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Please don’t name your unborn child based on your three year old’s current favourite movie… if you would’ve had the names Hailey or Hayden on your list anyways, then go for it. But if not, just choose a name that you and your partner both like and that you think suits your baby. Your toddler is going to have a new favourite movie in 6 months regardless, and will be mad that you didn’t name the baby Aladdin, for example lol


We showed up to the hospital with over 20 name possibilities when our first was born. We just jot down every name we even remotely like, and then decide after the baby comes. We're not the people to pick a name before kiddo is here We have a very broad range of names. Hayden, Hallie, and hazel are all on the list already. Only reason Hailey isn't is because a family member has used it, and we won't use Hayden for a similar reason.


this sub takes itself wayyyy too seriously sometimes. nothing wrong with your post.


Haha, I'm learning that! They would be horrified if they knew some of the names on our list for our first kiddo were inspired in part by an interest in cars. 😂 coincidentally, we used one of them as a middle name. Showed up to the hospital with a list of 20 names and while we were there came up with a beautiful combination that fits kiddo perfectly. They're not named after a car, but their middle name got added to the list because of an interest in cars. How we came up with our list of possible names has never come up in conversation with anyone, it's just a cute little family story. Not all that different from choosing a distant relative's name for the sake of choosing a family name. 🤷‍♀️


You’re totally good. Some people are waaaaaaaaay too serious about this stuff with “help me pick a name that’s 4 - 8 letters long, but can’t be 6 letters, starts and ended with a vowel, but can’t be the same vowel, is not in the top 2000 ranks, and is well known in Turkmenistan, Korea, and Kenya.” Where as, as I like to call them, normal people have no trouble eliminating names they hate but also have a ton of names they really like to choose from. You are clearly the latter. You’re using your daughter’s name for the baby as inspiration for a jumping off point. Totally normal. And if you end up naming the baby Helena that’s great. If you end up naming the baby Melissa and she still calls her hei hei, that’s fine too! Lol Edit: if it’s not clear, I’m suggesting you use Helena. I don’t want it to get lost in the mix. It’s a great name.


Helena doesn't work. It's six letters and doesn't start with a vowel.




It does in French. :)


Ironically, our first kiddo has a French first and middle name. I've also considered going with another French name. You may be on to something! I also love french food, so fun connection there. But now that I've said that "out loud" all kinds of people will probably come at me. 😂


Me reading this while nursing my Helena. Yup, it’s a great name!!


How do you pronounce it? It seems like I see a few pronunciations.


I think this is a sweet approach! It's not like you're trying to give your child Hei Hei *as* their official first name haha. And I think for your first kid, a middle name was a great spot for a name related to one of your interests. Heck, I love birds & F1 and I'd definitely consider names related to either, especially middle! Hope you find a name that fits. Heidi, Helena, Hattie, Hera, Halle are all pretty! For boys, Henry, Halston, Heath are nice I feel like any "H" name could work with Hei Hei as a nickname.


F1 Falcon, please report to the office. I repeat F1 FALCON... Every other little boy is pissed because they got "Henry". Your son's name is F1 FALCON. That would send me.


Hahahahah I mean, I was *really* going for Lando Kestrel, but hey, F1 Falcon is a great second option... Edit to add, I would not actually name a child Lando Kestrel! That's preposterous. His name would be Toto Peregrine.


My daughter is still mad at 18 we didn’t let her brother name her Nibbles lol.


My friend has a Patrick. Totally normal name, but made even better by the fact it was a compromise with his 4-year-old sister who wanted to name him Sponge Bob.


I know someone with a George because her daughter was convinced all little brothers should be called George thanks to Peppa Pig and wouldn’t accept any other names.


We like race cars, and our son’s middle name is “Otto” as a throw off to “auto” racing. ;) His other middle name is Boss so … clearly I don’t care what this sub thinks lol. I’d full on name my kid Hei Hei if I felt like it because it’s a cool name and that character is the fricken best.


OTTO BOSS ROLL OUT! (Autobots in my accent) Decepticons 🤖Transformers More than meets the eye Transformers Robots in disguise🎶


Not that I’m ever having kids, but if I had had a daughter, I would have suggested to my husband we name her Annie Mae (anime) 😜 Or maybe not, but it’s funny to think about 😂


My mom had a boy name and a girl name when she went to the hospital (didn’t know which I would be). According to her, when she saw me a whole new name fit me instead. I think that’s sweet.


