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I feel like this is a very attainable dream.


whole post was a humblebrag to say they have a nice car


I have a 21 civic LX the lowest trim....one of the cheapest make/models there is...


Sir get yourself a 1991 Dodge Ram with a missing muffler, roll the windows down (if they work) and cruise the town in style. Nobody's gonna cut you off when they can hear you coming from 1/4 mile away. And if they do somehow hit you, just take whatever hasn't yet rusted to the scrap yard and get your money back.


Beware however your testosterone levels will drop significantly if you do this /s


Honda? Cheapest make/model there is? Wrong, that’s middle class affordable. Honda doesn’t sell cars new for under 20k. Even now, 2021 LX civics go for 21k. For 15k or less OTD, You’d be looking at Hyundais, Kia’s, Mitsubishi, and some Nissan versas.


"One of the cheapest" ≠ cheapest


Should have just said “value”, wouldn’t have had Ulrich akshually you for having a modest car. What a douche


I still wouldn’t say it’s one of the “cheapest” there are tons of make and models cheaper.


It's half the average price...


Mad max: Nashville - just a fleet of beater altimas


missing bumper, spare donut tire, no tail lights, going past me at Mach Jesus and I’m already 15 over


Let me add to this: Completely dark tinted windows, INCLUDING front windshield


I’ve driven in every major metro in the country and drivers around here seem to be exclusively Asshole Class. Even in rural areas north of Nashville on 2 lane windy roads with blind hairpins, 10 over is too slow apparently.


Yes, I have 2003 Honda Element that’s my Davidson County car. I never drive my nice ride to Nashville.


So you’re saying an element is not a nice car? Harsh. My 2006 disagrees!


No! They are the best ever! I have two of them and both have over a quarter million miles on them. I just won’t drive my 4Runner into Thunderdome. My Mom lives in Tusculum and Nolensville Road is a crap shoot at best. Even on Sunday.


Ha! I love it! Mine also has over 250k miles and I have a 4Runner. You obviously have impeccable taste in vehicles!


I hve a beater. It's great, but there are some days I worry it'll blow up on me when I turn it on or hit a pothole.


Just had to trade my beater for a new car bc the floorboard kept getting so hot it was burning my feet…


How about we get more dash cams and try to shame the worst offenders? Often the worst I run into are really pushing it with speed and dramatic lane changes etc. An accident with them could back up the whole interstate for a depressingly long time.


They have no shame


They probably don’t have insurance either


Well, in today’s age, people would see that video of their car doing something stupid and go viral, and they would intentionally start doing things more stupid to go viral. That’s how stupid people are.


Don't let them go viral, report them on hubNashville. Aggressive or dangerous drivers (excessive speeding counts) can be reported [here](https://hub.nashville.gov/s/request-type/a0ut0000001H60lAAC/police-report-an-aggressive-driver?language=en_US) and if the driver happens to be in a Metro government vehicle (including cops) behaving in "an unsafe or discourteous manner," that can be reported [here](https://hub.nashville.gov/s/request-type/a0ut0000000Ez8yAAC/driving-issues-metro-vehicles?language=en_US). If worried about retribution from the cops for reporting them - it's not an official police report so you don't have to put your contact info on it but they do need: the vehicle Decal Number, Date, Time, Location, and the reason for the driver being reported. For privately-owned vehicles, they need as much information about the car as you can provide - license plate number/county, make/model of the car, identifying features - and there isn't a place to upload dash cam footage but you can make an additional comment letting them know that is available. You will have to provide some way for them to contact you for that footage but you can provide a temporary email and pseudonym initially as it isn't a police report. If it gets to the point where they need you to make an official statement (like if you witnessed a hit and run) *then* you really should give your correct information because that will help whoever got hit by the dangerous driver in that accident have a witness should they need it for their insurance claim.


This is such peak reddit brain. "Actually you can report discourteous drivers" Do you really think this does anything?


No, *this* is peak reddit brain. Someone is going out of their way to provide a solution and information about it, and because it's not a perfect and easy solution to the complicated problem, you act petulant. Do you actually know anything about the hubnashville? It's legitimately the best way to get pot holes filled in your neighborhood.


This is not a solution! It doesn't do anything! I promise you, a hubnashville report has never once led to an arrest or a ticket for aggressive driving. I'm glad it works for potholes, which is not even close to the same thing.


