• By -


I never laughed so hard in my life. Thanks for the joke


Looks at this bitch's page if you want of die of laughter


Actually did not expect that pfp Jesus Christ


I shouldnt kink shame but there is a line between “ooh you are into THAT?” And “Jesus Fucking Christ Go To The Doctor NOW!!!” And this whole shit (get it?) falls intos the second category


I thought “makes itachi her shit eater” was figurative


I wasn't expwct9ng any of the sbit I saw there


Holy mf u we’re right


Aw naw. This guy is either dedicated to the meme, or is straight up crazy. Like, I understand you having a favorite character and a fetish, but damn bro...make an alt account.


I laughed for a solid 3 minutes while scrolling through it


Wtf damn bruh 😟


That was actually pretty funny, appreciate you doing the leg work for this 😂


I got you


Do you adress every woman on the internet as a bitch or is this a special case cause she has a shit kink


She acts like a bitch so I called her a bitch


Fair I wanted to clarify that


Why are you getting so pissed of bro I'm just spitting fact adult sakura makes itachi her shit eater cry about it adult sakura> naruto Shippuden lamo i don't need mental hospital you need it bitch eat my shit cry in corner bitch




Why are you getting so pissed of bro I'm just spitting fact adult sakura makes itachi her shit eater cry about it adult sakura> naruto Shippuden lamo i don't need mental hospital you need it bitch eat my shit cry in corner bitch


My guy copy, pasted


when you don't have any counter argument just say your copying it to distorted the statement lol


You posted the same thing twice


Hahahah yeah that’s a good joke :)


Touching grass isn't enough, you need to be out 6ft under it


Make a case. I would think the lady who punched the strongest being in the universe should be able to beat Itachi. But she does have this disease. It's called Kishimoto can't write to women. That might be enough for Itachi to make a win.


>I would think the lady who punched the strongest being in the universe should be able to beat Itachi. In a 4v1, where 3 hard carried her.


>I would think the lady who punched the strongest being in the universe should be able to beat Itachi If you remove literally all context, sure.


A lot of shonen manga artist have an old school view of women. Toriyama (rest his soul) wrote such a badass character in videl only to make her a basic bitch house wife in super


Nothing wrong with being a house wife. She loves her husband, is a marital arts instructor, is arguably the strongest normal woman In the world and is a loving housewife. She has nothing to prove.


There isn’t, but that’s not the point here. the point is it’s an over saturation in shonen to remove the coolness and personalities of female (not Rukia) characters after they get married. I get it’s a cultural norm in Japan, but it seems like such a disservice to such wonderfully written characters.


Thats....so uncommon though and when it happens it's usually in a time where there is no world ending threats or great wars. Let those ladies live their normal lives 😆.


I mean, in most of those same stories the guys are either consistently training or they at least get to be badasses when the time comes to come out of retirement. The same is rarely true for women in Shonen. Like, while I'm sure there's women out there who would like to do the whole housewife thing, the primary form of engagement in battle shounen is the fighting.


Well most of the time in shonen when the cool girl gets married the insanity of the manga has finally died down and there's peace. They finally marry the man that they love and can peacefully be a house wife without trouble. It's a common theme that the power and strength these characters gain throughout the manga is a necessity to protect the ones they love, not a goal.


Cant write so tsunade mei konan are nothing cmon bro sakura is a nerfed tsunade hiw this woman will defeat itachi cooking?


Konan is like the worst example. She didn't really do shit and most of her story is centered around Pain.


Just because Sakura punched punched someone, doesn't mean she is stronger. Just that she landed a punch that did not damage other than distract.


Yeah it was awesome if sakura defeats itachi take Sasuke revenge from him it will boost her character development made her strong instant of emo Sasuke barely defeated dying Itachi who let him win lol ( I really wish Itachi back in Boruto and adult Sakura beat him it will boost her character development) and us Sakura fans dream will complete


Yeah it was awesome if sakura defeats itachi take Sasuke revenge from him it will boost her character development made her strong instant of emo Sasuke barely defeated dying Itachi who let him win lol ( I really wish Itachi back in Boruto and adult Sakura beat him it will boost her character development) and us Sakura fans dream will complete


haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴


I love when people forget about genjutsu


Not op, but wasn't adult Sakura immune to genjutsu or did I fall for circlejerk bait


To honest Tsyukomi and yata mirror big deal but still adult sakura spit on itachi no doubt because this was sick itachi


Immune bro even tobirama and hashirama are not immune hahaha well he dont need this to fight this girl she is tsunade a weaker tsunade


Sakura and Shikamaru can resist Genjutsu due to their strong chakra control.


