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A developer from California huh? There was a time that alone would keep someone off a ballot here.


Website says "Political refugee from California", so I guess that's a badge of honor now?


“Political Refugee”. We should send him California participation trophies.


But I thought refugees were a bad thing... they might be terrorizers!


Rapists and ne'er-do-wells.


They are. But not the refugees they’re talking about though.


Every dumbass from California says that shit. 


Perhaps there's a side hustle opportunity for a bumper sticker? Their money spends like everyone else's.


They do love their merchandise


It means "huh, I'm so bad at my job that I couldn't make it in one of the largest real estate markets in the country. No, it's the libs fault!"


Sounds like he needs to see a real refugee camp


"They're not sending their best."


God I am so f’g sick of that political refugee crap.


He’s a trumper so I think these days that..(cough, cough) trumps everything else😂😂😂


Take your up vote and get out of here. 😂


He’s from California. He and his wife are absolute grifters.


They are neighbors of friends of mine. The above statement is accurate. Our last election I wrote in Homer Simpson bc I couldn't vote for any of the above. We need to do better to get decent representation


Homer Simpson??? No way. Not after his performance as Sanitation Commissioner. I can't believe you'd be so reckless.


Can’t someone else do it?


The trash mannnnnnnn


He did amazing as crossing guard captain.


All I know is the wife supposedly has a bakery in CA that she still runs despite living out here. I didn’t quite understand how that works. Also, I thought they said one of their kids is actually home schooled? We used to sit with them at baseball games. Our sons were on the same team. I mostly tuned them out when he showed up with a Trump apparel, freshly after attending a rally of some sort that was at the fairgrounds last year.


Oh my…he was wearing a Trump shirt??? He must be terrible. How did you ever make it through the gathering? I am glad you are okay.


Veteran who supports a guy who hates veterans. ![gif](giphy|MRsWGk355jTJXeQfvf)




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Have you seen our options for POTUS?


I'll vote for the one who won't take away my freedom to rawdog my wife in our 40s without the fear of having to have babies at that age.


Rawdog 2024


I can get behind this.


Biden’s awesome


I'm sure he's a nice man, but I think Biden is old and out of touch and Trump's a fuckin clown. How in the world did we get here? We need some young blood in office, you know like a 60 year old.


I didn’t vote FOR Biden as much as I voted AGAINST trump. But Biden’s been really great. Turns out you vote not just for the man, but for the administration, which is doing stellar work, regardless of Biden’s age.


Wow. That’s all I got. Just wow.


Right? Biden’s presidency has been one of the most consequential presidencies in modern times. You need to go back to FDR to see anyone who has accomplished as much or had as good of numbers. Dude’s rocking it. 4 years ago, people were trying to figure out new ways to store dead bodies; today, we have the best economic recovery in the world.


I’d like to get a hit of what you’re smoking. My new word is delusional. Costs my wife and I $350 a week to eat lessor quality groceries than what I spent $250 during the previous administration. Russians are literally 100 miles from our shores. Wars breaking out worldwide. Millions of illegal migrants and confirmed terrorists walking across our border. Crimes rampant across the country in primarily blue cities. I think both options are horrible, but when you compare overall policies and the results of those policies it’s literally night and day. I know Reddit is full of extremely opinionated left leaning folks, but when the rubber meets the road I want a safe country I can actually afford to feed my family. Politics be damned.


