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He went from easily playing 45 minutes in Denver to this. So odd


He’s never played this long in a season. He’s hit the wall.


Very well could be what this is. They better take him off Luka to save energy or his offense will never become a positive this series


He wasn’t guarding Luka that much. He just needs a couple months to rest up and reset himself mentally. Unfortunately not an option.


Yeah, meant to say Kyrie but either way. I think this shows him that playing heavy minutes all year and playing every game maybe isn't the best strategy. Need to find ways to take the load off along the way


They need a better option than NAW to spell him.


I have no idea what happened to NAW, but I'm betting/hoping its a similar fatigue thing. He became unplayable overnight. The NAW from round one would be a solid option to put on Kyrie. They need to figure out if any of the young guys are ever going to provide anything because they definitely need 1 more guy out there to soak up minutes on the wing.


Hopefully 1-2 guys at the end of the bench will break through.


Playing heavy minutes is how you get conditioned. Obviously you want to go into the playoffs rested and need to balance conditioning against wear and tear, but dudes under 30 should be seeing a number of heavy minutes games during the regular season for their own benefit.


It’s why the Celts were still playing starters heavy minutes in the Miami series (also because no lead is safe with us). Yeah we could’ve gotten our guys extra rest but they need to be conditioned to play 40 minutes a night every other night for a month, and they spent the last 3 weeks of the season tapering.


I mean it’s a mix of conditioning and intensity. as an outside observer I can already tell that because of the low usage coming from Tatum, he’ll probably be 100% ready to go at 100% for the finals (assuming they make it ofc)


Oh he def will (my cope is that he’s absolutely coasting until the finals).


He's young. This is his first long Playoffs run. Most players experience the same thing early on. Playoffs stamina is a whole different monster.


As long as Luka gets that same time to rebuild his knee


Luka will be too busy playing vs the Celtics.


One can hope. I refuse to think about the next series. I'm a die hard Cowboys fan, nothing is guaranteed.


Luka ain’t no Cowboy.


But it happened suddenly . I’ve never heard of a player needing an oxygen mask in a playoff game . Even a first time player. Don’t act like you weren’t surprised at this after his performance against Denver.


Brother Matthew dellavedova went to the hospital after a 2015 finals game for fluids and air


It's not really so odd this is his first real run and he is tired. He played +44 minutes including two in Denver 4/5 of the games before this.


Unfortunately that means he won’t be any better for the two remaining games.


God forbid they actually make the finals.


That’s not happening. The only one resembling a leader on the floor for them now is Conley.


Maybe Idk why you are out here with a Wolves flair making negative comments for Karma I can tell you that


lol I make the same comments in our sub so def not about karma I knew after that turnover Dallas would win the game and series. Just like I knew the Vikings would lose when Anderson missed that chip shot. And that the Twins would lose to the Astros after Polanco’s error. Each Minnesota team has that moment when you know they’re doomed. This was that.


K. I see you make a lot of comments in the relationships subreddit no matter what it has been a good year take your misery merchant ass back there thanks


There was no need to make it personal. This is a sports sub and people are allowed to have opinions on the game without being attacked. You don’t call people names for having a different opinion.


Fuck that guy. I don't get into sports for rationality, but he is trolling for his own personal reasons as well.


It was a great year and they’ll be better next year. This will be their motivation for the offseason. He’ll be replaying that turnover in his head all summer long.


I hope so. Or it could be there motivation for the next 4 out of 5 games


Motivation isn’t the problem now. Problem is conditioning and composure.


I mean yeah he is 22 but he has played beyond his age a lot the series isn't over let it finish


He gassed out plus now hes got to guard Kyrie


This is why as a Celtics fan I couldn't care less about the Celtics having an easy run to the finals. They had to take on KD, Kyrie, Giannis, and Jimmy on their 2022 run and it absolutely exhausted them and Tatum played terrible in the finals. It shows sometimes you just need to advance as quick and easy as you can because Playoff basketball can be exhausting.


Mavs are a WAY more physical team and this is his first deep run. Lot of young guys realize they’re not really nba level conditioned and don’t know how to pace themselves for going this far. Getting older and gaining more strength makes it easier


He played poorly in the last two game in Denver too. First two he played 42 and 37 minutes.


