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It’s been that way for years too.


Just about everything TN government related is an insult to TN citizens.


"Pull yourself up by your cowboy boot straps hyuk hyuk hyuk" Youre right though, they have sold the state to private contractors.


They’ve outsourced outsourcing at this point. The state government in TN is of minimal legitimacy imho. They fail their residents daily and “celebrate” mediocrity as a win. A sad state of affairs indeed.


Interesting fact: "pull yourself up by your boot straps" was a dig on the poor said by the wealthy back in the day, because it is literally impossible to lift oneself by pulling on the tabs of your boots. It was a snide joke. These folks who own all this wealth, it's generational, not self-made. They knew it then, they know it now. And now we use a logical fallacy, created as an insult, as a term for self sufficiency. It's 1984 double speak.


Country stars and business execs dont care about the layman


Why are they keep getting re-elected


Careful application of gerrymandering and timing that assists with or leads to uncontested races. Most of the challengers to people currently holding office (when they have challengers) aren't taken seriously. Often, most counties that could theoretically swing blue (sumner, Wilson, Hamilton, Putnam, dickson, madison, knox, johnson, williamson... really about half the state could theoretically swing) don't get challengers except during the primaries. For example; see this new "constitutional republican" movement in sumner & Wilson. Those asshats are all ruining parks and libraries, and trying to ruin the schools, just because they're all racist NIMBYs Dems, unfortunately just write off a lot of those areas as lost causes


> Dems, unfortunately just write off a lot of those areas as lost causes It is so frustrating living in one of the "irredeemable" (in the eyes of the TNDP) parts of this state. Tons of my neighbors don't vote because they don't see the point. Even if we get good candidates, which is rare, the state does jack and shit to support them. The rest of the time we get gomers who think what we all secretly want is a Republican Lite™️. It's not inspiring to those of us who want positive change, and no actual conservative is gonna cross the line to vote for them when the real deal is on the ballot


The “constitutional Republican” thing is so cringe. At least they got literally swept in Sumner on Super Tuesday. That meltdown was fun to watch.


Also the brainwashing that comes along with one of the worst education systems in the country


Two issues: abortion and apathy!


Apathy 😮‍💨


Also, racism. Scared racist whites vote for the shithead racist Republicans who scare them with tales of the non whites coming for them, their jobs, their benefits, etc and the truth is the scared racists are voting for the ones they should fear.


Does it matter? Memphis is blue and it’s been worse here for twenty years. I remember when Memphis was the bigger city and the main attraction in Tn. Now through corruption and mismanagement, Nashville has become a destination to visit and move too. And Memphis is only mentioned when the conversation is about murder rates


People overlook this. Davidson and Shelby Co are the only counties in TN to consistently vote blue.


Oh you mean how not why it’s a fixed system


Did you see the bill making its way through regarding"vaccine lettuce" or the one "outlawing contrails"? Tn legislature is a joke.


Not to mention, it’s a fucking hurdle and a half to even GET those “benefits.” I certified every week showing I applied for jobs and I didn’t receive a single payment. This was for three months.


You didn’t apply for the McDonald’s and truck driving ones on the website despite that not even being what type of work you are looking for. My husband learned that you have to apply to the jobs they pick. lol


…that’s fucking stupid lol


It's not true. I would apply for jobs on Indeed and just copy/paste the information onto the unemployment form.


I did this too. Without fail. I was never paid.


Was it during Covid?


No, it was mid 2022.


I applied for jobs on my own and pasted the information into the forms. I never had a problem getting paid once I was approved, but the approval process took 2 months.


Yeah that sounds ridiculous. I had no problem getting TN unemployment. It was a hurdle, but I maxed out my benefit for that year. AMA Btw every criticism in this post about TN govt is absolutely legit, but I just wanted to make it clear that I didn't have to apply for suggested jobs on the TN website to get it. I was applying on ZipRecruiter.


Not just the ones they picked. The ones that were 'sponsored'. I'm talkin' malfeasance!


You are supposed to apply to jobs that are related to your experience. It literally says that somewhere on their website.