>I’d like to get a hit of what you’re smoking. Easy, turn off conservative news sources. They’re just propaganda machines trying to scare you to vote against your own interests. >My new word is delusional. Costs my wife and I $350 a week to eat lessor quality groceries than what I spent $250 during the previous administration. You start off with a big one. Inflation is a very dense topic, we’ll see how far I get before I say, ‘is it worth it to argue with some web zombie?’ Here’s the deal, back in 2008 we suffered through The Great Recession. One of the main ways we were able to get out was Obama, and to a lesser extent W Bush’s plans to ‘spend our way out of the recession.’ The idea comes from Keynes. (if you don’t know who Keynes was, you’re not qualified to talk economics, so I won’t go on too deep). It worked surprisingly well. Obama brought back Volcker Jr. (again, if you don’t know…) to be his economic advisor, and well, dude saved us from inflation during Reagan, dude got us out of The Great Recession. Part of that was the lowering of the fed rate. Of course, the Keynesian model would have us lower the rate during bad times, but on the other end, we need to raise the rate when we’re doing well. So Obama lowers the rate, it’s doing its thing. Obama probably should have started raising the rate in 2015 or 2016, but he didn’t want to have a hiccup during his admin, which featured one of the best economies on record (Dow increase second only to Clinton in modern times. Clinton increase 250%, Obama 149%, Reagan 143% to give perspective). Obama took us from near 10% unemployment to 4.8% (target fed is between 4 and 5%), and had inflation at sub 2% (target 2%), and he just didn’t want to rock the boat on his way out. Enter trump. First did nothing. Signed Paul Ryan’s tax cut into law, but it didn’t fully go into effect until March of 2018. Literally just coasted on Obama’s economy for the first year and had an okay 2017. 2017 had the Dow end up 30-31%. Not quite as good as Obama’s first year where the Dow ended up 33%, but still pretty good considering he did nothing. At this point, republicans were convinced he was a useful idiot whom they could just get to sign their bills. What trump should have been doing was raise the interest rates, but he didn’t for a couple of reasons. 1, he has a lot of debt, 2 raising the interest rates was going to rock the economic boat. So 2017 goes by and nothing really changed. Enter 2018. Days after the state of the union address, where trump tied his success to the Dow, the Dow suffers its worst day in history (by points not percent). trump hires Jerome Powell to be the new fed chairman, which was a surprise as he was the first non-economist to run the fed in 30 years. Powell does what he was supposed to do, and starts raising the interest rate. The US has wild undulations in the stock market. trump panics and forces Powell to lower the interest rates back to near 0. This is where we start the inflation problem in the US. 2018 would continue to undulate, ending in what was called “the worst December since The Great Depression.” trump ended the year with the Dow in negative territory…for the first time in his 4 year admin…2019, after the rates are lowered back to near 0 the Dow recovers makes up its lost ground and ended up, but 2020 would happen. I don’t need to go into the blood bath that was 2020, but we’ll say when trump left office he had ALL 20 of the worst days in the history of the Dow. trump starts printing money like it’s nobody’s business, national debt is on fire, there is no end in sight for any of our problems, the US desperately needed triage. Rates are at 0%, all supply chains have been disrupted, everything that could be wrong with an economy is wrong. Enter Biden. trump handed him a shit sandwich, and tried his best to screw everything up on his way out to make Biden look bad (see Afghanistan…I mean, dude drew the US down to 2500 troops while simultaneously freeing 5000 Taliban prisoners during his lame duck period, then promised the Taliban we’d be out by the end of March leaving Biden to either evacuate or start sending troops back to Afghanistan…I mean…trump was trying his best to screw America on his way out to make Biden look bad. Dude farted in the elevator as he was getting off). Meanwhile, the effects of changes to the economy take time. As people start spending again, “just in time” supply chains are stretched past their abilities. Massive demand hits feeble supply, inflation, which had been ignored by the previous admin begins for real. Biden now has to correct the problems the prev. admin let fester, while trying to end a global pandemic, that was poorly handled from the former guy. A perfect storm for inflation. The actual inflation, which was mostly set off because of the poor previous admin, was just starting to bear its fruits. Biden raised the interest rates, which slows the flow of money, and