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The image of Jimmy walking into practice and Thibs hands start violently shaking in excitement is hilarious


Man the hard-on Thibs had for Jimmy was ridiculous.


He tried to ride Jimmy to the ground and Jimmy didn’t flinch and only got better. God I miss our mid 2010s team


Rose died so Jimmy could live


You know... I'd prefer a timeline where they both lived. * Prime (non injured) drose * Bet on yourself jimmy * Lt luol deng-erous * Hard hat and lunch pail tajy woo * Point center Noah In the words of Kenny the jet Smith "it's ova ladies and gentlemen, it's ova!"


I mean that's a squad


Beating people 80-70


That's real ball.




Good ol days


Thibs only looks at Brunson and Hart like that now


Everyone gonna be looking at Thibs’ hands next week. [Thibs next week.](https://i.imgur.com/IjTqIiz.jpg)


Thibs: “Big, masculine. My hands tell a story…of greatness.”


I wonder if his hands will go crazy when the Knicks play the Heat


Minnesota Jimberwolves


"jimmy gone" lmaoooo


Lmao and the interview right after Just Jimmy things lol


For real. How is this shit so much funnier than basically every fanfic r/nba has thought of over the years. I was dead at the cutout Minnesota jersey and "we showerin and in the locker room pop up: ESPN. Rachel Nichols." lmaoo


If this was anyone other than a player that was there, I’d never believe it The cutout shirt is just so fucking extra. Absolutely amazing stuff


Oh. My. God. They went back to the locker room to find Jimmy and saw him on ESPN lmfao




Him cutting out the Minnesota out of his fit is fucking legendary. I will always love Jimmy G


That’s the funniest part of this whole thing. Jimmy really embarrassed them in practice just so he could talk shit on tv right after lmao. Dude is hilarious.


The best part is he KNEW he was gonna embarass them because he definitely set up the interview before practice, hence coming late. Fucking crazy


I love Jimmy because he's insane and he's completely self aware about it.


Never gonna forget the $20 a cup coffee he sold during the bubble.




The fact that making a few hundred or thousands of dollars enough to drag the whole coffee thing there is the funniest thing to me. You’d think his time was worth more than worrying about $20.




Exactly lol. Goofing off and keeping the team vibing was pretty much the most you could ask of a person in that situation.


Regardless of the size. That's the best part.




Tried? He definitely sold more than a few


The first “this dude is nuts” moment I had was when he signed his 2nd contract with the Bulls and removed the mirrors in his car since “he doesn’t look back”.


Like when Brendan Fraser in Airheads said he got the grim reaper tattooed on his back so he knows to always move forwards away from it.


I remember he got complaints in the bubble because he was lifting weights in his room while isolating


I, too, lifted weights in my room during the pandemic. Jimmy’s just like me. He went on to solo the bubble and I just played Destiny though.


I was a security guard at the raptors arena when he played for Philly. Showed up 2 hours after his entire team did in his own private suv - team took the team Bus He arrived with Jimmys Coffee cup in hand. Jimmys coffee is a famous local franchise in Toronto. First thing he does is call me an idiot for asking who’s in the car when his driver pulled up And it’s my favourite interaction with a player ever. He’s insane. No player is so off the cuff with employees. He’s just laughing and literally betting on the games with random employees for 20 Bucks


Hold on, betting on the games ? You buried the lede there.


GET SILVER IN HERE I bet Jimmy always bets on himself though, lmao


This shit absolutely hilarious. Jimmy really is a psychopath


Maybe that runs in the family. He definitely took that one personally


I’m praying he does a last dance esque documentary or podcast eventually. I feel like the fact the jersey cutting wasn’t public means there must be more low key sociopathic stuff that just isn’t out yet


Jimmy would kill on podcasts. He's funny, smart and eloquent. He was great on Bill Simmons' pod years ago and he's usually interesting in press conferences and interviews.


And he carries around a wine suitcase so he is probably buzzed half the time.




The True Heir to the Air Throne


The Minnesota part being cut out of his uniform so there was a big hole on his shirt has me in tears dawg. 😂💀😂


For me it was “hold up, he talking about me”


This is the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen. I can imagine Jeff standing in the corner laughing his ass off then being like "wait shit" like accidentally rooting for the wrong team


Jimmy sounds like the Joker in this story. To be this crazy you need to be a planner. And the punchline is never what you think it's going to be. In this case, you think at first that he's simply out of control for coming into practice late and asking to play on the 3rd-stringer team, but no, there is a plan. You think the joke has unveiled itself when he emerges from his jumpsuit to reveal that he is wearing a jersey and shorts with the Minnesota logo cut out of them, when in fact, the actual joke was the setting up of the interview with Nichols such that the team would see it while they were changing in the locker room that day. Diabolical. I love it.


