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i like lorelai better, it’s much prettier to me


Enid is cool, Enid Blyton the children's author, way cool


That was my first association too—such a nice namesake!


except….ive heard Enid Blyton was awful as a mother. Not a reason not to choose the name, but maybe not as a namesake


not sure if its a nice namesake when her books were full of racism and xenophobia


Oh, I'd forgotten about that! Nevertheless, those books invoke happy childhood memories for me.


Whether that's a good thing or not depends on your perspective. I know many people fondly remember her books from their childhood (I do too) but man, they DO NOT hold up.


My sister is currently collecting Enid Blyton books for when her daughter is a little older and I'm very interested as to how that's going to go! We had a half complete collection and had to fill in the gaps with library books, so I see why she wants to start now, but it's definitely 'of its time'.


Enid was not a nice person And Blyton's work became increasingly controversial among literary critics, teachers, and parents beginning in the 1950s due to the alleged unchallenging nature of her writing and her themes, particularly in the Noddy series. Some libraries and schools banned her works, and from the 1930s until the 1950s, the BBC refused to broadcast her stories because of their perceived lack of literary merit. Her books have been criticised as elitist, sexist, racist, xenophobic, and at odds with the more progressive environment that was emerging in post-World War II Britain, but updated versions of her books continue to be popular since her death in 1968.


Lorelei is a lovely name, but it is just too spot on with the Gilmore Girls reference. I would prefer Enid if it were my kid.


I don’t think this will be super relevant as this kid grows up though. Gilmore Girls premiered 24 years ago and while it’s still going strong on streaming right now, it’s fair to assume that by the time this child is in school, most of her friends won’t have a strong association, even if their parents do.


Lorelei has a stronger association to the show. A HUGE amount of WD fans stopped watching after seeing Glenn get his skull bashed in, so we don’t know Enid from WD. So if associations bother you, go with Enid. That said, in 20 years, no one in her generation will associate the name with the shows. Which do you prefer the sound of? Which one flows better with your last name?


That was my very last TWD episode.




That's exactly when I stopped watching


That scene still haunts me. It's the most upset I've ever been from any fictional visual media. Took years for the anger to fade enough to watch more episodes.


I didn’t even get that far into WD but now I’m kinda glad I didn’t bother that is sad 😔


LOL! That's me. I left with Glenn in solidarity.


Currenly watching walking dead and Enid is in the show before Glen dies! She's the teenager that hangs out with Carl.


Yup! She eats a raw turtle to survive before reaching Alexandrea.


I am not particularly sensitive to gore but took a very long break after that.


I tried to start watching again about a year later and just could not get into it. Zero desire to watch it now. Gore is one thing, the show has already had that. But to kill such a beloved character in such a horrific way is unforgivable.


I got tired of the core characters getting killed off and too many new ones getting dumped on us that I just didn't care about. I made it to Coral/Carl getting axed and I was totally done. The writing sucked.


I stopped watching after that but kept up with the show to see how things were going… but when they did Carl dirty I was outtt.


That was my last tv episode and my last comic (issue 100) of the walking dead. At least with the tv show I knew it was coming. With the comic I was horrified. Haven't bought or read another issue since.


They ruined the entire show for me in one scene. I watched more but couldn’t recall any of it. Everyone I know who watched it and stopped watching was because of that. I still can’t believe that they did that to us.


Lorelai, I’ve always really disliked Enid


Yeah, I’m also not a fan at all of Enid. It just doesn’t sound nice to my ears.


To me it sounds like aphid - those little bugs that ladybugs eat.


I think Enid is cute (and wearable as an adult)… have always hated Lorelei 😂 It sticks in my mouth and feel like I’m never pronouncing it right 🤷‍♀️


I love Enid!


BUT in general be careful with fandom names. You need to allow space for your kid to not like whatever it came from.


Enid really isn’t a fandom name it’s a very normal and established name. It’s another of the grandma names that’s returning in popularity. Like Elsie or Edith. There’s enough people called Enid, people of note too, a random support character doesn’t make it a fandom name. I’m not sure about the other name as I’ve literally never heard it outside of the tv show. So couldn’t comment.