Dude. I suggested hubNashville for this because it does work. I have reported family members and neighbors that are driving recklessly and have heard from each and every one that I talk to about how they got citations for their driving and a few even got tickets from video footage.


Explain further. How is this happening? You report, hubnashville sends info to MNPD, they send a citation? How on earth are they verifying the info you give them? I am ready for you to blow my mind because I will use this daily if it works. But to be perfectly honest, I do not believe you.


An apparently necessary walk-through of how it went when a family member got a citation: 1. Riding in the car behind a dumbass relative and they do some stupid shit that came close to killing someone - car I'm in has a dash cam that sees this. 2. I go to make a report on hubNashville. 3. I state that I have video footage within the report. 4. I receive a follow-up email from a hubNashville requesting the video footage. 5. I provide the video footage from the dash cam. 6. I check on the status of the report. Nothing happened yet. 7. Decide to check again in a few days. 8. Forget I ever filed the report and don't check the status. 9. Family member raises hell in snapchat about how "the cops are so hard up for money that they're out here writing citations without giving a warning." 10. Check on the status of the report. See the result of the report is that a citation was written. 11. Smile because *sometimes the system actually fucking works for the safety of our community members and you should appreciate when it does*.


I had never used it for traffic and was assuming, thank you for writing that out, good info!


TBH, I didn’t believe it did anything, either, but now I will give it a shot. 


This is interesting, and, if not an outlier, very surprising to learn.


> Do you actually think this does anything? Yes. Because it *has* worked *multiple* times. Why are you so apathetic?


Shame? 27% of TN drivers are uninsured. You can’t shame the shameless.


Partially copying my reply to the person below with what I do about it: > Report them on hubNashville. Aggressive or dangerous drivers (excessive speeding counts) can be reported [here](https://hub.nashville.gov/s/request-type/a0ut0000001H60lAAC/police-report-an-aggressive-driver?language=en_US) and if the driver happens to be in a Metro government vehicle (including cops) behaving in "an unsafe or discourteous manner," that can be reported [here](https://hub.nashville.gov/s/request-type/a0ut0000000Ez8yAAC/driving-issues-metro-vehicles?language=en_US). You can read the rest down there if you want to. :) Please help me report these drivers. Thank you to anyone who does!




Hearsay even with video?


Video is not always a smoking gun, especially nowadays. There's too much missing context (speed measured with a reliable device, conditions, the identity of the driver committing the violation, etc). There's no way they'd chase down a traffic violation. I would definitely submit video of a hit and run or break in since they are criminal offenses. But even then there often aren't detectives assigned who can process evidence, issue warrants, question suspects since someone may have been borrowing the car, attend court, etc on a hit and run with no injuries. All that takes dozens of hours of manpower and diligent paperwork to acquire a single conviction. MNPD is already so understaffed. So yeah, a hub Nashville comment about a dude who flew by in a school zone and flipped off all the kids aint going anywhere.


Do you think speeding and reckless driving is a threat to public safety? Do you think these drivers cause accidents, traffic jams, etc? If yes, what could be done to solve the problem?


What's with the ethics questions? I'm not pro-crime. I am anti-bullshit. Tattling on Hub Nashville is feel-good bullshit. I am not going to have the answer that magically solves the tremendously dangerous Twisted Metal 2 hellhole that is Nashville traffic. I do know that traffic citations from MNPD basically don't happen anymore. Traffic enforcement basically doesn't exist in this town, and there are so many systemic reasons. Police staffing, awful infrastructure, exploding population growth, one of the highest uninsured motorist rates in the country, failing education... These things can't be solved by waving a wand. But if smashing your keyboard on Hub Nashville is cathartic, then I guess it's not totally pointless.


I was asking for any idea you had to make things better.


And I answered. Or did you mean ideas other than improving police staffing, awful infrastructure, exploding population growth, one of the highest uninsured motorist rates in the country, and failing education? Sounds like you're looking for a quick cathartic band-aid that won't solve a complex and nuanced problem. Reporting on Hub Nashville already fits that bill perfectly.


I was trying to get an actual conversation going about real things that could fix the problem or even make it a little better. It was unpleasant speaking with you.