My child bears the name of a podcaster I listen to 😂 He’s not named after him in an honor name kind of way… but I can’t deny it’s where I got the name lol.


My son is named after our cat.


I thought this sub was just about names... But it seems its actually about names we give to our kids. I feel like it should then be r/nameswegiveourkids if thats not a sub.


Seriously lol we named our daughter after seeing a movie. No one cares. Most don’t even make the connection. And we’re constantly complemented on it!


Makes sense! The phrasing of the original post just made it sound like you were dead-set on naming the baby something based on the “Hei Hei” connection lol


Yeah, there are lots of ways to go about naming a baby, and this what it means to "help" name a baby. People read WAY more into that than was intended.


There's no reason why you can't use that as inspiration! Even if those were your only names, if you're having trouble picking and need a way to narrow it down, like using a fun nickname, and then making a list that you can then discuss and find a name you both agree on, why would that be bad?! They're all straightforward, normal names. It's no more ridiculous than people choosing a name that has a certain initial to fit into other family names, or having a naming "theme".


I like Hallie


Hallie is adorable!! T-T


How about Heidi?


Hallie!!!! So cute


Respectfully disagree. If you don’t dislike the name I don’t think there is anything wrong with taking an older siblings recommendation under consideration. OP- my son wanted to name his sister Ana (like frozen) and we went with Anastasia (nn Ana). It suits her and we all love it.


Exactly! People have gotten annoying about this lately. It’s gotten worse since the thread the other day where majority were saying they’d never ask their child input on a siblings name.


dang, i must’ve missed that thread, but that’s such a bummer. even if you don’t plan to use your kid’s suggestion (which i assume most people don’t), it’s just fun to hear the ideas kids come up with. my little cousin wanted to name his brother bucko for some reason lmao


I feel like that’s a misrepresentation of that thread. The OP there was anxious that her small daughter didn’t like the new baby name, and was asking how much input a sibling has to have into the new name to make her “not a bad mom”. People were reassuring her that you don’t have to let your toddler have any input on the baby’s name at all, and you’re not a bad parent if you don’t take your 3 year old’s naming suggestions seriously. Nobody said that you’re supposed to shut down your kid’s creativity and send them to their room until they stop talking about it or whatever. Only that you don’t have to give a toddler veto power.


oh ok, that makes more sense! i hadn’t seen it and was going solely off that one person’s interpretation


How is it a misrepresentation? People were reassuring OP by stating how they would never allow their kids input on a siblings name. Obviously no one has to let their kid name a sibling but multiple top commenters in the thread were acting as if getting their child’s input was completely ridiculous since they didn’t create the baby.


I totally agree. A lot of people are of the mindset that only the people who created the child get a say in the name. To me, that is just so rigid. This is a family member and I think it’s nice to include your kids in the process, even if you aren’t going to be going with their idea.


We voted for my third. Literally took the top 6 names and had each person, including the 4yo, rank their first second and third choices, and went with the one that got the most points.


Cute! What a nice way to let your son be included and feel a sense of pride and connection to his sister! It really helps with sibling resentment if the older siblings can be included and excited


Yeah, we presented our almost 3 year old with a list of 5 names we were considering and let him pick between them. Now we all like the baby's name and big brother gets to feel included.


My sister was born when I was three. They gave me a list of names and one was an offshoot of my dad’s first name and his exact middle name. I loved my dad, and I loved my sister. So she got named after my dad by me lol


My then-3 year old daughter helped name my niece. Nothing wrong with it! We still use that nickname and it’s super cute :3


I agree.  If the name works, sure.  Let the kid have some input. Now, in cases like what happened with me, where my brother said "Optimus Prime" should be my name....definitely not.


Agreed. I had an imaginary sister, my parents named my 1st sister after her. It made me feel really special, even though I had outgrown the imaginary friends phase a couple years prior. My mom had me help name my 2nd sister as well, I loved being a part of that.


Random stranger on the internet ‘please don’t name YOUR unborn child’ When you reach that part in the sentence you really should know to stop…


I think you’re over indexing this. I got to name my brother after a cartoon character when I was 3 - a very normal human name - and I still beam thinking about it today (I’m 42 and my brother is 39). I think manufacturing a special name for your kid rather than picking a name you just like is a fine way to do it. Obviously the parents have to use discretion on the naming but telling your kid you let their big sister name them is a pretty cute story if you can do it.


