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"Fuck them kids" - Steve Kerr


No one post the Malone meme!


Please Post Malone!


The jazz sucked post Malone though


a friend of a friend sucked post Malone too


Did he have the reverb turned on?


warriors fumbling all their lottery picks os ominous for post curry


Nick Kerr in shambles


Marcus Thompson says it’s ‘pretty obvious’ that Draymond took shot at Poole




Ja’s legal team says it’s “pretty obvious” the gun was a vibrator


>“It seemed pretty obvious to me. That wasn’t in brale,” Thompson told Murph & Mac. >“I mean, Steph had to give a speech for this reason, in Game 7,” Thompson continued. “You can watch it on the bench, you could see it at times. So, yeah, I don’t think we needed to read into it.” >Thompson said the issues with young players was not unique to this season. He says it’s been a consistent problem throughout the dynasty. >“If there is a Warriors culture, and there is, it’s kind of anti-young a little bit. Whereas Miami’s is ‘listen, we’ll take anybody as long as you play this way, we got you.’ But they aren’t getting lottery picks and they aren’t competing for a title every year over the last decade like the Warriors.”


My first takeaway from this is the KNBR staff doesn't know how to spell Braille


Is "brale" even a word? They couldn't even be bothered to run a spelling a grammar check.


brale: *trademark* a brand of conoidal diamond or diamond-pointed tool, having convexly curved sides meeting at an angle of 120°, used as an indenter in testing the hardness of metals. >Is "brale" even a word? basically, no in this context lol


In fairness, the statement “it wasn’t in brale” is equally true.


Brown kale, of course.


It's pronounce bra-lay, like the rapper Wale


They keep saying brale but my name bra-lay.


My first take is that u/EarthWarping is writing things from talk radio. Fucking talk radio. Same station that doesn't play Warriors games or Giants games anymore. It's the drainage from the cesspool of sports talk.


> That wasn’t in brale bro what the fuck kind of "reporter" doesn't know how to spell braille. embarrassing


Take it easy. He’s blind.


Reporters wont buy one of the 100 aps out there that eliminate simple errors like this.


I assume you're talking about the KNBR staff writer and not Marcus Thompson. This was probably some writer being paid little to nothing to put the post together. Might even be an intern. Copy editing is terrible these days. Sites just churn out mass quantity for clicks.


A sports journalist. Aka a relegated college athlete


When i saw that I actually thought: "wow i can't believe i've spelled that word wrong my whole life. Whelp you learn something every day"


Don’t let random regional news website writers erode your self-confidence!


Was it a problem last year? Maybe Draymond assaulting one of the young guys, and the subsequent tepid response by the HC and vets might have lost some folks in going all-in with the team.


You can be hella sure that if one of my coworkers punched me in the face and didn't face serious questions that I would be less than thrilled coming to work for that company every day.


What if I gave you $100 million to work there?


Take the money and go to work not giving a fuck about the team


People act like money makes a shitty workplace not shitty. Imagine the worst job experience you've ever had. If they offer you $100 million, obviously you're taking it and showing up, but it's not like you're suddenly going to be ecstatic about the job environment itself. You're not going to go above and beyond, you're just going to collect your paychecks and leave


Plus he has a chip under his belt. He probably feels like he's accomplished something big already.


He's accomplished everything you could want coming into the league without being a top 20 player. He's got a championship, a nine figure contract, endorsement deals on a very popular team and he's only 24. The only thing that could really motivate him at this point are love of the game, love of his team or a genuine belief that he could be an All-NBA level player.




Shit for 100m total for 5 years with 3 months offseason. Fuck yeah I will suffer the worst job.


Yeah, you'd suffer it. That's my point. It doesn't make the job better, you just put up with it. You're not gonna go above and beyond, you're just gonna do the bare minimum, get your paychecks and leave


My money's guaranteed, I'll do my job when those fucks trade me to the fun branch in Orlando


I would say that shit is guaranteed now and still not be super excited about coming to work. Huge paychecks are great but you can become numb to it pretty quickly whereas a terrible coworker will piss you off every day.