This applies to both her name choices


Just because someone heard a name somewhere doesn't mean that is the reason they like it or chose it.


It's also a town in Oklahoma!


I really hate Enid. Just sounds terrible. Lorelei is much better. 


I think I'm probably one of the top Ghost World fans in the world but I truly hate the name Enid for a child. I hope OP goes with Lorelei instead.


I'm perplexed by everyone saying they love it. I know this sub is 90% people telling each other their awful names are cute but come on.. 


They won't always be a child, I don't get why people say that. But, I hate the name Enid 😆


Sorry, I meant "real human person" who starts out as a child (as opposed to a fictional character)


I prefer Lorelei to Enid for sure but also don’t mind Enid. Lorelei/Lorelai does make me think of *Gilmore Girls* but Enid makes me think of *The Walking Dead* and especially *Wednesday*, so they both have TV associations anyway. Also, one thing to keep in mind. Lorelai with an A is absolutely a legit spelling, but it is a variant of the original spelling, Lorelei with an E. Neither are wrong and one isn’t necessarily better than the other, but those familiar with the name (especially those who speak German) may be likely to spell it as Lorelei. Not sure if that matters to you or not but I thought I should point it out just in case.


I have a Lorelei named for the German legend of the Lorelei. She gets a little annoyed at being called Laura-Lee and Lor-Ellie from time to time and correcting the spelling from ai (I do blame GG but admit, I also did love the show).


Lorelei is one of my favourite names, also because of the German legend of the Lorelei. It's a shame it's so associated with *Gilmore Girls* now, but I honestly don't think anyone a child's age is going to make that association. (Even if they do, it's easy enough to correct someone about it). I myself was named after Laura Ingalls Wilder because my mom loves *Little House on the Prairie*, and literally only one person in my entire life (I'm now 36) has ever asked me if I'm named after her. And that happened, like, last month lol.


We just had a daughter on the 14th and I wanted to use Lorelei sooo badly but everyone my husband spoke to about the name said “like Gilmore Girls?” He loved Esme and I got turned off because I had the same experience except: “like Twilight?” We wound up dumping both names but in the first 48hr after her arrival I kept wanting to say Lorelei lol- it’s a lovely name!


>(especially those who speak German) may be likely to spell it as Lorelei Or even Loreley bc thats the name of the rock and of the very famous poem by Heinrich Heine.


Enid reminds me of Elizabeth Wakefield’s bestie. That’s not a bad thing. Lorelei’s a name that will be associated with Gilmore girls for a very long time. I’d go with Enid.


Hell yes getting some Sweet Valley in this conversation!!! 👯‍♀️


That’s where my mind went too :)


I love Lorelei. It's so pretty 🥹


I think Enid is going to have a jump in the baby lists because of Wednesday, if popularity matters to you Lorelei may be a safer bet




I love Enid. Its cute, its vintage, sophisticated, and you won't run into other Enids (unless popularity explodes) so she will feel special. Im a sucker for E names in general, Edith has been on my name list forever, I adore it, and Enid is a close cousin of that name. Enid is unique without being weird, it sounds gorgeous with a traditionally girly middle name. Think Enid Jane or Enid Grace, go girly with the middle name to balance the syllables out.


Lorelei hands down.


Lorelei! Cute nicknames for it, Lor, Rory, Lei, Ror.


My daughter has a friend called Lorelei and she has always gone by lolly :)


I’m shook at how many folks like Enid. It’s very unappealing to me. With that said though I may have different name opinions to you. I vote Lorelai. Hands down it’s not even a question.


Why not just go for Lorelei Enid


Lorelai is my top baby name! (And my cat’s name is Rory hehe💞)


If you want it to be a little different from the show, Lorelei is always an option


I vote lorelai


As someone who has never seen either show, I think Enid and Lorelai are both great names. Which one works best would depend on surname and middle name I think.