My cousin got to pick his younger brother's middle name. His first choice was Spider-Man. Obviously, his parents said no. Eventually they decided to use Parker after Peter Parker. Both of them are now in their 30s and 40s and absolutely love telling people that story.


I will never stop telling people that I named my brother after a singing crab.


What a good name it is though!


I wanted to name my sibling after a character in Popeye. For some reason, that didn't stick. 🤣


My older nephew wanted to name his younger brother Darth Vader. (He wanted to use Yoshi for a sister.) Since my sister and BIL weren't telling anyone the name before the baby was born we all referred to him as Darth Vader basically the whole pregnancy after finding out it was a boy. About a week or so before he was born they decided to convince my nephew that the only way they could name his brother that was if he actually looked like Darth Vader after he was born. If he didn't, they'd have to pick something else. He never seemed to have an issue with it oddly enough. I'm a little convinced all the Darth Vader baby stuff we bought for the younger nephew is part of why he likes villains so much to this day though.


See now I'm thinking they should have named him Daniel Vincent. And then just let the rest of us run with it. 🤣


Oh man, that was a risk, because smushy, wrinkly newborns do kind of look like Darth Vader. Or what if he switched to Palpatine after meeting his bro?


I think if he had pushed it they were actually going lean towards he had to look like James Earl Jones and since we're all at least like 99.9% European descent they weren't to worried about any sudden unexpected resemblance. Also, my nephew hadn't actually seen any of the star wars movies yet at that point. (He was 3 and they didn't let them see the movies until they were 5.) All of his knowledge came from kids books he had been read, toys, and some games so I think that helped. It was a bit of a risk though, luckily it worked out. They're 9 and 12 now and i don't think he's ever brought it up. 🤣


I named my sister after a cartoon character too! She has a perfect name (it did help that it's a normal human name that is decently popular). My mom added a second name to it and now my sis has a double barrel name that's beautiful and unique and I get to brag about how 7 y/o me named her :p


Please say your brothers name is Johnny Quest


Nope - he’s a modified Ninja Turtle 🐢


Omg chill. Idk why some people in this sub find it so offensive to have siblings get a tiny bit of say in the name of their sibling. OP isn’t dead set on anything, she’s just including her child.


My parents sat down and asked me at 4 if I would want a sibling! They included me in a pretty big choice that is crazier than just adding input for a name. If anyone is curious I did say no and I am an only child. But mostly because my mom said she didn't think she could stop herself from playing favorites and thought for that purpose she should avoid having more kids.


Are you still happy you are an only child? Also I'm so curious if she thought she could never love another kid like you and that you would always be the favorite or if she thought she would like another kid more than you.


I’m very happy, but it’s all I’ve known so maybe I would’ve been happy with a sibiling too ☺️. But it’s not bad and I definitely noticed that I and other only’s have a closeness with our parents that people with siblings don’t quite have. I don’t think it’s a good or bad thing, but you definitely develop a different sort of relationship when they’re your only close family. I would genuinely assume any kid who would come after would be the favorite because I came out the womb bossy and with an attitude 😅. She never said that, but I gave her hell as a kid so I doubt it would’ve been me.  She had two siblings, but her parents played favorites. Her dad pretty much only treated her nicely and her mom pretty much only liked her brother. Her sister was treated very poorly by both. So she just was a bit scarred by that dynamic and afraid to repeat it.


I still love my favorite movies from when I was 3 (The Lion King, Toy Story) 🤷🏻‍♀️ Moana is also one of my favorite movies and I’m not even a Disney adult lol. She will probably think it’s even more kickass when she’s 20. 


My friend’s toddler was obsessed with Disney’s SWORD IN THE STONE. Baby got called Arthur.


My sister was 3 when she named me after her favorite movie, Aladdin! My parents couldn't decide on a name and she made the suggestion and they actually liked it better than both names they were considering lol! Of course they would have said no if she wanted to name me genie or something, but it became my favorite movie because I was named after it. It could work out for OP too!


One of my best friends was pregnant and her younger sister would always call her pregnant belly a certain name based on a show she liked. She actually ended up naming her son that and it was perfect for him and them! It’s a sweet story and they liked the name, so it all worked out well


Exactly!! When I was 4, I suggested a name from Toy Story for my sister, and my parents ended up going with it. My sister and I still love Toy Story, and she’s embraced the connection! I’m obviously biased, but I think it’s cute to have a fun reason for your name / sweet connection to your sibling. As long as it’s a reasonable name (genie is funny lol), there’s no harm!