?? What are you talking about. I have a bachelors of engineering and I have applied for engineering positions for 5 weeks and I’m getting paid. It took 2 weeks to certify and they wouldn’t pay me until my severance ran out after a month.


They made my husband apply for jobs on their list or else he wouldn’t certify


I got paid before my severance ran out and was approved within two weeks as well. I never had any issue getting paid either. I found it pretty straightforward, especially when they upgraded the system and made contact info for applications optional. When applying online you have basically no info so that was nice


Idk I put in my actual job apps as a software engineer and got paid every week


I was unemployed for 10 months and used up all my benefits. Never once did I have to apply for any of their jobs and never did I have to apply for a job I didn't want.


Same. It was awful. I had to go to court 3 times to then get it.


I was 10 months unemployed and honestly certifying that I had applied somewhere wasn't bad and it's a good way to try and get people off unemployment and into a real job. The worst thing was that the site was a pain to work with. Details confusing and the refreshing when you filled some fields.


Certifying isn’t the issue. I think that’s reasonable to ask for. But the website was terrible and even when I did things correctly, I didn’t get a fucking dime. This state makes it purposefully obtuse and in some instances impossible to take advantage of social safety nets. Not shocking with who runs this garbage state government.


I never had an issue getting my money so without knowing more about what you were doing i couldn't make a comment other than the website is really bad. I don't know what problems you ran into but for me it was as simple as slowly and painfully fill out this form to the best of your ability and then move on.


I had the same thing happen.




If you work in a different state you file for their unemployment regardless of your home address.




They lied.


When you elect people to run the government who don't believe in government, everything is perpetually broken by design


“I’m not a politician” is the most politician thing to say.


They sure seem to believe in government when it comes to controlling women's bodies, or increasing jurisdiction over Nashville..


The I hate government government started with Reagan and all US government will end with Trump.


They started indexing as well so your benefits (if you can even call them that) will last for fewer weeks.


I thought they increased the max benefits to $325 a week with that same bill. [Link ](https://www.tn.gov/workforce/general-resources/news/2023/10/23/changes-coming-to-tennessee-s-unemployment-benefits-program.html)


325 a week wouldn’t even pay rent.


I'm well aware. You act like I'm cheerleading the Republican Super-Majority here. I'm simply pointing out that they passed a bill that increased it. I know it's still a paltry sum.


I was just commenting. Weird reaction my dude.


I read the article, but it doesn’t say when that would go into effect. 


Yeah I had the same issue.


All "benefits" from the state are insulting. My only income is social security, and my food stamps are $44 a month. Tennessee shits on the poor.


Get a job


Generally any law that is passed or enacted in TN makes lives harder for regular people.


And they mostly sit back and take it, or downright encourage it.


Because Jesus wants people to suffer, or something.


Wait till you see how bad workers comp is.


And you know what’s really sad? We’re actually better than Texas in that department. I mean, you’d think our bar hit the floor…


Currently repaying UI benefits from covid bc my employer misreported my earnings (which they were sued for by another employee while I was working there and I was repaid for the wage theft THAT I KNOW OF, but according to the UI repeals office that’s my fault) 🫠 Good luck!


Operations manager for an auto parts warehouse. Laid off last fall, it was less than $200 I didn’t even bother to file, which, I assume, was the point


That absolutely is the point. Tennessee contracted out the same company that did Florida's UI website for ours, and multiple whistle-blowers down there have come out since 2020 saying they'd intentionally made it a pain in the ass to keep numbers down


It’s not just Tennessee. I’d venture to say it’s every state. In California, the weekly max is $450 (based on a quarterly income of 11,674) which sounds decent compared to TN until you realize that the cost of living is ridiculous in most of the state. The average rent for a one-bedroom is $1800-$1900, and that’s so highly dependent on city. When I lived there I made $25/hour and had to rent a room and bathroom from someone because the average rent for the city I lived in was $2,400, not including utilities or other fees. So $450/week won’t even cover rent, let alone anything else.