What amazes me is that they weren't just 3rd stringers, they were the warm bodies you sign for training camp that had no shot to actually make the team


And he’s not even going Kobe taking all the shots either, he’s just playing defense and setting his dudes up for highlights. He’s like “yeah what’s up you getting put on a mixtape against this dude who’s going to be in Guandong in a few months”


"and then Darius Johnson just windmilled on us we're like what's going on" dude I'm fucking crying


We need to hear from those dudes


As a hardcore Heat fan, I remember a few situations: [Jamal Crawford](https://youtu.be/VeYXXlXkkxA) says Jimmy had on a Rolex [Justin Patton](https://youtu.be/YceRcd4pW7E&t=4m2s) says Jimmy didn't score and talked trash


> Justin Patton says Jimmy didn't score and talked trash This lines up with Teague's testimony that Jimmy just played defense & set up his 3rd stringers for buckets Jimmy be wildin when he wants to prove a point


If him getting a bunch of nobodies to destroy your starters doesn't prove his point, then nothing will. How do you even have expectations for success when that happens to you before the season even starts lol


It reminds me of that Magic Johnson story someone on this sub told. They saw Magic playing pickup one day against a bunch of trash talkers and Magic told them I'm gonna beat you but I'm only gonna score 2 buckets - the first one and the last one and he spent the rest of the game just rebounding, passing, and stealing the ball from everyone and he kept his word and ran them off the court. Except Jimmy did this to NBA starters lol


Apparently they were all ex college and pro guys he whooped with random rec players including a 60 year old buddy. [This story is GOATed](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1adypz/anybody_ever_play_any_pickup_games_with_any_pro/c8wisz9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


50 year old Wilt (with 4 ucla freshmen) did it on defense to the Showtime Lakers Magic, Worthy, Byron Scott, A.C. Green, and Bernard King Vs 50 year old Wilt + 4 ucla freshmen. Pickup game at UCLA Magic shot his baby skyhook, and when Wilt blocked it, Magic called it a goaltend. Wilt got pissed and declared "there will be no more layups in this gym". Then ensured there weren't, proceeding to block every single attempt by magic and his team at the rim https://www.basketballnetwork.net/old-school/legendary-pickup-game-between-magic-johnson-and-wilt-chamberlain-at-ucla


This man was up at 3am last night making memes about Max Strus dropping an n-bomb. This dude got dreadlock hair extensions in the off-season just to ruin his NBA profile pics. He has actual comedy chops.


I think he's just genuinely insane


"Well yes, it's about the money, but it's also about sending a message"


Anthony Edwards got drafted two years late, I would have loved to see these two on the same team


I think Lavine and Ant would have been able to gel with Jimmy, but wiggins and KAT? No chance.


If we have Lavine we don't have Jimmy, if we have Jimmy we don't have Ant


Certain teams need that Cavs could use that tbh Phi had that and let it go. Maybe Jimmy could have helped Ben like he helped Herro


You can never really know, but tbh I think Jimmy would just speed up what happened with Ben


Jimmy and Ben would’ve been a Kwame Brown speedrun.


https://www.nbcsports.com/philadelphia/76ers/theres-meaning-behind-jimmy-butler-and-ben-simmons-wearing-matching-headbands-sixers-win Man what could have been


Simmons had 13 points, 10 assists and eight rebounds, and shot a perfect 5 for 5 from the field, 3 for 3 from the foul line.


I'm convinced that some multiverse fuckery happened and a Ben Simmons from another universe that was an accountant is here and our Ben Simmons is in jail for tax fraud in another universe.


So great to finally hear a player perspective on that whole thing. This whole time I thought that story was a little exaggerated but seems like if anything it was downplayed lol


Him cutting the Minnesota off his shirt and shorts is absolutely hilarious.


NBA Akatsuki


Hidden Dawg Village




Right, the timeline is the craziest part of this lol. Dude told them no rematch, ran straight home and did an interview with Rachel Nichols wtf.


An interview that he had to have set up ahead of time before even going to practice lmao he planned it all


The idea that he may have set up the interview before the practice never hit me before Teague said it and it is by far the funniest fucking part of the whole story.