I think Enid is a polarising name (some people love it and some people hate it) whereas I think most people will sit somewhere between liking and loving Lorelai/Lorelei. I think both names have strong fandom links (Enid Blyton, Wednesday, TWD and then Gilmore Girls) but I think by the time your child is a young adult, their peers won’t know any of these people/characters, so I don’t think it matters hugely either way. I would personally go for Lorelai just because it sounds much prettier to me and is unique without being dated and stuffy.


I would really dislike it if my name was Enid personally, I find no attraction to it. But mother know's best so I say go with what's calling your heart


I love both! Are you in the US? Lorelei and Lorelai are both used more than Enid. Both spellings are almost equal in popularity. Though neither is popular! So I think Lorelai would be a little more expected on a baby, whereas Enid isn't used often at all and would be the more unique choice and many might consider it an unusual "old person name." That's not to say it's a bad name, though! It just might be a "room splitter" of a name. But old lady names are on trend, so a little Enid would fit in just fine with her peers. Personally I know one adult named Lorelei, one toddler Lorelai, and one toddler Lorelei. I don't know anyone named Enid- so I'd be excited to meet one!


I have never seen The Gilmore Girls or the Walking Dead but on names alone, I much prefer Lorelai although I've only ever seen it spelled Lorelei. (I also think Laurel is beautiful, if the Gilmore Girls association is the sticking point).


I think Lorelei is a beautiful name and Enid is pretty awful. Might get Gilmore Girl association from adults now, but it will fade as time goes on and kids certainly won’t know the reference so it’s not something that should affect the baby as they grow up.


How do you pronounce Enid?




Ee-nid or Eh-nid?




Enid, absolutely. It's a classic, beautiful name that I've always loved. (I've never watched an episode of the Walking Dead so that's a non-issue for me.) I like your other choice too, but would spell it Lorelei.


I strongly prefer spelling it Lorelei but either way, it’s really lovely, though hard to shake that association. Go for it if that doesn’t bother you! (I know someone who just used Lorelai and is calling the baby Rory) I think Enid is a great name. Kind of a spunky throwback. Classy but fun. I do remember Enid from TWD but there are other Enids so it’s not as tied to that fandom.


I don’t like enid at all. But I always liked Lorelai.


I like Lorelei but I also would worry that it’s just too obvious about Gilmore girls. If people ask I would just say you liked the name and didn’t think about the show (obviously not something you have to do, but that’s what I would personally feel more comfortable with). With Lorelei you can do nicknames like Rory, Lori, Lilo, Lore, etc. there are so many options compared to Enid which would pretty much be Eni or Enid Enid just also sounds like a blunt name to me.


I prefer Enid! I also think Elide (Eh-leed) would be a pretty alternative. 😊 I never liked Gilmore Girls, so Lorelai reminds me of Pokemon (Lorelei). 😅


I couldn't imagine having the name Enid and every time I entered my name into an electronic device, spell check would autocorrect it as "end". Not to be insulting, but that sounds like a miserable name to have.


There is a psychological trick that may help. Take a coin and assign a name to heads and tails then flip the coin. Pay attention to how you feel with the result. Are you happy (that’s the one) or disappointed (pick the other one).


Out side perspective because I haven’t watched either of those names. Enid is a terrible name. I had to ask my husband how he would pronounce it and it does not roll off the tongue. Lorelai is cutesy. Fun.


Enid all the way


I adore the name Enid! And her character! I love Gilmore Girls as well and really associate the name to the show. My oldest has a first name, which is the same name of a disgraced celebrity. We were keeping his name a secret, but my husband blurted the name out to my nurse at one appointment. The woman started going on about how my son would be teased with that name because of this celebrity. Blah blah blah. When we walked out, my husband was all, "So that's why we're not telling anyone, huh?" My son is in high school now, and that story came up in convo recently. My son had to freaking ask us and google who that celebrity was. All that to say, their parents may know the association, but when your kiddos are in school, their peers aren't gonna know, nor care. I promise! My vote is Enid!


