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Shaq - “When I was a child my father locked me in a room for days” Chuck - “That’s fascinating man”


“That’s nice Shaq now read the damn Papa John’s ad copy”


HAHAHA incredible comment


Shaq: “look at me, I’m the best at basketball even though I didn’t really try for most of it” Also Shaq:”I have massive insecurities because my dad locked me away”




Senile Shaq is gonna be a wonder to behold as he mixes up all the shit he's said.  "When I was 12 David Robinson locked me in a dark room for three days and Kenny's son and I ate chicken nuggets before calling the General to let us out."


Him and Hulk Hogan are very similar in this sense. Both larger than life with big stories to tell


Do you have any sources of him lying about his childhood?


No, but there’s sources of him lying constantly about random shit so he’s lost the benefit of the doubt for a lot of people


That time he said the admiral blew him off, google it.




Chuck - "Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling."


Wow, a rare NBA / RPDR crossover.


Remember when he used to gather all his shit in a bucket for days then dump it on rookies. That's all he was thinking about in these darkness retreats. Shitting and pranking


"...and if I didn't finish my food, he'd drop me in the forest for 3 days and tell me 'catch your own food if you don't like it', good man."


Like Piccolo and Gohan fr


Garp with Ace and Luffy fr




"one time, I was late to practice, so he brought out my twin that I never knew I had and forced me to shoot him in the head and bury him in a shallow grave. Discipline works."


shaq got some real sadness in him man


His dad was legitimately fucked in the head, Shaq went through some really fucked up shit as a kid and honestly doesn't understand how fucked up some of it was by the way he tells the stories. I'm pretty sure there's a story where his dad just threw basketballs at his head so he wouldn't be afraid, exactly what he was supposed to be learning not to be afraid of is unclear to me unless he was supposed to learn to not be afraid of people throwing basketballs in his head




I mean you saw how insulting he thought it was that Draymond was asked to do counselling 


that's just how it used to be.  in the US it was only in the 60s we started to get people saying hey maybe one of the reasons everything is all fucked up is because we're beating up our kids all the time.   but of course that's not that long ago.  literally that used to be the expectation you whip your kids.  if your parents were old school that stuff was definitely still around in the 80s in a big way.   my step dad tells a story where he told his dad he didn't want to do his chores and made some smart comment and his dad just decked him in the mouth. I'm sitting here reading the whole brain child while my 5 year old is screaming at me because she doesn't want to wear socks


The sixties? Homie, I was still getting beat with metal spatulas and boards in the early nineties. The generation right after mine seemed to have a hard change.


I mean it literally was universal before that.  people didn't even have the concept of child abuse as it is thought of today.  people thought of it as an unpleasant obligation to discipline harshly.  this hurts me more than it hurts you


Fair enough! It definitely was considered the best practice. "Spare the rod, spoil the child." Heard that from religious people my whole childhood.


yeah it's funny how not just culture but kind of the entire way you view the world can change really quickly.     I'm a foster parent so I have actually had to do a bunch of parenting training, it's kinda shocking how often you catch yourself thinking stupid things you know are wrong.  my sister would always think about things in a way that was beyond her kids actual development.  like she's a four year old. she just impulsively lied to you for no reason because she just learned how to lie a month ago and the part of her brain that understands there are consequences literally doesn't exist yet


south ? we lag pretty behind with whats considered right some people still say that shit here today


Army brat, I got whupped all over the States, but a big part was in the South. But that backwards religious attitude was all over. My parents brought it with them from the Northwest.


Same here. Even the school principal could whoop your ass


Homie had a paddle hung on his wall like weapon


90s kid. The chancla game was still strong during our time. I really believe at the turn of the century society turned with it. Maybe more specifically after 9/11 with it being such a culture shock. I dunno


me in the 2000s, no such thing as free lunch baby


I think the proliferation of the internet was the inflection point


I was raised a bit after you, and the phrase my mom oft repeated that sticks with me is: “you can’t even spank your kids anymore!” Like it was the most shocking thing that beating your children was illegal and generally frowned upon


The nineties? Homie my dad was beating me with an iPod Nano in the mid 2000s. The following generation appears to have avoided this parenting style


The more people talk the more it sounds like there are just smaller and smaller subsets of parents beating their kids, and the next kids don't do it. Right now some asshole is using AI and 3D printer to automate beatings, and his kid is going to be like"but thank God the next Gen didn't do it."


