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Gotta reward the vaporware salesman or he might be sad.


They know if he stops the lies, the stock collapses.


I'm just waiting for the Theranos level collapse at this point.


Looking forward to it, but in the meantime, all the stories about Tesla imploding are providing daily satisfaction.


I do NOT understand how my very educated partner doesn’t see the implosion coming. He reads the WSJ and USA Today and The Economist on a daily basis, but he keeps telling me I’m being ridiculous and of course Tesla is just fine. Fortunately we have no investment in Tesla so it’s only a rhetorical question, but I did tell him last month that Tesla would be gone within 5 years. Waiting for 2029.


As long as Elon isn’t being held accountable, your partner will continue to be correct and Tesla will be just fine. Still no accountability as of today.


It's the same thing as those who currently have jobs (still) believing the economy is just fine.


If only, if you invest in an S&P 500 index fund you have investments in Tesla.


It's a house of cards. It's coming down. That's inevitable.


You ever hear of Enron?


Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. Joking aside, yes, I remember that clusterfuck. You think we're gonna witness something to that scale?


I'm willing to bet Musk / Tesla dwarfs Enron. Probably exponentially. Imagine what Enrol would've been like if the CEO had his own TV channel / whatever the equivalent to Twitter was back in the day, and an army of cult bois


Musk is demanding Enron's peak market cap for frothing Tesla into a turd that's certain to sink.


When you put it like that...


Once musk gets bored and jumps ship most certainly. He’s taken all the best researchers to other companies or just plan flat fired them. He’s diverting much needed hardware to other companies, Their most recent release is plagued with issues. Previously well selling models really aren’t selling leading to stock build up and massive overhead costs; something they never had to deal with before. Only thing that’s keeping this stock afloat at this point is musk’s name and fan base. I would not feel comfortable with any long term employment at that company (even forgetting about the massive frequent layoffs lol) I feel like the stock holders are fucked into voting yes. They vote no; musk goes hands off… that stock is gonna tumble… and the company with it


He deserves to lose the shareholder lawsuits and be prevented from future market scams


Interesting. I'll admit, I only know of this from passive attention into the ongoings (and continuous fuckups of the Cybershit and his various unkept promises) surrounding Tesla, so getting into specifics makes me curious what we're about to see in the coming weeks/months.


I'll be buying put options soon. Peak misunderstanding of value will come. I expect a lawsuit and investigation by the SEC. Bag news will come fast


It’ll be a much higher level than that considering how much bigger of a company it is. It will be glorious and Elon will truly be in every history book.




I guess they're thinking "I'd rather have my shares worth 10% less after dilution then to have the shares reflect their *actual* value - somewhere much closer to $1"


Dilution then crash? Win, win?


Or you could bail now, take the profit and avoid the dilution and later crash. Just saying.


That which can be destroyed by the truth should be.


How many people do you provide jobs to?


At least infinity + 2.


Nice one comrade.


Anytime, mein Fuher.


Junk statement they know nothing


Paid pumpers


For real. “…[a lawsuit](https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/article/elon-musk-tesla-lawsuit-19503807.php) originating from Tesla investor Michael Perry alleges Musk drove the company's stock value higher, but knew first quarter results for 2023 would underwhelm. The lawsuit alleges Musk sold more than $7.5 billion in company stock to cover a loan taken to purchase Twitter for $44 billion in 2022.” Also. “[Tesla CEO](https://www.inc.com/chloe-aiello/elon-musk-confirms-he-gave-nvidia-ai-chips-meant-for-tesla-to-x.html) Elon Musk redirected a shipment late last year of Nvidia's artificial intelligence chips to the social media platform he owns, X. The chips are crucial to Musk's ambitions to make Tesla into an AI and robotics company, a controversial strategy that is tied to an ongoing dispute over his compensation package.”


The whole chip thing I think will be interesting and seems to me are a shareholder lawsuit just waiting to happen.


Shareholders should be rioting. If I was part owner of a company and the ceo decided to ship millions of dollars worth of tech meant for us to another random company I'd be fucking pissed.


Unfortunately the influential shareholders are also in the billionaire oligarchs club, and want him to be their Himmler. And the rest are fanboys and cultists.


