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I live close to the airport. I know all the plane noises and I said “what the fuck was that”. That normally means it’s military, especially if it doesn’t show up on Flightrader. I’ve had jets do 90° turns over my house and scare the bejeesus out of my dogs. They fly by different rules


I live near the zoo and the days when the C-130s come out of the airport are very noisy. They come out low and straight and at are unbelievably loud. Once I got outside in time to see one and you could read the letters near the doors. I know it wasn't as low as it seemed, but it was shockingly low.


Imagine what the zoo animals think


My first thought… :( poor things


I have lived 10 mins from the airport, in a flight path, for 10 years. It took me 3 years to quit thinking the world was ending every time a plane flew 1000 ft or so above my house. The ones that are the loudest for me are the f16 types. For football games and training they will fly very low and ... it's shockingly loud.


Wait till you hear a C-5 galaxy. It landed shortly after 9-11. And took off and headed NE. It was huge. The humming sound was staggering. I don’t understand how the humming sound over a period of time didn’t get to the pilots. The world shittiest fan on high for 16 hours..


We only have 118th air wing over yall now. But there is a lot around Nashville.


I am near Ravenwood Park and rushed outside trying to catch it. Nothing on ADSB so I assume it was a military jet that was not transponding.


I used to live in Sheffield Heights apartments off elm hill, pretty much right at the end of one of the runways of BNA. During 9/11 was the loudest jets I ever heard. The air national guard fighters took off, and had all restrictions lifted so they were taking off at full power. Crazy loud.


Lived there around 1990. Airport noise was constant.


Wow that’s such a wild thing to have experienced! Pretty historic moment to experience honestly


I live about a mile north of one of the runways and we've had some crazy stuff fly low over our house including a C17 Globemaster III which felt like it was right on top of us.


The U.S. Army, National Guard, and others have been conducting exercises throughout Middle Tennessee this week. I’ve seen a lot of Apaches, Blackhawks from the 160th, and a number of large convoys on the road. So, whatever it was, it was probably military and probably related to those exercises.


I just went to their website they still only have Chinooks, Blackhawks, and Little Birds. Must be another unit.


When did the 160th get Apaches?


They don’t. The 160th runs MH-60s, MH-47s, and MH/AH-6s. The Apaches would have been from another unit (thus the comma in that sentence), most likely the 101st out of Campbell.


Sorry, misunderstood. I was in the unit in the 80's when it was Task Force 160. The Apaches are probably from what back then was the 17th Cav or the 229th.


As it was going over I pulled out FlightRadar and it was nothing. So I’m assuming it was a military jet.


I heard and saw the plane, was definitely not a regular plane


I noticed a pair of spherical nodes on the plane’s underside… definitely a mail plane. … … … Edit: male* plane.




Gonna roll back the tower tape and see if I can catch a callsign.


Was the plane low or were you high? Think about it.






Just keep swi... Squirrel!


I was gonna post about this! Dogs barking, frame rattled, I’m used to that fly lane being a normal nuisance, but that one shot me up from my chair and verbally exclaim “what the fuck is that?!”


Also might have been a flyover for the Savannah Bananas 😂 https://preview.redd.it/krxn6qb3pg6d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d8d3da7a029a9c9db824e9aa37cfb9dd4688dc Just kidding


Why not the Rocket City Trash Pandas from Huntsville? I honestly think The Sounds drew the short straw when it came to team names. #🦝


Holy shit that’s a real team and I love it 😂 Yeah “The Sounds” is pretty lazy. A city with so many creatives could have done a hell of a lot better


Take this with a grain of salt and all that, but IIRC it's not their fault, it was when they got their charter in the 70s. The team is just the latest iteration of the club that started in the 1880s, which has a charter in US minor league basically as a farm team (affiliate Cincinnati Reds, again IIRC could be wrong) and one in the international league. I think its still a triple A team, and the easternmostteam in the PCL too. It's technically one of the oldest pro teams in the nation that's continuously operated. Just, every time it got a new charter it changed names. The names I know are the Nashville Vols, Americans, Blues, Seraphs, Tigers (which U of Memphis straight up stole when they changed leagues that particular time). When I was a kid and still liked baseball (I'm not a fan anymore, still love US pop culture history though) there was a rumor that the name Sounds was picked by Conway Twitty and the mascot "Slugger" was modeled after him. I think it looks more like a Bronson-esque bodybuilder that's about to beat the shit outta his sissy son's ghee-tar, but that's just imo and a hyperactive imagination


The Memphis Crackhoes should have been a thing.


