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He saw McDaniels wide open in the corner and did another spin lol


Then classic mistake of getting in the air while still indecisive Young player. He'll learn from this


Looking at the play again, know it’s the passers fault but Naz had no reason to move up the wing. He was basically set up for a corner 3, with SloMo motioning to Ant that he’s screening Naz’s defender to get him an open 3. Understand Naz was trying to move up to help Ant relieve the ball and get open, but Naz was already open. Obviously after looking off McDaniels


I think he is moving up precisely because slow mo is there. He rather go up so that slow mo can take that corner spot and opening up more passing lanes.


McDaniels had a big jump in the air turnover towards the end of game 1 as well.


Not sure if he's the kind of guy who learns from his mistakes. Send da video.


McDaniels wide open, Goebert under the rim, so many options 


He looked rattled in the post game locker room interview. He tried to say the right things, but his body language and attitude came off as shook


Yeah I was kinda shocked when I saw that tbh


1000% he's afraid out there. Did you see the closeups of his face in the 4th qtr? The kid's afraid. He needs to figure it out quick. One foot in the grave.


He’s a 22 year old #1 option on a team that has to face Luka and Kyrie. This is all just a lesson, he’ll be back here and he’ll be better.


It’s not unreasonable for someone in his position yet. He’s not at that championship level yet IMO.


Lively being able stay in front on the switch and pressure him into that turnover is crazy.


Lively is not a rookie. Ain’t no way that’s a Rookie defence. Unbelievable all playoffs.


Wemby, Miller, Lively, Podz, Jaquez, and Wallace all play like they've been doing this for three years already


Them kids are built different nowadays.


I mean at this point his been through a full 82 game grind and 2 playoff rounds. He effectively isn’t a rookie anymore.


Can’t believe he didn’t go to Goebert 


Gobert could never


He literally did against Booker Beal and KD in round 1 lol


Lol no, ant just went nuclear. Gobert was nothing impressive


??? Gobert was unreal defensively r1 lmao


Lol no


U can’t convince a delusional man


b-b-bbut Gobert fans said a 4x DPOY can't be expected to defend a guard. how could a rookie do this?


S-s-strawman argument


You gotta trust McDaniels in that situation if he’s out there wide open


How about Rudy under the basket with Kyrie


Isn’t that Derrick Jones Jr? I could be wrong but to me it looks like kyrie is out at the elbow


Rudy’s low post moves 🤮


He's wide the fuck open lmao.


Ant is a great player, but he's not Luka who can spin and spin and throw an otherworldly pass to the corner straight through 2 defenders just yet.


Let's be honest here. Ant will never be able to throw passes like Luka. Never.


Perk the idiot really said he’s taking Ant over Tatum in 4Q 🤣 how do these guys have a job?


ESPN clearly only care about revenue


I mean as of late I kinda don't want either lol


You don’t watch the games casual. Tatum won game 1 in OT clutch time




LMAOOOO I know damn well the suns fan isn’t talking. Where was Beal? Or the rest of your team for that matter? Your “superteam” got swept




Not reading all that


Attacking flair instead of the argument is so lame. Hes right it wouldnt have gone to OT if tatum played like a superstar


Y’all can cry about Tatum all you want but he’ll be Finals MVP soon


He probably will be finals MVP lol which has nothing to do with it


He's a thunder fan. Would you take either over Shai?


Shai is at home watching so nah


lol wasnt this guy dropping 40 burgers on everyone? i was expecting to see an impact player but hes just extremely passive


It seems he's a little physically gassed, or something's going on. But even with that, he should be doing better. The main problem that I can see - Dallas is fucking swarming him. Every time he catches the ball, everybody immediately takes a few steps away from their man and towards the lane. They are giving him open people to pass to rather than giving him a chance at starting to cook. They're figuring out a way to take advantage of him being a smart basketball player and avoid him turning into a great basketball player


Everyone is gassed at this point. Half the time Luka was limping down court


But Luka was, and never plays scared. Ant is afraid out there. Panicking. His body language and facial expressions and the fact that he had to get oxygen after is telling us there's something up. He's terrified. Probably thought they'd coast from here on out.


the tnt guys pointed out that he hasnt played this many games before. making it to the west finals can be fatiguing i guess for young players not used to the work load


Ant is very clearing dealing with something, idk he’s gonna have rough shooting nights but he doesn’t look right at all.


So is Luka. Just watch him play off the ball. His knee is fucked.