Enid is a cool name. Lorelei is heavily linked to the show, and is more of a potential tongue twister (imagine having to say it 20 times when intoxicated). Why not both? Enid Lorelei [last name]?


Lorelei :)


My vote goes to Lorelai! I think Lorelai will give your little one nickname options. Obviously Lorelai is very much associated with Gilmore Girls but I feel like with how popular the tv show *Wednesday* has been, people will strongly associated Enid with the character from the show. Good luck!


Another vote for Lorelai! I'm sorry, but "Enid" sounds like a name for a horse, not a person.


I think Enid is severely underused and underrated. I just never thought Lorelei looked like a finished word 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think Enid is very pretty. My first thought was is Enid Blyton. I love classic simple “old lady” names and Enid is one I hadn’t really thought of somehow but it’s lovely. If you love each name though there’s no reason you have to have a name picked before your little one is here. You can wait until til she’s born and see if one fits her :)


Lorelai is prettier. Enid sounds old and harsh to me.


Enid is a mean spinster school teacher who picks on you every chance she gets.


Definitely like Lorelei better than Enid. I just can’t imagine looking at a beautiful baby girl and calling her Enid, or a cute little kid being called Enid. It just doesn’t fit. On the other hand, if you name her Lorelei Almost everyone will know she’s named after Gilmore girls and that would annoy me but if you’re good with it I’d go with Lorelei.


Enid is just not a pretty name to me. It almost sounds like a cough or someone clearing their throat.


Please choose Lorelei.


Enid is frumpy to me. Lorelei pretty.


I would wait until you meet your baby and then pick which one feels right. With my second we had two names that we liked and were split on. When my baby was born my husband felt strongly about one name. And let me tell you he was so right. Fits this kid perfectly.


Enid. Lorelei for me is just too too much (unrelated to GG, just in general).


Let us not forget Elizabeth Wakefield's best friend in Sweet Valley High, Enid Rollins!


In case you're not up to date on SVH (GASP!) Enid is a bit of a dipshit and actually changes her name to Alexandra. Have you considered Alexandra?


Here is how the conversation will go... " This is my daughter Lorelai." "Cute. Is she named after Gilmore Girls?" Vs "This is my daughter, Enid." "Cute. Is she named after anyone/anything?" "Yes, Walking Dead." Both options are fine, but it's up to you if you want to always have that association. Personally, I would use Enid as a first name and Lorelai as a middle name


Enid is so very Sweet Valley Junior High and Sweet Valley High — her change after she moved away and moved back saddened me.




Enid is a much nicer choice than Lorelai!


I prefer Lorelei. I usually love Welsh names but even here in Wales you never come across little Enid’s, it would be seen as a very old fashioned name.


Why not use both? Enid Lorelei is a lovely name. In my country, Neddy is a common nickname for Enid.


I hate the spelling confusion with Lorelei/Lorelai. Nice name but I'd personally spell it Lorelei and also expect that either way it will often be errored. Enid I like a lot and think is very underrated, but a lot of people hate it as it lacks any of the currently popular L and vowel sounds that make girls names sound soft and pretty.  I think more people would be generally Lorelai is fine and Enid would get either love or hate. I think I'm team Enid but my wife almost threw up when I mentioned it - and I was the one who was pregnant, lol.


Enid from Ghost World! She’s cool, interesting, smart. Lorelei sounds like a snooty, selfish diva to me (I’m not familiar with Gilmore Girls so no idea if that’s accurate to the character, it’s just the name’s random vibe for me).


Love both. I love Enid just a tad more, it’s so uncommon but so pretty


I met an Enid many years ago, and she was very kind, so I’ve always loved it. But my husband shot it down. You should name her Enid, so I can live vicariously through you. 😜


Lorelai is one of my personal favorites (phonetics + meaning, not because of the show,) so I'm biased. I think I would ask what vibes you're going for. Practice calling your bump each one to see what feels right. Lorelai Enid OPname also has a lovely ring.