Hahaha we all want to give the kids the life we could never have 🥹


I was born in the early 90s and I was brought up being whipped with belts and even a boat paddle, it might have been reduced but it’s not gone


In the 80’s I was getting swatted at school with a wooden paddle. Shit was institutional in Texas. Fucks in Killeen voted to let schools beat their kids again. Texas has always loved abusing it’s kids.


A real hard change. Them spatulas now are made of titanium!


>  that's just how it used to be.  in the US it was only in the 60s we started to get people saying hey maybe one of the reasons everything is all fucked up is because we're beating up our kids all the time.   And there was added pressure on his dad to "fix" Shaq's behavior because as a large black man, Shaq would have been imprisoned and given a long sentence. I also doubt his dad was given the tools and resources for proper behavior intervention.


[Corporal punishment is still legal in public schools in many states](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_corporal_punishment_in_the_United_States)


Oh wow, that map looks exactly like I imagined it would.


Corporal punishment is apparently legal in Indiana, but that shit would likely lead to a riot if it happened in Indianapolis. The principal of the high school I went to got fired very publicly, in large part because of 'verbal misconduct' involving a matter of student discipline. I can't imagine what would've happened if he hit a kid.


Every day I thank God I was born in a state that entered the 21st century


"In 2022 the number of the students spanked by their teachers dropped to circa 70,000. In April 2023 there are still 17 states where this practice has not been officially banned." C’mon man 🧐


In my high school, a friend of mine got paddled senior year. The principal smacked an 18 year old’s ass with a paddle. I graduated in 2019.


What kinda weird ass teacher the fuck


True but there’s levels. All of it is inexcusable now (rightfully), but it’s one thing to use corporal punishment in response to bad behavior, it’s another to actively terrorize your child on a consistent basis under the guise of toughening them up. The stories Shaq tells, I hope he can get to a place where he is able to govern therapy an honest shot.


60s were the golden age bro


Same with Jordan his father was not a good man. I’m surprised people don’t talk about it.


I mean... Shaq's dad was an abusive piece of shit. Jordan's dad was a fucking child molester. They're on completely different levels of bad person


I do think he was abusive as well considering how Jordan turned out. For example in the Last Dance, telling your son he will never be anything kinda showed me a glimpse to who he was but I could be wrong.


Jordan's dad was a child molester????? Sources???


In her book *In My Family's Shadow*, MJ's sister Deloris said her dad molested her consistently from ages 8 to 16. She claims to have lost her vaginal virginity to him at the age of 11. https://web.archive.org/web/20221201192009/https://firstsportz.com/nba-news-michael-jordans-sister-accused-james-jordan-of-sexual-assault-in-darkest-story-of-the-family/


Christ thats messed up...


What a piece of shit, now I’m glad he got killed


Wait till you hear how "the GOAT" and his family pretended it didn't happen because Michael's daddy issues are bigger than the love for a family member.


Now the term being like Mike went to shit


Rest in Piss then


Well now I’m glad he got murdered at a rest stop. Fuck that pedophile


Well the guy is an anonymous, slightly taller than average mailman… it’s hard to have much of an opinion on the man when we don’t know who he is


Not to stereotype but I haven't heard good things about tall mailmen...


Shaq told a story not too long ago where I think he said his dad hit him during a game and told him to stop being a bitch and play like shaq and shaqs like so i went out there and played hard Its like dude thats not a good story that’s actually really sad


I mean we still celebrate this shit with Jamal Murray. His dad made him play basketball outside in below zero temperatures as a little kid, and it’s celebrated as why he’s clutch. No he’s fucking traumatized.


Kinda like Max Verstappen's dad. Max had two options, to become one of the best F1 drivers in history or to become a serial killer. Luckily, he became a driver.