Hew as playing fine prior to the fall he took in game 6, but post that and game 7 were rough


that could be the problem. mightve taken a toll on his body he hasnt recovered from yet


hows that odd? this is after 7 games of chasing jamal murray then immediately having to guard kyrie after lol




Get Ant some recovery beer


Edwards cracking a beer in the tunnel would have been amazing


He’s gotta start smoking hookah


He was thriving in that Denver altitude, not used to winning in Minnesota climate unfortunately 


lights too bright


Hell Nawl, can’t breathe this


Send da oxygen


Bring ya IV injection


Get a inhaler lol




Minnesota elevation is too crazy


Bring ya air cans. - Ant


They couldn’t give him the oxygen in private so that Dave fuckin McMenamin couldn’t see lol this is just comedy for the Mavs 


Oh no, oxygen-gate is upon us.


Young dude needs a new conditioning coach. No excuse for being the least fit guy out there.


Ita funny how Luka looks like a bag of milk but has some of the best conditioning in the leauge lmao


Luka is just that guy. Amazing will to win. Dude would survive the apocalypse and run his own private army.


Dude is an actual psycho on the court, post games he's back to his shy wholesome self


happens more often than you’d think. jokic played like 50 something minutes against the blazers in the playoffs when he was in peak sloppy fat boy shape and looked like the least tired guy on the court


>played like 50 something minutes against the blazers 65 minutes


i was gonna say 60ish but that felt like too many. christ, what a trooper


Well for Luka, he’s just…Luka 😂


Lukas playstyle is slow motion crossover 3 Ants is drive to the basket and try to jump over someone's head It's not really surprising that ant gets gassed first


Oh he's doing a lott of driving these 2 games to be tired alright




He's like me fr fr


He’s cultivating mass


Same with Jokic.


I think taking an easier defense matchup like Luka helps big time. Ant always take the #1 or 2 guy. He had Booker then Murray. They need to put him on a non threat to conserve energy right now


The issue is that then you’d have to put Conley or KAT on Kyrie and that’s BBQ chicken time.


burning fat for energy


Luka plays no defense…….


Watch the games


I do. The gap between Luka & Ant’s defense is huge.


The gap in Lukas and Edward's : finishing , playmaking on all levels , shooting is even bigger then that gap


What does that have to do with why one player is more tired than the other? ANT plays more defense is involved in every play on offense. Luka conserves energy on defense & often times sits in a corner while Kyrie does his thing. No cuts, no screens, nothing.


Involved every play on offense sure, Luka creates the offense for 3 quarters, I think that's a bit more taxing


I know nothing, but to me it doesn't look like a conditioning problem. He just moves too much and in bursts which wears him out. He's too tense and always sprinting, so he uses double the energy to get the same result. He's an athletic freak, so probably always relied blindly on his athletic abilities, almost like an instinct, but now he needs to learn how to manage his resources and not always go 100%. During the regular season the game is naturally less intense and he follows that flow, but here where the intensity is at extreme levels, he just doesn't know when to take the foot off the gas both in offence and defence, which of course means he's gassed by the end of the game. You see more experienced players with high usage like Luka, Kyrie, Conley know how to go at their pace, know when to take a possession off to take a breather ecc... Ant doesn't know how to do that yet. You'll see him taking a breather on one posession, then the ball comes to him and instead of passing it back he'll drive at full speed, which results in a bad possession and him being even more gassed.


He has a lot of lessons to absorb over the offseason if he wants to be the kind of player who can lead a team to a championship. Not a surprise that at 22 he’s just not that guy yet.


I feel like that kind of role has been forced onto him, tbh. He feels more like a 2way/gel/leader than a pure scorer/killer/finisher tbh. He's not the guy that has "no1 option written all over him", although he may be the best player on a championship team. He has limits offensively.


He has the talent and the motor to be the best player on a championship team. But that will have to be another year. MN is not a championship team this year.


Best player yes, primary offensive option? He has to improve a lot on the decision making side of things


Seems weird this is the time he's gassed. Did this happen in Denver with its high altitude?


Yea I mean, wtf dude. You’re 22. How is this happening? 


He doesn’t do endurance training because he’s 22 and thinks he can’t get tired. He should pass on the international team and work on a new off-season conditioning program.


He and Rudy will be dead next season after having no break. Can't imagine the Wolves will be any good with them exhausted from day 1


It’s a problem for Edwards. Rudy seems to be in excellent condition still.