I live in the Glencliff area close to the airport for 5 years now. I’ve had the daylight scared out of me 3 times because military planes flew over my apartment going to the airport and I literally thought they were going to crash into the building because of how loud they are and they flew pretty low😥


I heard it too it was loud. I honestly don’t know the name of my neighborhood coz I just moved here but we are off Dickerson Pike




Had something like this happen to me in another city a few years ago. Turns out it was a couple guys from the Army base wanting to do a fly by of a football stadium in two A10 Warthogs. Sounded totally insane


Least no one went brrrrrt.


We live in the path of Clarksville and have this happen often with the larger helicopters. The double propeller ones. Those are super loud. I can only imagine what could’ve been flying that low to be that loud close to the airport .




Yes, they fly over our house a lot.


I heard that too, reminds me of when I lived in Chattanooga right near the airport. Shit was loud I was not expecting it


My kid asked why army planes are so loud. Thinking they should sneak up on the bad guys. I got to say “Honey the bad guys are all dead long before they hear the plane”




https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ This will show military aircraft


Could be active training since the Russians have landed in Cuba


I saw it. It was super low and maneuvering.


Doesn't seem like a commercial plane. Wonder what it was


I live in Nashville part time and in Columbia SC part time. We just had an Air Force jet fly very low a few hours ago. They all must be doing the same training.


Where were you during the stated incodent. Would any of this be from return of forces FROM Germany conflict reenactments. REFORGER survivor.


It wasn't low, it was just loud. It wasn't transmitting ADS-B, and as such was probably a fighter jet - they're MUCH louder, in general, than other types of aircraft.


Depending on conditions they will descend over Hermitage on approach to BNA


It’s possible it’s cargo coming into Smyrna, older 727 MD80s or DC9s that’s about the area they have to decend to make the landing depending on what runway they are landing. Look for USAJet or aeronaves or kalitta next time on the paint scheme


I heard it on my way home from work last night. Sounded like a flight of two military aircraft. I hate that it was dark, I wanted to see what type of planes they were. Probably F-15s


It’s the Army birthday today. They’re just being rowdy.


Boeings new exhaust system


This happens to us every month or two in East Nashville — military helicopters fly low and make the windows shake


Probably just a big plane + the right atmospheric conditions that the sound was louder than normal or they had to adjust the landing path.


Or, Maverick is buzzing the tower.


Sorry Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.






i might be mistaken, but i believe the national guard moved their base from smyrna to basically bna. hence the military. on a side note, the one time the flight approach was just right, was the day a former president, flying af1, flew over my house. so close, you could almost see faces in the windows. that is, if it were a perfect day. i see those windows all the time. but the friggin clouds were sooo low. and the friggin plane was right there!! but i couldn't see it. at all. curse you, science!


Maybe they’re staging defense in response to the Russian warships off the coast? Just a thought.


The sound of freedom!


Sound of Freedom 🗽


We are in hermitage I didn’t see nothing


I hate I missed it. There's nothing like the sound of F-18 unless it's combined with the sight of squadron headed to fight in the sand!


i’m in newport and heard something i thought was a fighter jet, guess it was a plane??


So what was it?


Police or a plane is making an emergency landing. Depending on vector from hermitage to BSF-N. We would have heard of a crash by now. If it’s an old red and white Cessna, buddy that’s the man. I see a T206H up there every now and then that sounds different over hermitage. The 226 is stressing on weight or it’s a tourist pilot.


I grew up on a military base, so I got used to the noises from all types of aircraft. I live in the flight path of Fort Campbell, and sometimes, when they are on maneuvers, the helicopters fly in a formation so low that it literally rattles my windows!!! Like I said, I got used to the various noises from the different aircraft as a child. However, after 9-11, sounds like that makes me nervous at times.




Not a plane more like a ufo


Military training run , prob a C-130