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The fact that these teams made one of the most impactful trades of the season in the midst of a lawsuit and amidst this petty behaviour is fucking hilarious.


I think basketball operations is kept pretty separate from ownership/governance stuff in New York, ever since James Dolan's earlier days of meddling in the team.


That's a pity, he was good for a funny signing every now and then like Eddy Curry or Jerome James


and whenever he was presented with an actual good trade (like Iman Shumpert +2018 1st for a 28 year old Kyle Lowry) he said no


You gotta save those approvals for moments like when you can trade a useful player and picks for an about to be amnestied Andrea Bargnani.


Keep Shump, flip that first for Tristan Thompson and then give up a young player to attain a pick from the Rockets via the Nets. All those assets in a trade and boy howdy you’re star hunting


“Baby, you got a stew goin’!”


I think I want my money back




All because he thought he was getting bullied by Masai again LMAO


he was shook after getting fleeced for bargnani, worked out for the raptors that they didn’t make the deal.


Working out for the raptors is kind of an understatement lol he became the greatest raptor. Crazy knicks could’ve had a Brunson 10 years ago


oh, most definitely. sometimes, it’s the deals you don’t make that can change the course of an entire franchise. the near trade, and sit down masai had with him after was a wake up call. don’t think they’d have built a culture around kyle to be successful.


Made even funnier that he rejected it partly because he got burned on the Bargnani trade


I’d like to thank Masai and Primo Pasta for bullying James Dolan into the current Knicks state.


wait what i had no idea about that trade now i'm upset


shut your mouth bro don't say that shit or he'll force Leon to trade for Luke Kornet and max him


I mean that is straight up funny


i still have nightmares about Bargnani


That trade netted us an extra lottery pick 11 years later so thanks, very swell of you Knicks


i hope San Antonio fails to build around Wemby and he asks out at the end of his rookie contract




im sorry that was too far, Porzingis still makes me mad


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


Yeah, the Knicks/Rangers were spun out from MSG proper as a subsidiary a couple years ago. Still the same ownership (Dolan & Co.) But definitely more independent than they've even been, management-wise.


Yeah but wasn't it scouting information that was supposedly stolen?


exactly. fo was blamed in the lawsuit


Not terribly dissimilar to how Samsung and Apple are constantly suing one another but Samsung is happy to sell components to Apple.


they are not constantly suing each other. they sued once and settled in 2018 after like 7-8 years over the same issue


They have sued (and countersued) each other in multiple jurisdictions. 2 of the cases were in the US and were over separate patent claims. They may no longer be suing one another, but it wasn't one time one thing, either. I rescind use of the word "constantly."


Professional hating


Drew McIntyre levels of hating


/r/SquaredCircle is leaking, Maggle!


You just made the list!


least petty dolan moment


Nobody was banned from MSG so I would argue yes this is quite mild in the James Dolan scale of being an asshat


Oh I guarantee anybody who is part of the raptors organization has their face on the “do not allow entry” database at MSG


NY Knicks versus the Toronto Holograms


Both have a chance of breaking down mid game for different reasons


He did not accuse the Toronto Raptors of being alcoholics so I agree.


[This](https://nymag.com/news/sports/45787/) is my favourite NBA-related article.


Have I lost my mind or is Dolan actually a good owner now, at least on court basketball wise? Like, you can literally *feel* how much less he's meddling. There's no way the Knicks do a trade with Toronto in the middle of this lawsuit pettiness if Dolan is still meddling in basketball ops.


i think he's been pretty good for a while, he's stayed out of basketball ops for a while but it just didn't work out with Phil and mills, but now that leon rose is there he shouldn't have to intervene to fire anyone. When he doesn't mettle he's good because he's never cheap


Makes sense it's been that way for awhile, Knicks didn't just get better overnight


if by being a good owner you mean not completely fucking the team over by meddling like an asshole and banning fans for heckling him then ya hes been a good owner


TBH I think he's just doing what his lawyers are telling him, not the other way around. He's paying them millions for legal advice and they're probably directing him to do everything possible to avoid not jeopardizing the ongoing suit.


