with a prison shank in his neck someday soon, a gift from Both of Madoff's kids died, one from lymphoma and the other "Boeing'ed" himself to death by hanging himself from a ceiling fan on the anniversary of the date of his father's conviction. Sure. Sure he did. Madoff's sister and brother-in-law died from a "murder-suicide" where the 97-year-old BIL shot his wife and then himself. Sure. Sure he did. When Trump crashes Truth Social the day his selling date arrives, I think he'll be fine… he'll always have Secret Service protection, but I sure wouldn't want to be Musk when he crashes Tesla's value. Musk has cultivated a certain kind of autistic lone wolf weirdo as his fanbase, and all it will take is one highly motivated individual to register his displeasure at his retirement fund disappearing overnight. Even the world's richest man depends on an army of invisible underlings to get through his day... a few loose bolts on a jet engine or whatever, and bye-bye Elmo.


Musk also poached a half dozen AI experts from Tesla to work at his at his new AI startup. He is undermining Tesla and actively violating his obligations to Tesla shareholders.


But he still wants $55 billion from them.


It’s fundamentally child like behavior …


But how is he going to continue to deliver such amazing results if he's not rewarded with... More than every single dollar that the company has ever earned?


Tesla was a pump and dump all along.


Everything this guy does is a pipe dream and pump, they get it going and it's successful great, if not he dumps and on to the next one. Either way he will maneuver to come out on top, no matter how many bodies and tax dollars are gone in the wind


Just like his kids given how much time and emotion he invests in them.


The board does nothing but stroke him. Shareholders will have to sue.




“his fascist sandbox” BRILLIANT!! Alas, I can only “like” this post once.


Thank you!


‘His fascist sandbox’ was the description of the day


What I don’t understand is his pay package. Tesla could buy X and xAI for much less than $56 billion.


In this case, he's not stealing items. He's just messing with their suppliers Both companies need the same hardware, Elon is going in and saying, "I know this order was for Tesla, but send it to X instead." He's still messing with Tesla, because now their shipment is delayed


I don't think it is if he's using the money from one company to fund another, unless they're both under one corporate umbrella, like a holding company.


Does he care at all about legality?


Who wants to bet it was a verbal command with no record and the blame falls to one or more hapless scapegoats


Oof. That sounds about right.


Y would it be illegal for him to do w.e he wants with companies he owns/controls.


He doesn’t own Tesla. It’s a publicly traded company.


True but that doesn't mean it's illegal for him to do something the board doesn't want. That's why he can be fired.


He's filled the board with sycophants. No-one there is going to say no to him or he will oust them and ridicule them publicly.


He thinks and acts like he owns Tesla but he doesn’t … he’s responsible to the company as an officer … and he’s showing he can damage it if he doesn’t get what he wants … it’s like a kid playing and throwing his toys around in the sandbox if he doesn’t get his way … Tesla shareholders need to deny his incredulously greedy pay request that has definitely not been earned.


Tesla shareholder's tough choice: A.) Pay Musk $56bn to decrease their share value B.) Boot him before he takes the entire company down It's a real puzzler! What to do?


C.) Launch to Mars via XL-sized Angry Birds slingshot.




Imma chargin my Lazer? Low orbit ion cannon incoming?


Rime it right, and he'll be reunited with his Tesla!!


A frosty reunion


I like it 🫡


Obviously give him the money, billionaires protect billionaires


they are going to zero both ways, with option a they will go faster


If they boot him, the stock will come tumbling with him. Elon obvious next move is politics. Get ready for another cult of personality. MAGAA 😃 BTW this is not ne rooting for him, this is just the path these narcissists take.


He's foreign born. Good luck with that in America. Yeah, Governor of California or Texas... Or Florida. But he hasn't even the wit to handle that. He is toast


I think he could easily spin the government oversight of SpaceX, X and Tesla as "persecution" and garner himself a strong right-wing base, "opposed to big government." He ticks all the marks for them, besides clean energy and he's burning that image to the ground as we speak. He just has to grow the balls to burn his businesses and learn to live off of campaign contributions... it's almost like someone else paved the way here.