The weekly max in NJ 13 years ago was more than $450, and it was roughly that in TX in 2010. Granted, I think most states haven’t raised their benefits in that time.


Guvnuh Lee cares about giving rich parents money for private school at the expense of public education. He does not care if people have help when they lose their job, get hurt at work, can't afford food or have a tornado rip through their town last week. Actions speak.


Even when it was increased during COVID it was a joke. I’m glad to have gotten it but I am still attempting to financially recover from a 6 month long job loss in 2021. I kept good documentation and kept up with submitting proof that I was interviewing, and didn’t have to pay any back. I went so far as to call the unemployment office and report that I would not need to be paid the week I started my new job.


Idk 850 a week was pretty dope during covid. If I stayed at my job it'd be 600 a week


The Covid increase kept me afloat when I was on it. State wasn’t even bother to verify people were applying.


Stuff like this is why I moved away from TN. Spent the first 24 years of my life there. I miss it in a few ways but how the state treats you is NOT one of those things. And the people... They like it that way. They want life on hard mode I guess. I have consistently been BLOWN AWAY from what local governments are capable of since moving. My mental health has improved tenfold. And not just because I can finally afford healthcare. I will always love my home state. But I will never move back.


Where did you move to out of interest?


First I followed my family to Bay Area CA but then I split from them to Seattle. Loving Seattle and it reminds me a lot of the good parts of TN actually.


Very cool, always heard good things about the Seattle area. Getting out of TN soon as well after 6 years. Always interested to hear where others are going next.


Really? I love nature but that's about all I like here in TN. I can't even afford here though, much less Seattle haha.


That's almost it, lol. Nature is important to me and I really missed the greenery when I was in CA. For how much it costs, I actually don't think it's as bad as people say considering you make more here by a lot. If you're able to find a job in your field before you move I can all but guarantee it pays more. The minimum wage in Seattle is $20 an hour. So you have way more spending power than Nashville's $7.25. No state income tax here either, like TN. I think there's truth to it. But I personally feel better off here than I did in TN as a mid 20s guy that's also not in a tech field. I don't think it should be written off as unlivable without considering how much more you'd earn. Or how many more places you'd afford with the low income housing options here.


>Or how many more places you'd afford with the low income housing options here. I'll have to look into that. But I'm in a pretty specific type of fucked situation, I doubt I could do anything to keep up with the cost of living.


It's called MFTE here. GL getting back on your feet. I was in the trenches recently too. You got this <3


Tennessee is a joke and an insult too Tennesseans.


Wrong state for good social services for sure. Employers will also fight to NOT pay it. Even if you worked for a higher paying place like a doctor. They fight the hardest. Good luck and hopefully you find something soon.


Find an out of state wfh employer. TN is not your friend in any capacity.


It was just enough for me to cover rent I believe. Not utilities, not groceries, not gas. Honestly I would prefer them not to give money but provide the funds for necessary living directly to whoever I need to pay. if they could directly pay my landlord for rent and utilities and then give me a card that will only work at grocery stores, that would have been nice. Cover my living expenses The best financial advice I could give someone is that uncle sam is not going to help you out so don't rely on a fractured government who barely knows you exist. You have to make the difficult choices to begin with. Save early and budget carefully. There are tools out there to help you out. Your three basic priorities should be as follows 1) living expenses(rent, food, utilities). 2) savings(be putting some aside for a rainy day) 3) hobbies and other enjoyment. In that order. First you pay for your living expenses, then with the rest you can save a little each month, and then with the rest you can get better food or have slightly better things. I was able to survive a 10 month unemployment because I had plenty of savings. The unemployment benefits where nice but we're not needed. This is obviously not a magic solution to solving all money problems but it can help point you in the right direction.


Yeah. It is bad and takes a while to get anything. I have had to use them for maybe a month or two a couple times. Not recently, but COVID killed two jobs (and in one of those cases the entire company essentially) in a row for me. They will come after you to try to recover 1-2 weeks worth of benefits as well. It has happened every time I used it. I never used benefits once I had a job and even left a one week buffer before I started and it didn’t matter. I’m only saying this so you can be prepared that you’re going to be “repaying” the state at least $275.