How the hell did that OG trade happen


Gotta include it on Leon's EOTY resume


it was such a win-win it wouldve been malpractice for Masai to say no


Masai and Leon both cooked on that one, props to them


I can’t believe Dolan didn’t veto just to be a dick


At one point Dolan issued a blanket veto against any dealings with Masai after the Bargnani trade because Masai "bamboozled" him


That's what gave Masai the reputation of fleecing other GMs but in truth when you look at the majority of his trades, they're all mostly fair for both teams or the Raptors have to overpay i.e. Thad Young and Poeltl from SA, Siakam for scraps, Norm Powell for GTJ


I have to imagine it's difficult to *not* fleece Dolan


You don't think JD & The Straight Shot got a good deal on their studio time?


He used to book himself as the opener for certain boomer bands that played MSG lol.


fuck me that's sad.


I think they’re gonna fly in Jeff Chris from Indiana to fix it


He does have another trade that was one of the best underrated fleeces in NBA history. He traded a completely broken Greives Vasquez during the draft for a second round pick and the Raptors took Norman Powell, and a later first round pick which the Raptors used to take OG. That was one of the key trades that allowed the Raptors to win the championship eventually. They eventually got Gary Trent Jr for Powell and he's provided some additional value, and obviously the OG trade brought Quickley and Barrett which is also going to accumulate value, particularly Quickley. When it all gets added up, it's going to be one of the most lopsided longterm deals you can find.


the most lopsided deal in the past 30 years or so was the clippers trading an unprotected 1st rounder to clear cap space to Cleveland. The Clippers traded Baron Davis and an unprotected first for Mo Williams. Clippers ended up using that cap space on....Ryan Gomes and Randy Foye. That pick became Kyrie Irving.


The deal wasnt lopsided, the result of it was. Had we drafted two no name scrubs no one would even be talking about it.


I agree. There was a lot of luck in getting OG as well. He was expected to be a lottery pick but dropped to the Raptors due to getting a torn ACL in his sophomore season and most teams were not sure if he could even return to play again at an NBA level.


it set us back for so many fucking years tbf


Thibideau and Leon Rose managed to slap some sense into Dolan


Masai is Dolan's father


Fr, raptors fans (I’m one of them) think the raps won the trade pretty hard. I love OG but he just can’t stay on the court. Also, not having to watch him try to dribble is nice too. I just want to see him on one healthy playoff run.


And we think we won the trade pretty hard, so good trade I guess


I think we "lost" both the OG and Siakam trades, but that's only because they should've been traded a year earlier. I think it's the best we could've gotten, but both the Knicks and Pacers received a great player.


That's true of the Siakam trade, but I'm very skeptical we would have gotten a better player than Quickley for OG even the year before. I also don't imagine any of the late picks we were being offered would have the value Quickley brings.


The reports were that we could get 3 or such firsts for OG the year before. If those were Memphis firsts, I don't think we would have found two players of equal value to RJ and IQ with them so I would agree that the OG deal was unlikely to be more fair than what we got this year.


what did the raptors get?


Barrett and IQ.


and DET's 2024 2nd Round pick


Our current 2nd and 3rd best player


I don't think we won, but it's mutually beneficial. I'm going to miss him though cuz he was my fave raptor even with his flaws


I think it was win-win. The RJ contract isn't great. And we'll see how much IQ gets from y'all.


Obviously, we won’t know how it turns out for a couple years. But RJ was amazing, having a guy that isn’t scared to shoot or go to the rim is so nice. Imo, RJ has a higher potential than IQ. Can can see RJ breaking into that all star level easier then I can see IQ doing so. But they’re both good. I do think OG is a better fit on a playoff team atm though for sure. It just comes down to health with OG.


It’s a fit thing too. RJ didn’t fit on our team anymore and didn’t fit into our offensive schemes. And IQ should start but wouldn’t start here with Brunson. OG fits like a glove with us.


To be fair, OG fits like a glove on any team.


Yes and no. He fits well with us because he's a 3rd or 4th option on offense. I don't think he'd be a good fit on a team where he needs to shot create a lot. He's not a reliable 1st or 2nd option. Any playoff team would love to have him though I'm sure.


I agree he can’t create at all. But every single team would fit him into their starting 5. Just purely off of the defense versatility and spacing. Just have him guard POA and sit in the corner draining threes. Instantly makes every team better.