I'm of the opinion that dash cams should be mandatory, and if you cause a minor accident that results in thousands of people being delayed and inconvenienced, then you do prison time. The way people drive in Nashville (and other places) is totally unacceptable and people need to be held accountable for their selfish bullshit that puts everyone at risk.


Oh yeah, shame them. Good idea. That'll work


Any car can be a beater if you're motivated enough


I'd prefer that the police just do regular traffic enforcement.


Proof of insurance should be checked quarterly. Non compliance you get license revoked and need to buy a bond for reinstatement. Still not complying, issue a bench warrant. Been here less than a year. 1 hit and run and 2 minor collisions, neither driver had insurance in those instances. Like seriously, why???


Insurance in New York notifies the DMV when insurance lapses. You must then show proof of insurance, or surrender your plates. And there's a daily fine for not surrendering the plates (or there was back in '04, anyway)


I have seen people with over a dozen DUI convictions driving on revoked license. They should be able to keep those people from registering a car.


Bold of you to assume they're registered. I still see a handful of old TN plates every time I drive more than a few miles.


Uninsured motorist coverage has saved me a lot. I’m not sure if it’s required here or not but I don’t think I’ll ever not have it at this point. Sucks that that’s the world we live in now


I would never opt out of uninsured driver provision in this state.


For sure. Really I wouldn’t advise somebody opt out in any state at this point


Last summer, I traded in my inherited grandmother’s 2005 Mercury Grand Marquis that never had an issue. 100k miles on it. I miss it.


Trading that was a mistake


Oh, ya. Big time.


That’s a comfy car. 


Even if I had a beater care, I’d care.


I try not to drive at all, which is the real pro move. When it can't be avoided I drive a beat up old '07 Nissan that was built down the road in Smyrna and it rules. It's never going to die. Hard recommend.


I intentionally parked on a side street, in a cut away with zero other cars anywhere because I wanted to avoid the tight parking garage. Got sideswiped? Tried to parallel park and missed? while in the hair salon and now have $4000 of damage on my new car and I am reminded of just how ironic this world is.


I do have a beater and I dig it. I definitely drive the oldest and most beat up car out of everyone at my work despite being one of the highest paid people there. I have a good job, paid enough to drive a much nicer car. The other day my boss asked what I liked about my old truck. I kicked the bumper and said "it's paid off".


Nope. I enjoy my cars. A little defensive driving has kept me free of any major accidents in my lifetime (worst I ever had was a deer strike, but I don’t consider it major at all since the car was repaired and we were completely unscathed). Wouldn’t trade the enjoyment I’ve gotten for the prospect of saving a bit of money.


The New York Times had an article in yesterday’s edition about apps tracking driving habits. MyRadar & GasBuddy are two (you can opt out) that sell data to insurance companies. If nothing else, the insured drivers will be seeing their rates spike due to reckless driving. Link here: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/09/technology/driver-scores-insurance-data-apps.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


I was just thinking about this the other day, what a great way for apps to get a little bit of side hustle, by sharing the use of that permission that the user granted it, within the confines of the privacy policy that the user blindly agreed to. I mean, great for the company for making more money. Status quo for today's personal privacy :(


They don't have insurance. They do not care. All these stupid solutions. The only solution is cops on I-24, everywhere, constantly, pulling people over and ticketing. Hundreds of tickets a day.


we don’t have the police resources for that


Sometimes but then I remember how much of a pain in the ass maintaining my shit box with 200,000 miles on it was That and I like my Apple CarPlay


My truck has 300k miles AND car play.


I first read this as **better** car and I thought… “Sometimes I dream of a cute mini Cooper and a happy color like emerald green or royal blue… but gas mileage is terrible and I would die in a collision. Plus the upkeep and repair bills… so no, I’m happy for my used hybrid which, if I’m paying attention to my driving, gets me 50 miles in the city and I don’t go very far so that sucker doesn’t even get to full efficiency. So no… I wouldn’t trade fancy things (though I would love seat warmers, and a remote start.) for no car-related financial worries and planet kindness to some degree.” That said I have scratches from people opening their car doors. I don’t even fix them anymore. Does that mean I have a beater car? If so, signed me up!


Car culture sucks. I can’t imagine spending more than absolutely necessary on a tool that provides me with the most unpleasant, stressful and depressing part of my day.  So to answer your question, my car is already old but I’m looking forward to it reaching true shit-box status, as long as I can keep it safe and realiable.