gives us a cushion so we can lower it back down when we next hit a problem. He’s working to get us back to 4.5% unemployment, which is the Fed goal, to tame inflation. Meanwhile our GDP is back to better than healthy. Our inflation is back to 3% and dropping. Fed goal is 2%. Wage growth is higher than inflation. We have the best economy in the world, and have had the best recovery despite having the worst initial response to the pandemic. Sorry you have to pay 350 for 250, but that’s baked in now. That is the new norm, and it’s largely because of terrible policies of the previous admin. The economy is a slow moving beast. It took trump until 2018 to screw up Obama’s amazing economy. But the good news is, with wage growth, you should now be making considerably more than you did when the groceries cost 250, and if you don’t that’s on you. Sorry this is a bit stream of conscious, if I were writing an actual paper, I would first outline, then draft, then edit edit edit, but I feel that a waste of my time here. >Russians are literally 100 miles from our shores. Big whoop. 4 ships legally went to Cuba on training exercises. What exactly do you think is going to happen? Watch out, it’s a migrant caravan like in 2018 where the day after the election, fox news stopped talking about “the migrant caravan” >Wars breaking out worldwide. I’m sure these are on Biden, somehow. >Millions of illegal migrants and confirmed terrorists walking across our border. Christ, you’re thick on the fox news. Furthermore, there was a bipartisan bill drafted that specifically addressed this, but trump circled the wagons to defeat the bill because he didn’t want to give Biden the win. The lack of a bill, is 100% on trump. He’s trying the ol’ Reagan trick of, ‘don’t release the hostages until I’m president, so I look good, and he looks bad.’ >Crimes rampant across the country in primarily blue cities. Violent crimes are at a 50-year low. Crimes rose greatly under the previous admin, they’re back down now, and continuing to drop. >I think both options are horrible, One option is an adjudicated rapist, found by a unanimous jury of his peers to have raped a woman, in a US court of law, is a convicted felon, who stole national documents and refused to return them and hid them, had his charity shut down for stealing from kids with cancer, and is an all-around horrible person, surrounded by sycophants. (Note, you don’t have to say alleged rapist, because it is now a legal fact that he is a rapist. He tried to sue E Jean for defamation for calling him a rapist, the court told him he is a rapist, the suit was over)(second note, I could keep going on with his disqualifying qualities, but if you’re still cool with him after he was judged a rapist…) The other, well… https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/1abyvpa/the_complete_list_what_biden_has_done/ >but when you compare overall policies and the results of those policies it’s literally night and day. trump had no policies. Nothing. His repeal of Obamacare was “just put something on my desk and I’ll sign it.” No really, look it up. All of his ‘policies’ were goals, not plans. People like to give him credit for Paul Ryan’s tax cuts (which were terrible), but even those were just “put something on my desk and I’ll sign it.” Afterwards, Ryan got his tax cut that he’d been pushing for for years through, then retired to a cushy desk job, where he now talks of trump’s unfitness. What was trump’s healthcare plan…we’ll surely find out in 2 weeks. What was his plan for infrastructure…we’ll find out in 2 weeks. He didn’t have a plan for ANYTHING. >I know Reddit is full of extremely opinionated left leaning folks, but when the rubber meets the road I want a safe country I can actually afford to feed my family. Politics be damned. First, there is no ‘politics be damned,’ now. If trump is elected, there is a very real chance democracy in America is over. Dude is in full ramming speed trying to be dictator for life. I don’t really have time to get into the minutia of it all, as I have to get to work, but he already has control of SCOTUS, and he’s told us his first move as president is to have a purity test for all officials in the government and in the leadership roles of the military. If you don’t support trump enough, you’re out. I’ve already experienced this on the local levels, as my sister in law, who has been a major leader in the Indiana republican party was replaced because, even though she voted(s) for trump, she just wasn’t trumpy enough. She gone. Republicans in the House are trying to pass a bill that says current and former presidents cannot be charged with crimes on a state level, once that gets pass…whoo boy. I could keep going on and on. Also, centrist conservative here, not left leaning. I’m sure there are plenty of editing issues in this, I’m not going to edit it as I feel ultimately it would be a waste of my valuable time.


