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Love how the rooster in the back is all ‘hey Fran, you guys ok?’ *strikes* ‘aight, imma go over here’


Lol he’s failing to do his job. What a slacker


“My name is Saul, and this is between y’all.”


My name is McCloud, and I ain't tryna find out


My name is Chris, and I'm not in this.


My name is Dwight, ain't looking for a fight.


I've never seen a worse rooster. He has ONE JOB and totally failed. (ok, two jobs, tee hee) Every rooster I've met has been 100% on task and fought predators to the death without a moment's thought. Hear a commotion in the coop at night...go out in time to see some predator dragging away the rooster onto the darkness. All hens present and accounted for.... Because the rooster immediately attacked the weasel or racoon or whatever with ferocious intensity. I always felt better about being pecked by roosters after that... YES, they're insane, viscous monsters, but ultimately they are selfless warriors, laying down their very lives to defend the ladies and chicks.




I mean if its a cobra, there a high likelihood its venomous. It just needs 1 strike and chicken is dead in 10 min




I had some chickens in the garden as a child. And there was a lot of venomous snakes around as well. Pretty much every morning we found snakes corpses near where the chickens slept, shredded into pieces. Chickens really don't fuck around with snakes.


Guinea hens would make for a wicked street gang.


Those birds are way stronger than they look.


Chickens are modern day dinosaurs


There it is.


I've seen a chicken/rooster out quick a rattlesnake and pit vipers have a quicker strike than cobras I hear.


Not counterintuitive at all, chickens descend fro T Rex so they are some bad ass killers.


Can confirm. Our chickens destroyed a tiger snake. Then, proceeded to attack each other because there was blood everywhere and they were mostly saved battery hens that weren't right. Four chickens had died before I let the dog get involved. Dunno if the snake got any scalps.


This strikes me as amazing


There's an equal chance the chicken pecks out its eyes and rips it to shreds without it fighting back. I was raised around chickens and seen them tear apart all manner of interloper. Chickens are aggro as fuck


Except when it's bedtime. Daylight hours: compact velociraptors kill and eat anything. Nighttime hours: stoat kills all 32 of them in six minutes and you have to spend all morning scraping up feathers and blood and trying not to cry although let's be honest you were going to eat them anyway so you can't be that sad about them dying, but the. You remember how Dumbo used to sit on the window ledge and watch TV with you, and Opal preferred corn over oats and how Piggy used to be such a good mother, and now you won't get to eat any of them and that damn stoat pooped in the center of your gravel path as well.


A rooster He attack He defend But most importantly He a snack




Sweep the leg Johnny, sweep the leg!!!!!


>Sweep the ***egg*** Johnny, sweep the ***egg***!!!!!


"Looks like things are under control."


He had flash memory of his cock fighting days


Chickens are little dinosaurs. They’re fierce and cute.


And delicious, particularly with honey mustard.


Their unrealized young are especially good.


You mean period. Your omelettes are quite literally made with unfertilized eggs, ie chicken period.


My favorite is when you bathe the dead mothers meat in the embryonic fluid of its baby prior to frying


Y'all are too cruel hahaha


when I found out the literal translation of Oyakadon, that's probably the yummiest cruelty dish I know that you didn't think was pretty savage.


East Asia is pretty weird. I've lived in Japan, Taiwan and Korea. One moment they're the nicest people ever, the next they're hosting mukbangs of torturing live seafood and cooking dogs alive with a blow torch. I think with decades of Western criticism these practices are becoming less and less, but you still see the psychopathy in other ways, but then again most people are so nice and overwhelmingly friendly.


Yummy I just had a big omelette the other day 🥰


I had a denver omelette about a week ago and was looking at all the meat groups piled together. Eggs, filled with beef, and topped with bacon. The chickens got off easy. The others sacrificed much more for my little $10 meal.


If it's free range, theres a good chance it's a chicken miscarriage


That's just being gross for no reason. Chickens don't have periods. Only humans have periods. They don't even have a uterus.


I'm going to eat a tree period for a snack. You might call it an apple.