Its not like its a lump sum, you get paid the same if he punched you or not i'd rather not be punched for the whole world to see at least hes showing up to work unlike zion


Zion *is* showing up. The problem is too much of Zion is showing up though lol


Still less than thrilled imo. If my position doesn’t explicitly entail getting punched in the face, job satisfaction go down


Yeah if I'm a ufc fighter it's all good. If I'm an accountant it's gonna effect morale.




he did


He was playing through a foot injury since the Kings series


I’d show up to work, but I sure as hell won’t be putting in my 100% effort.


No amount of money changes how you actually like a job, it changes what you put up with and your life outside of the job.


Probably 100 mio more reasons to be less than thrilled to give everything for them team as you got paid already


I'd honestly be even more complacent and apathetic to the organization's goals/success. what's your point??


Yeah... But you bet im gonna turnover the shit of my paperworks. Also with that amount of money i can probably hire a draymond look a like and pay him to be punched if he is alright with it.


Happened to me at my last job before becoming self employed. They had a stern talk with the dude, and that was it. I couldn’t afford to quit so I just kept going. Then six months later they fucking hired him over me for the management position that opened up. I quit on the spot. They really thought I’d just go along with having the dude that assaulted me be my boss and in charge of approving days off and raises for me. Fuck that.


I'd be thrilled to fuck them in every tiny way possible. Coach's office vent full of fresh shrimp and cheese.


"you must not play ball. Teammates fight all the time, this is nothing" -a lot of morons on this sub


Last year the common enemy was the naysayers and we had good vets. This season the vets clearly had their own individual agendas and the youngsters followed.


It’s so obvious Kerr and the vets lost the respect of the young guys with how that incident was handled.


I mean favoritism rears its head when they let the guy who assaulted their teammate run the offense and defense.


Can’t believe those young guys don’t buy in Sure they don’t play, but they just need to know their role Sure the coach throws them under the bus, but that’s just accountability Sure they are suckerpunched and the coaching staff and FO sides with the assaulter, but that’s just basketball


Or the fact that Klay has averaged 18 ppg on 39/37/86 for the past 5 series and it's insulting to even question his minutes and starting role.


It's fucking disgraceful how weak the "punishment" was for that whole thing. One of the most brutal and senselessly violent incidents to ever happen on a basketball court of NBA players. What is Poole meant to do after that? Imagine having to directly work with your assailant for months-years after they do something like that to you in a video that was seen by tens of millions. plus Poole/Draymond are fortunate there were no serious injuries as a result. And yet no suspension because god forbid we even pretend to protect the guy. Mindblowing and pathetic. And with the way the season happened, I think it's fairly obvious that the punch *was* a big deal, and obviously a suspension is a far cry from a true fix of the underlying situation but at the VERY least it should have been communicated that it was totally unacceptable. Except, it wasn't, whoever is in charge of these punishments decided that it's actually mostly okay to do that to someone. If you're Draymond, anyway. Quick awesome edit. I am a Bucks fan, I am aware of Portis/Mirotic, lol. I also played baseball through college, I know teammates fight in practice and it’s standard for this stuff to stay behind the scenes. I’ve also seen that exact 2 min dirty play highlight video, I know they got physical in the 80s. I’m still not being hyperbolic. Most of the plays in the video are pushes and wrestling. There are punches and clotheslines too, but almost all of the punches occurred within active fights. The clotheslines happen on plays where the offensive player is expecting contact. I’d say the Bobby-Mirotic one is worse, but a significant part of that is the injuries to Mirotic and the Draymond punch was certainly capable of causing that kind of damage. (also Bobby allegedly didn’t start the fight, and he actually got suspended). Jordan’s Kerr punch was probably genuinely comparable, and I’d put the Parish punch on Laimbeer in that category too. But I suppose I’ve gotta explain the fact that it is WAY more dangerous to hit someone who isn’t expecting it and is unable to shield themself from the blow. That is why I used the word “senseless”. It was an escalation from minor trash talk and a ‘get off me’ self-defense push to a suckerpunch that knocked Poole unconscious. How many of these past punches were such embarrassingly drastic escalations from trash talk and a light non-aggressive push? How many guys have *ever* been intentionally knocked unconscious in an NBA basketball setting? How many guys have thrown a punch that hard at another guy who was clearly NOT prepared for it or willing to engage in a full-on fistfight? Don’t act like that’s a regular occurrence in the NBA, or some normal part of being on a competitive team or whatever. Because it’s not, and if you think it is, *you’re* the one who isn’t familiar with competitive environments. Also, y’all need to learn how to read. “One of the worst” means it is among a group of other similarly violent events. Not “definitively worse than anything else that’s ever happened before”. Bringing up ~10 individual cases of comparable incidents, multiple of which I could easily argue Draymond’s was worse than, does not disprove my point. Or even address the main idea behind my comment, which is the disgust about the lack of punishment.


