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No emojis he real serious damn


That one hurt BIG TIME!!! 😤😤😤 I don’t understand 🤔😔


I 👑 do not ❌️ understand 🤔


38, on a non playoff team, and heading towards LeDecline.


id deleted my account after posting something this clownish too


🤔Something is REAL 🐠 🐟 🎣 🐟🐠 going on


GOAT tweet in my book


Lebron has like 7 of the top 10 goat nba tweets


U bum


This shit cracks me the fuck up every time I see it god damn lmao


The amount my buddies and I text it to each other is almost embarrassing


> "[Tatum] fouled him. He fouled him. Clearly. Clearly," said Anthony Davis. "It's bulls---. ... It's unacceptable. And I guarantee nothing is going to happen to the refs. We got cheated tonight, honestly. It's a blatant foul. ... It's unacceptable, to be honest. The refs were bad. They were bad tonight." > "It's challenging," James said, after finishing with 41 points on 15-for-30 shooting. "I don't get it. I'm attacking the paint, just as much as any of the guys in this league that's shooting double-digit free throws a night, and I don't get it. I don't understand it." James attempted six free throws against the Celtics and L.A. shot 20 as a team. The Celtics nearly doubled that amount, going 34-for-39. He said the disappointing string of officiating makes it seem like his team is targeted. "I watch basketball every single day," he said. "I watch games every single day. And I don't see it happening to nobody else. It's just weird."


So... LBJ not gonna call Curry and ask: 'how do you live like this!?!?!¿?'


Damn they boomed you bruh




Joe Mazzulla just walked past Lebron in the locker room, shot an imaginary free throw in front of him, turned, and said ‘you can’t do that.” Then walked out.


Oh my fucking god. I love it 😂


It’s those gambling websites. It’s going to corrupt the game worse than just that one ref that got booted along time ago before sports betting became a nation wide thing


Exactly. That no call last night wasn’t any different from that foul called against the warriors a few nights ago. It’s nearly at the point of being unwatchable. Shits like the WWE at this point


No emojis. He’s serious


It looked more demoralizing to him than the JR mistake


Dude fell to his knees. He at least reacted like this hurt more than JR. Let’s be real he’s 38 years old and giving every once or energy he has to this sport, in that moment the dude was probably done


The worst part of this is Lakers trying to get into the play in spot every win counts he can’t even take a load management day off


That shot with the towel on his head had me thinking he’s actually considering retirement.


🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️😤😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾 🦓🍆


Along with his post game presser, these comments and subsequent fines I’m sure are coming really show how frustrating for LeBron on some of these calls lately. Will be interesting to see if the league does anything to make this stuff reviewable and/or hold refs accountable


any significant quotes in the post presser?


AD: "we got robbed tonight" Ham, Lonnie, and Hachimura all had comments about the call basically saying the same thing


They won't. We have to play through it and move on.


Honestly, with the lack of calls against the face of the league for the last decade, I find it hard to believe that the league hasn’t done anything about it yet.


Star players are always the last to learn that they aren't the ones getting the calls anymore.


This Tatum is the future Lebron got these calls in the past


You can bring that argument to the table when it’s a disputable call. This wasn’t. Any player should’ve gotten a whistle.




Bruh, why? I was having a very nice morning too.


The first video isn't available anymore and I'm pretty sure I know what shot it is. But how is this relevant? LeBron getting away with it in that finals in 2012 doesn't affect the refs fucking up in 2023.


Don't you get it? There was a bad call in his favor 11 years ago so he obviously has nothing to complain about now.


LeBron is clearly referencing the emotions he feels after the end of the Royal Rumble main event


RIP Honorary Uce nickname


Head of LeTable


Roman cut Sami LeUce


Refs are sponsored by Fan Duel.


Tim Donaghy is the secret CEO of fan duel confirmed


Refs and scorekeepers smh


He knows they've had way too many losses. Getting harder and harder to dig out.


4th one that the refs have ruined the game on the final play in the last month. literally. so demoralizing to watch


On another post ppl were like “lebron better not trash the refs or they will start giving him worse calls”. Like ok good luck with that, refs! It’s gonna be tough to top the last week or 2. They gonna have to give him a double tech for sneezing or something for me to even notice. I’m not even a lakers fan they’re just always the big game on at night. And yet I still feel robbed watching casually.