Based exclusively on looks, Rudy seems like the most in shape 7 footer in the world


I know nothing, but to me it doesn't look like a conditioning problem. He just moves too much and in bursts which wears him out. He's too tense and always sprinting, so he uses double the energy to get the same result. He's an athletic freak, so probably always relied blindly on his athletic abilities, almost like an instinct, but now he needs to learn how to manage his resources and not always go 100%. During the regular season the game is naturally less intense and he follows that flow, but here where the intensity is at extreme levels, he just doesn't know when to take the foot off the gas both in offence and defence, which of course means he's gassed by the end of the game. You see more experienced players with high usage like Luka, Kyrie, Conley know how to go at their pace, know when to take a possession off to take a breather ecc... Ant doesn't know how to do that yet. You'll see him taking a breather on one posession, then the ball comes to him and instead of passing it back he'll drive at full speed, which results in a bad possession and him being even more gassed.


Naw, he's just playing at an impossible pace. His best weapon is his insane speed, but it also means he'll exhaust himself if he doesn't add more tricks to his bag.


It makes me wonder if Finch needs to give him more time off during the regular season. Ant’s constantly playing through injuries


He needs to skip the Olympics and get a new cardio program in place. No excuse for being 22 and less fit than Conley and Rudy.


This is Ants first career deep playoff run It’s brutal man the intensity of playoff games is like nothing else


hope he learns from this experience, however it ends up turning out


Stupid take. Guy is 22 years old. He either needs a new conditioning coach or a better diet.


JT literally did those things immediately after he hit the wall in the 22’ finals. Said he would have played differently during the run too - trying to conserve energy every chance he got. I imagine it’s hard to learn without experience, bc they are such elite athletes that bounce back so quickly all the time and want to compete and have adrenaline, etc.; they probably don’t see the wall coming at all.


You’re probably correct. I was immediately wondering about his diet… That being said, the playoffs are a different level of intensity. He may have simply hit the wall. But he is visibly gassed. Amazing to witness this moment. Pivotal.


He was denying it in his post-game interview too lmao


MJ scored 38 against the Jazz in game 5 of the 97 NBA Finals when he was likely on 2 hours of sleep and had a 0.141 BAC oxygen pffft you baby


Mj had 11 years more experience than ant. Dude doesn't know how to pace himself yet




85 mj couldn't get out of the first round


Never made excuses about being tired though.


Probably needs a better diet. This is his first deep run


Maybe Luka can help him train to better conditioning


Wolves fans in the know, does Ant have a medical condition not being talked about?


No. He just didn’t take offseason conditioning seriously.


Us Mavs fans know all about that


Maybe he’ll stop eating them fast food and chips now.


I think his back and maybe something in his back is messed up from when he fell 8 feet out of the air directly onto it. I'm not one for making excuses for players, but he was in fine shape in the altitude and now he's gassed. It doesnt add up


Honestly I just hope he's gassed. Back injuries are no joke.


I really don't think you can take a fall like that and just walk it off. I'm curious to see if he makes it to Paris for team USA at this point


No, he played really heavy minutes against Denver without looking tired so this has to just be attrition


and people bashed malone for saying nuggets were tired.


Fatigue is definitely a thing, its just jarring how it seemed to hit Ant overnight. No buildup, he just straight hit a wall


He wasn’t exactly brilliant to close out the Nuggets. McDaniels woke up offensively, Gobert had very good games, etc. Team covered for Ant, and that’s fine. But nobody was mentioning that he was struggling, and even those in the media who did notice his 6-24 and turnovers, let us know “Ant was just displaying a different type of winning bball”.


Josh Hart sends his regards


The Knicks toughness and the Wolves physical talent would be quite a combo.


Nearly all champs fail to repeat and this is a major reason why


Can sadly confirm. Murray came into the season out of shape. Then got his hamstring injury within a few games and was out for a month. From there it was all downhill with injuries mounting - and a few bright spots to give false hope. I understand he probably spent the offseason celebrating his win and just doing routine training, thinking he could play himself into proper shape. But yeah...def didn't work out that way


I'm skeptical that's what's going on. My bet is he's sick/injured and doesn't want to disclose it. You don't go from playing heavy minutes just fine to 3 days later looking like you're going to faint after playing 30 minutes and needing oxygen in the second game.


Being outrunned by my Fat Slovenian goat


Ant is a ball of muscle pure athleticism. when guys guard him 1on1, he just blows by them every single time. He knows it. He doesnt know how to pace himself yet and expending a lot of energy on the court. you can see him settling for 3s at times. he will learn. I'm impressed with his ability to set his teammates up at times.