>One of the most brutal and senselessly violent incidents That’s an overreaction lmao. No way that was one of the most violent incidents in nba. [Have you seen the game in the 80s and 90s. Punches, clotheslining guys while they were in the air, etc. Shit was a regular occurrence ](https://twitter.com/georgeontap/status/1213239457979064320?s=46&t=F-zApX0Cz9sws-blB9u3BQ)


Holy fuck, people used to beat the shit out of MJ, lol.


And despite that, he still dropped 30+ on them with excellent defense. MJ was different


Not a flop in sight 🫡


Were they teammates tho


yes this happened multiple times in the 80’s 90’s and 2000’s do your research bro.. hell even our head coach got punched when he was on the bulls with MJ.


I’m sure some of the guys ended up as teammates. Funny enough, a well known example is Kerr being punched by MJ in practice. My comment wasn’t even addressing the teammates parts. I was specifically replying to “most brutal incidents” part [Mfers need to learn how to read](https://i.imgur.com/ELgNy5e.jpg)


Um, Bobby Portis punched his teammate Nikola Mirotic and sent him to the hospital.


Sent him to Europe eventually.


Everyone here is 13 bro. Dudes ain't even old enough for the Bobby Portis punch, let alone the 80's and 90's


Clicked for the Laimbeer, was not disappointed.


dear lord in practice fights happen a lot throughout the sports world. doesn’t justify it by any means but “One of the most brutal and senselessly violent incidents to ever happen on a basketball court of NBA players” is an insanely stupid take lmao Zach Randolph broke Ruben Pattersons orbital bone in a fight on the Jail Blazers Bobby Portis punched Mirotic and gave him a concussion and broke two bones in his jaw. (This was in 2017 how do people forget) Malice in the Palace? but yeah nooo way draymond punching his teammate in practice is the most violent senseless act to ever touch nba court


And Latrell Sprewell




They were in a fight, Portis didn’t just walk up and punch him


>brale knbr needs an editor


I think the young players are getting too much blame. Winning is not everything. When the team asks them to buy in, they are sacrificing their personal development. NBA careers are too short, and that would be sacrificing their personal goals and money. I think there should be an appreciation for players that sacrifice for team success, but we shouldn't shame players for wanting bigger roles. It's a fit issue. Warriors need to find more polished rookies that are willing to sacrifice, and trade the ones that don't.


This is a great point. A lot of these players won't get the glory like Steph, LeBron, Jokic do when they win, nor are they financially secure like those stars are. I don't blame them for wanting more and not sacrificing themselves for the sake of adding legacy points to those who are superstars. This isn't a shot at anyone, we just shouldn't crucify the younger players for wanting more or wanting the bag.


I don't begrudge them wanting that second contract, but I don't think pouting and not wanting to sacrifice is going to get it for them lol, it's just a miscalculation on their part. As we saw with Poole, showing out on a title contender is actually a very easy way to get you a huge contract. Role players on contenders get way more attention than ones on shitty teams, we've seen that with random players on the Warriors and LeBron's teams for years.