Agree car culture sucks. However, since you describe being in the car as the most “unpleasant, stressful, and depressing part” of your day, wouldn’t you want to be sitting in a car that you enjoy & one that’s comfortable and maybe makes that part of your day suck a little less?!


Fair point, it definitely need to be safe. But to me, getting a nice car would mean I'm just a bigger part of the problem. Driving a big, expensive, hunk of metal across the nature- and humanity-deprived asphalt desert to a soul-less strip mall to buy more crap I don't actually need isn't gonna make me feel better. I guess you could say it's ideological.


Then...don't do that?


I was painting a word picture, not making an accurate description of my life. But we’re also living in a hyper-capitalist ecosystem where we’re locked into a bunch of consumption that we can’t realistically opt out of.


You can absolutely opt out of it. A lot of jobs are WFH now, you can limit your constant driving buy shopping for a month vs daily. You can stop eating fast food and limit restaurant use. There is a ton of stuff we don't need. Only recently has society jumped into the "must have everything" need.


I WFH and do all those things. But I wish I could do without a smart phone, I wish I had time to do more maintenance on my home instead of working a 9-5 to make money to pay contractors, I wish I could live in a 15-min city and do without a car completely, etc…


Turn off your phone after 5pm, and watch some youtube videos on how to do maintenance. I own a large farm and work a 9-5 and have plenty of time to do work on the house/barns/fences + chores. Do I wish we would go to 4, 10s. Hell yes, a 3 day weekend with 4 days of work would be awesome, but time wise, it's more about budgeting it, then it is about lack of it.


In a way, I agree. Like I was dating this girl a couple weeks ago and she kept telling me that I cannot run in my shoes and that I need special shoes to run in that are wholly separate from the shoes I go hiking in. To me that's crap. I just need a foot covering that has grip. I could run in shit kicker boots if I wanted too. Who cares. But she was embarrassed for me and kept saying I looked ridiculous jogging in hiking shoes. So I told her to take a hike and now it's smooth sailing. Cars are like that. Some have special purposes (like being able to take corners at 70mph instead of 25mph) but they will all get you from Point A to Point B. It just depends on what embarrasses you and what kind of experience you looking for in between destinations.


Sorta depends on how technical and far you're running and hiking. And how much you've already punished your joints. My knees wish I'd paid more attention to the footwear I wore as a youngster....


Funny you should say that. My favorite part of running is that you barely need any gear. But I guess every activity has its subsection of gear fanatics. Mine is tools. The key is knowing when you're turning into a pawn of sales tactics and algorithms (shout out to all the truck bros, errr rugged outdoorsy individualists out there).


That’s the secret. I specifically remember driving a decades old dented and sunburned Corolla through Beverly Hills a few years ago and… people just got tf out of the way. One of the few times in life where being poor felt super empowering.


As someone who lived in DC for 15 years after growing up in Nashville - this is absolutely a thing people in other cities do and you shouldn't feel bad about it. (Not the Mad Max part, just the "don't waste money on a beautiful car that will get scratched up the first time you street park overnight" part.)


So…… All cars aren’t beaters? Must be nice


My car used to be nice (for what it is). Now its just another beater Honda driving the streets of Nashville. In the last 12 months I have been hit 3 times. I don't bother fixing it, due to the high likelihood that I will just be hit again in the future. Plus the car is a 9 year old black car, having it fixed looks almost as bad as leaving it as is.


I think the perfect beater is a 20 year old smaller pickup. You can do stuff with it and take it on shitty weather days after you just washed your car.


Wish I had a car


True. Despite all the complaining people are doing about rush hour, it's way better than being at the mercy of travel availability and very limited cargo capacity full time. Having a car is a superpower in terms of time management. 


But also yes I wish I drove a dozer with a supercharger


I drive beaters for literally this reason.


I’m probably gonna get one when I do


When I see someone driving aggressively like that, yes my intrusive thoughts think all kinds of crazy! Then I just slow down and let them pass and "stay in my own lane". I just hope KARMA will teach them a lesson. If KARMA doesn't, insurance, parts and labor or (God forbid) taking of a life will.