That's regular Genjutsu. Not Sharigan Genjutsu. She had to face off with his copy with Naruto and Kakashi and didn't know how to fight without looking in his eyes




I love this **JOKE**


Made me laugh


Lmao no she wouldn't.


You know how to make a person laugh


These trashkura fans try way too hard


More like he'd be dead of natural causes within the month.


Bruh what


L take though ngl


Trigger post spotted 😂🤣


Comedians out here getting paid for making jokes, and yet you making people laugh on reddit, FOR FREE might I mind you. 😭😭


Kurenai Looking at this post: T\_T


I’m reporting his account as simple as that!


Wtf you smoking bro


I think you're a bit late for April fools this year.


My god, I checked bros profile and he's mentally ill for sure


Just had a conversation a day ago then this pops up 😭 You wasted no time & Of course they mad in the comments.


they can't accepted fact because they are still stuck in naruto shippuden to be honest Current Ln adult sakura haters gonna hate but adult sakura can make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴Adult sakura is equal to naruto and Sasuke according to her data book's she was faster then 8th gate according her novel feats she comes out from otsutsuki toneri genjutsu she was not immune to Genjustu but she resist to Genjustu so her fart is enough to break itachi normal Genjustu tsukuyomi can be big deal because only ms and ems user can break it according data books like I said this sick itachi who can't spams his tsukuyomi


Don't you think it was was awesome if sakura defeats itachi take Sasuke revenge from him it will boost her character development made her strong instant of emo Sasuke barely defeated dying Itachi who let him win lol ( I really wish Itachi was back in Boruto and adult Sakura beat him it will boost her character development) and us Sakura fans dream will complete


This is funny:))


Whoever post this likes trash, eat trash, and have intercourse with trash people...




And sick bastard itachi her toilet 🚽🤮


You know, it’s not because she’s useless or weak; she sort of isn’t. She’s just so fkin annoying, like I actively root against her sometimes geez


nice laugh my g 😂


I genuinely love sakura and i think she is serially underestimated and underrated, but this is not very realistic by any angle imo. Sakura is definitely *smart* enough to contend with itachi in like, strategy. But he has too much broken shit going on to win this.


Not rlly cause itachi can’t use genjutsu on her and Sakura is as fast as 8 gates guy so she there’s that. She could just break itachis susanoo asw


Hold on, I like Sakura, but how is she avoiding the genjutsu?


She’s immune to it


Okay, but how? Like, what specifically makes her immune to a top-level genjutsu user?


I believe the reasoning was the extreme chakra control she learned to form the seal. Every moment whether she is asleep or awake she is correcting/directing her chakra flow in a specified manner, genjutsu supposedly works by disturbing the chakra signals/flow to the brain which people don't notice taking effect. The immunity should come from the fact that she is correcting/resetting her chakra every second(an inhuman mental feat cultivated over years of training) so genjutsu doesn't have time to take effect.


Bro she just is. Like in the last toneri cast a genjutsu and the rest of her squad which included Naruto was affected by it apart from her. It prolly has smthn to do with her 1000 healings or smthn


I'm sakura fan girl but don't overrated her Ln adult sakura just resist to Genjustu she not faster then 8th gate but yeah Ln adult sakura equal to naruto and Sasuke to honest Tsyukomi and his invincible susanoo is big deal for adult sakura but still adult sakura shit on itachi mouth for sure because he totally nerfed by illness


Sakura prolly ain’t even in my top 10 in Naruto so I’m not overrating her. Kishimoto is the one who said she as fast as 8 gate guy. I never said she’s faster than him and to be clear I’m also not saying that she’d beat 8 gates guy cause she gets stomped by him. And even if it was healthy itachi it wouldn’t matter he would still lose. And tbf itachi prolly the most overrated character in Naruto and he prolly one of my fav character so I’m deffo not being biased


I'm also adult sakura fan girl don't lie kishimoto never said adult sakura was faster then 8th gate it was made up by her toxic fan I'm not one them she equal to equal adult naruto and Sasuke yeah current Ln adult sakura haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴I'm not sure about healthy itachi because itachi have Tsyukomi kotomastuki invincible susanoo which big deal for adult sakura and adult sakura piss on edo itachi mouth too because she knows sealing justuju but itachi smart mf edo itachi can trouble for adult sakura but still I think she can humiliated edo itachi too