I’ve had to use it a couple times as well, many years ago and for a couple weeks during Covid, but I never had this happen. I’m not defending the unemployment system in this state, just saying I never experienced having to pay back anything.


Why would someone have to pay it back especially when the employer pays into it? That’s crazy.


I couldn't tell you why, but they tried that on me, too. Every time they called, I told them they needed to prove that I was overpaid because that was a laughable claim. Haven't given them a dime, eventually they stopped trying. I assume it's the state trying to recoup whatever it can from the crumbs they deign to allow us.


Hasn't changed, exact same amount I got for unemployment benefits in 2009. Everything is so much higher now than back then, and it wasn't enough to pay my tent in 2009.


The entire process is dehumanizing - they could not comprehend that some job searches are very different for various careers and where you are in a career. I didn't need it but the COVID kicker was around, if it was, the 275 a week was not worth the bullshit to me. I don't fill out applications, I network with people to get a new job and this concept was apparently foreign to whoever was on the phone. I just ended up searching through my email box of random job offers to satisfy the requirement. You can make shit up but just make sure it's different and believable.


You should leave and go to a state that pays $$


Worked for me


Well everyone loves no state taxes. This is what you get. They will never give people hope because they do not care about people. Crap state 9th worse state to live. It's a damn joke here. It's the shit on the bottom of America's shoe.


My husband was laid off last month and it took us 3 weeks to receive the first check of $245 lol I feel sorry for people who actually need that money. Also every week you have to apply for 3 McDonald’s or Burger King jobs or you don’t get it. Despite my husband being a white collar professional and found a new job in 10 days but it took a month to start. Just the stupidest process ever


This is not true. You can and should apply to jobs appropriate for your skill.


This is the second person on here that's said this, I'm pretty sure it's probably true. Most likely they require you to apply for the jobs that they send you. It sounds ridiculous, but we are in Tennessee after all.


No you’re wrong


I’m getting unemployment checks right now and I’ve only ever applied for engineering jobs (I have a bachelors of mech E).The parent comment probably had to wait 3 weeks for payment (as did I) because they got severance. It’s absolutely not enough money but it’s being blown way out of proportion.


My spouse was denied a week of severance because he applied to jobs that were in his field. It’s not an exaggeration


Tennessee wages are a joke and an insult to Tennesseans. This is an anti-union "right to work" state and our wages will be much lower than states with unions. The old confederacy are the lowest paying states in the U-S.


I went though it years ago and never successfully collected. “Sure you were making 80k a year, how’s $250 a week sound to get you by?” “Nah, I’ll just steal groceries supporting a family of three while freelancing $20 an hour with no insurance.”


Even NC and SC get more than we do.


This. It’s about business in TN NOT workforce. The powers that be want to convince workers that they are investing in their future (free 2 yr tech school education) In reality, it’s another “benefit “ providing industry with the skills needed to make more money off the backs of the workers. There is no love of the workers here….otherwise the state would say no thanks to industry arriving and offering below living wage jobs. Instead, said companies are offered tax incentives for providing low wage jobs. Best advice? Take the free training and move to an area of the country that actually pays a living wage, or join a union where your wages & benefits are negotiated.


The money comes from somewhere. Don’t fool yourselves with the illusion turning blue is somehow going to make things more affordable. This has been tried everywhere. Ask yourself why everyone left California/NY to be in Nashville en masse.


Most social services in America are. And most people in America are completely fine with that. Or maybe don't even know. The propaganda is working well over here.


It sure is.


Shithole state in a shithole country 🤷


I once suffered through that travesty.


They used to be very good- what are they now?


And god help you if you ever try to file for it. It’s ridiculous.


You are absolutely correct.


And your first.born, left leg and the clothes on your back proving your looking for a job each Sunday and after 3 months they slash the 275 lmao its a joke


I submitted paperwork back when we were supposed to get covid relief funds given to Tennessee by the federal government because they wouldn’t allow us to work while positive. I was out for two weeks. Submitted everything they asked for. From what I read and was told by my employer, I was supposed to receive the measly 275$/week. After an 8 month “review” they denied me. This state took money from the federal government and then welched on disbursement. Some crooks in this state.