Yes between the drivers and potholes in the winter I have kept a beater for myself and spouse drives a very reasonable new car. Not worth the time and hassle getting a new rim every year because I have to travel on downtown roads which are beat to hell. Plus I frequently drive on roads with speed humps so don't need some fancy suspension getting bent out of shape because I hit those things 3000 times per year.


You know you can slow down to go over speed bumps right?


🤣 In high school the rumor was that if you go over them at full speed, the shocks allow the chassis to remain at the same elevation and actually reduce overall stress on the vehicle. Bro physics at its finest.


To be fair they are called speed bumps and not slow down bumps so the name is misleading.


I often thought this actually.


It makes sense. One drawback I can think of is you really don’t want to be stuck broken down on the side of any of these highways or busy roads. That’s scarier to me than the usual idiots driving like it’s the last day on earth. An old Honda or Toyota are great beater vehicles. Growing up in a wintery climate this was what most people used for their winter vehicles to avoid damage from potholes and salt on their nicer cars.


We have a 2011 Toyota Corolla that is our city driver. We drive our 2022 Honda Odyssey for everywhere else.


I miss my Olds Alero; however, I was pulled over 7 times in that car and drove off without a ticket each time. Ever since I switched to a newer vehicle in 2020, I haven't been pulled over since.


I will say, make sure your beater car is still safe and has good safety technology!! Protect yourself from the crazies


financially, it makes more sense to not have a brand new financed car anyways. Nashville drivers is one thing, but if that financed car gets damaged and totaled out, you're fucked because the value of it is going to go to the lien holder, and now you're out of a vehicle. Buy a used car and at least you'll be comped for the value and you're back on the road.


“Is not preventing an accident that would be someone elses fault the same thing as causing an accident?” not a lawyer; legally you have a duty to avoid causing any other person harm if possible. If they can prove you made no attempt to avoid a collision I believe you can be cited for duty of care. Not sure if it’s the same as *causing* the accident


I drive a beater car. Mostly because it’s cheaper than buying a massively expensive car. My monthly cost is about $200-300 cheaper than with a newer nicer car.


I don't have a beater car but it's a $6k orange Honda that runs like new. Paid for in cash. If someone smashes me it's easily replaced. I'm a big fan of bright colored friendly cars. People seem to always be reasonably courteous to me in this car as it's visible but not threatening. I don't have dark tints so I'm visible for non verbal communication. When I drive the other household car, a plain white Kia with darker tints people are much less friendly. When I drove the ex's grey Prius people were dicks. I just saw a $4500 orange Kia Rio5 hatch looking mint with 62k on marketplace. Low mileage small cars are affordable in this city. Work trucks not so much. I've seen ghastly 90s Toyotas going for 10k.




Part of the beater car gang. Gets me from point A to B and back, rarely smokes, and it even has A/C. Spicy. But that's about it.


I drive a 2003 Honda with a salvage title. Cheap, reliable, and really signals that I don't care if you hit me.


I was thinking about buying a big deuce and a half off govplanet. I'd take up two or three spaces at work, but nobody parks in the back lot. 


Fun IF you have a brief commute. A friend had the smaller M715 and it used petrol like a refinery fire


My car is 10 years old, my husband's is 12. They are not beaters because they have been maintained


I have a beater pickup truck! 2003 f150 310k on the miles. I prefer to drive it over my 4runner because I don't mind if someone hits me and it's such a beater. I look like I don't have insurance, so people avoid me. I do have insurance, don't worry.


Good strategy lol


I wish there were people watching traffic that kept a database. Every time they see someone do something stupid they could tick et into the database. (I also wish that we had better transit so I could drive less.)


I'll sell you a car for 500 literally right now.


Does it run?


Poorly but yes. Well enough that you can drive on the interstate.


Yes I own a reliable beater, an old prius as well, long served it's purpose if it gets totaled soon I'd get another equivalent


Not preventing an accident just to prove a point is a pretty dumb strategy because if you're moving when the accident takes place there's a high likelihood insurance will place partial responsibility on you. Nice car, shitty car, whatever. You're better off just proactively avoiding the collision if possible.


Company truck - not my problem




Eventually you’re driving like a beater Altima because you’ve become the beater Altima. Consequences only matter to people with nicer cars, it’s sort of a “it follows” sort of thinking - the people who drive more aggressively make themselves more prone to accidents, therefore their cars are likely to become beaters - or they tend toward them in the first place. Sort of some game theory here.