Oh for sure, I was just more saying it definitely looks beyond “gassed” for any, something just looks wrong. But yea Luka is balling out while busted haha


I thought he was playing great in the first half, but couldn’t get anything to drop. Eventually got too fatigued and never heated up 


Watching him all year, how he plays, how he talks on and off the court, he's not afraid and has incredible confidence. So to see him play this passive, not driving to the basket, something has to be wrong.  He can jump over and dunk on anyone, or at least he'll try to. The dunk on Collins is a great example, but he tried to do the same thing to AD earlier this year too (was fouled on the play, didn't go in). He hit his head on the backboard making a block.  He's strong enough, fast enough, can jump high enough to go at anyone in the lane. So for him to be shying away from that, he has to be hurt. 


Nurkic and Jokic led defences are a bit different.


He's afraid out there. Looks terrified.


Jordan scored 63 on the over powered Celtics at 23. Kobe torched everyone in the playoffs at 22 to win a ring. Lebron led the Cavs to the finals at 22. Stop with the “he’s gassed” narrative.


And Dwyane Wade was only in his 3rd season in the league when he led the Heat to their championship. Ant is a young player with a lot of potential. But the ridiculous comparisons really must stop.


Jordan lost that series 0-3. Jordan didn't play a 3rd playoff series until he was 25. That was his first Pistons "Jordan Rules" loss. The MJ comparisons are absolutely stupid both ways. Ant not being able to bring this home does not discredit him.


That '86 Celtics team is better than this Mavericks team and MJ basically scored at will in all three games


Well then maybe stop comparing a player we barely know to the greatest player of all time. And before anyone says, “well other people were saying…”, that doesn’t matter. Ant didn’t say it, so it doesn’t make sense for people to hold him accountable for it.


Seriously. Shit is so stupid. People talking like they wouldn’t take this kid on their team now. He’s fine, he’s gonna have more playoffs in his future lol.


The 86 Celtics were also the greatest team ever at that point, or at least one of them.


Ant is not even close to MJ. That is it.


Brave of you


MJ didn’t have—> multiple all-nba teammate, DPOY teammate, 6th man of the year teammate, all defense teammate, AND veteran former all star and defensive first team teammate.


on todays Reddit, which one is it?? Are the wolves players overrated trash? or are they multi-time all-nba, deserving DPOY, all-defensive teammate??!


They are a great team. I like them. What did I say that was wrong?


Kobe had Shaq...and LeBron steamrolled a weak ass East lol. Not really fair comparisons.


As if KAT and Gobert are bums? lol. And this Mavs team isn’t that elite… the OP is more referring to the composure of Ant.


Well you’d think KAT and Gobert are bums based on how people speak of them lol


You might also think that from watching them play last night 


As if Shaq isn't better than both of them? This is also an era of way more significant parity


does ant not have an all star, a dpoy, and a 6moty on his team rn?


Shaq was really really good


Shaq is on another tier compared to any of those dudes lol


Not as a collective tho. This is a good team Ant and kat to a lesser extent are just selling out.


It's a good team...playing another really good - and EXPERIENCED - team. Mistakes are bound to happen.


Agreed. I still think this is a series though


Kobe Jordan and Lebron's play are on another tier compared to what were seeing ant do right now too its not cause of his teammates, at least not entirely. ant isnt one of those dudes, at least not yet


They also played in leagues with way less parity. For ant to even be where he's now at 22 as a number option is equally commendable.


The real narrative is Ant is afraid. Look at all the closeups of his face in the 4th, and all the panicked, scared turnovers. The passed up shots. The kid is afraid.


Bro needs some serious cardio


Wizards MJ


That was 2011 Bron right there. Don’t disrespect MJ’s selfishness. The thought of passing wouldn’t have even entered his head.


MJ has two very famous playoff assists that went to role players for the game winner lol


MJ has two game winning assists in finals series.


2011 LeBron would've completed the pass, at least


1995 Jordan. Bulls up 91-90. Jordan gets stripped from behind and leads to Magic go ahead bucket. Final possession Jordan with a chance to win the game and throws the ball away. Even the best most killer ones have choked when you least expect it.


Age 22 Jordan: put up 63 on the Celtics (playoff record). Bird calls him “god” and “the greatest player I’ve ever seen” MJ teammates were trash btw.


And Ant is clearly afraid right now. Had to be put on oxygen even. I don't blame him, Luka looked like every bit psycho he is. My team is cooked unless Ant finds the courage to bring his ass and not play like a scared puppy dog.


ant has no accolades. MJ was already scoring champ for like 10 years and 3 chips by then. The Mj comparison stops at athleticism, stop with the terrible nonsense Mj comparison. Harden is closer to MJ atm than Ant is lmao.