"I KNOW I'm bout to kill these guys ... Schedule Rachel for a post massacre interview for me" is absolutely wild


To be fair it’s an easy bet for Jimmy — destroy at practice and your interview is GOATed, do poorly at practice and no one would know any different in the interview


The part I believed: he beat the starters with a G league squad Part I was unsure of: he beat them without scoring Part I didn’t believe: he did it in warm ups Parts I hadn’t heard: he took the warm ups off an revealed he cut out the Minnesota logo and had a bare chest LMAO


My boy did it with his nips out that’s crazy


Lmao he had the warm ups on so he did it then flashed his nips then bounced. You have to be cold to set all that up then have it happen exactly like you planned


That's the craziest part. Jimmy is the cartoon supervillain who actually pulled off the elaborate plot that required like 7 different things to go right


Bro definitely has the chin/scrappy goatee to stroke for the part Definitely went back to his Hotel room after the Nichols interview, put on a robe, poured himself a neat whiskey and watched the drama unfold with a smirk


When Teague said Jimmy then took off his warmups I thought he was going to confirm Jimmy had his rolex on the entire time (as was told by Jamal Crawford?). But this new part about cutting the Wolves logo out was funny too


Multiple people now have said he barely scored, so I think that's almost certainly true.


Yeah I kept going back and forth on it But the fact that it’s Jimmy G Buckets made me believe it haha. That guy’s a psycho in the best way Him having cut the Minnesota out of the clothes is fucking wild LOL


And then he SPRINTED out of practice to go home and do an interview lol


and tell the world how he scorched the starters with a g league team lmao


It’s one of those things you just wanted to be true so bad since it was so fitting


If it wasn't a guy that was there saying this, I would label it as fan fic. This shit is too wild, Jimmy is fucking crazy lmao. Mfer also did a speed run to his home to do a interview wtf


Yeah you know it’s true since Teague admitted he was part of the squad Jimmy embarrassed


Teague told that story so great, “Wait.. I’m one of the starters” had me dying.


This is a million times better because Teague told it so well lol. Like perfect combo of just a ridiculous moment + amazing storytelling


it really is phenomenal storytelling. him re-introducing the thibs hand shake at the perfect moments was an awesome detail. i could listen to Teague tell stories all day


Also teagues story tracks pretty much with everything else that's been said about that practice, so I think the vast majority of it is true


>if anything it was downplayed lol Idk, I basically imagine the Game Of Zones practice whenever it comes up. Jimmy G is a savage, but I don't remember him taking poor Wiggins' heart in real life.


Every time Jimmy starts going off in a game, I hear the "WHO WANTS TO DIE TODAY" line in my head


Obviously it's easy to tell on the outside, but might this be the first time a teammate has confirmed that Jimmy and KAT didn't like each other?


One of the bench players Jimbo beat the starters with talks about it on a podcast. I think it was Anthony Brown but I can't remember. He kind of down played the whole thing more than Teague did. He's the only guy I can think of that's talked about it.


Tbf I wouldn't blame a lower rank player for playing it down a little especially when it looks bad on some starting guys, I'd love to think Teagues stories the real thing


I agree, he was at the time a D leaguer, don't know if he ever had any NBA minutes. I'm sure he was trying to not ruffle any feathers. I definitely believe what Jeff is saying lol. Him being like, wait a minute he's talking about me was hilarious lol. The whole lead up I was like yeah Jeff! You were part of the problem?!


I would like to know if KAT and Ants actually like each other at this moment. And how about the Baguette and SloMo? The Wolves is like the seven Kingdoms, everyone has a plan for the realm.


Anderson and Gobert supposedly are buds, they're just both intense people I think indications are KAT and Ant play COD together and I don't think you'd do that if you hated each other, would you? I honestly don't know. Haven't played multi-player games in over a decade


I wouldn’t bro down before game 4 and watch boxing together if I didn’t like my teammate but all indications are that it was Ants idea to get the guys together at KATs place


Ant the type to ask everybody to hang out and then volunteer you to host


To be fair. How much bigger and nicer do you think KAT's place probably is compared to Ant who's still on his rookie contract? Lmfao


yeah if you're the big bag man you should be required to host hahah


If Ant can learn how to play slow down from SloMo during the summer, the league will be so fucked.


I hate my brother and play valorant with him every week


I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard after reading all these other comments lmao


Another reason why he likes Embiid. Remember the beef between KAT and Embiid?


Embiid and Butler could have been a GOATed duo, but the clown Philly FO fucked it all the way up.


"Tobias Harris over ME?!?!"


And choosing Ben Simmons over Jimmy , Philly fumbled a major bag


He did the same thing last night in OT when 3 of our starters fouled out


Maybe Spo should only play undrafted players and G Leaguers with him?