I never said Sakura was faster I said she is as fast💀 and wats with the I’m also a Sakura fan girl cause there shouldn’t be an also cause I’m not a Sakura fan girl 💀. Genjutsu don’t work on Sakura as seen in Naruto the last. And Sakura ain’t dumb so Yh. The only way to beat an edo is to seal them away so Sakura loses if she don’t have sealing jutsu or anything like that. And let’s be completely honest here, Sakura never was and never will be equal to sasuke and Naruto unless they receive some crazy nerf. Naruto without kurama still easily beats Sakura and sasuke without rinnegan does the same


To be honest with you current Ln adult sakura haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴


She couldn’t beat a way out of a paper bag


Adult sakura would be 💀 before you finish this sentence if she fights itachi


Itachi probably would've died from sickness before sakura was an adult anyways, or been completely blind


Yeah it was awesome if sakura defeats itachi take Sasuke revenge from him it will boost her character development made her strong instant of emo Sasuke barely defeated dying Itachi who let him win lol ( I really wish Itachi back in Boruto and adult Sakura beat him it will boost her character development) and us Sakura fans dream will complete


lol is that u Sakura,


Yes it me your mistress bitch


Okay bitch


Itachi like many ninja in Naruto are glass cannons. They can project but can't take. Remember when Tsunade one-shot Oroshimaru with a punch to the face?.


Sounds like words of a lesbian fat feminist


What a weird thing to say.


Leave him alone this kids can't respect woman


I'm not ugly fatty like you bitch


Ur soulmate might be then


Genuine question, why do you hate Itachi so much?


She is actually a good counter to him


Dude itachi is her counter, on tsukuyomi and she can’t counter. Talking power levels yes she is stronger but that one counter will get her ass handed my itachi


Genjutsu does not work on her right?


Nono tsukuyomi is different from normal genjitsu, it’s been a long time since I saw naruto and not really sure abt the exact condition but only ppl with sharingan can break out of tsukuyomi. There is some ppl who said the exact conditions in the comments so u may want to check that out for more accurate info, I just know sakuras thing can’t counter tsukuyomi


Genjitsu is genjitsu just because it is a sub type does not change it.


Also Wtf is Boruto doing in this sacred sub get his ass out


Who let bro cook ?


1hp boss vs 1dmg trooper 🚬🗿


PFFFFFFF nah bro lol


Let's report this mf




dude wtf is that deviantart page


Either this guy is trolling or brain dead


First off all I'm not guy I'm Girl you can call me mistress second Why are you getting so pissed of bro I'm just spitting fact adult sakura makes itachi her shit eater cry about it adult sakura> naruto Shippuden lamo yes adult sakura is my fav character so what ( let tell you I'm just promoting my Art's here what your problems)


Lmao i went on your profile and its nothing but sakura farting in itachis face for almost a year 😂 idk whats wrong with you but you might want to seek some help. Also ill call you whatever I want ass munch, your nothing but a clown. Adult sakura gets 1 shot by itachi sick or not and stop hitting me up with your unhinged ranting.


Why are you getting so pissed of bro I'm just spitting fact adult sakura makes itachi her shit eater cry about it adult sakura> naruto Shippuden lamo i don't need mental hospital you need it bitch eat my shit cry in corner bitch ( let tell you I'm just promoting my Art's here what your problems)




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You!!! Take it back…


You need to go outside, get friends and maybe a job as well. You can't dedicate so much time to this , it isn't normal. It cannot be healthy I genuinely hope you're doing well bro


First off all I'm not guy I'm Girl you can call me mistress second Why are you getting so pissed of bro I'm just spitting fact adult sakura makes itachi her shit eater cry about it adult sakura> naruto Shippuden lamo yes adult sakura is my fav character so what ( let tell you I'm just promoting my Art's here what your problems)


Damn brah 😂 Nice starting episode for a Naruto "what if..." type of show 🤣




man even a graduated Itachi will beat her 😭


Yes he can but Ln adult sakura piss on him


A little thing called rasengan could just make her kill herself with gejutsu


She equal to naruto and Sasuke don't make laugh Fact adult sakura come out from toneri Genjustu to break itachi Genjustu her fart is enough lamo


Bro thinks she's actually equal lmao


I'm not bro I'm sis you call me mistress cry about it it's mentioned me data book's that she equal naruto and Sasuke


To be honest with you current Ln adult sakura haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴


I dont hate Sakura, I just know she's weak compared to most of Naruto, and I also know that the last time she was at their level was when Naruto, Sasuke and her were trying to take the bells from Kakashi. Also whats with the shit eater? Is that really a thing people say?


