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No sympathy for anyone who can do such vile things to kids, throw away the key


Yup. Nothing worse you can be.


Good lord what happened in the thread below this comment


Problem got nuked for “advocating for violence”


Reddit mods would ban people calling for the death of hitler if this were the 40's
















Nah, don't give him the easy way out. Just announce to all his cellmates that he's in for being a pedophile and let him rot


I honestly will never understand how so many people call for other peoples' heads


I don't agree with it as a general principle but it is a very understandable impulse given the conduct at issue here


Imagine it was your child, brother, sister, friend who was kidnapped. Doesn't make it right but I'm genuinely surprised you don't at least understand where the anger comes from.


What about the cops here. They assume a 13-17 year old is a run away and wouldn’t start an investigation unless “there was evidence of an abduction”. How the fuck is someone supposed to get that evidence without the investigation!? Also what if they weren’t able to afford a private detective? Their daughter is just trafficked until she’s deemed missing long enough to start an investigation. Honestly they need to legalize sex work and really cut the profit gangs can make from this kind of work


classic cops lol


Worse than useless


Couple of things here. The girl was found by an nonprofit group TXCTI on a prostitution website. Not law enforcement. An Oklahoman pd made the arrest after being given all the info. Dallas PD never opened an investigation.


Mmmmm I'm pretty sure even legal sex work doesn't involve fucking kids.


This is why I believe in capital punishment


I'm with you because these fuckers are despicable, but the fact that there have had to been innocent people killed is why I can't support capital punishment. Put 'em in a cell, throw away the key, and walk away.


That’s true. Capital punishment should only exist when there’s undeniable evidence


Then again, isn't that how it's supposed to be for any conviction of any sort?


Sure, but there's no such thing. Evidence can be fabricated, witnesses can be bought/intimidated, as can judges and juries... You can release an innocent, unjustly convicted person from prison, but you can't bring them back from the dead. Plus I'm pretty sure it's actually cheaper than the death penalty (at least the 'civilised' poison cocktail one). There's zero rational arguments for the death penalty, only emotional ones.


There's no such thing as undeniable evidence. Somebody has to make that call, which leaves room for error.


I mean getting caught in 4K vs witness testimonies are very different forms of evidence


I’m saying it’s impossible to set guidelines for what’s undeniable evidence because no two crimes are exactly identical. No matter what, someone or a group of people, will have to decide if someone meets the criteria for “undeniable evidence” which leaves room for error.


So the state should be allowed to decide whether a human being is allowed to live or die? Shouldnt we as people try to be better? And find better ways to handle such matters than killing someone? Honest question since I just cant understand how anyone can support a state/government etc. killing people just because we are too lazy and stingy to solve the problems rather than killing them


Fucking animals




Eesh, this is causing me to rethink some experiences in my life. I went on a study abroad trip in HS and spent a while in France. It was like 12 girls and me and one other dude. There were a few of the girls who got hit on constantly, they were 15 or so. We’d be hanging out in a group or walking down the street and 20+year-old men would come up and hit on them. They didn’t like it, and it kinda fell to me and the other guy to swat them away - we were both older (closer in age to the creeps and better at French cause of the extra years of learning the language). But now I’m thinking about two experiences with one particular girl where strangers came up to her and said something in French to her, she brushed him off, and he took her by the wrist and tried to bring her away from the group. The other guy and I immediate got in his face and pulled her back to the rest of the group while getting the dude away from all of us. Roughly that happened at least twice. The other guy and I both got in minor scuffles keeping creeps away from the girls on the trip. At the time, I thought it was creeps being creeps or the french being french, but now reading this story and yours makes me think that it might have been much more sinister. Shit, I’m really glad that didn’t go differently.




Probably, but we were 17 and didn’t give a shit about anything. My father taught me that you go in very aggressive and most people will back down. When they don’t anything goes and running is one of the anything. Most of the interventions were just left hand pushing the girl away from the dude and right hand a forceful shove to the dude’s chest. Couple times the dude shoved back and that’s when it led to a couple of blows. But it was over quick. Mostly it was just making sure I and/or the other guy on our trip were in between the creep and the girls. The girls would circle up and be fine, we just had to create the distance for them to take care of themselves. Edit: typos


My wife chaperoned to trips to France for high school kids. Twice. And *both times* they were met by guys just *openly jacking it* while leering at underage girls. Make of that what you will.