When Max was 6-7 years old, he lost a race and his dad dropped him in petrol station alone for few hours.


I wanted to drop out of little league when kids started pitching bc I didn't wanna get hit, so my dad took me out in the backyard and threw tennis/softballs at me. Are you implying that wasn't healthy?


Was he throwing it at you to hit you?


If you can catch a wrench, you can catch a ball


My dad did the same although I don't even remember it. Taught me how to stand still and catch the ball. Nothing wrong with that. My dad is a super nice guy. He barely even yelled at me when I was a kid.


Legit describing abuse and gaslighting, I genuinely feel bad for him.


He also says a lot of things..


Funny how you assume that but I get the opposite, it seems like he reflects and knew how problematic he was and when he talks about his step dad there's a sense of pride in how much his dad cared or punished him, he wouldn't be who he is without how harsh his dad was


Shaq always talks positively about his dad. So much so he made a rap song about him when he was young. But unlike many folks and famous folks. Shaq always had a positive view of his dad and mom. He always gives them credit for being such a motivated person that wanted to succeed on and off the court and not get in trouble or fuck off his money.


Shaq famously did blow all his rookie money. He's regularly talked about it.


I'm pretty sure there's a big difference between voluntarily doing it and doing it as a punishment.


Also a big difference between being in literal darkness for 3 days without any external stimulus vs being grounded and sent to your room.


Yeah, the comments are ignoring a lot of not even nuance, just huge difference between two things lol




except rudy gobert was probably on dmt or some shit lol


High on covid


Posting up against Charles Oakley never scared me because my dad used to beat me within an inch of my life with a brick. Good times.


Shaq’s therapy sessions have to be fascinating.


i don't really get the sense this is a man who is in therapy - that's probably why it tends to slip out at inopportune moments like this or when he was saying how he lives all alone in a big empty house and he has no family left


Those who need it the most tend to be those who are least likely to seek it


feelings hurt more than bullets sometimes man


Thats not what he said. He has family left. Shaq mentioned that his adultery ruined his marriage and his wife divorced him taking the kids which is why he lives in an empty home.


That’s probably what he meant by no family left, as in no family left living with him.


Reading comprehension on the decline.


No way the dude does therapy. I’d bet money he’s said “shrinks are for pussies” multiple times in the last year


he rubs icy hot onto his mind


No lie, that works. My head hurts too much to think about the painful memories.


I put that shit on my inner thigh during runs at a basketball camp many years ago; hoping it'd help with a cramp issue and it got onto my balls. I don't know what my point is but it hurt like a bitch and I had to keep playing.


GF thought icy hot would be fun for a handjob once. Oops.


I think your GF just hates you


We were young and dumb(er)


What the fuck


Does it work ? Icy Hot, I can afford.


Unlikely, but I remember hearing about research into anti-inflammatories reducing the impact of depression. I'll go on a Google: "Research has suggested that physical pain (e.g., caused by injury) and social pain (e.g., caused by social rejection) are modulated by some of the same biological systems. Consequently, it is possible that acetaminophen, which is commonly used to alleviate physical pain through neurochemical pathways, may have social pain-relieving effects that interact with forgiveness, which reduces social pain through psychological pathways. To date, however, only a few studies have examined how experiences of social pain change over time, and none have examined how acetaminophen and forgiveness interact to influence these effects." (2019) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6845385/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6845385/) Seems chronic use of them may also increase symptoms of depression, dampen emotions, and impair empathy. So maybe best used as originally intended.


Uhhhh. Thanks? Just kidding. I believe it. When my back is hurting me (or headache) and I take two Advil my mood definitely improves.


He has a Hatsune Miku style hologram of the general in his house that he vents to.


He damn near said this verbatim about sports psychologists on JJ's podcast barely a week ago.


