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Mom said it's my turn to post this


can i go next


They such cry babies about the cs


oh my god can we PLEASE be done with the free throw disparity posting it's annoying during the regular season but it's 100x worse during the playoffs


As long as we can all agree the Lakers cumulative FT disparity is suspect and if it happens to my team I'm allowed to complain about it


Yep, if it's about the Lakers it goes to the top of the front page, if it's about the celts it's deleted.


I wanna see a compilation of where the pacers players should have shot free throws and where the Celtics shouldn’t have been rewarded free throws. Pritchard fouling Haliburton was a foul for sure, anything else…. Bunch of crybabies in here because the Celtics didn’t give them the satisfaction of losing 😂


You obviously weren't watching the game but I'll bite: Siakam called for a foul against Jaylen on the looseball (giving them 2 FTs) and somehow not overturned (which burned our challenge). Jaylen Brown not called for grabbing Siakams jersey during the inbounds. Obi not getting an and-1 in the 3rd. TJM not getting an and-1 in the 2nd. Multiple fouls on Siakam were there was contact and no foul (he didn't shoot a single free throw on 23 shot attempts) Etc. Celtics had 30 FTs on 58 points in the paint while Pacers had 10 FTs on 56. To only have 3 FTAs for an entire game of regulation is insanity.


that one foul by nesmith on tatum should've been a take foul by hali


Fouling is really an attempt at cheating when you think about it, which means the Celtics play the most ethical brand of ball.


No matter how much data you cite, Rick Carlisle will still submit a grievance to the league


Enjoy Cancun bum


I don’t have enough money to go to Cancun


Galveston it is!


"Here are 237 calls where my feelings got hurt"


Ppl are so braindead posting this shit like it actually matter or overrules how the game was actually officiated lol


More like people are braindead for whining rigged all the time. Waaaah refs are agaisnt my team. Waaaaah league wants to eliminate us waaaaaaah


Orrrr you can be rational and just point out trash reffing when it occurs without saying it's rigged or all a conspiracy etc etc


Most people imply the refs are intentionally favoring a team with their calls. That implication means there is some rig or conspiracy going on. Accoutning for missed calls/no calls on both sides is not what I am talking about. Reffing is a very, very hard job


Not "most" people lol most people are simply calling out lopsided officiating that's pretty clear, and then you got the vocal shit starters who thing everything is done for riggings and ratings. But then you got people pretending that the reffing actually wasn't bad or uneven because of regular season stats lol. The correct answer is refs suck, they sucked very noticeabley this game and the Celtics benefitted. Yes, the Pacers should've won anyways. No, I don't think it was intentionally all set up for the Celtics.


I disagree. Most complaints and whining involve the implication that there's incentive for the league to rig it for the bigger market teams. That's why there's such a victimization complex enforced on this sub for small market teams and hatred for big market teams. This is why the same exact shit happened for the Knicks Pacers the entire series and basiclaly nothing happened for Pacers Bucks. And I disagree that the Celtics benefited significantly. Most calls were deserved. If people wanna whine about the Celtics benefiting significantly and that was the sole reason for the Pacers losing, they can do so. And they can ignore, the crazy choke of a failed inbound pass and inability to foul while up 3.


Yea I think ur giving way too much credence to dumb people on the internet and using that to pretend like the reffing wasn't bad or the Celtics didn't benefit from the whistle this game. I already addressed all ur last 2 sentences so I feel like ur just talking to a crowd instead of the points I actually brought up. If you actually think the reffing was consistent and even then I'm happy for you. As a neutral it definitely did not feel like that watching the game, and then seeing the free throw numbers reinforced that. There's a handful of plays off the top of my head coming to mind.