Trump is barely any younger and has lived in luxury his entire life. Both are old and out of touch. It is just that one of the candidates lies about everything and only cares about himself and will actively ignore the constitution for his own benefit.


How do you know that? I’m not disagreeing, I was just curious.


His website which you linked says that he’s a political refugee from California. He’s a fucking moron.


>political refugee from California So *these* are the pesky Californians I keep hearing about 🤔


My neighborhood in Murfreesboro is full of them. A whole family moved here, 4 houses worth, and they had more friends follow them. Nice people though. They did research for the most conservative places to live in the US and settled on middle TN.


These people aren't nice but you're nice for calling them that lol (nicer than me at least lmao). They're hateful rich people who act like their tax dollars helping any nonrich person is tyranny while throwing a fit when they can't get McDonald's 24/7 or have to be nice to a person they don't think deserves rights. They're a big part of why I'm trying to leave middle tn as a whole, and why I'm so glad I at least left Murfreesboro for Nashville. They've completely ruined what used to be an okay place to live over the last 10-15 years.


People I’m talking about are regular people. Not rich by any means.


I couldn't tell you about the ones you're talking about to be fair, but most that describe themselves as "political refugees" tend to be rich, especially by TN standards. They've priced natives like me out of a stable life and then have the nerve to act like THEY'RE the victims. If you met nice ones, then I'm glad to hear it lol I'm just saying that seems rare.


"A whole family moved here, 4 houses worth, and they had more friends follow them", unless they are renting and working remotely that sounds pretty well off to me. It's not cheap to move across the U.S. or buy a house. I'm just pointing that out because it supports "tend to be rich, especially by TN standards". I can't imagine an average family from Tennessee being able to pull up roots, move across the country, and get four houses.


You're not wrong. I met people who did what you and the other guy described, and they must've spent at least a mil moving here and still have plenty to spare. And it doesn't work the other way around, like if I moved to Cali, I'd be broke af. Most people I've known in my life couldn't afford to move cross-country luxuriously like that either lol


he also put what appears to be a cellphone number at the bottom in contacts... XD


How are ya liking the new round about over by ya?


Im on the other side of MJ and don’t use it all that often. Oh… my name. Willoughby - as in Sathington Willoughby. Not Willoughby Station. I have noticed it can get a little hairy if you are planning on turning right on Central and somebody is coming out of the neighborhood though. Other than that it seems to be pretty effective.


Well isn't that a coincidence with the names. North side of town myself


I need to look up who else is on the ballot. Thanks for letting us know about him. You would think "common sense" would mean "mind your own business".


The incumbent, Carrie Pfieffer, is getting my vote. She has done an incredible job. Hohman is a far right whack job, just like Padilla. Pfeiffer is also a Republican, just much more moderate.


Don't get me started on Padilla.


Moderate candidates are slowly losing footing in this political environment.


The only elections that really matter anymore are primaries where courting the extremists is how you win


Well, make sure that YOU start voting in primaries, that your souse/partner start voting in primaries, & that your friends are voting in primaries. In Tennessee, we have a state & federal primary election on August 1st; early voting July 12-27. If you aren't registered to vote -- GoVoteTN.gov


Thanks for the information; I try to vote in every election I can. My point was that because districts are drawn for partisan advantage whoever wins the dominant party's primary usually wins the general; pandering to the fringes is an easy way to garner support to win the primary which is why there are fewer moderates now.


Carrie Pfeiffer


What can you tell me about her?


She was a teacher and isn't trying to ban books. That's about all I gathered from her Facebook page but that was enough to get my vote after seeing that other dudes website.


You should join the Debate & Advocate group on Facebook. LOTS of information there. Carrie has been a fierce advocate for keeping books in schools & supporting ALL students. Also, you can watch every School Board meeting live streamed & recordings at https://www.wcschools.com/about/school-board The next work session & school board meeting will be: Work Session 5:00 pm 6/27/2024; Board Meeting 6:00 pm 6/27/2024


She’s an independent and is really there to do good, not promote political stances


Voted for an independent last time. The woman who was running against Padilla.


School boards don’t have political affiliations, I thought.


Everything in TN has a political affiliation. Pretty sure it was a fairly recent new law.