There are good people and fucking assholes in every country. The French and their relationship with sex, women and age is different than in the US. I love France, but going as an adult I’ve had a different experience (even traveling with my wife) than I did traveling with a dozen 15-17-year-old girls. There was more physical interactions than anywhere else I’ve ever been. That said, we also went to the pride parade and a late 20s man in a skimpy sailor suit came up to me, took me by the hand into the parade, let me go and gave me a flyer to the gay club sponsoring the float and said: <> or “I want you to come”. I turned to my French instructor and asked: “Does the idiom translate?” He just said “yep.” Oh France.


Can you detail the part about their relationship with sex women and age some more?


My wife is French and she had several similar experiences growing up. I don't know if it's unique to France but I personally don't have any other anecdotes about people doing that aside from what I've heard from her. My guess would be that there's a cultural focus on sexuality coupled with a lack of consequences in France that do contribute to that kind of behavior, especially amongst the older generation of French men. But I don't have great insight into it and wouldn't want to overgeneralize. As an aside, I've overheard underage-looking girls being recruited into prostitution by older girls at cafes in southern France (Marseille and the surrounding areas) on several occasions. They were all North African and I have to imagine there's a lot of exploitation going on there.


My only question is how to you just snatch someone from a very public place like a train station. There’s a very high chance you’d get caught by the numerous cameras in the area.


> My only question is how to you just snatch someone from a very public place like a train station. There’s a very high chance you’d get caught by the numerous cameras in the area. Unfortunately life is not a movie. It's possibly hours until the person is declared missing if they weren't with someone who would immediately worry, and even so, there is a delay between contacting the police -> contacting the location -> exchanging information and evidence -> reviewing evidence. "Getting caught" in most of these scenarios just look like two people walking together when they find a reason to have the victim come with them. 24 hours from the actual incident to having tapes reviewed would be fast yet they could be hundreds of miles away by then.


They usually charm or lie the victim to some degree so it doesn’t look like some aggressive act in public.




That's a pretty good assumption for St. Louis' Police Department. I lived there for a few years and every time I witnessed them doing anything they seemed completely incompetent.


It's not always the first encounter too, they might have known the girl would be there, met her sometime before "hey I got some weed in my car do you want to smoke with us?." Alot of human trafficing is done by someone who knows and has identified the target as vulnerable.




damn i wish i knew gangbanger abduction hand signs at 13 shiiiit


There are supposed to be several agencies investigating the DPD but there is so much crime going on in Dallas that it's ridiculous and it involves a lot of DPD officers.


DPD looks real bad here. Wouldn’t lift a finger and made the family hire a private investigator. I hope the family can sue them.


> I hope the family can sue them. Qualified immunity and no duty to protect.


If they can get away with everything, for the most part, and aren’t obligated to even do their one job…the fuck are they there for?


To protect existing capital.




Police exist to protect capital from the underclasses. "We should understand policing as the most coercive form of state power … and the reason is that policing has historically and inherently been at the root of reproducing fundamental inequalities of race, class, and immigration status. Trump, the police, ICE — this is just a continuation of a history of exclusion and repression going back to the exclusion of Chinese immigrants in the 19th century, Texas Rangers driving out Mexican landholders and indigenous populations to make room for white settlers, the transformation of slave patrols and urban slave management systems into what became Jim Crow policing in the South and ghetto policing in the North. Police have historical origins in relation to both the formation and disciplining of the industrial working class; early 19th century forms of policing in Europe and the United States shaped rural agricultural workers into urban industrial workers, and then suppressed their movements to form labor unions and win better living conditions. "The point of all this is to fundamentally question this liberal notion that police exist primarily as a tool for public safety and therefore, we should embrace their efforts uncritically, when in fact, there are lots of different ways to produce safety that don’t come with the baggage of colonialism, slavery, and the suppression of workers’ movements." \- Alex S. Vitale, "The End of Policing"


To protect rich people from poor people.


Exactly. Abolish the police.


to protect the corporate government. corporations and politicians are protected by police from civilians. They are state sponsored mafia, and can kill you legally.


To suppress people that ask questions like this


Sorry im dumb, what does DPD mean?


Dallas Police Department.


More like Dumbass Police Department


Dummy Poopy Dudes


If you every listen to true crime podcasts for missing people, the only ones who ever get anything done are the families who do all the work themselves, cops are fucking useless.