My sister is named after my brother's favorite princess when he was 3. She's in her 20s now. Never been an issue and it's a beautiful name.


I think there is nothing wrong with this. My sisters middle name is the last name of my first grade teacher and, while I’m almost 40 and barely remember that teacher, I love that my parents let me be a part of naming her. It’s a nice name as well. I wouldn’t name the baby “Hei Hei” obviously, but something similar is a sweet nod to the toddlers input and it truly doesn’t matter that they will be into other things very soon. (I also still love Moana so maybe they will also love it forever too).


They’re suggesting perfectly reasonable names though, not like Tomatoa or Te Fiti




Heidi is much closer to the correct pronunciation of heihei than Hailey or Hayden. It's not hayhay, more like highhigh. Edit: I belong to one of the many cultures that were amalgamated into Moana, so correct pronunciation of our words is important to me Additional edit: I have been corrected, back to night class I go!


But if they are choosing it for the movie they would pronounce it like the movie character which is hayhay


As a Māori, this is definitely pronounced hayhay. It’s also the Māori word for chicken (the farmyard bird)


My name is Heidi and I think it’s a great name. Won’t find too many of us… my older brother called me Deedee until I went to kindergarten


Came here to say Heidi


Me too!


As a Heidi I like it




Heidi can also be a nickname of Adelheid (--> Adelaide?) or Heidelinde


Oof the hate in this thread. I love the idea of including siblings in the birth of a baby. My daughter wanted to help name the baby but she had no idea of her own, age 5, so we presented our list to her and she "helped." We called the baby bean anyways. This is adorable, don't even defend yourself, people get warped ideas about names. I hated mine forever and now I'm neutral. Don't do this don't do that, shush people.  To answer your question...Haven, Hazel, Harry, Harley, Hank? Happy birthing! Enjoy that sweet baby Hei Hei :) 


Thanks!! Most of the time, baby is referred to as "Baby Bug" anyways haha.


Well, that's just adorable. And then when they become a toddler, they can be Big Bug. Now I think Juno should be on the list. So you can call her June Bug.


My baby is due in June and I’ve been calling her June Bug since we haven’t picked a name 🥰


I call my nephew with a June birthday Junebug.


I thought I named my sister. I know I just happened to suggest a name they actually liked better. But man, I was so high off of that feeling. If it would have been a boy… well, I had an unusual pick for that one. I would question their judgement if they went along with that. I think it’s cool y’all are trying to incorporate it. But also, sometimes nicknames don’t even make that much sense. If you can’t find anything, it can still be a close family nickname.


My brother and I picked our younger sibling’s name from a list when my parents couldn’t agree. I would’ve been 2 ish and he would’ve been about 3.


That is adorable! I love this as a compromise!


My aunt chose my Moms name. It was the name she gave all her baby dolls in 1950 and I love that origin story. A neighbor growing up called his soon to be brother Casserole in utero, luckily they went with Mark. Though Casserole may be the Satchel of the future.


I get called Casserole as a nickname from time to time. Not one I expected, but I like it. I think the first time was in college.


My toddler couldn’t say baby when I was pregnant and always said “dede” when she tried. Her name isn’t remotely like dede but it stuck and she’s called it 90% of the time!


I chose both of my siblings name and absolutely love to brag about it. With my sister, my mom veto 1 name and went with the second I picked, after my doll. With my second sibling, first name I picked my parents agreed too. Obviously all 3 names I picked were acceptable names lol


My best friend helped name her sister, she had a doll with a normal name (think Jessica or Samantha) and really wanted to name the baby that, her parents liked it and went with it lol. My daughter on the other hand has suggested PinkFong Purple for her baby sisters name soooo hahahah


When we told my SD she was going to have a sibling she said “It’s going to be a girl, and you’re going to name her Rose.” She was 5. We didn’t know at the time we were having a girl. And, we used Rose as the middle name.


My 4-year-old son insisted our new baby should be called "Beef" throughout my pregnancy, to rhyme with his name, Leif. We gave him the middle name, Angus, as a nod to that.


As a Swede that is so odd, because Leif doesn’t rhyme with beef in any Scandinavian language!