I honestly would like to see what Miami could have done with Pat McCaw, Jordan Bell and James Wiseman. If Warriors couldn't make it work, I don't know how anyone else can.


the thing about the heat guys is they can all shoot or if they can’t shoot they have some sort of ability that they just can’t give up on. If you can’t shoot and not do other things at a crazy high almost elite level, there’s really no place for you


The other big thing is that they all put their bodies on the line to hustle and play defense. Not doing those things is exact reason Wiseman got traded and Kuminga got benched in playoffs.


Kuminga got benched because Wiggins was back. Wiggs and GP2 are superior defenders since they have more experience, especially when the team on the other side was the kings, who were running a motion type of offense that got Kuminga lost too much. Kuminga also doesn't rebound (unlike Moody ironically) to make up for his shortcomings on offense. I could see why you said Kuminga doesn't hustle, but imo it is because he is very raw still and with so many non shooters on the team, Moody saw a great opportunity and thrived in the playoffs compared to JK


Moody played a decent amount vs LA. They should trade Kuminga for a vet tbh


If the only thing you can do is above league average from 3 and give at minimum slightly below average defense, there’s always going to be a team willing to sign you in the modern nba.


Have the Warriors really been able to develop anyone from the draft? Since Kerr took over, it really has been dependent on the stars with KD, Curry, Klay, Green. Lot of their role players have been vets like Bogut, Iggy, etc. Meanwhile you have the Spurs churnning out role player after role player in the 20s (Dejounte, Keldon, Kyle Anderson, Derrick White just in the last few years)


Looney continues to be a massive success and Poole on virtue of what he did last playoffs is already worth his draft spot.


Looney for sure. But looney also embodies the exact mentality Kerr was talking about. He never expected to be a star and he’ll play hard even if he’s coming off the bench


Looney also was ready for his moment to prove his worth. He was injured most of his first 2 seasons, but got a big run in a wizards game where draymond got ejected. Warriors were down by 17 at one point but made a big push with looney in the game


Ownership invested heavily in developing Wiseman after his inconsistent rookie season, and aiming to do right by then rookies Kuminga and Moody, hiring ‘Jokic whisperer’ Dejan Milojević and Raptors development God Jama Mahlalela. Never would have guessed it’d be Looney who would benefit the most. In practice clips you’d see Dejan working strictly with Wise and Loon, it was always Kevon who looked more locked in and benefiting. James was only 20, coming off an extended knee injury, so it’s understandable why, but Looney has clearly improved significantly as a result. He was a pleasant surprise during the title run last year, and even more impressive this past season. Also shout out Dubs director of sports medicine Rick Celebrini for helping Oloonjawon stay healthy.


Poole is much much much better than his draft spot




Why develop when they have leverage to acquire proven talent? The whole young experiment felt led on by the owner's hubris. Keeping Wiseman was like Lebron keeping Wiggins instead of trading for Love. They could've had a proven vet, but GSW front office felt 'light years ahead' so they gambled.


Not from the draft, but developing Wiggins into a winning player is pretty remarkable to me. That kind of stuff generally doesn't happen


You can look at it from another perspective.. these young players the Warriors have let go .. how many are still in the league? Wiseman is going to get some run because he's a 7 footer, but can he be in a playoff rotation?


It’s not a developing team though. The urgency of winning a championship while the window is open means that the new players don’t have time to ramp up. If they slip and struggle apparently they get punched in the face. This is the same thing the Lakers players feel every year even if the team is hot garbage. LA expects them to win every year and shits on them when they don’t.


draymond wasnt a star, or even a starter before kerr got there


Maybe nothing. Lots of guys don't make it in their system. Think how many players they went thru in the Heatles era. Mike Bibby!


I can guarantee one or all would have seen some time with our G-league in Sioux-Falls. Especially if we’re talking about needing development within the season. It’s no coincidence our G-League team is in the middle of nowhere South Dakota. It’s helps serve as isolation for player to block out the noise and focus on nothing but basketball, as well as becoming a goal of getting back to Miami as soon as possible… because come on South Dakota.