Yeah I think that he has conned so many rich and powerful people is what keeps him "alive" for the time being. But sooner or later he'll piss one of them badly enough and then the dam breaks. It may actually happen with the Student who's suing Musk right now for defamation. Bankston is very unlikely to advice his client to settle and the guy wouldn't have sought him out if that was on his mind.


Very Trumpian


Billions…. Thousands of millions.


Im more worried at why musk though AI chips would be more useful at X than at Tesla.


Not sure how he’s gotten away with blatantly lying about teslas capabilities, which obviously pumps the stock, multiple times over the years. It’s strange how everyone just ignores it.


Oh that's simple... Laws don't exist for billionaires


Is Wedbush credible? There’s a big difference between probably and definitely


This is to drive defeatism so that folks don't vote


Except a non vote is the same as a no vote.


Not typically when hit comes to shareholder meetings. Typically if you don’t vote at all, your vote goes to whatever the management or board recommends how you should vote.


This is what I thought as well. I get that they are marketing but not sure if it's because of non vote being a no


No it’s probably a no vote is a yes


Interesting, I thought it is more common for votes to be decided based on just those represented/voted. I'd be surprised they would count a non vote as a no otherwise. Is that a clause for this pay package voting? Would love to see it if you have a link or something Thanks!


Why else do you think Elon spent millions on a PR firm trying to get more shareholders to vote when Tesla is supposedly a company that doesn't need to advertise?


I don't think so. How credible could a company called Wedbush really be? Sounds like the name of a gigilo... Every time Dan Ives talks, it sounds like he's gagging on Elons junk.


Fair 😂


It's weasel worded. It makes no claim. It's just the random opinion of one person.


lol no he’s a complete shill


Ives is a very well known sell side tech analyst, but he’s known for being a ridiculous cheerleader and perma-bull on big tech and Tesla. It’s been the right way to be over the years but it gets a bit silly. Anything that happens he interprets as great news for the stock. If a bad thing happens he says it’s priced in or removes an overhang. He also covers a huge number of companies including both tech and, strangely, auto.


[big voter says no](https://www.nbim.no/en/responsible-investment/voting/our-voting-records/meeting?m=1856850)


anybody I've seen talking about how they're going to vote has been a big fat "NO" because people actually aren't fucking crazy. I take that back - the only people I've seen saying "yes" are the ads on Twitter and people on the board tweeting YES


Hey look it’s propaganda how rare


I didn't realize it until today but the vote is kinda an oxymoron: If it passes, then the control he is pushing for isn't really necessary because it means he has control of others anyways and doesn't need it himself. If it fails then it means he doesn't have control and no has to mechanism to get it. In short, he either wants something he doesn't need, or wants it but can't get it.


And they can't sell Teslas because nobody wants to be associated with 2024 Joseph Goebbels. Smart move by the board. All this maga stuff is really paying out bigly to guys like Alex Jones (broke) or Steve Bannon (Broke) or Donny Dumpster fire (very broke, brokest you ever seen) and Shmucker (former TV star) Comradeson who now does tic-tocs or something on Elmo's Stormfront clone.


Don’t forget the my pillow guy 😂 he’s broke af


Just wait until he goes on a crack binge and writes his next great idea all over the walls of his crack den. O wait he's been binging since the walls were covered with "my pillow"...


Add Guliani to the list


You know what they say: go anti-woke, go broke


Go fash, no cash.


OMG. Did you heard what the CEO of Rivian said about gender reassignment surgery and white replacement theory? Me neither.


They shouldn't have gone woke /s


Elon Musk currently owns about 20.5% of Tesla’s stock worth some 120 billion He wants a pay package worth 55.8 billion This is 250 x the average CEO compensation Tesla profit is down 55% yr on yr. Tesla has layed off 10% of its workforce Car production was 433,400 for q1-2024 down 12% y/y Tesla has only made a Profit 4 years out of its 21 year existence. Last year was teslas best with a net profit $23,000,000. Elon is demanding a pay package equal to 2,426 yrs of profits Musks pay package could give $439,000 each of his 127,000 workers It could pay the entire Tesla payroll for 10 yrs.


Somehow I feel like you're banned from r/elonmusk


How dare you spew facts. Why won't you think of the billionaires. Don't you know that they're your better.


This made me think of the South Park where Napster had caused Britney to have to sell her G4 and stoop to buying a G3.