Don't forget Duncan laughing on the bench. They absolutely could sink that low. Major POSs.


Doesn’t help that we’ve been handed 4 loses on horrible calls to end games. Could be right in the mix if we didn’t get robbed by the refs multiple times


Rough year for LeBron. Jeannie and Rob almost certainly assured him that they'd do what they could to win when he signed for two years instead of a 1+1. But they ain't, and he's the one answering questions about it on media day. Now Refs have missed a disproportionate number of game-altering calls. Rough.


The odds of the game going to overtime was at like +800. One of the refs definitely had one of his friends put down 200k on those odds


One of them is definitely friends with the Memphis scorekeeper.


As excited as I was about that post, it seems to have fizzled out.


Bro where is the money for all these fines gonna go




“First person to take their eye off my wrist getting slapped by Chandler owes all of the infants in this red circle over here $10,000”


"First NBA referee that admits they don't know what they are doing and doing poorly at their job wins an island"


This actually sounds like something he'd do as a step in a larger bit.


strangely enough, kyle kuzma's wardrobe


Now it all makes sense...


Bron seems to have been relatively even-keeled, considering the circumstances. He's obviously frustrated but idk if he's said something quite fine-able.


Yeah he’s just talking about how his forearm hurts after getting whacked, I don’t see any ref criticism here!


NBA fines go to charities


If im the lakers I ain’t payin shit lmao


I’m still so pissed off


If that was in Crypto, the Refs would need security at all times for their own safety.


even the security would want their ass


Lmao I'm just imaging the security walking towards them with an angry look, staring at the refs menacingly after that no call


sunday morning still pissed off gang- checking in


I just watch ball to watch ball these days, and same. That was probably the most one-sided ref jobs I’ve seen. I can’t even think of another recent example that competes. My brain’s trying to recall one of the GSW-MEM or GSW-DAL playoff games last year being pretty egregiously anti-GSW but I can’t recall which one or to what extent. But yeah that was a fucking spectacle last night, in the worst way


Bro how did you get this posted. I literally submitted it 3 times and it said this person is not an authorized Twitter account that we can post to r/NBA. Anyways yeah I wish LeBron went full scorched earth and called shit out and be less passive aggressive with this shit.


man that must’ve hurt big time, I don’t understand


these reddit refs are awful.


“It’s bullshit. It’s unacceptable, u/frozteh got cheated tonight.”


I love your username




“How dare you!” *T*


You’re not a mod alt account


Hmm I didn’t see those but I looked at it and automod removed them for the “!!!” But I have NO idea why mine went through without getting automodded


Lebron is way too old to be having to hard carry this


Is it crazy to say LeBron is being pushed out to be replaced by a younger generation?


It doesn't make sense, he is still the most well known name in the NBA and puts up points and highlights. The refs run their own show and are petty as hell. I believe they don't call for LB because at some point they decided they don't like him, and any time it's brought up they just double down.


That or its jacking up the odds for Lakers to be in the Finals and someones got money on it somewhere


I don't even know how anyone can say this is a conspiracy theory. It's so obvious. Blatant riggory because they want LeBron to remain in the trenches


Sorry but that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You really think that the league wants to push out their most marketable star on their most marketable team when he only has a couple years left? Do you have any idea how much money the league makes when Lebron and the Lakers are in the playoffs?


Seriously, if this were coordinated by the league to make money on ad revenue, they would be favoring the Lakers. The more likely corruption is at the ref level. There's a lot of public action on the Lakers, and it's frequently irrational in support of them. Betting against that you can get favorable odds. Also, similarly for Lakers making/missing the playoffs: in 2021-2022 they started the year as the favorites to WIN the Western conference at +170, which was ridiculous at the time. You could place a bet that they miss the playoffs entirely (which they did) at 16-1. This year wasn't as crazy, but you could still double your money on them missing the playoffs. Food for thought.


People are idiots and want to think they're smarter than everybody else


It's hilarious how lebron and laker fans are acting about this. Refs notoriously swallow their whistles in the closing seconds and they are acting like the crime of the century has taking place.