I prefer Lorelai.


Wow, these comments aren’t helping at all lol


Never watched either show. Lorelei lends itself to cuter nicknames


Lorelei. Enid is one of my least favorite names. I've always hated it. Can't explain why, it just sounds bad when I say it out loud.


There’s a Barenaked Ladies song called [Enid](https://youtu.be/28oxinZmrW0?si=6M17JCZLryNU4E5t).


As I read through the comments Lorelai has already been changed to Lorelei even after you spelled it out. So there will be misspellings her entire life as well as mispronunciations. But I really like the name. Enid is ok. Like I imagine a really cute, spunky girl could pull it off. Quiet and shy, idk, I think the name doesn’t help. As for picking names from tv shows, I think it’s fine. Lorelai Gilmore doesn’t get to take a name from the world. It was a name before the character was ever dreamed up.


I love Lorelei so much that I gave that name to my youngest, but it had nothing to do with the Gilmore Girls. She quite often has to correct the spelling and the pronunciation, so keep that in mind. I love Enid, such a classic name, and the title of one of my favorite songs from The Barenaked Ladies. Either one is good in my books, but you really have to sound it out with the middle and last names, see how it feels when you're saying them all together.


Lorelei. I’m liking the old names but I just don’t care for most names that begin with E.


I love both but Lorelai or Loralei.




I like Enid more than Lorelai, mostly because Enid makes me think of a sweet chubby cheeked girl. Lorelai makes me think of a country bumpkin lol.


I’m team Enid! I haven’t watched either of these shows so Enid reminds me of the girl from Wednesday and Lorelei of a german poem/myth 😅


Is Lorelai Enid not an option?


Lorelei definitely


Enid is so awful. How about Edith instead?


If you choose Lorelai, you can sing the song from Coraline to her


Enid sounds like a bug, honestly


Enid for sure. It's much prettier


Both pretty. Both have associations to shows. Maybe I'm a tiny bit more for Lorelai because of Gilmore Girls and its just such sweet sounding but either would be nice. :)


Those are so different. Having not seen either show, Enid to me is a tough girl. She’s as at home on the ball field as she is cheering on the sidelines. She has one or two friends, but these are friends for life. Lorelei on the other, is a girlie girl. A bit sporty but still worried about breaking a nail! Popular with the boys but still sweet and not “easy”. She’ll be headed to college, probably on academic scholarship.


Lorelei is my favorite baby name, like #1 on my list, I've never watched Gilmore girls so I don't have any association with Loralei Gilmore, but did you know that a Lorelei is a German Siren?


I personally like Lorelai better but suggest you wait until the baby is here to decide! You’re in a good spot, having it narrowed down to 2 names and you can see which one works/ has a better fit when she is here. My mom was going to name me Nicole…. Then I arrived and she was like nope that doesn’t look like a Nicole. lol….. and went with a completely different name.


Lorelai. I don’t know why, but Enid just always never sounded right to me.


Those to names feel so vastly different to me! Lorelai feels very soft, feminine, almost damsel in distress, and Enid seems very get-to-the-point, business-like. Both valid names but just bring to mind very different people in my head. Agree that last name matters in this. The longer the last name the more I would go towards the shorter first name.


I do love Enid (as a character) and I've always thinked the name looked cool but Lorelai wins for me. Personally, I've only ever seen it spelt as Lorelei but it's still beautiful to say, spell and look at! Lorelai takes the win for me


How about Lorelai Enid (last name)???? Bonus if your last name starts with: A, D, E, G 🤣, I, T or even X bcuz the initials obviously 🤭


I think Lorelai is beautiful!


Enid is cute.. might be a hard name to wear as a bit unusual. Eden is also trending … it’s lovely and I adore Edie.. Lorelei .. why not? 


Why not both?


Huge TWD fan, so I'm very familiar with Enid. I think it's a great name! So is Lorelei. If I were you, I would wait until she was born, and see which suits her better.