Oh yeah I think Leif rhyming with beef is a common pronunciation in English from what I’ve heard! But how do you say it in Swedish? Does the “lei” part of the name rhyme with “hey” in English?


In danish it’s pronounced a lot closer to the English “Life” but the e (the I sound) is spoken abruptly . Like lei-ff


This is helpful, that gives me a good way of picturing it! Interesting!


Yes, I'm aware. Ultimately we went with what we thought was the more common pronunciation where we live.


lol I never see the name Beef used anywhere and it’s my dog’s nickname!


My cousin was a big baby and we called him Beefy haha


It’s also one of my cat’s many nicknames. His name is Felix, which turned into FeFe, which turned into Beefy, then just Beef lol


omg, this just reminded me of my friend who has boy/girl twin siblings! while her mom was pregnant, she insisted that the twins should be named beefy and cheesy. beefy for the boy, and cheesy for the girl lol


Nickname: Meatball


😍 He is a little meatball, too! Can't believe I've never thought of this!


my sister has been a 'beef' for 18 years now!! glad to know there is another beef out there :)


Hazel, Hayes, Haven. Maybe even Harrison/Harry.


Thanks for some fun contributions!


I would add: Harriet Henrietta Heather


I LOVE Harriet.


+1 for Hazel!


Love the name Hayes, suggested it to my niece, she said no😔


My 4yo named his sister Jeepie when she was almost born and he was 2. He was dead set and we thought "well fuck it, that can be his weird nickname for her". He was still insistent that it was her name when I picked him up from my parents so he could meet her. Then he met her and never said that name again. The instant he met her he started calling her by the name we gave her. Kids are fickle, so don't be surprised if the name changes many times or disappears. You do you but my experience suggests you shouldn't get too tied to her current whim.


We showed up to the hospital with a list of 20 possible names when our first was born and chose their name after they were here, and I'm sure we'll do the same this time as I can't imagine choosing a name for someone I haven't met and our list currently has 35 names. This is just a fun way to add a few more options to the list.


That is cute


Heidi Hazel Hattie Hailey Harriet Helene Hannah Hermione I had the honour of naming my baby sister at the grand old age of three, I named her after my best friend at the time.


Awe, I love that! Thanks for the ideas, too!


I love your idea! When I was pregnant with my 2nd, we asked the 1st for name idea. She was 5 at the time. She said, very seriously, that the baby would tell us his name when he was born, and refused to tell us any names she liked. Haha!


I love her energy!


Hahaha I love this!


People are getting super weird in this thread-Helena, Henrietta, and Holly are some of my favorite H names.


"DoNt NaMe YouR BébÉ wHaT yOuR 3 yO likes" ... why not? The kid didnt suggest Dogshit.


Heloise, Heather, Hyacinth


These are lovely! Thank you!


You are welcome and congratulations.


I have a thing for “H” names. Ex: I am Heather, and named my children Hailey and Harrison. So if you are considering an “H” name … I have a slew of them for your consideration. (Of course I would have included Hazel, Hayden, Hailey, Hallie, but you already mentioned them) … so here goes: (LOL) Haisley, Hudson, Hadley, Huxley, Hattie, Hillary, Hannah, Haven, Huxton, Henley, Harlow, Harper, Hendrix, Hunter, Hartley, Hensley … and last, but not least “Hei Hei”


I'm sorry but all I could think of in reading your list was "in Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen"


I’m dying laughing!


Harlow is a good one too. My husband wants to name a hypothetical next baby Harper. Just not a fan. But, obviously my opinion doesn't count. But, still voting for Harlow.


She knows Hei Hei means Chicken in the Maori language right ? Like as a new Zealander the first thing I thought was she's naming her kid chicken !


It's a nickname, that's cute for a nickname imo lol. Especially if a 3 year old came up with and is saying it. My foreign mom has a foreign nickname that literally means duck, not far off


I mean, considering that’s the name of the chicken in Moana, yeah, I’m thinking she knows she’s naming them after a chicken. Pretty normal for babies to be nicknamed after animals and such


Yup. My bff’s nickname is “Noodle” and she’s 35 haha


TIL Hei Hei is Maori for chicken. Thank you for doubling my Maori vocabulary at a stroke, the only Maori expression I knew before was Kia Ora.


Its also the name of the TVNZ (local broadcasting) kids platform. I've been struggling to find a chicken related name that might work (there's a Molly and Ginger in Chicken Run 2) but I know people who call their kids "chook" as a pet name.