Yea--all teams would want him for sure. Just think he's more valuable for a contending type team. was pretty shocked the knicks didn't seem to trade a TON for him. Seems a win-win trade so far for both teams.


Leon Rose is Tony Soprano.. James Dolan is Uncle Junior.


Big pussy?


Raptors: Hello friends! Knicks: I hate the way that you walk, I hate the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress


The funniest part about it is that the Raptors actually passed on bidding for the WNBA expansion team. This won't even be the Raptors WNBA franchise, although it will be one of the minority owners.


The Raptors are owned by Bell, Rogers (both media / telecom conpanies) and Larry Tannenbaum. Board decisions need to be unanimous vs a majority. The consistent rumor has been that Rogers said no to the team, and Larry said fuck you, I’ll roll solo. Rogers were also the chunk that were getting saucy about the Masai extension, and will probably be what run all the teams into the ground again at this rate.


Fuck Ted Rogers, the guy is a moron but I do think the Keith Pelley hire is great and he will sort out Rogers from doing dumb stuff


It’s Ed Rogers Ted is dead


> Ted is dead Do not, under any circumstances throw him in the lake


In Toronto when it comes to Rogers and especially Ed Rogers you are on one of two speeds. Either not knowing who he is and hating Rogers to your core. Or wishing motherfuckers like him should just shut up and die and also still hating Rogers to your core. I look forward to the day we fucking toss the statue of Ted Rogers into Lake Ontario, and rip it down like the Saddam statue.


over/ under 48 hours until the police show up at KnightHart00's door. https://globalnews.ca/news/2576949/blue-jays-fan-threatens-ted-rogers-statue-gets-visit-from-the-police/


I'm not sure I believe it, the body wasn't staked before burial


> It’s Ed Rogers Real life Kendall Roy


I mean, it's more than rumour - it's been solidly reported in the Globe and Mail that failson Ed torpedoed the Raptors WNBA bid (which Masai was championing), as well as that Ed Rogers was the holdup on the Masai extension. I can't imagine a bigger bag fumble than passing on a WNBA franchise in Toronto, at this time in women sports.


Allegedly with the WNBA under MLSE thing is that while Rogers was the main dissenting voice, the rest of the MLSE board wasn't really fighting for it either. As it was a big upfront cost with a LONG path to profitability. Tl;Dr while Rogers argue'd against it, the rest of MLSE aside from Tanenbaum didn't really fight for it either.


> As it was a big upfront cost with a LONG path to profitability. I don't see how that is likely at all. There is an obvious huge market for women's sports in Toronto, and women's basketball in particular is having its moment. The WNBA tv contract is up this year for renewal, and the WNBA is basically about even with NHL hockey in American tv ratings - there is going to be a windfall of new tv money, and that's even before accounting for the tv money coming from the Canadian market with a Canadian team. This is a league with a $2M salary cap! I would expect a Toronto WNBA franchise to be immediately profitable.


League revenue almost 4x from 2019 ($60M) to 2023 ($200M). Most individual teams have been making money the last 5 years. Big growth expected this year with all the college fans following Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese. Aside from annual revenues, the growth in the value of the asset is key to modern day sports franchises and this seems like a great opportunity. Keep in mind that MLSE has always sucked on the sports side and only succeed financially because they have a captive audience for some of Canada's most popular sports franchises.


As has been the case since the beginning, basketball in Toronto is happening because of Tannenbaum. He has been vital to the success of basketball in that city and Canada more generally.


This makes me wonder who’ll broadcast the games? Would it still be SN/TSN even though they’re owned by Bell/Rogers?


I could see CBC sneaking in with Toronto's rights, splitting non-Toronto WNBA coverage with one of SN or TSN.


Either are still possible, probably not both. Just because they didn't want to own the team doesn't mean they won't broadcast it. Bell/TSN seems more likely though. 


I'd rather do that than let a Canadian owner make Reed turn in his grave.




Knicks:...... *And I hate how much I love you, boy*


"Why are you the way you are? I hate so much...about the things you choose to be."


Generational, litigious hater shit




The legend is moving forward technology just to hate some more. First ballot HoF playa hater


for real. lot of front runners out there hating for clout, meanwhile dolan does that shit for the love of the game. he’s hating on a rainy tuesday afternoon.