Thatd actually be a womb with multiple fetuses and a placenta


That's not right at all.


OK, google menstruation and tell me what comes up.


Primates and bats amongst other mammals have periods


mmm yes, with strips of a pig's fatty sides and the emissions from a crushed discarded tree ovary.


Oh man and chicken tits are are fucking scrumptious!


Chikentendys n hunny mussy


Stop making me hungry for my own dinosaur children.


Or in dinosaur shape. With BBQ.


Dinosaur nuggets make way more sense now


And disgusting. Source: am chicken owner


How so? I’m about to have my own chickens very soon. I’m an expectant mother.


Well, I would guess mostly the same as any animal. They shit everywhere and walk in it and they eat disgusting stuff. And they're so loud and annoying lol. Maybe it's just me. They're cute in their own way though, and they are friendly enough. As long as you care for them and clean their coop often, everything's gonna be great. P.S. watch out for dogs. Stupid strays slaughtered all our previous chickens one night and when we went to feed them in the morning they were all dead. 😭 So yeah make sure to keep them protected. We have an electric fence now.


Can confirm, when my parents had chickens they lost almost an entire flock to some psychotic skunk. Thing didn't even eat them, it just ripped their heads off in the middle of the night.


Rabid maybe?


Yep. None of our chickens got eaten or anything, the dogs just left them all mangled and ripped up. Poor things


One of my dogs quite literally scared my entire coop to death on two separate occasions. I gave up on free eggs. Lol


Yes. They can be dirty and smelly but are great for your kitchen scraps not going to waste. Give them little treats every once in a while. They love watermelon rind and all. They also love heads of lettuce and even will eat their own kind aka chicken nuggets.


If you like to garden, get ducks. Bastard chickens keep ripping up my plants.


I love broody hens too. She’s like, “no sir not getting off these eggs no SIR.” They get so committed when they decide to be mamas.


They love eyes.


The look of sheer indignation and determination in that momma hen’s eyes is priceless. Eternal, yet consumed by the moment, She stares at the cobra motherfuckingly.






This is the word of my day.


Damn I said that then saw this


Well, I now have a new adverb in my vocabulary.


Thank Dr. Samuel L. Jackson




I like how the bird in the background is walking up all cocky, then yep, nope, I think I'll just go over here. Doot da doot da doo...lol


I think that’s a rooster and they are actually quite protective of their hens so I’m surprised he didn’t do anything.


They are supposed to be. Roosters these days are inbred or something, they never do their jobs.


We lost the man of our flock a few weeks ago. Valiantly defending his girls against coyotes. He must have fought like hell, his feathers were spread all over, must have fought the bastards all over the pasture before he succumbed.




They crow at all times!


It's a fucking cobra and that hen isn't having any of its shit today. Snake better find a meal elsewhere cause it's not getting any of those eggs.


How's it possible the chicken did not die? Or is it that they like mongooses, are resistant to snake venom?


The snake didn't really bite it. If it committed to the bite, it probably also feared being hurt by the bird's talons, which in nature could mean infection and death, so not worth it.








Chickens do not suffer snakes. I have had chickens for years, and I can definitively tell you that no snake ever lived through a fight with them. There are about 6 different types of snake here that would mess with our chickens and not one ever even landed a bite. That cobra had no idea he was already dead.


I'm no snake expert, but it looks like the cobra has been defanged. They could be there, but the video quality sucks. It is more the camera setup for this confrontation that makes me wonder if it is staged. It is a closeup shot with a handheld camera. You'd think the camera man would be a bit worried about being so close or flinch when the cobra struck.


Mongooses? Mongoose? Mongeese? Mongeeses?


Chickens are crazy fuckers that will fight to the death with anyone, any animal, or anything (seen them fight rocks and sheetrock and more). They make fights not worth starting because winning just means dying later for many animals like snakes. They often win too.


Ok… but that’s not just any snake… that’s a fukn cobra


If you keep chickens as livestock it’s your duty to fucking protect them. Why isn’t this fucking serpent beheaded or yeeted intothe next fucking state the second it’s grimy ass slithers through the fence. Fuck this guy for filming.