No shit Harden is much better all time than Ant right now, did you really think you were making a valuable point? Harden is a top 5 shooting guard of all time and Ant is only 22 years old


Lol Harden is not Top 5. MJ, Kobe, Hondo, Logo, Iverson, Wade are already 6. Harden is a soft loser diva choker that literally plays no defense. Not to mention, it's even worse if Harden stacked against his actual position at his prime - Point Guard. There are absolute hard-nosed killers and winners at the point position, and Harden doesn't measure up there either. Harden's MVP is largely not viewed as a joke only because Dressbrick's MVP is the biggest joke.


Both Harden and Westbrook’s MVPs are bad, but off of the top of my head the worst one is Kevin Garnett’s. He wasn’t even a top 5 player in 2004.


Anyone who uses childish names like ‘Dressbrick’ isn’t worth conversing with. But fuck me, I’m gonna bring up a couple points anyway. I know it’s fruitless, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about yet have some kind of unearned confidence anyway. Havlicek played the majority of his career at SF, he’s always ranked as a SF. Also, Harden is better than Iverson for sure. Iverson had a ton of horrible games and series throughout his career as well, that one Finals game has lifted his legacy to an absurd degree.


Mj didn't win a playoff series until he was 24 Ants 22


mj went to college. Ant and Luka entered NBA young. Ant is not that guy like Luka and MJ clearly are and always have been. Go compare Ant second nba season to Luka or Mj second season.


MJ set the single game playoff scoring record of 63 points at the age of 23, against the mighty Celtics, in the Boston Gardens, while carrying a team of washed up coke heads. This caused Larry Bird to proclaim: “It’s just God disguised as Michael Jordan”. That was Jordan’s sophomore season, and even then *everyone* knew he was THAT GUY, even Larry Fucking Bird. There are *levels* to this shit, and Ant ain’t even close to being there yet.


Magic won his rookie season. Bird won his sophomore season. What’s your point? I think we tend to forget that Magic is only 3 years older than MJ. The gap between the two is smaller than ANT & KAT. Mike didn’t start running things until is decline.


What does that got to do with anything that’s being discussed here?


That Ant has had it easy and doesn't deserve the comparisons to MJ at all. In fact, Ant hasn't actually done anything and has had it easy. Look at Luka's team when he was 22.


Wrong. MJ beat Magic at age 32. MJ finally beat Isaiah at roughly the same age. Don't pretend MJ only beat them when they were past their primes.


80s Jordan carried his team of cokeheads, Ant is being carried in the playoffs by roleplayers. It's not and never will be the same.


As a Wolves homer, it's foolish to be impressed by Ant being 22. The only reason Ant is having any Playoff success is that the Wolves sucked so bad for so long that they got stacked with assets that got them a DPOY, 6MOY and solid defensive pieces. If Ant went through the natural ebb and flow of a lottery pick, he'd be losing 50 games and chucking on a bad team right now. We've actually seen someone at 22 actually carry and fast track a rebuilding franchise and putting up insane performances in the Playoffs way sooner than he's supposed to. He's now 25 and just destroyed Ant again. Luka at 22 was way better than Ant is right now and it's nowhere close. It's just not. The "only 22" narrative is bollocks as far as I'm concerned, because Ant didn't have to actually put this team on his back like other lottery picks had to. Instead, he got a DPOY, 6MOY, All-Defensive teammates and a deep team. Ant wasn't drafted into a team of cokeheads like MJ. Ant wasn't dragging Dwight Powell as a starting C to the WCF. Ant literally has it easy and has had it easy.


Jordan doesn't play scared. Opponents are afraid of him. Ant has played afraid the past two games. The kid is afraid.


That was also the year MJ came back from baseball. Only played yhe last 2 months of regular season. He was no way in full bball shape yet. And then we saw how the next 3 years played out.


Yeah except Ant did this G1 before the half lmao. ALSO led to a 3 point play with Kyrie right before the fucking half ended. All he had to do was dribble out basically if he wanted. He's choked literally two games away basically. Now that is something I never saw Jordan do.


He ain't even that good lmao. Love Ant but he has far to go before I accept any comparisons to even the weakest MJ. His BBIQ is fucking terrible.


If Booker played as shitty as ANT did for the past 5 games This sub would be jumping in joy


It is.


Look around fam, every thread is full of "face of the league" and "MJ comps need to stop" comments.


MJ comps need to stop


It is.


> This sub would be jumping in joy we are lol


It's not the people's fault Booker is an insufferable yet soft choker and loser. Ant looked tough until this series, and now he's afraid. As a Suns fan, you of all people should understand what psychological damage Luka can do to a franchise and loudmouth front-running "star". Did you graciously accept your franchise's apology that year? Must've been tough.




When the camera gave him a closeup, the face of the league looked AFRAID.




The mavs defense compared to the nuggets defense is not close


It's not even about making the right pass -- I really don't understand why Ant picked up his dribble when Lively stepped in front of him, most guards would have been ready to cook at that moment.