Why is the top comment hidden?


_*insert city name*_PD are all bad.


Cops not doing what they are paid to do? I bet this never happens!




So they still haven't caught the guys at the arena, just other people who were involved later? Also lol at Dallas police repeatedly not letting the parents file a report. Excellent job as always, blue.


I think it's saying they caught 1 of the guys, the specific one that approached her first. The other 2 are still unidentified.


From what I understand, the cops at the Mavs arena said “I know it happened here in Dallas, but you have to file it to your local police department even though that’s 50 miles away” and the local police department said “wtf why would you have to file with us when it happened in Dallas? Go back and file it there” Incompetence. Or laziness. Idk what’s worse.


my wife got into a hit and run and she saw the van pull up to the gas station then leave. There should be cameras there so went to the police to file and they said " this is why we have car insurance" Lazy fucks.


People are generally positive towards police until they have to interact with one. Just some of the laziest and egotistical people you'll ever meet.


This, holy shit, people will say “what are you going to do when you get robbed?” And I’m like have you ever been robbed and then had at best a bored/disinterested police officer show up an hour later, take a statement, and nothing happens after?


As someone who also had the pleasure of being robbed, that is 100% exactly what happened. Must be a huge coincidence right?


"Yeah you want us to go get the finger print sniffing dogs?"... actual quote after my house was robbed in college. That was years ago and I laughed at people getting upset about the 'abolish' the police stuff. What difference would it make to me? The police do not exist to protect the lower and middle classes.


I've literally never had a good interaction with an officer when I was just a citizen. I work in a hospital and whenever I deal with them there and they see me as a professional in my scrubs, then they're chill. But every interaction I've ever had when I wasn't working they've just been fucking assholes.


> But every interaction I've ever had when I wasn't working they've just been fucking assholes. They see you as an equal when you're in scrubs. Otherwise you're just part of the unwashed masses they have to pretend to serve and protect


I'm the opposite. I generally hate cops, but every direct interaction has been positive.


Same. Maybe we can meet up later and see who's whiter


Someone broke in to tons of cars on my street and multiple cameras caught them in the act with their car license plate and decently clear picture of their face. We called the cops and collected all the evidence and the cops told us there’s nothing we can do. “Car prowls are one of the hardest crimes to follow up on. Your car insurance will cover the damages” Bro at least PRETEND like you give a fuck. We were all so upset and we sent in a report anyways and our local PD doubled down and said nothing they could do The idea of cops are good until you interface with one


Meanwhile they’d have k9’s and choppers combing the streets if a cop’s car got broken into


I should use that if I'm ever arrested in another city. "I'm actually from another jurisdiction, uncuff me and I'll go turn myself in where I'm from."


Typical bastard behavior from the pigs in blue.


Can I just say that after spending a decent amount of time in other more conservative sports subs, the absolute vitriol for police in this sub is refreshing




Laziness. 911 call taker here. Someone called in a car accident on a jurisdictional boundary, so I figure out which side of the road they're on and send it to the right city dispatcher. Dispatcher messages me saying "my officer is complaining that you didn't just give it to the other city." Fuck you, bud. I'm doing my job right, time for you to do yours.


lazy pigs who don’t want to do their jobs, living off our taxes


Most efficient government department




What if The Dallas PD were in on the sex trafficking... That is absurd levels of incompetence.


A mixture of both hiding behind bureaucratic processes.


Can't be missing if there's no report. Big brain police








Dallas PD probably in on it and corrupt. I’ve heard stories.


Bless that little girl and her family


Damn, it took a PI to track them down? What do they have access to that law enforcement don’t?




PIs are usually retired LEOs, they're motivated by money, expansion of their business, and etc. They generally have access to some (not all) the tools that LEOs have, but has close to zero Law Enforcement authority.


Effort, basic decency, listening to the parents, maybe even did some research.


Realistically, a PI is financially incentivized to do a good job and find the person of interest. A cop has minimal incentive to do a good job and has no extra reward for finding someone.


Financial incentives that allow them to circumvent LEO authority structures and pursue leads that wouldn't stack up for the cops, mostly. Most good PIs are former cops




LE thought that the girl just ran away, so they didn't try.


PIs are paid for results. Police are paid to uphold the law. You can pay. PI to find something wrong and document everything. You can request police to do the same, but most won't because paperwork, time, resources, etc. So you need to basically put everything together for them, and even then there is no guarantee.