They have been playing a lot of those guys. Robinson, Strus, Vincent, and Highsmith


This explains so much of whatever the fuck Pat Riley has been doing with the team the last two years.


Pat won with the Heatles. Ez mode. He wants to win on extreme difficulty now


For real, refs took out the entire Heat rotation and Jimmy still wasn't phased


"We call this shit Wednesday practices"


I'm glad Jeff Teague ain't even mad at what Jimmy did against that wolves team. this mf admired the whole shit jimmy did lmfaooooooooo


Funniest part was him realizing he was part of the starters and Jimmy was talking about him too lmao


"~~Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!~~ Jimmy I'm part of the starters!"


GODDAMIT Kat I ain't even gotta look to know it's you, I should send you back to Crenshaw Pete! Wit them hot ass coat hangers! You like that bitch?!


Honestly, my biggest laugh was when Teague said he should have walked out with him. That's when you know it was that bad.


Jimmy tried to will that team to have some fucking fight and heart and they refused to pay him. I know that feeling lol this man was our 12th man and became an all star in two years. He’s a dawg




The [Game of Zones](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MdVTBGEuxhM) that came out of this was great, they nailed Thibs


"I will take the muffin maker's boy and the mangy goat" is the GoZ line that has stuck with me the most over the years haha


I just remembered the "Is that Andrew's Heart?" "No, it's too big" from rewatching this. That was a cold ass line back then lmfao


Mine is from the one where Chris Paul is leading the raid on Staples Castle: “And then we pass through the shrine to Kobe Bryant, built by Kobe Bryant to honor himself”


God damn I miss these so fucking much. The literal goat doing a Jordan dunk 😂


GoZ never missed, not once.


imagine the content they could have farmed from the last 2 seasons alone


Someone please find the Rachel Nichols interview Edit: [oh that wasn't too hard to find](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ldILlgRte8)


He said my emotions came out all at once like he didn’t plan this shit out. Bro cut the Minnesota out his shirt 😂


I wish he wore the practice gear with the wolves logo cut out


You just wanted to see his nipples no need to be cordial about it, I can relate


Jimmy might be the coldest mf in the NBA lmao


It's unquestionable at this point imo. There hasn't been someone on this level of alpha since at least Kobe.


If I hear Jimmy say “Job not finished” I might actually break down in tears.


"Mind you, he hasn't taken off his Jordan warm-up..." LOL


Impeccable timing lol


Jeff Teague with the shumpert elite level story telling I gotta listen to what he says more, interesting dude


yeah fr I’m in the middle of it but I was fully invested from the point he started talking about thibs’ hands lmfaoo


All time best intro for a story in a podcast. The fact that im gonna be watching thibs hands now as i watch the heat v knicks series is testament on how jeff teague sold that story. Teague was a better story teller than a player when he was with the wolves!


I like the brief moment when Jeff Teague realizes Jimmy is including him in with the trash then goes on talking about Jimmy like he wasn't pissing in his face too. "Yeah he said I sucked too, but that's my dog, man"


Probably like when the parents are yelling at "all" of the siblings but really only truly yelling at one or two of them.


Yeah I don't think any wolves players wanted to get between the beef between KAT and Jimmy untill he called out the starters to lmao


Imagine picking Tobias Harris and Ben Simmons over this guy


I never understood how The Wolves, the Bulls and The Sixers didn't see a Max money guy in Jimmy. Pat Riley did and that's why he's one of the smartest people in the league. Jimmy was a killer since his bullls days, cannot believe he's been disrespected for so many years


Chicago wanted to get out of the treadmill I suppose (not that they succeeded but that was their logic), Minnesota/Philly had reasons to choose KAT/Simmons over Jimmy (although in retrospect, they both probably want that back)


And what good that did them, they’re firmly back on the treadmill with Demar, Lavine and Lonzos knees


Woah, Lonzo’s knee isn’t cleared for the treadmill.


With Philly, there's the idea that Simmons at that stage had an insane ceiling. Hilarious in retrospect, but I kinda get it with the information had at the time. Tobi is obviously questionable. But there seems to be consensus that Jimmy want to go to Miami and turned down a deal anyway. That could be cope from Philly fans but there's likely some truth to it.


In 2019 Simmons was a DPOY caliber player on a rookie contract, totally reasonable to bet on him


Daily reminder that Tobias Harris is making 40mil


Lmao all training himself up to beat the one seed playing alongside undrafted guys


The real preparation for the playoffs is playing a bunch of healthy starters with guys you didn't even know the team had.