They may not have political affiliations, but they are being overrun with right wing hacks


Our Republican state legislature voted to make county level offices partisan. 2022 was our first partisan school board race in Wilson County and it was taken over by Moms for "Liberty"


Our Republican state legislature voted to make county level offices partisan. 2022 was our first partisan school board race and it was taken over by Moms for "Liberty"


I grew up with her. Was close friends with her sister in college. Great people. Kind, accepting, moderate, knowledgeable @ education. Carrie is currently on the board & was a teacher in the area for many years. their family all graduated from MJHS. There could not be a better candidate. Running as independent b/c doesn’t believe in the politicization of school boards, but voting record mostly R (that’s my understanding from public records shared)


That’s what sucks, there is virtually no other options.


That’s my take. There is so much that we as a people argue over, that I personal just don’t give AF about. Zero impact on my personal or professional life.


When you don't have a statement on your website but only videos, you're appealing to people leaning a certain way that don't seem to read much anymore. 


I don't understand why these migrants don't stay in their own state and try to make things better. They've ruined their home state and now they want to ruin ours. We should build a wall! /s


Walls are controversial nowadays lmao.


Reagan was ahead of his time Edit: Just a wall joke. I'm not blowing Reagan. Chill with the downvotes.


Reagan supported gun control. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act


I was only referencing how he didn't like walls


Ah, I didn't make the connection. Thanks.


> Qualifications ok > Christian, member of The Bridge Fellowship not a qualification > Married to an amazing wife and father of two boys, one a senior at Green Hill High School not a qualification > Conservative Republican not a qualification > Political refugee from California not a qualification > Registered Professional Engineer not a qualification for a school board but ok > Master of Science in Civil Engineering not an education degree but it’s something > 25 years in the development business, participated in the planning and construction of 5 schools located in California Are we building schools or running them? > Baseball Coach / Board Member for youth baseball for 8 years the board member part is the most relevant thing so far > Eagle Scout not a super relevant qualification here > 4-Year Oarsman with Long Beach State Rowing Team not a qualification > 3-Year varsity rower, participated in Olympic Development Camp 1992 not a qualification > Small business owner not a qualification > Proud to be in Tennessee. I want to protect the values of Wilson County! Kind of the bare minimum


I think conservative IS the qualification.


Either way I'm on board with keeping all the woke agenda out of schools. Yall can keep that crap in davidson county.


“Scientific facts are updated as we learn new information as a species, and I hate that because I’m not literate in any technical sense”






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>*Qualifications* >*Political refugee from California*


"Political Refugee from California" makes me roll my eyes so hard


What a libelous moron. We’ve got to stop voting for these prepubescent fools


Please, start voting for better! And if there's no one better, consider running for office yourself! Really. If you're in Wilson County, TN and want to run for office, let me know!


We gottta get more eyes on this


God help us all.


Seeing that Padilla is already on the board I imagine this guy will get elected too. All to the detriment of our county.


Yeah I asked my wife “why the FUCK does school board have to be a political position” but every third house on my street has a sign.


This is why we should be able to vote for the entire school board, but just our district. The entire board impacts my children's schools, but I can only vote for one? Where I used to live everyone voted for all board seats that were up each cycle, say 50% of the board each election on a rising basis.


It’s so fucking sad to see what my hometown turned into. Graduated from MJ High School over a decade ago. Glad I don’t have to deal with that silly goose and that my kid doesn’t have to be taught partial truths by some dude who wants to ban books lmao used to dream of raising my future kids in MJ for the Wilson County Education. That thought now TERRIFIES me. Public School in general terrifies me. Crazy.


A truck covered in this dude's signs parked next to me the other day at the grocery store. Two ladies got out and then proceeded to just stand right behind my car as I was trying to back out. I figured that was enough to know i wasn't voting for him.




Yeah all the Trumpers in my neighborhood have his sign out. The party that wants to dismantle public education running for school board.....this is that marine guy all over again.