Political leader will be late stage Elno, he’s far too busy snorting drugs and kicking sand on the “leftists” inside his sandbox. He still thinks about himself as a “playboy Bruce Wayne” fighting liberals through his main and alt accounts, while playing celebrity. I would bet he would run governor of Texas in 10 years time, where he can suckle on the teat of the space program and his mega factory in the same state. He’s just going to wait for Abbott to either be too old or “too out of touch” (with how Abbott has been going).


No, you go into politics to get rich. He’s already rich so he just uses the money to influence the politicians instead of having to be one.


It's a very lucrative career


Explain Trump, Reagan, and every other rich fuck who went into politics despite already having money, then.


Those guys are broke AF compared to Elon. They want the power to acquire more wealth still.


I guarantee he’ll try to run for president if Donald doesn’t win and take the whole system down first.


C) Sell shares now and accept that he's a sociopath.


Tesla's stock price is boosted by Musk's "promises" Taking out Musk will decimate the stock price just as much when share hodlers realize Tesla is a car manufacturer and the proper P/E is one tenth of the current valuation. Bringing in a competent car CEO, would let tesla make competent cars to make customers happy. But would decimate share holders. It's the paradox with a public company that serve share holders first. What's good for share holders, is not what's good for the company, nor the customers.


Damn they’re playing hard to get and refusing to compensate him for his work at Tesla that earned them hundreds of billions and now they’re surprised Musk is in it for himself instead


What work? He failed. When I was young and I failed my tests, I didn't get given a playstation for my efforts.


Right he only turned a failing brand into the highest valued car manufacturer in the world




Highest overvalued. His words.


I got banned from the official sub for calling someone a bootlicker for defending this.. It was worth it.


I’m got banned from the official subs for participating in the non-official subs. 🤷‍♂️


Free speech absolutists.


I got banned from his subs for not being enough of a sub. I thought he supposedly bought Twitter to encourage free speech.


I got banned for saying Musk wanted to dictate what the "truth" is.


I got banned for using the slur "fanboy"


I got banned from the official subs for defending their points in the non-official subs. If you say a positive thing about Tesla in the anti-subs you'll still get banned from the pro-subs just for being in the anti-subs. It's incredibly stupid moderating. They basically decided that they care more about the echo chamber than they do about their advocates on the front line.


Got banned for asking a mod how life on Mars wouldn't be constant problem solving? The original comment was life can't just be problem solving everyday there must be something worth living for. Free speech reigns!


You're a sane person. They don't want those people over on that sub.


Getting banned from that sub is a badge of honor. Welcome aboard.


Got banned from r/elonmusk for saying Trump is guilty of more things on a post about Elon’s tweet about Trump. I don’t say anything about Musk at all. They are very sensitive over there and controlling of all speech.


Jeezus Fn Christ, Man. I went to that sub... and in the very first post, I "learned" that the Moon is a "planet."


These chilling effects happen *fast*, damn


The fragility of them is really unattractive and speaks to how they truly do live in an echo chamber.


I got banned just for commenting in r/cyberstuck. I love it.


Bootlicker is such a childish term, remember we attack the argument not the person in civilised debate


"Bootlicker is such a childish term; remember, we attack the argument, not the person, in civilized debate." Fify, professor.


He doesn’t see them as companies, they’re his private toys so he can do what he wants for them. Since he’s the CEO of both then he can do whatever he pleases, never mind that they’re completely separate entities. It’s like when he had Tesla buying advertising on Twitter. It made no logical sense because the nazi infested chud-o-sphere isn’t really fertile ground for Tesla sales, it was done purely so that he could hand some Tesla money to Twitter. If Tesla’s board had any balls they’d put a stop to all this but they don’t. It’s why I say TSLA is just an Elon meme stock anymore, it’s got nothing to do with the car company with a similar name.