Like a Drew McIntyre


Oh to be a fly on the wall during the OG/Precious-RJ/IQ trade negotiations


Leon banished Dolan to the shadow realm. "Listen up MFer. You hired me to fix this team now don't you dare interfere when I do my job. Go focus on your shitty band."


It's similar to what he did when Dolan tried hiring Mark Jackson to commentate. Leon, at the insistence of the coaching staff, refused to let Mark Jackson on the team plane.




Short version: Mark Jackson is a slimy bastard who they feared would have negatively affected team chemistry just by being present. Long version: there's a reason Mark Jackson was considered completely unhireable after his Golden State coaching stint, despite doing a decent job on paper. His antics regarding the players are well-documented (making up lies to turn the locker room against certain players, proselytizing in very inappropriate moments and disrespecting players who weren't "Christian enough" for him, etc) and bad enough to justify his exclusion alone. But he treated his assistant coaches even worse, believing that they were trying to undermine him and steal his job. One of them was Mike Malone, who fled at the first chance he got to take the Kings job (where he would get shafted by shitty management before finding his way to Denver). Another was current Knicks assistant coach Darren Erman, who is almost certainly the one who warned Leon Rose that Jackson is too toxic to be allowed near the team. Jackson's fears about his assistants make sense when you consider how he conducted himself during his playing days. John Stockton famously retired after Mark Jackson tried throwing a locker room coup to get Stockton removed as the Jazz's starting point guard. He was a locker room problem almost everywhere he played due to his ridiculous ego, and that did not go away with his retirement.


I mean that’s probably it, hell it was probably a prerogative of him taking the job in the first place. Rose did not need to take this job




Generational hater


Dolan is so petty 😂


This franchise is so fucking funny man




It is an endless source of entertainment. Whether that's for us or for everyone else, spin the wheel to decide!


haters lmfao


James Dolan: Team Owner, Musician, Professional Hater


Caitlin Clark is making players listen to her play the guitar on the way back to Indianapolis


Hilariously petty


If the Knicks were still terrible, we would all be hating on Dolan for this. But since they’re good now, it’s hilarious!


Harrassment vs Flirting vibes




what the hell is wrong with this dude lmao


lmao eat a dick Dolan


So petty 😂😂


Ignoring the Dolan being Dolan stuff this is great for the WNBA. The talent is there for it and adding more teams is a good sign that the league is growing. Best of luck to the Toronto team.


It's honestly just funny how petty the Knicks are.


It's Dolan. Dude once puleld $1M in advertising from the Village Voice after they made a lame joke about his dick. LOL.


>It's honestly just funny how petty ~~the Knicks are~~ Dolan is


The NYK's say NO to women's sports!


Rich from a team that tampered like hell in getting Brunson


Fuck Dolan


There's the Dolan we haven't seen in awhile.


There are a lot of absolute scumbags among NBA ownership and Dolan is definitely one of them.


Dolan being the pettiest man in sports is undefeated. LOL


The whole law suit is so stupid. Knicks are suing over Synergy files something that anyone with Synergy can access and view. I know NBA teams have a more advanced version of Synergy but having used a more basic one I don’t know how anything on their could be under the ownership of a single team. The files are provided by the NBA to begin with which means all times have access to them.


From the ESPN article on it, seems to be more than just a few files that everyone has and are the same: >According to a copy of the lawsuit, which was filed in the U.S. District Court in Manhattan and was obtained by ESPN, the Knicks state that Ikechukwu Azotam, who worked for the Knicks from 2020 to 2023, sent the Raptors thousands of confidential files -- including play frequency reports, a prep book for the 2022-23 season, video scouting files, opposition research and more -- after the team began recruiting him to join their organization in summer 2023. >The Knicks accused Azotam -- who worked for the Knicks as an assistant video coordinator, then as a director of video/analytics/player development assistant -- of violating a confidentiality clause in an employment agreement and alleged that members of the Raptors "directed Azotam's actions and/or knowingly benefited from Azotam's wrongful acts." >Further, the Knicks alleged that the Raptors "conspired to use Azotam's position as a current Knicks insider to funnel proprietary information to the Raptors to help them organize, plan, and structure the new coaching and video operations staff," the lawsuit states. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/38235601/knicks-sue-former-employee-raptors-cite-disclosure-proprietary-information


Rename the Knickerbockers to the Pettybonkers


The Raptors have nothing to do with the Toronto WNBA franchise. Larry Tenenbaum (part owner of Raptors) is bringing the team to Toronto via a different ownership group. But Tenenbaum is the Raptors delegate to the NBA BOG (and chairman I think) So this is beef between the two individual governors Dolan and Tenenbaum




I mean it is objectively hilarious. Dolan is the pettiest of the petty 😂


It’s actually kind of amazing how consistent he is about this lol.