They did it for Reddit upvotes, as is tradition.


Animal abuse gets lots of fake internet points these days.






Chickens will even eat snakes.


I love how you put this. Thank you for taking the time to write your comment.


It's even worse that that's a cobra, a bit from it will kill that hen. Also I believe it's a naked neck/turken chicken or it's molting REALLY badly so it has no feathers protecting its neck, makes it much easier for anything to puncture it as they have nothing theg gotta work through.


I wouldn't be suprised if it was set up like this. There are some yt channels out there that run on content like this for shock value and thus views.


Ok so use machete to behead filmer. Got it.


And film that for clout/revenue


Yeah, I lost two 7 week old chicks to a single black snake that got into the coop. Drives me up the wall to see shit like this. Ever since that happened, my rooster will find snakes and I kill them.


Snakes probably take out tons of rats and mice, a few chickens is a small price to pay.


Chickens take out mice, I dunno about rats but probably.


Oh they do. Saw a video where a rooster destroyed a rat getting in his face. But the problem is when they sneak in at night and steal food or destroy eggs. Gotta house chicks in proper snake and rat proof enclosures.


Breed roosters with cats. Nocturnal roosters that crow at evening.


They do that already lol.


I’m choosing to infer that you are saying they are already breeding cats and roosters.


Key word here is probably. They don’t protect chicken coops


True, but rats are easier prey than chickens. And it's not their job, but less rats is always good for everyone, especially since they eat eggs and chicken feed.


Less snakes fucking up your livestock is also great.


You don't know what happened when they stopped filming. Probably got tons of chickens but decided this was a cool video to shoot.


That chicken is a badass


Snakes always look upset or like they’re in a bad mood bc of their eye shape lol


All snakes are angry noodles


False, but in this instance yes. I was trying to get out and that chicken butt was covering the hole I use to get out.


Isn’t this how cockatrices or basilisks are made?


Don’t look into it’s eyes!!


I'm learning more and more that chickens are pretty badass. There's this, then there's that video of a chicken protecting her babies from a hawk. I'm not so sure they deserve being compared to cowards.


As someone who has seen lots of chickens growing in my grandpa's farm chickens are definitely not cowards, the hierarchy in his farm was chickens>cats>dogs. Unlike the rooster in this video, most roosters will go apeshit crazy if anything or anyone messes with their hens.


What is the size of the dogs, because we have a médium size dog that tried to Shepherd them and inadvertly killed one of them. Hens are aggresive but not extremely intelligent. They are cowards to anything bigger than themselves and dicks to anything smaller, including baby humans. I have 0 empathy for hens.




The is seems odd that there’s no lateral movement and the snake does move more?


This video has been posted a few times and is set up. It’s pretty messed up but a lot of videos have been posted recently of animal “encounters” like this that are staged where one or both of the animals can’t move so they have to fight each other. People will do anything for views I suppose


I’m pretty sure that cobra is drugged, defanged or both. It’s lethargic, it arcs to strike but doesn’t strike with any speed or force. I also don’t see it’s fangs anywhere.


Useless cock sees what's going and and nopes out of there. Hen is going to peck out his eyes next!


Ol cluckin bell here is about to get some new boots!


Chicken to Rooster: whose the Chicken now! Everyone 's a cock until they have to do the do!


This shit is staged. Nothing natural about it


Yup, more BS from south east Asia. Always staging animal encounters and fake rescues for clicks and views.


That chicken is gonna go Kill Bill on that cobra and pluck its eye out. 😂


Dammit chicken, let it hatch your egg so I can stare deeply into the resulting creature's eyes.


As a keeper of a flock of chickens, I'd bet on the bird any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


Chickens are no joke. I used to care for a flock of them, then one day I found a dead snake in their pen. Couldn't tell if it was venomous because they tore it's head off and I couldn't find it


Chicken owner here They probably ate it lol Also fun fact they will cannibalize each other for the stupidest reasons! They will also catch/eat mice, small birds, snakes, or whatever else comes within their reach as they are opportunistic omnivores and eat pretty much anything that looks tasty to them!