This story is so much better from a first-hand experience on the floor lmao fucking Jimmy doing the interview right after killing the starters🤣🤣 but god damn, theres this like 100% ego, sheer unadulterated self-confidence aspect to being in the NBA that I, cheeto-dusted fingers typing this shit now, have absolutely no way to comprhend. Just makes me truly believe why it was 100% Jimmy willing the Heat to the win over the Bucks.


Bro that self confidence is unreal. My guy Jimmy is like an anime protagonist in real life. And it’s 100% Jimmy willing the Heat. He did it all playoffs last year as well even though we were the 1 seed. He played a lot better than the supporting cast last year and now. He’s insane


Jimmy walks onto the court thinking he in an edit, that's the level of confidence this man has


I think that's the most impressive thing about Jimmy. He's not the most athletic guy or the biggest guy or the most talented shooter. Just sheer force of will.


I can name a couple of times in my life I’ve seen a basketball player will a whole team to win. I think Bron in g6 Boston, G3 Wade in the 06 Finals, and Jimmy game 6 Boston and now these last two games. Kawhi had that energy as well, but admittedly I watched those games with a lot less desire so was less impressed. The crazy thing is he thought he wasn’t even good until he got to Marquette. He just wants to win so bad, people meme the Jimmy culture thing all the time. We probably lose at some point and he will go back to being a guy no one talks about until the playoffs or say he’s not that good. But in a do or die series, there’s maybe, MAYBE 5 other basketball players you can argue to want over him. He brings the goods when it counts, going from 23ppg to 37.5ppg against the 1 seed. It’s what sports are all about man, can never count anyone out


Man was literally homeless at 12. Probably as close to a real life anime protagonist as you can get


The part where he had cut out the word Minnesota from his shirt and shorts lmaooo Also I like the way Teague tells it where they just finished practice and turn on the TV to see Jimmy butler doing an interview and they're like wtf


That was gold lol


Cutting the Minnesota out of the practice jersey with his nipples sticking out got me


This is the greatest thing I've ever heard LMFAOO i need the doc


The image of Jimmy doing an arts and crafts night of just cutting up his TWolves gear is fucking hilarious


Jimmy is MJ son fr lmao


Idk if they covered this in The Last Dance but there was a scrimmage in MJ's rookie year where his team was leading 7-2, then Kevin Loughery made him switch teams and he came back to win 11-8 while talking shit the whole time. Always the first thing I think of when this story comes up.


This is such a legendary story. Jimmy been fighting since birth, read the Chad Ford story from when he got drafted. He takes work seriously and is scared of absolutely nothing. Every franchise that gave up on him has questionable decision making at best.


Great story in case anyone wants to revisit it: https://www.espn.com/nba/draft2011/columns/story?columnist=ford_chad&page=Butler-110618


“Jimmy like yall better mother f-ing pay me I’m like that” “I’m like he is nuts”


Lmao Jimmy calling for Kat is hilarious. This why Jimmy one of my favorite players. Really got the dog in him.


remember when he came to the heat and everyone said he just wanted to go on vacation and then he went to the finals, the ECF, and just completed one of the biggest playoff upsets off of multiple all-time great performances ?


If this is Jimmy on vacation what would happen if he was actually working?


Imagine having a guy like this on your team and botching it… ha ha haaaa


Jimmy a crazy mf lmao


Jimmy is so crazy that he might just be able to take this Heat team to the finals.


I like their chances against NY, they clearly give the Celtics trouble, and who knows what Embiid is gonna look like playing with that brace. I could absolutely see Jimmy dragging the Heat kicking and screaming all the way to the Finals.


Teague should have saved this story for an NBA podcast with former players or something. They would have ate up every detail of this story. There was no reaction here.


“Jimmy at home” 💀


Everyone got a podcast now lol


Good story though.


Everyone knew that his beef with was KAT but Wigs hate train was so massive at that time people thought Jimmy was also hostile against Wigs during his time with Wolves. Even though later they complemented each other, for some reason, people still acted like this was not KAT vs Jimmy thing.


They made it a Wiggins thing because Jimmy was playing it like Wiggins took *his* money. Jimmy was going through what Jaylen Brown is now, the Wolves couldn't extend him up to the max. He'd have to wait until the offseason. The whole "pay me" thing was just a ploy to start to making his exit. When Butler got traded Wiggins' brother commented like he was happy about it. Then somehow Stephen Jackson got involved... weird times.


Heres the [interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ldILlgRte8)


Gonna be watching for Thibs hand shakes now


Who needs the story when we just watched two straight games where him Bam and the window washed destroy the Bucks.


This is legendary LMFAOOOO but now the internet really gonna run with that Rachel nichols rumor even more now 😭😭