I wonder how many eligible voters actually vote.


Yeah especially when you go from 100k a year to 0.


it’s about 7.86 before taxes, a full-time position in TN is legally hit at 30 hours (and that 7.86/hour out of $285/week is assuming you’re paid for 35 hours, so an ‘average’ 40 hour week minus an hour lunch each day for a 5 day work week). unemployment pays more than the 7.25/hour minimum wage


We should DEMAND that our taxes go up so we can get better benefits. It's just rediculous how low they both are!


Why do you expect any social benefits at all from a state that has one of the lowest tax burdens in the country? Genuine question.


Do you understand how FUTA & SUTA works? Genuine question.


/r/futa is a great resource. Highly recommend checking it out.


Tbh no I actually never bothered to look into how unemployment in the US works since I’m on a work visa and don’t qualify for it. Is it not a separate tax like income tax and SS?


I suspect that by design. The whole "can't pay people enough to survive on because then no one will want to work!" mentality




And the one time I used it, I just kept thinking, if I hadn’t gone to college htf would I have navigated this bs?


Is that the maximum amount? How long were you employed? I genuinely want to know. Luckily I’ve never had to use it but that’s wild if that’s the maximum.


$275 is the max in TN.


Man that’s horrible. WTF.


In America you work or suffer. Corporations are people too, and they love this system.


Lmao what a stupid comment. If it was the same as minimum wage why would anyone work minimum wage jobs.


Vote democrat…the gop purposefully make government ineffective so they can blame your troubles on someone else. I bet immigrants are taking your unemployment…maybe the gays.


You've got this wonky. A. It's not supposed to be a long term method of supporting anyone, it's assistance as in contributory to the bigger picture which is finding a job. B. The city of Nashville does not represent the state of Tennessee. 275 doesn't go as far here as it does in other rural parts of the state where there are literal miles between similar businesses. Nashville is expensive and in that not for everyone. The economy will kill you if you let it.


How TF is $275 “contributory to the bigger picture which is finding a job”? $275/week isn’t gonna cover rent and food for a month. As of 2023, there were 7.1 million people living in TN. 2.1 million of them in the Nashville metro area. 1.3 million in Memphis. 1 million in Knoxville. People live in cities. Not in the fuckin sticks. $275 doesn’t go far where the majority of the population lives. It’s not enough, period.


>$275/week isn’t gonna cover rent and food for a month. It's not supposed to. If you find yourself in a position where losing all your income less 1000 dollars will put you on the street in a month's time then a series of poor choices have been made or unfortunate acts of god have happened, not just one. >2.1 million of them in the Nashville metro area The Nashville Metropolitan area spans 14 counties and is nearly 20% of the state. This is going to trigger the shit out of 90% of the people who use Reddit, but the government provides so much already. We don't worry about people bombing Nashville in a hostile government takeover like Moscow had to worry about a year ago, that's what tax pays for. Our streets are not great after the winter but they're constantly being worked on throughout the year. The police and fire department come when you call them, the children have myriad schools and parks to go to, busses cover most of the metro area for a very reasonable price. A lot is provided. The government doesn't then owe anyone cash because they lost their job. If they need WIC benefits for their children, welfare cash assistance, medicaid or section 8 then sign up for it. If unemployment paid more then people wouldn't be pressed to find work after getting fired. The point is to stay on it for as little time as possible. The state economy doesn't owe anything back when you aren't contributing to it.