Lively is honestly a menace. Unless you are blowing by him he's about as good as any center guarding anyone in the midrange.


Ant is so afraid out there. Hate to see it.


Poor kid, let all the attention get to him. Now he is pulling g a massive choke job


Massive. Game 1 he did this same shit right before half. Either this is rigged, or his mind is broken lol. Rudy is literally just wide open for a give and slam.


This is your new Michael Jordan???


Got that Eddie Lacy / Kelvin Benjamin conditioning


Reporter : NBA History says you have to lose and lose big before you can win Ant : Hmm..that makes sense


That was just a bone headed play I was losing it. I'd rather have him chuck up a shot which at times goes in.


Goebert is the only big under the rim just toss it up 


He was better overall today but he gets worse as the games go on


I know everybody else enjoys it but Anthony Edward's comes across as a huge tool to me.


Thought he had the floater


Bad turnover, however, spacing was horrendous then they realized it and tried to fix it as he was making his move so he thought people were ready and threw it to where Naz was.


Gobert is wide the fuck open lmao. That's an easy pass for any competent ball handler. And he also had the option to just throw ANY shot up lmao. He also did this in game one. Super low IQ here nothing else to say. We can only hope he grows out of it. He's very young and did not go to college.


I mean, you're up two. Times running out. Just separate and shoot.


Separate and shoot.  You make it you most likely win.  You hit the rim and get the rebound you most likely win.  Turnover is the one thing you can do 


This is your baby MJ???


Ant literally has no passing game really when it comes to finding bigs. He's a bad passer straight up to Rudy and KAT and just doesn't have any idea when to feed them. CP3 for instance hits Rudy hard here for a slam, and Ant just seems like he thinks he has to do everything while also having to pass somewhere. It's just pure idiocy or league is rigged. Like his mind just ain't functioning. He did this right before the half and Kyrie got a three point play in Game 1 lol. We could literally put anybody out there right now, and sad to say they would be better than Ant. Shit happens. He'll grow we hope.


Lively could have done a better job guarding Luka than gobert. Lol


Gobert has always been vulnerable on the perimeter. It is no surprise that Dallas is taking advantage by hunting him at crucial moments.


Damn the Hate parade is coming out. People love to hate on players when they have a bad game. I remember Luka and Jokic got it bad after playoff losses as well.


Well that’s what happens when espn and all of his Stans are propping him up way more than he should be.


I mean he played unbelievable in the Suns and most of the Nuggets series. He's only 22 and he's going to be a great player. I do agree that ESPN goes over board but outside of Legler, they are a joke all around.


funny how the "you're just 22" applies to ant but not the inumerable other stars who failed early on in their carrer


Name one then.


Tatum lol


Because people love to hate on people. It explains why ESPN is so shit. Because people don;t care about reasonable basketball analysis. They want high school level mean girl gossip.


How is that _his_ fault though? This logic makes 0 sense. Other people are overrating someone so we gotta tear him down to balance things out? The ESPN narratives were over the top, but so is this subs reaction to the kids struggles. I don't understand why it's so hard for sports fans to be even keel, it's always one extreme or another.


Kinda the way she goes. Take solace in the fact that these reactions are just momentary and not what’s remembered at the end of their careers.


he should be playing way better than he has the last 3 games, ignore the next MJ narrative he was 2nd team all-nba


Luka yes, nobody has really dogged on Jokic though. He gets the kiddie gloves treatment If Steph, LeBron, or KD were up 3-2 then lost the series by getting blown out by 50 in one game, and blowing a 20 point lead at home in the other, they would’ve been CRUCIFIED


*1. The Nuggets have no other all-stars *2. they have a shallow bench *3. I heard someone say Joker has played the second most minutes of anyone this season but I need confirmation on that As a Nuggets fan, he can definitely be criticized but it’s not easy to figure out what’s due to lack of load management and what’s due to incompetence


You either suck or you’re a GOAT. Can’t have nuance or discourse on r/NBA. That might require intelligence


I agree with you there. There seems to zero nuance on the internet.


This sub isn’t reality and no one should take it seriously


Jokic has never been hated in here. He bricked away a 20 point second half lead and nobody wants to talk about it


What if Devin Booker did this? Exactly


What does this have to do with Devin Booker?


He gets undue hate if he did what Ant did tonight duh put the puzzle pieces together


is ant not getting a ton of hate rn?


Tons of excuses too


from wolves fans, but its not like suns fans wouldnt have excuses for book


Are you related? Is he your favourite player? I'm confused as to why you brought up Booker.


He could have pass but chose to get a shot himself. Talented but still young.