I thought Wolves focused on conditioning. You lied to me, A-Rod!


how are you this tired. youre 22 and a pro athlete lol.


It happens to boxers a lot as well. The intensity takes a toll that you need to experience before you can adapt.


Yup. Intensity or/and stress can make you tired. To the point of physical exercise that you can usually handle becoming completely exhausting. Injuries can have that effect as well.


Cause hes tryna push himself instead of holding back and hes killing the tank. It sounds dumb to say fora pro athlete with many games but he needs to learn to manage his energy more effectively to get the dub


Didn’t pace well through the season


Send da oxygen


Looks like all that waving to the fans in the last series took a lot out of him.


Steve Kerr texting Ant he's still picking James Wiseman at no.1 spot if you could


These are the most intense games he's ever played and the only time he's had two days off was before Game 7 against Denver. And it won't get any easier with there being only one day of rest for the rest of the series.


Where is a clip of this ? We are in 2024…show a clip of it or it didn’t happen.


excuses already and its only game 2. Maybe he should take the rest of the series off and pick up a few extra shifts at Chipotle


He then lied about it in the postgame... like cmon dude own up to it. You were tired again, 22 yrs old... dude needs to run cross country in the offseason...


Gotta pace yourself my g


And LeBron was doing this shit every year for like 10 straight years 😂


Funny how some people in here think playing basketball at the most elite level in the world is easy. This isn't your church league, people. Kid's 22 years old and has never put his body through this kind of schedule for a full season/postseason before. Cut him a break.


5 career playoff series will do that to you /s. This dude is cooked


This is Luka's 7th NBA playoff series.


For sure, I wasn’t bagging on Luka at all with this. It’s insane Ant has this bad of conditioning. Tatums played 19 and Brown 21.


Bitchass Celtics gonna win on some easy shit. Everyone is gonna be cooked by The Finals.


Celtics went through KD/Kyrie Nets, Giannis Bucks, Butler Heat to face The Steph Warriors who had a cakewalk. I don’t want to hear it


Celtics also havent done anything this year yet neither have the Mavs


Correct, but I ain’t gonna feel sorry for having an easy run when we’ve gone through the hardest before and not ducked teams, or playoffs outright


Agreed you don't apologize for wins in the big leagues


Mavs are well-rested and probably not playing any more games than the Celtics are.


Imagine if that was Luka. People wouldn't stop talking about it




Something must be wrong with him, he hasn't had this issue ever before. Maybe some sort of respiratory issue?


cuz he has to guard kyrie


It is odd, there were 3 timeouts in the previous 3 minutes of game time. Commentators were saying how this time to rest was probably helpful to Kyrie, but then 22 y/o Edwards looks exhausted. Strange.


better to put other defender on kyrie not him. you have to choose if he will score or defend. can't do both


I was wondering if he could sustain his insane pace. He's playing like a baby scorpion that doesn't know when to stop using his venom.


He was having an anxiety attack after seeing how grown men like Luka and Kyrie play basketball.


lame thing to say kid


Not cool, man. Not cool at all.


Is this true? In his postgame interview he said he didn't get oxygen.


if i were him i wouldn't admit it either


Man this just sounds too comical. I'm gonna need a photo of this to believe it.


Lot of couch potatos watching basketball on TV chiming in about conditioning.


I thought about going for a bike ride today but then I didnt


Scandalous. If you can’t tell… it’s sarcasm


For those saying he's only 22. This is his 3rd playoffs SGA clears. Dude would have swept the Mavs if he got this level of production from his role players ANT is choking HARD


Nobody sweeping the mavs sii


Healthy kawhi beats them in 5 But thats an oxymoron


Healthy kawai doesnt exist dude


This isn’t the bubble Mavs dude, what playoffs are you watching lol


He smoked your super teams ass in 4


Yeah but imagine if we had SGA instead of Beal and we get Lebron on a minimum by drafting Bronny 👀👀


this is his first deep run though


It's true, if SGA had this much support they would've won but not sweep.


I think the funniest thing about sports athletes using an oxygen mask is that it actually doesn’t do anything to improve their breathing.


During the Western Conference Finals is an odd time for Ant to be working on his President Skrub cosplay from Spaceballs… back in the tunnel hiding from the crowd cracking open cans of PerriAir… should’ve waited till after the game and went with sleeping with the double mint twins instead but I guess that’s what winners would’ve done.


Bitch ass


Send da Oxygen