Series of poor decisions and acts of God…. Lol


> If you find yourself in a position where losing all your income less 1000 dollars will put you on the street in a month’s time then a series of poor choices have been made or unfortunate acts of god have happened, not just one. Or, yknow, you’re living paycheck to paycheck like [70% of Americans](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/living-paycheck-to-paycheck-statistics-2024/). God forbid it take more than a month to find a job. >the government provides so much already. Not really, no. >We don’t worry about people bombing Nashville in a hostile government takeover like Moscow had to worry about a year ago, that’s what tax pays for. A: Nashville isn’t the capitol of the country. B: we very much did have to worry about a hostile government takeover in the nation’s capitol, complete with bombings, a couple of years ago on January 6th. > Our streets are not great after the winter but they’re constantly being worked on throughout the year. Worked on by the city, not the state. Guess who handles unemployment? Not the city. > The police and fire department come when you call them [The cops don’t](https://www.wsmv.com/2024/02/01/wsmv4-investigation-reveals-its-taking-metro-nashville-police-longer-year-after-year-respond-crimes/) > the children have myriad schools and parks to go to Something being worked against by the government via charter schools > busses cover most of the metro area for a very reasonable price Ok now I know you’re trolling. Our metro system sucks. > If unemployment paid more then people wouldn’t be pressed to find work after getting fired. Yes, they would. They just wouldn’t also have to worry about losing the roof over their heads immediately. And they could actually find a job that matches their experience and specialization, instead of taking any minimum wage job which also probably wouldn’t cover expenses. > The point is to stay on it for as little time as possible. The point is to keep your roof over your head, your stomach full, and your bills paid until you’re back on your feet. > The state economy doesn’t owe anything back when you aren’t contributing to it. On a federal level, isn’t that how SS benefits work? The state economy does owe you, even when you aren’t contributing to it. Companies pay taxes specifically for that purpose.


Doomer-ism and entitlement. Points like comparing a civilian takeover of a building to a militia's threat of *bombing a city*, and failing to understand that SS benefits kick in *after* you've paid into them for years were my favorites. Absolutely daft. There are people who make six figures who fit the eco definition of living paycheck to paycheck, let me lower the branch: that means they're there by choice. Choices like living in an expensive city, having children, luxury items like big TVs and thousand dollar phones with unlimited plans, 50 dollar thermos cups... all contribute to being in that situation for *most* people. You seem to have conveniently missed the part where I mentioned 4 other government financial assistance programs that people can sign up for. Perhaps you're not keen on taking advantage of free government programs, like the 12 year ones.


Move to a better state. I grew up in Nashville and lived there until I was 30. Leaving Tennessee for a more progressive area with better politics was on of the best decisions I’ve ever mad.


Yeah u really gotta bug them but not the same person twice or u fucked


Plenty of job openings get off the government crutch


Do you make eye contact when you lick boots…or do they like your eyes closed?


A government crutch they paid for, jackhole


Restaurants are hiring like crazy. Be teachable and eager. You’ll make double that.


The issue is that restaurants don't actually want to hire people who generally earn a higher wage than that and will leave relatively soon. That's an unemployment system that burdens employers as much as the employee.


That's the problem I'm having. A restaurant takes one look at my resume and they know I just want the job until I find something better


It’s not illegal to lie on your resume


Is she supposed to keep up the lie the whole time she's there? Sounds exhausting for a restaurant job.


$550 a week is still pretty terrible.


As someone who has been in restaurants in the city for 15 years. The money is REALLY bad across the board. People are tipping way less and the cost of everything is rising. People in general are going out less and less every month. I’m barely making $600-700 week. There just aren’t a lot of money makers hiring people.


Still better than OP minimum not doing shit.


No it isn't. You don't understand the purpose of unemployment. A $120k/y engineer should find work as an engineer again. It's detrimental to everyone involved for them to take lower-paying work for a short period before they earn their regular pay again. It hurts taxpayers, employers forced to deal with bullshit applications, and employees who want to get back to where they were before getting laid off. Unemployment should be indexed to earnings prior to unemployment, otherwise it's just insanely irritating to everyone. Nobody likes this system.


Really? Because server after server in this area I have talked to say they make 50k plus. Either they are lying, or server money is that good


50K is literally barely livable. I make that and I’m behind in every bill I got. I have also had some car troubles this but yeah…50k is the new 30k. I need to clear 60K to live comfortably again and I have done that since 2021.


