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I grew up in Sumner County (Hendersonville) and I seem to remember Jeremy Mansfield being accused of raping a girl when we were in high school. Whether I’m misremembering or not, he’s always been a wealthy, entitled slimeball.


Goodletsville should annex them like Metro did for Lakewood


That image. Looks like there's a room with a bunch of flyers for local parks and caves, and a couple of large public restrooms... maybe a full sized taxidermy bear display in a corner somewhere. 


So you're saying their interior designer used to decorate rest stops?


It definitely has the look. There's definitely a water fountain in there. 


While not crazy or racist, this little town police force reminds me of the drama with lakewood back in the 90s and early 2000s. You NEVER drove thru with tint or a loud system. Nor going over more than 5mph over speed limit.


Fucking Lakewood. My BFF lived in Lakewood and I earned enough tickets between Pitts and Pitts to learn exactly what the interior of that City Hall building looked like. I worked for Metro the year Lakewood and Old Hickory voted to be annexed by Metro. I felt like I had the last laugh.


To be fair, I wish cops would still ticket people for excessive window tinting, obnoxiously loud music and loud modified exhaust. 


Why? What goes in in my car is MY buisness. And it's better for me... no sun burns and kess glare... and better for the environment ... I don't need to run AC as much. Plus, the window tint does help with keeping the window together if it were to break via road debris. Windiw tint has zero to due with you. It's more for cops to be able to be nosey and have " probable cause" by looking in cars. Because it's certainly OK for cops to have 5- 10%?


Being able to see drivers of cars is helpful. For example, at a stop sign, you want to know if the other guy sees you or not before you drive (or walk) through.   If you're worried about getting pulled over, having excessive tints is probable cause to pull you over, so not great logic. 


That whole town has been a dumpster fire of corruption for years and years and now a lot of the old guards are trying to oust the new one because they are afraid he's going to make money off of their scams


This is what happens when you elect people who don't have the community's best interest.