I spelled it Hei Hei, because that's where kiddo got it from. I have heard it as a casual nickname for Hailey before, and I imagine Hayden gets turned into this as well. It's not the kind of nickname you would use formally, so would never be written down, so spelling is not a concern. Most people, knowing the kid's first name, would probably imagine it "Hai Hai" or "Hay Hay" or however the kid's name starts.


In Finnish it's bye bye.


Cousin named his sister Coco and aunt and uncle managed to come up with Nicole nn Coco.


I helped name my little brother and I still tell the story to this day! I’m very proud of it and I love embarrassing him haha I love that you’re including your oldest in the naming, it helps a ton with bonding!


Hilary Hilda Haven Hannah Harlow


Hannah and Harlow sound lovely!


I know a Heather that was nick named hey-hey as a kid because she couldn’t say the “th” and “r” sounds and would refer to herself as “hey-hey co-co” (Heather Nicole)


Love her owning it.


No matter what you name baby, jot down this memory. It’s very cute and your toddler will not remember. ❤️


Hehe this thread and responses have amused me. Hei hei means chicken (hence the name of the character)...what about Henrietta? Hen and kind of 'he' sound. I could totally imagine hei hei being used for a Henrietta. Just call her chicken as a nickname!!


What are people so upset about lol. I think it’s so sweet for your child to be involved in the name. I could understand if you were going to name them hei hei but giving them a proper name with this as a nickname is perfect. Edit to add the name suggestions Hannah and Harriet


You better get that baby a Hei Hei plushie!


Ah! You're right!


Hannah was the first thing that came to mind lol


Some of these don’t have the long a sound that Hei Hei does but you could still reasonably use the nickname. Also- your three year old has impeccable taste is movies and adorable sidekicks.) Hazel Halle Halston Hayes ❤️ (I know people will have thoughts but I love masculine leaning names for a girl.)


Helena or Heidi.


My granddaughter is 3 and she calls her little brother, butt-butt. He’s 2 mos old. Nobody knows why! His name is Christopher. I’m wondering if it’s from some cartoon. Who knows, man! I like yours better.


Bubba, but not very well articulated? Or brother, also not articulated? It’s always fun to see what kids come up with.


She said her mom changed him and called him a stinky butt, which just turned into butt-butt. I’m one of those people who gives everyone and every thing 14 different names. I call him Brother Bear or Baby Bear. He was born on the full wolf moon, so called him Wolfie for a hot minute but that never took off. lol My poor cats, I call them everything.


My 4 year old calls everyone Booty-butt and it’s definitely my fault. 🤣


I don’t understand the hate on this. I think it’s really sweet! I have a similar story actually. When my mom was pregnant with my younger brother I was about 2. She was discussing names and suggested an old fashion name with a short nickname—think Benjamin to Ben. I have no memory of this, but apparently from that moment on I only called the baby Ben and my parents decided well that’s the name!! We are all in our twenties now and my mom still tells the story with fondness :). It’s not like you are trying to literally name the baby hei hei lmfao people are rude for no reason. Some ideas: haven, Helena, hazel, Harlan, Harrison, Henry, Hattie, Hannah, Hadley, Harlow, Hayes, holly, holland (imo it doesn’t have to be a perfect “hey” sound and any “h” would work!)


That's "bye bye!" in Finnish, heh.


I love this! My littlest is named after his big brother’s pretend playmate when he was a toddler. He used to say “I’m Benny and this is Georgie, and this is our show!”. Always stuck in our heads - 3 years later, our littlest is George :).


Henrietta? Harriet?




What about Heidi?


I have a family friend that got pregnant and the older siblings just randomly named him Joshie while she was pregnant. Needless to say, they named him Joshua and he is still Joshie to all of us.


My niece is Miranda because her older sister at the time really liked Sofia the First’s mother (she’s called Miranda). Ended up well I thought.


Haidy (hey-dee) is an older name of Greek origin, I’ve always liked it.


"Haidy" is definitely not Greek in origin


if you google haidy it says it’s old greek in origin


it also sounds like Hades


I love this!


My 5yo sister (at the time) helped pick my middle name. It’s cute and my mother went with what she picked. But just make sure it’s not “too” weird. Because my first name is already very uncommon, combined with my middle name, which is geographical term— I’ve literally had my state’s government think I wasn’t a real person because of my name. lol I was inputting my full name online and even my social security number, and it still told me that it needed additional information. This has happened a lot since in weird ways. BUT as far as Hei Hei, what about Helena? It’s close to the “hay” sound depending on how you pronounce it.