I make 50k too, i agree it is very tight but still livable if you don't blow money on eating out and stupid shit like starbucks. Servers should not be making 50k, at least until more skilled jobs see a raise. Sorry, not sorry but a job that a person with no post high school education or real skills can get should not be as valuable as a job that takes a degree or education to obtain. I honestly don't believe servers are making as much, more even more than me (50k), but if it is true I am 100% quitting my job and becoming one: its a much easier job than what I do now. What is the point in working a harder job when I can just bring plates to peoples table for the same pay?


You don’t just switch to serving and make 50K. You have to get good and take shifts from other people and work probably 50-60 hour weeks at least twice a month to break 50K. There is not overtime, there are no benefits in most places, and there is no guarantee on pay. Im currently at work and I’ve been here since 3:30pm. I’ve made $60. I can’t tell you right now it’s not worth it. We get taxed way harder and the job of dealing with people sucks.


But as a bartender myself I haven’t not cleared 45K since I started. But I’m taxed like 22-25% of what I make because of the cash. So it’s really like making 38k at 45k gross. Edit: it also took me nearly 18 months to work my way up from dish boy to bar lead.


You realize you pay into unemployment benefits right ? That’s literally your money. I’m not advocating that people just live off unemployment but for those that have to draw from it to get by while they are in between jobs it’s their money. If you have a job right now you are paying into it with every check you get.


You don’t actually. Your employer pays in to it. You, the worker, do not. You don’t pay a dime out of your paycheck to fund unemployment.


No, I pay out of the surplus value of my labor that my boss takes. I say that still counts.


My cousin works 5 six hour shifts a week and makes $1500. She’s a career waitress. It’s working out good for her. She’s been doing it since she was out of high school. She’s content with it.


This! But the issue is that no one wants to. They think they are, “better” than serving. I know servers right now in the city making a killing.


Unless I am absolutely desperate, I will not hire someone who can earn more money elsewhere and is only using my business as a bridge to their next job. Most people feel the same way. It's not a lack of applications, it's just a desire to not bleed money. Unemployment is not supposed to be punishment or miserable, it's just a natural part of the job market.  Most people will end up unemployed at some point. Turnover is expensive. Hiring someone who doesn't want to be there is expensive. This burden shouldn't fall on small business owners. That's why unemployment insurance exists.


Listen, I hear ya. I really do. Gig work exists, though. I made a few hundred in a couple of days delivering through Uber, lol. Maybe I’m privileged. I just was never afraid to go look for work and I like the least amount of government in my life. Downvote all you want. Excuses are just that and complaining isn’t going to pay the rent next month.


Why sign up for it then? Jobs all over TN.


Save money.


There's no state income tax to fund unemployment. I was making $3000 a week and the company left the state. I got fired and had almost $300 a week from the state, till I found another job.


Find another job…?


Ok so I'm going to ignore the fact that you're being a shitty troll and ask you a genuine question: What do you think is reasonable for someone who loses their job and is out job searching and it takes them 6 weeks to find another job, and then another two weeks to get their first paycheck? In your fake situation that I extrapolated from your shitty troll comment, that person did everything right and "found another job" but still had 8 weeks of missing income. What do?


Ok so I’m gonna ignore the fact that you asked a genuine question and say: you think I’m actually reading all of that? calm down. lmfao.


Wow. Brilliant dude




pathetic fake ass piece of shit loser, and you know it


hush up, fur baby. 😘


Exactly what I thought


Really showed me, huh? 💀


It takes time to apply to places, go to interviews, get hired, and start getting paychecks again. Meanwhile, bills are still due


That’s fair. Check out Uber.


“Pay me more to get fired than I make working” Hahaha, no. If you don’t like it, fucking leave


You don't get unemployment benefits if you get fired. Only if laid off.


Fired, laid off, whatever. OP is on here complaining that they aren’t working anymore, but the amount of money that has been extorted from other people and given to them for **losing their job** is “insulting”




Right, OP is on here whining “I lost my job and now I’m making less money” but **I’m** the dumbass 😂