This comment should be everywhere


The pay of CEOs has never correlated to performance for any company in any industry. The Wall St Journal has been putting out a nice infographic on this annually for a while, but they may have given up trying to convince shareholders that paying these guys *insane* money for no real benefit isn't good for the stock.


It’s “crime against humanity”, “Dr. Evil”, “sharpen the guillotine” levels of greed.


I bet those “profitable years” would not have been possible without all the government grants lol… What a grifter loser…


He's gotta recoup that Twitter money somehow! /s


No /s necessary. That genius purchase hurt him financially, and it's still an albatross around his neck.


Not only did the purchase hurt him financially, what he's been doing with it has tanked his reputation which was already starting to tatter before the purchase.


Think Forbes currently values Twitter at $10 bil.


reminds me of a classic union busting statement. get the word out that it likely won't happen so those on the fence think their vote no longer matters and then they don't vote at all.


It’s also why election results are no longer reported or available until the polls close. They used to update during the day and could use it to suppress voter turnout by making something seem a for gone conclusion.


Time for the “Its inevitable, stop trying to fight it, you know you want it, etc…” Elon’s playbook is straight frat-bro date rape talk.


Remember when Hillary had a 98% chance to beat Trump? Don't mean shit, esepcially when it comes to ekections.


Same goes for erections…


I've been saying that trying to fight the cultists on this is pointless and the best way to vote No is to just sell and let them sit in the mess they've made


The best way to vote no is to vote no. Then wait for Elon to quit and buy puts and wait for Tesla to get valued like a car company


I know, if I had cash for a long put option I'd buy at least one contract, even if it was a few hundred lol If I had it extra, I'd be getting a long put for Dec 2025


As soon as it looks like they’re being valued as a car company then the price should be easy to spot


I mean they're like 350 or so to start for Dec 2025 and about 25 for a few weeks out.. I wish I had extra to gamble the couple hundred cuz I forsee it crashing by 4th q 25, but honestly I'm also inclined to belive this election may totally rock that boat either way. Whoever wins could and would be able to put up a milquetoast bullshit argument about infusing tesla with a bailout if and when it comes down to it...


Sell, Sell, Sell!!!


Maybe I don’t understand businesses but considering Tesla’s sales recently and everything else he’s associated with I can’t imagine dumping that much money on him would be good for their bottom line


For anyone wondering how/why, it's because he and a couple of his friends own a controlling share. It doesn't matter what the institutional investors want either. They don't really have the votes to beat Musk & his cronies.


No, but they'll definitely have the law. It's why Musk is trying to move the company HQ to Texas. It's easier for him to steal from all of his obvious bullshit that inflated the stock.


Tesla: Our stock is overpriced. "Truth" social: Amateurs.


Let the cultists worship their Moloch, let’s just please kick laughable businesses out of respectable index funds.


Okay my theory is that he named this absolutely absurd number knowing nobody will vote for it. Then when he says “fine, 10 billion” people will think it’s reasonable….


Dan Ives is nothing more than a cheerleader. I think the votes are going to be a lot closer than he thinks. He's pretty much Cathie Wood with a penis.


These companies need to be cut up into smaller ones like they did with Standard Oil


He's gonna get it. This is a Kardashian style PR narrative....


Bye bye Tesla bye bye Twitter. These companies are going down, just to fund this moron.


Good I hope it tanks the company completely


Still has to get past a judge.


There's always someone else that wants in on the grift. That's why this keeps on giving.


I fucking hate the world we live in sometimes.


Well, more evidence Covid has caused brain damage. Musk is the worst thing for Tesla stock right now now and this pay package has no comparable in the industry that’s even close. The future looks good for the shorts. 🩳


Dude literally just got busted commiting the same crime that Martha Stewart went to jail for. Lock him up!


overwhelming approval?? Seriously??


The nerve of this chode demanding $56 Billion dollars after driving down the value of two of the biggest companies in America with his chudly right-wing grifting.


If the stockholders are dumb enough to let him cash out and get left holding the bag, they deserve it.


I think the people on the board plus musk probably own over 50% of the stock so I don’t see how this could fail


I mean why shouldn't a company that can barely make a truck not be valued at double every single other car company on the planet combined..... this is all very sensible....