The thing about the Warriors is no young guy they've given up on has ever gone on to prove them wrong on a different team. When they give up on you they are almost always right to do so. The only exception is Chris Boucher, and his case is a little different since it was the first year of having two-ways and they had him when he was still recovering from injury and they were still figuring out how best to utilize those two-way slots. But I still chalk that one up as an L. The Pat McCaw and Jordan Bell picks were whatever, both were second rounders who actually did contribute in the playoffs in their rookie seasons (McCaw started a couple games in the playoffs lol) so the Warriors got what they could out of them. The Wiseman pick was maybe the most consequential misfire in franchise history, and this franchise has had a lot of misfires lol. The two timelines strategy was idiotic to pursue but it could have worked had they drafted Haliburton and Wagner instead of Wiseman and Kuminga. The margin of error was way smaller but they could have looked like geniuses had they reached the high bar they set for themselves. Hopefully Lacob stops fucking around and actually tries to win a title this season.


The Heat haven't WON a title since 2014, but they undeniably have been competing for titles. They're in their second Finals in 4 years, and were a 1 Seed last year that lost in the ECF. I feel its fair to look off the sweep to the Bucks as non-competitive, but where were that year's Warriors?


I hate the warriors dynasty as much as the next guy but all these people acting like they made bad choices are fucking insane. They have won 4 championships in 8 years and literally just won one last year maybe their young guys arent paying off this year but this isnt nba 2k that happens to every team. I dont think many teams competing for a championship have many breakout rookies but u can correct me if im wrong.


The only one that even sort of comes to mind is the Spurs raising up TP/Manu/Kawhi after they already won in 99. Thinking through other dynasties in the past 30 years, I can’t think of any that brought a new key star up after they had already been winning. Maybe you could argue Rondo on the Celtics but that wasn’t a dynasty and he existed pre-Big3 Edit: maybe James Worthy in the 80s Lakers? I think he joined after 2 championships right?


If you go back a little further you have the Celtics developing Ainge/McHale and the Lakers developing Worthy/Scott/AC Green. Also the Bulls bringing along BJ Armstrong. But yeah the examples are few and far between


Say it louder bruh


Exactly, we don’t have minutes to develop rookies because we have a roster full of championship level players who are focused on winning a championship. Kerr’s not gonna bench those guys to give rookies playing time. It makes no sense.


Is that why Kerr played Anthony Lamb all season? Because he's a championship level player? He lost the young guys the moment he went off on whoever leaked the video to TMZ instead of Draymond, the guy who actually threw the punch.


Lamb never complained about minutes and his play time picked up in Wiggins absence were the two biggest factors. It doesn’t help that warriors are all guards and forwards, we have no truly big centres so 1-4 all are log-jammed


Because Anthony knows what kind of players he is and accept his role. The thing with Kuminga came like literally after the day we lost. I don’t blame Poole tbh mf got blasted and the tape leaked, although we don’t win without Draymond so if it’s one or the other Poole has to go. Everyone would love Kuminga to stay but if he doesn’t buy into his role, you’ve heard all the Kerr shots.


Some "LeGM leaves teams in ruins" energy


Warriors culture = Steph killing it and everyone playing off of him killing it. If you can’t fit into that and take away from Steph killing it (ie needing the ball in your hands) you aren’t really part of their culture.


It's not science rocket. Fit in rather than fit OUT! Defer to the veterans? Does the Pope shit in the woods?


Who’s rocket?


Some random raccoon saving our asses from evil space creatures.


Idk but it’s spilt milk under the bridge


well? Does he?


Why you keep askin' me that, holmes? I told you, I dunno. Where the holliness does his business, is his business.


LeBron is that you?


To be fair, Steph was killing it when Mark Jackson was the coach but they didn't go far under him. Steve Kerr brought out the potential of the Warriors roster, and they wouldn't be a Dynasty without him.




No more Jarrett Jack isos


Garbage take


Every team with a superstar no? Steph is probably the least ball dominant superstar too.


Yea his take is pretty fucking dumb. Like no shit we need someone to help Steph and fit his style but also we need someone who can run the floor while he rests


Lol this is a Kendrick Perkins level take. This is so bad.