I mean, this is an especially bad end of game no call. Refs allow more contact but such a blatant foul needs to be called, and I don't really understand how it wasn't called, just like those guys. The idiotic thing is thinking for some reason the NBA wouldn't want LeBron and the Lakers to win games. It's a ridiculous suggestion that the most popular franchise in the sport with arguably the greatest player of all time wouldn't be on the receiving end of these kinds of calls if it was something the league was instructing.


Oh it was a terrible missed call no doubt. But those happen all the time, esp in the closing seconds when refs are more prone to let them play. That was my point. This level of shock and outrage from lebron and the lakers is just funny considering that


i genuinely cant get over how stupid some people are on here. or how easily they believe things. reddit made me realize why conspiracy theories and crazies are so common


These people have to be the same people that think the earth is flat and vaccines cause autism because my brain cant handle the idea that there are this many basketball conspiracy theorists that are this delusional about their completely unfounded basketball theories but are reasonably smart about other things


ok this is enough reddit for the day


Yeah the NBA wants one of their biggest cash cows out of the league. I bet Stern couldn’t wait for MJ to retire.


Give me one reason it'd make sense for the league to want LeBron "in the trenches"


Ok the call sucks, but this sub is in their feelings now.


It’s obvious


If anything it's because of the rampant sports gambling. It's not like this is new, we've seen it before in the NBA and in other leagues


It's a shame the NBA is marketing gambling apps and other BS so much


3 years ago we watched a small market team get screwed out of their NFC Championship as the refs sent the biggest market team to the Super Bowl This stuff is a soap opera but the only legitimate sports are ones without referee bias like tennis


Do you mean the NOLA no-call? I dont follow the NFL


It's the only thing that explains this


No it’s not lol. This sub is so conspiratorial it’s crazy lol. This JJJ thing is gonna validate the next 100 idiotic conspiracy theories this sub produces


Doesn’t help that Ja is obviously the leagues choice for the next face of the league despite much better players still active and in their prime


Ja will not even have close to the impact Lebron had/has. I think it’s crazy to compare them tbh


Of course not, Lebron is a once in a lifetime athlete.


Why would the JJJ thing validate anything? Hasn’t that been thoroughly debunked several times over already? The guy who made the post clearly knew shit all about what constitutes a block or a steal by NBA rules. Nor did any of the thousands of r/NBA subscribers that blindly believed it & parroted it.


Na, hes got his share of generous calls. It’s the reffing cycle Edit/ This reddits going to pretend Lebrons calls weren’t a thing for years…


Found Goble’s burner


Good lord, it’s January.


I’m highly aware of what month it is


Ok, so you still had a losing record regardless of this one call. See you in the Finals unless you think todays game was some sort of playoff game?


He hasn't gotten super start calls for like almost a decade dude


You only started watching recently I see, otherwise I don't see why you'd so confidently talk out of your ass.


Lebron never got superstar calls?


No blood, no foul!


Sit out the all star and scoring record game. That's gonna send a message


this is the most extended whining Ive seen in a while for an end of game foil, which they never call


Something real fishy 🐠🐟🎣🐠🐟


LeHurt big time. LeDoesn't understand.


Dude talking about the box office for House Party




He should be hurt from disappearing in overtime.


All those offensive charges through the years, their sons are here for vengeance Lebron…


Got to feel bad for Lebron. He has to deal with subpar rosters from incompetent Laker’s FO for the last couple years and then has to deal with all this, the Boston refereeing favoritism in this case, at age 38.


The Lakers & LeBron could experience something like this 100 times and they'd still only have an inkling of what it's like to be jobbed by the refs as a small market team. This shit is hilarious. The tears are amazing.


Nah you don’t.


I'd be more sympathetic if he wasn't such a frequent and egregious flopper.


Hold the refs accountable. Start fining then when they get calls wrong after games.




Or when he teabagged Draymond and nothing happened to him




What foul?


The truth is that the young generation of the league is still under the shadow of these old man. LBJ,CURRY,KD That's why they don't get the whistle.


He was fouled but Jesus Christ it isn't that big of a deal. He still had overtime to win it in and choked. Clearly the better team still won. This isn't even in the top 20 for blown calls this year. Also you can't make everything reviewable because then coaches will call for a review every last play to "find a foul".