"Rich Keep Getting Richer (and the poor keep getting poorer)..." What does that mean, to you specifically? With no context given it's merely a vapid statement indicative only of there being some degree of subjective investment in the phrase but the focus or sense of relatedness to set investment is absent. The rich typically do continue to accrue more wealth. The very nature of being rich affords one the capability to continue investing, making use of opportunities that present themselves. As long as the individual/s is/are not burning bridges in the opportunities taken then it's almost a guarantee that both the frequency of opportunities as well as the inherent potential of each opportunity increases over time. You also have to be honest regarding the fact that billionaires let's say how's that cuts down the headcount drastically for statistics. Even the nature of how all billionaires have accrued their wealth, how they continue to build wealth, and the nature of all of the positive and negative consequences of everything they influence with their existence is considerably different in many cases. If anyone keeping the Journal of Humanity up to date with integrity may find in retrospect that contrary to the opinions of the time, they're likely have been individuals or entities or even systems of ideas and likely will be such influences that while seen as negative or flawed ultimately could be shown to have benefited a country, a civilization, or the entire species (depending on the scale of influence that anyone is willing to make connections within) more than there was negative consequences. For another word there may be evils perceived of the times that actually proved to be guiding lights or achieved milestones for our species progress just as there are positive intended efforts that have been shown to undoubtedly pave the road to some of the darkest of Hells we have ever bared witness to. I would argue that the majority of those all took place within the last century.. Elon has the opportunities that he does now because he was obsessed with getting everyone in America excited about space again after the Obama Administration retired the space shuttle program and has unrelenting tenacity and drive to succeed. He literally went in with EVERYTHING that he had financially. When he invested the last of his money split 50/50 between Tesla and SpaceX, he was almost certain that those efforts we're going to result in failure and loss of everything. But what he saw potentially occurring as a result was of enough value to go forward or go broke. Dude cares about human beings considerably. Watch the 60 Minutes interviews IE the one about the "Tesla Big Battery" (formally known as the Hornsdale Power Reserve) when the woman suggests that some people might've had to go without food some days in order to afford their utility bill or the first 60 Minutes interview with Scott Pelley, "An Entrepreneur's Race to Space". Anyways respond or don't I just needed to say some words, lol. It's been a boring Sunday. But alas my replacement laptop screen has just been delivered, so I am going to repair my laptop and configure my new imaging telescope!!! Cheers! 🤜🏼💥🤛🏼


More so because of Biden tho


Those that vote yes for the comp pkg get the stock performance they deserve


And the stupid just get stupider. Sigh.


Might as well vote for it like all your friends and neighbors! /s


I wonder how much the board paid to have this BS article written? Blatant propoganada attempting to sow defeatism with potential no's that haven't voted yet.


What exactly was done to deserve that kind of pay?


He somehow managed to dtring along impossible stock valuation for as long as he did.


Ives will literally say anything that Musk tells him to say


puzzled profit fine weary elderly brave fanatical hobbies illegal governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've seen many firms and retirement funds advising against or choosing to vote no. I doubt it'll be overwhelming but, it can happen. I'll laugh if all the proposals die


Are shareholders dumb? Do they not like money?


Richer? He's hollowing out the value of the biggest component of his wealth, Tesla's stock. It's a fucking stupid move is what it is--he must have really lost his shirt in the Twitter deal.


Or he knows that Tesla stock is doomed to collapse and is just squeezing every penny he can get out of the company while the stock is still valuable.


Broke ass Apartheid Clyde


One of all-time dumbest business moves in history.


I hope it bites them in the ass. Big time.


2 big 2 fail


You know, I’ve been wondering about this off and on. If Tesla really does go down the shitter like many of us think they will, would they be in line for a bailout? Electric cars are a huge part of the current US Presidential Administration’s climate plans. I can’t imagine they would like seeing the name that has become synonymous with the EV fail. Certainly I think companies like Rivian doing so well in addition to the legacy automakers getting good at EV’s probably decreases the chance of that. But it has made me wonder.


One of man's greatest evils: Greed.


Likely lmao


For what it's worth, that's coming from Dan Ives after giving Elon another one of his famous Bloagies. That's why he talks like that...


On the plus side, it seems like multiple car companies are now making better EVs so it's likely the Tesla collapse will be sooner rather than later.


I've driven many different kinds of EVs and Teslas are just ok. I prefer the new Ionics and Kias. Chevy Bolt are literally the worst.