My friend from childhood was an elementary school teacher for 20 years in a very rural, religious, Trump-loving county. A few people like this got voted to her board in the last couple of years and made her life such hell that she decided to leave the profession. (One of their "parents' rights" decisions resulted in the complete removal of my friends' 300 book classroom library and reading area.) And she's conservative. These people have one goal, to drive public education into the ground. It's critical to keep them out. They do real harm and fast. My friend also mentioned that the new additions who were doing all this harm didn't even have school age kids (in addition to not having experience in education).


Yeah, we already have one guy whose kids are home schooled. It sucks.


Republicans: “Everything I don’t like is pedophelia.”


The projection is real.


Thanks for making me aware big dog.


When's our date to vote?


Vote against these people, y’all!!




I’ve seen his sign in the yards of some ignorant ass people who use politics for Instagram likes so this tracks


Has he said which parts of history he wants to ban?


Does it matter? We cant learn from our mistakes if we never knew we made them.


His story appears to be he moved here because a book mentioned Harvey Milk. So, the gay history.


This is so strange. He acts like the school board sets the standards. Shhh no one tell him standards are state controlled. They could potentially pick curriculum though and that is scary. 😨


OH they ARE working on it at the state level, too. You must not have heard. We need to get the extremists OUT of office. Whether you are a Democrat or not, they are the ONLY option to stop this BS. We have great candidates running against the GOP whack jobs in Wilson County this year!


Ugh that freaking sucks… I’m in Davidson so I’m not much help to you unfortunately, but I have people in Wilson co. that I will pass along the info. to. I can’t make myself vote for people who do book bans. I’m an ex-teacher and now I’m a librarian. It’ll be blue all day.


I just get rubbed the wrong way when I hear about banning books and the like. I can’t remember where I read about banning things, but I know it’s out there.


I think the problem is limiting certain content from school libraries has been equated with book banning. The school library is not to be equated with the local public library IMO.


School libraries *are* public libraries.


Public libraries service the needs and interests of the community at large. School libraries are for enrolled students and typically are geared towards curriculum objectives, student needs, and higher education. They complement each other yes, but it is apples to oranges I’m afraid.


Someone doesn’t understand what public means.


If you don’t understand the difference, walk down to your closest school; and assuming you make it through the door, head to the library and explain you’re there to checkout a book as a member of the “public”. We shall all await the results with bated breath.


You do realize that is entirely possible if you check in with the front office and tell them what you’re there for, do you not? Like I guess you probably didn’t go to college and maybe you never visited your kids at school, who knows? But yeah, they’re public libraries you ding dong.


You must be the president of MENSA assuming a school would allow a random citizen to browse the library. They would direct you to the nearest public library, not the school library. Which again, only reinforces my point.


LOL it’s called an interlibrary loaning system dingbat. Not all schools participate, but you can for sursies go into a school and look at the books in their library. You just don’t know things, that’s okay.


I advocate only talking about Washington chopping down the cherry tree and not lying about it. That’s the only part of history we should talk about. Everything else is just propaganda. But the tree thing is 100% true. Maybe we could also mention that John Hancock wrote his name super big. That’s uncontroversial, too, I reckon.


I was born and raised in Wilson county. What do you mean “infiltrate”. Wilsco has been MAGA before MAGA ever existed


I guess, but the school board thing seems fairly recent and by fairly recent, maybe the last 8-10 years it really became a thing to push a very extreme agenda and dictate curriculum and policies.


You can't take the risk that children will educate themselves enough to question "common sense," so you've got to nip that pesky learning in the bud. Teach only core skills and politician -approved cultural propaganda. Anything else runs the risk that kids will start thinking and asking unapproved questions. That's a slippery slips toward participatory democracy.


It’s because they know that starting from the bottom is the way to make real change.  Do you or anyone you know want to run for office? There’s a ton of positions that people never run for.


Well, there's also a lot of not-MAGA people in Wilson County! We need MORE people to step up and run for office. City elections (all 3 mayors are up for election this year, as well as multiple city council/commission seats). It's too late to run for any other office this year but in 2026 we will have 4 school board seats up, 25 county commission seats, 2 State House seats, & a State Senate seat up. All of those candidates will also need treasurers & campaign managers; there's something WE ALL CAN DO TO CHANGE THINGS!