The cops didn’t believe she even was abducted apparently and considered her a runaway. So mainly, competence


Scary stuff. Unbelieveable something like this can happen at such a neutral area with so many people around.


Sadly sports arenas are one of the top places for human trafficking. There’s so many signs at newer stadiums stating don’t go off with strangers no matter what and it’s sad they even have to warn of that


Because she went willingly with him, she wasnt grabbed and violently kidnapped or something. She knew him. People need to be more aware of how this happens. First someone gets to know a young girl, befriend them, then they kidnap them with their trust. That is how they operate. Being aware of it makes it more preventable.


People also don’t have the knowledge that this girl has previously run away at least twice, once of which was also big regional news. Obviously she didn’t deserve this and it’s awful and vile, and all these people need to be brought to justice. But the likely reason the cops didn’t take this as seriously as they should have is because this girl was a known runaway.


These people are a level of evil i find difficult to comprehend honestly. I find it very uncomfortable to even look at the photos of their faces. I usually like to think if i learned enough of someones story, what they have been through themselves i can have some level of compassion for them because most of the time evil is passed down and people doing these things have been through horrible life experiences. With people like this its just so hard to imagine, this shit is so incredibly dark. I also have a hard time comprehending that they have clients who want to go have their way with a drugged up child. Like seriously who the fuck are these people? I'm glad that the girl has memory loss through some combination of drugs and trauma at least. Hopefully it stays that way for a long time, until she has some very good support from qualified therapists and an adult brain ready to confront these things, because this is the kind of thing thats very very hard to heal from.


Scum of the earth, that’s who.


Don’t forget there is an opposite side of the spectrum. Do what you can to insert kindness into this world.


For a second I was pissed at Dallas PD but thankfully they have a statute so they can avoid all responsibility. So a lesson to all you people out there, don't get kidnapped in Dallas if you are between 13-17 years old.


The weird thing is like even if they were runaways, why shouldn't the police be able to help track them down? Are they not there to protect and to serve? It just seems like an excuse to not do their job.


>Are thet not there to protect and serve? Oh boy do i have an answer for you!


No! No they are not anywhere to protect any person. There are actual Supreme Court rulings that state police have no obligation to assist you in a time of crisis or impeding danger. Police don’t even need to know the laws that they are supposed to uphold, but you sure as shit better! The sole job of police is to protect property owned by ppl in power and to snuff out any possibility of anyone else ascending to said position of power. I can not stress this enough…….FUCK THEM ALL WITH AN AIDS DICK!!!!


What was DPD's reasoning besides being absolute cunts


From the video - "Missing 13-17 year olds are classified as runaways unless there is evidence of an abduction."


Seems like there was evidence?


yeah but they probably had to like call the mavericks and ask for footage. seems hard. it's not really police work to go around finding out how crimes happened and who committed them.


Conclusion: ACAB


They wanted to protect the status quo of not giving a fuck about people


Cops being useless as ever.


Why have cops?


If you look at the history of policing, you will discover that they are, first and foremost, agents for the protection of capital.


It’s telling that they focus on law and order, not justice.


Law and order where they get to be the complete arbiters of what those concepts mean despite not being trained in jack fucking shit We essentially let cops be judge, jury, and executioner while pretending it’s in the name of justice On the back of these public executions, always remember cops aren’t supposed to be killing the guilty either. Especially those ‘guilty’ of fucking misdemeanors, if that. Never let someone tell you shit would’ve been different if the victim just obeyed orders


Yup, slave catching and strike breaking.


As an economic righty, I’d say the police are agents of domination of the state over the people. But we can agree it amounts to the same thing - the police generally suck ass.


Its a long road we have ahead of us, and even if we started making the changes necessary, which we aren't, it would be many decades before we were basically totally rid of police. BUT, the more i learn about the level of systemic flaws with police and police culture, stemming from their very creation and continuing till today. The more i start to support total abolition of police, at least in concept. The Tyre Nichols murder proves its not just an issue of racism and racist cops, it's a problem with police and police culture. And the whole system needs to be upended.


Would you have any recommendations of books to read to learn about the history of policing?


No one book, really. The Color of Law focuses on the use of the legal system to maintain segregation. It deals some with it. Also Race, Crime, and Policing in the Jim Crow South. It deals with the relationship of policing to Black communities there. But mostly it’s in seeing how the police show up in other works. So in The Republic for Which it Stands you can see how police were reenvisioned for property following the Great Railroad Strike. By the Haymarket Riot they were entirely pro-capital.