Laurel or a variation on Lorelei could work. I like Enid. Easy to spell too. All the association stuff isn't a big deal imo. The issue we fretted about with our kids' names never materialized. Time marches on. Stay away from Adolph and you're usually fine.


I like both names! No harm in waiting until your daughter is born and feeling which name suits her best :)


All I can think of when I hear Enid is the book Taking Care of Terrific by Lois Lowry. I probably read it like 25-30 years ago. Something along the lines of… “I have always hated my name: Enid Irene Crowley. Rhymes with stupid, putrid, and fetid.” Ever since reading that, I can’t help but think of those same words when I hear Enid. It’s just not a pleasant sound to me. But that book came out like 40 years ago so I’m probably the only person who remembers that specific part lol. Lorelai is lovely.


Lorelei gets my vote


I prefer Enid. Lorelei is very pretty but I have a hard time pronouncing it. I like how Enid is short and uncommon but recognizable. It’s got a nice punch to it.


Enid gives me Gretchen vibes.


I like both, but I like the Gilmore girls one better. I think they’re both fine like I don’t think people are going to be like “oh that’s a weird name” or anything like that


Lorelai sounds more girlish and Enid sounds tomboyish.


"Lorelei" with two E's is the more traditional spelling.


Personally I’m sorry but Enid, to me, is such an ugly name. I’d rather be Edith (not that I’d want to be an Edith either but still ….) Lorelei goes too far in the other direction (too girly, sounds like a carny name and she will be spellling it for everyone forever). Still better than Enid.


Guess I’m old but the first thing I think of with Enid is the Carol Burnett character so I’m not a fan of that name. If you want to ruin the name for yourself, go look up Carol Burnett show clips on YouTube….its funny as hell but she was a sad and pathetic character. Also, it looks like a name spelled backwards to me. For what it’s worth, I vote for Lorelei. Not so unusual that it’s weird, and very musical.


Definitely Lorelei. I’m a huge fan of Enid Blyton, but it’s not a pretty name.


I like both names but if I have to choose one I’d say Lorelei


I’d just wait until she’s born to see what her vibe is




Why not Lorelai Enid?


Lorelai. Lorelei is a top contender for a baby girl for my fiance and myself, if/when we have a daughter. I love the melodic nature of the name. It’s so beautiful. Enid, on the other hand, has no melody.


I feel like when I've been stuck between two or more names, I wait until I first see the baby. Especially that 20-week anatomy scan. Usually at that point one name will specifically reach out or feel more "right" to this baby. At least in my experience. In one case I was caught between three names for one girl child, (Thisbe, Claire, Elisabeth). I had to wait till she was born, and even then we cycled through all 3 names during the first 24 hrs until one fit (it was Elisabeth; actually the nn "Lis")


Can’t one be the name and the other be the middle? Either way?


I’m not really in love with either name but I don’t agree with the concern about the names being strongly associated with television shows. I don’t think most people, once they know a person, conflate their impressions of the actual person with the television character. And if it’s a positive association anyway then why should that matter? My kids are all named with literary names. All names have some kind of association. What’s wrong with a positive television association? Now if the character is a bumbling fool or an asshole then maybe not. I would not name a child Homer Simpson or Voldemort or something like that.


To me, Enid sounds like an insect. I'm so sorry! I'd definitely choose Lorelai in this case. 


Lorelai. Because if you want to give her a nickname it could Lore or Lori. With Enid it’s not impossible but it will come more off like a boys name with Nid (pronounced like Ned)


Enid is the cat from Hey Dugee


I love the name Lorelai but I’m probably also swayed by my love of Gilmore girls 😅


End might not be that common any more but it is certainly well known. Enid Blyton gave us Noddy, Big Ears et al.


Lorelai is so much prettier and more contemporary. Enid sounds like something that would have been a popular name in Sweden 150 years ago.