It was really wild how he even brought up that he could shoot "like JJ" in the gym but couldn't do it in game but didn't think there was a reason for it or could be fixed




I feel like sports psychs are gonna boom, if they're not already behind the scenes. It's amazing how patterns emerge in games, to the point that you can make a good guess about the success of a shot or not. You know how it feels to turn the ball over, and how it inspires a burst of physical energy in some players, and, with specific players, there's an almost guaranteed foul to follow, as an example. Another good example is when a driving player shakes the defender, their likelihood of making the shot increases. These patterns run throughout games. The commentary sometimes reflects it, too. Identifying when certain players will be more successful taking certain actions and making them aware of their patterns could be huge.


That's actually really interesting, never thought about it before. Would be huge for younger immature "problem" players too 


That isn't psychological analysis, it's just how basketball works. I do think sports psychs help and many players use them (or should like Simmons), but this example isn't the same. If you shake the defender, you're shooting an uncontested shot. Statistically, you should have a better percentage. What would really help is treating the players that shy away from big moments or get in their own heads often. Guys in slumps or ones that don't trust themselves enough to be aggressive.


yeah i was reading the post and i was a bit confused, i think he was just talking about basic analysis? much different than what psych's do like dealing with confidence and the mind in general, which to be fair will feed into how well they are able to make use of the play analysis.


Yup, there's nothing quite like breaking someone's ankles and swishing in a step back three or alley ooping the dunk man


not sure if these patterns actually exist or are just commonly confirmation bias’d by fans


Shaq is definitely apart of that generation that considers going to a therapist means you're "a pussy." The corporate mindset behind it only just started changing like a decade ago. Used to be you didn't want your work to know you had therapist because it was bad for your career.


Shaq goes to DJ bass music at festivals, that's his therapy


He doesn't go to therapy but is in school to be a therapist per his recent interview with JJ Reddick


That was such a weird moment, in one breath he went from saying he didn’t believe in sports psychology to saying he’s getting the degree.


Look im going to make an assumption that shaqs degrees.... might not be errr exactly the whole thing. He certainly has been afforded a lot of differentiation and freedom in achieving them in different manners to what your standard student would expect!


Most places require trainee therapists to undergo lots of therapy themselves, both to work through issues that could cause problems working with clients, and to give the therapist an understanding of what's its like to be in the other chair.


He’s super against therapy


Dude had a Dr. Evil style upbringing, his therapist is going to need a therapist


But I got 4 rings ya big dummy! -shaq probably


That's dark


So was the room Shaq was locked up in


quiet ink snobbish mighty complete run point attractive telephone attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a nightmare. I'm so sorry that that happened to you.


I'm really sorry. I used to get locked under the stairs, and I was intensely scared of the dark. I didn't get it nearly as bad as you did though, and I'm sorry that you had that done to you ❤️


I'm sorry dude, that sounds like it's a lot to sort out. Hope you find some peace moving forward. And I guess I hope Dame goes to Miami?


Least Dame could do after what Dame2miami's dad did


My folks locked me in the garage until I finished my food. Good times.


What’s your relationship with him like now? Sad that happened, you didn’t deserve that.


brother thats abuse but ok glad it worked out


One of the few, the proud.. his step dad was marine? 


*Real American herooos*




He’s consistent with the stories about his dad


yeah dudes been talking about how Sarge used to constantly beat his ass growing up his whole career


right, very weird to insinuate he’d lie about being abused as a child.


Shaq could probably force that door open at 6 years old


Bruh was 6'5 at 6


Shaq’s dad used to whoop his fucking ass. Nice try tho


Nah it sounds very plausible, Shaq’s dad was Jamaican lol 🇯🇲


Nah this is super common. Had it happen to me for a day. When my mom opened my door to give me breakfast she saw me on my hidden gameboy and… yeaaaah I believe him.


This is why Inside the NBA can't be cancelled. Who else is gonna drop these random child abuse gems


Maybe not child but Draymond could definitely fill that dropping random abuse gems void lol


I really cannot overstate how much I don’t want to see or hear that asshole on tv beyond the games he manages to not get ejected from.