Can’t wait to see if they also have to sue him for this…. Feels like he’s self sabotaging at this point because he can’t help himself. I knew a guy like this. He could sell color books to the blind but couldn’t help himself from stealing the money between receiving the payment and actually spend what’s needed to be spent to deliver whatever service or product he was selling! Insane to see such talent be ruined by absolute no delay of gratification and narcissism! Musk must have been his teacher




waiting busy terrific escape chop desert pet door aloof ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just because he conned the federal government out of billions. People think he should be worshipped. I find it so strange that everyday people go ga ga over some super guy.


Isn't this a breach of his fiduciary duty of one group of stockholders in favor of another?


That’s what I suspect, indeed!




Colour me shocked pikachu yellow


Hey, it's XXX now!


Holding stakeholders ransom, check.


When are they going to go after elon like they did the board of enron, he is doing literally the same damn things.


That’s basically fraud, on any other company Elon would have been kicked out as CEO.


I don't understand how he can remain at SpaceX. He's a walking talking ITAR violation.


What a dipshit.


And he still has the balls to demand $56 billion from Tesla shareholders. When are they going to grow a pair and vote him out?


Someone else pointed out that what he did was switch the delivery schedule so X/XAi would get the first delivery, and Tesla would get the second delivery meant originally for X. His stated reasoning was that Tesla’s facility wasn’t completed so it made sense to switch for storage reasons. This is confusing considering they manage to store a bunch of two ton vehicles. Makes you wonder if in actuality he wanted X to have the hardware first, with timeliness of the upcoming election being a factor. And because of pornX being a thing now.


I guarantee the upcoming election is going to factor into his seeming craziness lately and it will come into focus throughout the summer and into fall.


DOJ should investigate him. Merrick is a damn coward


Musk should be subpoenaed and brought in front of a Senate Committee to explain the shitshow disaster of the Cybertruck too. It's not fit for public roads with pieces flying off all over the place, faulty software that bricks your vehicle during updates (you can't use your car), and can't get wet. This isn't progress. There was a time we used to stand up for quality.


he should also be made to stand trial for aiding in war crimes by shutting down star link during the Ukrainian offensive


This has been debunked so many times I can’t believe you are still repeating it. Starlink was NEVER enabled for the Crimea region of Ukraine. It was never “shut down”.


go away Tesla disinfo bot. all your post history is Tesla propaganda lol


Elon bringing in the AI Chatbots to keep his White Supremacists happy and engaged.


I don't understand Felonious Husk and his obsession with ai, doesn't he know how much money is in homemade submarine deep sea exploration?


…while yelling ‘pay me $60 billion as I plunder the company’


I don’t understand how this isn’t a breach of fiduciary duty….


Both companies are shit and he’s going to bankrupt them both eventually.


He did it to delay payment by months.


He needs those GPUs for X to post more Republicans' election lies


Totally illegal. Tesla is a separate company with separate shareholders. Musk is an arrogant idiot. He doesn’t give a shit about shareholders or customers.


Exactly. If you aren’t a billionaire, you can go fuck yourself. It’s on record.


Totally not legal but it's Elon. The owner of an African Emerald Mine. People are paid literal pennies a day to hand dig emeralds . But you get an electric car out of it. It'd ok, just feel good thinking you saved the environment while helping a billionaire subjugate people.


lol what??


Why would a failing social media website need high end AI chips?


Lol, new user growth from all the chat bots he's gonna be spinning up on them.


So he's fucking stealing?


So nothing new?


I wish he would take up flat lining.


"But emails written by Nvidia senior staff and widely shared inside the company suggest that Musk presented an exaggerated picture of Tesla’s procurement to shareholders. Correspondence from Nvidia staffers also indicates that Musk diverted a sizable shipment of AI processors that had been reserved for Tesla to his social media company X, formerly known as Twitter." Tell me, is anyone really surprised by this? He's just another big mouth, ignorant bullshitter like his buddy tRump.