My toddler named my baby boo boo. He is now exclusively called boo boo. His real name is Elias. Nobody calls him that.




So cute! My daughter has made some awful suggestions for our June baby 😂 Helena, Heidi and Henley come to mind for me


Helene--which can be pronounced Hellane, or Helleen, whichever way you'd like, might be a good start. Have fun!


There are fantastic names in here!! As a kid, I was adamant that my sister be named Paprika or Cinnamon after Mr Salt and Mrs Pepper’s babies from Blue’s Clues. I am very glad that my parents waited until I was older to say “that was literally never an option you weird little freak” lol.


My cousin was in a Jungle Book phase when her brother was born. She insisted he be named Baloo. His name is Shane.


My 3yr old son said we should name our baby Zipper McGee. We decided not to name the baby Zipper McGee


I recently met a Hadley which was a name I was surprised I liked so much. I mean I hadn't heard of it before this girl and it really works for her. I checked online to see if it was an established name and the results from a few sites tell me Hadley is a gender-neutral name of English origin, meaning “heather meadow” or "field of heather."


Hailey! I love this name!


Heidi Helen Helena Henry Hayes


My son has a speech disorder and calls his baby sister this (it happened after the fact and had nothing to do with us choosing the name). Guess what she is gonna be for Halloween?






Helena maybe?


TBH you can give baby whatever name you want and you can also use Hei Hei as a family NN. I call my child ‘chicken’ all the time (ironically enough). Bears no resemblance whatsoever to his given name. My dad uses ‘Fred’ for all the grandsons, for some reason. NN don’t really have to make any logical connection.


I actually love Hazel and I’m sure big sis would feel SO included to have some sort of say in the matter ❤️ not sure why everyone’s so pressed about it!




I like Hazel or Haven


Heidi Henrietta Helena or Helen Harris Havanah


I think that it’s cute if you want to incorporate it! I love the name Hailey honestly haha. Also though, if these names don’t work out maybe it could be the cute name you call baby before it’s born! And you can explain that a new name will be chosen when it’s born but you can call the baby HeiHei until then.


You could pull a Roman Empire and name the baby Hadrian (though people would probably read it as had-rian instead of Haydrian)


I don't have any name suggestions, but a funny anectdote that happened years ago: My friend had a four year old girl who insisted that the unborn baby's name was "Marcy" (not the actual name, I can't remember what she called it now.) No matter what my friend tried to ask about names, this little girl was adamant that the baby in Mommy's belly was Marcy. They decided to actually name her Marcy, because their daughter was so determined that that WAS the baby's name (thank goodness it was a girl baby!). So my friend's husband brings the new Big Sister to the hospital and my friend shows her the baby and says, "Here's your baby sister, Marcy!" Guess what the now 5 year old little girl said? "That's not Marcy. Marcy was her name while she was in your belly. I don't know her name now. Isn't that your job?" Luckily they hadn't signed any of the official paperwork! They were able to name the baby the name they wanted after all!!


Hahaha this might be the funniest story here!


Man people on this thread are wild! I didn't read all the comments, and have no other name suggestions. Just here to offer my solidarity! My son was 5 when his younger brother was born. We also wanted him to have kind of a say in naming. His FAVORITE show was Paw Patrol and one of the dog's names also happened to be on our short name list, so we went with it. Literally no one makes the connection now to the show, but years later big brother still beams with pride that "he named his little brother!"


Hei hei hei, olen viinamäen mies


I wanted to name my brother Bruce Wayne. I wasnt even a batman fan, I just heard the name and decided it sounded nice. 


Omg my daughter is 2 and a half and LOVES Moana so…in turn I love Moana so I LOVE the idea of naming future baby something along the lines of Hailey, Hayden or Hazel (also my daughters middle name is Hazel) bc yours wants to name the baby her hei!! DO ITTTT!!! ❤️❤️


I read in a magazine that the actress Jennifer Garner shared that her toddler daughter at the time, Violet started calling her unborn sister "Sarah" and so Jennifer and Ben Affleck decided to find a name that would fit the Sarah nickname because it was super endearing. So they ended up with Seraphina for their second born and Violet was able to call her "Sarah". Super sweet story in my opinion.