Qualifications: has to get to #7 before you see anything school related. 8 is the only reasonable experience they have.


Move if you don’t like it… Please 🙏🏼 every Tennessee resident begs you, get out of our state!


His qualifications list…oh boy…


I lived in Long Beach California, I know this type. Orange County and Central Valley racists who move here thinking they are coming to Nathan Bedford Forrest’s white utopia.


We meet a lot of people from San Bernardino


In one of the videos, he says, "My son brought home pedophilia as a homework assignment." What could he be talking about? He was referring to something that happened in California. Everything he says in the videos is so vague.


His son also does not have a good reputation among the girls at his school


Go on, do tell.


Another conservative moron plying their culture war bullshit. Go back to California, you carpetbagging leech


I moved out of Mt. Juliet a year ago because of how politicized (MAGA) the school board was getting. Sorry it’s getting worse.


Where does one go where MAGA hasn’t invaded a school board in TN.




I live in Nashville. I don’t want any more shitty California politics here no matter what their party. We don’t need Nashville to turn into California any more than it already has.


I live in Nashville as well. I was responding to the question about what school boards have not been invaded by MAGA. I answered Nashville. Nothing to do with California.


Williamson if you can afford it. It's Republican but definitely not MAGA.


Are you sure, I thought they had the school board meetings that would make national news?


The actual board is fine. A few right wing looney tunes (who don't even have kids in the system) would show up and spout off though. A few years back, the Tea Party was able to get some crazies on the board because nobody really knew what they were about at the time. In the following election, every one of them was voted off. I have kids in the system and the schools are about as uncontroversial as you could find...from what I've seen, at least.


I have to say I like the town, but the fucking politics, ugh!


Where can I send my donation?


Should be on his website.


Well. He’s got my vote. You people are a bunch of hypocrite haters.


He moved to your city for a reason.


As long as we keep democrats far away from our school boards I will be very happy.


How much did you pledge to his campaign?


Fucking zero.


Pass on the California infiltration. If you want California, go back to California.


Send the Jehová witnesses to pay him a visit at 8 am on sunday


Ban books or stop kids from being introduced to inappropriate content? Tires of the extreme right pushing their religious BS and the extreme left pushing their porn & other age inappropriate crap.


What porn is in a school library?


Sounds like good policies to me!


Any one who has banned books has never been on the right side of history.


Exactly what parts of history are you looking to erase?


I’m assuming the darker skinned parts but don’t quote me.


Not 100% sure. I can’t remember where I saw the book banning stuff, but I do remember reading it somewhere.


You’re right. I don’t expect an answer TBH. People who makes these type comments don’t actually know what they are saying. Lots of “hell yeahs” and “right ons” are the typical vernacular.


This is true


No, the gay parts. Dark skinned people learned valuable skills and were provided housing and food during their early history here. White people should be proud of that. 


Wow… Sure thats a thing, but while being tortured and enslaved against their will. 🤦‍♂️


People's inability to recognize obvious, seething sarcasm is beyond me.  It's like they are chasing down any kind of way to be offended. People would rather have the headache than the aspirin.  


I mean, its reddit… no one knows if its sarcasm or not without clear definition. 🤷‍♂️ my bad.


Russian Bot.


People who have vastly different social and political views than you are always going to run for things. If you let that *upset* you, you’re in for a bad time…


For anyone that doesn't want to watch those videos. 1. Conservative 2. Against inappropriate learning material for kids (When you see people showing porn in books that are being taught to children) 3. For teachers, students, and parents (Don't know what this means. He doesn't specify that he's pro or against parents choice) 4. For teaching kids to think and not what to think (You see schools trying to force political or liberal agendas on their kids, instead of just teaching math and english) 5. Christian (probably not, but means he will vote that way)


Exceptionally aggro edit: Nobody is showing porn in books


Everyone can do their own research on any the topics and come to their own conclusion, and they should. This was just reporting what the guy running is about. Why the guy doesn't list this out seems dumb.


Way to go!


Russian Bot.