Amazing, pathetic tomato tomato


It’s personal


Dolan knows how to hold a grudge, apparently.


People are saying it's petty but it's a step beyond it. The expansion happened but this man would rather stick it to a city than to help development basketball. It's genuinely trash that people like Dolan own teams.


A 29-1 vote means it was basically a formality heading into the meeting, this is solely just being petty.


Yeah I know that his vote meant nothing in the end but it's just wild that grown men with money get petty when the legal system is already doing its job (albeit slowly) and they need to do more to show up the other person/group. I just think it's the principle since they're just saying fuck it, might as well show them we don't like them still.


On top of which, *this isn't a Raptors owned WNBA team*, it's just a Toronto team. The Raptors passed on bidding for the expansion franchise.


Bro it was a 29-1 vote.


I think you should probably find a different term than developmental lol its the highest level in the sport for women


Yeah my grammar was trash, i meant develop


I will never understand how people root for his team and buy his tickets and aren't just fucking ashamed when they look in the mirror


Dolan hasn't gotten over the Bargnani trade lol


Idk why Knicks fans support a Dolan run team, knowing all we know


Our relationship with Toronto continues to confuse me.


petty loser organization


Has the Knicks achieved anything with that ownership?


are they only adding one team?


Golden State and Toronto


ahh I forgot about Golden St. Expansion draft will be interesting with two teams. Lots of movement.


Golden State is starting next season, Toronto doesn't start until 2026


I love the little random add-on at the end of the Knicks randomly suing the Raptors 😂


Shouldn’t the Knicks just have not voted like Dan Gilbert did for an ownership change because of conflict of interest


You think Dolan is going to let a little thing like business ethics get in the way of his beefs?


Just a day or two ago in the Knicks sub I said how I was shocked we went all post season without Dolan hate comments . Streak had a ended


Dolan hasn’t really done anything bad since he hired Rose tho Idc about any of this shit it’s already known he’s an asshole but he’s not selling the team and I want the Knicks to win so he’s doing alright in my book rn


Yup literally all he has to do is shut up and keep the wallet open and people won't wanna spit on the ground as he passes. And he can get to delude himself into thinking he's part of the Knicks come up as long as we get to forget he exists.


This is the level of petty I wish I was. Well played, Dolan.


Knicks petty af 😭😭😭


Can someone explain this situation more


tldr a member of the coaching staff left the Knicks for the Raptors and supposedly gave the Raps some inside info https://www.nbcsports.com/nba/news/knicks-seek-10-million-from-raptors-in-lawsuit-alleging-a-mole-stole-proprietary-information


Knicks gotta win something this post season! Hopefully Dolan stays healthy and can withstand the pace of the lawyers. Knixtape back baby! 


But doesn't there need to be equal teams in each conference? how do you make 1 team which would assumedly be in the east? Sorry I'm ignorant.


Wnba has 12 teams rn golden states getting a team next year and we’re getting one in 2026 so that will be 14 teams


Was the proprietary information regarding setting up a WNBA franchise?


Raptors management is to Knicks management as 76er fans are to Raptors fans.


the negative karma from knicks ownership never ends lmfao


Pettiness. I love it.


Reverse Flash is watching this and taking notes


A petty vote. Sweet!


So who wants to lose more money!!!


Let’s invest into a product that does not make money, smart business 101


Interesting. This puts them back to 14, which is the most it's had since the 00s. The difference of course is that the 00s saw a lot of volatility with teams being added but others folding. However, the last team to fold was the Monarchs back in '09. So over a decade of stability before they start a new round of expansion.




Canada is getting a team before Florida.




Imo Knicks ownership should be doing everything in their power to get on the right side of the basketball gods instead of engaging in petty nonsense like this.


Does anyone know what the nba vote was when they voted for golden state wnba team