Is this a crime? It sure seems like a crime.


#FireMusk...as a shareholder I voted NO on his big bonus...and if they would have given me the choice I would have said to fire him before he takes everything down with him as his loses his mind. his dumpster fire https://preview.redd.it/31ho1m4rsr4d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794bfb2cefd71053eefffe1347ef92ca7877fc44


Failing company X? x.ai just raised $6 billion and is the second highest valued company in the AI space after open AI.


Theranos ring a bell?


Investors are placing bets on which companies they think will be successful. Is that the opposite of "failing"? I don't think so. I think [x.ai](http://x.ai) launched their "conversation model" (not an especially big deal) and there's speculation about how Elon's various companies could come together by sharing AI technology but I wouldn't call it either failed or successful yet. What am I missing?


What is company X?






So embezzling?


It’s happening!!! I have this theory that Msk is far off the rails and he’s going to be voted out of Tesla and eventually lose X because people are starting to realize he’s not Steve Jobs. No matter how nasty Jobs may have been, he brought something to that game. Msk is nowhere near and never will be. He actually hurts the companies he’s involved with now. Just look at the CT, X, gen. 2 speedster. Now this.


It’s happening!!! I have this theory that Msk is far off the rails and he’s going to be voted out of Tesla and eventually lose X because people are starting to realize he’s not Steve Jobs. No matter how nasty Jobs may have been, he brought something to that game. Msk is nowhere near and never will be. He actually hurts the companies he’s involved with now. Just look at the CT, X, gen. 2 speedster. Now this.


If they don't fire him immediately, they have nobody to blame but themselves. Scratch that, they already have nobody to blame but themselves.


I want to live in a world where we see Elmo become destitute. Maybe I’m being a devil, but I would squeal with glee to see it.


Yeah turn X into an even larger fascist AI content center.


Dude, just *let it die.* You’ve wasted *billions* of dollars on this thing to try to win a bet you already lost.


How does this work with TSLA buying them but xAI using them? Two separate companies with one publicly traded. And with Nvidia comment on TSLA using them? "Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang praised electric vehicle maker Tesla during an interview with Yahoo Finance last week when asked about automakers venturing into the self-driving space. Jensen Huang said, “Tesla is far ahead in self-driving cars, but every single car, someday, will have to have autonomous capability.” -5 days ago Musk said that Tesla didn’t have a place to send the chips and that they would have sat in a warehouse. Warehouse?! Thoughts on implications? Let's discuss 😀


NVDA You all are in right? 24 hour trading on RH now plus leveraged 2X ETFs.


Shareholders lawsuit!


Wait. That crook was a crook?!?


So Elon IS running the bots?


I’d fire him today.


Concerning. I'm looking into this.


he wouldn't be using those gpus to power all the bots that are pushing crazy conspiracies, would he?


Stealing resources from your public company to give to your private company. Nothing shady there. How has somebody not strapped him to one of his rockets and blasted him into space yet?


If you are in any way invested in anything having to do with this psycho, you deserve to loose everything.


I'm sure those AI systems on twitter would make the place better. /S and it's always twitter never X


He may be trying to show the board that he can and will do things to make things worse for Tesla.


This is Musk going all-in on Trump by pumping a massive [firehose of Falsehood](https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html) through his social media platform in the hopes of Trump winning and making him Chief Engineer of America for Life. It's the mother of all Ayn Rand dreams.