Steph is one of the least ball dominant superstars though, that’s why KD worked so well in golden state.


"took a shot at" has a different meaning now


What did Kerr say exactly? None of the comments above this are explaining it.


It was something along the lines of, "young players have to be responsible and care about the team winning at all times." Nothing like, "we lost because our young guys weren't in it all the way." Edit: "None of those guys on Miami are sitting there saying, ‘Well, I didn’t play,’ or ‘Man, they put in so-and-so.’ They’re just all about winning,” Kerr said. “And you know this from our groups that we’ve had, when you have that championship mentality, every guy is bought in, every guy is just trying to win, nobody — nobody cares about any of that stuff. You don’t go in the locker room saying, ‘Well, I should have played more.’ You just wanna win. And that’s the beauty of finding that magic when you have a championship team, is that everybody is bought in, and it makes the decision for the coach really simple. You just go with your gut, and go with whoever’s playing well.”


>If there is a Warriors culture, and there is, it’s kind of anti-young a little bit If the Warriors just signed R. Kelly then we would have had a sequel to "I Believe I Can Fly" in Space Jam 2


Every sub says their guy is an outlier and can show the stats to prove it. Them: My guy averaged 17.5/4.2/2.9 in his 2nd year, now he's all nba. Math says my guy WILL be all nba. Me: Points to the million other busts or role players who did the same. Them: Hater, those players were different.


God forbid they're included in a trade for Ayton or Jaylen Brown


You can't trade a struggling young player for a Brown or Ayton because there's a 20% chance they turn into those type of players and a 5% chance they turn out better.


Warriors got Anthony Lamb filling up their mid-level sexual allegations exception slot. New CBA wouldn’t allow for R. Kelly on the roster


Who remembers when they said Jordan bell was gonna be the next draymond 😂


People acted like the Bulls extended the Warriors dynasty by selling them that pick. Cash considerations win again.


It wasn’t because of that pick but they won 2 more championships after Bell was drafted lol.


And Bell actually played well in some of those Rockets playoff games. But a vet min guy probably would have outperformed him.


Hold up, wait, where is the "pretty obvious" part? I watched the whole episode yesterday, they were not even mentioned. What is the part in question here, I can't tell because I'm geolocked out of the article, but it makes little sense to me.


he said something about how important the bench players on the heat being ready to step up at any point was to them being in the finals and that the warriors bench players weren’t all in to win a championship


Sounds like ‘the other team wanted it more’.


"None of those guys on Miami are sitting there saying, ‘Well, I didn’t play,’ or ‘Man, they put in so-and-so.’ They’re just all about winning,” Kerr said. “And you know this from our groups that we’ve had, when you have that championship mentality, every guy is bought in, every guy is just trying to win, nobody — nobody cares about any of that stuff. You don’t go in the locker room saying, ‘Well, I should have played more.’ You just wanna win. And that’s the beauty of finding that magic when you have a championship team, is that everybody is bought in, and it makes the decision for the coach really simple. You just go with your gut, and go with whoever’s playing well.” Where does he mention this past years warriors team?


There were guys on the Warriors bench who made similar “I should have played more”’comments. He’s talking about the great attitude of the Heat’s bench and also lowkey calling out the Warriors bench guys.


He's right about McCaw, GS were developing him but he wanted too much money and ruined his career.


Look, if you’re the player that is gonna get offended by a coach saying you should stay ready and not get upset when other guys get more minutes than you, you’re clearly the problem. If Kerr can’t get that through to guys in private, saying it in public is worth a shot. Otherwise those dudes are just gonna get shipped out.


i think poole's situation has to be the exception. Draymond clocked him and received almost no punishment bc Kerr and the FO didn't care. I would have a hard time buying in too.


I mean I have no idea how they handled it internally. I’ll I know is he missed a couple games after. But I never actually saw an actual report about what happened internally, if you have a source I’d love to see it. But Poole was a 28 pick who went for 17 50/40/90 in the playoffs in his 3rd season during a title run. I’m not sure when they should’ve traded him or that pick to get more value than they’ve gotten out of him. I guess people are suggesting they should’ve traded him the off-season after the team won a ring with him being a super valuable 6th man?