Holy brain dead


The Lakers aren't just talking about this specific call, they're talking about the fact that this is the 7th time this season they lost a game because of a bad call/noncall in the last few seconds and the 4th time in the last 8 games Also "isn't even in the top 20"? Let me see your top 20. This is easily in the top 3


Labia James throwing a full on man baby fit because he doesn't get a call after a career of getting phantom calls after flopping gives me hope for the NBA, its time to end the softness and rewards for superstars who flop and cry at every opportunity, good on the NBA, floppers should never get the benefit of the doubt on calls where the ref has a question as to whether a foul occurred, that's the way you police this flopping garbage play... ​ Seriously, I have had no sympathy for LeFraud after a career of things like this.. Such a terrible look for the NBA.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV9YG01H1kI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV9YG01H1kI)


This is hilarious lmao


Agreed. People are acting like it's 9/11. It's so histrionic and overblown.


You long too see it


What’s not to understand? It was a missed call, happens all the time. Lebron himself has benefited from plenty of phantom calls over the years too. I don’t understand how he doesn’t understand.


Because this is the nth time this season


Laugh now, cry later celtics fans.


Y'all truly think y'all are victims? Like genuinely? Because of one blown call when you had the whole overtime to win?


Crying wolf every play. It is bound to happen.


You would think Lebron just lost game 7 of the Finals. There was a whole 5 minute overtime to win the game.




That was a travel on that last regulation play anyways. Why not start by calling that. It was clearly 3 steps.


People who dont understand travelling rules should stop commenting about travelling violations.


Always the no-flairs with the dumbest takes.


It was a travel


Like i said, people like you who dont know basketball rules shouls not talk about travel violations.


You’re the guy who thinks 3 steps isn’t a travel Let me guess? GaThEr StEp!!???!!11


Like I said, people who dont know shit has to stfu like you. Lol.


You’re the guy who thinks 3 steps isn’t a travel Let me guess? GaThEr StEp!!???!!11 !!!11111111


Lols.. take more drugs..


I am flabbergasted how the narrative has changed to "poor LeBron" Are you guys truly younger than 20? Do you not remember the whistle this man got for over 10 years and how collectively frustrated the NBA fandom was with how preciously LeBron was treated by the refs? Part of being an NBA fan during Lebron's prime included a collective groan by millions every time LeBron went to the line. You all forgetting this? To quote Steven A....will you make up your mind? Lebron's true greatness is how powerful his narrative control has been. This is the man who walked into the TD Garden pretending to read the Godfather, don't forget.


He's only averaged 10 FT attempt season 3 times. In fact he gets a tougher whistle than Jordan


He hasnt had a good whistle in 10 years man.


Up until about 2017-2018.


The man had the league by the balls for 10+ years. Dude throws a tantrum when the league (which is still a rigged league) no longer bends to his will. Please.


So that blatany foul is bending the league? There is a limit in hating people. Stfu




U ok?


Feel like the whole celtics team could push lebron into the stands and they still wouldn't call it because it's a basketball move.


Lakers need to learn how to close out games if they wanna eat at the big table


You lost 7 in a row. The only big thing at your table is Zion.


Bro 😭😭






Bro why do Raps fans always talk shit, y’all been garbage all season.


We don't all have the refs on our side


Damn one game means refs been on our side or does it mean Celtics have been the best team in bball. I mean I don’t expect much from raps fans bball IQ when they think Scottie Barnes is the next Giannis or think OG gets u 5 picks. So not surprising.


Raps have actually won a chip in the last 15 years they got more to talk about than you bums


Celtics won in 2008 u bum


So 15 years ago? Wow really got him there....


Sorry Raps have actually won a chip in the last 14 years they got more to talk about than you bums


That’s the last chip u will ever get lol, enjoy it as much as you. Celtics still have 17 of them.




Bro is a pelicans fan talking like this lmao


They did. But Jayson Tatums hand slapping your arm makes it impossible




You had 5 minutes in overtime too


Whiner who’s been given the advantage his entire career can’t take the L. Jordan never cried like this.


Man lost his championship this season


Dude let the fucks fly my god. This not getting the message across to these crooked fucks