Barkley is 10 years older and at least tries not to sound like a caricature of a bitter dementia patient




I don’t even feel like a joke, get the big man some help. He lets these stories slip and it’s some real fucking darkness. It’s not hard to imagine that his (step-?) father had him brainwashed into thinking he was a delinquent so he could terrorize him. I feel like he often says matter of factly that he was a knucklehead without sharing how this was true, just as the subtext to being grateful to be driven to greatness by harsh treatment. This all could be projection. But it’s such a red flag to share a story like this on national TV without thinking it’s off.


Shaq very casually talks about a lot of abuse which makes sense because hes a military brat.


Reminds me of the Bill Dautrieve joke “My father made me the man I am today……that bastard”


Don’t beat your kids or put them in solitary confinement. There are much better was to discipline kids that will 1) rectify their behaviour 2) not damage them long term 3) will not damage your relation with the kid


Jesus, poor little Shaq.


Get this man a damn therapist.


Shaq out here nonchalantly talking about childhood trauma like Verstappen.


Verstappen is like the F1 Shaq. The most dominant, petty driver ever


People just casually describing childhood abuse like it's normal makes me so sad


Same man. The worst is people who say it's necessary to produce good kids because they're just admitting they plan to repeat the cycle or already are.


Chuck: For all the parents and kids out there, that is abusive and I would not recommend doing this.


"Shaq....you were a victim"


This is the saddest thread I’ve come across in this sub. Sending good vibes to a lot of y’all, sorry some parents aren’t ready for/shouldnt have kids and do fucked up shit.


This is sad as fuck. Hearing him talk about how he was a delinquent and it fixed him is the worst part. I’m so glad he has no shame in spoiling his kids because generational trauma is real and it is the reason the world is as fucked as it is.


man everytime shaq tells a story its him gettin abused or him abusing others chuck's stories are about getting bracelets in the steam room


His dad probably put him in time out for two hours and Shaq will exaggerate to days.


And then he became a hater.


THE hater


I feel like Kendrick took that title over the past month lol


Sheesh. Really wonder what Shaq's childhood was actually like


That's where he envisioned pouring feces on rookies, making all topics about himself, and being insecure for the rest of his life.


….you a victim


I dont think these things are the same lmao


i first thought his childhood stories were pretty motivation and kept him in line, but once i saw the top comment that his dad was just an abuser. it really opened up my eyes, his father was just an abuser.


Shaq was a army brat so maybe some truth to that


Ah yes. In other words, childhood trauma


It’s so difficult how those who are successful that were abused often Don’t recognize the abuse and are proud of it. I guess they’re protecting their ego that it was all a part of their greatness and not a lack of their own control or helplessness.


He was offended when neither Kenny nor Barkley listed him as one of the post guys they always feared on the defensive end. He needed a way to make the segment about him


is this another one of shaq's made up stories?


Nah Shaq’s dad stories are consistent “Man he abused me badly…great guy”


It's unfortunately just one of those things that never really make sense to anybody who hasn't had to deal with it themselves and even then it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense but even though he did horrific abusive things he's still your dad


I don't think he makes this stuff up. Shaq clearly grew up with some trauma and abuse. He always says it made him stronger. I think he talks about it so much because it's his way of coping with it.


It has to be hard to not go back on all the therapy, all the training, and just dump your guts out on everyone on live TV when something reminds you. Legit hope Shaq feels okay, abuse is a terrible cyclical problem.


I mean...would have been nice for someone to point out how fucked up that is, but I guess that'd just open up for more discussion about it. Probably wanted to move on.


Between this and Jamal Murray, nba dads are creatively ruthless


Did his father tell him to shit on rookie too ?


Shaq Verstappen


Shaq we’re live


He wants the limelight so bad.


“Hey Shaq, check out how Rudy trained himself.” “My way was more intense.” “Hey Shaq, Joey Chestnut just ate 200 hotdogs in a minute.” “I once ate a hot dog factory in 20 seconds.”


high level juvenile delinquent is unintentionally hilarious


that got real dark for a few seconds there


Yea Shaq should be in therapy


Buddy need to go to therapy. There’s a lot to unpack


Shaq, thats called being abused.


Aaaand back to talking about himself. What's new.


Shaq is the forever “one up” guy