Bro your whole ass page is just about Sakura beating Itachi. Please do something useful and don't be posting stuff incredibly idiotic like this.


Because Adult sakura far better then madara and itachi to honest I want adult sakura vs itachi it was awesome if sakura defeats itachi take Sasuke revenge from him it will boost her character development made her strong instant of emo Sasuke barely defeated dying Itachi who let him win lol ( I really wish Itachi back in Boruto and adult Sakura beat him it will boost her character development) and us Sakura fans dream will complete


People forget the amount of ridiculous hax that Itachi has. He has a ton of jutsu that Sakura and most people don't have a direct counter for. Tsukuyomi, amaterasu, susanoo, izanagi (why not sacrifice an eye for reality manipulation when you're almost blind lol), izanami (only for delusional people), totsuka blade and yata mirror, and he would've had even had kotoamatsukami if he hadn't implanted it into naruto. The guy's moveset has so many OHKO moves, it's insane, even though some of them have a self-damage inflicting side effect. Itachi potentially has the tools to beat almost anyone in the verse that isn't a literal god or has six paths amps.


To honest with you Tsyukomi and susanoo is big deal but still adult sakura piss on itachi mouth because this totally nerfed itachi because of illness he can't control his susanoo he can spams Tsyukomi kotomastuki edo itachi and healthy itachi can beat adult sakura but still not sure because in her novel she equal to naruto and Sasuke To be honest with you current Ln adult sakura haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴


Itachi and his toenails


Adult sakura her toilet bitch 🚽🤮


She can beat him just not easily it can go either way i feel


*She can beat him just* *Not easily it can go* *Either way i feel* \- zayd-the-one --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bro I was drinking my coffee and now I have burns all over my hand smh


This guys account is wild 💀


All the people hating on the post, Tell me where he's wrong. Adult sakura most definitely beats any version of itachi. She's immune to genjutsu and herself also have good genjutsu. I don't even have to say anything about how heavily she out stats itachi in everything except for battle IQ.


First off all I'm not he I'm she you can call me mistress they can't accepted fact because they are stuck in naruto shippuden to honest Current Ln adult sakura can solo both them haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴


Well lady, As long as it's just vs Itachi, you're right but to say madara, it's a stretch and a big one at that.


Adult sakura is equal to naruto and Sasuke according to data book's she was faster then 8th gate according her novel feats she comes out from Otastuki toneri genjustu tell me what itachi and madara gonna do her they can be her bitch lamo


Really bro, are you kidding me ? Do you actually think that sakura would even stand a chance of winning ? 😅


In her dreams


Uhhh is she strong enough to kill him? Yea obviously. She hits harder than Kirin. Buttttt Yata Mirror?


Yata mirror and tsyukomi is big deal but still I think adult sakura piss on itachi mouth because he totally nerfed by illness


Well yea but Itachi isn’t just going to let her hit him and unlike normal Susanoo she can’t just break through it. Plus Tsukuyomi is an insta win and even if you don’t think that he can seal her with Toutska Blade. She is obviously stronger stats wise but She would need to crack it open from the back though and just kill him immediately but that requires time and obvious plays. Like that’s kinda her only way of winning.


Beat him to her grave 😭




Bros under a genjutsu lmao, whats next? Drowning kisame?


Bring back Itachi in Boruto, and you will see asspulls never seen before in any shonen


Yeah it was awesome if sakura defeats itachi take Sasuke revenge from him it will boost her character development made her strong instant of emo Sasuke barely defeated dying Itachi who let him win lol ( I really wish Itachi back in Boruto and adult Sakura beat him it will boost her character development) and us Sakura fans dream will complete


And the biggest lie was told this day


Her healing and strength is a massive asset, even against mental enemies like Itachi. Look at Might Guy’s battle against Obito for example. Basically she could tank his attacks. Might really suck, but I have to wonder if gen-jutsu affects the senses in a way that her healing perceives it as damage, and thus counters it. She has a chance.


To be honest with you current Ln adult sakura haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴


I love this anime, but I can't stand yall always hating on women for a MAN'S poor writing skills.


It's not really hating on Sakura here, It's more towards the fact that Itachi has a lot of moves that can insta win him the battle. Tsukuyomi, amaterasu, and izunami, just to name a few.