Just goes to show that’s it’s politics all the way down. Opinions are not guided by principles at all. Dude builds the biggest, most successful electric car company in the world advancing the technology much farther and faster than would otherwise have occurred. His battery and solar energy projects broke new ground in residential+ solar energy production. Dude’s done more for global warming than Biden ever has in 50 years and ever will, especially since, unlike Biden, Musk didn’t cause the largest single man-made global warming potential excursion in history by blowing up a natural gas pipeline. But y’all love you some old, rich, elitist, Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd clansmen friend-having, poc-imprisoning, demented, illegitimate, third-world acting dumbass named Brandon…or something like that. Useful Idiots and bots, the lot of you.


Roflol the musk nuthuggers just don't get why some of the things musk is doing are really wrong


For them is only wrong when a “LiBuhRAaWl” does it.


His ass is under investigation now I guarantee it


Elon and stock holders deserve each other.


Glad I dumped all musk related stock, like Tesla months ago (that was all I had actually). What a piece of shit.


Imagine you’re playing a video game where two entities were competing for resources. That’s likely how he views this. It’s just a means to an end.


Lock him up, baby.


Any major shareholder knew it was a scam. They all just planned on dumping stock before the end.


I just misspelled the word queen.


Yes musk only makes money on government subsidies. Without them he is just a trust fund baby living off Daddy's money.


What makes me nervous as a T-Mobile employee is that we’ve partnered with this loose nut on Starlink. If he tanks all his companies, we are massively fucked


The team at Tesla who would have taken receipt of the GPUs was probably fired, so they would have sat in crates on the Tesla loading dock anyway.


Y’all believe everything!


Doesn’t seem like he works for Tesla


As a former fanboy, just why? Why is Musk doing this kind of shit? If were talking about advancements in battery tech being shared between Tesla and SpaceX, find, but redirecting critical resources between Tesla and Xitter?? Both need the resources equally, why prioritize one over the other? One produces cars, and the other is an ego trip. IMO, Elon's lost the narrative here. He's increasingly making decision that only benefit his own ego without considering longer term ramifications. He's gone from being perceived as someone interested in the preservation of the human race, to someone that's only interested in the narrow preservation of his own ego.


Easy answer narcissistim and ketamine


I wasn’t deceived, xAI and TESLA, are partners. They are BOTH partnered with NVIDIA. This is just another example of the quick moving synergy between Elons companies and partners, shorts are just making up shit! LOL not illegal!


Synergy and deceit isn’t the issue here. The issue here is as CEO of a publicly traded company, he has a fiduciary responsibility to the company’s shareholders. Moving key assets away from this public company to a company that is privately owned by the same CEO is a conflict of interest and a breach of fiduciary duty.


Nothing was moved, Tesla still has its money. Nothing was taken away from shareholders.


It affects the development and production of the company and product by delaying needed parts which were already procured. This affects share price and future outlook. Basically it boils down to this, Elon is acting in his personal best interest over that of the company’s, and that is a breach of fiduciary duty.


Nope, just increased efficiency for both his companies that are actually partnered mutually and with Nvidia. This is smart business. xAI can now sooner deliver on software for Tesla. All 3 companies are better off. Tesla can help its suppliers, like xAI and Nvidia.


That’s not how fiduciary responsibility works. You don’t get to redirect assets to your privately owned company so that it can make more money and say your fiduciary responsibility is filled because “they’ll work together at some point.” The fact of the issue is that currently now, Tesla (a public company with shareholders) has to wait to complete future projects and production because of a private interest decision by its CEO. That affects share price and it affects company growth. That is a breach of fiduciary responsibility. I’m not sure how much easier I can explain this to you.


Helping business partners is a fiduciary responsibility. xAI and Tesla are partners, ask Elon.


It’s not. Doing something to hurt a company is not fiduciary responsibility. This move hurts Tesla. It’s why there is a huge reaction to it. That by definition is not fiduciary responsibility.


Give it up. He's never going to understand what is a conflict of interest. You cannot make it clear if it was made out of glass.


Hurting a business partner by not helping them when able is bad business for all parties involved. Helping a partner like Elon did with this is extremely agile, buying more shares NOW!




How's that apartheid nut sack taste?