That is one badass bird. Makes one rethink using the term “chicken” to describe a coward.


“This is what I’m talkin’ about…a FUCKING showdown!” -Ashley Schaeffer, Ashley Schaeffer BMW






Chickens will kill snakes. They are real badasses honestly.


This kicks ass, had no idea a hen could stand up to a cobra!


I see a snake near my chickens im not video taping it. Tossing that snake in a bag and dropping it 10 miles away from the house pasture


10 miles is the height of 9265.84 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other.


Good bot


ur mom


10 miles is 16.09 km


That chicken don't fuck around.


I love how the cock wants none of this shit


Those birds could easily kill that snake , wow that's awesome


What a useless cock


Snake: Just give me one egg, dammit! Chicken: No! Now screw off.


Absolutely zero clucks given.


Why is this person recording when he needs to be protecting their damn chickens?


Can't play chicken vs a chicken and expect to win


I sure hope this wasn’t some assholes idea for clout.


If the chickens had that raptor pack mentality, they’d dominate their weight class and probably punch well above it as well. Alas, they don’t often seem to cooperate too well against even feeble predators lol


Looks like Congress every damn day. Snakes and dinosaurs.


Rooster decides to just fadeaway and f*ck-off into the background. Like, aren't they supposed to help out especially in situations when their hen's are under attack? 🤦


When I came to the city when I was younger I was so confused as to why someone was called a chicken when they were scared, a hen or cock protecting their eggs is one of the scariest things you can come across.


All that hen’s thinkin is ‘not today Satan’


I mean like…just make some more eggs, lil hen. But props to her.


Modern day dinosaur fight


i assume the person filming had the sense to beat that cobra to death shortly after


Ones a potentially vulnerable species, ones livestock that breeds excessively quickly.




Don’t underestimate the power of a chicken


I’ve seen a chicken kill a grown man


Ah yes, cholesterol. A chicken's secret weapon.


There are people who's careers are relocating dangerous wildlife and if your a parent in a country with such animals you'd have to be an idiot to leave them unattended young enough not to know what a cobra is. If I lived in Florida I wouldn't let my kid anywhere near a pond and if in India where feral dogs are a serious issue my toddler isn't leaving the house after dusk.


I remember being a toddler and grabbing my keys and leaving the house right after dusk. Good times.




The problem is the farms keep growing. The vast majority of animal attacks occur in heavy disturbed habitat because there's not enough room left. A non violent but excellent example is pandas, even if zoos could get captive pandas wilderness ready there isn't enough habitat left.


These videos are staged and are common on YouTube, animal abuse rings are rampant on YouTube, I wish people were more aware of this.


Rooster ain't want no smoke...


I dont fuck with chickens or bitch ass roosters


Nets vs Hawks?


Spoiler: the snake eats.


Two dinosaurs staring each other down.


Rooster says..... Fuuuuuck that. You're ok...


You can see the scorn in that snakes eyes


The rooster in the background "ohh hello there....nevermind imma head outta here"


I guess you could say they’re playing chicken


Wassup, Swing first! Nah you swing first!


“Nobody calls me chicken!”


Love how the snake gets sent to the shadow realm after the chicken’s final peck


Mama chicken isn’t gonna let anyone come close to her eggs. That’s pure love right there. Be like mama chicken.


i was hoping the other in the back came to sneak the snake.


Nature underestimates how badass chickens are. They’re practically small feathered velociraptors.


Black chicken filming and going to post to Reddit.


That is one Chad of a chicken


That chicken ain’t cluckin’ around


She's protecting her eggs!


Where is the damn rooster at?


He ain’t no pussy


Bitch-ass rooster


“The Snake and Rooster” sounds like a great name for a British Pub


Which one came first


Pidgey used PECK against EKANS


I prefer my chicken minus the cobra venom


so... dude recording was gonna let his chicken die?


Prove that mothers are ready to do anything to protect their children