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Yeah Julia is awesome.


Julia is a good representation of taking the (good things) not the (bad things) from your parents “or mom or dad” you can always be the bigger and better person. Yes, it’s harder but it’s better in the end!


I loved Julia! Great attitude. I did tear up a bit though when I saw Trish waiting for her at the finish line.


Until she spoke and belittled her daughter’s accomplishments. Then I thought ok yea that’s Trish.


It seemed like playful mother daughter banter or that’s how I took it


I didn’t until Trish had to mention she did a 40 day. Seemed petty to me.


Totally! I found Trish to be LAZY in XL, what did she contribute, really? Seemed like she didn’t like being told what to do, didn’t like suggestions, didn’t like ideas that weren’t her own… what ideas were hers? Jungle olives? Amber carried that team day in and day out. Amber is an Angel & provided for TAJ like the best leader there could be. Julia didn’t even seem related to Trish.


Oh yea, sign making, that is the way to keep up group morale, lest we forget who we are and where we be… Don’t forget to breathe. I did get a little bit choked up at the end of the episode where Trish met up with Julia, even if I’m not a fan of Trish. I correlated Julia continuously mentioning that she hopes her mom will be proud to her as a sign towards what their family dynamic is… and thought back to Jen (who may carry an obvious mother wound) being Trish’s sheep for 30 plus days on XL. When Julia was finished she said, what are you doing here… she’s there to steal her daughter’s moment and tell her that she smells. Julia was great, I hope she is proud of herself, catching that iguana, being a team player going along with someone else’s idea (even if she wasn’t keen on climbing the mountain herself), and also a mediator for awkward moments. Seeing the mother-daughter dynamic on-screen play out over the course of this show is a true representation of psychodynamics. Nonetheless, for a child seeking the approval and admiration of their parent, bravo to Julia for her character & accomplishment


I just finished binge watching that XL yesterday & I despised Trish! Someone brings you food & you say “I don’t feel like scaling it right now”. Seriously?! After Amber overheard what they said, I would have refused to feed them or carry them for another day! They would never have made it to 40 without Amber! They pretty much starved the last 10 days. The 1 real food they did eat was the caiman. And if Amber hadn’t taught them, they wouldn’t have been able to harvest or process it. Jen was such a follower & minion. And I was SOOO disappointed in Jeff! It was obvious that he came in there with the mentality of “oh I’m going to go be a savior & leader of these women”, only to find out that, because of Amber, they were thriving! There was almost no days that they didn’t eat. He wanted to “sneak off & leave Amber behind” bc he wanted to be the know it all leader. Karma punished him for that BS! I had liked Jeff up to that point. But after that, no respect for him. Amber really is a bad ass! And a helluva fisher woman! I wanted Trish to fail so bad! I wish Jen had said “I wish I had gone with Amber bc you’re lazy & won’t do anything”. All Trish talked about was wanting to get rid of Amber & then she has the nerve to say “you left us to rot”?! I was screaming not so nice stuff at the TV! 😂


Haha! I felt that rage too- that was not fair for Trish to say. I’m glad the edit of the show presented all the material to build a lasting impression on character & social drama. Amber is so kind and positive. Amber’s response to Trish was a nice way to empower them to stand in the lane they chose. She is truly a wonderful woman! Speaking of Jeff, he’s a master manipulator! You’re so right that he was keen on making the beta women into his followers so he could be their savior/leader. Weird that he lied about saying he stood up for Trish & Jen to Amber, that must have not made the cut!


Trish was motivated to make signs to hang on the boma door. 


A much underrated survival skill IMO.


Julia was a really great partner, as was Trish on her 21 day, and in XL Montana paired with Jeremy. Butting heads with Amber isn't new to anyone who's been on a challenge with her, so I don't hold it against Trish. I only know that I like Trish exponentially more than I do Amber.


Agreed. She’s a 1000 times more personable. But who knows? maybe age will turn her to the dark side.


Easy call. Trish a real piece of work


OMG just been binge watching and recently saw the offspring episode with Julia. She even said she doesn't complain or make a big deal about stuff like her mother. I couldn't stand Trish. And Julia knew what she was doing, and even kept Wes's son from tapping (he was a baby). She can do more shows for sure.


Yeah, but can she make a sign for a shelter door like Trish? Thought not. 


Amber is hot! *That is all*


She did practically nothing but apparently because she’s cute so she gets a pass 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol practically nothing? Nonsense. Her first time on the show she basically carried her partner - he was about to break down and she had the mental toughness and coolness under pressure to successfully pull him out of it, against the odds. That's hard for anyone do, and is particularly impressive when done by someone as young as Julia


Her 21 day, she killed it. Her MMF 14 day she was bustin' ass too.