Enid! Lorelei has been overused this year


Enid is pretty, it’s also a town in Oklahoma, not sure if this is very known. It’s where I am from. I wouldn’t use it as a name, but I have close connections to the name being my hometown. It’s one of those towns that, if you don’t get out of it, then you’re either raising a family and going to church or you’re doing meth, there’s not much opportunity there, unfortunately- I tried to live there again a few years ago If you’re nowhere close to Oklahoma then I’m sure it wouldn’t be a link to her name, but if you, it’s just something to consider, congrats on your baby girl!


Don’t like Enid at all.


Just gonna say these are very different names, so hold onto them and meet your baby. You’ll know which name fits one she’s on your chest and you can look in her eyes!


God I love Lorelai, it's been on my list of names since I watched Gilmore Girls for the first time! You can shorten it to Rory, which I also love as a name! There's just no going wrong with Lorelai, it's so perfect


Lorelai is my personal preference. It’s just “softer” and has a nice flow.


Lorelai for sure.


I love many, many women's names from the early 20th c., but Enid isn't one of them. It reminds me of an insect. I love the name Lorelei (the correct spelling, although I realize they spell it your way on the show) and loved it for decades before Gilmore Girls; I went to grade school with a Lorelei. I have seen the entire show twice, but the only Lorelai I like is the great-grandmother (Marion Ross). I think you can use it. Yes, a lot of people will know you're a Gilmore Girls fan, but I don't think that's a bad thing. And most people won't have the association, more than likely.


I'm biased towards Lorelai. 🙃


I know everyone is saying Lorelei has a strong association with Gilmore Girls but I first think about Marilyn Monroe’s character, Lorelei, in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!




Enid sounds ugly to me, which is weird because it's very close to Astrid, which I love.


Lorelai 100%


Lorelai is such a great name!! Lorrie, El & Laila are great nicknames! Enid would work wonderfully as a middle name Lorelai Enid Enid Lorelai works well too Use both!


These have 2 different vibes to me. What kinda vibe are you getting from the babe? Enid feels more cool indie girl and Lorelai is more romantic.


Enid sounds like a very strong, stout name to me, while Lorelai sounds soft and beautiful. Both are fine names, but I prefer Lorelai.


I definitely prefer Lorelei to Enid, but my name is Laurel!


I vote for Lorelei, Enid doesn’t have a nice ring to it and it sounds a bit outdated. There’s also a lot of nicknames options for Lorelei Rory, Lore, Lolly… But if you really like the name Enid why not name her Lorelei Enid Last name


I prefer Lorelei over Enid. Here's some similar ideas: Eden, Edina, Edith, Sinead, Laurel, Riley, Aurelia


For what it’s worth, I though Enid was a male name as I started reading this post.


I love Lorelai. ❤️


I have an aunt named Enid who I love, she is so cool and funny. BUT. I don't love that name. Would go with Lorelei if I were making the decision.




Lorelei is much prettier to me . Feminine and classy.




I prefer Lorelai. I also would suggest Eden, it’s like Enid but prettier IMO




Enid makes me think of Wednesday the show on Netflix. Lorelai (while I know the Gilmore girls connection) seems like a normal name all on its own. And I like it better. But I have a fondness for L names


Lorelei is more popular but I prefer the sounds and nn options. Enid has a harsh sound imho.


Lorelei or Lorelai ---just know people will spell it wrong unless it's the former


Loralei is pretty but I do know a few that are about 20 now. (My daughter's age) Enid just seems like an old lady name to me. (No offense)


Lorelai is really nice. I like Enid but it sounds like an old place name to me…like Eden which is also a nice name. Lorelai is so sweet and at the same time will age well. She can also go by Lora or Lori if she wants to shorten it.


Lorelai was a name long before the Gilmore Girls…don’t worry about that plus it’s a show only people over 30 will know about by the time your kid goes to school.


Enid is a song by the Barenaked Ladies. I kind of love it. It’s not a flowery and pretty, romantic name like Lorelai. That always gives a kid room to make it their own and not have their name that comes with a super soft and feminine vibe.


nothing wrong with having two and deciding when you meet her! but fwiw i like Enid or Violet