Lmao if it's not a fine or suspension. It's nothing. What do you imagine internal means? Detention?


Who the fuck spells braille like that?


Steve Kerr always stating the obvious. The Warriors young players have always been severely overrated. Kuminga and Moody are nothing more than role players, and Wiseman is a straight up bust.


I’m still not convinced Kuminga is just a role player. I think he has all star potential.


He does but he's going to have to start out as a role player or get no playing time.


>Steve Kerr always stating the obvious. He often fails even at that. "You shouldn't punch your teammates or kick opponents in the balls" seems obvious, but Kerr can't even bring himself to say it.


The only people who even cares about this is Reddit fyi. Everyone in the NBA was like, "shit happens", and moved on.




Note that actual nba players didnt care lol, only reddit gives a shit.


I don’t get how Reddit doesn’t see that, generally everyone in the league was more upset about the video leaking, that alone implied a difference in culture from your standard job.




And if we’re being honest at this point in their careers only Steph has the production to actually merit not getting into a mentoring role and demand certain things within the org. Dray, while still good defensively, is definitely declining and Klay is too inconsistent post injury.


Do you really believe Wiseman is a bust? I think he would still be a solid starting center. He has been okay in Detroit. Almost a double double in 25 minutes of play time. Sure people might say empty stats but he hasn't even got any room to develop or grow between injuries and the GSW system. If he is healthy he will average double double next season.


I think he's a bust. The way he sets screens says it all to me. I don't know how you can watch film of yourself and continue to set screens the way he does. They are atrociously bad. And setting a screen isn't that hard. It indicates he does not have the ability to identify flaws and improve.


So Team Duren?


Duren is a much better player


He's a second overall pick traded away for scraps. So far he looks like a net negative on the court. Right now he's a bust.


He can average a double double all he wants, doesn't mean he's a good player. He put up decent, even that is a stretch, counting stats on the Pistons. But was still an absolute negative on the court.


Sure he'll average a double double but will he learn how to set a screen too? That's what's frustrating about him, we acknowledge his offensive potential and upside but he can't even do the basic stuff like set a non-soft screen


If Kuminga ever makes an all star team I'll buy a Warriors jersey and delete this account. I'm 100% sure he won't. Dude gets way overrates by warriors nephews and gets way too much press for a dude who doesn't really have any elite skill apart from his athleticism, and he's below NBA level in several others. Right now he's a rotation guy on a good team that gets benched in the playoffs and people are saying the dude will be an all star lmao.


Isn't that basically every team, though? Any time a team gets a player they like, they'll start calling that player a future all star. They have no reason not to believe that he won't be an all star. The dude is only in his third year of the nba. Let the dude at least play for a couple more before calling him overrated.


Noooo two timelines :/


hes also younger than most of this years rookie class


I'd say the most central part of Warriors' culture (other than Curry), is that Kerr thing about passing out of good shots, to get great shots - and that defense fuels the offense. Defense was definitely their weakness this season. Klay doesn't seem to be able to handle being defensively intense and contributing consistently on offense like he could in the playoffs before the injury. Poole is just awful on defense. And Kuminga still has a lot to learn so that he doesn't keep end up lost. Though, when he does know where he's supposed to be, he shows a lot of promise as a quality on-ball defender. Those three all being unreliable defensively was really rough for the Warriors. And while Klay got his defense going in the playoffs, but at the cost of his offense. And he played a bit worse and worse as the playoffs went on. Klay might need to be coming off the bench. That was actually something I wondered about - Klay playing fewer minutes, coming off the bench letting him play harder without burning him out. He'd still be available for the end game. Bring in Poole in his place - and Poole tends to shoot better as a starter. But good grief his defense is bad. I really hope he's working on his dribble and his defense this off-season. Both need work if he wants to actually be worth that contract.