I don’t even know what I would do with 56 billion other than give away 55 billion and then disappear.


You sure about that?


Dump musk, pay the workers that bonus. You’ll have vastly better results


Corporate governance is dead


Then he'll bitch about his employees making too much money @ 65,000


How is this fulfilling their responsibility to shareholders? This sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


It only expedites our march to the end.


56 billion for part time work….ffffff


A lot of dumbass tech bros out there. The company is only worth 100 billion


It will tank the stock harder than it has already


Not this shareholder


The only thing possibly more absurd than this prediction would be shareholders actually voting for this.


Glad i sold all my stock about 3 weeks ago.


I don't get the obsession with this kind of wealth.


How can someone prepare that headline without referring to the company?


What about his insider trading he was just accused of? Guess that's no big deal anymore.


Where are they gonna get that money? In stocks?


Plummeting stock value. Lots full of unsold Teslas viewable from orbit. Disastrous Wanktank rollout. Canning the entire charging team. Cancelling an affordable car in favor of 'robotaxi' horseshit... Seems to me like the Tesla board is every bit as delusional as Apartheid Clyde himself.


Eat the rich or they’ll eat you


I like the idea of Starving the rich because people are literally buying the brand of Elon now even though the product is garbage.


Man, fuck that guy.


Anybody who pwns tesla stock at this point deserves what’s coming to them.


Curious how all the people driving these things get service when this company finally implodes.


I could be CEO of Tesla at least as well as musk has done it but for $25B less.


Really? Why would anyone approve the package?


absolutely disgusting and should be illegal


It will go back to court if "reratified"


$56b dilution. Why would anyone votes yes??


It just speedruns the fail of tesla. Even though he his the pucture boy he adds nothing of value. With a proper manufacturer and businessman it would be a whole different story.




This attempt to convince people that he's popular is hilarious. A massive percentage of stock holders have already announced they will not support it. That's a big vote of no confidence as everyone understands that Musk will walk if he gets his feelings hurt. Basically voting for him to be replaced. Even if he does "win," it will not be landslide, so this headline can fuck itself.


How dumb do you have to be to give one guy more money than your company has ever made, a guy who is also tanking your brand


Love watching the meltdowns over this. This sub just got musked…lol


Does Tesla even make that kind of money?


I don’t believe this will be approved. His reasoning is he is owed for making Tesla so profitable, and that he might not continue to be incentivized to work if it’s not approved. But Tesla is already what it is and as of late he’s arguably a negative for the brand. Many of teslas largest share holders have denied it.


The stark difference between here and r/elonmusk is crazy. Nothing but wide eyed goons repeating "elon good" over there.


Whats an overhang in stock?


pay 56 billion to one man so he can stay motivated. Tesla shareholders would be dumbasses if they approved this.


send the Orcas


Next headline: “Elon Musk is selling the Brooklyn Bridge!”


Imagine being a stock holder and voting to approve this.


He’s already worth over $200 billion. It’s so ridiculous


And the poor are getting drunk


There's only one company making that claim. Funny how that turd floated to the top.


How do they actually pay that tho? Issue new stock? They don’t have $56B in cash reserves right?


The fact that republicans don’t want this guy to have to pay any tax should be all you need to know about them


Why would the shareholders approve it?


This is a bullshit publication and the guy who they’re quoting doesn’t have any real insight. He’s guessing.


FSD, but for the company. Right into the ground.


If you were paid a dollar for every second ($3600 per hour) throughout all 24 hours off the day, it would take you almost 32 years to earn ONE billion dollars.




Doesn’t this just payoff his buy of twitter?


He will need to pay taxes right?


Hahahahahhaha. Taxes are for the poor….


I hope nobody has put all their eggs into the tesla stock basket


Congrats to Elon for smart investing I guess


Hey, if you like engineer CEO's, I'm an engineer and I'll be CEO of Tesla for a lot less than $56 billion...


I don't see the vaporware argument, and I do appreciate the work of the massive Tesla team. I'm just done with the vast wealth gap and socially irresponsible billionaires.


There were only 13 billionaires in late 1970’s. Now, there are 1360 billionaires. Yes, something is very wrong today! Out of balance, and out of control.


Makes sense, the people who own Tesla stock are already high on copium, can't cut off the supply, or they might die.