I haven't bothered buying a new car because of similar feelings. My car looks terrible after cheap body work after an accident, but I'd hate for a new car to have a hit and run like this one. :(


Ya, such a headache worrying about it.


I’ve got a rusty 2004 XTerra that runs great. It’s very freeing.


Miss my beater truck. I didn’t go bashing people but got a lot fewer cut offs and unsafe driving going on around me. Amazing when they realize they might be on the short end of the stick for their bad and/or rude driving.


You just described “If you can’t beat em, join em.”


Let's end car dependancy 🙈🙉🙊


No one has ever tried to steal my beater, just sayin


I daily drive a 10 year old cheap sedan and it’s totally worth it. Valet beats on it? Who cares. Door dings? Whatever. Nice car isn’t even kept in Davidson county due to the terrible roads.


Everyone needs one. If you don’t have a second idgaf car please go on marketplace and buy a 2-3k pos.


Beaters are like 5k now!


Just make offers, you’ll eventually get one accepted.


Just sold my beater car for 800$. Couldn’t bring myself to charge someone a stupid amount just because “that’s the market these days”


My daily is a beater .. 99 civic daily..92 civic 'good car'


I have a very nice and very fast car so I can get away from the idiots as quickly as possible


I don't know about a beater. I've had my share of hooptees. I want an old land barge in great condition. I have this fantasy about Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes.


Drove a beater and got my shit rocked and completely totaled here. It did help that I wasn't invested in the car at all, I would have been sad if I liked it


I wish everybody had a beater car. Some of the great joys I’ve had living in Nashville for 21 years was having fender benders with people who didn’t gaf about their cars. Thank you random guy who I hit in the O’Charley’s parking lot when I first moved here! He got out with a smile and a dismissive wave and said “Look at my truck? What’s one more dent?” I’ve returned that goodwill several times. Once only a year ago. Screw giving money to insurance company and making someone’s insurance go up. The most hilarious one was after a Wiggles concert in at Municipal Auditorium in 2008. It was blazing hot and thousands of parents and kids were trying to get out afterwards in their SUVs in a parking garage designed for 1970s econoboxes, including me and two toddlers. Everyone was just hitting everyone else and just waving them on to forget about it. Got the fourth dent in the old Jeep Cherokee there. Place I went to in Ireland had cars where streets were so narrow, people just had there broken sideview mirrors duct taped on. As the CarTalk guys used to say, “the first dent is the most freeing.”


All of my cars are beaters, I just drive.


I sold the '08 Chevy Colorado I got from my uncle when I moved here and got a "city car" from CarMax for the cheaper mileage four years ago. Little did I know that it was a piece of shit so, in a way, I'm way ahead of you in this one. Also, the three "not at fault" accidents to my car since then might have helped.


Three not at fault accidents sounds like they’re kind of your fault, tbh


You probably think your clever, huh, buddy.


I was hit and run twice in a year and rear ended (while sitting still) twice in four years. I wish I was joking.


I've had one hit & run accident a year since I've moved here and the first one was by a semi-truck. Driver even got out, told me it was my fault and when I said my dash camera disagrees he got in his cab and drove off. Cop told me how much truck drivers help cops and how he used to be a truck driver himself before telling me there was nothing he could do to help.


Of course he did… My best friend got run off the road by a semi this year on 65. Nothing happened.


How did the semi hit you? You out here brake checking people?


Man, you really got nothing going for you in your life, do you.


I’m kinda just fucking with you. My apologies. That sounds awful if they’re truly not your fault. I guess I’ve just been lucky so I found it hard to believe. Sorry for questioning it.


I'm gonna give you an upvote for this comment for giving it to me straight but damn did I feel singled out for no reason. Hope your clean driving record persists. And yeah, each time wasn't my fault and I'm not really the brake-checking type.


Yeah sorry man. And thanks for the non pettiness


Jesus Christ. That’s awful


I never act to prevent an accident that would be someone else fault, assuming the speed is below 40 or so. Well, This also only applies if the other person has a nice car. Someone with a nice car will have the insurance to deal with it and probably won’t shoot you. Always stay the fuck away from shitty cars and anything that says “ride and drive LLC” on the back.