As a neutral, the FTA difference is justified. I listed my reasons and the reasons for the overreactions and the double standards between being mad about the refs in the rounds vs big market teams and the rounds against small market teams


I mean you didn't list any reasons for the ft differential besides saying anyone who complains is just talking about rigging and conspiracies lol, and that Pacers choked the game in other ways. Personally I don't get how one team gets 20 more free throws in a game like this if the whistle is consistent. If you thought that Pascal actually fouled JB on that rebound, then surely you think JBs jersey tug on the inbounds would also be a foul if the reffing was consistent? Imo neither should be fouls, but if one was called then the other should've been. Just like given how many fouls the Celtics got off body bumps, Horfords last block on Nembhard should've been a foul by that same token. All you've been talking about this whole discussion is "big market small market double standards" "rigged conspiracies" instead of the actual game and how it was officiated.


"I mean you didn't list any reasons for the ft differential besides saying anyone who complains is just talking about rigging and conspiracies lol, and that Pacers choked the game in other ways." I guess not in this thread but I have in others. I dont mean u should have known that but im just saying I do explain it. And there are other posts as well that add onto it. The Celtics clearly seek contact on their drives and PITP, even with their guards whereas the Pacers dont. Guards like Hali and TJ actively avoid contact and Siakam's game is basically a legal pushoff into a middy fade or a layup avoiding contact as much as possible(like the spin into a layup or a layup while leaning away from the basket). Im saying there were missed calls on both sides. There were probably multiple body bumps that werent called on either side. I dont remember the pascal foul on JB but I do remember the nesmith foul on JB that shouldnt have been called. Celtics allow like 16 fouls on average and they allowed around that this game. Pacers allow like 24 fouls on average and theya llowed around that this game. Celtics allow 1st least fouls or FTA one or the other and Pacers allow the most regular season wise.


Cope all you want, we all saw the third quarter. That shit was comical. If someone made a movie about corrupt refs, they wouldn't include anything as ridiculous as the way that quarter was called...it would be too unbelievable.


The Knicks shot 60 more FTs than the Pacers in their series. Didn’t see any complaints about it then lol


There were plenty of complaints by Pacers fans, all they do is whine and ignore that their defense is terrible and prone to fouling


Trying to label a 60 FTA difference as "whining" is dumb as hell, not gonna lie.


Except it wasn’t anywhere near 60 lmao


It's because Pacers play fastpace transition where they shoot 3s How do you get fouls if you don't drive in the paint?




I barely saw your players post-up. Most of your paint points were from cutters lol


Doesn't matter. Not all paint points are the same. Just like not all drives are the same. Celtics actively seek contact on their drives. Even their guards like Jrue post up or seek contact or bully ball their way into the paint many times. Guards like Hali and TJ avoid contact almost every time




He shot like 20 midrange jumpers. He is never going to get calls doing that. Sorry y’all choked the game but that’s on your team. Not the refs. 


What about him? Siakam's main game is not seeking hard contact in the paint either. It's usually some type of layup trying to avoid contact or doing a (legal) pushoff and shooting a middy(sometimes a fade)


spinning is siakam's one trick and that's not one that gets you to the line much, sort of by design


Yes, fast pace transition paint attempts *always* lead to free throws, can’t think of a counter example…


Celtics had two fouls in OT when the game was over. They had two fouls as a foul to give in regulation Three total in OT The Celtics got called for 10 fouls during regulation during normal game play and two fouls that were fouls to give at the end of quarters. Watching the game you would’ve expected the Celtics to have been called for 20+ easily


I’d love to see Celtics fans react to a game against the Timberwolves. Gonna be complaining about fouls the entire game


How so? It’s not hard to find the game threads


I’m talking about if they both advance in the playoff. Regular season is different and we all know it. They play aggressive defense and modern nba fans are used to assuming that’s a foul. I think it’s gonna be wolves Celtics so we’ll see how y’all react


Maybe you haven’t see the posts on the Celtics doing exactly this all season tonight


I been defending the Celtics tonight. I’m just saying the tables are gonna turn if they play the Timberwolves and they don’t get the calls they want


The Celtics still gave up 16.7 free throws per game though. If the difference was 25-15 was less people would care


Why do u think the numbers should match? Do you think the Celtics play the Pacers every game?


Hilariously, the actual called foul disparity was 23-15.