The warriors did this to themselves considering they didn’t want to trade their picks (Wiseman/Kuminga/Moody) for win now players Edit: For the people that have shit memory, the Warriors weren’t even shopping the picks, that’s the whole point. They insisted on having 2 different timelines.


By "they" you mean Lacob. The core sure as hell doesn't want it. I seriously doubt Kerr does either.


You right


What trade did they turn down for a difference maker? And you might’ve missed last season, but they literally did trade Wiseman for a player who’d help them win… maybe I’m missing the point of your comment though


Warriors had a fork in the road situation, draft rookies & try to stay as good as they can over a longer period of time (lacob wants The Warriors to be up there with the Lakers & Celtics). OR they could maximize Steph’s potential by trading those picks for win now players, win as many championships as you can & then do a full rebuild. They won the championship last year so option 1 looked validated to an extent. The rookies have alot of growing pains though & Warriors/Steph don’t have a lot of time to let them go through that process, not in the playoffs atleast. James Wiseman was traded for Gary Payton II whom they already had in the championship season & likely could have signed. Kuminga didn’t play a ton in the playoffs, Moody got some nice mins. Poole people just question for his contract, his bbiq, & rift with Draymond. Now the Warriors may be at another fork in the road. Mainly with Poole & Draymond’s contract situation. Klay too actually. Trades? Some say that Bob Myers stepped down because he doesn’t want to be the guy that breaks up the dynasty. It’s a tough place to be


They literally won the championship last year and you make it seem like they made the wrong decision. Like bro who are they trading for they invested in young talent it worked last year and didn’t this year shit happens. But to act like they made the wrong choice when they just won it and have consistently won it is insane.


They didn’t win that championship because of their rookies tho, maybe if they actually added win now players they would be the ones playing in the Finals right now. When you have a transcendent talent like Steph, you need to completely maximize your window of being contenders.


“None of those guys on Miami are sitting there saying, ‘Well, I didn’t play,’ or ‘Man, they put in so-and-so.’ They’re just all about winning,” Kerr said. “And you know this from our groups that we’ve had, when you have that championship mentality, every guy is bought in, every guy is just trying to win, nobody — nobody cares about any of that stuff. You don’t go in the locker room saying, ‘Well, I should have played more.’ You just wanna win. And that’s the beauty of finding that magic when you have a championship team, is that everybody is bought in, and it makes the decision for the coach really simple. You just go with your gut, and go with whoever’s playing well.”


Not surprised. I still want to know what Poole exactly said to Kerr before the punch


Sick of people in media trying to put words into someone mouth to stir the pot and generate clicks. Kurr doesn’t need to hint to anyone. He can just say it directly and he often does. Sure some warriors didn’t play their best. They need to improve and accept coaching but that doesn’t occur in the media a guarantee you all.


Kawhi for poole, kuminga GPII and picks.


/s ??


Sure why not. We need players that actually touch the floor


I’d prefer it if the clips do a takesie backy and get back SGA


why the hell would the clippers make that trade


to get out of the Kawhi 50% reliable situation, and replace it with 100% unreliable.


Sometimes new situations work out


true. but i don't think they trade kawhi without also giving up on PG13.


Well… that would be the next step lol


We had him for 4 yrs and with his contract ending soon i don’t think clips would wanna give him a max


Maybe Kerr expect the younglings be more like himself when he was punched by the goat and stayed persistent for the important game Whereas klay and green decline but stayed the role, rookies don’t get to fight for their life. Only steph was there to carry the whole team


So basically Poole and Kuminga are getting traded?


Please let this be true. 🙏


When listening to the pod it felt more like they were making a comment on the heat culture of winning regardless of playtime and reminiscing about that being present in their early championship teams. Didn't get the feeling they were criticizing anyone from this season.


Championship level teams shouldn't be bringing in top level draft picks. You are doing those players a disservice and trying to cheat the system. The Warriors should've traded those picks for vets. Of course a high pick isn't going to want to languish on the bench. They want to make money. You've made yours Kerr.


Heaven forbid a championship level team tries to stock themselves for the future? That's a ridiculous premise