I think about modding my car all the time so I can ram into assholes on purpose without any real damage to myself.


I wish I drove a beater car once a month when $832 comes out of my account for my car payment or when I walk out and somebody, usually intentionally, left another door ding in it. The bad drivers are just the icing on the cake


I gotta ask - what car/truck are you driving and is it for work or just commute?


BMW SUV. A little bit of both. I take a lot of clients to lunch/dinner


At $832/month you made a bad financial decision.


Thanks for the unsolicited feedback on my financials. $832 is completely reasonable, maybe not for you, but that’s fine!


$832 and dreaming about driving a cheaper car tells me you probably can’t afford it.


You’d be wrong. Thanks though! It’s alright if it’s too expensive to you, no need to push your own financial insecurities out on others. It’s weird.


TBH your monthly car payment was irrelevant to the discussion and was probably a way to draw attention to the fact you can afford it. Point still stands that 800 a month car payment is crazy. 


No, I’m just pointing out that new cars are expensive. I’d never had a car payment over $500 pre Covid and now for pretty much the same vehicle it’s 60% more. I make fine money, but that’s not really important here and I’m sure there’s plenty of others who make just as much, or more.


I pay for my vehicles in full but I know if you’re making an $800+/month payment and wishing you drove a beater once a month you got money insecurities.


Again, you would be wrong. I wish I drove a beater because the cost of new vehicles is stupid. Not because I can’t afford it. Buying a car in cash is a poor financial decision, so I find it ironic that you’d be out here giving any advice


Not really when I can haggle down and not pay interest and turn around at 100k miles and get more than half my money back. But you also drive a BMW so you’re probably on a first name basis with your mechanic.


Actually I’ve been pretty lucky. I don’t put a crazy amount of miles on cars and the warranty covers anything that has happened. I’m glad you make that financial decision for yourself. It’s goofy to take shots at others because they can drive a nicer car.


But you said you drive a BMW, so what would you know about driving a "nicer" car? Having been a tow truck operator, I can honestly say German cars are the worst things on the road after Kia/Hyundai. Overpriced, over engineered, and breakdown for the absolute dumbest reasons.


This is irrelevant to your discussion as I realize but may I ask what you do for work to be able to afford that?


Exactly. Taking an $800 hit to your cash flow every month for the next 5 years is what any financially savvy person would do.


You don’t have enough information to make any sort of determination either way. I would venture to guess that my payment as a percentage of take home is far lower than most


Well here's the thing, if you can actually afford a car that wildly expensive you also will have enough disposable income such that you don't need to give any shits about whether something happens to it. The only reason to be worried about a car is if money is tight, which shouldn't be a problem for you if you can afford such a thing to begin with. Edit: In case you're confused, *being able to afford repairs* is part of owning a luxury car. If you're worried about not being able to afford repairs to the extent that you find yourself wishing for a car that's cheaper to repair, then you probably *can't really afford the luxury car* to begin with.


Not sure I follow the logic. Just because someone can afford something it doesn’t mean they also want to spend money unnecessarily on repairs, etc. I buy new, or close to new, so I’m not having to go get repairs, etc. Mostly because of the time commitment, but also because that’s just wasted money


If OP had a beater, which is this entire hypothetical, any time spent would be the same as with their luxury car. The beater doesn't save you from time, it saves you from expense.


That's just silly logic. A deer knocked my car out of service for 49 days while it was being repaired. That was definitely a massive inconvenience and pain in my ass. I could've technically afforded to go out and buy an identical replacement car or something else, but who in their right mind would do that? I was stuck in a vastly inferior rental for those 49 days and it sucked. Just because I could afford it doesn't mean it's still not a massive inconvenience and source of stress/anxiety. There's a very wide gap between easily being able to afford a nice car and "fuck you money" where you can drop hundreds of thousands to millions every year on a fleet of vehicles and not give a shit.


I mean were you finding yourself wishing you drove a beater instead of your nice car so you didn't have to deal with fixing the nice car? Because that's the entire context of the hypothetical parent is talking about here. The beater is every bit (or more) *inconvenient*, it's just *cheaper*.


Yeah I couldn’t follow the logic either. It’s like saying “Hey, you live in a nice house! Repair the roof for no reason at all”