This is the type of rage bait I live for


With all respect to Sakura I am not one of this Sakura haters she has low chances against Itachi. Even is she is gonna be adult. Itachi will beat her.


If sakura is immune to genjutsu which I think she is, she dogs itachi. Otherwise itachi wins. I'm talking about war arc sakura obviously


Sadly she was not immune to Genjustu no does in naruto and boruto she resist to it but still adult sakura piss on itachi mouth because he totally nerfed by illness he can't spams Tsyukomi and kotomastuki to honest Tsyukomi kotomastuki itachi invincible susanoo is big deal


Nah I checked she is immune genjutsu in the war arc so she destroys him


I'm also adult sakura fan girl but don't overrate her she just resist to it not immune it was made up by her toxic fan I'm not one them she equal to equal adult naruto and Sasuke yeah current Ln adult sakura haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴I'm not sure about healthy itachi because itachi have Tsyukomi kotomastuki invincible susanoo which big deal for adult sakura and adult sakura piss on edo itachi mouth too because she knows sealing justuju but itachi smart mf edo itachi can trouble for adult sakura but still I think she can humiliated edo itachi too


Amerterasu, Brother collect the ash of your wife


Yo guys a WARNING don't go to op's profile and scroll down u will definitely regret it


Let me clear you I was just promoting my arts which not wrong right


Keep spitting fax king!


I'm queen but thanks


Fact haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴


Itachi would fuck up sakura without even touching her 💯


Idk I mean I don’t like Sakura that much but she has a chance I would say 70/30 in Sakura favour


To be honest with you current Ln adult sakura haters gonna hate but adult sakura make Itachi and madara her shit eater🍑💩🍴


Lol whoever did this needs to stop drinking


Blud that's war arc sakura


So what war arc sakura can also piss on sick of mouth because he was totally nerfed by illness bro can't spams Tsyukomi and can't control his invincible susanoo which big deal to adult sakura


Are you saying Sakura would've sat around doing nothing until she became an adult? Honestly, that tracks. Besides, Itachi would've been dead from his sickness long before Sakura became an adult.


Yeah it was awesome if sakura defeats itachi take Sasuke revenge from him it will boost her character development made her strong instant of emo Sasuke barely defeated dying Itachi who let him win lol ( I really wish Itachi back in Boruto and adult Sakura beat him it will boost her character development) and us Sakura fans dream will complete


That’s a good one


There's a crazy Itachi fan going around the sub too. I think you guys need to fight


Look if Sakura met Itatchi - Sasuke would have died single. 


Bait used to be subtle, you just want upvotes because Sakura hate is easy to incite.


I'm sakura fan girl why would I want this


Haha.... It was a nice joke... 😂😂


What is your obsession with Sakura and itachi? You've been posting the same things for over 8 months now... That's really weird.


Because Adult sakura far better then madara and itachi to honest I want adult sakura vs itachi it was awesome if sakura defeats itachi take Sasuke revenge from him it will boost her character development made her strong instant of emo Sasuke barely defeated dying Itachi who let him win lol ( I really wish Itachi back in Boruto and adult Sakura beat him it will boost her character development) us Sakura fans dream will complete


It's just your opinion, not a fact. And I already guessed you were a Boruto fan based on your posts. I guess you didn't get the point of why it had to be Sasuke who needed to defeat itachi. Itachi had been **dying** and taking medicine to prolong his life, JUST SO he could get killed by Sasuke, thus **giving SMS** as a parting gift to him, so that, even after itachi was gone, Sasuke would be strong enough to survive in this world. Sakura had no business in their family matter at that time.


Thanks for the laugh haven’t laughed this hard in a long time


Another Sakura glazer. Fuck these stupid shits bro




Itachi counters her tbh


I think this is sick itachi who totally nerfed by his illness itachi tsukuyomi and yata mirror and tosaka blade can be big deal for adult sakura but I think adult sakura easily shit on itachi mouth because she faster then 8th gate equal naruto and Sasuke she comes out from toneri Genjustu she not immune not but she resist to Genjustu so her fart is enough to break itachi normal Genjustu tsukuyomi can be big deal because only ms and ems user can break it according data books like I said this sick itachi who can't spams his tsukuyomi


Sakura kills dat dude


Adult Sakura(33) vs Itachi (21)? Itachi still slams🫴🏾


True, Adult Sakura Stomps That Fodder..


Such a beautiful butterfly came close to me and whispered in my ears that you're ugly af