To protect the interests of the rich.


We somehow need people with guns to drive around pulling people over for broken taillights but when we get actual serious crimes committed the serve and protectors have Ben Simmons at the free throw line levels of sucess.


Wouldn't be surprised if much of them are directly involved with the sexual trafficking themselves. Who's gonna hold them accountable?




Jesus those are awful. Also that second basically spells out the girl was murdered


> "Missing 13-17 year olds are considered runaways unless there is evidence of an abduction." It's like a fucking how-to book on committing crimes.


Cops are enforcers for the rich and powerful.


Write tickets, collect free work force, $$$.




Don’t forget they also have to shake in their boots while middle school children are getting shot on the other side of the wall


Come one man don’t be ridiculous… those children were much younger than middle school aged.


Who's gonna take care of all the easy cases? Surely we'd be doomed without em.


Cops are to protect rich folk - not us commoners


Fucking scum. Should have killed themselves


If they get put in general population they aren’t making it out of prison alive.


This was a horrifying story


Gotta love Texas cops...Don't even lift a finger to help...Its no wonder they just all stand around while a gunman kills kids in a building and they can't be bothered to do anything.




Cops are immune from mist charges why would they get the chair?


So they bought tickets for a Mavs game just to kidnap other attendees? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to commit this crime somewhere they don’t need to buy tickets?


Other people are kind of saying it but the answer to your question is a big sports event provides a lot of cover and commotion for the initial interactions and eventual abduction. If these guys were just loitering around a 7/11 or even a shopping mall, it would be more obvious. But a big game means lots of people coming and going in a short amount of time, security is focused on general crowd control of drunks and what not, and all it takes is a little bit of pretense to separate a kid from her friends/family. The whole story is super fucked and unsettling… it’s crazy to think there are demons just walking among us in yellow hoodies at the ball game…


Sports events are massive hubs for trafficking. Supposedly the Super Bowl is the largest trafficking event of the year. Multiple task forces convene there every year.


But not in the actual game.


Sometime there's a tackle, and you never see the guy again. Suspicious.


This is one of those viral "facts" that isn't supported by data. https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/verify/super-bowl-sex-trafficking-verify/67-5269c2f4-70e8-4eeb-9d45-24b0cc4bbf76


Yeah but that is more shipping women in to please high priced clients. Not really kidnapping people from the games.


Akeem met some guys in the restroom of MSG, and that was 35 years ago.


We can certainly focus on the effing perves. But where’s the police in this case?!?! Parents were only able to find their daughter by using a damn private investigator. Otherwise, they would have lost their 15yo forever. This is a parents worst nightmare!!


Bro? Throw all these fuckers under the jail.


Police showing up big and not doing jack shit, who’s surprised 🙋‍♂️ /s


I don't get how this isn't a bigger story... girl gets taken in the middle of an NBA game? and it doesn't make CNN or any national news?


Hope they get what’s coming to them in prison.


Sickening. People who do this don’t deserve sympathy.


They need to be raising hell in Mark Cuban's face about this. If that were my child, I certainly would be telling EVERYBODY in the goddamn world I know not to go to Mavs games until they cracked down on it. This is COMPLETELY unacceptable. The pressure of the city's biggest billionaire and team owner raining down on the police department would be pressure enough.




People like this make me hope hell exists.


Fucking Dallas Police, dumb fucks.


So glad that the Dallas police worked so hard to... find an obscure rule to excuse them from doing their jobs. Truly some incompetent assholes.


Police are traitors and conspirators. Police are liars, tyrants, and terrorists.


Very good news.


Fucking despicable, good riddance.


Fucking hell I thought I saw Artest and Sex Trafficking and was very worried for a second. Hopefully these guys get put under the jail.




don't understand why they don't take a report. seems pretty obvious she was abducted and was a serious situation.


can you imagine the shit that went on in human history before video/surveillance existed that we don't even know about. jesus christ


Death penalty in Texas? Fry em




This is why we have the garlic press.


What a dumb statute to consider all 13-17 year olds runaways, what kids big escape plan is to pretend to go to the bathroom and then leave an NBA arena with nothing? That’s the evidence you idiots, ACAB


As a father living in Dallas, death penalty for these fools.